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Forcing marco rubio to suspend his campaign. We have Team Coverage on the Election Results. Including a report. From inside Governor John Kasichs Election Night headquarters. And fox19 nows ben katko has the latest on local polling issues. Breaking now but first breaking news. Weve been covering for you all evening. That news. Weve been covering for you all evening. That we told you impacted voters here. A 12car accident force one of the vehicles to plunge. Into the ohio river. Shutting down i275 at the combs hehl bridge. Police released breaking details in a News Conference within the last hour fox19 nows Frankie Jupiter has within the last hour fox19 nows Frankie Jupiter has been covering this story. Hes live now with the latest. Not recovered. Within the last hour Campbell County police chief Craig Sorrell tell us that the vehicle was located not too far from where it plunge into the water. This all happen as a result to a crash on i275 east on the combshehl bridge. Crews located the vehicle using sonar, im told that a dive team is on the scene its unknown if they went into the water. Right now crews are trying to determine if anyone is in the vehicle. And deciding how to recover the body if its still in the vehicle. Police arent releasing the make and model. I275 east remains close, im told the injuries in the crash on the bridge im told the hope is to have the bridge open in about an hour. The question was ask if anything like this had happen on this bridge before, according to the chief. Not that he knows of. Reporting live from fort thomas Frankie Jupiter fox19 now. That accident caused huge traffic delays leading Election Officials to ask a judge to keep the polls open an hour later in hamilton, butler, clermont and warren counties. But one voter tells us not everyone got the message. I spoke with tom harter who says he was turned away at 8 15, despite the court order to stay open until 8 30. They said we never got that call. And i said, well call your boss, get on your smart phone, its all over the news media. Open the door, i wanna come in and vote, answer me from there on out. I stayed there til 8 30 hoping theyd verify my story. Harters precinct is Rees E Price Elementary School in price hill. Were checking with the Hamilton County board of elections to see if theyve received other complaints. So many of you headed to the polls today. Voters turned out in droves. As you can see by all these selfies behind us. As we mentioned governor kasich. Winners in ohio. Fox19 nows ben tonight. And ben did everything run smoothly today . It did. Until the polls closed. Federal judge susan dlott ordered the States Office to hamilton, butler, warren counties. Of the traffic afternoons accident on i275. The order was received here at the Hamilton County board of elections at 8 01. 31 minutes after the polls closed. What youre seeing is the last few minutes the polls were open. Just before 830. This was at the library downtown. The good news here is that voter turnout was relatively high today. Secretary of state jon husted told me earlier that he expected a 45 voter turnout in Hamilton County. He called voter turnout statewide. Quote. Strong. Back here in Hamilton County. Votes are being counted. And its not expected to be done until about midnight. Board of elections chair tim burke told me that poll workers had already closed up. And packed up. But had to start taking ballots again. As voters were showing up having heard on the news about this order, our poll workers were instructed to vote those voters allow them to vote a provisional ballot, it goes in an envelope marked voted after 7 30. If theres no appeal of the court decision, their votes with all the other provisional ballots 10 days from now. Burke tells me this happened because, as he was told by the secretary of states lawyer, judge dlotts Court Reporter was stuck in the traffic and reported it to her. He told me hes never seen polls stay open before for a reason like traffic backups. Live downtown. Ben katko. Fox19 now. And we have full results on fox19 now dot com. We also have a live report from inside Governor John Kasichs Election Night headquarters. Coming up. As well as more coverage of the local races you voted on today. Weather now steve cam an oklahoma man is charges tonight, accused of making a cincinnati teen his online, sex slave. Through Court Records and is in studio with what shes found. The illegal relationship is outlined in these pages and pages of federal Court Records. The two met in january 2013. But, now more than 3 years later. The suspect faces life behind bars. Nats computer keys jermey barrows was 22 yearsold when investigators say he logged onto an internet chat room and met the 14 yearold amberley village teen. These are pictures from barrows myspace page. Though hundreds of miles away, in tulsa, oklahoma. He made his way into the tristate teens life. According to these records, over the course of a year and a half, barrows groomed the girl into a submissive sex slave. In one chat, he demanded the teen call him daddy and