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For the person who shot him it happened while you were sleeping in the ponderosa restaurant on jefferson avenue Newport News Police say thirty nine year old man was standing in the parking lot with some friends just before two oclock this morning. Detectives say he stepped away from the group to take a phone call investigators say a bullet hit him in the chest while he was on the phone. Medics rushed into the hospital with life threatening injuries so far police have not released his name or any suspect information. Anyone with information should call the crime line train down to your wakeup Weather Forecast its going to be beautiful but chilly day in Hampton Roads in downtown hampton neighbors are waking up to temps in the thirties the beautiful sunrise and once the sun comes up they wont get much warmer here all crustaceans scott has all the details good morning i got morning jog of morning everybody thats right were going to see chilly conditions once again today but it isnt gonna be quite as windy as it was yesterday so that should take the edge a look at temperatures as cold this morning twenty three right now in emporia also want to wrap a twenty three degrees are coming in at thirty four in norfolk along the outer banks we also have temperatures in the thirties and then south of Gainesville Conway also sitting in the low to mid twenties so call start to the morning and it could be a chili into the day as i mentioned the winds are going to be quite as bad as they were yesterday but we are seeing some breezy conditions closer to the coast norfolk reporting fifty mph and about eight right now hint and also into Virginia Beach. The satellite and radar was sleeping nice and dry we did have a few high clouds pushing over in Virginia Beach also portion of chesapeake and insist northeastern and North Carolina those will continue to push offshore so well see a lot of sunshine as we had throughout the day because mostly sunny but temperatures by this afternoon only climbing into the mid forties so that is below where we should be for this time of the year which is in the low fifties will drop back into evening so we have any plans today definitely keep the coat handy i am tracking a big warm up as we head into the second half of the weekend on the details on that coming up in just a few minutes. Jeff thanks a ton out of the race to the white house is your voice your vote later today the democrats will face their next big hurdle on the campaign trail as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton duke it out over South Carolina breakdown the barriers so america and americans with up to their potential that is it thats what i care about if we stand together we can do extraordinary things think that what this country can because today is the South Carolina democratic primary Democratic Candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders turned their focus to the palmetto state after the nevada caucuses but each campaign is putting a different emphasis on todays contests right now Hillary Clinton is leading the polls in South Carolina. Clint has been working to keep win in nevada last weekend sanders is already looking ahead to super tuesday todays results in South Carolina could impact the primary here in virginia in a new poll released by Hampton University virginia voters place Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders at a dead heat when compared to donald trump. Virginia voters rank the democrats eleven points higher than trot right now hit the road stands as a hot spot on the president ial campaign trail. Three president ial candidates already visited the region this week. Now three more on the way last night texas senator ted cruz spoke at Regent University supporters are enthusiastic telling she knew her they likely had to say the senator ted cruz wasted no time. As soon as he hit the stage are many issues to discuss many challenges facing this country in this election. He immediately paid his respects to the late address how crucial it is to appoint another conservative Supreme Court justice the gop candidates as if the vacancy is filled with a democrat he sees many changes being made toward religious freedom and gun rights and more liberal justice and heller and conclude that not a single one of us has any individual right to keep and bear arms not only did he speak on those issues and his support in de funding planned parenthood. He spoke about the gop race overall. Seeing attacks have become quite nasty and personal and they had frozen nasty insults my way that john after my character they got after my intake i dont respond in kind. I dont respond an insult and im not going to despite his take on shots taken throughout the race crew says hes the best candidate to take down gop frontrunner donald trump to beat Hillary Clinton leaving the audience walking away clear concise answers you know this is the problem is able to address issues like the Supreme Court justice and really but the problem i live in Virginia Beach. She knew her thirteen news now more cats are coming to town in tuesday marker rubio will rally at the Virginia Beach Convention Center tomorrow Hillary Clinton is coming to the area on monday details about her band have not been released and also on monday ben