Transcripts For WUSA The Early Show 20090724 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WUSA The Early Show 20090724

the dow closes above 9000 for the first time since january. is there a light at the end of the recession tunnel? we'll tell you. more heated accusations in the arrest scandal involving a harvard professor as president obama tones down his criticism, the officer doesn't back down. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. the heat is on in south florida where a politician is fired over his new wife's steamy career. we'll talk to them both. and how's this for a wedding entrance? ♪ >> "early" this friday morning, july 24th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs tgif. good morning, everybody. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. jules is on assignment. what do you think? i like that entrance to the wedding. >> no.going. you going. makes it a fun wedding. >> no. >> come on, harry. >> come on. would you do a somersault? >> i don't know how. maybe if i did, i would. i think it's awesome. >> so 20 years from now, assuming they're still married and they look at these pictures, and they'll say, oh, my god. >> what was i thinking? >> was this a good idea? >> don't you think that anyway when you look back at your wedding video and say, what is that dress? >> that is funny. i find that amusing, the bridesmaids. also, you know what happens today? >> cash for clunkers. >> you bring your clunker in and cash it in. we'll explain what this is all about. you get a high mileage clunker that's a number of years old, you get tons of cash back. >> jill schlesinger will be here to tell us what you need to know. we go from clunkers to cankles. a lot of comedians make fun of cankles, which are ankle ls so thick they're just a continuation of the calf. a lot of women out there don't think it's funny. they're opting to have a medical procedure to fix their cankles. we have a doctor and a patient in the studio this morning. first, we take you to wall street, where the big news is the dow's resurgence. the dow jones industrial average shot up to 9000 yesterday, which is highest level since january. jeff glor is at the new york stock exchange. i bet they're doing that wedding dance there, jeff. >> reporter: maybe later. maggie, good morning to you. one thing to know about this uptick is it's broad-based. it's not just one sector. we're talking about energy, communications, healthcare companies, most of them doing better. thursday's rally was just the latest wave in a two week long surge on wall street. >> taking us back to 9000 provides a shot at moving above that. >> reporter: the most recent move up was prompted by better than expected earnings at some of the country's biggest companies. ford, at&t, and ebay. and better than expected existing home sales, up 3.6% in june. which means going back to march 9th this year, the dow is now up 39%. the s&p, 44%. and the nasdaq 56%. >> this ratifies the idea that the recession is winding down, that investors now see it in the corporate earnings numbers and the economic data that, in fact, the recession, which has been ongoing for more than a year and a half is just about over. >> that said, many of the people we talk to down here remind us this is still a fragile market. the economy has been through a lot. there have been some poor earnings reports late yesterday. microsoft and american express included. maggie, yes, maybe some dancing but some subdued dancing down here. >> cautious optimism. jeff glor, thank you so much. what do traders think? is the economy on the way back, or is this just another loop in the roller coaster? trader doreen mogavero joins us from the new york stock exchange with some thoughts. good morning, doreen. >> good morning. how are you? >> well. >> i'm not dancing yet. i'll let you know. >> why not yet? why the cautious optimism? >> i think definitely the market is getting a lot of confidence back into it. people are shrugging off the bad news. you see the european markets this morning and the asian markets following suit from us yesterday regardless of the earnings that may have come out last night. i think that people really want to see this market go higher. i think they have faith in the things the government is doing to keep us going forward. yet i still think there are things like economic data, the jobless claims and housing numbers that people are still watching very closely. >> exactly. it may be hard for somebody at home who lost their job to be celebrating this rally on wall street. in fact, just this week, 554,000 people filed jobless claims. to put that in perspective, in a healthy economy, 300,000 to 350,000 is the typical jobless claim you see in a week. how do you bridge that disconnect that so often exists between wall street and main street. >> i think you have to understand too in great part the stock market is a predictor of how things are going to be going forward, not necessarily how they are now. i think that's where sometimes we get a little bit confused. i think people are feeling optimistic that, yes, we are in a recession, but we may be at the tail end of that recession. and that quite soon, if not the first quarter of 2010, we'll be starting to see the effects of that on main street as well as in the stock market. >> we sure hope so. doreen mogavero, thank you. the police commissioner of cambrid cambridge, massachusetts, is assembling an independent panel to review last week's controversial arrest of harvard professor henry louis gates. also this morning, we are learning more about the arresting officer. cbs news correspondent bianca solorzano is in cambridge with more. good morning. >> reporter: hi. good morning. since his arrest, henry gates has claimed that he was the victim of racial profiling. it turns out the arresting white officer was actually hand-picked by a black police commissioner to have him teach recruits how to avoid racial profiling. >> the apology won't come from me. i've done nothing wrong. >> reporter: sergeant james crowley, an 11-year veteran of the force, is an expert in racial profiling, having taught a course at the police academy. in an interview thursday, crowley defended his actions of one week ago. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. >> reporter: and he placed the blame squarely on professor gates. >> there was a lot of yelling. there was ref reerences to my mother, something you wouldn't expect from anybody that would be -- should be grateful that you're there investigating the report of a crime in progress, let alone a harvard university professor. >> reporter: crowley also took on the president for his remark that cambridge police acted stupidly. >> i support the president of the united states 110%. i think he's way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts as he himself stated. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president tried to defuse the growing controversy. >> from what i could tell, the sergeant involved is an outstanding police officer, but my suspicious is probably that it would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed. >> joining us once again is professor gas daughter elizabe elizabeth, a writer for the, and from cambridge, massachusetts, denise simmons. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> i want to read one other quote from president obama last night on nbc. >> i think it was probably a pretty straightforward commentary that you don't need to handcuff a guy, a middle aged man who uses a cane who's in his own home. the president is now involved in this conversation. madam mayor, do you feel like your officer responded properly when he went to professor gates' home? >> you know, just recently our commissioner, commissioner haas gave a press conference. in this press conference he talked about just briefly what had happened. what he said is that the police officer followed practices and procedures. he also said out of that is that he would be bringing together a panel of individuals to look at what happened, the practices and the procedures, and then from that make the appropriate recommendations. >> you said you would love to get these two men together. have you had a positive response from either? >> i certainly have had a positive response from professor gates through professor ogletree. i have not had an opportunity to talk to sergeant crowley, but i have talked to the city manager, and he has committed to getting him into the room with commissioner haas. >> especially knowing what we know now, elizabeth, about this officer -- this is the guy hand-picked to help teach recruits how not to racially profile. it's a guy who helped save the life of reggie lewis. is it possible these are two righteous guys saying, i'm not who you think i am? >> well, i think at this point it's beyond who they were in that moment. i think now it's about conflict resolution, and i don't think that the officer is at all being cooperative in any kind of extensive resolution to this. i think he's in defensive at best, i think, even i saw on the show yesterday that he refuses to give an apology. as the mayor just eloquently stated, my father has said that he'll participate in whatever the next step must be. if the officer is saying that he won't, i think he needs to maybe extend his sensitivity training. >> here's what's interesting because this has created this conversation in this country. and i wonder if it only serves to reinforce what people already believe in the first place. if that meeting could be possible, maybe something could go beyond this, but if it doesn't happen, people just sit back and say, see, that's how it is. >> i think you're exactly right. i think, if it's left as is, i think we're going to rely on what our preconceived notions of what disagreement in race have been for so long. i think, if we watch these two people come together and create a resolution that doesn't end in some bitter lawsuit, i think it will signify progress. >> elizabeth, thank you. madam mayor, thank you as well. let's go to russ at news desk. four people died overnight in a helicopter crash on an interstate highway in maryland. police say the commercial helicopter may have hit a power line. it was engulfed in flames by the time firefighters arrived. no one on the ground was hurt. a daring rescue from a fiery car wreck was caught on video. an suv rolled over and burst into flames on a los angeles area freeway on wednesday. three people managed to get out. but a 3-year-old girl was trapped inside. passing motorist john mcdonald stopped to help, and he saved the girl. he insists he's not a hero. >> it's kind of embarrassing. i mean, the attention is nice, but that's obviously not why anybody does this. it could have been a lot worse. obviously, for both of us. >> mcdonald and the girl were treated for minor injuries. and family, friends, and colleagues her at cbs said farewell to walter cronkite at his funeral here in new york city. yesterday's service was held at st.ym bartholomew's catholic church, where the cronkite family has worshipped for decades. they celebrated cronkite's love of sailing with the navy hymn, and his love of jazz with "when the saints go marching in." we were all there. beautiful service. people who knew him well said he would have liked it. >> and they kept playing "when the saints go marching in" until everyone left the church so that every single person who walked out could leave in a good and happy mood. >> andy rooney got up to speak and talked about knowing walter cronkite from the time they were both kid reporters during world war ii, and he said you get to know a lot about a person in a war. and he couldn't go on. he literally could not, couldn't continue. there was not a feeling in the room like -- i think everybody shared that moment of emotion who knew him longer. >> to a lot of us, he's an icon. he's a journalist. but to a couple of the people who spoke, he was a brother, a friend like a brother. >> a father. >> a father. and i think a lot of people forget that when you see these people on television. it was just terrific to see that kind of perspective. >> but how great was it that all the people who knew him personally said, what you saw on tv was exactly what you got in person. >> what you wished he was. >> exactly. folks, why don't we make a quick transition now and talk about the weather, see what's going on all across the country as we head into the weekend. deal? >> deal. >> all right. all aboard right here. we're taking the express across the country. keep in mind, low pressure system still sitting right off the coast here. that means new england, you're going to get even more rain. providence, you've got nine inches of rain in july. the normal is two. it looks like new york's going to get steady heavy rain. that's just not the case. what we're going to see is this low pressure system advance up in places like maine into new england. you're going to see the steady rain, a chance of showers through portions of the northeast, though. deep south, still hot and sticky. the midwest, watch it. keep your eyes on the skies today. could see thunder, lightning, severe weather. we'll pay special attention out there. the west 5 to 10 degrees above the norm in portions of the pacific northwest while the temperatures in the northeast about 5 to 10 degrees below in some cases. southwest is going to be steamy again. >> and it's 14 past the hour. that's a look at your weather. maggie, harry, over to you guys. >> thanks, dave. coming up, the cash for clunkers program. actually, it's kind of a misnomer. we're going to explain how it works and give you all the information you need to know. plus adult entertainment and politics do not mix in one florida town. she's an adult star. her husband is now fired. we'll speak to them both here on "the early show" on cbs. ♪ (announcer) it's that time of year again they're going back it's back to school time at staples over 7000 supplies at guaranteed low prices ♪ staples. that was easy. ...are actually susceptible to irreversible damage. your teeth are no different. everyday acids can cause irreversible loss of enamel. new crest pro-health enamel shield protects against... ...enamel loss by forming a micro-thin shield against acid attack. only crest pro-health toothpastes... ...protect all these areas dentists check most. save your enamel. once it's gone, it can be gone for good. new crest pro-health enamel shield. also shield with the rinse. everyone's nervous going back to school. ♪ ♪ a hallmark card. it's the biggest little thing you can do. but now they have new areas where i can find the brands i use every day-- and save even more. so that's what they mean by unbeatable. save money. live better. walmart. if you're looking to replace your old car with a new one, the government's cash for clunkers program may be the thing. it starts today, and it's designed to boost new auto sales and get gas guzzlers off the road. there's a lot you may not know. "cbs money watch" editor at large jill schlesinger is here to give us some advice. good morning. >> good morning. >> we have a car here that a lot of people say it sure doesn't look like a car about to give up. >> here's the deal. it does get less than 18 miles per gallon. that's the definition for the clunker. got to get less than 18 miles per gallon. if you want to trade in one of your clunkers and get a new car, the government will give you some money. $3,500 if you improve the efficiency by 4 miles per gallon and $4,500 if you improve it by 10 miles per gallon. sounds like a good deal. but they're not going to give you $4,500. >> they're going to say this is credit towards a new car. >> what we identify at "money watch" is five things you've got to look for. >> a lot of people don't know these things. >> exactly. here's number one. number one, you have to have a road ready car. this can't be something that's falling apart that looks like it fell off the lot. that's important. insurance in your name for a year. the other thing is it has to be less than 25 years old. that's a pretty wide berth for us to get through. when you buy a car, it has to be a new car, not a used car. if you choose a lease for that new car, it has to be a five-year lease. that's a pretty long lease for folks. here's the other thing. has to be less than $45,000. no fancy cars on the cash for clunkers deal. >> even so, somebody who's been driving a clunker even with the $4,500 discount may not be able to afford the new payments for a brand new car. >> that's probably one of the real down falls of this. if you're really driving an old car, you have to factor in what's right for your family. can you really afford it? there are three other things that are really important in this process. number one, your clunker should be worth less than the rebate, right? because then otherwise you just go into the open market, sell your car, get cash in your pocket and go buy a new car. >> exactly. >> number two, you go to your dealership and you bargain. you don't tell them about your clunker. you get a really good price first. this is a buyer's market for automobiles. number three -- >> so negotiate the best price before you even talk about trading in. >> exactly. oh, did i tell you about my clunker? >> great. >> the last thing i think is kind of important for people to think about. there's a lot going on here, but when you look at your whole package, you are seeing a lot of dealer incentives. chrysler just anounounced they' going to match the rebate. you may not think, oh, i want a chrysler, but if you end up with $9,000 off the price of a car, .e worthwhile. >> jill schlesinger, thanks so much. we'll put all this information on our website, and we'll also link you to the official cash for clunkers website which will help you figure out the miles per gallon in your clunker. still ahead, it's the wedding video that makes you want to get up and dance. stick around. >> announcer: this portion of "the early s wat. walmt. save money. live better. walmart. the $9 grand entrance. walmart announces op tops for just nine dollars each. