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Potential issues with city practices in investing in a coffee for everybody when lisa free to add to it with that hand out tuesday the review begins councilman andy porter general requesting the city auditor examined practices and the culture with the norfolk city hall. It comes after the federal indictment of city treasurer Anthony Berkeley berkeley accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks and bribes from a developer while he served on city council in exchange for his votes berkeley saying through his attorney that there is no basis to the allegations were zero pulling seventeen paragraphs from the indictment. Each one raising question after question about procedures from two thousand five to two thousand eleven. The time period when berkeley is supposed to have committed the crimes good example is why would you sell a piece of property valued at millions for for ten dollars or nominal amount who comes up with that was the given that taking the acceptance in the offering that the review mental that would produce the auditor appears to have been a system of governing in places and times that was broken. The intention not to pass judgment on barefoot or comment on the case their juries that do their job and that will happen. Theres a fine lawyer involved will find truth in this case through cross examination but in the end if we accept this justice true to figure out what were doing that we can set we can fix our policies and procedures as they are now theres no set timeline for the audit could take as long as several months once the city auditor completes it took a backseat Council Members with his findings and from there theyll discuss them in norfolk. Brian carroll thirteen years now also during tonights meeting Norfolk City Council decided to move forward with a multimillion dollar grants to more fortune five hundred company adp to town the ordinance authorizes the city to allocate five Million Dollars for a performance based grant for the company that brad would be paid out over several years city officials believe the companys relocation jobs and boost local businesses information out of chesapeake tonight about the proposal to build a Sports Complex in Western Branch Council Passed a substitute motion and asked the city manager and a staff to look at more details including possible locations for the fieldhouse the city manager is expected to report back to council in sixty Days Community leaders hope a field house will help revitalize that area of the city. There may be a few showers overnight but its something well all know this is the continued cool down for the rest of the week lets check now with stuff that Interesting Development here we talked about earlier how the Northern Areas would see a chance of a few snow flurries later and thats what were seeing develop right now the showers that we had the rain showers very very isolated they moved out earlier today inflation is that a couple of areas actually saw a little bit of sleet pellet activity mic stand and now not moving very much but i also checked richmond by the way thats is so light but as the address to the southeast a few areas later tonight could see a little bit of flurry activity or a little bit of sprinkles every once in while sorta makes me and because temperatures are above freezing. They would tend not to stick if we even get them so again these readings right now are in the thirties with forty one even at the beach but its definitely the more northern locations that have the best shot of that this is a new future cast looks alot like the old future cassie can see the precipitation trending a sort of south easterly across northern parts of the viewing area but moving pretty quickly so dont be terribly surprised in the middle the night for a few get up early to see a Little Something but for the most part its a drop in temperatures will be talking about in a big one when i come back jeff newton either cortland woman a sentence for stealing one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars for Retirement Community dairy ann lewis was given twenty eight months in prison and she was ordered to pay more restitution prosecutors say lewis stole from a nonprofit Retirement Community in franklin while working as their bookkeeper. According to Court Documents lewis used the communities credit cards to purchase items including electronics and also to pay for Home Improvement projects Virginia Beach police are hoping you can help them find the man in this surveillance photo booth a walk of a story with more than eight hundred dollars worth of tools without paying our meal of all causes y police say you could be left paying first shop lifters crimes. This is the latest case of shoplifting Virginia Beach police are trying to solve the man seen in the Security Camera photo is who police say walked into the close up of Virginia Beach boulevard last week and a walk out with the tool kit valued at more than eight hundred dollars all without pay. They got me in the fine and that they have this self scanners. This may seem like a simple say is part of a bigger problem. Police say when the shop lifters get away with free stuff that costs has to be made up many times is passed along to the customer in height the pricey couple that apples unintended result. So thats just the way life i guess i dont know i dont think thats fair especially because the chivas tops of the actors in a fairly this man has been at it more than once which is why