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You know, if you need a job, i could use some help on my crew. Because of the border wall, theres fewer immigrants left to hire. No way am i working for you. Id rather go back to dancing for my dads friends bud, take the damn job sighs would i be the only white guy on your crew . No, no. We have a mexican albino. Im not an albino. I look this way because i saw a ghost look, becky, news cameras. Were finally going to be heard. Activists continue to protest the wall, demanding that. gulps oh, god i swallowed a bee im allergic gasping dont put this on youtube. God, how humiliating. Ive gone from one mexican boss to another. When am i gonna be on top . Well, in my experience, you just tell a mexican man when you want to be on top. Hola welcome to the gonzalez landscaping training video. So, julio, are you ready for your first day at gonzalez landscaping . S , ernesto landscaping can be fun. But remember, always concentrate when using dangerous equipment. So, julio, have you learned what it takes to be a gonzalez landscaping lawn artist . Ernesto dubbed yes and in an unrelated note, i hereby absolve gonzalez landscaping of any liabilities. Everyone, id like you all to meet the newest member of our team, bud buckwald. forced laugh oh, thats not my name. Bud buckwald is an important person in this community. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, bud. Why dont you use that leaf blower to clean up the debris . leaf blower whirring crash, bud screams im good. Hola, bud no, i dont want to watch cockroaches dance around a hat. Bud, hes your boss now. Go groans hows your beer . Uh, good, uh, mr. Gonzalez. So. Okay, fine, i confess ive been stealing Office Supplies crying bud buckwald from high school . Youre a gardener now . Wow. Ive never felt so proud about being a custodian at an adult theater. shoes squishing okay, thats lunchtime. Whos up for a game of airac leaf blowers whirring come on, bud, join us ugh, fine. screaming sir, we have an unidentified aircraft approaching the base. Shoot it down. Thats it there is no way i am going back to work for ernesto its even more humiliating than working for steve. Bud, you cant quit now. Sorry, but unless you find another way to make money, you have no choice. Now, why dont you go watch tv and ill bring you some tea. And none of you turkeys better bother daddy while hes resting, or ill whip you with my cb antenna man any little girls out there . Come back. indistinct whispering in spanish janice, do you hear spanish whispering . Janice you mean now, or when youre out at bowling night . What . Uh, im at the store dog barking in distance indistinct whispering in spanish my god, ive worked for mexicans so long im hearing imaginary ones. Janice, did you hear that . what the hell . are you the guy . Yeah. Im the guy. Gracias, seor. By the way, you know about the, uh. wild yelling hey, ernesto, i got a message for you what is it . Look up in the sky. Aw, crap i filled out the skywriting form wrong its supposed to say i quit is that your Social Security number . screams i got to call everyone in town and tell them not to look up crispy m ms are baaaack. What are you doing . You said to tell our fans crispy m ms are back. Not those fans did you mean this fan . No. annoyed grumbles what about that one . Theres a fan in the break room, oh and in the. trails off so good, theyre back. Hey coworkers. Its me, a businessman, and not colonel sanders. Dont you just hate those long days when youre so busy doing business things that you cant make a hot, homecooked meal for the family. Well, i just picked up a twenty Dollar Family fill up from kfc. Handbreaded with eleven herbs and spices. Well of course i do, terry. Lisa. Claire. Tiffany. Hazel. whistles welcome to america. You may ruin our country, but our country will ruin your children. There you are, bud. Youve been in the basement all morning. What are you doing down there . Im, uh. Making a jazz album. From now on, no one is allowed to go down there. A jazz album . Isnt jazz why the government tried to drown new orleans . What about work . Shouldnt you be out cutting lawns with ernesto . I quit. My jazz career is taking off. Heres some of my early royalties. Especially when i get it all over my face. Wait, im thinking of adult contemporary. knocking hey, steve. Good morning, janice. You look fly. Is bud here . He forgot to take home the crap from his desk. gasps steve heres a thousand dollars. Why dont you just forget what you saw here . Whered you get a thousand dollars . Heres 2,000 to forget about that thousand dollars you saw. And before you ask, heres 3,000. What . 4,000. I can do this all day. Welcome to america. Heres a list of states that are cool with you being gay. The jig is up, buckwald bud gasps man yells i know what youre up to. Youre running a smuggling tunnel. Please, steve i cant go to jail. I like to shower on all fours, and the guys might tease me about that im not sending you to prison, buckwald. Because i want in. My salarys been cut, thanks to that damn border wall. So im your new partner. Fine. Its a deal. But you should know, my family thinks im making a jazz album down here. That damn border wall directly bifurcates the natural habitat of the mexifornia condor, which is a federally protected species. The court has to rule in our favor. Bailiff all rise. The honorable james killbirds borderwall presiding. gasps what . Sorry, my mistake. Judge borderwall is out sick today. Oh, thank god. In his place is the honorable jake glasseshater nerdstomp. Look over yonder what do you see . The sun is arisin most