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. gorgeous friday morning here in new york city. down in florida, southwest florida, ft. myers beach, the guy is the city manager down there, and somehow the folks, the town findb@ 1h@ (female narrator) from jennifer: a microfiber sofa bed for just $299, only at jennifer. $299. jennifer: the only place to buy a sofa bed. ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. our stage manager tony is shaking his head as he watches this video, which i don't get. i think it's awesome. i think it's a great way to make your wedding memorable, guarantee that you have fun and everybody else there has fun too. >> you know, i would say this, that i'm so tired of hearing paco bell's canon at the beginning of weddings. >> now you can hear chris brown. >> i'm starting to come to the other direction. welcome back to "the early show." coming up, believe it or not, protecting your home can be a do it yourself job. find out what you can do to stop burglars and thiefs. and you've probably heard of cankles, ankles so big it looks like the calf continues. a lot of women think it's a problem. they've been dealing with it for a long time. you'll meet someone who had surgery just recently. plus a growing controversy in southwest florida, where a town manager was fired. the issue was his job performance, it was his wife's. cbs news correspondent michelle guillen reports. >> reporter: for the past 16 months, scott janke was a well-respected town manager of ft. myers beach, florida. >> there was a lot of people who thought very highly of mr. janke. >> reporter: but his career unravelled earlier this week amid revelations his wife was an adult film star. an online editor for a publication noticed this photo in a newspaper and identified janke's wife anabela. the city council voted unanimously to end scott janke's contract. he was terminated with six months pay. >> our issue was the situation the town was put in in terms of how effective we can govern and whether or not this was going to serve as a distraction for that. we felt like it would. >> reporter: so scott janke is now an ex-manager due to his wife's x-rated career. michelle guillen, cbs news, new york. >> joining us now are scott and anabela janke. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> poor mayor said he was afraid it was going to cause a distraction. it's really caused a distraction now. >> quite a distraction. >> how long have you been the city manager there? >> i think about 15 months in ft. myers beach, yeah. >> all of your sort of job performance related evaluations and everything good? >> yeah. i think i've been doing a good job. i think the community feels that way. >> right. were you -- how long have you been thermarried? >> since october 28th of last year. not quite ten months, nine months. >> did you all have any concerns whatsoever as you decided to get married, how will they find out? or how will they react once they find out what you did for a living? >> we talked about it. >> we talked about it, kept our heads down a little bit and hoped it would never happen, i guess. >> it was like a blogger or somebody who saw your picture in a fourth of july parade, and the next thing you know the world -- >> explosion. >> everybody finds out about it. what were you -- to know that you wanted to keep a low profile, what were you afraid of? >> l well, because of my professional ethics, i was concerned about the town being hurt, of course. but paramount was our personal life being hurt. we have children and family members all over the country. so we were concerned about those kinds of things mostly. >> do you feel like your husband has been treated fairly here? >> not really. not really. when this came out, he talked to the mayor and said, i'm willing to resign. and then everything just -- >> well, when this story began to break, i was actually called by a local reporter, who also called the mayor about a day before he was going to actually print these articles. and the mayor and i chatted on the phone. because of my ethics, i said, i'm willing to resign with compensation if the town council thinks it will help the community not be so distracted. >> right. now it's really distracted. what kind of feedback are you getting from people in the town now? >> we're getting very supportive feedback. >> amazing. >> hundreds and hundreds of e-mai e-mails, every one of them completely supportive. we've been looking at these different sites. 90% of the people are saying they support me and they shouldn't have done this. they don't know all the whole story either. so it's understandable, i think. headlines aren't always accurate. >> really? >> amazing, isn't it? >> i always say never trust the media. if the town were to come back to your husband and offer him his job back, would you want to stay there? would you want to live there? >> i don't think that will happen. we have -- anabela has triplets, 15-year-old triplets, which we flew out of ft. myers to get them out of there. they know everything, very supportive. told their mother they're all proud of her and love her. but still i don't think we could do that because of family. >> so interesting. i have a feeling it won't be long before somebody offers you a job. >> well, that would be nice. you got something? >> not right off the top. tough times. >> it's tough times. >> you know how that is. all right. we wish you the best. >> thank you. >> thanks very much for coming and telling your story. scott and anabela janke. here's dave with another check of the weather. >> all right, harry. we'll talk to these folks in a little while. the leukemia and lymphoma society, team in training all across america. i'll tell you about their remarkable work and the fun stuff they do coming up in the 8:00 hour. in the meantime, let's get to the weather picture and see what's happening all across the country. we'll go up to new england, everybody, where we're going to have a washout of a day. it is going to be a mess up there. look at that, one to three inches of rain/flooding, gusty winds. it will push out of boston relatively early. places like portland, you're going to get pounded today. keep that in mind. let's widen out the picture. scattered showers along the gulf coast. midwest, you're looking at rain rolling through today. some of that stuff could be rather severe. let's keep that in mind. southwest is going to see temperatures in the triple digits and 5 to 10 degrees above normal as you head to inland locations in the pacific northwest. meanwhile, everyone, right here in the new york area and some locations around the northeast, you'll see cooler than normal temperatures. the west coast itself right along the coastline, another nice day. that's a quick look atsh >> that's a quick look at your weather. maggie, i'd bust a move, but i'll just send it back inside to you. >> you're going to want to bust a move when you see the wedding video that has turned into an internet sensation. at most weddings there's dancing, of course. usually, it's after the service. not for one couple in st. paul, minnesota. cbs' susan roberts reports. >> reporter: when jill peterson and kevin heinz decided to tie the knot last month, they also decided to strut their stuff. >> i think it was actually one of the first things we decided on when we got engaged. i always wanted to dance down the aisle. >> reporter: so the dance crazy couple and their wedding party put on their best moves. just a fun private memory but not quite. the video was posted on youtube and became an instant hit. so far it's gotten more than 1 million hits. >> i posted the video on sunday or monday. so the fact that we've been doing this interview is kind of crazy. >> reporter: the dancing bride and groom say their wedding was something special. what does the future hold? >> our kids will dance. >> our kids will -- yeah, they'll definitely have some rhythm hopefully. >> reporter: susan roberts, cbs news, washington. >> i still love it. dancing is such an expression of happiness. >> true. >> as long as your church says it's okay, your wedding should be a personal reflection. >> hold on. this will say a lot about both of you. what was your first dance at your wedding? >> it was sade, a slow song, "by your side." >> "our love is here to stay." >> none of you got jiggy. >> i was going to ask you did you? >> i'm not married. >> will you? >> i'm not going to run and do it like a rapper's pole run down the aisle on my way to get married. >> is there a rapper's hora? >> we're going to do hova down the aisle, not hora. i can get down and funky. >> coming up, we'll talk about cankles. a lot of women are worried about this, but now they have a solution. now at chili's -- welcome to chili's. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. for a second course, choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, like our big mouth bites -- the mini burgers with giant layers of flavor. or a half-rack of our triple-basted baby back ribs. then save some room to share a decadent dessert. a lot of bold flavors, for a limited time only. chili's -- with special savings on select fabrics on all frames. you choose the fabric we custom make it always with free design service. hand-made for you at ethan allen it's more affordable than you think. ethan allen with special savings on select fabrics on all frames. offer ends july 31st. healthy hair is soft, silky. and you can get it. fabulous, healthy hair. all you need is pantene. salon names and fancy packaging are nice, but you don't need it. even experts agree. it's damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. trust me on this, the blow dryer, the curling iron, and the flat iron, and my hair's still shiny. pantene moisture renewal. healthy makes is happen. dinner with the girls tonight. mmm... mexican, or italian? i really want dessert tonight. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. ( stomach growls ) skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women that eat breakfast, like the special k® breakfast, actually weigh less. the special k® breakfast, now in blueberry. so why skip? when you can eat all this... and still weigh less. victory is... sweet. this this morning's "healthwatch," some people have never heard of cankles. others worry about them all the time. here's good news. surgery can make those cankles go away. >> i do not have chubby ankles. >> it's a dreaded female body part, the cankle, derived from the words calf and ankle, it is defined as an ankle which has no discernible narrowing from the calf to the foot. >> what? >> cankles. she's got no ankles. it's like the calf merged with the foot. >> they're sometimes gross. it depends how big they are and who they're on. >> they're a problem for women of all ages. there are even celebrity cankles. >> stop saying i have cankles. >> and just as there are procedures for other pesky problem spots for women, there's also a way to cast off cankles. >> i'd get liposuction in a heartbeat. >> liposuction is used to separate the calves and ankles for good. cristina reggie is with us. she had the surgery for cankles just last month. good morning. >> good morning. >> help us understand what makes somebody want to have the surgery. from the knees up, i always felt very confident about my body. when you're a woman, you want to wear pretty dresses and nice heels with that and things like that. i felt very insecure doing that. if you see the pictures on tv with actual fat on the legs, that's what i ha >> we have a picture of you before which we can show. how long had you been dealing with this? >> pretty much all my life. it got worse in my 20s. >> were you ever made fun of? >> when i was 13, my friend told me i had big lower legs. more than that, it was me seeing it and not being happy. >> we'll show the results and talk to cristina's doctor as we come back and continue our "healthwatch" here on "the early show" on cbs. buil. 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[ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! in this morning's kwlt healthwatch," we've been talking about cankles, big ankles that bother women so much they're willing to have plastic surgery to get rid of them. now we're joined by cristina's plastic surgeon dr. michelle copeland. good morning. >> good morning. >> before the commercial we showed you the picture, the big ankle that bothered you your whole life. you saved up and had the surgery in june. let's look at the results. before and after. this photo was taken how many weeks after your surgery. >> six. >> six weeks. what do you think of the results? >> i think it's amazing. you can see the taper at the bottom. you can see i have a shape now. it was always there, but now you can see it because the fat around the ankles is gone. and the good news is the doctor told me it's going to get better and better as time goes by. this is only six weeks post-op. i'm looking forward to it getting more shapely. >> happy customer. >> most women are. >> you've had hundreds. what exactly is the procedure? >> the procedure is a refinement of liposuction. liposuction debulks. what i do is liposculpture. i'm shaping the leg. it's not just removing large volumes of fat, it's giving the leg a shape. and it's outpatient. you go home the same day. don't need a general anesthetic. it's iv sedation. >> and the recovery? >> you're at bed rest the first day. the next day you're up and around. actually, walk sg very important to help pump the legs. and you have to make sure that you're just not doing a lot of standing because you don't want to get swelling in the legs. >> is there another way that doesn't require surgery to get rid of cankles? >> unfortunately, there isn't. exercise alone will not get rid of this. as you can see, cristina's in good shape. but having an unshapely leg, having a thick calf and a thick ankle, there just isn't exercise. >> you saved up for it because it is expensive, right? cristina, how much? >> i guess it was upwards of $8,000 for me. >> was it worth it? >> absolutely. definitely. >> what did it do for you? >> i'm looking forward to wearing dresses, things i would never -- i would never wear a dress or skirt with bare legs, never. if i was wearing a skirt, i'd wear boots. now i know looking at the results in heels and a skirt for the first time i'm wearing one like this. >> you can tell. >> yeah. it looks really nice. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by the florida department of citrus. first piece of nicorette was about 30 seconds after i woke up. still not smoking! seven days. nicorette takes just enough of the edge off the need. i still want to light up, but i don't have to. (announcer) you can do it. nicorette can help. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! for me to keep my bones strong but even with calcium, vitamin d, and exercise, i still got osteoporosis. i never thought i could do more than stop my bone loss. then my doctor told me i could, with once-monthly boniva. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. studies show, after one year on boniva, nine out of ten women stopped and reversed their bone loss. i know i did. (announcer) don't take boniva if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease or can't sit or stand for at least one hour. follow dosing instructions carefully. stop taking boniva and tell your doctor if you have difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. if jaw problems or severe bone, joint, and/or muscle pain develop, tell your doctor. i've got this one body, and this one life, so i wanted to stop my bone loss. but i did more. i reversed it with boniva. ask your doctor if boniva can help you stop losing, and start reversing. (announcer) for a free trial offer, call 1-800-4-boniva. going away on vacation or just concerned for your safety? we'll show you how to protect yourself and your home from burglars. it's beach time, but are you ready for something more exotic? from afghanistan to iraq, tourist,flocking to global hot spots. and if you can dance like michael jackson, get your glove on. "thriller" auditions are under way. we'll take you there "early" this friday morning, july 24th, 2009. that's a good sound. >> yeah, there's a friday kind of feel. hello. in the plaza today. welcome back to "the early show." maggie rodriguez here with harry smith, dave price. jules is on assignment. a lot coming up in this hour. what's something your mom would always tell you or warn you not to do, like a mom myth? >> don't come near me. >> no. don't make that face because it will freeze up. >> it will freeze that way. my mom used to say, if you go outside with wet hair, you'll catch pneumonia. >> get out of the pool if your lips turn blue, and don't go in the pool until a half hour after you've eaten. >> toads give you warts, all these things. >> pick up a toad. >> we're going to see if mom was right or if it was just a myth, ahead this morning. also ahead, if you want to get the most out of your workout, how you eat could make a real difference, triathletes. >> they probably know that. >> we'll get some advice about what to eat, perhaps more importantly when to eat. >> what did you just yell out? >> that was before security dragged her away. first let's go inside and say hello to russ mitchell at this hour. he is at the news desk. good morning, russ. >> good morning to you. and good morning to you at home. this morning the world health organization said the h1n1 flu pandemic is still in its early stages. reports of more than 100,000 infections in england alone just last week are plausible. the w.h.o. chief says 2 billion cases over the course of the pandemic is a reasonable ballpark. it's estimated that more than 1 million cases are in the u.s. the first vaccines could be available by october. five people came down with the virus on board a cruise ship that docked in greece. two u.s. service members were killed in a bomb attack in afghanistan this morning. the attack was in the volatile southern part of afghanistan. 37 u.s. military members have been killed this month there. it is the deadliest month so far in the war. there has been no letup in the nationwide debate over race, touched off by last week's race of harvard professor henry louis gates jr. at his home in cambridge, massachusetts. professor gates had to jimmy open the door of his home when the key door jammed after returning from a trip. the arresting police officer continues to refuse mr. gates' demand for an apology. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. he acted very irrational. he controlled the outcome of that event. >> sergeant crowley says he is not a racist. the cambridge police commissioner supports crowley. this morning the mayor of cambridge told harry she backs the commissioner. it is now 8:03. katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. the government says it will give you up to $4,500 to turn in our old polluting gas guzzler for a new car. it's called cash for clunkers. it's supposed to boost sales. why do so many critics, including auto dealers, say the program is a lemon? that story tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." >> on this friday morning, dave is out on the plaza with another check of the weather. dave, got a buddy there? >> we're here with harry. >> hi, harry. >> and -- >> look at that guy's face. >> he's concentrating because these dogs are going to run a five-mile race in new york city this weekend, part of new york's big triathlon coming up. it's great to see these dogs out and all sorts of organizations, like see different, who work with impaired athletes. visually impaired athletes are out. the team in training from the leukemia and lymphoma society. they train all over the country all year round, and you can get involved and wind up with the experience of actually being in one of these great races and doing some great stuff at the same time. so nice to see you. let's take a check of the weather, see if it's going to be good weather for you to race around all weekend. a rough afternoon in the midwest, everyone, as a front is going to roll through. rough winds, downpours, hail. it's weather which is not atypical of this time of the year. watch for airport delays too in that part of the country. widen out. new england, places like portland, maine, you're going to get pounded with rain today. scattered thunder showers through the deep south and the gulf coast. high heat in the pacific northwest, and the west coast otherwise looks good with steamy conditions and triple digit temperatures in the southwest. that's a quick look at the national map. >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by merck patient assistance program. visit >> happy birthday, grandma edna in charleston. your granddaughters are just lovely. that's a quick look at your weather picture. maggie, over to you. >> thanks, dave. if you see susan koeppen, you know what that means. you're going to get good information and save money. stick around. we'll show you ho to burglar-proof your home for a lot less than you would imagine. every day about 30 women in the u.s. learn that they have cervical cancer. that's why i chose to get my daughter vaccinated. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated when her doctor and i agreed that the right time to protect her is now. because it's about prevention. (nice) gardasil is the only cervical cancer vaccine that helps protect against four types of hpv. two types that cause seventy percent of cervical cancer and two more types that cause other hpv diseases. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated because the cdc recommends that girls her age get vaccinated. gardasil does not treat cervical cancer or other hpv diseases. side effects include: pain, swelling, itching, bruising, and redness at the injection site, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and fainting. gardasil is not for women who are pregnant. gardasil may not fully protect everyone and does not prevent all kinds of cervical cancer, so it's important to continue routine cervical cancer screenings. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated because i want her to be one less woman affected by cervical cancer. one less. gardasil. ask your daughter's doctor about gardasil. in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz. i felt this deep lingering pain that was a complete mystery to me. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia muscle pain and then he recommended lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is fda-approved to help relieve the unique pain of fibromyalgia. and with less pain, i can do more during my day. how sweet is that? lyrica is not for everyone. tell you doctor about any serious allergic reaction that causes swelling or affects breathing or skin, or changes eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. lyrica may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people. some of the most common side effects of lyrica are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands and feet. do not drink alcohol while taking lyrica. you should never drive or operate machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. if you think you might have fibromyalgia, ask your doctor about lyrica. if you are going away on vacation this summer and can't afford a built-in home security system, our consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with simple, do it yourself ideas to protect your home and your possessions. good morning. >> good morning. so you don't have to spend a lot of money. july and august, people are away on vacation. lots of break-ins. we usually see them on the rise this time of year. we found a bunch of things on, very cheap, simple. things you can do yourself to protect your house. we'll start with the camera system. this is called the defender. let me see if i can get you. you have this camera. you can mount it anywhere in your house. all right. and you have this little monitor down here that you can actually, if you are wandering around your house. so if you are home and you say you have somebody working in your basement, you can have it down in the basement. you can watch, see what's going on, or watch the kids. >> i like it better when i'm upside down. can i ask you a question, though? you can't take the monitor with you on vacation. >> you can't take your monitor with you, but you can plug this into a vcr and record what's going on while you're away. >> so when you come home after your house has been broken into, you can at least see who did it. >> you can see the neighbor was the one whodunit. this is another security system. this is rolling out in august called the view. it's $300. these are tiny little wireless cameras that you can mount anywhere in your house. >> and they hook up to your computer. >> the cool thing about this is you go to a website where you put in your user name and password, and you can see what's going on in your house. >> this is eerily similar to the segment we did the other day about the peeping toms. a lot of the technology is basically the same stuff, huh? >> these are really, really tiny. so you log in, see what's going on. you can also record what's going on here. >> this looks good, old school. >> old school. get some safes. so you hide money in the underwear drawer, here's a drawer safe. you can actually bolt this into the drawer, so if someone pulls open the drawer and looking for the cash and money, it's going to be bolted in. they'll have to broke open your dresser to take this. that's $80. harry, how can summer reading save you money? >> please tell me. save me from being robbed. >> keep you from being robbed. you turn to page 82. >> oh. >> our secret stash. >> that's where you put the really secret, important stuff. >> page 82. >> certainly, the thief is not going to go through every volume of your library. >> no. exactly. and that's cheap. that's like $13. >> this is good. i like this. >> shaving cream. any idea how shaving cream can keep you from being robbed? >> hmm. >> okay. it's a safe. $8. >> it's filled with money. >> it's filled with my gold coins, which, you know, gold is very valuable right now. >> very good. i like that. i like there, and i like that. >> they're super cool and very, very cheap. next thing, go to the door. we have down here this little door alarm. $10. so you just put that at the bottom of the door, and somebody opens up the door. >> they're trying to break in. that's really good. >> i mean, that's cheap. $10. >> that's really, really good. >> you can also take this with you. bring it to your hotel room, or your kid's going off to college and they want something for the dorm room. >> do it again. it's really loud. wow. that's $10? >> that's $10. >> this is good. check this out, guys. look at that. all you do is put it in the jamb, and somebody pushes against it, it goes off. that would deter me, i think, if i was going to bust into your house. >> here's something so simple. have the lights on in your house. a timer for your lights. nothing says break into my house more than a dark house. >> all the lights off. >> all the lights off for a week. >> you sound like this is -- in your life as a cat burglar. >> so you get a timer for your lights, and you just have it go on. you know, at dinnertime, boom, there you go. looks like somebody's home. >> some of these things are really good. i like this door jamb thing. >> you can have that. that's my present to you. >> thank you very much, susan. appreciate it very much. for more on these products, go to our website, up next, don't read in the dark. it will ruin your eyes. did your mom say that? is that really true? we're going to separate fact from mom fiction when we come back. ⌟ what makes a hershey's bar pure? [crowd cheering] come on! pure gooey goodness... the pure joy of winning a s'mores bbq with rascal flatts. check specially marked packs to learn how. pure hershey's. discover a smoothie like no other! new activia smoothies. creamy, delicious, and above all, it contains bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. new activia smoothies. ♪ activiaaa! if you think you can dance like michael jackson, your big chance is coming up. let's take you live to london right now, and cbs news correspondent sheila macvicar is there to tell us about the "thriller" auditions. good morning, sheila. >> reporter: good morning, maggie. indeed we are at the auditions for "thriller." that's the musical that celebrates the life of the king of pop, michael jackson. today was open call today, and there were hundreds of young dancers eager to strut their stuff. for some it's been a long night. some have come with michael jackson regalia, and some are really channelling the look and the moves. >> it's magical, his moves. it's just him, his aura. he is one of the greatest entertainers in the world. >> reporter: what does it mean for you to even be part of this audition? >> it's an open audition, so many people have come down to audition. whether they can dance or not, they just want to be connected to michael. >> reporter: director gary lloyd is looking for 20 good dancers. >> they've got to be a strong technical dancer to begin with. if they can do break dancing or tricks or body popping, that's a plus. moonwalking is obviously essential. and they really have to have an understanding of what michael jackson persona and the catalog of all his moves. you ready for this? >> yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ people always told me be careful what you do ♪ ♪ don't go around breaking young girl's hearts ♪ ♪ and mother always told me be careful who you love ♪ ♪ be careful what you do >> reporter: with michael jackson's death, the focus is now on his work and his influence. >> i think there's a real passion to celebrate him now. the only chance that they're going to get to come and really celebrate his music and his life. ♪ billie jean is not my lover >> reporter: and for 20 dancers, a chance to tour the world in celebration of the king of pop. we've got a special thing for you in new york. meet two of the young dancers who auditioned this morning. these two are through to the second round. curtis angus, you're 19. you're already dancing in the west end in "hairspray." michael jackson, what does he mean to you? >> he means so much. when i was younger, that's what i listened to, michael jackson, everything about him. his style, the love for dance and music was incredible. that's what i love about him. >> he's just a huge inspiration to me. he's just got fantastic music, fantastic dance steps. he's just absolutely fantastic, and i love to dance to his music. >> reporter: in new york, you've got your panels ready. your own judging opportunity. curtis, take it away. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: and so what do you think there in new york? >> very good. >> i'm going to give him a 9. >> i give him an 8. and i give sheila a 10. i give sheila a 10. >> here's why, sheila. here's why he didn't get a 10. i think he's a great dancer, but he didn't look that much like michael jackson in his moves. >> he doesn't have to. >> there you go. >> makeup will do everything. >> reporter: next up, we have ariti. here you go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: one more time. what do you think? >> i'm going to give her a 9 again. >> i'll give her a 10. >> and i'm going to give her 108. >> she was a little more michael jackson-esque, which is what i meant. in the moves, she looked more like michael jackson. all right, sheila. thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. thank you, curtis and ariti. thank you. >> i want to see sheila bust a move. >> any chance, sheila? >> reporter: you should see what i'm wearing on my right foot. i've got a very stylish cast. >> from the audition. >> reporter: not good for the audition. >> let me wear this in case they ask me to dance. >> reporter: exactly. how did you know that? >> we're on to you. >> oh, god. i thought for a second there, right? >> no. her understudy richard roth is actually performing in the west end tonight in "thriller." >> and mark phillips. they're all fighting over who's going to get to do that segment. that's right. >> those guys were great, though. that's not easy to do. >> no. >> young guy already is dancing on the west end in -- >> "hairspray." >> right. so he's got to have some chops. >> a lot of talent. still to come, forget about hawaii. how about a dream vacation in afghanistan. iraq? iran? yeah, we're talking about traveling the world's hot spots which a lot of people are actually doing and which may actually be easier than you imagine. we'll be right back. fab@ h@fath when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. e my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia we're feeling really good about summer out here on the plaza. great crowd on hand. people from all over the country. a lot of people in town for the big triathlon on sunday. really cool. they get to swim in the hudson river. just think about that. isn't that an exciting prospect? >> that's worth the trip. >> swimming in the hudson river. >> they've cleaned it up a lot. >> no, they have. they have. >> thanks to organizations like river keepers, by the way. >> there you go. and the threat of jellyfish, i guess, is really diminished. >> don't worry about a thing. we'll be right on the sidewalk. >> all those pcbs from general electric, they're all gone now. welcome back to "the early show." in this half hour, you hear iraq, iran, north korea. you think about all the problems in places like that. there are some people who have decided on purpose to go there on vacation. >> why? >> we're going to talk about vacationing in hot spots in places you almost possibly can't fathom in this half hour. >> a lot of people like to come home and say, i went here and see a bunch of folks say, oh, my gosh, i didn't even know you could get in. >> didn't even know if it was safe or not. talk about that. >> a lot of people thought that about "the early show." so far, so good. >> how's it going? thrill seekers. >> a lot of people would tell you not to go to those places. your mom would tell you to go to the "the early show," not iran, iraq, north korea. your mom probably tells you a lot of things, but some of them are just not true. >> shocked. >> not true. >> my very venge on daniela rodriguez coming up. told me all sorts of lies growing up. >> very disillusioning right now. >> will you be able to go on? >> i'm going to try to hold it together. let's take a check of the weather and see what's going on all across the country, everybody. let's put up the maps and tell you what's happening where you are. looks like in the northeast, i think in the new york area, by the way, we've gotten rid of most of these showers, maybe afternoon showers popping up. i think we're going to be in good shape. as you head to new england, portland, maine, it's going to be awful there today, rough weather. great city, though. keep your eyes on the skies. keep the umbrella handy. you're going to need it most of the day. over the weekend, it's going to stay above average temperature-wise in the southwest. hot and humid with temperatures in the triple dige thes. still showers hanging around portions of the upper midwest. could be a weekend with passing showers or scattered thunderstorms in the northeast. so, again, all in all, that's a quick look at your weather picture a >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. do you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of the show, what happens after the show or before? you get to find out with your our new early backstage blog and web feature. if you head to our website at, you will see things that you won't actually see on the program itself. tune in, log on, and take a look at it. that's a quick look at your weather picture. maggie, we'll send it back inside to you. >> i hope they show you running out five seconds before the 8:30 open today. >> that never happened. >> that was hilarious. dave, thank you. most of us grew up hearing mom-isms like don't frown, wear a sweater, sit up straight. with they good advice? are they true? keri glassman is chief editor of "parenting" magazine, and she'll debunk of myths. let's get right to them. >> sure. >> your mom always told you it's important to clean your plate, eat everything on your plate, children are starving all over the world. is that good advice, encouraging your children to eat everything on the plate? >> no, that