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Hi, everybody, im beth troutman, if you are looking for videos before they go viral, keep it right here, right this minute. Hey firefighters are deep in a battle with a stubborn blaze when you hear a voice say they want you away from the front of the building. The warning that came not a second too soon. A hawk gets all up in a guys grille but the hawk survived. See what it takes to get him out in one piece. A traffic cops in the middle of the street but watch where she ends up. Why a big wave cant keep a good woman down. Plus the buzzword for your shot at the ipad mini and a hit on the radio brings a little boy to tears. Are you sure . You want me to change it . The how hes sticking it out sad or not. Give me a thumbsup that youre okay. Little double thumbsup. Yeah. Firefighters oftentimes have just a split second to make pretty crucial decisions, definitely the case here. Around 3 00 a. M. In hollywood the l. A. Fire department responding to this fire at a strip mall. They determined it was an electrical fire. More than 80 firefighters responded to the call. Eventually you hear the call come in the battalion chief just at the right time. Hey, they want you away hey ooh whoa. You hear a voice say they want you away from the front of the building. They want you away from the front of the building. Just a moment later the facade comes crashing down. But they were soon able to determine that there was no injuries and these guys they went back on the offense and some 24 minutes into this fight they were able to get the fire completely contained. It did not look like it was about to give at all. There really was no warning or indication from the looks of it in this video that a collapse was imminent. Two businesses damaged in this thing. Heres the bad part, estimated cost 160,000. Oh, wow. You know, whats interesting you said they got that tamped down in 24 minutes. It seemed like the whole strip mall was going to go up. Pretty amading work that they got the businesses out. 12 minutes into the fight is when this happened. 12 minutes later the whole thing came down. Pretty impressive. Unbelievable. Good work. Two robberies in action. This first one looks like thats the register right there. The guy walks back there with knife in hand trying to intimidate the clerk, but the clerk has a much mightier weapon. Her mop. She takes her mop and she starts pushing the guy away and the guy runs away. Hes jabbing him in the face with the mop . He must have been a germ germophobe. Think about getting a mop to the mouth. It looks like she put the mop in his mouth. Deserves it. Cleaning up crime. This next one happens in a computer store. This is a sly robbery. Two women and one man walk into the store. What they are doing is scoping out the items that dont have a security tag on them that they will, then, just pick up put in their bags or in their jackets, hide them and as soon as theyre ready to go they very casually walk on the door. In this case they did get away with the goods. It has a ton of stuff and you cant put a tag on every little item. Apparently they are responsible at robberies at several different locations and they seem to know what theyre doing. They didnt buy a pack of gum. Hawks versus car the car is probably going to win but not in this instance. A hawk flown into the grille of this car and as you can see the hawks has survived and now these people are desperately trying to get this hawk out uninjured any more than it already is. You can see him grabbing hold of one leg but hes trying to find the other one to make sure they dont injure it pulling the guy out. You got to help me, buddy, okay . Got to pull that leg out, too. You can see this guy. Hes talking to it and hes being very calm and gentle with it but hes trying to get it out trying to get the other leg out. Whatever you are holding on to, you got to let go, okay, buddy . Its all right. Its all right. Eventually hes successful. Good for the rescuers, though, to take the time to do this and for the car owners that allow him to remove the grille and damage the car to get the bird out. Thats actually remarkable on both counts. On a much lighter note, remember the friends at storm chasing videos they were out at st. Cloud, minnesota, filming snowy owls not weather related although it is subfreezing temperatures where theygh caut this little guy. It scratches its head and shakes and then it lets go. Oh ah. Immediately freezes. So he did a crapsicle. What a weird angle. Were right under his tukus. Interesting to say after this relief he said the owl kind of looks around, like, did anybody see that . Thought he was on the dl doing that but he was caught on camera. It could put your eye out. Frozen dukey. Right in your face. Stab in the head. Right, majestic owls have to go just like an everyday pigeon. Hey, everybody, were giving away an ipad mini in just a little while. Thats coming up and well be giving you the tuesday buzzword and tell you how to enter to win. You must be 18 years or older and a u. S. Resident to enter. Coming up the rtm ipad mini giveaway. The Shetland Islands in britain got hit by heavy rains. And some people caught it on their dash cam. Pay really chose attention to this emergency worker whos right here trying to help direct traffic. Oh, no. He got taken out. Wow, thats a lot of water. Keep watching. Shes way over here. She does pop right back up and walks right back to the position she was in and directs this car with the dash cam to make a right. Now shes wet, cold. Got a bruised behind. Getting knocked off her feet. Thats exactly right. In fact, the poster of this video reached out to the emergency