definitely a new day is comin whoohoo people are changin aint it beautiful whoohoo crystal blue persuasion better get ready gonna see the light. Ernesto, shouldnt you be at work . Actually, business isnt so good. But for some reason, im seeing more immigrants than ever. New gardeners keep showing up and undercutting me. Hola, amigo. What a great day to be in america. Ugh, why couldnt immigration have stopped right after me . Hey, i just became a true american. Ernesto, let me tell you how it works. You spend years working for the man, and one day youll get to be the man, too. Like me. I thought you were unemployed. And why do you have all that money in your car . God, youre nosy. Why dont you go investigate someone else, murphy brown . In mexico, that show was called fancy sad woman. Mr. Barracuda, as your accountant, i must inform you that a new smuggling tunnel in mexifornia is cutting into your revenues. What . I will not stand for this. Where is my beheadsman . heavy footsteps approaching hi, boss i need you to go to mexifornia and bring me the guys running that tunnel. What if its a lady . Even if its a lady. What if its a puppy . Yay puppy, puppy dont get your hopes up. If its a dog, its almost certainly a grown dog. Mmm, this turkey is natural . Yeah. Its too good to be true. Not again. Real estate never goes down. Fact. Well have the baby, and ill have my band, and itll just work. Right. Dont worry about it honey. All of our family photos are right here banging sound on the hard drive. Its called a timeshare. We dont own it, we share it. Lets do it. Oh yeah. That is good. Mmhmm. Finally, something thats not too good to be true. Its oscar mayer natural turkey breast, and it tastes great. I hope no one looks at my plans while im sleeping. Youll never get my plans while im sleeping. whispering because im never sleeping. Vo boom beach. Clementine never feared for her personal safety. Until taco bell introduced 1 crunchwrap sliders. Four delicious flavors, for just a buck each. Then clementine began to worry. Luckily under her own body was a weird rubber plug. farts well, thats the quittin fart. See you monday. Not so fast, buckwald. Before you go, sweep out the tunnel entrance. Since when do you give me orders . Since you stood behind me when that bat flew into the tunnel. I dont like em theyre tiny vampires. Is this where the Ninja Turtles live . Welcome to my monthly criminal syndicate meeting. Let us first take a moment to honor those weve lost since the last meeting. He is a big loss. All right, lets get down to business. Ive discovered interlopers cutting into our smuggling business. Normally, these men would be fed to my hungry crocotigers. Man humblebrag. But they manage a tunnel that empties into a Border Agents home the last place authorities would look. Its brilliant. Brilliant . The gentleman behind this operation is here tonight. His name is steve. What . No, i founded the tunnel. My name is. Beheadsman, remove that man. Hey, buckwald, i got to take off for a few hours today, so i hired kimmy here to keep an eye on you. Hi. Are you bud . Your dad, steve, tells me you like stickers. Oh, thats it. This is my business, steve, not yours. Im the man this time around. And so now i get to say this to you you are fired. Fine. Youre under arrest for operating an illegal smuggling tunnel. Oh, yeah . Well, you turn me in, ill turn you in. If you dont give me the bleep money, im turning you both in. Buckwald, we just lost 2. 8 million to a 13yearold girl, but remember this im the man. This is the way things are and will always be. Southern narrator well, looks like ol bud wound up right back where he started. Course, you dont need me tellin you that. You wasted your time watchin it, too. Well, stay tuned for the 10 00 news. Uhp, were not done. Our top story due to an increase of undocumented the border wall ineffective and called for its immediate destruction. After hours of talks with my new consultant and cell mate, jamarcus jenkins, i have come to the conclusion that the world has enough walls, and that this bitch here, this bitch is all jamarcuss. He runs this bitch. Well, bud, im sorry your border wall didnt work out. Yeah, i just wanted to be the man for once. Well, youll always be my man. And look on the bright side. Your album reached the top of the jazz charts you sold seven copies. The lucrative contract to tear down the wall has been awarded to gonzalez landscaping. What . Gonzalezes yay. The gonzalezes are going to hawaii. all cheer whispers okay, not until season three. What can we do . whispers the gonzalezes are solving we start tonight with breaking news out of hampton. Weve learned multiple people are hurt after a shooting. 10 on your sides matt gregory is at the scene with the latest details. Matt . Deanna, i can tell you all 3 victims two men and a woman have non life threatening injuries. A few detectives contiue to piece together what exaclty happened here tonight. Neigbors say theyve had enough. At the colonial landing apartments, neighbors say this weekend has led to sleepless nights. George skinner neighbor c0022 17 18 46 then you hear last night you heard 16 gunshots sounded like across the street then today theres been gunfire all day long. 17 18 52 sunday evening George Skinner says he heard a sound all too familiar. George skinner neighbor gunfire and i hit the floor. 17 19 26 police say someone started shooting outside skinners apartment. Detectives on the scene found shell casings littering the pavement. Jenrette Hampton Police c0020 17 17 10 upon arrival they located three victims two adult males. 