is false. you do not want to get your kid into that habit or telling your kid that's the way to tell that they're not hungry anymore. everybody has an internal mechanism in the brain that says, i'm full. and you want your child to be able to hold on to that because, once they start using an external cue like a clean plate, they can get overweight. >> very easily. all right. hear that, mom. do not force feed your children or your grandchildren. okay. next one. sitting too close to the tv will ruin your eyes. true or false? >> again, bunk. wrong. >> why is that one wrong? >> well, it might cause a little eye strain, maybe you'll get a headache. it's really not going to do anything to your eye sight. however, if your child is repeatedly doing that, you might want to ask them to sit back and see if they can see well. if they can't, maybe they need glasses. but that in and of itself will not cause problems to their eyes? >> no. but maybe they have a preexisting problem, which is why they're sitting close. number three, don't frown. you will get wrinkles. >> that's true. >> even as a kid, it's something you have to worry about? >> you know what, it's silly to worry about because any facial movement you make is going to create wrinkles ultimately. are you going to stop kissing people? are you going to stop smiling? >> exactly. >> the real thing that causes wrinkles is the sun. what you want to do is slather your child and yourself with that spf. >> all right. the next one, sit up -- i think this one's true. sit up straight, or you will ruin your posture. >> that is true. >> that's actually a good one. >> yeah, it is. slouching is really bad for your neck, your back, your shoulders. you can really hurt yourself if you don't learn to sit up straight. what you want to do is keep your children active. of course, keep yourself active so you have that core strength to give you proper alignment. >> and i ask you this for harry smith's sake. is it ever too late to start sitting up straight so you won't ruin your posture? >> never too late. >> we always heard if you go outside without a coat, and my mom says with wet hair, you're going to catch pneumonia. you're going to catch your death. is that true? >> that's just bunk. >> uh-huh. tell us why. >> you get a cold from a virus. you don't get a cold from being cold. now, if you were out in the arctic, you know, in a bikini for a long time, it would probably lower your immunity, making you more susceptible to getting a virus. however, i don't think we're doing much of that. it's just not true. you know, my son, he wears shorts into november. it's just the cool thing to do. it drives me nuts, but -- >> he's okay. he's not going to catch a cold? >> that's right. >> susan, thanks a lot. we're going to put these and more mom-isms on the website. proper posture, harry. >> i'm there. i'm all over it this morning. thanks, mags. if you're looking for a hot new place to travel, how about iran, iraq, north korea? travel guru peter greenberg is here to tell us how growing numbers of tourists are actually looking towards the world's hot spots as a place to go for vacation. good morning. >> good morning, harry. it seems inconceivable to me that people would want to go to some of those places for leisure travel. >> first of all, they want to go because they can. they want bragging rights and experience and one-upsmanship. first of all, you know because you were over there. let's start with iraq. northern iraq is completely separate. we're talking about erbil, and they have a website called the other they'll take you to these magnificent locations with all these ruins, the stunning architecture, even the mountains. people forget it's called the switzerland of arabia. >> you could get on a plane from iman and fly right into erbil. and hail a cab. so that's iraq. that's a place you can go. a tiny, little number of people have actually ventured into the country itself, and they get ushered out usually. >> you don't want to go there. >> so iraq is one. how about korea? >> korea is a big surprise, north korea especially, because people don't think they can go there. they can actually go once a year. it happens in august and september. you're looking at it right now. the mass games, all the acrobats and performers and musicians. these are organized tours. i have to warn you, they're also controlled tours. they're eight-day tours. they're not that expensive, $2,500. you'll see brochures that say you explore things on your own. no, you won't. you will be stuck where you are, and you get a chance to see that and go to north korea. >> you'll always be with a minder. the minder will always be minding you. a lot of people go to cuba. >> cuba is another great surprise. remember, you've heard the stories about cuba getting the doors open. it's still off limits for most americans. however, as i'm speaking to you this morning, there are over 2,000 american tourist ins cuba. how did they get there? through any one of five other countries, toronto in canada, mexico, cayman islands, jamaica. the bottom line is they're skirting the spirit of the law, but they're buying all inclusive packages in those countries, so they're not spending u.s. dollars there. >> the country that comes up on the list. there's been so much bad news out of mexico, the drug wars and everything else. what about mexico as a place to travel? >> mexico is the triple m. you mention the drug wars and the bordertown. they had the earthquake and the swine flu. triple whammy. bottom line is get out a map, go south, go east to the yucatan. i was down there in the middle of the swine flu. the staff to guest ratio, 600 to moi. did i have a great time or what? bottom line, they're discounting like you can't believe. the caribbean resorts, all inclusive package. $189 a night includes your meal, your drinks, and your room. and they've extended the deal until december. that will give you an idea of and it'an fine.uyer's market, >> go to the traditional resorts. peter greenberg, thank you so much. for more on travel to hot spots, go to our website at guys who are watching "big brother" may not be happy about last night's results. laura crosby, the 20-year-old bikini model was ousted from the show. julie chen spoke with laura just after her eviction. >> i'm laura. this week is going to get exactly what she wants. >> laura obviously used her assets to help prolong her stay inside the house. whatever she's selling, i'm not buying it. >> i know for a fact that ronny's a wreck. ronny's trying to fool us. i'm not falling for it. i know exactly what he's up to. >> obviously, i nominate laura for eviction. >> i wanted to stand up and be like i toll you so. i was 100% right. i knew that ronny was lying. >> by a vote of 8-1, laura, you are evicted from the big brother house. laura, you were just evicted 8-1. you said in the house, if you don't get at least a sympathy vote, you'd be very upset. are you surprised that you got one? >> i am surprised i got one. really surprised because i thought that everybody would kind of try to have that mob mentality due to the events this week. i thought nobody would want to like separate themselves. >> any regrets? do you wish you were not so vocal? do you wish you were more of a wall flower and maybe you'd still be in there? >> i think everybody always says that. one of my main strategies going into the house was i'm going to let all my emotions roll off of my back. once you get in there, it's really -- it's a lot easier to play from your couch at home than it is to be in that house. >> i promise you on my life that it was ronny. >> you get this paranoia going on. everywhere you walk, if somebody's whispering, you think they're talking about you. it's really, really hard to play this game emotional-free. it's so difficult. >> well, laura, we wish you well. thank you for being a good game player, being honest and open and being yourself. we'll see you on finale night, though. you're going to see everybody again. >> if you'd like to see more of julie's interview with laura, go to our website, up next, do you want your life to be a success? u yoed a j@the eath if you want to be a success, you need a strategy. in the game of life, it can make all the difference in the world. executive coach erika anderson is the author of "being strategic." she's here to share some of her winning tips with us. good morning, erika. >> good morning. >> you believe that everyone needs a life strategy. what is that? >> i do. it's a way to make sure that you achieve your dreams. most people have dreams, but they don't approach them in an organized way. they're less likely to come true. >> the first thing you say we should do is look at the challenge. what is the problem i want to solve? >> exactly. that's a great way to say it. for instance, let's say you have a child who has learning disabilities. that can seem completely overwhelming. what do you need to do? maybe what you really need is to find out how you can get the support that child needs to feel successful. if you hone in on that, then you can begin to look toward how to make that happen. >> a lot of people don't look at themselves in the mirror honestly. >> yes. >> is that important as well, to look at your life and your aspirations realistically? >> absolutely. once you're clear on what the problem is, then it's really important that you know where you're actually starting from. one example i was just using recently is we all watch "american idol," and there are some people who want to be the american idol, and clearly they don't know how to sing. >> and they're surprised when the judges critique them. >> precisely. you have to be clear about where you're starting fwr. it's sort of like you're saying, i want to go to philadelphia. i think i'm in new york. and you're actually in l.a. it's going to be a lot harder to get there. >> which brings us to the next point. you have to come up with a reasonable aspiration to strive for. >> and reasonable aspiration is important. let's say you're a waitress, and you decide that you want to become the manager of your restaurant in a couple of years. that's a reasonable aspiration. if that same waitress says, i want to be a neurosurgeon in three years, that's not a reasonable aspiration. it's important to say, here's where i'm starting from. here's what i'd like to achieve or accomplish, that it be something that you can actually achieve. so you're successful. >> you have to understand too probably that it's not going to be a piece of cake to get there. >> exactly. and that's -- you know, here's where you're starting from. here's what you need to get to. you need to look at the obstacles. what's in the way. sometimes what happens is people look at the obstacles, and they get paralyzed. let's say your hope for the future is you want to find your soul mate. you want to find the person you need to be with for the rest of your life. and you look, but i never leave my apartment. that may seem like such a big obstacles to you that you can't overcome it. you look at it objectively and say that's something i need to do differently. >> do you think people over or under estimate their obstacle. >> both. some people over estimate them and get paralyzed, and some people say, oh, no, no, that won't be a problem. you have to be accurate. if you're trying to climb up a hill and there was a troll, you would have to know how big that troll was. >> exactly. now you know how big the troll was and you get what you want, how am i going to get there? it's not going to happen by itself. >> this is where the idea of strategy comes in. a strategy is just a pathway, a road that you're going to walk down. what people tend to do, let's go back to the soul mate thing. you decide to get very clear. i want to find a kind, smart person who cares for me the way i care for them. that's your future. that's your castle on the hill. you say, first thing is i never get out of my apartment. that's an obstacle. so you could just start going out. that maybe wouldn't get you where you want to go. it's good to create a strategy. your strategy might be i want to go places where the kinds of men that i want to meet hang out. >> exactly. you have to be proactive. >> exactly. then once you have that direction, you can say, here are the specific things i'm going to do to implement that strategy. >> erika anderson, thank you very much. >> you're so welcome. >> we'll put more of erika's tips for success on our website. it's over to you, harry. >> thanks, mags. you want to get the most out of your exercise routine, right? registered dietician keri glassman is here with advice on what to eat before, during, and after a workout. we have all these folks doing the triathlon here. >> we do, which is so impressive. very impressive. >> they're going to be very interested in what you have to say here. >> they will be. we're still talking about here the person, that average person that's working out maybe three to four workouts a week, looking to lose weight, maintain weight loss, or improve overall health. it's not necessarily about taking in more calories. a regular diet will probably do the trick. it's about eating at the appropriate time. >> okay. we start with some breakfast here. >> we start with breakfast. when you're eating before your workout, you want to make sure that you get a snack about an hour before. that's about 150 to 200 calories of high calorie carbohydrates and proteins. >> let's say you're going to work out late morning, oatmeal, which is a combination of carbs and protein. you don't want to get too much fat or fiber because that can cause your stomach to be upset. that's not good for the guys on their bikes either. then a banana and peanut butter. a smaller snack if you're eating right before you exercise. also, if you're working out late afternoon, a simple turkey sandwich. you're going to get carbohydrates and some protein. >> this is what you do? >> i roll right out of bed, barely brush my teeth, and get to the gym. i've got to have something quick. something like coffee with skim milk. the skim milk will give me and other people enough protein and carbohydrates to fuel your meal. also, a broken down snack. something like a smoothie. think of that blender as having churned up the food like your stomach would. it's easier to digest, and it won't make your stomach upset. you can make it the night before and get right on that bike. you can eat the blueberries. lots of antioxidants, you know i love that. >> this looks bad. >> during exercise, there's no reason to get any calories from food or drink. if you're going longer than an hour, you do want to think about fueling yourself with quick-acting carbohydrates. even a small handful of jelly beans or a little bit of a sports drink or an energy bar. you might need a bite of one. don't necessarily need the whole thing. >> sometimes when i'm on a long bike ride, half an energy bar. >> you need some because you go for the long bike rides over an hour. fluids are so important. you want to have 20 ounces of water an hour before you work out. 4 to 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes. and then you also -- i don't know if you know this one. you want to gulp your water. when you gulp your water, it empties from your stomach a little faster, reducing your chances of cramping. and after, within 30 minutes of exercising, you want to consume those nutrients. carbohydrates, protein, and antioxidants to refuel you and replenish your body. exercise 60 minutes every day. if you can, that's the recommendation. >> you hear that, guys? >> yeah. >> gulp your water? >> gulp your water. some research does show that it empties faster. so then there's less chance of cramping. >> so we have an excuse not to be perfectly lady like. >> exactly. it's not so ladylike. while you're out there running anyway, who needs to be ladylike? >> for more on fueling your workout, go to our website, and glassman drinks coffee before she goes to the gym. >> also may reduce muscle cramping. >> have a great day, everybody. if we don't act, medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act. so great to have you with us on a friday. i'm kim martucci. we are about to kick off the 9:00 a.m. show. it is mind over friday. you can call in and get those questions answered. we are sitting pretty right now. all is quiet. we were so -- it was so loud last night. the thunderstorms keeping you awake. hopefully you get shut eye. winds from the north at 8 miles an hour. the humidity is on the high side. 81%. it feels sticky outside. baltimore is checking in with 73 -- 70. 73 patuxent river. 79 leesburg. as we look ahead at the next couple of days in to the weekend we will keep it steamy. up to 87, isolated thunderstorms and then tomorrow we will sneak in a dry day but it will be hot, 92. 90 on sunday. thank you very much. i hope you have your phone nearby. we are dishing out free advice at mind over money friday coming up at 9:00 a.m. let's talk about the traffic, 270 southbound. here's the situation under sunny skies we are below speed from shady grove to montross road. the inner and outer loop from 95 to 66 no incidents or accidents but you are in the yellow and slowing around braddock road up to . just volume. moving along, 95 northbound an iaccident off to the left shoulder. take it outside and key bridge, no problems colorado crossing it in to georgetown. northwest dc is incident free. we have traffic lights out related to the storms that rocked the region yesterday. you can always go to and get an incident map there. seven-day forecast is up for you. a lot of weekend plans. i know it is summer and everybody is cooing and going, maybe you are staying put. if you want to plan the barbecue, i'd do it on saturday. i dare say a heat wave is setting up shop around here. the 9:00 show is next. we will look for you on the other side of the break. # pveea

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Transcripts For WUSA The Early Show 20090724 :

Transcripts For WUSA The Early Show 20090724

