Transcripts For WYFF WYFF News 4 11pm 20160302 : comparemel

Transcripts For WYFF WYFF News 4 11pm 20160302

the vote in georgia. a big night. bernie sanders taking fewer than 30%. carol: tonight, clinton addressed her supporters at a rally in miami, florida. voters there will go the polls on march 15th. clinton used her victory speech to take aim at her republican opponents. >> it's clearer tonight, the stakes in this election have never been higher, and the rhetoric we are hearing from the other side has never been lower. trying to divide america between us and them is wrong, and we are not going to let it work. carol: as for the voting itself in georgia, no major problems reported at the polls in elbert, franklin, or stephens counties. michael: in elbert and franklin counties, officials say the turnout was very high, more people turning out there than expected. in stephens county, officials say at least a third of registered voters came out for this primary. process, and their role in it. >> it was a little busy, but it moved along quickly. >> you never know, one vote can swing the whole thing. >> it's my right to vote. >> people complain about folks that get elected. don't complain if you don't vote. >> i think our country is at a pivotal time now, and it's important for us to give our opinion on which direction we feel like the country is heading, or needs to head. michael: despite the crowds in stephens county, voters we talked to say they didn't have to wait longer than 15 minutes. you know what they say everything is bigger in texas. , 155 delegates up for grabs for republicans in the lone star state. democrats vying there for 222 delegates. carol: here's a breakdown of the results. ted cruz held off donald trump. he picked up a win in his home state. crews got -- ted cruz got 32%. donald trump got 28%. marco rubio, 18%. john kasich and ben carson, 4%. his supporters in stafford, texas. cruz not only won his home state tonight, but he also took oklahoma, too. that is why ted cruz says he is the only one who can stop donald trump. >> tomorrow morning, we have a choice. so long as the field remains divided, donald trump's path to the nomination remains more likely, and that would be a disaster for republicans, for conservatives, and for the nation. and after tonight, we have seen that our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten, that can beat, and that will beat donald trump. michael: more evidence when a call it super tuesday, the democratic race out of texas, a carol: clinton got most of the vote. marco rubio is staying positive. rubio was in his home state of florida tonight. he aimed his attacks squarely toward the republican front runner. >> two weeks from tonight, right here in florida, we are going to send a message loud and clear. we are going to send a message that the party of lincoln and reagan, and the presidency of the united states, will never be held by a con artist. carol: voters in florida go to the polls on march 15th. that's two weeks from tonight. michael: on the democratic side, senator bernie sanders did win his home state of vermont, a decisive win for him. he addressed hundreds at a rally in essex junction, saying his campaign is about more than electing a president. >> this campaign is not just about transforming america. it's about making our great country the nation that we know it has the potential to be. michael: sanders said no matter what happens tonight, his campaign will still go forward tomorrow. carol: john kasich watched the results come in in jackson, mississippi. voters there will head to the polls on march 8th. the ohio governor told them he would rather lose the nomination than take part in the mud slinging. >> there's a lot of stuff about kasich why is he not mud slinging. i'm not engaging in personal attacks, name-calling, or mudslinging to become i would rather lose than to engage in these underhanded tactics, that lower the bar in american politics today. carol: kasich has said he doesn't plan to make a decision on whether to stay in the race until ohio voters go the polls. that is on march 15th. michael: and then there's dr. ben carson, who has yet to win anything so far. but he told his supporters in baltimore, maryland, he's still in the race. >> they have weaved such a complex web. it will be very, very difficult to untangle it. but i'm not ready to quit trying to untangle it just yet. michael: lots of cheering for candidates all of the country. again super tuesday is slated as , the biggest day in american primary politics, but there is still plenty to look forward to. carol: so what follows super tuesday? this saturday, 5 states will vote. democrats and republicans will compete for delegates in kansas and louisiana. michael: democrats will also vie for votes in nebraska on saturday. carol: republicans, in kentucky again, this is all happening march 5th. michael: putting the politics on pause long enough for a look at the weather. heavy showers in some parts of the region. but it feels like spring. carol: chief meteorologist john cessarich joins us now. john, looks like a lot of stuff move group. john: indeed. heavy thunderstorms for parts of northeastern georgia, and the southern upstate. elbert, abbeville, newberry county, parts of laurens, otherwise rain across. . moving quickly, we had no warnings, or watches, just heavy thunderstorms of the southern part of the upstate. also, did you notice, rain changing over to wet snow in the higher elevations of the mountains of north carolina. your wake up weather, mostly sunny and colder, temperature 41. variable cloudiness, windy, colder in the mountains. 