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Sports nfl today. Head of the centers for Disease Control will be along for update on the now widespread outbreak of measles. Bob schieffer talks to former lbj advisor joe califano about his book the triumph and tragedy of johnson because this is face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs good morning, Bob Schieffer is off today. We begin this morning with the grim news of another execution from the terror group isis. Cbs news correspondent holly williams. The video released by isis does appear to show the beheading of kenji goto a japanese journalists captured late last year. Assessment of the japanese government. Isis had offered to release goto in return for a failed female suicide bomber what who is on death row in jordan. The jordanian government said it would release the woman but only in exchange for one of its own citizens. A pilot who crashed in isis territory during bombing raid back in december. In the end however there was no prisoner swap, kenji gofo is dead and the fate of the pilot is unknown. Isis was finally forced to retreat last week after more than 700 u. S. Led airstrikes and four months of brutal street fighting against kurdish forces. The battle was a very public test of whether the airstrikes would be effective. Here in the oil ritchie rack key city, isis killing a local commander and four of his men. Extremist were back butconnecticut if i dent suggest isis still very long way from defeat. Odonnell joining me by telephone from outside amman jordan is the foreign minister. Thank you. Odonnell let me ask you do you know if your pilot that is being held by isis is still alive . Well, actually we dont. We have been asking publicly for proof of life and so far we have received none. Odonnell are the jordanians still willing to swap the failed female suicide bomber even though isis has now executed this other japanese journalist . There have been demands by our side as well as you mentioned before. As i mentioned for proof of life. We have said publicly that if we do get proof of life, this is before the tragic murder ever the japanese journalist, kenji we have said that if there is proof of life and if our pilot is released we are willing to release this woman. But like i said so far we have seen no proof of life which we have been asking for. Odonnell foreign minister told us the king of jordan will travel to washington to meet with president obama. More on isis look at the 2016 president ial politics joined by senator Lindsey Graham from clemson, South Carolina. Senator, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Odonnell this is now the 7th public beheading of either a journalist or aide worker by isis. When is this going to stop . President has right goal to degrade and destroy isil but doesnt have the right strategy. Aerial campaign will not destroy them. Need boots on the ground in iraq and syria where an american component somewhere around 10,000 i think american soldiers to align with the region and go in to syria and take back territories from isil that is what will make it stop. Odonnell the pentagon admitted just last week that isis still holds about 20,000 square miles in syria and iraq. Thats roughly twice the size of massachusetts. There have been 2,000 airstrikes by american and Coalition Forces just 34 this weekend. Are these airstrikes effective at all . They wont destroy isil they help in some regard. How do you dislodge isil from syria . Iraq you hope you can get the kurds and Iraqi Security forces and anbar sunni tribes to Work Together in western anbar take back mosul. You need a regional force, saudi arabia turkey entire region, putting together an army with American People embedded special forces, intel forces, air controllers to go in on the ground not only dislodge from syria but hold the territory and you cant do that until you deal with assad. Odonnell one of the most alarming things that ive read of these foreign fighters involved in syria and iraq, some 4,000 of them have western passports which means they could travel to the United States without a visa. Are we watching them . We are. But were being overwhelmed quite frankly syria and iraq combined are the best platforms to launch an attack on United States ive seen since 9 11. Every day that goes by weve got more terrorist organizations with more capabilities to strike homeland than any time since 9 11. You have aqat in yemen but isil presence in syria and iraq theyre very rich foreign fighters flow with passports that can penetrate the United States or western allies, youll see if you dont disrupt this Organization Take the fight to them on the ground. And again you cannot successfully deplete isil on the ground in syria with a Free Syrian Army coalition of arab nations until you deal with assad because he will kill anybody that comes in there that tries to defeat isil. Odonnell lets turn to politics senator graham because you announced this week that you are considering a run for president. That is you point out yourself you voted for both president obamas nominees for Supreme Court, your critics call you Lindsey Grahamesty for your Immigration Reform. Can you get elected in a republican primary, even have a chance . Well i win in South Carolina pretty rich state im for Immigration Reform starting with securing the border all republicans agree with that. More legal immigration. Paying Illegal Immigrants under the table is a real threat to the middle class wage group thats one of the reasons we need to fix immigration. But my view