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And special guest sigourney featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, live one tapfrom the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen hey thanks, everybody jon hey stephen hey, jon, good to see you. Sorry. Jon no, no, no. Stephen thanks so much. Listen to that. That, that right there, thats a thats a friday crowd right there. Jon thats right. cheers and applause stephen every week its the best crowd of the week. Its incredible. Folks, welcome to the late show. Im your hosst cheers and applause because it is friday, i dont know what your brunch plans are this weekend, but if youre looking for something refreshing as things get warm out there, starbucks has introduced a new drink called the unicorn frappuccino because the name sugary affront to god was taken. laughter i have no idea how many unicorns theyre grinding up for these things, but im guessing peta is furious. Jon theyre mad. Stephen according to the press release, dlnd its made with a sweet dusting of pink powder blended into a creeme frappuccino with mango syrup and layered with a pleasantlysour blue powder topping. Thats it. Thats all you need. Thats all your foot groups right there. Mango, pink, blue, and obviously, topping. The f. D. A. Recommends three of at least three serving o toppings up there. Now, this was starbucks attempt to take over social media, they say, with a drink thats made to be instagramed. Its true its their most instagrammable drink since the starbucks. Cataccino. So people are loving the unicorn fraech. Is it really popular . People are talkin talking about, right . So i wanted to know how it tastes, so live, live on tv. There you go. Yeah. Thats a color i can only describe of as tumor. Lets try this. And, here we go, live on air, trying the unicorn frappe. Oh, i wish i was dead. laughter tastes like a french tinkerbell. Thats not weird. Shes an adult. Shes just very small. Okay, shes a fullgrown fairy. Peter pans the one who wont grow up, all right. Take this away before i Say Something else incriminating. Anyway, this is only available until april 23, so, hurry . But after the unicorn frappe, ive been told starbucks is moving on to their new mythological drink the minotaur macchiato. It will gore your tastebuds and leave them at the center of a terrifying labyrinth of flavor. Speaking of terrifying, and labyrinth for that matter all week, ive been bringing you the latest from the trial of conspiracy radio host and furious hardboiled egg, alex jones. laughter you guys know who he is . You know who alex jones, is info wars. Very popular. Donald trump is a big jones is in a legal battle with his exwife, who says hes too unstable to have custody of their children. And to prove it, shes been showing the court videos like this George Washington with diarrhea running out of his pants on top that horse marching to kick ass marching not to give up taking action thats who we come from, and we let all these hunchback scum rule us i will never submit to you and the human spirit is rising you will not turn us into animals laughter cheers and applause stephen yes, you can never turn alex into an animal, because hes already a rabid badger. Saying that when he says stuff like that, jones is jula and, evidently, yesterday jones took the stand and backed that up. Reportedly, realalexjones called out Stephen Colbert in testimony thats me. And said, he was making fun of me the other day, but he doesnt take that home to kids. That is true. I dont take that home. Whenever i talk about alex jones, my wife will not let me into the house until i am deloused. She makes me burn my clothes outside before i enter the airlock. You ever see in the adrom listrain . Ke that. We also learned a bit about how the marriage went wrong. Jones told the court that even though his exwife was a member of peta, jones likes to eat zebra steaks. And would you like that rare, or medium rare . Id like it extremely rare, endangered, in fact. Of course, one of the use, which he admitted to, saying he sometimes smokes marijuana, nearly yearly, to monitor its strength, which is how Law Enforcement does it. laughter yes, everyone remembers that one law order episode per year where the detectives burn down the dank bud, then sit on the couch with a bunch of snacks, and bingewatch law order. Its pretty trippy. In fact, its not just law order. Its real. All cops do this. All policemen get stoned once a year. But first they look in the mirror and say, am i a cop . I gotta tell me if im a cop. And again, i feel bad for alex jones here. In the past im a performer and ive been judged for the things ive said while in character, specifically the character of tuck buckford, who is the host of the rightwing radio show i gotta tell you brainfighters, ben franklin had irritable bowel syndrome, just exploding all over that kite in the middle of a rainstorm but did that stop him . No it did not he kept going, okay and just it went everywhere, okay and thats how he invented the moist towelet laughter now, brain nation, i gotta tell you, old tucks a bit mellow today because for your safety i have been testing the strength of some of george soros patented mindcontrol marijuana. I do it once a year, and then once an hour for a year, just like the brave men and women of the coast guard. laughter you can really taste the butane. laughter now, i get a lot of calls saying, youve