Transcripts For WVEC 13 News 4 20160211 :

Transcripts For WVEC 13 News 4 20160211

let's get a storm coming like almost over yet but stay south you're in for some snowy weather we've been talking about this storm since at least eased and i think it was monday that we started mentioning it clear skies out there right now but the fact that we're going to have some very cold air out there tonight. you can see there's nothing on radar right now that is absolutely going to change by tomorrow morning probably already be showing up with snow on radar that some that will be reaching the ground because the air is so dry one to show the regional temperatures this time because you can really see the difference between the cold air and then the milder air less cold air down to the south and it's right sort of in here where you separate the thirties from around forty and that's where the relic of rain snow line is going to be when i show you just one computer model and how again we've been talking for days how north carolina would have the heaviest amounts of precipitation would get lighter as you went to the north. i think this is a i also think that these amounts could be a little bit low here so this is not what we're going to forecast but is the general idea behind the thinking we're still working on our exact map will have that for you coming up shortly but again tonight teens for some areas twenties for everybody else and that leads to this kind of a forecast for tomorrow afternoon. more coming up why we have storm mode team coverage of the system jeff is tracking for areas in the works crews are watching too because they need to get ready to keep us safe on the roads. jimmy lee is live right now. yet the city of norfolk and three brine trucks out today pre treating bridges and overpasses and the primary roadways there was one actually out here about thirty minutes ago working on that overpass right there and tomorrow they'll be out here bright and early doing this same our morning with the norfolk public works crews today as they loaded up their truck thing came up with their game plan to actually make their own brine which is just a mixture of water and salt mixed into a nice huge tanks and then once all that salt is dissolved. napalm bomb that brine into the trucks and semi trucks out. now this is pretty watch what pretty much what most of our cities are doing right now to prepare is that pre treatment with that ryne one to actually start snowing tomorrow liam i hear and determine exactly how many salt trucks and spiders they need to send out and told me actually won't start plowing the snow unless we get more than two inches. it's weird or wasting time really it's not it's not worth it. but the plows out not pushing the snow and traffic will just get rid of anything less than two inches tall the tempest of starting around thirty two degrees and will start adding some salt to help the in coming up at five and six i'll tell you what our cities are doing to prepare for this weekend when the temperatures really drop in the roads freeze over for now reporting live in or think i'm jenny. thirteen is now app bundle up the sides on their team our digital team is working hard to get you ready to check out winter weather guide online has a bunch of great information for how to prepare at home staying safe on the road a lot more you'll find it in the weather section on thirteen years now dot com and stay tuned. jeff have another update for you in a spot on forecasts about ten minutes from other news now hampton police arrested a fourteen year old girl after she allegedly assaulted a school bus driver the incident happened around eight thirty this morning on grimes wrote a viewer sent us this picture of the scene the fifty nine year old school bus driver told police the teen assaulted her the driver was taken to a bumps and bruises. no word yet on if any charges will be filed happen city schools released a statement today saying in part the behavior of this tune is unacceptable and the division will discipline the student according to the agency as rights and responsibilities handful of allen virginia aims to stop people from smoking while children are in the car if they're caught they could face a one hundred dollar fine. now an officer would not be able to pull over someone for smoking as a primary offense. the driver would be fine if they're pulled over for other reasons the northern virginia delegate is pushing the bill to help protect children mother longs are still developing so this would apply to children who are under eight years old. a similar bill sponsored by then senator ralph northern failed in two thousand thirteen and now we have tracked the trouble to report in virginia beach so heads up if you're coming from norfolk on to sixty four east but to now track the camera. big traffic jam here just the ways you can see this in the two sixty four eastbound white around newtown road as you can see here we have one too for elaine's block at this point with a couple of lanes are for maybe three or four lanes right now. open passing the scene but a big jam behind this point to one to military highway so if you're headed in to virginia beach. may we use virginia beach boulevard as another route this afternoon and now is take a look at travel times here but head over to sixty four westbound if you're going to the hr bt at the drive that normally takes you eight minutes to get from grammy to the two now taking a team i might add a couple more minutes to that dreaded six sixty four south sound monitor merrimack newport news to someone taking you up quite a substantial amount of time more to get from twenty eighth street to college drive. we are busy this afternoon i have the latest in just a few minutes by the changing face of which dark world continues a ride to sixty four buildings are coming down and businesses more from the soon to be changing core door along which to grow