fantasized sexual intercourse between the teen and her 9 yearold sister. Another time, he was mad and demanded the teen log onto a video chat site and perform nude for 80 people. Officials say the relationship wasnt uncovered until the teen started refusing to send her parents. Tech experts warn this kind of illegal activity happens all too often. One of the general pieces of advice i would give to most parents is if your child has a mobile phone, then you can check with the carrier, each carrier has different restrctions and limitations on what you can do but you can lock that device down to a the carrier so thats one of the more concrete things you can do. Barrows is now facing federal child pornography, coercion and enticement charges. If found guilty, he could spend life in prison. His trial is scheduled to start may 16th here in cincinnati. A lawsuit. Has been filed alleging racial discrimination. Against the newport board of education. Malcolm jones the assistant varsity football coach. Is suing. Saying he was discriminated against because hes black. When he applied for the head coaching job. These documents say there were three qualified black candidates even after the job was declined by a white man. We reached out to newport officials who declined to comment on the lawsuit. Former batesville mayor richard fledderman. Is expected to plead guilty now to charges related to his involvement with a male prostitute. Following his arrest, fledderman resigned as mayor of batesville. That plea according to prosecutors will happen the morning of april 13th. Indiana state police say the former batesville mayor paid Randy Wigle Stevens for sex last june. And that wiglestevens had threatened to go public unless the mayor paid him off. Both men were arrested. Stevens has been sentenced to 908 days on probation. After he pleaded guilty to charges of prostitution and intimidation. And for not disclosing his hiv positive status. Were continuing to follow breaking news. As Election Results paint a clearer picture in the race for the white house. A live report inside governor kasichs Election Night party. After the break. And caught on camera. Why this suv lost control. And why police say it should steve chroma breaking now were also continuing to follow breaking developments. After a car plunged into the ohio river. Our crews on the scene what were learning coming up. Our election day coverage. The frontrunners got a big boost this super tuesday. Donald trump winning the delegate rich battleground state of florida. After losing his homestate marco rubio suspended his campaign while it is not gods plan that i be president in 2016 or maybe ever, and while today my campaign is suspended, the fact that ive even come this far is evidence of how special america truly is. Trump also wins illinois. And North Carolina. The other big prize of the night. Of course ohio a state governor also had a big night winning florida North Carolina and ohio. We will add to our delegate lead to roughly 300 with over two million more votes nationwide cheers. We are moving closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination and winning this election in november cheers. Senator Bernie Sanders has so far not weighed in on tonights results. Election results. Continue to pour in. After polls were forced to stay open. Were keeping everything up to date on fox19 now dot com. And well have more local Election Results coming up this hour. First on fox19 now now to a story you saw first on fox 19 now. A uc professor arrested for child and the details of the arrest are fox 19s michael outside uc tells me the fbi showed up about 20 six or 615 this morning. The neighbor said they were pounding so hard on the door he thought they were here for him and they woke up him and his kids. But they were looking for the professor and child porn. A graduate of yale, author and award winner. Dr. Holt parkers resume is as impressive as it gets. But now allegations that he possessed child pornography puts all that into question. And has the People Living in his clifton neighborhood saying the news is frightening i think its unbelieveable and im shocked. The fbi executed warrants on his home this morning. The complaint filed in federal court claims that parker admitted to porn. They claim he used the email address daddy. Cruel yaho o. Com to exchange and recieve videos of children in sex acts. In one of the chat rooms. He allegedly had a conversation where a person said, have a vid of a 5 year old. The message went on to say in a sex act. The fbi said parker responded show me the vid, please. In another exchange parker allegeldy told someone quote, i expletive a lol 8 year old niece. And then went on to say quote her bros and daddy use her too. Im disgusted and its gross the university issued a statement saying in part the University Takes these charges very seriously and is cooperating fully with authorities. Per university policy, parker has been suspended from his position, barred from university property, and is to have no contact with students. Dr. Ed connor who works with people who possess child pornograpy