on immigration shared by 70 of the American People. When it comes to Supreme Court justices, if i get to be president id nominate and expect democrats to vote because hes qualified person. I thought so too my our. Im very comfortable that im in the mainstream of conservatism. Ive done very well in a red state when it comes to National Security and understanding the threats our nation faces i believe im the best qualified of anybody on our side of the aisle to offer an alternative toe failed Foreign Policy of barack obama. My organization well never have peace with radical islam but we can have security. Odonnell senator Lindsey Graham, well be watching. Good luck with your run. Thank you for joinings. Joining us is james baker chief of staff to president reagan and george w. Bush also served as bushs secretary of state. Mr. Secretary good to have you here. Thank you, norah nice to be here. Odonnell since were on the subject of president ial pom particulars you know plenty because you helped both bushes become president. Would you help jeb bush what do you think of his running for president . Ill certainly help him if he wants me to, obviously. I think its terrific that hes going to get out there and run. Hes extraordinarily qualified person to be president. He would make an extremely good president. Im excited about the fact that it looks more and more like hes actually going to do it. Odonnell is jeb bush the front runner . I think he is now, yeah. With romney pulling out of the race. But i will tell you that based on my experience being the front runner is not necessarily always the best thing in pat shall primary contests because if you dont win big enough then press will say you didnt do well enough. But jebs got solid credentials. He knows politics. He was elected governor of florida. Hell be a very good candidate and i expect him to get the republican nomination. Odonnell youve been involved in a bush versus Clinton Campaign before. Thats right. Odonnell we may have another bush versus Clinton Campaign plenty of time for that. Do you think that jeb bush could beat Hillary Clinton . Of course i do. I think its going to be a republican year. It should be a republican year. You know, only been two occasions in which one party has held white house for 12 years going all the way back Martin Van Buren and george h. W. Bush, jebs father, in 1988 i guess it was. Hard to hold white house for 12 years. People want to see change. Theres been a lot of problems that have accrued during this administration. She was secretary of state for four years in the administration. You look at the Foreign Policy now around the world and theres many problems. So i think we got an excellent opportunity. I realize that shes way out in front on the democratic side for that nomination bought shes vulnerable. She can be beaten. Odonnell want the get your take on some Foreign Policy matters, first isis, because now we have seen the 7th public beheading in these videos, you heard what i said to senator graham were doing these airstrikes yet isis appears to grow in strength. I agree with practically everything senator graham said, probably everything he said. Odonnell you dont think americans boots. No american boots on the ground in my view. That doesnt mean you cant have special ops forces and air controllers that sort of things to help with the air war. But we are going to have to find a way to put some boots on the ground. We might be able to find that in iraq with the iraqi army if we get them trained up so far doesnt look very promising. But as senator pointed out, you cant win this war just from the air. You cant eject isis, you cant destroy isis eject them from territory just from the air. My idea would be to go to the turks, 60 years allies of the United States, members of the north atlantic treaty organization, they have good army, army that will fight. They want to take down assad president obama said assad must go. They want to destroy isis, we want to destroy isis. Theres conversion of interests here, why dont we get together and we say look, well supply the air logistics and the intelligence, you put the boots on the ground and go in there and do the job. And in addition get some of our arab allies in the region to put boots on the ground as well saudi arabia uae jordan and the others. Odonnell get your take on israel, the news that the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ambassador arranged for netanyahu to address u. S. Congress to Speaker Boehner went around the white house. Is that a significant breach of protocol . Yes. It is. Odonnell how significant is it . I cant remember an incident which its been done. Now let me say this, the speaker of the house has every right in the world to invite whoever he wants to speak to the house, its coequal branch of government but best done Foreign Policy is best conducted when theres at least cooperation between legislative and executive branches. Executive im a creature of the executive branch. Executive branch of government really has the primary power and responsibility and authority to conduct the nations foreign policies. Not congress, its in the executive branch. Our Foreign Policy benefits when theres cooperation and so does our the issue of u. S odonnell should they cancel the speech will it backfire on netanyahu some. . It might very well. Ill point to what happened when we were in office 25 years ago when Prime Minister shamir was having trouble managing the u. S. Relationisrael relationship. I think more important to the citizens of israel to know that their leadership is properly managing odonnell do you think the relationship with the most important. Odonnell this may damage netanyahus chances of reelection . I dont know whether it will or not. It has potential to backfire. Jon as it backfired on Prime Minister shamir in 1991 when he was challenged by rabin. Primarily because he was not seemed to be able to manage the relationship with the United States properly. Odonnell theres so much to talk to you about so little time. He want to get your take on saudi arabia you were part of ha historic delegation that went to the kingdom to meet the new king. So many secretary of states, former National Security advisors there, now have juan quarter of the planet is muslim. 