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the dow closes above 9000 for the first time since january. is there a light at the end of the recession tunnel? we'll tell you. more heated accusations in the arrest scandal involving a harvard professor as president obama tones down his criticism, the officer doesn't back down. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. the heat is on in south florida where a politician is fired over his new wife's steamy career. we'll talk to them both. and how's this for a wedding entrance? ♪ >> "early" this friday morning, july 24th, 2009. captioning funded by cbs tgif. good morning, everybody. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. jules is on assignment. what do you think? i like that entrance to the wedding. >> no.going. you going. makes it a fun wedding. >> no. >> come on, harry. >> come on. would you do a somersault? >> i don't know how. maybe if i did, i would. i think it's awesome. >> so 20 years from now, assuming they're still married and they look at these pictures, and they'll say, oh, my god. >> what was i thinking? >> was this a good idea? >> don't you think that anyway when you look back at your wedding video and say, what is that dress? >> that is funny. i find that amusing, the bridesmaids. also, you know what happens today? >> cash for clunkers. >> you bring your clunker in and cash it in. we'll explain what this is all about. you get a high mileage clunker that's a number of years old, you get tons of cash back. >> jill schlesinger will be here to tell us what you need to know. we go from clunkers to cankles. a lot of comedians make fun of cankles, which are ankle ls so thick they're just a continuation of the calf. a lot of women out there don't think it's funny. they're opting to have a medical procedure to fix their cankles. we have a doctor and a patient in the studio this morning. first, we take you to wall street, where the big news is the dow's resurgence. the dow jones industrial average shot up to 9000 yesterday, which is highest level since january. jeff glor is at the new york stock exchange. i bet they're doing that wedding dance there, jeff. >> reporter: maybe later. maggie, good morning to you. one thing to know about this uptick is it's broad-based. it's not just one sector. we're talking about energy, communications, healthcare companies, most of them doing better. thursday's rally was just the latest wave in a two week long surge on wall street. >> taking us back to 9000 provides a shot at moving above that. >> reporter: the most recent move up was prompted by better than expected earnings at some of the country's biggest companies. ford, at&t, and ebay. and better than expected existing home sales, up 3.6% in june. which means going back to march 9th this year, the dow is now up 39%. the s&p, 44%. and the nasdaq 56%. >> this ratifies the idea that the recession is winding down, that investors now see it in the corporate earnings numbers and the economic data that, in fact, the recession, which has been ongoing for more than a year and a half is just about over. >> that said, many of the people we talk to down here remind us this is still a fragile market. the economy has been through a lot. there have been some poor earnings reports late yesterday. microsoft and american express included. maggie, yes, maybe some dancing but some subdued dancing down here. >> cautious optimism. jeff glor, thank you so much. what do traders think? is the economy on the way back, or is this just another loop in the roller coaster? trader doreen mogavero joins us from the new york stock exchange with some thoughts. good morning, doreen. >> good morning. how are you? >> well. >> i'm not dancing yet. i'll let you know. >> why not yet? why the cautious optimism? >> i think definitely the market is getting a lot of confidence back into it. people are shrugging off the bad news. you see the european markets this morning and the asian markets following suit from us yesterday regardless of the earnings that may have come out last night. i think that people really want to see this market go higher. i think they have faith in the things the government is doing to keep us going forward. yet i still think there are things like economic data, the jobless claims and housing numbers that people are still watching very closely. >> exactly. it may be hard for somebody at home who lost their job to be celebrating this rally on wall street. in fact, just this week, 554,000 people filed jobless claims. to put that in perspective, in a healthy economy, 300,000 to 350,000 is the typical jobless claim you see in a week. how do you bridge that disconnect that so often exists between wall street and main street. >> i think you have to understand too in great part the stock market is a predictor of how things are going to be going forward, not necessarily how they are now. i think that's where sometimes we get a little bit confused. i think people are feeling optimistic that, yes, we are in a recession, but we may be at the tail end of that recession. and that quite soon, if not the first quarter of 2010, we'll be starting to see the effects of that on main street as well as in the stock market. >> we sure hope so. doreen mogavero, thank you. the police commissioner of cambrid cambridge, massachusetts, is assembling an independent panel to review last week's controversial arrest of harvard professor henry louis gates. also this morning, we are learning more about the arresting officer. cbs news correspondent bianca solorzano is in cambridge with more. good morning. >> reporter: hi. good morning. since his arrest, henry gates has claimed that he was the victim of racial profiling. it turns out the arresting white officer was actually hand-picked by a black police commissioner to have him teach recruits how to avoid racial profiling. >> the apology won't come from me. i've done nothing wrong. >> reporter: sergeant james crowley, an 11-year veteran of the force, is an expert in racial profiling, having taught a course at the police academy. in an interview thursday, crowley defended his actions of one week ago. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. >> reporter: and he placed the blame squarely on professor gates. >> there was a lot of yelling. there was ref reerences to my mother, something you wouldn't expect from anybody that would be -- should be grateful that you're there investigating the report of a crime in progress, let alone a harvard university professor. >> reporter: crowley also took on the president for his remark that cambridge police acted stupidly. >> i support the president of the united states 110%. i think he's way off base wading into a local issue without knowing all the facts as he himself stated. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president tried to defuse the growing controversy. >> from what i could tell, the sergeant involved is an outstanding police officer, but my suspicious is probably that it would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed. >> joining us once again is professor gas daughter elizabe elizabeth, a writer for the, and from cambridge, massachusetts, denise simmons. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> i want to read one other quote from president obama last night on nbc. >> i think it was probably a pretty straightforward commentary that you don't need to handcuff a guy, a middle aged man who uses a cane who's in his own home. the president is now involved in this conversation. madam mayor, do you feel like your officer responded properly when he went to professor gates' home? >> you know, just recently our commissioner, commissioner haas gave a press conference. in this press conference he talked about just briefly what had happened. what he said is that the police officer followed practices and procedures. he also said out of that is that he would be bringing together a panel of individuals to look at what happened, the practices and the procedures, and then from that make the appropriate recommendations. >> you said you would love to get these two men together. have you had a positive response from either? >> i certainly have had a positive response from professor gates through professor ogletree. i have not had an opportunity to talk to sergeant crowley, but i have talked to the city manager, and he has committed to getting him into the room with commissioner haas. >> especially knowing what we know now, elizabeth, about this officer -- this is the guy hand-picked to help teach recruits how not to racially profile. it's a guy who helped save the life of reggie lewis. is it possible these are two righteous guys saying, i'm not who you think i am? >> well, i think at this point it's beyond who they were in that moment. i think now it's about conflict resolution, and i don't think that the officer is at all being cooperative in any kind of extensive resolution to this. i think he's in defensive at best, i think, even i saw on the show yesterday that he refuses to give an apology. as the mayor just eloquently stated, my father has said that he'll participate in whatever the next step must be. if the officer is saying that he won't, i think he needs to maybe extend his sensitivity training. >> here's what's interesting because this has created this conversation in this country. and i wonder if it only serves to reinforce what people already believe in the first place. if that meeting could be possible, maybe something could go beyond this, but if it doesn't happen, people just sit back and say, see, that's how it is. >> i think you're exactly right. i think, if it's left as is, i think we're going to rely on what our preconceived notions of what disagreement in race have been for so long. i think, if we watch these two people come together and create a resolution that doesn't end in some bitter lawsuit, i think it will signify progress. >> elizabeth, thank you. madam mayor, thank you as well. let's go to russ at news desk. four people died overnight in a helicopter crash on an interstate highway in maryland. police say the commercial helicopter may have hit a power line. it was engulfed in flames by the time firefighters arrived. no one on the ground was hurt. a daring rescue from a fiery car wreck was caught on video. an suv rolled over and burst into flames on a los angeles area freeway on wednesday. three people managed to get out. but a 3-year-old girl was trapped inside. passing motorist john mcdonald stopped to help, and he saved the girl. he insists he's not a hero. >> it's kind of embarrassing. i mean, the attention is nice, but that's obviously not why anybody does this. it could have been a lot worse. obviously, for both of us. >> mcdonald and the girl were treated for minor injuries. and family, friends, and colleagues her at cbs said farewell to walter cronkite at his funeral here in new york city. yesterday's service was held at st.ym bartholomew's catholic church, where the cronkite family has worshipped for decades. they celebrated cronkite's love of sailing with the navy hymn, and his love of jazz with "when the saints go marching in." we were all there. beautiful service. people who knew him well said he would have liked it. >> and they kept playing "when the saints go marching in" until everyone left the church so that every single person who walked out could leave in a good and happy mood. >> andy rooney got up to speak and talked about knowing walter cronkite from the time they were both kid reporters during world war ii, and he said you get to know a lot about a person in a war. and he couldn't go on. he literally could not, couldn't continue. there was not a feeling in the room like -- i think everybody shared that moment of emotion who knew him longer. >> to a lot of us, he's an icon. he's a journalist. but to a couple of the people who spoke, he was a brother, a friend like a brother. >> a father. >> a father. and i think a lot of people forget that when you see these people on television. it was just terrific to see that kind of perspective. >> but how great was it that all the people who knew him personally said, what you saw on tv was exactly what you got in person. >> what you wished he was. >> exactly. folks, why don't we make a quick transition now and talk about the weather, see what's going on all across the country as we head into the weekend. deal? >> deal. >> all right. all aboard right here. we're taking the express across the country. keep in mind, low pressure system still sitting right off the coast here. that means new england, you're going to get even more rain. providence, you've got nine inches of rain in july. the normal is two. it looks like new york's going to get steady heavy rain. that's just not the case. what we're going to see is this low pressure system advance up in places like maine into new england. you're going to see the steady rain, a chance of showers through portions of the northeast, though. deep south, still hot and sticky. the midwest, watch it. keep your eyes on the skies today. could see thunder, lightning, severe weather. we'll pay special attention out there. the west 5 to 10 degrees above the norm in portions of the pacific northwest while the temperatures in the northeast about 5 to 10 degrees below in some cases. southwest is going to be steamy again. >> and it's 14 past the hour. that's a look at your weather. maggie, harry, over to you guys. >> thanks, dave. coming up, the cash for clunkers program. actually, it's kind of a misnomer. we're going to explain how it works and give you all the information you need to know. plus adult entertainment and politics do not mix in one florida town. she's an adult star. her husband is now fired. we'll speak to them both here on "the early show" on cbs. ♪ (announcer) it's that time of year again they're going back it's back to school time at staples over 7000 supplies at guaranteed low prices ♪ staples. that was easy. ...are actually susceptible to irreversible damage. your teeth are no different. everyday acids can cause irreversible loss of enamel. new crest pro-health enamel shield protects against... ...enamel loss by forming a micro-thin shield against acid attack. only crest pro-health toothpastes... ...protect all these areas dentists check most. save your enamel. once it's gone, it can be gone for good. new crest pro-health enamel shield. also shield with the rinse. everyone's nervous going back to school. ♪ ♪ a hallmark card. it's the biggest little thing you can do. but now they have new areas where i can find the brands i use every day-- and save even more. so that's what they mean by unbeatable. save money. live better. walmart. if you're looking to replace your old car with a new one, the government's cash for clunkers program may be the thing. it starts today, and it's designed to boost new auto sales and get gas guzzlers off the road. there's a lot you may not know. "cbs money watch" editor at large jill schlesinger is here to give us some advice. good morning. >> good morning. >> we have a car here that a lot of people say it sure doesn't look like a car about to give up. >> here's the deal. it does get less than 18 miles per gallon. that's the definition for the clunker. got to get less than 18 miles per gallon. if you want to trade in one of your clunkers and get a new car, the government will give you some money. $3,500 if you improve the efficiency by 4 miles per gallon and $4,500 if you improve it by 10 miles per gallon. sounds like a good deal. but they're not going to give you $4,500. >> they're going to say this is credit towards a new car. >> what we identify at "money watch" is five things you've got to look for. >> a lot of people don't know these things. >> exactly. here's number one. number one, you have to have a road ready car. this can't be something that's falling apart that looks like it fell off the lot. that's important. insurance in your name for a year. the other thing is it has to be less than 25 years old. that's a pretty wide berth for us to get through. when you buy a car, it has to be a new car, not a used car. if you choose a lease for that new car, it has to be a five-year lease. that's a pretty long lease for folks. here's the other thing. has to be less than $45,000. no fancy cars on the cash for clunkers deal. >> even so, somebody who's been driving a clunker even with the $4,500 discount may not be able to afford the new payments for a brand new car. >> that's probably one of the real down falls of this. if you're really driving an old car, you have to factor in what's right for your family. can you really afford it? there are three other things that are really important in this process. number one, your clunker should be worth less than the rebate, right? because then otherwise you just go into the open market, sell your car, get cash in your pocket and go buy a new car. >> exactly. >> number two, you go to your dealership and you bargain. you don't tell them about your clunker. you get a really good price first. this is a buyer's market for automobiles. number three -- >> so negotiate the best price before you even talk about trading in. >> exactly. oh, did i tell you about my clunker? >> great. >> the last thing i think is kind of important for people to think about. there's a lot going on here, but when you look at your whole package, you are seeing a lot of dealer incentives. chrysler just anounounced they' going to match the rebate. you may not think, oh, i want a chrysler, but if you end up with $9,000 off the price of a car, .e worthwhile. >> jill schlesinger, thanks so much. we'll put all this information on our website, and we'll also link you to the official cash for clunkers website which will help you figure out the miles per gallon in your clunker. still ahead, it's the wedding video that makes you want to get up and dance. stick around. >> announcer: this portion of "the early s wat. walmt. save money. live better. walmart. the $9 grand entrance. walmart announces op tops for just nine dollars each. back to school costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. gorgeous friday morning here in new york city. down in florida, southwest florida, ft. myers beach, the guy is the city manager down there, and somehow the folks, the town findb@ 1h@ (female narrator) from jennifer: a microfiber sofa bed for just $299, only at jennifer. $299. jennifer: the only place to buy a sofa bed. ( music throughout ) hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... studies show that people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains... and 110 calories per lightly sweetened serving. more grains. less you. multigrain cheerios. our stage manager tony is shaking his head as he watches this video, which i don't get. i think it's awesome. i think it's a great way to make your wedding memorable, guarantee that you have fun and everybody else there has fun too. >> you know, i would say this, that i'm so tired of hearing paco bell's canon at the beginning of weddings. >> now you can hear chris brown. >> i'm starting to come to the other direction. welcome back to "the early show." coming up, believe it or not, protecting your home can be a do it yourself job. find out what you can do to stop burglars and thiefs. and you've probably heard of cankles, ankles so big it looks like the calf continues. a lot of women think it's a problem. they've been dealing with it for a long time. you'll meet someone who had surgery just recently. plus a growing controversy in southwest florida, where a town manager was fired. the issue was his job performance, it was his wife's. cbs news correspondent michelle guillen reports. >> reporter: for the past 16 months, scott janke was a well-respected town manager of ft. myers beach, florida. >> there was a lot of people who thought very highly of mr. janke. >> reporter: but his career unravelled earlier this week amid revelations his wife was an adult film star. an online editor for a publication noticed this photo in a newspaper and identified janke's wife anabela. the city council voted unanimously to end scott janke's contract. he was terminated with six months pay. >> our issue was the situation the town was put in in terms of how effective we can govern and whether or not this was going to serve as a distraction for that. we felt like it would. >> reporter: so scott janke is now an ex-manager due to his wife's x-rated career. michelle guillen, cbs news, new york. >> joining us now are scott and anabela janke. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> poor mayor said he was afraid it was going to cause a distraction. it's really caused a distraction now. >> quite a distraction. >> how long have you been the city manager there? >> i think about 15 months in ft. myers beach, yeah. >> all of your sort of job performance related evaluations and everything good? >> yeah. i think i've been doing a good job. i think the community feels that way. >> right. were you -- how long have you been thermarried? >> since october 28th of last year. not quite ten months, nine months. >> did you all have any concerns whatsoever as you decided to get married, how will they find out? or how will they react once they find out what you did for a living? >> we talked about it. >> we talked about it, kept our heads down a little bit and hoped it would never happen, i guess. >> it was like a blogger or somebody who saw your picture in a fourth of july parade, and the next thing you know the world -- >> explosion. >> everybody finds out about it. what were you -- to know that you wanted to keep a low profile, what were you afraid of? >> l well, because of my professional ethics, i was concerned about the town being hurt, of course. but paramount was our personal life being hurt. we have children and family members all over the country. so we were concerned about those kinds of things mostly. >> do you feel like your husband has been treated fairly here? >> not really. not really. when this came out, he talked to the mayor and said, i'm willing to resign. and then everything just -- >> well, when this story began to break, i was actually called by a local reporter, who also called the mayor about a day before he was going to actually print these articles. and the mayor and i chatted on the phone. because of my ethics, i said, i'm willing to resign with compensation if the town council thinks it will help the community not be so distracted. >> right. now it's really distracted. what kind of feedback are you getting from people in the town now? >> we're getting very supportive feedback. >> amazing. >> hundreds and hundreds of e-mai e-mails, every one of them completely supportive. we've been looking at these different sites. 90% of the people are saying they support me and they shouldn't have done this. they don't know all the whole story either. so it's understandable, i think. headlines aren't always accurate. >> really? >> amazing, isn't it? >> i always say never trust the media. if the town were to come back to your husband and offer him his job back, would you want to stay there? would you want to live there? >> i don't think that will happen. we have -- anabela has triplets, 15-year-old triplets, which we flew out of ft. myers to get them out of there. they know everything, very supportive. told their mother they're all proud of her and love her. but still i don't think we could do that because of family. >> so interesting. i have a feeling it won't be long before somebody offers you a job. >> well, that would be nice. you got something? >> not right off the top. tough times. >> it's tough times. >> you know how that is. all right. we wish you the best. >> thank you. >> thanks very much for coming and telling your story. scott and anabela janke. here's dave with another check of the weather. >> all right, harry. we'll talk to these folks in a little while. the leukemia and lymphoma society, team in training all across america. i'll tell you about their remarkable work and the fun stuff they do coming up in the 8:00 hour. in the meantime, let's get to the weather picture and see what's happening all across the country. we'll go up to new england, everybody, where we're going to have a washout of a day. it is going to be a mess up there. look at that, one to three inches of rain/flooding, gusty winds. it will push out of boston relatively early. places like portland, you're going to get pounded today. keep that in mind. let's widen out the picture. scattered showers along the gulf coast. midwest, you're looking at rain rolling through today. some of that stuff could be rather severe. let's keep that in mind. southwest is going to see temperatures in the triple digits and 5 to 10 degrees above normal as you head to inland locations in the pacific northwest. meanwhile, everyone, right here in the new york area and some locations around the northeast, you'll see cooler than normal temperatures. the west coast itself right along the coastline, another nice day. that's a quick look atsh >> that's a quick look at your weather. maggie, i'd bust a move, but i'll just send it back inside to you. >> you're going to want to bust a move when you see the wedding video that has turned into an internet sensation. at most weddings there's dancing, of course. usually, it's after the service. not for one couple in st. paul, minnesota. cbs' susan roberts reports. >> reporter: when jill peterson and kevin heinz decided to tie the knot last month, they also decided to strut their stuff. >> i think it was actually one of the first things we decided on when we got engaged. i always wanted to dance down the aisle. >> reporter: so the dance crazy couple and their wedding party put on their best moves. just a fun private memory but not quite. the video was posted on youtube and became an instant hit. so far it's gotten more than 1 million hits. >> i posted the video on sunday or monday. so the fact that we've been doing this interview is kind of crazy. >> reporter: the dancing bride and groom say their wedding was something special. what does the future hold? >> our kids will dance. >> our kids will -- yeah, they'll definitely have some rhythm hopefully. >> reporter: susan roberts, cbs news, washington. >> i still love it. dancing is such an expression of happiness. >> true. >> as long as your church says it's okay, your wedding should be a personal reflection. >> hold on. this will say a lot about both of you. what was your first dance at your wedding? >> it was sade, a slow song, "by your side." >> "our love is here to stay." >> none of you got jiggy. >> i was going to ask you did you? >> i'm not married. >> will you? >> i'm not going to run and do it like a rapper's pole run down the aisle on my way to get married. >> is there a rapper's hora? >> we're going to do hova down the aisle, not hora. i can get down and funky. >> coming up, we'll talk about cankles. a lot of women are worried about this, but now they have a solution. now at chili's -- welcome to chili's. start your three-course meals with a shared appetizer. for a second course, choose two entrees from over 15 chili's favorites, like our big mouth bites -- the mini burgers with giant layers of flavor. or a half-rack of our triple-basted baby back ribs. then save some room to share a decadent dessert. a lot of bold flavors, for a limited time only. chili's -- with special savings on select fabrics on all frames. you choose the fabric we custom make it always with free design service. hand-made for you at ethan allen it's more affordable than you think. ethan allen with special savings on select fabrics on all frames. offer ends july 31st. healthy hair is soft, silky. and you can get it. fabulous, healthy hair. all you need is pantene. salon names and fancy packaging are nice, but you don't need it. even experts agree. it's damage protection results leading salon brands can't beat. trust me on this, the blow dryer, the curling iron, and the flat iron, and my hair's still shiny. pantene moisture renewal. healthy makes is happen. dinner with the girls tonight. mmm... mexican, or italian? i really want dessert tonight. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. ( stomach growls ) skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women that eat breakfast, like the special k® breakfast, actually weigh less. the special k® breakfast, now in blueberry. so why skip? when you can eat all this... and still weigh less. victory is... sweet. this this morning's "healthwatch," some people have never heard of cankles. others worry about them all the time. here's good news. surgery can make those cankles go away. >> i do not have chubby ankles. >> it's a dreaded female body part, the cankle, derived from the words calf and ankle, it is defined as an ankle which has no discernible narrowing from the calf to the foot. >> what? >> cankles. she's got no ankles. it's like the calf merged with the foot. >> they're sometimes gross. it depends how big they are and who they're on. >> they're a problem for women of all ages. there are even celebrity cankles. >> stop saying i have cankles. >> and just as there are procedures for other pesky problem spots for women, there's also a way to cast off cankles. >> i'd get liposuction in a heartbeat. >> liposuction is used to separate the calves and ankles for good. cristina reggie is with us. she had the surgery for cankles just last month. good morning. >> good morning. >> help us understand what makes somebody want to have the surgery. from the knees up, i always felt very confident about my body. when you're a woman, you want to wear pretty dresses and nice heels with that and things like that. i felt very insecure doing that. if you see the pictures on tv with actual fat on the legs, that's what i ha >> we have a picture of you before which we can show. how long had you been dealing with this? >> pretty much all my life. it got worse in my 20s. >> were you ever made fun of? >> when i was 13, my friend told me i had big lower legs. more than that, it was me seeing it and not being happy. >> we'll show the results and talk to cristina's doctor as we come back and continue our "healthwatch" here on "the early show" on cbs. buil. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. you made that for me? well you're making this for me. (announcer) choosey moms, and dads, choose jif. everyone's nervous going back to school. ♪ ♪ a hallmark card. it's the biggest little thing you can do. [ announcer ] you make healthy choices every day-- oh, max! and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! in this morning's kwlt healthwatch," we've been talking about cankles, big ankles that bother women so much they're willing to have plastic surgery to get rid of them. now we're joined by cristina's plastic surgeon dr. michelle copeland. good morning. >> good morning. >> before the commercial we showed you the picture, the big ankle that bothered you your whole life. you saved up and had the surgery in june. let's look at the results. before and after. this photo was taken how many weeks after your surgery. >> six. >> six weeks. what do you think of the results? >> i think it's amazing. you can see the taper at the bottom. you can see i have a shape now. it was always there, but now you can see it because the fat around the ankles is gone. and the good news is the doctor told me it's going to get better and better as time goes by. this is only six weeks post-op. i'm looking forward to it getting more shapely. >> happy customer. >> most women are. >> you've had hundreds. what exactly is the procedure? >> the procedure is a refinement of liposuction. liposuction debulks. what i do is liposculpture. i'm shaping the leg. it's not just removing large volumes of fat, it's giving the leg a shape. and it's outpatient. you go home the same day. don't need a general anesthetic. it's iv sedation. >> and the recovery? >> you're at bed rest the first day. the next day you're up and around. actually, walk sg very important to help pump the legs. and you have to make sure that you're just not doing a lot of standing because you don't want to get swelling in the legs. >> is there another way that doesn't require surgery to get rid of cankles? >> unfortunately, there isn't. exercise alone will not get rid of this. as you can see, cristina's in good shape. but having an unshapely leg, having a thick calf and a thick ankle, there just isn't exercise. >> you saved up for it because it is expensive, right? cristina, how much? >> i guess it was upwards of $8,000 for me. >> was it worth it? >> absolutely. definitely. >> what did it do for you? >> i'm looking forward to wearing dresses, things i would never -- i would never wear a dress or skirt with bare legs, never. if i was wearing a skirt, i'd wear boots. now i know looking at the results in heels and a skirt for the first time i'm wearing one like this. >> you can tell. >> yeah. it looks really nice. >> thank you so much. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by the florida department of citrus. first piece of nicorette was about 30 seconds after i woke up. still not smoking! seven days. nicorette takes just enough of the edge off the need. i still want to light up, but i don't have to. 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(announcer) don't take boniva if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease or can't sit or stand for at least one hour. follow dosing instructions carefully. stop taking boniva and tell your doctor if you have difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. if jaw problems or severe bone, joint, and/or muscle pain develop, tell your doctor. i've got this one body, and this one life, so i wanted to stop my bone loss. but i did more. i reversed it with boniva. ask your doctor if boniva can help you stop losing, and start reversing. (announcer) for a free trial offer, call 1-800-4-boniva. going away on vacation or just concerned for your safety? we'll show you how to protect yourself and your home from burglars. it's beach time, but are you ready for something more exotic? from afghanistan to iraq, tourist,flocking to global hot spots. and if you can dance like michael jackson, get your glove on. "thriller" auditions are under way. we'll take you there "early" this friday morning, july 24th, 2009. that's a good sound. >> yeah, there's a friday kind of feel. hello. in the plaza today. welcome back to "the early show." maggie rodriguez here with harry smith, dave price. jules is on assignment. a lot coming up in this hour. what's something your mom would always tell you or warn you not to do, like a mom myth? >> don't come near me. >> no. don't make that face because it will freeze up. >> it will freeze that way. my mom used to say, if you go outside with wet hair, you'll catch pneumonia. >> get out of the pool if your lips turn blue, and don't go in the pool until a half hour after you've eaten. >> toads give you warts, all these things. >> pick up a toad. >> we're going to see if mom was right or if it was just a myth, ahead this morning. also ahead, if you want to get the most out of your workout, how you eat could make a real difference, triathletes. >> they probably know that. >> we'll get some advice about what to eat, perhaps more importantly when to eat. >> what did you just yell out? >> that was before security dragged her away. first let's go inside and say hello to russ mitchell at this hour. he is at the news desk. good morning, russ. >> good morning to you. and good morning to you at home. this morning the world health organization said the h1n1 flu pandemic is still in its early stages. reports of more than 100,000 infections in england alone just last week are plausible. the w.h.o. chief says 2 billion cases over the course of the pandemic is a reasonable ballpark. it's estimated that more than 1 million cases are in the u.s. the first vaccines could be available by october. five people came down with the virus on board a cruise ship that docked in greece. two u.s. service members were killed in a bomb attack in afghanistan this morning. the attack was in the volatile southern part of afghanistan. 