police are asking for peoples help to track him down. Whether its groceries clothing. Org schools people are walking away with police when i put a stop to these thieves so pain customers are not left running their meals in Virginia Beach i never knew about oh thirteen years now tonight amanda wanted for murder on the Eastern Shore investigators are looking for a twenty four year old cave on cooper and twenty year old to hide tricks they are accused of killing robert j talks. Deputies found eight a home in morgantown. You are asked to call the Mackinac County Sheriffs Office and you have any information on the suspects a fire on the Eastern Shore leads to the discovery of a homicide victim acts more firefighters found a mobile home engulfed in flames late last month on pocahontas road. Inside they found seventy year old surely only the medical examiner is working to figure out how she died. This case is being investigated as a homicide were continuing to follow the investigation into the death of a husband and wife in southampton county sheriffs deputies now tell us the victims were sixty four year old Donald Redford and fifty nine year old vanessa rae for deputies found the couple and a home in cortland yesterday. No word on how they died but investigators tell us they are not looking for any suspects in the case a fight over Congressional District boundaries in North Carolina may end up in the Supreme Court attorneys for the state want the Supreme Court to issue a stay meaning they decision directing new Congressional Districts be drawn by next week. Last friday at three judge panel decided the forest in tough districts were packed with too many minority voters the state lawyers say they need a delight because absentee voting is already underway for next months primary and run new lines now would confuse voters know tonight the u s Supreme Court places a hold on and forcing president obama is Climate Change plan proposals seek to reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions at existing power plants by about a third by twenty thirty the president sweeping plan will not be enforced until after legal challenges are resolved arguments are set to begin in june. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders of the big winners in the New Hampshire primary both scored a solid victories to nine Ohio Governor john casey claimed second place for the gop and Hillary Clinton vowed to get back up and keep fighting abcs Martha Gonzales as primary in the country the er tonight a huge victory for donald trump. We want to thank the people of New Hampshire right and a long anticipated when i go capture we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington from maine to california the Hillary Clinton won here in two thousand a conceding tonight but feel competent now we take this campaign to the entire country will modify the twenty six no projected by abc to come in second on the republican side theres magic in the year with this campaign with Ted Cruz Jeb Bush and marco rubio in a close battle for third i did not do well on this that will never happen again two thirds of voters in a bcs opponent calling recent debate important factor in their decision made up my mind this morning the coffee it all came down to those undecided voters and double the turnout at the pole one free thing staying open late with the last minute line of traffic to get in two miles long and officials here say voter turnout was on track to be record breaking the republicans now move on to south carolina. Well the democrats have their eyes on nevada are sick and the live abc news manchester New Hampshire virginia sixteen and seventeen year olds will now need a judges ok before they can say i do the Senate Passed a bill tuesday saying it might help the young women from being taken advantage of under the current law sixteen year olds can get married with their parents consent theres even an exception allowing women younger than virginia. Some teens as young as thirteen are tying the knot a volunteer at a Maryland Elementary School is charged with making child porn. Police say twenty two year old dante caraway produce pictures and videos of kids between nine and thirteen years old engaging in sex acts airway was a volunteer teachers assistant and directed a Community Youth choir at the School Police stepped in when a childs relative found a new photos sent to care way through the kick. They say caraway admitted to the charges a nanny held hostage a texas couple is accused of keeping their babysitter in slave like conditions. The charges could land them in prison for two decades. Court documents say the pair forced the woman to care for five children for nearly twenty hours in a time with no bed no sitting and she could only eat scraps she is now in the care of an anti Human Trafficking agents and analysts in that looks like it could be deadly to show you more video of if anyone was hurt or something the scouring local College Students will tell you what the school is doing to help with their past problems and twins already shared plenty of things but the new caramel macchiato from Dunkin Donuts. Let handcrafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramelflavored swirl uplift your mood. Indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. Ohoh, ohoh ohoh, ohoh, ohohohooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. Spread some sweetness with Dunkin Donuts cookie dough and brownie batter donuts. Heartshaped happiness too sweet not to share. In note the goal demolition