the price is a third generation business on plans began to make a decision that they save his the business next door. he couldn't save him but there are technicians who work for prices transmissions a bit on the score for thirty eight years when the city first proposed the expansion of which road. curtis price worry how would he survive i don't think i caught a good night's sleep in thirty five months i think as an employer you have a duty to take care of the men that work for you or work with you is what i like to say right now because they don't work for me to work with me curtis finally made a decision with his day we bought it under threat that could be condemned and it was a huge gamble but if you don't own property rights when it comes in and a man you have a different set of rules of the play by and for thirty eight years their business work side by side see and it really came out of that was not enough room for harry and me and in order for us to survive and take care of these employees that have small children and small families. the business decision was to terminate his lease. this is harry's final week of feeding seat. we caught up with him and curtis perry takes away fond memories of fifty five years with his customers all the roadwork on all through the years but still come and enter to win three road projects the virginia beach still planning and thirteen news now almost a hundred new jobs are coming to south texas governor terry mcauliffe announced that insert child will invest more than sixteen million dollars to create an east coast distribution operation and supple and fertile markets and products tile and natural stone columns as virginia beat out south carolina for the project because the advantages such as distribution center will hire ninety employees the quick thinking saved the teenager's life never placed on their appreciation to some shipyard workers who saved the boy from frigid waters and the standoff at an oregon i never fully thank three shipyard workers after they help to save a tainted shot from the cap to celebrate yesterday morning that in fall at least sixty five feet into the water below. elise brown was at the shipyard when the shipyard heroes received recognition for their bravery. the workers got a call saying someone jumped off this bridge and it needed their help them and didn't waste any time going into rescue mode under the water was cold the morning was co probably forty degrees so we try to get some soon as possible three lion shipyard workers six year old boy who jumped off the campus celebration into the fridge and elizabeth river. their names. russell or christian crabtree and brian lindsay when we received a phone call we were west down the river looking up to one of our crane barges in and dropped everything and started their search this law officers brian top of the bridge and on the dock waiting for the police boat to arrive with any weapon the report was adamant so you know he was cold shiver shake you know he was coaching the hell they got him into the bow in her wrapped in jackets and thank you voters brought the team back to shore where police and medics waited officers thanked them and for their efforts in midst of really good. it was no pomp from us in order to get the motors said it upon themselves to say the young grateful for that long has this part of the album was noise and look out for other people taking to the hospital please see the team has a class a long is undergoing mental evaluation. i wanted a bite with the what happened or why god thought it was a blessing let these were in norfolk. elise brown thirteen years now after forty one days the fbi arrested the last four occupiers and the oregon wildlife refuge they'll surrender today after authorities moved on to the property yesterday the last holdout david frei live stream the phone call online before his surrender the fbi arrested all the occupiers without incident. each occupier faces multiple charges the takeover started all the way back on january second as a protest against federal land use policies concerning virginia power's have started a petition that the kick at the group called a stand for this island albemarle once the popular messenger app to comply with copper. that's the children's online privacy protection act right now kick doesn't have age verification. they also want parental controls that warn parents. the app may contain graphic images and sexual discussions this all comes after the kidnapping and murder of thirteen year old nicole level. police believe nicole met her alleged killer through kick produces for the latest star wars movie are facing charges british health officials issued criminal charges after harrison ford broke his leg on sat hydraulic door hit him while filming in london in two thousand and fourteen he needed to be airlifted to the hospital for surgery the production company faces charges for for breaches of workplace health and safety laws and a court hearing is scheduled for may the lord around the corner a new lab study found lead and cadmium and many popular chocolates as you sew conducted three rounds of lampasas on chocolates from companies such as hershey's mars and godiva twenty six of the forty two samples at unsafe levels of lead and cadmium. researchers don't know how the metal ended up in the chocolate but they believe possible reasons are industrial pollution mining and the manufacturing process yet again there's not enough snow for the idea to ride race in alaska the dog sled race starts about seventy five miles north of anchorage but snowfall there in the past two years only about two thirds of the normal year last year organizers face the same problem with most now so they started the race for the north and the big race begins on march. within twenty four hours we are tracking snow on radar the question is will only be across north carolina will likely be up over southside maybe some to the north