Transcripts For WVEC 13 News 6 20160212 :

Transcripts For WVEC 13 News 6 20160212

and one to three to the south so that worked out. now the big news is temperatures and wind chills will fall it'll feel like the teens by morning and that isn't even as cold as we're talking four tomorrow night i'll be back with those details coming up takes us to north carolina in elizabeth city the snow fell steadily for hours. you can see in this video some of that snow started to stick to the ground tonight of course the worry is that snow melting and re freezing into black ice. thirteen is now reporter jimmy lee is live for us in elizabeth city well it started snowing out here around one o'clock this afternoon at first it was coming down really hard and fast but as you can see right now it has really slowed down and we know he could see on your screen but we're getting some really really light flurries out here right now so this is pretty much all we got today maybe about an inch of snow and take a look at the roadway they look really really good right now but could prove to be different because the pavement in sweat and we could get a re freeze a couple of puppies from the inside and hibernate for the folks in elizabeth city are ready for the meanwhile public works crews are loading up both of their salt trucks to help melt snow and ice but if we get more than four inches enough to have contact with on call and we can give them a call and they'll be all ready to come out mrs yesterday and cdot pre treated the roads impassable tank and in current top counties with the lives of a city street superintendent doug davis says they're prepared for the re freeze over the weekend with plenty of sand and salt. but if they need more help me a call away we do i will mention too that we do have backup for on phone call and they'll have us we have to have our backs corps also is concerned the public works crews say they will be monitoring all this weekend because the temperatures are going to be so low so if you are going to be on the roadways just keep just be mindful that they might be icy out there for now reporting live in elizabeth city and jenny me thirteen years now. right the threat of severe weather sent some people racing to stores people in kitty hawk tried to stock up quickly eric came up with some of those last minute shop and will they be given an update on the condition in say really as lane of white and then when it's still very messy on the main roads like north roads and highway behind me still very slushy a lot of people heading home right now and waiting out a snowy weekend the messy commute home friday dare county with blanketing snow fall. lots of bad drivers out there is people use to it so interesting to share and see you responsible for clearing two hundred and twenty six miles of primary and secondary roads in the county but those living off them fend for themselves were not equipped for it with up to three inches of snowfall in the forecast people living in kitty hawk in to ace hardware area. i'm pretty good picking up the tools needed to beat the winter weather is not a whole lot of panic but people are definitely preparing for it they're buying a lot of ice snow shovels to get some some rock salt just make sure it's safe so nobody slips and falls. jim douglas is putting this all down at his restaurant which might be quieter this holiday weekend because of the storm. usually it's a busy weekend with president's day and all but i'm afraid there's no reason to come down here if it's if it's this cold in beach a problem with this storm during the winter storm warning is in effect for this area reporting live in dare county eric came thirteen years now. we're continuing to follow breaking news out of chesapeake the discovery of a meth lab police and hazmat teams have been on the scene and a home on meadows landing all day long that's off portsmouth boulevard and old taylor road show heard live on the scene for us to give us more details about what police have out there two new guys just before his assistant alan white. the sheriff's office in searching a search warrant right here this morning at about ten thirty during the search they discovered a meth lab in a shed behind the home the man living here was arrested by the isle of wight shares office for fraud. right now chesapeake they're facing narcotics charges here in chesapeake. he is certain those nice charges are jail in itself it i dismounted the next store neighbor who tells me these people have been living here for about six months and they are shocked right now because they save the people living here generally are pretty quiet and keep to themselves overall this neighborhood is quiet not much police activity they say crews were out here pretty much all day this morning. hazmat crews moving things in and out of the shed will have much more coming up later tonight on thirty news now live in the speech to her thirteen years now a seven year old cancer patient gets the cards to ask our own christine is vertigo to be his valentine coming up see the surprise and made his day extra special. but first our storm coverage continues as . well as the snow stops falling there are still some very serious weather can start. that's right the freezing temperatures the cold could be dangerous for anyone outside today but there are resources to help people who need a warm place to go annie le beau is live in one of those places in chesapeake aaron and friday in the people in iran these emergency shelters are absolutely