1 adult females with gun shot wounds. They were transported to a local hospital all have non lifetrhreating injuries. 17 17 18 detectives continued to search evidence of a suspect or suspects. While George Skinner says he is still searching or its getting too dangerous around here. 17 20 08 Hampton Police do not have any suspects or a motive at this time. If you have any information they ask you call the crimeline. In hampton, matt gregory 10 o your side were following breaking news out of Chesapeake Police say a driver is at the hospital after crashing his truck into three parked cars. It happened just before nine tonight on yakima road. Police say the driver got stuck after hitting the third car and is injured. Investigators the drive may have been intoxicated. To our other big story tonight weather. Get ready for that big cool down. Heres a live look from tower cam 10 from over downtown norfolk. If you had a chance to make it outside today you know it didnt feel like january but thats okay, it will tomorrow. Meteorologist ashley doppler 10 Weather Center to let us know how low the temperatures will get. Chilly. Lows mid30s. Winds w 1020 mph. Monday sunny skies. Much cooler. Highs mid 40s. Winds w 10 mph. Tuesday mostly sunny. A touch milder. Highs low50s. Winds s 515 mph. No complaints about today it was absolutely beautiful with plenty of sunshine and highs in the upper60s and low70s. Overnight, the mercury will drop into the definitely want warm layers as you head out the door tomorrow morning itll be around 20 to 25 cooler on monday with highs only in the mid40s. At least well have abundant sunshine well keep the sunshine highs will be in the swings through tuesday flurries. Its a very slight chance for flurries, so dont expect any accumulations. Most people will sleep right through it expect much cooler conditions on wednesday with highs in the upper30s. Also find out how low those temperatures are when you wake up through our wavy 10 weather app. Its free for your apple and android device. A five Year Old Girl from norfolk hailed a hero tonight. Shes credited with saving her grandmothers life twice. First, when her grandmother went into diabetic shock. Then, again when rescue crews got locked outside unable to help. Before going to cover breaking news in hampton, 10 on your sides matt gregory filed this story from the stone bridge manor senior apartments in norfolk. Lonzena hankins says she wanted to spend the weekend with her granddaughter Sarai Hernandez. She didnt realize how important the visit would be. Lonzena hankins grandmother c0013 2 18 10 if she wasnt here and i had passed remember any of that, no sunday morning she felt her sugar level drop and tried to warn sarai. In stead she collapsed. Anymore i had to call me daddy. 1 59 09 sarai 3 21 24 she remained calm, she called her father, instead of calling directly to 911 she called her father in the process called 911 had no way to get inside to help hankins. Capt. Wayne oporto norfolk fire dept. C0039 3 20 27 we used the lock box key that the called back. Jessica hernandez mother of Sarai Hernandez c0004 2 06 51 he said i need you to put some pants on, on the phone with you. 2 06 59 thats when 5 year old sarai made the long trip through the apartment building. Down the elevator, to the door where rescue crews waited. Finally bringing them in to help her grandmother. Lonzena hankins grandmother c0013 2 19 05 i wouldnt, i wouldnt have been here. 2 19 07 a family weekend where a visit helped to save a apartments because the key they had didnt work. We called apartment management to find out why but the office is not staffed on weekends. We plan to follow up again tomorrow. Police continue to look for two people responsible for an Early Morning armed robbery. Weve learned it happened just before 1 this morning at the 7eleven on godwin boulevard. The suspects went in the store, showed a gun and demanded money. The two ran away after getting money from the store employee. Portsmouth police are looking for two suspects who robbed a convenience store. Its a story we first brought to you as breaking news last night at 11. It happened around 1045 last night at diamonds express a gas station on victory boulevard, near greenwood drive. Police say at least one the suspects had a gun. They demanded money, then this is the fourth time in the last few months that robbers have targeted diamonds express. Police also responded to robberies at the store in october, november, and december. 10 on your side plans to find out more about whether theyre all connected. Were on your side tonight looking into a growing interest in guns and how to use them across Hampton Roads. This comes after a week of comments by president obama on gun control. Hes now vowing to use his executive powers to implement new gun safety measures. Locally, a record turnout this weekend at the showmasters gun show in norfolk. And one gun shop on the peninsula says demand for gun permits is stronger than ever. 10 on your sides joe fisher is in the newsroom to explain the demand. Joe. The best gun salesman out there. When he talks about gun control and restrictions people react. vo upwards of 5,000 people packed the norfolk scope arena for the showmasters gun show this weekend. Thats double what organizers predicted. The foot traffic just one sign interest in guns is growing. The marksman in newport news says theyve seen increases in people shooting guns, buying guns, and enrolling in conealed carry classes. Mcclain says the is all good. But it distracts from the biggest issue, he says, country and you choose number of background checks, thger;s a disconnect there. c549 31 15 youre