37 u.s. military members have been killed this month there. it is the deadliest month so far in the war. there has been no letup in the nationwide debate over race, touched off by last week's race of harvard professor henry louis gates jr. at his home in cambridge, massachusetts. professor gates had to jimmy open the door of his home when the key door jammed after returning from a trip. the arresting police officer continues to refuse mr. gates' demand for an apology. >> i acted appropriately. mr. gates was given plenty of opportunity to stop what he was doing. he didn't. he acted very irrational. he controlled the outcome of that event. >> sergeant crowley says he is not a racist. the cambridge police commissioner supports crowley. this morning the mayor of cambridge told harry she backs the commissioner. it is now 8:03. katie couric has a preview of tonight's "cbs evening news." >> good morning. the government says it will give you up to $4,500 to turn in our old polluting gas guzzler for a new car. it's called cash for clunkers. it's supposed to boost sales. why do so many critics, including auto dealers, say the program is a lemon? that story tonight only on the "cbs evening news." now back to "the early show." >> on this friday morning, dave is out on the plaza with another check of the weather. dave, got a buddy there? >> we're here with harry. >> hi, harry. >> and -- >> look at that guy's face. >> he's concentrating because these dogs are going to run a five-mile race in new york city this weekend, part of new york's big triathlon coming up. it's great to see these dogs out and all sorts of organizations, like see different, who work with impaired athletes. visually impaired athletes are out. the team in training from the leukemia and lymphoma society. they train all over the country all year round, and you can get involved and wind up with the experience of actually being in one of these great races and doing some great stuff at the same time. so nice to see you. let's take a check of the weather, see if it's going to be good weather for you to race around all weekend. a rough afternoon in the midwest, everyone, as a front is going to roll through. rough winds, downpours, hail. it's weather which is not atypical of this time of the year. watch for airport delays too in that part of the country. widen out. new england, places like portland, maine, you're going to get pounded with rain today. scattered thunder showers through the deep south and the gulf coast. high heat in the pacific northwest, and the west coast otherwise looks good with steamy conditions and triple digit temperatures in the southwest. that's a quick look at the national map. >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by merck patient assistance program. visit >> happy birthday, grandma edna in charleston. your granddaughters are just lovely. that's a quick look at your weather picture. maggie, over to you. >> thanks, dave. if you see susan koeppen, you know what that means. you're going to get good information and save money. stick around. we'll show you ho to burglar-proof your home for a lot less than you would imagine. every day about 30 women in the u.s. learn that they have cervical cancer. that's why i chose to get my daughter vaccinated. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated when her doctor and i agreed that the right time to protect her is now. because it's about prevention. (nice) gardasil is the only cervical cancer vaccine that helps protect against four types of hpv. two types that cause seventy percent of cervical cancer and two more types that cause other hpv diseases. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated because the cdc recommends that girls her age get vaccinated. gardasil does not treat cervical cancer or other hpv diseases. side effects include: pain, swelling, itching, bruising, and redness at the injection site, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and fainting. gardasil is not for women who are pregnant. gardasil may not fully protect everyone and does not prevent all kinds of cervical cancer, so it's important to continue routine cervical cancer screenings. i chose to get my daughter vaccinated because i want her to be one less woman affected by cervical cancer. one less. gardasil. ask your daughter's doctor about gardasil. in a long line of amazing performance machines. this is the new e-coupe. this is mercedes-benz. i felt this deep lingering pain that was a complete mystery to me. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia muscle pain and then he recommended lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is fda-approved to help relieve the unique pain of fibromyalgia. and with less pain, i can do more during my day. how sweet is that? lyrica is not for everyone. tell you doctor about any serious allergic reaction that causes swelling or affects breathing or skin, or changes eyesight including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. lyrica may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in a very small number of people. some of the most common side effects of lyrica are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands and feet. do not drink alcohol while taking lyrica. you should never drive or operate machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. if you think you might have fibromyalgia, ask your doctor about lyrica. if you are going away on vacation this summer and can't afford a built-in home security system, our consumer correspondent susan koeppen is here with simple, do it yourself ideas to protect your home and your possessions. good morning. >> good morning. so you don't have to spend a lot of money. july and august, people are away on vacation. lots of break-ins. we usually see them on the rise this time of year. we found a bunch of things on, very cheap, simple. things you can do yourself to protect your house. we'll start with the camera system. this is called the defender. let me see if i can get you. you have this camera. you can mount it anywhere in your house. all right. and you have this little monitor down here that you can actually, if you are wandering around your house. so if you are home and you say you have somebody working in your basement, you can have it down in the basement. you can watch, see what's going on, or watch the kids. >> i like it better when i'm upside down. can i ask you a question, though? you can't take the monitor with you on vacation. >> you can't take your monitor with you, but you can plug this into a vcr and record what's going on while you're away. >> so when you come home after your house has been broken into, you can at least see who did it. >> you can see the neighbor was the one whodunit. this is another security system. this is rolling out in august called the view. it's $300. these are tiny little wireless cameras that you can mount anywhere in your house. >> and they hook up to your computer. >> the cool thing about this is you go to a website where you put in your user name and password, and you can see what's going on in your house. >> this is eerily similar to the segment we did the other day about the peeping toms. a lot of the technology is basically the same stuff, huh? >> these are really, really tiny. so you log in, see what's going on. you can also record what's going on here. >> this looks good, old school. >> old school. get some safes. so you hide money in the underwear drawer, here's a drawer safe. you can actually bolt this into the drawer, so if someone pulls open the drawer and looking for the cash and money, it's going to be bolted in. they'll have to broke open your dresser to take this. that's $80. harry, how can summer reading save you money? >> please tell me. save me from being robbed. >> keep you from being robbed. you turn to page 82. >> oh. >> our secret stash. >> that's where you put the really secret, important stuff. >> page 82. >> certainly, the thief is not going to go through every volume of your library. >> no. exactly. and that's cheap. that's like $13. >> this is good. i like this. >> shaving cream. any idea how shaving cream can keep you from being robbed? >> hmm. >> okay. it's a safe. $8. >> it's filled with money. >> it's filled with my gold coins, which, you know, gold is very valuable right now. >> very good. i like that. i like there, and i like that. >> they're super cool and very, very cheap. next thing, go to the door. we have down here this little door alarm. $10. so you just put that at the bottom of the door, and somebody opens up the door. >> they're trying to break in. that's really good. >> i mean, that's cheap. $10. >> that's really, really good. >> you can also take this with you. bring it to your hotel room, or your kid's going off to college and they want something for the dorm room. >> do it again. it's really loud. wow. that's $10? >> that's $10. >> this is good. check this out, guys. look at that. all you do is put it in the jamb, and somebody pushes against it, it goes off. that would deter me, i think, if i was going to bust into your house. >> here's something so simple. have the lights on in your house. a timer for your lights. nothing says break into my house more than a dark house. >> all the lights off. >> all the lights off for a week. >> you sound like this is -- in your life as a cat burglar. >> so you get a timer for your lights, and you just have it go on. you know, at dinnertime, boom, there you go. looks like somebody's home. >> some of these things are really good. i like this door jamb thing. >> you can have that. that's my present to you. >> thank you very much, susan. appreciate it very much. for more on these products, go to our website, up next, don't read in the dark. it will ruin your eyes. did your mom say that? is that really true? we're going to separate fact from mom fiction when we come back. ⌟ what makes a hershey's bar pure? [crowd cheering] come on! pure gooey goodness... the pure joy of winning a s'mores bbq with rascal flatts. check specially marked packs to learn how. pure hershey's. discover a smoothie like no other! new activia smoothies. creamy, delicious, and above all, it contains bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. new activia smoothies. ♪ activiaaa! if you think you can dance like michael jackson, your big chance is coming up. let's take you live to london right now, and cbs news correspondent sheila macvicar is there to tell us about the "thriller" auditions. good morning, sheila. >> reporter: good morning, maggie. indeed we are at the auditions for "thriller." that's the musical that celebrates the life of the king of pop, michael jackson. today was open call today, and there were hundreds of young dancers eager to strut their stuff. for some it's been a long night. some have come with michael jackson regalia, and some are really channelling the look and the moves. >> it's magical, his moves. it's just him, his aura. he is one of the greatest entertainers in the world. >> reporter: what does it mean for you to even be part of this audition? >> it's an open audition, so many people have come down to audition. whether they can dance or not, they just want to be connected to michael. >> reporter: director gary lloyd is looking for 20 good dancers. >> they've got to be a strong technical dancer to begin with. if they can do break dancing or tricks or body popping, that's a plus. moonwalking is obviously essential. and they really have to have an understanding of what michael jackson persona and the catalog of all his moves. you ready for this? >> yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ people always told me be careful what you do ♪ ♪ don't go around breaking young girl's hearts ♪ ♪ and mother always told me be careful who you love ♪ ♪ be careful what you do >> reporter: with michael jackson's death, the focus is now on his work and his influence. >> i think there's a real passion to celebrate him now. the only chance that they're going to get to come and really celebrate his music and his life. ♪ billie jean is not my lover >> reporter: and for 20 dancers, a chance to tour the world in celebration of the king of pop. we've got a special thing for you in new york. meet two of the young dancers who auditioned this morning. these two are through to the second round. curtis angus, you're 19. you're already dancing in the west end in "hairspray." michael jackson, what does he mean to you? >> he means so much. when i was younger, that's what i listened to, michael jackson, everything about him. his style, the love for dance and music was incredible. that's what i love about him. >> he's just a huge inspiration to me. he's just got fantastic music, fantastic dance steps. he's just absolutely fantastic, and i love to dance to his music. >> reporter: in new york, you've got your panels ready. your own judging opportunity. curtis, take it away. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: and so what do you think there in new york? >> very good. >> i'm going to give him a 9. >> i give him an 8. and i give sheila a 10. i give sheila a 10. >> here's why, sheila. here's why he didn't get a 10. i think he's a great dancer, but he didn't look that much like michael jackson in his moves. >> he doesn't have to. >> there you go. >> makeup will do everything. >> reporter: next up, we have ariti. here you go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: one more time. what do you think? >> i'm going to give her a 9 again. >> i'll give her a 10. >> and i'm going to give her 108. >> she was a little more michael jackson-esque, which is what i meant. in the moves, she looked more like michael jackson. all right, sheila. thank you so much. >> reporter: thank you. thank you, curtis and ariti. thank you. >> i want to see sheila bust a move. >> any chance, sheila? >> reporter: you should see what i'm wearing on my right foot. i've got a very stylish cast. >> from the audition. >> reporter: not good for the audition. >> let me wear this in case they ask me to dance. >> reporter: exactly. how did you know that? >> we're on to you. >> oh, god. i thought for a second there, right? >> no. her understudy richard roth is actually performing in the west end tonight in "thriller." >> and mark phillips. they're all fighting over who's going to get to do that segment. that's right. >> those guys were great, though. that's not easy to do. >> no. >> young guy already is dancing on the west end in -- >> "hairspray." >> right. so he's got to have some chops. >> a lot of talent. still to come, forget about hawaii. how about a dream vacation in afghanistan. iraq? iran? yeah, we're talking about traveling the world's hot spots which a lot of people are actually doing and which may actually be easier than you imagine. we'll be right back. fab@ h@fath when morning comes in the middle of the night... rooster crow. affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. e my two granddaughters are my life. they always ask me, grandma, take me here, grandma, take me there. but with my occasional irregularity i wasn't always up to it. until i discovered activia and everything started to change. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. now i enjoy every minute. my grandkids are happy, and so am i. ♪ activia we're feeling really good about summer out here on the plaza. great crowd on hand. people from all over the country. a lot of people in town for the big triathlon on sunday. really cool. they get to swim in the hudson river. just think about that. isn't that an exciting prospect? >> that's worth the trip. >> swimming in the hudson river. >> they've cleaned it up a lot. >> no, they have. they have. >> thanks to organizations like river keepers, by the way. >> there you go. and the threat of jellyfish, i guess, is really diminished. >> don't worry about a thing. we'll be right on the sidewalk. >> all those pcbs from general electric, they're all gone now. welcome back to "the early show." in this half hour, you hear iraq, iran, north korea. you think about all the problems in places like that. there are some people who have decided on purpose to go there on vacation. >> why? >> we're going to talk about vacationing in hot spots in places you almost possibly can't fathom in this half hour. >> a lot of people like to come home and say, i went here and see a bunch of folks say, oh, my gosh, i didn't even know you could get in. >> didn't even know if it was safe or not. talk about that. >> a lot of people thought that about "the early show." so far, so good. >> how's it going? thrill seekers. >> a lot of people would tell you not to go to those places. your mom would tell you to go to the "the early show," not iran, iraq, north korea. your mom probably tells you a lot of things, but some of them are just not true. >> shocked. >> not true. >> my very venge on daniela rodriguez coming up. told me all sorts of lies growing up. >> very disillusioning right now. >> will you be able to go on? >> i'm going to try to hold it together. let's take a check of the weather and see what's going on all across the country, everybody. let's put up the maps and tell you what's happening where you are. looks like in the northeast, i think in the new york area, by the way, we've gotten rid of most of these showers, maybe afternoon showers popping up. i think we're going to be in good shape. as you head to new england, portland, maine, it's going to be awful there today, rough weather. great city, though. keep your eyes on the skies. keep the umbrella handy. you're going to need it most of the day. over the weekend, it's going to stay above average temperature-wise in the southwest. hot and humid with temperatures in the triple dige thes. still showers hanging around portions of the upper midwest. could be a weekend with passing showers or scattered thunderstorms in the northeast. so, again, all in all, that's a quick look at your weather picture a >> that's a quick look at your weather picture. do you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of the show, what happens after the show or before? you get to find out with your our new early backstage blog and web feature. if you head to our website at, you will see things that you won't actually see on the program itself. tune in, log on, and take a look at it. that's a quick look at your weather picture. maggie, we'll send it back inside to you. >> i hope they show you running out five seconds before the 8:30 open today. >> that never happened. >> that was hilarious. dave, thank you. most of us grew up hearing mom-isms like don't frown, wear a sweater, sit up straight. with they good advice? are they true? keri glassman is chief editor of "parenting" magazine, and she'll