accused the tooth fai but what do we tell our kids . You tell your kids the truth, okay tooth fairys really the c. I. A. Coming to our childrens rooms at night to collect their d. N. A. Off the little molars and the bicuspids to use the d. N. A. To generate artificial cyber sperm that they sell to the witchs coffens who use turkey baifters to inseminate each other to create an army of demon babies to fight our wars im not making this stuff up im imagining it, okay . Now, if youve been watching the news, you may have heard from my exwife, deb, that im a marijuana addict who should not be trusted with my own children. It is not true. I am just loggy from eating all this delicious giraffe meat. And, yes, my wife is an animal lover, and, yes, this is the april the giraffe. But im man with teeth, teeth that chew,an swallows, and a heart in my chest that beats four to five times a minute because of all the meat ive been chewing. Youre dead im alive youre dead im alive now, if youll excuse me, i have to check out some of the crack cocaine the department of justice has been pushing on the muppets on sesame street. Big birds in on it. Snafalopolous isnt real. False flag. Lets see how good this crack is. Woooo that is stronger than it was this morning kids, dont do this stuff, okay . Because if you try to take mine, you will draw back a bleed stump you will fight my brain my brain has cobra fangs will youll be dead in eight seconds. laughter todays show is brought to you by blue apron, not the food, the ledlined smock that keeps the National Park Service Satellites from photographing your genitals while you sleep so i never sleep give me that crack im going to put it on my ding dong just like Thomas Jefferson told us to do in the magna carter oh, thats good oh, thats good cheers and applause stephen weve got a great show for you tonight. Rosario dawson is here. But when we return, i will offer anique preview of the aliens movie with a very special guest. Stick around. Woman so this happened. Zoe brought over some limearitas to avas rooftop and thats when we knew thats elyse busting out her dance move from summer of 08. she insists its her signature move, but were all pretty good at it. Yeah, looks like were staying here tonight. Limearita. Make it a margarita moment. Limearita. Its league night . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Take on the mainstream. Introducing nissans new midnight edition. band playing cheers and applause Stephen Jon Batiste and stay human, everybody give it up cheers and applause jon right here. Stephen jon, im pretty excited about Rosario Dawson coming up here in just a little while. You ever meet her . Jon no, i have not. Stephen i met her once a long time ago at the rally jon and i had on the mall at washington, d. C. , restore sanity. Jon i remember that. Stephen she was there and ive been a fan for years. Shes in all those Netflix Marvel series. She can do drama. She can do action. She can do it all. She can do it all. You know who else i love . Jon who is that. Stephen another female actress we have had on the show. Sigourney weaver. She has had so many iconic roles ghostbusters, working girl, and of course, ellen ripley from the alien movies. One of the first female action heroes, so inspiring. It gave us hope that at some point in the distant future, women might be allowed to be in charge of something. laughter of course, there are still new alien films coming out. Ridley is make something new ones. Alien covenant comes out next month. Is that what that is . Yeah. And ridley scott Just Announced hes working on even more sequels, creating all sorts of rumors as to whether or not ripley will appear in them in any way. Now, i cant confirm whether or not she does, because thatd be a huge spoiler. But i will say that if she did make a cameo, we would have a clip. Jim . laughter siren help me cheers and applause help me, please i need a medic ill about with you in a minute. clears throat ill be with you in a minute, maam, okay . I have a whole desk to clean up here. Welcome to the waleand bhutanic Corporation Health clinic where the only thing alien to us is poor customer service. The screeno morphs have breached the containment facility. We dont have much time. Hold on, please. Im sorry. Amelio, amelio, ive told you repeatedly, that if it bleeds white, its an android, okay . Also australia, if its bleeding at all, youre not doing the eye exam properly. Speak up, amigo. I cant hear you over all the screaming. Look, this is an emergency. Maam, youre going to have to wait your turn. laughter applause . Hey, was it was one of those things that put this thing inside of me well, that really sounds like a conversation for your ob gyn. laughter . Listen, randroid, youre going to help me right now. You know why . Because were some space, and in space, no one can hear you scream. Would you like an appointment . laughter lets put you in the system here, see if we can find you. Name, please. Ripley. cheers and applause i dont have that. laughter ripley what . Ellen ripley. Okay. laughter ive got nothing. Ive got nothing in here. Anything more . laughter sighs nothing, its game over, game over. laughter ive got nothing. The woman who singlehandedly saved humanity every five to eight years for the last three decades. cheers and applause oh, my god. Oh, my god. Youre sarah connor . laughter look, you need to help me right now. I can feel this thing about to