35 degrees. since i -- sunrise. michael: now to the south carolina statehouse where , business leaders came with saying south carolina lawmakers are putting politics ahead of fixing the state's roads. today, the state chamber of commerce was joined by industry leaders at the capitol, all demanding state senators pass a roads bill. they say the senate has had the bill for 321 days now without taking a single vote. >> in this business community, you don't get paid if you don't do your job. so today, what i'm calling for is, i want every south carolina senator to start returning their paycheck back to the taxpayer on a daily basis, for every day they fail to start voting on the amendments on the desk. michael: the roads bill in the senate is being blocked by a filibuster. it is ongoing. it's undertaken by senators who oppose raising the gas tax. but business leaders say the bad roads will hurt economic development. carol: to pickens county now. deputies are investigating a shooting that sent a married couple to the hospital. it happened on pope field road, around 5:45 this evening. deputies say a man was shot in the chest, and a woman was shot in the hand. hospital when officers arrived on scene. ththincident was the result of a domestic altercation between the married couple. deputies say the couple was shot by another person inside the home, but so far, no arrests have been made. michael: an upstate man stands accused of causing his mother's death by intentionally exposing her to meth. tommy robinson, jr. faces a slew of charges, among them abuse or neglect resulting in death. robinson was his mother's primary caregiver. a warrant in police report out of honey a path say she -- say he laced her medication with meth. police say 69-year-old ellen robinson tested positive for meth at anmed health. they say she died on february 23rd. carol: our commitment 2016 news coverage continues after the break. but first, let's take a look at the latest results on the republican race in georgia, michael: as well as the latest democratic numbers. we begin in with elbert and franklin counties. welcome back to news 4 ... on michael: welcome back. glad you are with us on super tuesday. continuing coverage with the latest result of georgia. on the republican side, donald trump won. for second place, ted cruz just edging out marco rubio ben carol: on the democratic side, hillary clinton beat out bernie sanders. she got 71%, bernie sanders got a little under 30%. another third-party candidate with under 1%. michael: as part of the narrative on primary night, more victories piling up for donald trump. carol: the republican frontrunner wins half a dozen states, while ted cruz picks up a couple of victories. wyff news 4's aixa diaz has more on the republicans from our exclusive washington newsroom. aixa? aixa: donald trump has six super tuesday victories so far. ted cruz won texas and oklahoma. a strong super tuesday for donald trump, winning states from new england to the south and in between. >> once we get all of this finished, we'll go after one person, hillary clinton. aixa: a critical win for ted cruz in texas, finishing first in his home state. >> after tonight, we have seen campaign that has beaten, that can beat, and that will be donald trump. -- beat donald trump. aixa: marco rubio has yet to win a race this nomination process. he's hoping for victory in his home state of florida march 15th. >> two weeks from tonight, right here in florida, we are going to send a message loud and clear. aixa: john kasich and ben carson, who lag behind in the delegate count, are moving forward with their campaigns. >> i'm not going engaging in personal attacks, name calling, or mud slinging to become president of the united states. >> why sit there and talk about each other and tear each other down, when we have such important issues to deal with. aixa: the candidates will have their first post-super tuesday debate thursday night in detroit. in washington, i'm aixa diaz, wyff news 4. michael: thanks. for the democratic front-runner a decisive night, if not quite a , sweep. hillary clinton, continuing to dominate the southern primaries, on the heels of winning south carolina. carol: wyff news 4's sally kidd has more on the democrats from our exclusive washington