as well. still some fine tuning to do the forecast we think we're pretty good general idea fact it's the same as we've been talking about really for the past couple of days getting a lot of advance warning campers right now in the mid thirties pressures holding steady. look how dry it is that the dew point three degrees that's the temple you have to lower the air to get fog and it is very very dry out there obviously can see the time lapse beautiful clear skies across the region today albeit chilly i mean it was definitely way way below normal as we've gone through the afternoon and we're still looking at generally clear conditions for most of the area will start to see the clouds though again moving up from south carolina talk about the thirty five here thirty four thirty six thirty seven other thirty six readings in a pretty tight the big thing to point out is that it is cold enough obviously down across north carolina just as well as it is here in terms the chances for snow and center to be closer to the storm you're going and up we think with the higher amounts from this system does happen all that often but when it does you certainly in a case like this can end up with more than we do here in metro areas or more than the peninsula by far so let's watch those temperatures tonight unfortunately getting down i think by morning into the teens and some of the inland areas we're going to call it mid twenties for everybody else generally let's say mid twenties for most of the region by morning no problems for the morning rush hour the first half of the day in fact no problems but by the afternoon probably want to clock maybe even noon if you're watching craig from noon to one tomorrow there's going to be some precipitation attract but they are still going to be pretty dry so a lot of that's going to tend to evaporate for an hour at least maybe a couple of hours and then little bit later. that's when we'll start to see the snow falling and accumulating it looks like with closer to that of moisture source a better chance for even some of the heavier amounts although a little bit of rain and sleet could try to mix in at times will show that a second but overall some very cold temperatures some of the far northern areas nothing more than flurries little bit of a chance of a dusting maybe in a few spots that we get a renegade little patch farther to the north for most of our metro area were going to say a dusting to two inches somewhere from a light dusting to a very heavy dusting in other words i want to get down lisbon city or south were two to four inches little bit of a remix eventually or sleet possibly coming as well you can see the beginnings of the system starting to swing around to the midwest snow develops them tomorrow. by three pm today we said when chills of twenty five to thirty five that ended up exactly right was twenty seven twenty eight the last two hours at norfolk noon slash early evening snow thirty to thirty two in windy saturday twenty eight on sunday for a high and then some light mixed precipitation on monday before change is all rain monday night and tuesday thank you from that bitter cold forecast we have something that will melt your heart. yes we do janet children sick at the hospital no parent ever wants to deal . your children can make you feel so proud. awaiting to see how the students are trying to help sick children at c h k d inspired by the teachers and a two year old battling brain cancer. here's how the kids at hebrew academy of tidewater are making their mark it's the stuff bears are made up mom from the kids andd people academy of tidewater the hospital and sees katie because we need to make children feel better. that's why they're on this special field trip to build a bear workshop and lynn haven mall on a mission deployed navy sailor bear and marine baron princes theirs so it won't be so scary. nate is making all their gospel is really strong he hopes he gets tracked to the kids were fighting so much. even big rival bears are coming together to help kids kick the sickness away the students they really do care and teachers here want them to learn kindness and compassion. everyone just once he was sick children have a smile on her face while looking at the time we were there the more you could feel how much this means it was on my students and i miss them and i'm thankful that i got to be part of his life this whole effort was inspired by caleb shaffer a two year old battling a form community home with the police is and as soon as caleb got sick at the community surrounded us and lifted us up and lifted their family up the and they took that love to see if katie were going to make sure that some special children that are special guests. it was a field trip to remember and hopefully one that makes its mark. i hope it makes them happy. all you know it is a story with wonderful kids wonderful teachers and those kids raise more than eleven hundred dollars for the special trip to build a bear workshop and they delivered more than thirty teddy bears to kids at c h k day and ask the little caleb he's hanging in there his fight and and his family sharing his story on facebook we have a link to his story on thirteen is now dot com just look for the story and are making your mark in kayla's room for you rarely see a recovery as we are clinton surge back after her loss to bernie sanders in hand for i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. . a bond a lot we are in store mode cold weather lingers over hampton roads here's a look at the beach corners resort to skyview that is on the south end of the strip and atlantic there is a winter storm advisory for parts of virginia and a winter storm warning in dare county. geoff lawson has more yeah the big news tonight is cold and then the fact that the cold around tomorrow's the moisture moves and that becomes the big deal in these temperatures dropping from the thirties this evening quickly