62 of them are under the age of 0. What role must saudi arabia and this new king play . Saudi arabia as king of saudi arabia is the custodian of the two holy mosques they occupy special role in islam. Saudi arabia today happens to be an island of stability, if you looked at that part of the world countries on all sides of them are failed states now. Iraq syria yemen, been ran has problems. Look at libya was a terrible mistakes. Its now totally were going to we need the saudis they have been historically a very fine ally to the United States are there things that they do that we disagree with you bet your life. Theyre very good ally. Theyre going to be critical in dealing with the problem you just pointed out. Odonnell sect baker always good to have you here. Go now to top democrat senator Richard Durbin joins us from springfield, illinois. Senator, good to see you thank you very much for joining us. Thanks, norah. Odonnell should netanyahu cancel his planned speech to Congress Next month . I dont think this political grandstanding by the speaker, mr. Netanyahu or best interests of israel. We have a strong relationship, a Strong Alliance with israel. For speaker to decide to go it alone to invite Prime Minister netanyahu without consulting with the white house was a mistake. Odonnell as you know president obama will not meet with the Prime Minister while hes here. What about democrats in congress will they attend this speech . Were troubled by it. I dont want to show any weakness in terms of our commitment to israel but some of my closest friends in the United States who support israel had described this boehner strategy as disaster. Take the politics out of it. Odonnell your take also on isis this morning and the policy there. Airstrikes, weve had 2,000 of them and as you heard secretary baker say you cant win a war with airstrikes alone. What is the strategy . What is the strategy . First president is on the right track. Bring together arab and Muslim Coalition that wants to bring stability to the middle east and United States can support it. I disagree with my friend Lindsey Graham about invasion force of 10,000 americans to plunge them in to the chaos and carnage of syria would be serious mistake in my view. Build and support this coalition of indigenous efforts in the region to bring stability. Secondly, this program has been consumed by issue of terrorism. Remember, the House Republicans have refused to properly fund the department of Homeland Security our lead agency in protecting americans against terrorism. This week well continue this debate in the senate and urging senator mcconnell to pass clean appropriations bill let us properly and quickly fund premiere agency to keep america safe. Odonnell senator, i want to ask you about your partys future also been talking about president ial politics theres new pole out from the state of iowa that shows your former colleague Hillary Clinton, 40 points ahead of nearest challenger. Do you think coronation is good for your party . Secretary clinton carefully constructing her campaign, i am impressed by the people involved in it from top to bottom. Shes going to avoid this mistakes of the past shes brought together the best and brightest in our party. I think well be unified if she announces her candidacy and does soon behind that candidacy. But we have uphill battle. Secretary baker is right never take an election for granted. If the economy continues to grow and stabilize as it has under president obama well be in strong position to elect president senator clinton. Odonnell well be back in just one minute. Ive been called a control freak. I like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. Odonnell for some theres only one story today thats the super bowl. This evening the Seattle Seahawks take on the new England Patriots patriots in phoenix. Although security is heavy outside the stadium inside all eyes will be on the field and those footballs. But how distracted from the more serious issues plaguing the nfl. Joining us now is the host of nfl today james brown. So good to see you. Excited about the super bowl . The norah, good to see you, i am, because excellent match up of the two best teams in the league. Im looking forward to it. Odonnell one of the thing im interested, not only great teams but great, great quarterbacks. This is what really interests me. Tom brady who by the way was in the sixth round draft pick, 199th picked by the patriots will be the first quarterback ever to star in the super bowl six times if the patriots win it will be bradys 4th super bowl win puts him up there with joe montana, right . And terry bradshaw. Thats huge. Go down as greatest sixth round draft choice as quarterback in nfl history. Odonnell and same for Russell Wilson first quarterback to win two super bowls while only having played three seasons in