carson is going to speak at Regent University. Well new developments in the kansas Shootings Police say they arrested a woman in connection with the tragedy how shes connected to the gunman coming up next plus explosive moments in newport news as a officer is cleared of wrongdoing in a Fatal Shooting of ballet my right and i wouldnt know what to write about my shirt a donation today our family ive been a turkey farmer my whole life. And i raise turkey for shady brook farms. We dont use growthpromoting antibiotics, thats just the way things should be done. Thats important to me. My name is glenn, and im an independent turkey farmer. female announcer shady brook farms. No growthpromoting antibiotics, i welcome back and that saturday morning treat a live look outside overlooking downtown norfolk this morning where we have a lot of sunshine. Barely a cloud in the sky but it is chilly so dont let the sunshine fool you temperatures at thirty four degrees right now an orphan. Notice the wind out of the north hills were going today about fifteen mph xanax she makes it feel like its in the twenties the north that the winds a little bit breathe or live a calm myself a little bit farther inland heres a look at temperatures across the region all sitting mainly in the twenties with a few thirty the next thirty right now new bern thirty four in charleston but is definitely chilly this morning as we in the day it can be a chilly one as well. Temperatures are down almost Fifteen Degrees cooler from this time yesterday morning in spots like wakefield also frankly not too bad especially closer to the coast here to reporting six degrees cooler no satellite but i was sleeping nice and dry. We are clear as you saw on that shot from downtown norfolk. We had to add the rest of today we will see a lot of sunshine through the Morning Hours temperatures climbing into the forties by late morning will top out in the mid forties by this afternoon i am tracking some warmer conditions yes the sixties will return as we head into your sunday out eat all that coming up in just a few i should check this one out oh dear dear interrupts class time and in new Jersey Middle School police say this bach jump through an open window to school in North Arlington and knocked over a water cooler and busted into a wall trying to get back out students say they just stared in shock my tg is speaking out so i just come that i see is that when dalton with that dear ol with the block so i was just like oh okay whats happening here. Then i will have to run into an empty office and administrators quickly locked the door. Animal control officer tranquilizer deer removed from the building. No one knows what caused the deer to venture inside the school and yes ill say it again though. Here was just trying to what was that line i had it was buck the system yet. The last hour and im stumbling over this out but the system when we come back video you animal let the dogs on the tennis court going to tell you where the ball boys were chased away plus a deputy injured on the job the driver lost vo shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood. All with worryfree ownership. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Shift your thinking about buying your next one. Patients across the country have spoken. They recently rated their Care Experience at over 3,500 hospitals nationwide in a survey conducted for the centers for medicare and medicaid services. Fewer than 6 received 5 stars. Among them was Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia. Learn more at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Care that never quits. Behold the power of protein in birds eye protein blends. Ok. Theyre delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains. And veggies mmm good. My work here is dooooone birds eye protein blends. So veggie good. Developments in the mass shooting at kansas authorities arrested someone in connection with the case a woman is charged with providing guns to the shooter center for the kill three people injured more than a dozen others before police shot and killed in abcs elizabeth her as more detail etc for to see this Facebook Post firing an assault style rifle the same type sources say he used to gun down his co workers is a convicted felon who could not legally own guns. Authorities now allege ford got the ak forty seven type rifle and handgun used in the shootings from a twenty year old kansas woman Sarah Hopkins charging her with unlawfully transferring firearms the fourth shooting spree on thursday spanned across some six miles in three locations the spinal and did the stop where he worked excel industries before and was trampled it was just air was just trying to get out of the shooting killed Renee Benjamin bryan said elsie and josh could be the bloodshed ended with forty shot and killed in a gun battle with the first officer on the scene the Boston Police chief Sergeant Chris carter telling abc news his bosses action saved many lives. If theres gunfire gunfire. We are stopping myself to myself that hard instinct to fight though i mean most of us went away from the no absolutely not we will run towards a gunfight with the Community Still in mourning the fbi is on scene hunting for answers this as we learn ford was served with a restraining order at work just ninety