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Pushing towards hatteras and see what will side the camera over little bit and luke this radar and you can see how some of this whether down around smithfield North Carolina down to newton grove this up is kind of drifting off to the north northeast will see some of this moisture kind of streaming into the picture a little bit later i was in tracking showers out to the west over the mountains and mixed precipitation from high elevations for our area again were dry right now temperatures still in the low to mid forties in the upper forties to mid fifties across the immediate metro close to the co she finds warmer readings. Lets take a quick look at the twenty four hour temperature change or very close to or yesterday but in general temperatures through the afternoon will top out around fifty to maybe fifty three degrees officially some of those coastal areas a little bit warmer and we do have the chance three for hockey season. Isolated showers could develop to have that chance not a tremendous chance but enough that i want to keep an umbrella with you if youre out about this overnight into tomorrow things will drive back out we will see more chances for rain tomorrow night into early sunday and that a big drop in temperatures and ill be back to a all about that coming up stay tuned. Eric i think you knew at noon police say they have arrested a man in a stabbing and attempted robbery case and a Virginia Beach gas station several charges including assault and Robbery Police say that he cut a clerk yesterday during an attempted robbery at the citgo on Diamond Springs road. Thats right the clerk went to the hospital but is recovering dustin is in the Virginia Beach Correctional Center without bond and i want to get to that breaking news that we were talking about how weve mentioned earlier weve got some breaking news coming out of norfolk weve learned that the city treasurer anthony perfect. I was indicted on multiple criminal charges and Marcella Robertson has that story right now. Yellow antennae bar fight and the treasurer for the city of norfolk indicted on several perjury and wire fraud now this entire investigation was led by the fbi the indictment that was unsealed just this morning show that burke would use his official capacity as vice mayor councilman and treasurer for his own personal gain and those Court Records show that he accepted money gifts and other things from people who want to vote from city council in return one of those being that part of the Development Company tie that snow that companys president is now currently serving a four year sentence in federal prison for fraud according to Court Records the scheme all started in two thousand five when all the way until february of two thousand eleven now again gabbert has been indicted that indictment was just unsealed this morning were going to continue to look to that entire thirty two page indictment for you keep digging into that or what is expected to appear here in Norfolk Federal Court he will be arraigned at two thirty this morning with of course be there well have much more on this story. Starting tonight at four live in norfolk Marcella Robertson thirty years now are tmr so i think you were going to go back to a story that weve yourself before we went to marcella new at noon. Police say theyve arrested a man in a stabbing and attempted robbery at a Virginia Beach gas station once again as we just told you cards that johnston faces several charges including assault and Robbery Police say he cut a clerk yesterday during an attempted robbery at the citgo gas station on Diamond Springs road back lerh went to the hospital but he is recovering. Dunst another we have his picture is in the Virginia Beach Correctional Center without bond. Get some new information for this noon on a multi vehicle accident white county that left one driver heard the crash on route seventeen shut down roads for hour the river there for our state police tell us it involves six different vehicles not trip or say that the driver to pick up truck eric blair tried to make a sudden lane change to avoid traffic now when he did that trooper say that player randy tractor trailer off the road you see right there the driver that the drake tried to swerve to avoid hitting the truck lost control and as you see right there overturned pickup hit two other vehicles vehicles as well. The tractor trailer driver suffered injuries. Blair is charged with reckless driving Hampton Roads transit is celebrating a brand new bus transfer station today it is in downtown norfolk and it sits on sinkholes boulevard yeah the city of knowledge is calling it a new era in Regional Transit riders and elegant longer going to have to wait in the simmering heat or the freezing cold to catch a bus route is there live now to find out more on those new amenities and what writers have to look for to elise fender lucy you guys took the words right outta my mouth it means alot to writers not to have to stand outside the harsh weather mean id been there myself even sometimes freeze is standing outside announced today that the city of norfolk and other people cut the ribbon down here across the city all around to four Million Dollars plus a little over two and a half million was invested from the coming months a mere paul fray and other stakeholders cut average of five to six thousand people will come through this bus station and daily while theyre waiting to catch