burst out of my chest maam, were all having a bad day. All right . I had a burrito for lunch, and i dont want to tell you where thats about to burst out, okay. laughter im just going to put you into the system. Lets get your medical history. Go all right, lets see. I spent a few years in hypersleep. Got attacked by a zinamorph. Went back into hypersleep f 5 years. Got attacked by a bunch more zinamorphs. Injured in an escape pod crash, nearly killed by zinamorphs, host organism to an alien queen, and killed myself by diving into a giant furnace. So, under preexisting condition, im going to put down dead. laughter anything else . Yeah, 200 years later, i was cloned and brought back to life. Another then for insurance purposes you are your own dependent, okay . laughter let me just let me just print out your file. laughter why are you using that thing . Its the year 2434. We from the year 1986. cheers and applause oh, my god. I can feel this thing tearing me apart. Oh oh the burrito the burritos coming oh, oh, god, oh oh oh oh welcome to the Wayland Utani Corporation Health clinic. How can i help you . Hey, listen, you i was next in line get away from him, you bitch. Mint cheers and applause cheaper. The assignmentment starring Sigourney Weaver is available on demand now. Well be right back with Rosario Dawson. applause rthday, sweetie were so glad to have you here. What if we treated great female scientists like they were stars . Yasss queen what if millie dresselhaus, the first woman to win the National Medal of science in engineering, were as famous as any celebrity . [millie dresselhaus was seen having lunch today. ] [. Rumors of the new discovery. ] what if we lived in a world like that . crowd applauding we know a place thats already working on it. What twisted ankle . Ask what muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. 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Please welcome the lovely and talented Rosario Dawson. applause thanks for having me cheers and applause stephen i love that dress. Thank you. I wore it just for you. Stephen its like youre wearing energy. I really wanted it to be purple for prince, so i threw in this surple stephen this is the year anniversary, sadly, of his passing. You knew him right . Yeah, yeah, i did. Stephen you were on one of yeah. Stephen the remix 1999. He did a remix of the album. Stephen i never got to meet him unfortunately but i was a big fan. Did you get to see him perform. Stephen no, i was cheated. Everyone who worked with him or spent time with him has a prince story like no other story. Stories. Stephen did you go to paisley park. Stories, been to paisley. It was amazing. Stephen can you sure one story . I want to share one story because my mom is here backstage because we love you and were so excited. Stephen thats nice. I like her, too, i like her, too. The last timey saw you was at your rally. Stephen thats right. We met backstage at the rally to restore sanity, and it didnt work. No, it didnt, sadly tdid not. He was actually doing a restoration or Something Like that in pay paisly park so he rented this ridiculous, paleaceous place in l. A. And had the purple rain motorcycle there and the whole thing. Stephen the actual within . The actual he brought over everything. It was incredible. He took us on a whole tour, and he was going to perform downstairs. And we were like, well be right down. And he comes up, and he said, are you coming in . I said ill be right back, im going to the bathroom. I come out and i hear her say,you know youre an alien. I said, mom. Stephen she said that to prince. And people say people like tom crews is an alien or michael jackson. And im like mom and if anybody is an alien its you. Stephen it was a compliment. Totally is what she was going for. She said i ruined her flow, that she had Something Better and i sprinted her. We went to see him perform and it was 6 00 in the morning and he made pancakes and my mom says, prince insulted me. And i said what happened. And i was singing in front of him and he said i was his mascot. I said, woman, you called him an alien three times to his face made you pancake s. Stephen you were on the 1999 remix album. Yeah. Stephen do you play an instrument, what do you do whatdo you do . No. Stephen what do you do on it . I did a monologue. He called me and said, youre the voiceave genovation and i want you to read this monologue. I cant read it. And i was like okay. Its a really intense monologue. It was really remarkable, and it would have gone off better if i had been able to play an instrument and he asked me to at paisley park, and i didnt do it well. I was disappointed that he was disappointed. Stephen did you play drums for him . He got me to and it was really bad. Stephen do you think he was just getting you back for what your mom said . No, this was before stephen oh, its before. Because hes an alien. Stephen im a big fan of eric andre. I really like his show. And i know that you guys are dating. Yeah. We when i came on your show, right after we had met at the d. N. C. Stephen okay. So you guyst u were dating, and people did not believe you. You actually had to put out photos proving that you two were a couple. Im guessing hes the one who should feel insulted here. Oh stephen because how did he take it . No, he hes used to it. How he took it was he started posting more pictures of, like, our tongues touching and stuff, like personal