into the twenties and then dropping through the twenties in fact inland areas will make it in the upper teens by morning so that's the first thing the bottom line snow tomorrow hour issues during the evening commute. remember we did not have a lot of snow i know five six weeks ago whatever we had a horrible evening rush hour conditions could be a similar type situation doesn't take much to create some ice when it's this cold then speak in a cold actual air temperatures through sunday will be even colder but warmer by tuesday and then another winter storm is likely early next week that'll eventually transition over to rain i showed you one of the computer models said that i thought to have the overall sort of general forecast right. same thing with this one very similar across hampton roads might be a tad under don might be a tad under done down here across north carolina where the other one i showed you had three inches of precipitation but the bottom line is snow enough to cause problems tomorrow afternoon i've got my matte finish showing you my exact breakdown but it's very similar to the one i just show you and this one so we'll be back in a few that in the next system as well. i think steph isn't bored use caution when heating your home so keep anything flammable three feet away from a heat source and keep an eye on those space heaters also you can seal air leaks with plastic or newspaper to keep the cold air out especially in traffic and don't forget to insulate pipes in the unheated parts of your home so they don't burst our meteorologists will continue to track the cold weather and possible snow and that thirteen is not whether lap. what are certified meteorologists tomorrow on daybreak for whether details ten am pacific just came out with a new website showcasing all of its arguments for its proposed takeover of norfolk southern railroad the website includes canadian pacific's previous statements and reports on the proposed merger but the site also lists the question canadian pacific plans to ask. norfolk southern shareholders this spring. norfolk southern is pacific's takeover offers the latest one was worth roughly thirty billion dollars automatic use of pimping out a young girl in virginia beach pleaded guilty today boat away and made in federal court this morning he'll order girl from new york to hampton roads and forced her to have sex for money. now this case is just one of many recent trafficking cases we've been covering here in hampton roads. rsl robertson joins us now with more casual sex trafficking is something local enforcement has made very clear they are not going to tolerate along with the fed they're working to put an end to it. this case just being one example disturbing details in a case right here in virginia beach but we mourn a girl from new york promising her a better lifestyle telling her she can make money by giving massages when she got to hampton roads he made her have sex for money. we bled guilty in federal court thursday case is not the only one human trafficking is akin to modern day slavery over the summer police arrested several people for trafficking a young girl in virginia beach and recently several massage parlors have also been investigated for prostitution and possible human trafficking. we posted ads on back page advertising the victim services. police eventually rescued it weaves a victim from a hotel in virginia beach and a shirt with a victim centered approach to investigations meaning that the rescue and stabilization of the victim is just as important as apprehension or prosecution of the traffic or local and federal authorities say they want the community to keep an eye out to a pc an individual's movements being restricted or not allowed whole conversations for themselves if they don't have identification on them to someone else's possessing the identification documents as are all clues that might be something fishy going on we are jakarta applying the judge will sentence that we in may. coming up tonight thirty here how long they are what our lawmakers are doing their part to tackle the problem. marcella robertson thirteen years now we're following a major problem on to sixty four had to be absolutely it's still bad unfortunately i have of the there in just a minute but before i walked over here another accident sixty four westbound in newport news and another one six fifty four northbound between hampton and newport news. busy busy busy this afternoon was glad dive right into it take a look at one of the accidents now perkins will take a look at the traffic network mapping see here or there are several delays working around the bridges and tunnels and those are the ones we expect but i want to get to the ones that you're not going to be used to so starting in hampton. take a look at this big accidents. i acted as the men should say here six sixty four northbound around aberdeen road in hampton you can see traffic actually does using the shoulder to get around the scene of the crash already a one half mile back up to roanoke avenue. so that's going to be a trap the trouble and six sixty four north away from the monitor merrimack won a newport news and sixty four west just past the dingy boulevard overpass and this multi vehicle crash here is blocking the right lane causing a four mile back up to jefferson avenue and it is literally stop and go until he passes accident scene to be when i use jefferson avenue and drive all the way up to get back on sixty four west and for use this as we head back to the traffic network map maker which virginia beach. others were just talking about a minute ago a janitor regina to sixty four eastbound at newtown road this accident here still blocking the three right lanes closed at this point a two mile backup on to the broad creek bridge in norfolk so again very very busy this afternoon keeping you posted on facebook and twitter. now back in just a few minutes right here on thirteen