a ride to campus to inside a climate controlled area or use the bathroom or even speak with customer service. Theres also cameras for safety. We wanted to build this facility not offer not only for the convenience but the people who ride our public transit. I have to know that the card should feel like the experience is respectful dignified and welcoming. Ines what is really our hope is that it will encourage more people to use transit is coming up as for here how one mom says this new bus station will really help her out in norfolk. Elise brown thirteen years now you at noon after being delayed because of weather earlier this week the uss can what is now at sea while deployed the crew will supply food fuel and supplies the navy vessels in the mediterranean military replenishment boiler and its all civilian crew of eighty nine merchant mariners left naval station norfolk this morning. Are we provide the fuel ds and diesel fuel for the navy in jet fuel for the aircraft carriers and we also provide the food the ships five one of the best crews in the fleet that these guys take their jobs and run with a very experience for us in the scandal will be deployed for at least six months meaning that they will not be coming home until july at noon an suv slammed into a school bus and charlotte sending eight children to a hospital you can see part of the accident on the Surveillance Video after the suv crashes another car hits the boss goes up in smoke. Thankfully some people nearby managed to jump in and the bus driver with the mayors going to come all the and i got on the bus and double check to make sure there were no kids on the bus thank goodness everyone is expected to be ok police say that the driver of the suv ran a red light before hitting the boss but they have not filed any charges just yet. Still ahead on newsnight new donald trump goes to Bernie Sanders stomping grounds in vermont on the campaign trail much more on how he was met with a not so warm welcome and i very wild nights at donald trump rally in vermonts the gop frontrunner was met with protests during his Campaign Events and meanwhile maines governor Chris Christie supporter is ignited a firestorm with controversial remarks being from washington today is on to South Carolina for donald trump but overnight a bottle to welcome the little backyard or Bernie Sanders get him out take him out the gop frontrunner erupted drowned out and screamed at by demonstrators in burlington vermont and that hundreds of people cheered on the billionaire all those protesters got the boot. Many of them supporters of sanders the vermont senator and trump couldnt be anymore different policy but their campaigns are both drawing big crowds Bernie Sanders in downtown both are fishing from a similar pot which is independent voters who are working class whites. Sanders was on the phone with Political Group democracy for america while trump was in his home state i would love love love to run again donald trump but theres another political controversy brewing involving Chris Christie and his supporter said this about drug traffickers in the state these are guys in the name the money smoothie should he have the appetite and impregnated a young white girl early this morning the page held a News Conference to say hes not perfect any blame the media first press to hear the news to know christies rivals pounced or maybe he rebels the maine governor this morning. No response from Kristi Jeff Bowden abc News Washington president obama attends a town hall meeting with families and prosecutors say they are searching for the person behind fingerprint evidence they found last month into the december paris attacks they say belongs to the brother of one of the suicide bombers investigators raided an apartment in brussels that they say was the home of a bomb making operation of the search also turned up three suspected suicide belts and traces of explosives a philadelphia cop is lucky to be alive after a brazen gunman unleashed a barrage of bullets on the officer yesterday. Police are calling this an execution attempt the officer was driving when a gunman started unleashing all those bullets towards him the suspect a thirty three year old man fired at least thirteen times the officer was struck in his arm the officer returned fire striking the suspect at least three times. Police did take the shooter into custody right now he is being detained at the hospital or as obama went to George Mason University virginia last gun control proposals which he has to put into effect by executive action by passing the Republican Congress now in a town hall meeting broadcast on cnn the president expressed some of his main goals he admitted the moves wont stop the lack of tax but he said that the goal is to make progress all of us can agree that it makes sense to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of people who try to do others harm families present engaged in a town hall style forum and answer questions from the audience many in that audience were members of family members of victims of gun violence the mother the so called affluent routine is back in texas right now it on the couch is facing charges that she helped her son skip probation and hide out in mexico. Abcs matt got man has been on this case from the very start. He joins us now with the very latest this morning on the couches in los angeles to texas aboard is between seventy seven dreamliner and its court like a celebrity suspect in a