pictures. And im like, dude i told him chance the rapper had texted me to be like yeah, im seeing all these pictures on line. Its not for real, right . And im like, yeah, thats my man. No. And eric got all right, i have to prove it. I said, youre such a millennial. You dont post tongue pictures. I will be 38 next month. Come on. Stephen youre rob, the cable. A smidge. Stephen how old . He just turned 34. Stephen four years. Were three years right now. Stephen yeah,ut laughter they dont, they dont. applause they dont. No. No. I dont like this. Stephen im sorry. He meditates, though. Hes got me meditating, you know. Hes really healthy. Stephen like serious meditation, like cons straighting on your breathing or like ohm . No, really on top of it. When we met we were dating for a while and i had a ruptured cyst on my overry, and he took care of me in an adult diaper. That is love. Stephen that is love. Its all downhill from there. And hes got me meditating and journaling and doing all this amazing stuff. He is actually quite healthy. You would never know. Hes got me taking care of myself. Stephen as i said, i was saying to jon before you came out here, youre in all of the Marvel Netflix series. Youre the one character that links all of them. You are nurse claire temp. Daredevil, jessica jones, luke cage, iron youre in the defenders. With sigourney. Wooowooo stephen right now youre a nurse. Are you eventually going to manifest a superpower because youre in all of the superpower shows. Right. Stephen what is going to be your deer dool . Do you know yet . Its funny, when i first got offered this role thats exactly what i asked. Im like marvel called me to do something. This is going to be great. We want you to play and im waiting for something magical, ill be able to fly. And theyre like nurse and i said great ill be able to wear rubber gloves and be covered in fake blood. I get bit by radioactive spiders at some point . Something has to happen. My superpowers is being an awesome person with great resources and uses them. Thats a real hero and her owen. Thank you to our nurses and our doctors applause . Stephen the new movie is called unforgettable. Yes. Stephen and in this you do a little bit o a smidge. Stephen and Katherine Heigl is in there. What is the story of this . We have a clip. Do you know what the clip is . Can you set this up. I play a woman, julia think , and has fallen in love, and everything is going really well except the first marriage is not apparently over for his ex. Were going to see here where shes been gas lighting me for a while and im not going to take it anymore and i stand up to her which is really funny because in this clip i was standing up to her because im on the steps if you watch the movie because the clip cuts out i step down and im shorter than her and i dont seem as threatening. I think they cut it right after so i look really tough. Why are you doing this . I dont know what you mean. Yes, you do. Hey, this is really difficult for everyone but it doesnt actually have to be this hard. Im not doing anything, julia. I am simply living my life with my fa. Suggest you look in the mirror. No. I know exactly what it is that you are trying to do. And i am not going to let you put lily in the middle of this any more. Are you threatening me . Yes. Oh stephen does it go down . And then i step down and then it goes leak this. Stephen you eventually fight, right . Yeah, it was pretty fun. Stephen i know one of the reasons you were at the rally jon and i did seven years ago now, believe it or not, is that youre very politically active. You are in the parlance of the millennials youre wowx. Ive been told thats the right thing to say. What are you working on right now . Are you involved in any action, as we say in the streets . Yeah, i mean, im im on the border of lower Side Girls Club here and vday. American my energy, ann g organ and supp. Today was a day of silence. Hundreds of thousands of kids all across the nation have been standing up for l. G. B. T. Q. Students and talk about the silence we have around bullying and how dangerous that is. So im really excited for that. Hundreds of thousands of kids came out today. And as much as people im talking to are depressed and upset, when you Start Talking to these kids, theyre like, i dont have time to be depressed. Like, this is my future, and im going to create it. And i love that this generation that is coming up is accepting, not tolerant, and theyre going full force and they need our support 100 . Stephen thank you so much for being here. Thank you. Stephen lovely seeing you again. Lets not make it another seven years, please. Unforgettable is in theaters now. Rosario dawson, everybody well be right back with Renee Elise Goldsberry. So this year, theyre getting a whloole t more. Box 365, the calendar. Everyone knows my paperless, safe driver, an d multicar discounts, but theyre abou st toee a whole new side of me. Heck, i can get you over 600 in savings. Chop, chop. Do i look like ive been hurt before . Because ive been hurt before. Um, actually your session is up. Hang on. I call this next one junior year abroad. Um, actually your session is up. Poallergies . Reather. Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. New giant stuffed pastas somethstarting at 12. 99. G at olive garden. Bigasyourplate giant threemeat manicotti. Generousandthensome giant seafood manicotti. And all the garden fresh salad and breadsticks you want. Pastas so big you could share them, but so delicious, you wont want to. Giant stuffed pastas, starting at just 12. 