worker and asked how she was doing. She said she was okay but her pride was bruised along with a few bruises in the fall. Listen to the guys behind the camera. Oh, yes they do immediately start laughing when they see this happen and they did say that they felt badly aboutj]j comes to the rescue. A big old semi truck. How is that pebble . Back pain . Try bayer back and body. Its bayer aspirin plus a sp ecial pain relief booster, to relieve sore backs and soothe aching muscles fast. Get moving again, with bayer back and body. I have a triple here for you guys, all of them on the road. This guy riding behind the big box truck decides, do you know what, im going to pass this truck and when this driver goes to do that, up ahead is another truck. Coming in that direction. Why would you do that . You cant see anything. They end up colliding. Sending the car rolling down the road. Crashing against a tree. Oh, man. Bad decision. Just like this bad decision here. What happened there . So, somehow this red truck ended up stuck there. All these guys, do you know what, this is tied up. They tie a rope from the back of the red truck to the other truck that you see in the back. Everybody was chatting up, figuring out how theyre going to pull it. The other truck, right . One big truck on an icy road already so icy this car slipped off it down the bank, so this probably i can already see this is not going to go well. Oh, its not. A very bad idea. Too much weight. That thing was vertical, you know, too much weight up and down all the weights going downward, theres just no way youre going to be able to pull that truck out of there like that. Walk home and come back tomorrow. And this third video you would never expect a Nissan Xterra to be helping a big ole semi truck. What . How is that possible . That cant be. Really . Thats just a small suv compared to that giant truck. And its got the big box in the back, too. If this is real then, nissan needs to get ahold of this truck, look, our truck is powerful. Well, the Animal Kingdom can be a routeless place, but it is all part of the law of the jungle. This is in south africa at kruger natiol park. Were seein analaross the dam. Watch this on that third hop somethings here for lunch. Thats a crocodile. Boy. Boom. In this video from wildlife photographer rene vandershift and we see it in slowmotion, too. It doesnt stop the the other ones from jumping across. Its, like, that impala knew it was the sacrificial impala, almost like the impala did it on purpose so the other ones could get away. Cleared the way for the other ones. I think it was unintentional. Im just throwing that out there. I think he still wanted to get away. If youre a crocodile fan, you love this video. From ruthless to just pretty damn cute. This is a pride of lions hanging out here also in Kruger National park and really they are minding their own business, mom and a bunch of brothers and sisters hanging out. We do almost see a little fight go down between two of these little guys but they break it up pretty quickly, hey, were in th same family here, we should probably not, you know, come to blows. This is the cutest fight ever sold. Gives a head juke and a couple of yeah. Ladies, i believe that this is a truly revolutionary product. I really think it will change the look of pretty much everything. Its called lumalore. Illuminating paint. Its not glow in the dark. Its a paint that conducts electricity basically. They put a lowlevel electrical current through it and that base layer. The paint itself lights up. And it even looks good when its not lit up so its not, like, some kind of ugly paint that will ruin the look of things. This product was created by Darkside Scientific and theyve had success on painting it on different kinds of metal and plastic. It can be very curved. Whats crazy is it looks like theres a light source behind it. It looks like a piece of glass. Theyre on the cutting edge of something really huge. This isnt just for motorcycles or motorcycle hell f mets. Its an instant light for your reading glasses. It looks like you have to send their stuff to them so they can professionally apply this stuff. I dont think its going to be cheap but totally worth it. Send in my reading glasses. Big rigs with beautiful women in amazing gowns. Not your normal everyday girly calendar. Its a blast from the past on the next right this minute. And still to come what does a dumb idea look like . A lot like this. This stunt goes nciredibly, horyribl wrong. Why being spetrapd to a wheelchair, pepper sprayed, lit on fire and pulled through a wall could never not go horribly wrong. And we have an ipad mini to give away. All you need is tuesdays buzzword for your chance to win. Closed captioning provided by the worse it gets. Nenew w gogoldld b bonond relief cream, rerelilieveveses 5 5 s symympt. Gogoldld b bonond d rereala. Ive got 3alarm heartburn. Fifireremaman n chchilili . Rolaids gives yoyou u rarapd relief of heartburn anand d neneututraraliliz more acid than tums. Atattataboboy y rorolalaidids,s, t thahatw you spell relief. Ononcece, twtwicice, its time for new seselslsune scscalalp. It worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe anantiitch medicine. Plus soothing aloe for fast relief. Seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center has a fantastic little ambassador. And snickers is extremely friendly. Look at him cozying up to Jonathan Spear and i did say cozy. Coming up . What are you doing . Coming up . Snickers is coming up. Hes a chunk. Well, this isnt his first brush with fame. You see, over a year ago this video became very popular. Come on. As you can see there, snickers likes avocados. What