of a parking garage in texas doing those planned a witness in a nearby building and his team recorded this video then posted it on youtube shows the parking garage coming down on top of the excavator with a worker still inside it appears the excavator was too close to the building the video shows that work are getting out of the excavator and he appears to be okay. Rapper dmx has recovered a day after he was resuscitated by First Responders. He lost consciousness yesterday in a Hotel Parking lot in Westchester County new york paramedics say he was not breathing and had no pulse they did cpr until he began breathing again. A witness said he had taken an illegal drug so medics gave him an antidote for drug overde as the rappers attorney and ex wife say this was an asthma attack and had nothing to do history of asthma he said he was caught on yet a bad cold for about a week and he said that on you know i guess not you know to get it treated result that hs days and he said he thinks he know he was on the floor. Dmx has had numerous run ins with the loss some of them involve drug possession thirty general mark herring in the U S Attorneys Office are stepping up the fight against heroin and Prescription Drug abuse. This comes after gregory had a Virginia Beach pleaded guilty to selling heroin leading to a womans overdose and he could face life behind bars when his sentence. Perry said his office is making an example of that trying to spread the word about the dangers of heroin to young people and their parents. Now the da is training First Responders to treat each overdose case as a crime scene. Officials stress the drugs are taking a toll on our communities. Last year seven hundred and twenty virginians lost their lives its not a matter of if someone will die as a matter of when you can watch thirteen news nows documentary about heroin is called hooked on heroin virginias growing killer and you find about thirty news now dot com under the Investigation Health officials are confirming the first case of zeke a virus in tennessee say the infected person recently traveled to south america before returning to the eastern part of the state state Health Department says the individual did not contract the virus while in the U S World Health organization has called the spread of the virus of Global Health emergency. Some Northern State University Students say theyre dealing with an infestation of roaches as the students who live in by betsy mccall see their dorms have been overrun and the School Officials told us every time a complaint is filed an exterminator is called to the building but stanton said the school isnt doing anything to get rid of people they keep that memory can do about it the kitties to go buy rate and i just had a spring stuff and the Officials Say crews were at the dorm again today and theyre working on a more permanent solution to get rid of the righteous. If you are looking into whether a lap at all today you probably noticed a lot of moisture there but not a lot of the hat made out of the ground we did have a few areas certainly more isolated showers we would call them even though they looked scattered meaning more of them on radar right now we just have that little bit up there in dissent virginia near richmond currently thirty eight degrees winds out of the west but its pretty dry dew points with ten of sixteen. Thats why anything that is out there tonight is like it has throughout the day going to tend to evaporate much of it before it hits the ground notice its pretty breezy show the actual air temperatures a few minutes ago. These are the wind chills it feels like right now and even the warmer spots are in the mid thirties Virginia Beach and thirty five. Theres a thirty eight adam oh yeah but most everybody anywhere from the upper twenties to lower thirties actual air temp again in the morning anywhere from the twenties in line to near freezing at the coast and then rising as we go through the morning but very slowly. It is going to be a chilly day tomorrow. Not as bad as the next few days but chilly and notice slight chance of a stray flurry or something across the Eastern Shore in the morning and then add conditions clearing out tomorrow evening rather chilly like you would expect and then tomorrow night this is almost identical to what we showed earlier as well little upper level disturbance swings through mainly to the north and thats going to get a chance for a couple of snow showers tomorrow night as the influx a really cold air adds to that because of a bit of a effects now with the wind out of the wests appeal of an Eastern Shore youre not definitely. We cant rule out a little bit of an not my night but for body elses should tend to be mainly clear to partly cloudy cold out the reading still in the twenties during the rush hour on thursday and by afternoon. Only thirty s for highs versus tomorrows forties and that means a cold night as you expect it just keeps getting colder and colder after that. Tides were talking earlier today that four point eight this morning this evening was a little bit above the official forecasts got back up to four point six. I think their way under done with their forecast the next couple of days is they have it now really pretty low i think well stop a little bit of water even tomorrow morning and then hopefully things start to go down but definitely the worst of it is over here in Hampton Roads area. Now still up the bay little bit you might have a few problems you can see a lot of that moisture on radar but again