99. For a limited time at olive garden. Sometimes you capture the moment, and sometimes it captures you. Experience moe as a member. The marriott portfolo has 30 brands in over 110 countries, so no matter where you go, you are here. The late show, everybody. Ladies and gentlemen, my next guest won a welldeserved tony for her performance as angelica skyler in hamilton. She now stars in the immortal. Life of Henrietta Lacks. Please welcome Renee Elise Goldsberry applause . Thank you for having me. Stephen hey. A little beethoven for you there. Thank you very much. Stephen theyre very good. They are very good. Stephen speak of very good, i mean, as i said, welldeserved tony for playing angelica skyler in hamilton. Thank you. cheers and applause . Stephen i said lin and other cast members who have been on here before, people must have atid this to you. Would just say to yourself, why am i crying Alexander Hamilton again . But you would. The show was such a tremendous gift as was your performance. Thank you. Stephen now that you have moved behind it, what is posthamilton life like . Do you wait for life to slield into sweeping melodies or rap lyrics everywhere you go . Every chance i get im rapping and rhyming. Every chance, i hear music in the air. Stephen people must come up to you and sing the songs. They do, and i love that, most of the time. I actually the best part of about it is so many children know every single word of this. Its always show and tell when you meet different kids. Ill actually put them on my instagram when i can. Its actually good for you. How often do you memorize something that actually is relevant, and its something that you want your children to have memorized. That doesnt happen very often, so that makes me happy. Stephen you are henrietta of henrietta a book i believe ce out 2008 the book came out . Its a its a brilliant story of an extraordinary womans life and how it has changed all of our lives. You can explain to the people out there who Henrietta Lacks is, other than her contribution to science. Absolutely. And its important to know. Its like hamilton. Its another story that no one knows and it impacts us all. Henrietta lacks was an African American woman who died in 1951 of cervical cancer. But most importantly, she was a woman that loved to paint her nails. She was a woman that loved to dance. She was a woman that was a mother with five children. And somebody they biopsied her they took her cell, and it was the first cell that was able to live outside of the body, so it is responsible for the polio vaccine, the hiv cocktail. Everything we know about cells what we learned about its maybe it will save us from the zika virus at some point. Stephen so many cells, normally when theyre harvested from someone and they try to propagate it for na sliewtion or petri dish fir lack of a better word they die out. But Henrietta Lacks cells keep going until this day. Exactly. Thats why we call thim immortal. Her family was not aware that happened until they came back to their home to do more research on them. It brings up issues of consent. It brings up issues of ethics, donors, anyway, with any kind of tissue. Its really numberable the story. But most beautiful thing about it is how a cancer cell could save the world and really the search of the children to find out who their mother was. If you can imagine how crazy it would be if your mother died when you were so young, and yet you know somehow that shes anything about her. Stephen that is an extraordinary thing is that she shes not just, like, remembered by her family and the contribution that the research on her cells have given to medicine. But she is still being propagated. These cells are still being propagated around the world. So she is all around us. She is all around us. Stephen did you feel that when you were making the movie giabsolutely do. Anything exwt anything would happen. Oprah winfrey was in the movie and she herself would say, theres henrietta. If it was raining hard or crazy, we felt she was there. It felt as though this was the time for the story to be told and i felt her presence all the tile. It was really, really beautiful. It gave me the courage to play her. Stephen well, we have a clip right here. I think this is when youre telling your friends, back in 1951, that you have cancer, and explain to them what you hope for your own children. Jim. I got something inside of me. H, gladys. What kind of thing. Cancer. Oh, no. You gotta promise me, make sure nothing bad happen to my children. Especially my baby girl. I want to braid her hair. Dress her up real pretty. Teach her how to paint her nails and handle men. cheers and applause thank you. I have to tell you thank you. I dont think they had i think i saw a cut of the movie for the first time on an editors b long time ago, so the first time i really saw the and i was so embarrassed because i was weeping so hard not at my own performance. I was weeping watching oprahs performance. I was weeping watching rose byrnes performance. I was weeping watching all i felt like all of my children in this movie. And i just had to run out of the room and hide in the bathroom because i think its a little obnoxious if someones premiere is over and they walk out like, oh, my god that was amazing so it was a bit