debunk of myths. let's get right to them. >> sure. >> your mom always told you it's important to clean your plate, eat everything on your plate, children are starving all over the world. is that good advice, encouraging your children to eat everything on the plate? >> no, that is false. you do not want to get your kid into that habit or telling your kid that's the way to tell that they're not hungry anymore. everybody has an internal mechanism in the brain that says, i'm full. and you want your child to be able to hold on to that because, once they start using an external cue like a clean plate, they can get overweight. >> very easily. all right. hear that, mom. do not force feed your children or your grandchildren. okay. next one. sitting too close to the tv will ruin your eyes. true or false? >> again, bunk. wrong. >> why is that one wrong? >> well, it might cause a little eye strain, maybe you'll get a headache. it's really not going to do anything to your eye sight. however, if your child is repeatedly doing that, you might want to ask them to sit back and see if they can see well. if they can't, maybe they need glasses. but that in and of itself will not cause problems to their eyes? >> no. but maybe they have a preexisting problem, which is why they're sitting close. number three, don't frown. you will get wrinkles. >> that's true. >> even as a kid, it's something you have to worry about? >> you know what, it's silly to worry about because any facial movement you make is going to create wrinkles ultimately. are you going to stop kissing people? are you going to stop smiling? >> exactly. >> the real thing that causes wrinkles is the sun. what you want to do is slather your child and yourself with that spf. >> all right. the next one, sit up -- i think this one's true. sit up straight, or you will ruin your posture. >> that is true. >> that's actually a good one. >> yeah, it is. slouching is really bad for your neck, your back, your shoulders. you can really hurt yourself if you don't learn to sit up straight. what you want to do is keep your children active. of course, keep yourself active so you have that core strength to give you proper alignment. >> and i ask you this for harry smith's sake. is it ever too late to start sitting up straight so you won't ruin your posture? >> never too late. >> we always heard if you go outside without a coat, and my mom says with wet hair, you're going to catch pneumonia. you're going to catch your death. is that true? >> that's just bunk. >> uh-huh. tell us why. >> you get a cold from a virus. you don't get a cold from being cold. now, if you were out in the arctic, you know, in a bikini for a long time, it would probably lower your immunity, making you more susceptible to getting a virus. however, i don't think we're doing much of that. it's just not true. you know, my son, he wears shorts into november. it's just the cool thing to do. it drives me nuts, but -- >> he's okay. he's not going to catch a cold? >> that's right. >> susan, thanks a lot. we're going to put these and more mom-isms on the website. proper posture, harry. >> i'm there. i'm all over it this morning. thanks, mags. if you're looking for a hot new place to travel, how about iran, iraq, north korea? travel guru peter greenberg is here to tell us how growing numbers of tourists are actually looking towards the world's hot spots as a place to go for vacation. good morning. >> good morning, harry. it seems inconceivable to me that people would want to go to some of those places for leisure travel. >> first of all, they want to go because they can. they want bragging rights and experience and one-upsmanship. first of all, you know because you were over there. let's start with iraq. northern iraq is completely separate. we're talking about erbil, and they have a website called the other they'll take you to these magnificent locations with all these ruins, the stunning architecture, even the mountains. people forget it's called the switzerland of arabia. >> you could get on a plane from iman and fly right into erbil. and hail a cab. so that's iraq. that's a place you can go. a tiny, little number of people have actually ventured into the country itself, and they get ushered out usually. >> you don't want to go there. >> so iraq is one. how about korea? >> korea is a big surprise, north korea especially, because people don't think they can go there. they can actually go once a year. it happens in august and september. you're looking at it right now. the mass games, all the acrobats and performers and musicians. these are organized tours. i have to warn you, they're also controlled tours. they're eight-day tours. they're not that expensive, $2,500. you'll see brochures that say you explore things on your own. no, you won't. you will be stuck where you are, and you get a chance to see that and go to north korea. >> you'll always be with a minder. the minder will always be minding you. a lot of people go to cuba. >> cuba is another great surprise. remember, you've heard the stories about cuba getting the doors open. it's still off limits for most americans. however, as i'm speaking to you this morning, there are over 2,000 american tourist ins cuba. how did they get there? through any one of five other countries, toronto in canada, mexico, cayman islands, jamaica. the bottom line is they're skirting the spirit of the law, but they're buying all inclusive packages in those countries, so they're not spending u.s. dollars there. >> the country that comes up on the list. there's been so much bad news out of mexico, the drug wars and everything else. what about mexico as a place to travel? >> mexico is the triple m. you mention the drug wars and the bordertown. they had the earthquake and the swine flu. triple whammy. bottom line is get out a map, go south, go east to the yucatan. i was down there in the middle of the swine flu. the staff to guest ratio, 600 to moi. did i have a great time or what? bottom line, they're discounting like you can't believe. the caribbean resorts, all inclusive package. $189 a night includes your meal, your drinks, and your room. and they've extended the deal until december. that will give you an idea of and it'an fine.uyer's market, >> go to the traditional resorts. peter greenberg, thank you so much. for more on travel to hot spots, go to our website at guys who are watching "big brother" may not be happy about last night's results. laura crosby, the 20-year-old bikini model was ousted from the show. julie chen spoke with laura just after her eviction. >> i'm laura. this week is going to get exactly what she wants. >> laura obviously used her assets to help prolong her stay inside the house. whatever she's selling, i'm not buying it. >> i know for a fact that ronny's a wreck. ronny's trying to fool us. i'm not falling for it. i know exactly what he's up to. >> obviously, i nominate laura for eviction. >> i wanted to stand up and be like i toll you so. i was 100% right. i knew that ronny was lying. >> by a vote of 8-1, laura, you are evicted from the big brother house. laura, you were just evicted 8-1. you said in the house, if you don't get at least a sympathy vote, you'd be very upset. are you surprised that you got one? >> i am surprised i got one. really surprised because i thought that everybody would kind of try to have that mob mentality due to the events this week. i thought nobody would want to like separate themselves. >> any regrets? do you wish you were not so vocal? do you wish you were more of a wall flower and maybe you'd still be in there? >> i think everybody always says that. one of my main strategies going into the house was i'm going to let all my emotions roll off of my back. once you get in there, it's really -- it's a lot easier to play from your couch at home than it is to be in that house. >> i promise you on my life that it was ronny. >> you get this paranoia going on. everywhere you walk, if somebody's whispering, you think they're talking about you. it's really, really hard to play this game emotional-free. it's so difficult. >> well, laura, we wish you well. thank you for being a good game player, being honest and open and being yourself. we'll see you on finale night, though. you're going to see everybody again. >> if you'd like to see more of julie's interview with laura, go to our website, up next, do you want your life to be a success? u yoed a j@the eath if you want to be a success, you need a strategy. in the game of life, it can make all the difference in the world. executive coach erika anderson is the author of "being strategic." she's here to share some of her winning tips with us. good morning, erika. >> good morning. >> you believe that everyone needs a life strategy. what is that? >> i do. it's a way to make sure that you achieve your dreams. most people have dreams, but they don't approach them in an organized way. they're less likely to come true. >> the first thing you say we should do is look at the challenge. what is the problem i want to solve? >> exactly. that's a great way to say it. for instance, let's say you have a child who has learning disabilities. that can seem completely overwhelming. what do you need to do? maybe what you really need is to find out how you can get the support that child needs to feel successful. if you hone in on that, then you can begin to look toward how to make that happen. >> a lot of people don't look at themselves in the mirror honestly. >> yes. >> is that important as well, to look at your life and your aspirations realistically? >> absolutely. once you're clear on what the problem is, then it's really important that you know where you're actually starting from. one example i was just using recently is we all watch "american idol," and there are some people who want to be the american idol, and clearly they don't know how to sing. >> and they're surprised when the judges critique them. >> precisely. you have to be clear about where you're starting fwr. it's sort of like you're saying, i want to go to philadelphia. i think i'm in new york. and you're actually in l.a. it's going to be a lot harder to get there. >> which brings us to the next point. you have to come up with a reasonable aspiration to strive for. >> and reasonable aspiration is important. let's say you're a waitress, and you decide that you want to become the manager of your restaurant in a couple of years. that's a reasonable aspiration. if that same waitress says, i want to be a neurosurgeon in three years, that's not a reasonable aspiration. it's important to say, here's where i'm starting from. here's what i'd like to achieve or accomplish, that it be something that you can actually achieve. so you're successful. >> you have to understand too probably that it's not going to be a piece of cake to get there. >> exactly. and that's -- you know, here's where you're starting from. here's what you need to get to. you need to look at the obstacles. what's in the way. sometimes what happens is people look at the obstacles, and they get paralyzed. let's say your hope for the future is you want to find your soul mate. you want to find the person you need to be with for the rest of your life. and you look, but i never leave my apartment. that may seem like such a big obstacles to you that you can't overcome it. you look at it objectively and say that's something i need to do differently. >> do you think people over or under estimate their obstacle. >> both. some people over estimate them and get paralyzed, and some people say, oh, no, no, that won't be a problem. you have to be accurate. if you're trying to climb up a hill and there was a troll, you would have to know how big that troll was. >> exactly. now you know how big the troll was and you get what you want, how am i going to get there? it's not going to happen by itself. >> this is where the idea of strategy comes in. a strategy is just a pathway, a road that you're going to walk down. what people tend to do, let's go back to the soul mate thing. you decide to get very clear. i want to find a kind, smart person who cares for me the way i care for them. that's your future. that's your castle on the hill. you say, first thing is i never get out of my apartment. that's an obstacle. so you could just start going out. that maybe wouldn't get you where you want to go. it's good to create a strategy. your strategy might be i want to go places where the kinds of men that i want to meet hang out. >> exactly. you have to be proactive. >> exactly. then once you have that direction, you can say, here are the specific things i'm going to do to implement that strategy. >> erika anderson, thank you very much. >> you're so welcome. >> we'll put more of erika's tips for success on our website. it's over to you, harry. >> thanks, mags. you want to get the most out of your exercise routine, right? registered dietician keri glassman is here with advice on what to eat before, during, and after a workout. we have all these folks doing the triathlon here. >> we do, which is so impressive. very impressive. >> they're going to be very interested in what you have to say here. >> they will be. we're still talking about here the person, that average person that's working out maybe three to four workouts a week, looking to lose weight, maintain weight loss, or improve overall health. it's not necessarily about taking in more calories. a regular diet will probably do the trick. it's about eating at the appropriate time. >> okay. we start with some breakfast here. >> we start with breakfast. when you're eating before your workout, you want to make sure that you get a snack about an hour before. that's about 150 to 200 calories of high calorie carbohydrates and proteins. >> let's say you're going to work out late morning, oatmeal, which is a combination of carbs and protein. you don't want to get too much fat or fiber because that can cause your stomach to be upset. that's not good for the guys on their bikes either. then a banana and peanut butter. a smaller snack if you're eating right before you exercise. also, if you're working out late afternoon, a simple turkey sandwich. you're going to get carbohydrates and some protein. >> this is what you do? >> i roll right out of bed, barely brush my teeth, and get to the gym. i've got to have something quick. something like coffee with skim milk. the skim milk will give me and other people enough protein and carbohydrates to fuel your meal. also, a broken down snack. something like a smoothie. think of that blender as having churned up the food like your stomach would. it's easier to digest, and it won't make your stomach upset. you can make it the night before and get right on that bike. you can eat the blueberries. lots of antioxidants, you know i love that. >> this looks bad. >> during exercise, there's no reason to get any calories from food or drink. if you're going longer than an hour, you do want to think about fueling yourself with quick-acting carbohydrates. even a small handful of jelly beans or a little bit of a sports drink or an energy bar. you might need a bite of one. don't necessarily need the whole thing. >> sometimes when i'm on a long bike ride, half an energy bar. >> you need some because you go for the long bike rides over an hour. fluids are so important. you want to have 20 ounces of water an hour before you work out. 4 to 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes. and then you also -- i don't know if you know this one. you want to gulp your water. when you gulp your water, it empties from your stomach a little faster, reducing your chances of cramping. and after, within 30 minutes of exercising, you want to consume those nutrients. carbohydrates, protein, and antioxidants to refuel you and replenish your body. exercise 60 minutes every day. if you can, that's the recommendation. >> you hear that, guys? >> yeah. >> gulp your water? >> gulp your water. some research does show that it empties faster. so then there's less chance of cramping. >> so we have an excuse not to be perfectly lady like. >> exactly. it's not so ladylike. while you're out there running anyway, who needs to be ladylike? >> for more on fueling your workout, go to our website, and glassman drinks coffee before she goes to the gym. >> also may reduce muscle cramping. >> have a great day, everybody. if we don't act, medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act. so great to have you with us on a friday. i'm kim martucci. we are about to kick off the 9:00 a.m. show. it is mind over friday. you can call in and get those questions answered. we are sitting pretty right now. all is quiet. we were so -- it was so loud last night. the thunderstorms keeping you awake. hopefully you get shut eye. winds from the north at 8 miles an hour. the humidity is on the high side. 81%. it feels sticky outside. baltimore is checking in with 73 -- 70. 73 patuxent river. 79 leesburg. as we look ahead at the next couple of days in to the weekend we will keep it steamy. up to 87, isolated thunderstorms and then tomorrow we will sneak in a dry day but it will be hot, 92. 90 on sunday. thank you very much. i hope you have your phone nearby. we are dishing out free advice at mind over money friday coming up at 9:00 a.m. let's talk about the traffic, 270 southbound. here's the situation under sunny skies we are below speed from shady grove to montross road. the inner and outer loop from 95 to 66 no incidents or accidents but you are in the yellow and slowing around braddock road up to . just volume. moving along, 95 northbound an iaccident off to the left shoulder. take it outside and key bridge, no problems colorado crossing it in to georgetown. northwest dc is incident free. we have traffic lights out related to the storms that rocked the region yesterday. you can always go to and get an incident map there. seven-day forecast is up for you. a lot of weekend plans. i know it is summer and everybody is cooing and going, maybe you are staying put. if you want to plan the barbecue, i'd do it on saturday. i dare say a heat wave is setting up shop around here. the 9:00 show is next. we will look for you on the other side of the break. # pveea

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