special staircase off the plane and into a sheriffs van waiting right on the tarmac a suburban mom with a red ring which were a jacket over her handcuffs she was very quiet very reserved and respectful brought to the jail the sheriff himself vatican which was surprisingly few very close to. Shes expected to be arraigned this morning on the charge of hindering the apprehension of her son ethan couch know is the affluence a teen who pleaded guilty to twenty thirteen killing four people in a drunk driving crash the pair took off from texas in early december in time his truck bound for mexico state at this resort and partying at a strip joint where staffers tell abc news even racked up one thousand dollars tab one night he couldnt pay. Authorities finally catching up with him twenty eight but this morning fighting deportation back to texas. Hes wanted for violating his probation and that was not gotten reporting well for earthquake Strong Enough to cause moderate damage were reported in northwestern oklahoma was recent quake happened yesterday afternoon around two oclock the first one was recorded wednesday night was not reporting any damage or injuries but those tremors were felt all the way in Kansas U S Geological survey says up to eight states may be affected. Earthquakes have been linked to oil and Gas Production in the state and i can tell you is one who spent most of my childhood in the midwest those earthquakes unsettling year you think about on the west coast to think about other parts of the world that oklahoma missouri arkansas line they start to have some of those earthquakes to really catch we had a little bit better seventy two the afternoon up much earlier but maybe fifty three fifty four on property just a little bit i think fifty two is probably where were going to top our still a forty nine right now and weve got clouds out there now why are the temperatures just a little bit cooler than what we think weve got this persistent north northeast when theres a marine layer out there its been a little misty in spots. Not bad but down to the south we are picking up some showers were watching that movie and the wind streams you see the wins coming in from the northeast again keeping our temperatures down a little cooler now let you know how this bush i years can impact our plans for later today and the weekend before we get to that one has theres an area of low pressure this is not a tropical system but it is producing very strong winds Gale Force Winds really i just about Tropical Storm force and you can see out there this thing spinning is forecast to move off to the east northeast away from the coast and may be diving well keep an eye to it we are obviously out of the Hurricane Season but still a powerful extra tropical system out there that were monitoring now back to the rain and the threat of that as we head over the weekend the wet weather out to the west right now are still basically dry but i do think well see opportunities for a few isolated showers later this afternoon maybe i see the scattered out to the west thatll come through and then overnight generally cloudy skies so id say maybe twenty five to thirty percent chance for a few showers around here later this afternoon or tonight after that as we look ahead you want to see the clouds really sickening tomorrow afternoon evening that eventually some showers coming through good chances for rain late saturday night into early sunday if youve got plans ahead at church one extreme get that umbrella realli feel for those parking attendants out there helping direct traffic in the parking lots its likely going to be a shower e morning on sunday but by sunday afternoon look what happens we start cleared out it will get a lot cooler my word for it look at here our future cast projecting snow over West Virginia say you know that cold or ear set to move in were going to see highs early next week staying in the mid forties for several days lows or highs in the mid forties so obviously those wintertime temperatures settling in as we dip a little below normal monday thursday. Right now cloudy forty nine the winter ne twelve mph that marine layer socked in so its gonna remain mostly cloudy temperatures a little bit milder than normal if we hit fifty two right now forty nine thats where we typically are this time of year forty six a low tides needed shower possible and then tomorrow showers possible late really to rain tomorrow night. Looking ahead to the rest that seven day period. Look for the rain to move out early sunday at sea by midday we should be seeing drier conditions and sunshine late sunday. More sunshine early next week but quite a drop of a seriously love as the head with the building is to generate a strike. Arial today a special chance for some inmates at norfolk city jail the Sheriffs Office is organizing a family re union for inmates who have been participating in a Parenting Program the National Institute of corrections says that children with incarcerated parents are at higher risk of dropping out of school in getting involved in criminal activity the norfolk Sheriffs Office as better communication can help keep those kids on the right track. Lena loved ones with special needs often need special care coming up were going to tell you that a Program Available right here in Hampton Roads that those are serious smartphone skills. You just bought a gift for mom, changed your status to massive cold and posted a picture of your soup on the internet. Thumbs