said it begins with guys watching porn. Over a period of years deviant and bizare pornography parker has been suspended and his next Court Hearing is hearing is wednesday at 1 30. We are live at uc Michael Baldwin fox 19 now. Caught on camera caught on camera. Dash cam video. Shows an suv wiping out in wisconsin. After following another car too closely and getting brakechecked. This happened last week near green bay. The suv loses control and crashes into the median. Nearly tipping into oncoming traffic. This serves as a good reminder to be careful on the roads. And never follow too closely. Behind another driver. The Los Angeles Police department is still investigating the knife, said to be found on the former estate of oj simpson. Police announced the knife was found at simpsons former brentwood home. The former Football Player lived there at the same time his ex wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, ron goldman were stabbed to death in weapon was never found. Police have not connected the knife to the murders. Detectives tell c nn that the forensics on the knife havent been completed. However, tmz reports there is no dna on that knife. Sot stormtracker stinger Governor John Kasich right now. His win in ohio over frontrunner donald trump could have a big effect on the rest of the gop race Sara Goldenberg from our sister station in cleveland joins us live now from Baldwin Wallace university in berea. Where kasich is hosting an Election Victory Party tonight a middletown baby. Allegedly injured while in the care of his stepfather. The latest were learning. On the case. Coming up. Crazy amounts at the grocery . Well break down the 19 things that are sending your grocery bill car that plunged into the ohio river. The latest on search and rescue efforts. Too many of these cases lately a local baby suspicious. And ive got a look at the 19 things driving up your grocery bill. Only on fox19 now a 12car accident force one of the vehicles to plunge. Into the ohio river. Shutting down i275 at the combs hehl bridge. Police released breaking details in a News Conference within the last hour fox19 nows Frankie Jupiter has been covering this story. Hes live now with the latest. The vehicle has been located but not recovered. Within the last hour Campbell County police chief Craig Sorrell tell us that the vehicle was located not too far from where it plunge in ton the water. This all happen as a combshehl bridge. Crews located the vehicle using sonar, im told that a dive team is on the scene its unknown if they went into the water. Right now crews are trying to determine if anyone is in the vehicle. And deciding how to recover the body if its still in the vehicle. Police dont know the make and model. I275 east remains close, im told the injuries in the crash on the bridge are nonlife threating. Heres what the chief had to say. Im told the hope is im told the hope is to have the bridge open in about an hour. The question was ask if anything like this had happen on this bridge before, according to the chief. Not that he knows of. Reporting live from fort thomas Frankie Jupiter fox19 now. Fort thomas Frankie Jupiter fox19 now. You decide 2016 Election Results continue to pour in to the newsroom tonight. But. In at least one local county. The votes are still being counted because of a court order. Our ben katko is live at the Hamilton County board of elections downtown. Ben. Whats going on . It was this order from federal judge States Office directing him to order polls stay open in hamilton, butler, clermont and warren counties. Its because of that accident our Frankie Jupiter just reported on. And the backups it caused. The order was to keep polls open until 8 30. But they didnt get the memo here at the board of elections untli 8 01. 31 miuntes after the polls closed. Right now, workers at the board of elections here are busy counting ballots. Its expected that this will take them to until about midnight before its done. Im told by tim burke. Chairman of the board of elections here that the order came after judge dlotts Court Reporter was stuck in the traffic. Leading to her order. Thats what he leanred from the secretary of states attorney. We had already been closed for half an hour. Our equipment had been shut down. We had no way of communicating quickly with 355 polling places in this county. What we did was the best we could do. Late were given provisional ballots to fill out. Those will be counted in 10 days. Assuming there is no appeal in court. Live downtown. Ben katko. Fox19 now. Heres a look at the special election to fill former House Speaker John Boehners seat. Right now is winning there. This election is to fill the vacated seat until the end of the year. This is a look at the race for the democratic nomination for senate. To go on to face democratic nomination for senate. To go on to face democratic nomination for senate. To go on to face republcian rob portman in the general election in november. And the republican nomination for Hamilton County recorder. Is going to former judge Election Results. Continue to pour in. After polls were forced