minutes before the first shooting a court order to stay away from an ex girlfriend who claims he was violently abusive writing hes in desperate need of medical and Psychological Health officials confirm what the motive appears to be domestic base in their investigation is continuing kansas. Com also attorney finds no criminal wrongdoing in a Deadly Police involved shooting in newport news officer shot and killed was a baby last july after being pointed a sawed off shotgun at the police chief said an internal investigation found the three officers involved were justified. Bs family believes he was wrongfully killed when the blast o mat we did the officers proceeded to act and use deadly force is out for that information that we are going to come also Attorney Says the department of justice will review its findings and take federal action if appropriate. Scary moments for a sheriffs deputy in michigan it was nearly caught on camera the deputy was hit by a van during a winter storm this week. The deputy stopped the car on the highway thats when a band coming from the opposite direction crossed the center line hit the patrol car and was able to get back in his car call for help were told he is recovering and new this morning a special site check this out a fire ball was caught on camera with the spanish skies according to experts a fragment from a comet produce the fireball traveled fifty nine mph before crashing against the earths atmosphere. Well i should have never seen anything like a spanish fireball. I have not but i will lie to you it looks pretty cool in that video but scary though when you are great i dont know how they figured out fifty nine mph thats interesting they can calculate. Oh yeah definitely interest they will have to keep an eye out for anything like that around here but you know what were talking mainly cold weather this morning so we are heading out early is going to be cold so definitely bundle up were going to see temperatures gradually climb as we head through the Morning Hours right now are starting off in the twenties and many locations were below freezing and myself also and snacks glass piercing at twenty six just below freezing at thirty one right now and salute out on the peninsula also mainly twenty four news is youre sitting at thirty degrees hanson youre just above freezing coming in at thirty three and then across the south side as you had a little bit farther and weve got temperatures in the mid twenties but closer to the water were saying some low to mid thirties thirty five right now no shana and northeastern North Carolina a few thirty the next thirty right now on her for as well as live the city and along the outer banks were sitting in the low to mid thirties now we do have mainly clear skies and satellite radar so the clear skies and the relatively calm winds really have those temperatures to fall overnight we had some clouds also pushing across the south side in northeastern North Carolina. Those clouds continuing to push offshore so they do not give you a pretty quiet across the southeast weve got High Pressure building to our south it will track along the gulf states and as it dies it will help the jet stream to live farther to sunday winds will shift out of the southwestern so that we bring that warmer air from our south i were to see temperatures acts in the sixties for the second half of the weekend for today though it will be a bit on the chilly side despite the sunshine temperatures by lunch time climbing into the low forties as we head into this afternoon will top out in the mid forties i mean if you have any plans this evening by eight nine oclock will start to drop back into the low forties and even some upper thirties as we head into the overnight hours we will remain mainly clear will start on sunday morning with temperatures a little bit warmer than this morning again not quite as cold war college seasonally cold as the starch or sunday but by sunday afternoon again were tapping into the south westerly wind that can help to boost our temperatures into the sixties on sunday with a lot of sunshine before today will be chilly for late february we should be in the low fifties this time of the year. Heres a look at the seven day forecasts were going to be the sixties on also wednesday but that i have a cold front thats going to move our way and will bring scattered showers maybe a few thunderstorms in the mix as well. Once that front moves through will see those temperatures dropping back into the forties joe alright i shall thank you coming up in sports the best of the best remain in High School Hoops highlights from the east region championships and for snooze an extremely busy time of year in High School Basketball this is these region change reason region championship weekend sports director scott cash has the highlights in your sports weekend. Lets get started with the group four a east regional final a killer dance as well then its jt won the league and football star and a basketball star they had their lead the titans the back comes heritage li Lynn Richardson with end their best scorer is germane merrill number four puts on a sweet move the second half of the way thanks to previous mass retailer one in seventy to fifty nine new funds will move three a regional final nor can and hope. Well travis fields and twenty five