amazing not only are they volunteering their time but they're trying to make this stays for people here as accommodating as possible providing food shelter and a little bit more here at st theresa catholic church in gsp take a listen we have a podiatrist bad checks to be. we have a barber isn't hair cause those are just a few of the things people with a group portsmouth for the homeless are offering is their way of comfortable as possible. they bring in the home is from portsmouth to st theresa catholic church in chesapeake for overnight stays as the temperatures outdoors get colder. they're doing something a little bit different. word has it the whole weekend they're staying here at church all through saturday in the sunday volunteers say the shelter is about more than providing a warm place to stay. it's about lending a hand to someone in need. we are so fortunate we have sown much and read me to have the truly in need. you know if you look classy everyone is almost like one paycheck away from being homeless and you are correctly they are allowing people to stay here at the church throughout the entire week up until sunday in other stories i've ever done. i've never heard of anyone doing that when they need is great is cold make sure people have a safe warm place to be avoiding in chesapeake i married about thirteen years now. all right coming up a store you don't wanna miss a cancer patient as our very own christine as for j co to be his valentine more on the special surprise just ahead. and here's the latest look at the virginia beach oceanfront the latest on your cold at humana, we know when you have your health... ...great things are ahead of you like seeing old friends or making new ones, learning some moves or showing off your skills and being free to keep on exploring. choose a humana medicare plan for the care you need... for everything that's ahead. humana. start with healthy. those who hire them we've been talking about the cold weather all day but here's one of those stories that just warms the heart well valentine's weekend of course begins tonight in christina's for j co has an inspirational story to tell us about a young man named adrian as an agent is so special is so great he began his battle with cancer just adrian outside see skating mom us ask me on a valentine's day table was too shy and silly she did and i of course couldn't say so on can you blame me. seven year old adrian rodriguez on his way to what he thinks is yet another doctor's appointment at c h katie the three little did he know a surprise was right around the corner memory wanted to be my valentine the soviet era cell id we went to ice cream. plenty of sweet treats were on the menu i promise you those cupcakes skinny dip frozen yogurt bar it was our place of choice for valentine's day or a moment in time to know when that ice cream float freely in the feeder toppings filled waiting including a jury and forgot that he's battling a potentially deadly disease the cute one for wes to continue a trance mother could wander rodriguez says it was three months ago when adrian was rushed to the hospital for a backache after a few tests doctors broke the news that forever changed. this family's life i owe everything drop this whole world says he is in its most part since then. adrian has been undergoing weekly chemo treatments and blood transfusions. most days over there where they're from like eight thirty in the rain and thunder alaska to leave at like five thirty six o'clock meaning it was after one of those long days that i first met adrian he saw me reporting outside the hospital and mustered up the courage to ask me to be your way later tonight or land on playing hard to believe that this mature yet still fragile child is going through so much the now larger than life smile will continue lighting up the lives of so many makes me happy and he's been thing that really keeps us strong and most days like he'll say he scared but i think i was done that that's what makes him breathe is because he can emit and the actual date i knew the whole crew here at thirteen years now and love to meet him so we brought our free time and i'm sure i'm adrian is enjoying his day was usually just a few no's are taken to the news this special special day that's for sure going alright for the most part the steady snow is over with a little bit of flurry activity across parts of the area saw a couple of ago and you can see again most of the significant snow is definitely off short this point just a few very very light patches definitely some heavier snow at one point took a while though it was so dried out the earth's surface than that it just had to fall evaporate get that area little more moist another ten feed you know gets moisten another ten feet and after couple of hours to get all the way down the ground so still some left over slightly heavier precipitation down your back to ampang go definitely a little bit more on the eastern shore this little sore a batch of the southeast the bone and is definitely more than just the floor east a little bit of a light snow area and over stingray points the little bit of light snow but the point things are winding down. highs today generally about thirty to thirty one at lori's right now and twenty seven while it's breezy and cold twenty eight degrees i'll actually probably stay steady maybe even go up a and then will start to drop after midnight as the wind shifts around and really starts to come in pretty briskly out of the north that will usher in that colder