to stay open. Were keeping everything up to date on fox19 now dot com. Still no word if anyone will face charges after a middletown infant is allegedly injured while in the care of his stepfather. According to the Police Report obtained by fox19 now. 29yearold Jacquelyn Butler tells police she got home thursday just before 9pm to find her 1yearold stephen unresponsive. When emergency crews arrived to the apartment in the 6800 block of brandywine street, they detected signs of possible trauma. Butler he is breathing but like, i trying to wake him up and hes not waking up, his body just feels limp like, hes just not responding at all. The report goes on to say butler left baby stephen in the care of his step father 28yearold vernell brent. Brent tells police he gave the infant a bath and thats when he noticed he was unresponsive. A nap. Infants condition or on possible charges. Mother teresa will be sainted september fourth. This is video of Mother Teresa before she died in 1997. A woman said she was cured of a stomach tumor, after praying to the nun. A Vatican Committee no scientific her healing, and miracle. Mother teresa was beattified in 2003. Travel and trade restrictions with cuba. Todays announcement comes just days ahead of president obamas historic visit to the communist island nation. It will be easier now for americans to travel to cuba for educational purposes. It will also be easier for american banks to offer more services in cuba. And for us businesses to operate more freely there. For the first time an nfl official is linking the game. To degenerative brain disease cte. The nfls executive Vice President for health and safety the statement is a change from previous messages from the nfl. Some officials there have clearly denied any link between football and cte. Research released last fall found 87 out of 91 former nfl players had cte. Cte can only be diagnosed after death. Some areas in the south are dealing with the worst flooding theyve seen in decades. Now a local charity is stepping in to help. This is video. From deweyville, texas. The Disaster Response team from matthew 25 ministries will leave tomorrow morning for the hardest hit areas. Some of the states hit hardest include. Texas, louisiana, arkansas and mississippi. Volunteers will be delivering personal care items, cleaning supplies, and other neccessities. Eggs, milk, bread. Some of the staples of your shopping list. If it seems like youre paying more at the supermarket lately, youre right. Your grocery bill so expensive . We took a look at 19 items that are driving up your food costs. 279 for a dozen eggs. Its a lot more than we paid a few meat, milk, bread, coffee. They end up in the cart every and prices for items are up, Consumer Price index. Its supposed to give us a sense of what the typical consumers bundle of goods cost. Malcolm robinson is the head of the Economics Department at thomas more college. He says food prices are really a simple issue of supply and demand. So if you have a drought in california, the price of garlic is gonna go up. I dont really pat attention to the prices, if i like it, i buy it. But for those of us on a budget. Financial news company 247 wall street used the bureau of labor statistics to examine Consumer Price changes for of the top items driving up your grocery bill. The top spot . Those dreaded eggs. The reason . A bird flu outbreak last year forced farmers to destroy millions of egglaying chickens. Also in the top five. Tobacco products. Mostl y due to tax increases. Uncooked ground beef and fish and seafood come in at numbers four and five. With seafood its supply and demand. With ground beef. A drought led to less corn to feed livestock. Missy lewis, a mom of three, spends about 175 bucks a week at the supermarket. I probably cut down on some things, snack items, if the basics are more expensive. Also in the top 19 grocery budget busters bacon and hot dogs, apples and oranges. Again because of weather and disease. The good news professor robinson said what comes up must come down. Food prices tend to fluctuate. For a while, milk gone back down again. So back to those eggs. Expect to pay much less this year. Weve got the complete list of those items driving up your food bill on our website. Fox 19 nowdotcom. And why the uc Basketball Team might not be on campus the next two weeks. That story is coming up. Steve chroma breaking now another live look. At the ohio river. Where earlier today. A car plunged off the bridge. Into that water. Well have a live report from the a customer tweets bank fees make me physically ill. Overdraft how do you respond . Sounds like a medical problem. Id send her to a hospital. Not the banks problem. At huntington, she can link with her savings account and then we transfer the money for free. We do that. For a fee of 10. To transfer her own money . Hashtag obviously. Free transfers from savings when youre overdrawn. Welcome to huntington playstation vr. Virtual reality headset will be available this october. Take a look at this thing. Its pretty cool. The goggles will connect to the playstation four console. Officials