in the world is going on this porcupine is Walking Around the gift shop cozying up to human beings, we had to find out what the story is behind snickers and right this minute via skype we have Jonathan Spear that used to work with the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. How did you find out he liked humans and he becomes a mascot . We knew his reputation. Wed carry him around in a dog crate in the back of our suburban an take him aroundo shows porcupines, he go used to people and peanuts and snacks and avocados and as you got more comfortable with him he could climb up your leg and walk around with him. As long as you didnt scare him, he was pretty calm. What is it like when hes climbing on you . We did weigh him about two years ago. He is 30 pounds. He is a chunker, you know, just like a 30pound cat with dull claws climbing up, i guess. Hes a good climber whether it be on a tree or a persons scalp. How special is it to have a wild ambassador like snickers to interact with students and what can it do for them . Its kind of cool, a lot of people havent seen one in the wild let alone 35 feet away from him and they can pet him if people are able to handle it. What about the quills . Its pretty special especially for little kids to see that porcupines dont just shoot quills everywhere you actually have to come in contact with them, or they have to come in contact with you, they dont just shoot them out. Its a misconception we try to clear up when we do these presentations. Its time to jump headfirst into the shallow end of the gene pool, you wont like this one but ill shoitw o t you anyway. Hopefully show some kids out there not to do something as dumb as this. This is from the stunt crew, that guy is called meet a freeze. Hes volunteered for the stunt jump. Hes sitting in a wheelchair and they spray flammable liquid on his back and spray him with pepper spray and light him on fire so he can be towed through glass and drywall by a car. There he goes. The whole time you hear people behind the camera laughing. This stunt goes incredibly horribly wrong. He doesnt even make it through this wall. Does take out one of his buddies, falls out of the wheelchair and is now on fire. Nobody immediately around him with water. The first guy who was in charge of this comes running over with a bucket. But pretty much misses get it out. Get it out get him get him [ bleep ]. Oh, my god. Now all they can do is resort to basically stomping the fire out on this kids back. Hes not rolling over. They have no other means of extinguishment. I got beer. I got beer. Take your shirt off. Whats wrong with you . Oh, my god, ow. Mr. Freeze had second to thirddegree burns on his back. Oh. What a fool. Like he was good to see the kid at least up on his feet after this stunt. They also say that he was fully recovered in about a month after this. Your other buddies who are into the same thing, i dont know that kids dig this ki ondf stuff. No. You all right . All right. Its time to give away an ipad mini. Remember, you got to be 18 years old and must be a u. S. Resident and most importantly you have to have the buzzword. You ten on our Facebook Page if youre using a mobile phone or tablet go to the first post on our Facebook Page and tap on the mobile link. Here we go, beth, the buzzword for tuesday is investigate. Now, go on over to facebook. Com rightthisminute. And click on the win an ipad mini button. And then enter the tuesday buzzword investigate, investigatment for your chance to win an ipad mini. Good luck, everybody. This 4yearold is breaking down in the backseat. You wont believe why hes so emotional. Are you sure . You want me to change it . See how a popular slow song moves him to tears. J steven, you know this, pretty much Everybody Knows this were in the thick of winter. Big time. Right now. And some people still want to sport a glowy tan even though its cold outside and you cant see the sun. Im pale and wintry. I need a tan. Good thing im an expert at a fake tan. Jenna marvels breaks it down for us how tough this athome tanning stuff really is. Am i doing this right . It feels like im just getting types. And anyone who has ever used one of these items knows they dont take effect immediately it takes a few hours for it to set in. Im still not tan. It doesnt tan at all. Lets try this lotion. Its so streaky. The more i rub it, the streakier it gets. Oh, lets see. Thats not good. She kind of look like she just got done with a mud wrestling match. Heres the deal. Its winter time. Nobody has a good tan right now. Better go shower and start all over again. Kids horsing around. Check out 4yearold jackson in the back of the car. In the seat. Dads driving. And cool kid not just because of his getup look at how emotional he is. You see him in the back and hes just holding in his emotion. You wont believe why hes so emotional. Say something yeah this song Say Something by a great big world playing on the radio. He loves the song. I get it. I react this way to this song. The song just pulls at you. Is it possible that he maybe just got in trouble with mom and dad . No. No, no, no. He knows the words and everything. Listen. You want me to change it . The dad asks him, do you want me to change the song, change the Radio Station . No, i love it. Is it a bad song . Do you like the sad song . Anywhere what . What . Hes heard the song on the computer, too. Hes cute. You want me to keep it on . Okay. Give me a thumbsup that youre okay. Little double thumbsup down here. I cant handle it. Its too adorable. Thats it for us here at right this minute. Thanks for joining us, and well see you next time

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