years now. thanks ashley north carolina's top insurance regulator says is launching an examination to see if the state's largest health insurer is complying with laws and regulations the state insurance department will take a look north carolina after the company cited technical logical psychological problems. thousands of people trying to enroll and or pay for individual policies have problems last month those problems were mostly experienced by customers seeking coverage through the affordable care act that i will be the first debate since bernie sanders beat hillary clinton in a primary landslide in new hampshire that democratic race is getting more and more interesting is all over social media a leash abraham g has more on what people are posting lots of different conversation happening in anticipation for tonight's debate so let's take a look at some of that we have one tree that came in saying big debate interested to see what the candidates have to say about wisconsin. we have another tweet that came in saying a lot of homework looks like she's a student but she's still very excited and the hashtag that everyone's using this hashtag damn debates over here talking about it as well which are used that and you see here this last picture the scene the audience. this is where the debate is going to be held at the university of wisconsin milwaukee avenue they will be moderated by two pbs anchors and the network has partnered with facebook so you know what that means undecided voters are invited to submit questions during a platform for each candidate and here's by the county with more on tonight's debate on the twenty sixteen presidential campaign for the democratic candidates of the next face off tonight in milwaukee is critical the stakes have never been higher for hillary clinton she's coming off a devastating loss in new hampshire and she needs to make the contrast with bernie sanders which means she needs to go off and bernie sanders admits his slam dunk in the new hampshire primary won't be easy to repeat in the next eight contests in south carolina and nevada the election were tomorrow do you think you could win south carolina nevada fortunately for us the election is much more. hillary clinton hopes for a comeback with a boost from african american and the congressional black caucus. we need someone to come to rally democrats especially african americans at the request of the cbc that hillary clinton has been that the race ahead of south carolina just as he did for the republicans especially the consensus candidate for establishment support i'm sensing a lot of support out here john k sick attracting larger crowds after his second place finish in new hampshire with the turnout was that like a thousand people. marco rubio now calling out donald trump on his foul mouth. even our political culture. i teach my kids to respect their certain words you don't say a new town the tv at a leading presidential candidate saying profanity from the stage tom's campaign confirmed the change of tactics and south carolina. they are pulling all attack ads and say they will run only positive messages. bostic the government was seven c got virus tests for pregnant women to health departments around the country yet and they warn there could be temporary shortages as travelers try to figure out if they've been exposed health officials are asking for emergency funding from congress. they say and puerto rico is especially vulnerable the sick the virus is suspected of causing a rare but potentially devastating birth defect and abnormally small head which can indicate underlying brain damage coming up. some people decorate their homes for christmas or even how the wane but hear from one family who are sharing . just in time for valentine's day a family outside of richmond adds a unique touch to their sweetheart decorations they in their front yard. michelle williams has a story with a name like stephanie loving how could spreading love especially for valentine's day not be her mission second day after christmas i start decorating for valentines if a ballot for two most loving go in our yard is filled with four foot heart flashing with sweet valentines wishes and it all started when she was a little kid when i was a little kid you knowing these to make the brown paper bags and decorate them and stick muffin from under the chalkboard and everybody open their valentines insider that is always love are so excited to get that brown paper bag to see what was inside of a people can't resist stopping by for a little smooch in the kissing booth people leave coins in africa and the kissing their music a little shelf so there was for coins there was a quarter of the three nickels and then one day i came home one of my nickels was missing constantly been in over their guest stephanie fans it's a labor of love for all to enjoy whether they'll even nickel or not pass a law banning every year try something new out there for the family invites the entire community to have a kiss and the kissing booth. all right shifting gears dramatically here are the body of a missing woman was found inside her car and the parking lot of a california walmart. here's a picture of that one police officers believe her body had been there since he was reported missing three months ago. security cameras show that the car was parked in the same spot since december and police say that the woman's car had dark tinted windows which made it difficult to see inside the vehicle the cause of death has not been determined fifty two people killed in a prison riot that tops a look at the headlines we are right now on usa today dot com this happened today in nuevo leon mexico the governor there says all those inmates injured in a brutal fight between two rival factions besides the fight that was also a fire media outlets showed several burned inmates as rescue crews got him out about a week from now the pope is expected to visit