for the greyhounds had little trouble in this game. Next up its field dishing off to travis came home for the floss and a big three and this mean the other member that victory is k k davis who had that locked up ahead mentally to be in grooming and more from one to three to fifty six an orphan girls also won the region championship game. This is reagans mike and for the region championship. Joan blood on the run with the us he wasnt president then was the same another run and gun games with holden and listen and try to make a game of it but it was way too much money can in this one seventy three the sixty one will soon fall in the teens this tournament semifinals. Norfolk collegiate again kristen holding the crusaders getting on the board first and often the corner on the drive with a nice layout mostly they would add to that with lance today driving another two pointer with ten men thing bishop tobin that comes with collegiate strong candidate statements he had fifteen with a knife the man like that and with the comeback was underway and grant also with a nice touch. We had fifteen is well in the second the game was the collegiate game for the fifty seven to forty two they played was unmanned and the tca is typically game tonight the admirals at home last night scope against manchester the First Place Team in their division. Yam is playing some of the best hockey of the season. Steven whitney made a three nothing cameras in the Second Period that was his second goal of the period he wasnt done he would later have the natural hat trick same period three golden one to read. Whitney scored again it was for nothing at that point one eight six one st evening tonight its the perfect e news now with a great time snacking in tibet scholar like this story the game attendance gone to the dogs in brazil dogs were used in the brazil open as ball boys as part of a campaign to encourage animal adoptions the dogs were pretty good at retrieving those tennis balls in fact in some cases they even want to let the ball co organizer of the campaign on gets people to consider adopting a pet from a shelter good stuff coming up on daybreak a beautiful morning over Virginia Beach is oceanfront look at that cool Clear Conditions are going to stick around throughout the day asia tracking some big changes later this weekend p ps tornado recovery continues after seven thanks for joining us on fourteen years now daybreak on joe fleming that i am just now still talking about waverly and yet every efforts under way now more on that after a weekend of the weather is nicer you are up there what was why i why they know what that was the first time i had ever gone to a scene that was damaged by a tornado right after it happened and it was very emotional on your pics show the ravages that i was tweaking out just trying to help people to understand what these people were dealing with because homes were destroyed. It was debris everywhere and so it really makes you appreciate or the intensity of Mother Nature i say let folks know about how they get help after your report yet will have more information on the way we tornadoes and how everyone can get in and pitch and help those people out because they really need it and we thought another very interesting statistic jeff and i were looking at some numbers yesterday yesterday and i had these for the amount of tornado Warnings Issued by the National Weather service just wednesday february twenty four thirty nine tornado Warnings Issued and one day for the entire year of twenty fifteen there were twenty one tornado Warnings Issued and seven of the thirty nine were actually confirmed tornadoes so we had almost doubled the number of tornado warnings in febuary nine twenty fifteen years and one days so again were not done yet with Severe Weather and so were going to continue to monitor head throughout the rest especially the spring once we started our work with those Severe Weather issues but again thats just on the president numbers what we had just thirty nine tornado warnings and one day thats just astounding what pretty quiet right now though satellite and radar sleeping nice and dry we had a few the south side and into northeastern North Carolina but those are continuing to the southeast were sitting nice and dry as High Pressure you see out to the west those will continue to dissipate as well as High Pressure takes control of our viewing area so heres a look at the temperatures were starting up called this morning most locations below freezing where thirty degrees right now in newport news as well as lives as well as the city were sitting in the mid twenties and wild island and norfolk right now at thirty four degrees or just above freezing but as we had over the next twelve hours were going to keep the sunshine going temperatures climbing into the forties by mid morning well talk about in the mid forties by this afternoon and then will start to slide back into the low forties and upper thirties as we head into the evening hours now were talking a big warm up for the second half of the weekend and im tracking some chances for rain coming up and the seven day forecast to have those details in just a few minutes joe thanks tay shun the community of waverly continues to rebuild after that ef one tornado right now theres a curfew in place to protect people