up to that, my friend. Your phone does it all. Thats why at Anthem Blue Cross blue shield we offer Online Solutions like livehealth online, which gives you access to doctor visits 24 7. Give it a shot. Anthem blue cross blue shield. I mean i hear stories all the time someone with alzheimers or autism is one away from their family and theyre desperately searching for them unfortunately many times the stories have tragic endings well thats where project lifesaver nationwide program to help out before someone goes missing. With all the details and often Sheriffs Office we have shared public a gossip all balances the Program Director for project lifesaver in norfolk thank you both for the modesto thank you thank you this is such an incredible program. I mean that we have here to nationwide program and its a really important problem we have stories just recently about loved ones whove wandered off and you know its a nationwide program but it got its infancy right here in chesapeake. John you are and through john really get and locally and now its national and i think its Even International i think of paula told me and you know its really a Wonderful Program and the main key is getting the word out so its really fantastic youre allowed us to come on again because we can get the word out enough that its available for any caregiver dont want to sign up their loved one that has any type of mental dementia or we have children with autism. So paul tell us how it works what happens. Well typically of the client will or will call us and a lot of questions in the beginning and will go out and sat down with them in the chi phi and care to discuss the issues thrown into some criteria typically we like to know that the person is prone to wander heehee and will put them on the program after filling out some paperwork until this little file on him so hell much transmitters or radio frequency transmitter of the gps and on so its a certain number in there thats a sign of them when they go wandering of the caregiver will call us over the last place team with our receivers which were looking at right now this is the receiver that you would use and will start the search and rescue team asserts from last posting. How quickly can you find someone with once they happen to this transmitters on oil but thats thats a good thing about this thirty minutes is the National Average while using project lifesaver technology. Ok somebody wants to find out more bout of cost involved costing the city and offer code is ten dollars a month but it varies you were lucky here every city in Hampton Roads has project lifesaver he and the costs vary from city to see the word ten dollars best buy should get someone to give it some even turn in other cities it okay if they give you guys a call at the three to a twenty four eighty five number you can hook them up with witty and absolutely and you know paul doesnt want to mention it because hes than any other known agency in the whole country which is so very active and so does a great cooperation between all the localities both locally statewide and nationally everybody works together now the gray skies over downtown all the snow banks are still in party fighting with the scratch track and the chance for showers heading into the weekend we have an update for you in just a bit but first lets take a look at todays top stories. And here is norfolk city treasurer anthony barr foot indicted on criminal charges in Court Documents obtained by thirteen years now barefoot is charged with wire fraud perjury and several other charges hes accused of using payments in exchange for official actions that is now sticking to that story will have much more on thirteen is now at four in Hampton Roads transit had a Ribbon Cutting ceremony for its new its bus transfer station. The new facility in downtown norfolk on sinkholes boulevard has Indoor Seating so that riders will have to wait in the colder the rain and designated spots for each bus so riders can easily find the bus they need this new Downtown Norfolk Transit Center cost the city around four Million Dollars. Well after weather delayed the us and is kennys now and see what the play that crew is going to supply food fuel and supplies to navy vessels in the Mediterranean Sea the military sea lift command fleet replenishment oil or is it all civilian crew of eighty nine merchant mariners left naval station norfolk this morning that it is now which is the often very fast on the mission. All right now to another story some anxious moments on United Airlines flight that forced an screening reportedly attacking the Flight Attendants last night. This is what happen actually much of it caught on camera. Abcs Martha Gonzales reports on the Police Questioning this woman after an in flight outburst last night i forced pilots to make an Emergency Landing of a United Express flight with sixty nine passengers and four crew members onboard took off from new Yorks Laguardia airport just after seven pm headed for chicago thirty minutes into the flight the passenger reportedly asked if she could get off the plane i won a Flight Attendant said no the passengers claim the woman lost control the growing crazy and actor and start scratching her face and return it was at one point the woman reportedly yelled that she was bipolar witnesses say she started attacking another woman and thats when three other her around and youre right im through with some cdos in some guy used his necktie to tie