sally? sally: michael and carol, tonight belonged to hillary clinton. she will rake in a sizeable chunk of delegates and widened her lead over bernie sanders. >> what a super tuesday. sally: hillary clinton gets the southern state sweep she wanted, and big wins across the super tuesday map. >> imagine what we can build together when each and every american has the chance to live up to his or her own god-given potential. sally: the biggest prize, texas, went to clinton, as well as delegate-rich georgia and virginia. she also picked up wins in alabama, arkansas, and tennessee. >> it is good to be home. sally: bernie sanders posted a big victory in his home state of vermont. he also won oklahoma and kept the race close in massachusetts. >> it's not just about electing political revolution. sally: sanders is vowing to stay in the race, and he has plenty of campaign cash to do it. exit polls underscored clinton's popularity with african american voters. sanders continued to show strength with young voters. in washington, sally kidd, wyff news 4. michael: thanks, sally. more homegrown politics to come. we are two weeks away from the north carolina primary. both republicans and democrats will vote tuesday, march 15th. carol: also on that date, both democrats and republicans are vying for delegates in florida, illinois, missouri, and ohio. michael: now to a story that sickened so many animal lovers from the beginning. a two-year-old dog, a boxer, shot twice and left for dead in anderson county. carol: well, amara survived, and is now the face of a movement to change animal ordinances in anderson county and beyond. wyff news 4's john lyon reports. john: their t shirts say "justice for amara," and their council was just as clear. >> it's time to change the ordinances to protect these animals. we're not going anywhere, that's not a threat, but the -- it is a promise. the animals have a voice in this county now, your citizens are outraged and it is time for a change. john: the outrage is over amara, how she was legally shot by her owner and left for dead. the owner says amara had become aggressive, and bit the owner's wife. the dog was found wandering weeks later, and is being nursed to health by an animal rescue group near asheville. >> she is doing well. she is starting to learn how to play. she's wiggling that butt. she trusts me and my husband very much, so, so she's coming around. john: and the anderson county council is coming around, too. members are appalled by what happened to amara, and looking to strengthen their ordinances. >> we've got some work to do, and we are working on it, but i did you bring a copy or your -- of your ordinance perhaps, , that we could utilize? >> yes, it should be illegal. you should not be able to shoot your own dog or your cat. that should not be allowed. that has to change. john: wagner is encouraged by the reception that she got here tonight, and is eager to work with the councilmembers to improve the lives of animals in anderson county. john lyon, wyff news 4, anderson. >> now, your live super doppler 4 hd weather forecast. john: showers and if you heavy thunderstorms rumbled across theory of. the thunderstorms and northeastern georgrg and the southern upstate. no watches and warnings for us, but to the south, from augusta to make an, severe thunderstorm watch. severe thunderstorms capablele of producing large hail and damaging winds. asase zoom on in, everything clearing up pretty quickly from west-east across the area. a little bit of rain and snow some of the higher elevations, a little bit of snow along the tennessee-north carolina line. that is a we will see overnight, maybe on the high peaks especially as you get close to tennessee. this is how much rain we have had. 11 100's of an inch in greenville, 61 hundredths in spartanburg, 2/10 of an inch at the asheville airport. warming up nicely, 71 degrees, 11 degrees above average but we missed the record by nine degrees, almost 80. 10 degrees above average in asheville, we missed the record by 12 degrees said in 2006. pollen count, the rain has washed the pollen away. trees and the high category, grasses and weeds are absent, mold remains low. a fairly light rain. this is a live shot from on top of the piece center in downtown greenville, 57 in greenville and 47 in asheville, 47 in franklin. winds out of the west-southwest ahead of the front, pushing through the area. it has passed by the mountains, northwest at 24 miles per hour in boone. there comes the cold air, 47 in bristol. 67, mild ahead of the front in columbia. 67 in augusta. 63 in savannah, 65 in orlando, upper 60's in new orleans, but look at the cold air coming. 