certainly not going to be able to target the bad guys with president s plan also includes closing the gun Fund Research for Gun Safety Technology and invest a halfbillion dollars in Mental Health funding. Im joe fisher, 10 on powerball frenzy even though no one won the massive prize, a few people in Hampton Roads woke up with a piece of the jackpot. The virginia lottery says a person is 1 Million Dollar richer after buying a Winning Ticket at convenience on the go on holland road in suffolk. Additionally 2 other people are 50 thousand dollar tickets wealthier after buying tickets at local 7eleven stores. The one in hampton, the other in suffolk. The next jackpot drawing is this wednesday the jackpot is expected to be more than 1point3 billion dollars. Gas prices continue to drop across the country and here in Hampton Roads. Triplea says the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas is 1 dollar 96cents. People in 10 states are paying a dollar75 or less. Including us here in Hampton Roads. According to gas buddy dot com the average price for a gallon of unleaded gas in our area is a dollar74. Even though you can find some prices as low as a dollar50. If you think thats low suggesting gas prices may get as low a dollar a gallon in some parts of the country. The last time its been that low was 1999. Plus deadly fire at least two are dead after a community is nearly burnt to the ground. Well show you the dramatic scene and tell you what people are thankful for. And fire and ice the issues one Fire Department faced because of the frigid we have a 10 time saver Traffic Alert for you tonight along interstate 64. There are lane closures east and westbound between the lee hall exit and jefferson avenue exit. It started tonight at 8 and is going through 5 in the morning. This will happen each night this week at the same time. One travel lane will stay open to traffic at all times. This is a part of the i64 widening project. Severe weather damaged several areas in florida yesterday evening. Today, Florida Governor rick scott toured areas damaged from a tornado in the southwestern part of the state. The twister pummeled cape coral with winds of up to 132milesanhour. It hit about 180homes. More than a dozen of them seriously. The wind knocked down power lines and trees all over the town. Luckily, only three people received minor injuries. The initial damage estimate stands at two people are dead and more than 140 buildings destroyed by a wildfire. It continues to burn out of control in western australia. Australian Authorities Say they found the bodies of two men while searching burntout buildings. The men are both believed to be in their 70s. Extra firefighters were been brought in from other parts of the country to help battle the fires. Overnight clear and chilly. Lows mid30s. Winds w 1020 mph. Monday sunny skies. Much cooler. Highs mid 40s. Winds w 10 mph. Tuesday it was absolutely beautiful with plenty of mid30s, but wind chills will be down into the mid to morning itll be around 20 to 25 cooler on monday with highs only in the mid40s. At least well have abundant sunshine highs will be in the low50s. As the front swings through tuesday night, well see a little more cloud cover along with a slight chance of a few spotty flurries. Its a very slight chance for flurries, so dont expect any accumulations. Most people will sleep right through it expect much cooler conditions on wednesday with highs in the upper30s. Up next a fire then a freeze. What caused this historic pub to look up next a fire then a freeze. What caused this historic pub to look more like an ice castle. Plus a look inside the tunnel mexican drug kingpin el chapo tonight a look inside the Tunnel Network that drug lord Joaquin El Chapo guzman used when he tried to escape capture on friday. After six months on the run, guzman and his security chief fled authorities via storm drains. They escaped through a manhole cover to the street, where they commandeered getaway cars. Marines climbed into the drains after them. They closed in on the two men based on reports of stolen vehicles, and the wanted men were arrested on the highway. Today Mexican Marines could be seen outside the home allegedly hiding. Its still blocked off with police tape, and apparent bullet holes can be seen through a door. Tensions remain high in the Philadelphia Police Department Today after a new threat against officers. Investigators say an anonymous tipster told police the threat is not over and that three radical shooters are still atlarge. The tip comes three days after police say Edward Archer approached officer jesse hartnetts patrol car and opened fire. Officers say archer then pledged his allegiance to isis and said he did the shooting in the name of islam during his arrest. The tipster says archer is part of a larger group and that philadelphia careful. Archer appeared in court saturday and remains in jail with no bond. Police say they are investigating the tip and plan to reinterview the tipster. The destruction of a Historical House in omaha nebraska became a spectacle of fire and ice. Emergency crews were called to the scene last night when an explosion engulfed a pubs century old building in flames. Firefighters battled the flames until temperatures. The water transformed the smoldering building into what looked like an ice castle. The pub owner says three people were treated for injuries. Officials are investigating the cause of the blast. Still to come president obamas final state of the union is just two days away. Were on your side with a preview of what to

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