her wrists or ankles pilots diverted to detroit where police were waiting they then handcuffed the woman took her off the plane and into custody the flight then continued on to chicago. Marci gonzalez abc News New York north korea staged a rally today bring out thousands of people to demonstrate support for the countrys nuclear test this week more than a hundred thousand people took part this kind of mass rally can take place several times a year when ever authorities want to emphasize important policies or events comes days after north korea says that they successfully tested a Hydrogen Bomb a claim doubted by the International Community in south korea is pushing back against the recent bomb testing the South Korean Parliament passed a resolution denouncing north koreas Fourth Nuclear test the resolution called the test an act of serious provocation threatening korean citizens resolution urges north korea to stop its Nuclear Development plans and new at noon Est Department officials just released another three thousand pages of e mails from former secretary of state Hillary Clintons private email account of what actually missed a court order by a week to release those e mails now sixty five of those documents contain information that authorities had deemed confidential so far the department has been leased forty three thousand e mails you at noon the Labor Department just released the december jobs report and the numbers are much stronger than expected. Employers added two hundred and ninety two thousand jobs in december very strong indication that the economy may be immune to or seen globally expanding a solid pace this year the government said employers added fifty thousand more jobs in october and november than previously estimated. As for the Unemployment Rate held steady at five percent of the Consumer Electronics show in vegas is showcasing this year including this. How about your very own personal robot companion pena que ella no school items are just some of the things to look for to his ear. Yeah not the summer also afford to the Powerball Lottery reaching a record high eight hundred Million Dollars now what if you bought a ticket with your pick pick the consumer electronic show week. Innovators and designers are rolling out the most state of the art gadgets and electronics for twenty sixteen. Yet its a fun charlie loves this one to many of them are going to be in your homes before you know heres the highlighted ones drowns while they were hot item for the holidays and this we see right here probably the easiest one to fly because it flies itself it is called lonely and its a camera drone that follows you wherever you go. It won the ces Innovation Award and you can pre order one if youd like a five hundred dollars those things is getting cheaper. Hes just getting more and more impressive youve heard of the four k now the eight k resolution is the highest ever sees this year are as thin as a couple of credit cards stacked together they start off with a pretty high price tag though but the good news. They always come down to scout a way that they are right move over jacksons you can get your own personal robot this year check out this is pepper a four foot tall personal helper. It can and learns as it communicates with you. The french and Japanese Company that make up or say the hope is to see a robotic personal helper in every household in the future i can unload the dishwasher my gosh where do the laundry here we go from there i have for either an unusual surrogate birth story that you just have to see the way its so beautiful a person a okay. So right now, everyone is saying, hurry you gotta get fios. But why . Well, because theres never been a better time to get a greatdeal from fios, the Fastest Internet and wifi available. Only fios has speeds from 50 to 500 megs. Because your devices run better on a better internet. And for just 79. 99 a month online, you can get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for yourfirst year. Plus with a 2year agreement, fios gives you 400 back, and all of the premium movie channels for a year. This is your last chance. Offer ends january 16th. There it is. That confident walk. The kind that comes to those who know how to save a little money here and there. And you, sir, definitely know how to save a little money here and there. Thats why at Anthem Blue Cross blue shield well find you an Affordable Health insurance plan, like one where you pay nothing extra for preventive care. Now thats nice Anthem Blue Cross blue shield. Youve got the will. Weve got the way. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Scary. Wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window . Not zany enough . Sometimes the best deals are pretty plain to see. Another headline grabbing a lot of attention a fifty four year old woman who gave birth to her granddaughter how the woman acted as a surrogate for her daughter struggle for years to have a baby after years of infertility and miscarriages the young woman was desperate to become a mother and that is when she says her own mom stepped in voluntary as a circuit this opportunity came and it was something that god presented to us and years old and pregnant and therapy that i had to go through wasnt a piece of cake but in the end on tuesday doctors performed a c section on the grandmother and that baby girl look at what theyre born healthy did you see the speed of an Assembly Line died out there ready waiting on a beautiful