air right now twenty seven also in newport news recently twenty six wall of silence here the only one reporting officially any snow and that's just a light flurry and twenty nine degrees down in elizabeth city. so for the evening. notice the moisture pulling on out as expected in terms of the timing with a little bit of a bay effect possibility across the eastern shore tomorrow at any time of the day morning and even in the afternoon the air is going to be so cold that it passes over the relatively warm waters a lot like i hear about lake erie and lake ontario. when we can get really cold around here we can get that once in awhile so watch for that potential and then look at the lows as we get into sunday morning is going to be in the teens in with a breeze and feel like the single digits and if this one goes around enough to the north which i think it get a little bit of ocean effect snow around kill devil hills we had that about a month month and a half ago here's that system on the zoom in on it for you little bit notice the really darker blues and stuff tended to stay down here to the south as we had talked about so pretty light amounts across most of the region and then he got down a little bit closer to the state line and southward from there and it got heavier so some leftover flurries ending. watch out for the slick road so how much actually fell before we got to the flurry part of things. nisha standing by with that information well as you mentioned yes we did see some of the higher the highest totals with this system across north carolina kill devil hill that three inches off for an evening to north carolina about what about one point three inches and elizabeth city chess appearing right about one inch and then north texas on the eye lowest amounts of from the fbi's particular cities at about half of an inch but as you had a little bit farther at the finance laws of the middle peninsula didn't really pick up on too that for the past several days with this system because we didn't have so much dry air in place was really hard to get that snow to fall as a started showing up on radar but we are going to continue to clear things out and we've got some cold air headed our way for the weekend right jeff. absolutely we talked about the temperatures tomorrow night being down into the teens with future cast even tonight it'll feel like the teens as actual air temperatures get down to the twenties by morning and then for february that is really cold especially about fifty fifty one this time you're going to be freezing at best and then twenty five already by early tomorrow evening seventeen by morning it'll feel like the teens are to be single digits and lower teens for an actual air temperature for inland areas and then twenty seven on sunday. that's why i looked up what the record coldest high temperature ever was on that date and it goes back a while but it was twenty three and i think we will get above twenty three but still one of teams we will ever had and on monday little light mix changing over some rain some heavy rain then monday night tuesday as temperatures get that close to where they should be high. taipei sept twenty four hours ago scott casper called out several numbers to do basketball tonight is our new life in a minute all the work last night i am less than i was busy on another story and missed the first half of . oh you must of thought the start time last night was eight o'clock because they were pretty bad and for the first hour of the game that actually started at seven they trailed north texas by three at halftime and the second and trey freeman got some help from his friends and may kill one of four players in double figures the big star the night really was brandon stanton a career high in points with seventeen eleven rebounds. the monarchs won its sixty seven forty seven that is four straight wins coach jeff jones gave them a talking to a half ended in a lot of things better after that the energy to post challenges in the locker room to improve so that they are clearly supposed to be one now makes a run down the stretch. well there's never any guarantees in the truth is if we play the way we played in the second half than we can continue winning basketball games but you gotta bring it every day leading scorer in the acc return home last night at barber had his jersey retired by hampton high ronald curry also had his couple years back number twelve for the travers is a big deal for him to receive this honor on his day playing only one person god has done so with amy been saying prayers is vey proud of myself in a rhythm on my desk recently due to this point had a pretty proud of them to i think scott and the thirteen is now at six o'clock you're up to date and the solace of the latest weather headlines breaking news anytime but thirteen is now the common be watching the weather this evening in what donald trump just threatened to do. trump tonight saying he might sue ted cruz over being born in canada. bernie sanders is asked, is he standing in the way of history? the first woman president. how he answers. and a horrific machete attack at an american accident. and, temperatures not seen in almost 100 years. silence broken. >> could you have prevented what happened to columbine? and tim tebow is here tonight. hard to imagine he had trouble at the prom. tonight, how he's helping thousands. good evening. great to have you with us on a busy friday night. breaking news in the race for

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