mexico. he has plans to visit another prison there more than forty prison guards and officers in georgia are now indicted on charges of accepting bribes and drug trafficking. those arrested a are the latest in a federal effort to crack down on contraband and criminal activity in georgia prisons about one hundred and thirty people including prison employees inmates former inmates and others accused of helping them have been indicted since september and us in a lot of people tweeting about this today scientists say they've detected gravitational ripples just as einstein predicted a century ago researchers have searched for these gravitational waves for decades but they've only been able to infer that the waves exist now however reports are observatory is in louisiana and washington state have captured direct evidence of gravitational waves release when two black holes merge now if only i knew i could have predicted powerball numbers now and i think the xiao huan turning out to the cold weather and the trend of smartphone to lots of regular clients don't work with touch screens because the fabric blocks the charge from your finger which activates your phone again to export from wire cutter dot com the valley with twelve pairs of touchscreen gloves to find out how well they work looking at all of these they don't have those tips that we're so used to say no the technology's advanced actually so in silver and copper thread that conduct electricity you know i use your screen as if you were wearing love advice kid gloves with a gripping material on the palm and get a tight fit he says what's material or seize on that and that reduces the touchscreen ability and here are some tips on how to care for your phone in the cold weather never leave your phone in the trunk and just leave that phone inside once the blowing snow also remember to turn it off when it's exposed to cold weather for a long period of time for the past couple of days we've been talking about a stealth system just grazing the area bring in someone or precipitation and it is definitely looking like that sell pretty confident in saying that there's going to be an accumulation across parts of the area during the day to mark twenty four hours from now will be at the height of the coverage but right now it is certainly setting the stage for it with clear skies and cold readings tonight and part the reason we are going to get some cold is the fact that it is clear and that just sets up everything going to head through tomorrow tomorrow night for this evening the thirties upper twenties for the inland areas you can see gradually by late evening already down in the twenties and then continuing through the twenties tonight with wind chills and probably not quite as bad as what we saw last night but still it'll feel very cold because actual air temperatures will get close to the upper teens i think this over done by couple agrees on the safe upper teens in the most in when most rural of locations but notice the clouds begin to increase first the high thin clouds might actually be a pretty decent pretty nice even sunrise in the morning and then the clouds will thicken pretty considerably through the afternoon will see some of that snow on radar if you're watching craig at noon i neared he'll be tracking something whether it's over us at that point over north carolina and then gradually it will get the atmosphere moist enough to come down to the ground and that's when we'll start to see some problems most likely for rush hour a pretty good chance that i think across the region. it's long gone by late tomorrow evening and then cold air even building for saturday and especially on sunday so northern areas you might get nothing more than flurries tomorrow. worst case scenario you get a heavy dusting i'm talking about let's say from fort eustis on to the north and west middle peninsula north and west from there most of all of our area including the peninsula down to south side a dusting to maybe as much as two inches the best chance for the higher amounts aren't exclusively to the south will tend to be a little more to the south and went to get down into northeast north carolina outer banks. some of those areas two to four inches although the farther south you go then you'll see some sleet maybe a little rain mixing in at times and i could camp some of the amounts down so again it doesn't take more than half an inch to really cause problems on the roadways when it's that cold can stick to it so that's the big news for tomorrow evening is watch out for that tonight twenty three those in one ear is westerly winds dying off tomorrow thirty two for the high becoming cloudy remains cold afternoon snow is likely almost definitely factories in north carolina very very likely in hampton roads and possible once you get a little bit more to the north light and variable winds is the front sort of sits over a stunning twenty three snow ending early windy and cold and the rest year forecast calls for another system to move and first reinforcing shot of even colder air saturday night into sunday sunday with a northerly wind we could have some basic facts now or even ocean effect actually with a due north wind if that's what it sets up to look like on sunday would give the outer banks and possible snow showers sunday so we'll keep an eye on that number yet that about a month or so ago and then some light mixed precipitation monday changing over to some heavier rain monday night or tuesday the thirteen is now whether authority to the forecast seems fitting that i screen the struggling now. now when we all use an ice cream after all of our authors like oh my goodness but you know what to let you chill on that for a little bit but i did there because first we have a big harry potter news ok for all the fans out there. author j k rowling is turning the play harry potter and the curse child into a book recently published just after the play