from Walking Around through debris that still scattered everywhere the towns road to recovery how difficult it is for people to lose everything not just the physical but its a great emotional told a community disrupted and heartbroken after a tornado tore through their town but now the people of waverly are coming together as is poured into Waverly United Methodist Church to pray for the victims families affected acreage is no question about that will be changed for the better on shore we in this situation right now we all get three people were killed in the storm when they were tossed from the mobile home they were in the cleanup efforts continue around the community and friday was the first time we heard from city officials in a press conference they gave details about the destruction left behind saying six buildings than two dozen people are without homes. Still the mayor spoke with confidence and banking the different agencies and citizens committed to helping the people of waverly get back on their feet. Well now that we have a long way to recovery we may optimistic about the year. Were hopeful and we know that we will eventually reporting im near new beau thirteen years now officials hope that most residents back in their homes by tuesday volunteers show up at the fresh pride supermarket any morning at nine a m while the National Weather service confirmed at least seven tornadoes touched down in virginia on wednesday aside from the twisters in waverly mathematics tornadoes also touched down in Mecklenburg County near the North Carolina state line of anna and patrick counties and Lancaster County near the wrapper han river one of those tornadoes cut a twenty eight mile long path of peninsula to the Northern Neck ten homes were wiped out in time panic more than fifty others were seriously damaged by winds estimated to be a hundred forty miles an hour now. Our crews got a firsthand look at the damage about two dozen people were injured and many people we talked to were amazed that no one was killed there in the bowl with two broken ribs to go into the movie you through most of the rosary will take a moment standing somewhere where the hell she is the one hundred and forty five Year Old Church also destroyed during wednesdays storm well dont be alarmed if you see a lot of fire crews in kern county this afternoon later today three volunteer Fire Departments will hold a joint Training Session in more shock the training runs from noon until four p m today the departments will conduct the parking lot and we are middle school fire trucks will be drawing water from various hydrants in the area during the exercise Officials Say it should not affect your water pressure well coming up help was on the way for veterans room to tell you about a new clinic offering free legal help to our local heroes plus get ready the oscars are tomorrow whos going to come out on top in this years anticipated and highly debated ceremony a sneak peek at vo with thousands of quality preowned vehicles. And exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. The weather saturday morning were taken another look outside of love to show you these views overlooking Virginia Beach and its record has been here weve been seeing a few people taking a stroll on the boardwalk this morning but it is chilly temperatures down below freezing in many spots where twenty seven at freezing and mouth on the Eastern Shore but it was the Senior Community thirty degrees and then thirty four right now and norfolk saw a lot of sunshine but despite the sunshine it is definitely chilly. All across the region were sitting mainly in the twenties with the exception of new bern at thirty degrees right now in norfolk sitting at thirty four temperatures this morning are definitely colder than yesterday morning the same time were down almost Fifteen Degrees and wakefield also franklin closer to the water we are saying that much of a difference anywhere from five to about seven mark of seven degrees cooler. Now satellite but i was sleeping nice and dry and we had some clout to push across the south side in northeastern North Carolina both clubs will continue to move offshore will see a lot of sunshine today if you have any travel plans all across the region were sitting pretty nice but temperatures of it on the chilly side especially compared to normal and the forties and even some fifties a little bit farther to the south will top out in the mid forties as we head into this afternoon i am warm up almost as we head into your sunday i have those details in just a few minutes traffic alerts that can impact your weekend plans the first is about emergency road repairs on which dark road in Virginia Beach were told the project includes milling and paving from cleveland street in greenwich road. The work is going on now until eight am then again tomorrow from three am until six p m drivers should expect delays and some construction noise avoid that area. If you can. Plus kings railroad is going to close at the intersection of north lynn haven road for utility work that work will take place until nine oclock tonight. Drivers need to follow the two women taking a look at the coal jobs during the month of february. This time are on board the carrier uss george washington. I put all my emotions may work clothes and helped with. So weve been