embarrassing but its such a beautiful film and im so excited that its in the world. Stephen well, congratulations, and thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much. Stephen it was lovely to meet you. The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks premieres tomorrow on hbo. Renee Elise Goldsberry well be right back with moshe kasher. At red lobsters lobsterfestime. Could be yours. So dont resist delicious new lobster mix and match or lobsterfest surf and turf because you wont have this chance for long. To refinance your home. Eding through financial documents or, you could push that button. [rocket launching] skip the paperwork and get a mortgage solutinion minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. [whisper rocket] the has the worlds first infinity screen. Which makes your world infinitely bigger. A camera fast enough to catch this, and intelligent enough to understand what it sees. It connects you to home, and takes you anywhere you can imagine. Which makes it infinitely amazing. band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody. My next guest is a standup comedian with a new talk show called problematic. Please welcome, moshe kasher applause stephen thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. Stephen well, a new talk show on comedy central. You wouldnt know about that. Stephen how is everybody over there. Its good, im good. I finally figured out the block feature on twitter. Stephen are you being attacked . Im not being attacked but i preempted it. I found a new feature and you can go in and block specific phrases. Did you know that . Stephen no. All these phrases i knew theyd come at me with jew, big bleep perfect hair. They cant get to me. Stephen i havent blocked those yet. No, you dont have to. laughter stephen starting a new very well. Starting a newstarted a couple of new sn my day. It can be chaotic. Do you guys have everything nailed down yet . We have we are dealing with controlled chaos. Just by the premise of the show. Were trying to talk to people that wouldnt normally get along. Were trying to have you have done this really well on this show. Were trying to have real conversations but we deal with rare, chaotic creatures. Next weeks episode is about islam. Not the one this week but next week. We wanted to get people from outside the liberal world to ask real pointed questions to a panel of muslim friends of mine we invited on, and we went on this website four chan i see there are chaners in the house. Stephen that is a dark, dark place. We said, please submit any questions. Were going to get rid of hate speech, of course. When we went into the email address we gave them, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of just gay reality porn subscriptions were in there. laughter and i was like y adult in me was like, thats awful. And the comedian in me was like, thats awesome. And then theres a third part of me that was like, i need a little bit of time in my dressing room. laughter . Stephen why is it called problematic. Problematic is a term people throw at people when they Say Something that is offensive. Basically i think whats that happened i have been thinking about the phrase in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous as i always bring up when im on the show. Get help, stephen. To admit that others were wrong was as far as most us ever got, right. And i feel like that is the primary interactor were dealing with right now. Everybody says, youre wrong, and then thats the end of the conversation. By the way, im a liberal, and were the worst at it. Liberals are the worst. We do this thing and talk about the way we talk about rightwing voters is so country. These backcountry, hillbilly, banjoplaying, moonshine swilling, cousinhum why dont they vote with us . Its like, h, they could hear you. laughter . Stephen what are you wrong about . What is problematic about you . Do you admit to your own problem atissity. Its a word. Its a word. Whats the most problematic thing about me . I have identity issues. I came from a weird background. My parents are both deaf, theyre super into hiphop. My mom growing up, strong deaf woman, great deaf woman. Im from oakland, california, broop. Ive been doing that for a long time but it makes less sense with gentrification. Now its, im from oakland. Latte. Im very funny. But i will say this, growing up in oakland, i listened to the soundtrack of oakland. I had an identity crisis growing up. People like snoop dogg, e40. That was the soundtrack of my life. And if you are going to be eight and nine years old listening to gangsta rap, its definitely helpful to have a deaf mother. My mom would just be happily driving us to school as were blaring snoop dogg. Hos and trick. My mom was like, i love this. I can feel the bass. We love it, too, beatch. We couldnt say that. Stephen good luck with the talk show on comedy central. Its a lovely place to work. Problematic airs tuesdays on for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. The late show, everybody join us next week when ill be talking to tom hanks, john legend, and l. L. Cool j. Now stick around for james corden. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where it is you come from itll gonna be all right its the late, late show reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from jackson hole, wyoming, give it up for the on

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