say its a totally different way to experience gaming. But they wont come cheap, priced at 399dollars. The playstation vr will hit the market sometime in october. This years Saint Patricks day is expected to be an expensive one. This is video from cincinnatis st. Patricks parade. This past weekend. Wallethubdot com says Saint Patricks day revelers worldwide. Will spend fourpoint four billion dollars to celebrate the holiday. Thats an estimated 35dollars each. Half of americans plan to celebrate and 80percent say. They will be wearing green. Harrison ford will grab his hat, whip and satchel once again. Coming back to the big screen. Disney announced today tuesday the legendary, archeologist character will return for a fifth film adventure. Ford has played professor jones since 1981s raiders of the lost ark. He will be 77 years old when the film is released. It wont hit theaters until 2019. Live wx tease sot steve weather animation the bearcats right now are still in the air. Theyll hit ground shortly in spokane. Coreontae deberry lets go. Lets go. Lets go. This twothousand mile trip started this evening. And notice how loose they look. The number one reason the bearcats left today is to make sure theyre used to west coast time in plenty of time. Mick cronin i dont mind going out west. I think it eliminates distraction. You know, you can try to get together and make a pact to go on a run and theres no distraction around you. Joe hplaz vo see that . Thats a protective we did ask mick cronin about clark and this guy shaq thomas. Coach said everyone will be in uniform and quote give it a go on friday against saint joes. These teams do share common opponents but. Phil martelli i didnt look at those games, but i did notice their results. Just like i noted their record against the field. Theyre 46 against the field. I want our players to know that. We are hearing uc would stay on the west coast if they advance to the sweet 16. The next site is anaheim. No final decision yet. Joe hplaz vo the resulsts are in on michael lorenzens mri. Its what the reds are calling a mild sprain in his pitching elbow and some tendinitis. Theyll set a timetable this week. His teammates did work today on the champs. Solid spring for jay bruce. He scores joey votto. Two more hits for joey hes hitting. 429 this spring. Duran duran youre da man. Thats the game winning hit in a reds win. Its state tournament week in the oh and iowe roger bacon some love. Lets do it next. vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. The difference between possible and impossible . Its a person who believes they can, surrounded and supported by othersby us who believe it, too. U. S. Bank the Basketball Team. Saw this a lot at practice. They expect lima central catholic to really pressure the ball in their state final four game thursday. Sounds like the game pressure isnt on bacon. Elijah fulton people think were the underdog. They expect lima to win. But, were prepared, so i think were going to come through. William greene even though lima has made it there three years in a row, if we come out and play our game it can be a new team up there new state champions. Baseball is back on i guess there are worse places to be stuck. Bearcats won their fifth straight. David orndorff xavier played at louisville and they scored the games its just louisville eleven. X lost. Uc wins his freedom. Steves tracking the next 24 hours. Tricia cam dont forget were always tracking the weather on fox19. Com. Goodnight. Sot announcer now with the fox19 mobile app, youll never be without fox19 news. From fox19. Com to text and email alerts for breaking news and weather. Its all right here in the palm of your hand. Breaking now l, unless you have allergies. Yr es may see it differently. Onlose is approved toprelieve both itchy, watery eyes d congestion. No oer nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by pducing six key inflammatory substances that use our symptoms. Mo allergy pills only control one substance. Onase controls six. D six is greater than one. Colete allergy relief or incomplete. T your eyes decide. Flase. 61 changes everything. [laughing] honey, you gotta see this Time Warner Cable now makes your internet do more. Honey [laughing] honey . Our ultrafast internet with home wifi keeps your devices connected, [laughing] anywhere in your home. [laughing] honey, have you seen this video . [laughing] discover how much more is included. 14. 99 per month. Call 1855want twc. The race for the white house. Good evening im tricia macke. And im rob williams. Local polls. Even forced to stay open late. After a car plunged into the ohio river. Creating major traffic issues. Right now we know Hillary Clinton won ohio for the democratic side. Governor john kasich. Has won ohio. On the gop ticket. His first win. Picking up all 66 delegates in ohio. Gov. John kasich r president ial candidate i have to thank the people of the great state of ohio. I love you that is all i can tell you, i love you applause Hillary Clinton also picked up wins in North Carolina and florida

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