premieres in london this july a special shout out to elaine on the floor crew has now read the harry potter into the abyss of not a sequel or prequel she tells me it's just the published script of the place but not in the line of the rest of the books but i'm sure all the fans or so been enjoying of course if the harry potters out there that i took about an ice cream. ok let's hook up with just printing out with your thoughts on the dairy queen is offering a sweet treat valentine's day the forethought to dq and wanting what is called if singles blizzard so let's talk about it it has salted carmel troubles reese's peanut butter cups and peanut butter topping. so here's the question a lot of folks are asking that sort of valentine's day being geared toward couples. why would you try to appeal to the singles but deq says fifty percent of single classify themselves as quote frau single on valentine's day as the way people who are married now say the singles and get some for you know what you get to travel there together and you go in first then i go and you know overall single the angle and if you're not happy about being single on valentine's day i was going to work in the way you win the three for a small screwdriver combatant and isaiah daniel and coming up tonight on abc starting at eight o'clock and all new grey's anatomy then a new episode of scandal and nine get away with murder and join us again and eleven for thirteen years now. i coming up a video shown in a school about race as some parents upset details on that story ahead and thirteen is now is in store mode snow is on the way in rejecting would be done and city crews to see what the plan is for tomorrow night plus virginia beach mayor will says sms got straight to the point during for an etsy. but the navy will test new lightweight exercise torpedoes off the south carolina coast during the coming days. the tests begin today and will continue through next tuesday a surface vessel in an airplane will patrol the exercise area former virginia tech hokkien washington redskins player josh morgan is facing reckless handling charges after accidentally shooting himself in northern virginia last month morgan told deputies he had his firearm while cleaning it it was then taken to hospital with non life threatening injuries in the schedule to appear in court next month i take a look at this picture this man flipped on its side right in front of the high school in lynchburg. this was after getting into an accident police say the driver of the minivan was turning left in to the high school we got hit by another car. fortunately no one was hurt but charges are pending right calls and e mails are coming in from all over the country after a black history video that was shown in a hymn rifle high school hired michael county high school causing controversy some parents complained about the four minute clip called structural discrimination the unequal opportunity race. it depicts several runners on a track with the wonders of color dealing with insurmountable obstacles while white runners were unimpeded the school board chair has apologized to those who were offended and you can check out more on the facebook page we have and the south we have for you today at four thirty news now in five starts now. i don't let the sunny skies fool you snow is coming in. part of north carolina is under winter storm warning right now. kershaw county schools have already made plans to release early tomorrow and for quinn's county will have school at all if any more closures com will let you know right away. all right let's get right to jeff who is tracking our chances for snow and the chances are very high as we've been saying for a couple of days now with the cold air around the system sliding down across georgia going to throw moisture back up along the coastline and certainly for north carolina. it's likely in fact almost definite for around here it's likely that we're going to see some snow so let's break it all down the next twelve hours. this sets the stage we fall down through the twenties by morning some areas likely be in the teens now i've shown you two different computer model projections. they're very very very similar here across hampton roads. one was point seven i think at the airport the other point five this one point four where they have differed is in north carolina this one says you two will just get a bit of a dusting one had an inch the other had three inches so again i would take sword the average of all three of these and although i'd bump it up a little bit for us and that's what i've done and i'll show you that on my gans matt coming up in a minute but it doesn't matter whether a half an inch or inch and half is going to cause some problems around here with the cold cold temperatures on the roads for tomorrow evening's russia look nothing like this picture seeing out there right now. well the roads could get messy tomorrow be dotted city crews say they're taking steps to prevent icy spots to be lee is live in norfolk with a look at hour ago we had a couple of brine trucks down here working on that overpass that you see right there. we've actually been out here all morning now working to pre treat these overpasses these bridges in primary roadways preparing for this upcoming snow one singles in the most success came out with the divas but snow out there charles brooks is ready for spring but tomorrow he's gonna have to put up with chilling temps and icy road conditions if the spirit may in turn driving around folks like dr whitley stocked up at the grocery store today. well i got cereal i get some wine i got logs bread that's why we are here today to get the patch on one have to come out tomorrow and all. oh yeah the whole week that all county ravioli began taking royals began to narrow that as one who has been a wife and city crews aren't taking any chances the norfolk

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