taking a look at cold weather job sold this month and this week its u s navy job was the carrier uss george washington. Joes job was all about Looting Stores on the ship. I learned a whole lot about cold weather jobs about the weight of a gator aid how it starts here bringing aboard soups to nuts people with a paper and much more. We have to get this food on the ship somehow which entails us being outside working on the pier and most time that is Early Morning and its cool how you know youre finished with residents on what people thought i was training with george young a big strong color specialist who says it can even get cold here in the hangar bay when youre doing the ships tours job that only wave on the other thing thats a whole lot in that movie was so moving is the key facet of your question. We had a Long Distance to travel to get that seven hundred pound pallet full of eatery to the fan tails so i thought would be plenty warm. There are portable heaters visible on this level and sailors told us they keep the big doors cracked for circulation i remember once going up to Portland River to the Rose Festival and it was a pretty brisk twenty degrees up there and we had an eight hour cnn anchor. So were outside in the neck out whether for quite awhile to meet gordon was showing some other jobs that could be cold and nasty when the Deck Department has to do their daily maintenance engineers doing an oil change one of the rigid whole inflatables on board on this day they read and painting the anchors of this massive ship time and time again we heard a theme developing when it comes to these cool weather crops in a spy at the sight of where total air as much as possible without showing whats under all the training and preparation comes down to sucking up the warmth of the tail on the people from a lot of the system the store told me out the next marker because its always never ever to get me a little bit but that was what i thought it would be like a mini sewing kit will be the team where we got our part which one of the gore tex lining got nice fleece inner lining and nice and fairly warm thank you guys for your server. Go navy and i should jeff lawson told me we averaged right around fifty degrees right temperatures during the month of february and he told me so far this february weve been for our average High Temperature but i had a lot of challenges all month trying to make a look or had some seventy degrees in february which was a challenge well moving right along that was fun. Dollar tree opening its newest store is located along some acclaim in suffolk grand opening Ribbon Cutting ceremony is actually going on right now special Family Friendly activities for the public are follow the event. Dollar tree is headquartered in Hampton Roads and operates more than fourteen thousand stores in the us and canada next week the Virginia Department of Veterans Services will hold its first ever pro bono veterans clinton Legal Services clinic low income vets can get free legal help to draft wills powers of attorney in advance medical directives the clinic here in Hampton Roads will happen tuesday at Tidewater Community college in chesapeake to see if you qualify go to thirty news now dot com the final countdown is underway to oscars sunday there are eight films up for best picture. Many are eager to see what co host chris rock will say especially about the oscars diversity controversy abcs rainey has the latest from hollywood red carpet is out in final preparations underway for hollywoods biggest Night Academy awards. Yes i feel so lucky this year eight films are nominated for best picture. There are evidently the pack with twelve oscar nods including Leonardo Dicaprio with his fifth acting nomination. Im just a fan of film for best actress Cate Blanchett is competing against brie Larson Jennifer Lawrence charlotte trampling and sear sharon and the many anticipated with hollywoods leading ladies will be wearing. Its a great way for me to express whats happening on the inside inside the governors ball celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck steve is preparing more than fifty dishes for sixteen hundred guests including a new doughnut recipes and little bit of prosperity link on here and can be framed and while backstage final rehearsals are underway for two time host chris rock i think hes going to do a great job hes done it before its anybodys guess what else i imagine he will discuss the diversity controversy. The second year the acting nominees are white spot like this years shining bright and will be and nothing blocking the oscar red carpet at the oscars fashion you can expect some loud moments and some of the presenters including charlie staring Kerry Washington lady ga ga and Sofia Vergara radio abc news hollywood. Sorry brandy hit millions of people be watching the oscars tomorrow going to watch it with us we are throwing a big Oscar Viewing Party we i inviting everybody to walk the red carpet get pictures with this big statue behind citation for about a whole lot of fun for everybody ought to come out and join us at the Pemberton Meadows cinema cafe and its going to be a blast its thats near Virginia Beach town center doors open at seven forty five tomorrow night if you cant make it. Were going to stay in touch with you on social media use the