baby i power numbers the Powerball Jackpot might be a little easier to hit its when the whole office those into the hot yellow but if you all well and well thats when problems start more on the gifts and back now to that record Powerball Jackpot that leno will be complaining if they win what is now its just been announced eight hundred Million Dollar prize believable they could mean some problems especially if you are in an office pool abcs the j holmes is back to tell us what you need to all the Lottery Office pool seems like good clean fun actually with and the fighting begins. This group of California Co workers who barely had time to celebrate their three hundred and fifty Million Dollar prize when they were sued by four co workers who claim that they had oral agreements to be part of the office pool construction worker in new jersey he was in charge of buying lottery tickets for his work pool without telling anyone claimed a thirty eight Million Dollar jackpot as his own he was sued and lost confusion lack of clarity miscommunication and greed can come into play when hundreds of millions of dollars or six i went to the office of home polish were fifteen of the interior designers are in the powerball pool or that sixty the window of the this is the most unprepared the girl was in the group is just going in together on seventy seven powerball they do they actually want to work at the same time sad but its not all bad Real Estate Office in Florida Beach and even though the new girl had no money for tickets they still cut her in the fact that we get to share an experience most never having a lifetime winning the powerball. We grew closer now theyre all really good really great friends and ready to get richer. I feel a hundred percent confident that in this group of lottery tickets. Well hit the seven hundred million where i collect everybody again the jackpot is now up two hundred Million Dollars the largest ever in lottery history. Remember to tune into their teens now tomorrow the powerball trying for all of you with tickets in hand once again we wish you lots of luck all the toy dog shelter will soon be offering a fairly unusual pets for silvery gray pit bull mix named cody who arrived at the detroit based rescue shelter on tuesday cody came in with a serious case of pneumonia the dog was listed as male but then on the inspection. Cody turned out to have both sex organs the shelters director hopes that cody may provide therapy for transgender residents guess what it is official be on say is going to perform the halftime show for super bowl fifty to confirm that the singer will join coldplay during the show no fiance no stranger to the super bowl to the stage back in twenty thirteen super bowl fifty by the way is for february seven at and buy stadium in santa clara california. O the fiance while rex is good stuff out and put a ring on it. The weather and thought they get back to the lab thirty news production staff has been putting together those pools and see if they hit if they hit the whole staff gone to be Lucy Bustamante working camera once an on camera to an outing to help other lets take a look at the spot on forecasts yesterday we were calling for fifty three dx was fifty one. So thats a win and then take a look at todays. This is gonna be a nail biter i can tell you i e she was working last evening we talked about this i should throw out fifty four friday juicy know her go without or maybe a little bit cooler i came in this morning kind of split heres a little bit sad though we wont change much going to go with that one right now are sitting at forty nine if we dont get a couple degrees warmer the streak is in jeopardy we shall see i can tell you this morning even looking at the new stuff that came and it was still pointing for a high close to fifty four so it looks now probably fifty to maybe fifty three for a high that would be good our streak alive but its gonna be close and a shower just talking about and fingers are crossed temperatures tonight are going to fall back into the upper forties is a slight chance for a few sprinkles probably seen much right here just yet but down to the south we are tracking a few showers will continue to watch that i can expand the view and again she the winfield across the region and were also talking kitchen is the last half hour to this area of low pressure right here. Not a tropical system but producing very strong winds winds gusting up over Tropical Storm force and is a gale out there it is forecast to move the weights were not too worried about that here we do have some rain to see the attendance figures moving off to the east northeast system is out there its going to push through and we will see the cooler readings so thats what were gonna find as we go through the weekend and into early next week our temperatures warm up through sunday and that front comes through and the temperatures drop off considerably mid forties for your monday tuesday wednesday and again id use it maybe a couple showers this afternoon but a better chance tomorrow night into early so i get your lottery tickets to saturdays pink day eight hundred Million Dollars e its about time the taco. Came out of its shell. Unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. Its always worth remembering. That icing the Cinnamon Rolls is a privilege not a right. Unleash the power of dough. Wanna drop those holiday pounds but think you dont have

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