29 right now in st. louis. this evening, there is the line of nasty thunderstorms. the front will push it southeast . maybe some snow showers along the tennessee-north carolina line. it will be windy and cold in the mountains and chilly with sunshine in the upstate. the forecast for tonight, expect showers and thunder ending. colder, overnight low 41. windy and cold with showers ending amounts, overnight low in the mid-ernie's. tomorrow in the upstate, sunny and cooler. high 56. we start off that 40's -- we in the mountains, partly sunny, windy, and cold, high in the upper 30's to low 40's. we start off and 34, warming up to 39, and the wind will make it feel colder. the for-a plus, we are talking about really, chilly temperatures as we go to most of this evening. and then, as we get into the weekend, looks likikit will be the 60's of plenty of sunshine. we can get the map to go throroh, it will be awfully nice. there he -- there we go. it will be a nice weekend. now back to you. michael: as we had to the break on super tuesday, a look at the republican side in georgia, carol: as well as the democratic race. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. as expected.. the carolina panther >> now, wyff news 4 sports. brad: as expected, the carolina panthers have slapped the franchise tag on cornerback and greenwood native josh norman. if norman does not have a new long-term deal in place by july 15th, he will make just under $14 million next season. senior night for the clemson basketball team, and an opportunity to knock off a top 5 team in the final home game of the regular season. landry nnoko, josh smith, and jordan roper, playing in their final home game. cavaliers open the game on a 12-0 run. malcolm brogdon with the stepback 3. uva's choice on super tuesday, there it is. he had a team high 18 points. virginia led 33-27 at the break. 2nd half, tigers take the lead. clemson up 42-41. 3 minutes to go, tigers down by jaron blossomgame from behind four. the arc to cut the lead down to 1. but virginia making enough plays down the stretch to knock off clemson, 64-57. >> probably a 25-minute stretch of the game where we outplayed them. now, they are a championship team, because in the last 8 minutes of the game, they know how to win games. we just didn't get enough scoring from other guys. their defense was good down the stretch, and slowed us down. brad: clemson russell -- reps of the regular season at boston college. now to the diamond. clemson hosting wofford this afternoon. 1-0 clemson in the 4th. weston wilson singles through the left side. a run scores. 2-0. clemson adds another, and they go on to win, 7-0. charleston facing the citadel. you must see in the third inning, chris: with a rocket shot, 3-0 gamecocks. the citadel would make it a close game, but south carolina hangs on to win, 6-3. south carolina and clemson for columbia, and they carol: a pleasant day today. john: it was nice. it felt like march. beautiful. carol: it came in like a lamb. john: 56 the high tomorrow, sunshine, but the wind will make it feel colder in the mountains. high 42. keeping it cool on thursday with showers coming back, friday looks cool, the weekend oaks nice. pleasant across the area. michael: marco rubio rejected to win minnesota. we -- projected to win minnesota. thanks for watching. we will have complete super tuesday election coverage tomorrow morning. you need it your finger (singing) i just can't wait to meet you, sweet child you're on the way, i'm filled with expectation, and you're growing everyday... [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- margot robbie -- michael mckean -- science expert kevin delaney -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 428. >> steve: and now, here he is, [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes. hello, welcome. welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. oh, darn, great crowd. thanks so much for being here. here's what everyone's talking about. of course, today is super tuesday. [ cheers ] and it could be -- yeah. this could be do or die for a a lot of the candidates including ted cruz, who could be knocked out of the race depending on how things went tonight. [ cheers ] cruz said that dropping out

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Arkansas , United States , Newberry County , South Carolina , Boston College , Massachusetts , Charleston , Louisiana , Alabama , Vermont , Minnesota , Washington , District Of Columbia , New Orleans , Baltimore , Maryland , Miami , Florida , New York , Rockefeller Center , Abbeville , Georgia , North Carolina , Missouri , Texas , Spartanburg , Asheville , Kentucky , Illinois , Virginia , Jordan , Mississippi , Greenville , Pickens County , Oklahoma , Tennessee , New Jersey , Nebraska , Anderson County , Stephens County , Kansas , Ohio , Orlando , Essex , America , American , Marco Rubio , Ben Carson , John Lyon , John Kasich , Tommy Robinson Jr , Josh Smith , Clemson Russell , Josh Norman , Marco Rubio Ben Carol , Jimmy Fallon , Chris Christie , Ellen Robinson , Sally Kidd , Weston Wilson , Margot Robbie Michael Mckean , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Kevin Delaney , Bernie Sanders ,

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