hashtag thirteen oscars yet a great party to be so much finance that comes out theirs will have a good time food and games and obviously watching us to actually solve the only nominated picture of tom hanks film the theater its a great place to watch a film so how can i show up were going to have a blast we hope to see you there yeah you know it can be perfect the weather tomorrow ill be talking a big warm up see that . Jills gobbling up our birds eye teriyaki broccoli. mindblowing sound and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. mindblowing sound everybodys a veggie lover now. What do you think . mindblowing sound mind blown. Birds eye flavor full. Ive been a turkey farmer my whole life. And i raise turkey for shady brook farms. We dont use growthpromoting antibiotics, thats just the way things should be done. Thats important to me. My name is glenn, and im an independent turkey farmer. female announcer shady brbrk farms. No growthpromoting antibiotics, it was a cold start to this saturday mornings are kicking off the weekend on a cold no but were going to end the weekend on a very mild notes if youre heading out early this morning youll definitely need to bundle up weve got a lot of temperatures below freezing heres a live look outside right now overlooking Virginia Beach from our western can clear skies plenty of sunshine just a few very thin high clouds other closer to the water thats really about it now temperatures i mention are mostly that in just a second but satellite radar sleeping mainly clear again we did have those clouds continuing to push offshore so we will see a lot of sunshine as we had throughout the day all due to High Pressure weve got High Pressure building to our south. It will slowly slide across the gulf states as we head into sunday and then eventually on shore with that the jet stream will live farther to the north that can allow us to tap into a southerly wind on sunday and so that means a milder conditions continued sunshine has been a really nice and to the weekends are starting off right now with temperatures especially farther and one and the low twenties right along the ninety five chord or as we had to write the rest of the Morning Hours with the temperatures slowly climbing into the forties by lunchtime many locations and the low even some mid forties will top out right around forty six degrees by this action and a little bit warmer along the northeastern North Carolina closer to fifty but if you have any plans are heading out this evening. Definitely keep temperatures falling quickly back into the low forties and upper thirties by eight nine oclock and then overnight tonight will see mainly Clear Conditions when still fairly light that will allow again temperatures to fall but winds will shift out of the southwest overnight as the temperatures are going to be quite as cold tomorrow morning as what were seeing this morning and then by tomorrow afternoon again that southerly wind will boost temperatures all the way into the sixties by tomorrow afternoon for today though it will be chilly especially for late february we should see temperatures in the low fifties this time of the year only forty six degrees and then tonight will climb near forty. As we head into your sunday morning to a mainly clear with temperatures generally in them and the ad mid to upper thirty s has a look at the marine forecast we dont have any small craft advisories in effect for the day or the ocean so that some good news and the ways one to two feet for the day i oh yeah we talk seventy forecasts were thrilled to talk about this one. Yeah i know its a pretty good forecast coming up the next couple of days chilly today a cold start this morning so if youre heading out definitely bundle at a work in a climate of the sixties on sunday mid sixties by monday a weak front will move through temperatures all that much on tuesday but then weve got a stronger cold front thats going to move through wednesday backed likely to produce some scattered showers maybe a few thunderstorms as well well keep an eye on as we head closer to wednesday but behind that front given a drop back into the forties thursday and into friday but most of the week not looking bad at all. Weve been talking about waverly a lot it will be good weather for the Recovery Efforts for their volunteer good weather for three days to help those folks out of our nation for joining us on and as part of a shortage on is the next edition of Coastal Connections with it a hike and help out the children at good morning, america. Playing the trump card. The president ial candidates bombshell endorsement, a former foe signing on. There is no better fighter than donald trump. Now doubleteaming marco rubio. He was putting on makeup with a trowel. Rubio, meanwhile, taking his own swipes. He was having a meltdown. The latest twists and turns and the predictions for todays democratic primary in South Carolina as we head into a crucial super tuesday. Zika alert. The cdcs startling report. The american pregnant women who visited countries with zika outbreaks. What happened . Plus, the new travel advice from health officials. Our dr. Besser tells you what you need to know. Opening up, the superstar Jennifer Garner talking for the first time about her breakup

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