not a lot of reaching the ground earlier couple stray showers in a little bit of a mix possible especially where mile probably to the north was lets say around freezing sunny breezy and chilly only temperatures are normally around fifty this time of year so thats below normal but look thirty five for thursday in thirty seven thirty six for friday saturday. Those are all going to be close to fifteen to say how seventeen whatever degrees below thirteen below where they should be and sundays really cold high of only twenty nine monday tuesday the warm air starts to return as we get a little bit of a system along the southeast coast that one could bring a mix of weather across the region depending on its exact track track that over the next week as we head toward and get closer to its arrival. My valentines night in a glass of wine fireplace in a work in the nation we are tracking the other day and night before you head on the door tomorrow morning check in with thirteen years now at day break starting at four thirty. All right earlier this year Virginia Tech basketball pulled off a in sports will find out if. Twin sister as a new jersey must really have a special bond they gave birth just minutes apart. Both women deliver daughters yesterday afternoon at the same hospital we actually had a doctors appointment today because we were due on friday so on. We got there in the week yet another hospital on them we get a call that the cone return thereto in the twin moms were born three minutes apart their daughters came into the world. Six minutes apart by his everyday recommended by the commander in chief president obama took to twitter today to congratulate the denver broncos. The president normally honors the super bowl champs with a reception at the white house president obama actually predicted the Carolina Panthers would take at all so the broncos might remind him of that tradition during that lighthearted ceremony this year i got a lot more about coming up with the first of all i want to talk about norfolk. His given name is sebastian in town but everybody calls him bash. No one has a name thats more fitting. Theres two more group overheated like always a blessing to those who long to begin with the nickname beds in houses they must vote with the same as personally as a breath of the dash is a senior and every year at norfolk collegiate news averaged around eighteen points a game are what i like about him is i think we have something that really nobody has any area which is a polished ready made post player nash continues to work on his game is already pretty good in the classroom with me would be better devoted student question that home hard and never stop working on the one the hardest workers are here. Id never start with you. Hes a very driven individual bodies on a very even keel. Ok great teammate isaac really the only shows one maturity this year he came as a mature obviously bash sets a good example but thats just part of being a good leader is calmness in the midst of battle you know his quiet confidence is the type of cat and he is he just didnt seem it even though he was a job that he was grounded no cocoa to only do so might as well as a team they have a lot of bonding time with a lot of time together. Hes an impressive young man like its the rematch. Virginia this seasoned jumbo popcorn chicken is great why do you think they call it seasoned . I think because it is. Oh, like it has life experience. Like it went backpacking through europe, figured itself out, knows the world. I think its because it doesnt need sauce. The seasonings already on there. cause its got it goin on. Well, yeah it does, okay. Right. And does that remind you of anybody we know . It does. It does. [both] me. [both] you . [both] you . [rumbling] [thump] new seasoned jumbo popcorn chicken in three delicious flavors, all halfprice after 8pm. Earlier this season Virginia Tech stunned a uva team is ranked number four in the country over the last couple weeks to whos won six straight and havent lost a home all year the game tonight the rematch at jp day early on and all game. It was Uva Anthony Gill led the way with sixteen including that nice pass to him for the early dunk in the three nothing lead chris clark back to the lineup at a Penn High School First Time Since he got injured in november for the kee zee came off the bench to score eleven back to gil this was a regular dunk fest for uva tonight that one then printers with another nice pass utd areas thompson making it thirteen to six and when they werent done being mad little alley oop layups as devon all of cape henry as well but it wasnt all dunks and layups when they needed the three pointers they turn to london for nt as he drops a bomb here they are up by a twenty nine to fourteen at that point second half was more the same hall with a nice player on defense with the block say that gets it as secondary break to going to get another dunk here at the other end Isaiah Wilkins with a career high fourteen sixty seven to forty nine uva thats seven straight for the cavaliers but whatever those are all able to handle our brains over a million of them according to the official that looks like a million in may showed up for the parade. Theres the broncos owner Yvonne Miller your mvp big parade in denver. Congratulations and all those people had the day off. Well least they werent cold pack them together like the one i think its been a little warm out there im going to be cold tomorrow but

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