the nfl. This is incredible match up. Great match up at the marquee spot. We talked about sports so often on cbs this morning Russell Wilson is kind of quarterback, the kind of player that you like, man of character and integrity, smart and defy the odds they always talk about his stature the kid is smart gets it done. Odonnell with all the hype and excitement about super bowl even Roger Goodell announced, said, admitted been a tough year. Last couple of week have been dominated by deflategate. Dont you think that more important issue that this discussion about psi and weight of a football is really a distraction from some really big issues facing the nfl. Not only concussion violence, murder trial going on, issue of Domestic Violence. We started the season off dealing with that issue you guys are so wonderful in blending the synergy of cbs news and sports, its a shame that its been dominated from start to finish with topics other than whats taking place on the football field. However, at least im encouraged that the league in general while still questionable on number of fronts they havent run away from the issues they embraced them. Im hoping what i see as a substantive reworking of attitudes and rules will trickle down to society at large because Domestic Violence something that im very keen on in terms of awareness and prevention, is not being taken as seriously in society up until this year as it should have been i think the league has taken lead role in that regard. Odonnell we know kneejerk reaction. Odonnell we know that the nfl will have commercial dealing with this issue of Domestic Violence. Is there a problem within the nfl or do you think this is just part of what happens in a year . How tough has it been for goodell . Its been a tough year, no question. And the nfl is microcosm although on major stage you hear them talk so often about integrity of the shield, privilege to play the game not a responsibility if you will that everybody is granted. Again, im at least pleased from my humble perspective to see they have taken some very serious steps in terms of addressing these issues, no question about it. Odonnell can you make a final pick . You know what, ive been trained by john madden, iconic coach and broadcaster until the defending champion is dethroned they are the ones to knock off. Seattle right now still is. But Bill Belichick comes up with something you never expected. Odonnell j. B. Great to have you here on sunday morning well be watching with you tonight. Well be right back. Meet the worlds newest energy superpow er. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. 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So lets quiet it down and get the facts on the keystone xl pipeline the pipeline will move north america toward Energy Independence and reduce oil imports from hostile countries. Make us stronger. When a girl connects with a science mentor. Her confidence grows. When schools connect with technology. A 5th graders world opens up. And when a worker connects to online degrees. His opportunities multiply. The at t aspire initiative. Helping students and communities across america. Odonnell welcome back. Another big story thats causing concern across the country is the Measles Outbreak. According to the centers for Disease Control as of today at least 102 reported cases of measles in 14 states. Dr. Tom is the head of the cdc joins us from atlanta, doctor good to see you. Are the number of piece earl cases going up . We are likely to see more cases, but preventable by vaccine and for places that havent vaccinated aggressive public action to identify contacts, to isolate sick people, quarantine people who have been exposed but the best way to prevent measles with vaccination. Odonnell we learned just this week that new York College Student boarded an amtrak train in penn stays on his way back to school possibly exposing hundreds of people to measles what do we know about that case . In terms of when and where that individual was sick our greatest concern is for the college itself which may have many kids who havent been vaccinated. As over last few years a small but growing number of people have not been vaccinated that number is building up among young adults and adults in society. That makes us vulnerable. We have to make sure that measles doesnt get a foothold in the u. S. Its been actually eliminated from this country for 15 years, all of our cases result ultimately from individuals who traveled and brought it back here. We have to stop it from getting a foothold here. Odonnell the cdc declared that measles had been eliminated. But you look at the graph you have more and more cases being reported especially in the last several years, most of those cases are in individuals who have not been vaccinated, what we see is growing trend of parents who are getting called personal belief exemption. Do we need to reconsider those types of exemptions . Well, the places around the country that really require that that personal belief be something thats deeply held have much higher vaccination rate. Overall we have 92 vaccination rate in this country even among those parents whose kids have not been vaccinated most dont have that deeply held concern. They just may not recognize that measles is still with us. That its serious, not getting your kid vaccinated not only risk forayer own kids but puts all their vulnerable kids in your community at risk. Odonnell doctor, i was fascinated to see some of the numbers. This is according to the cdc your own organization. California, which is now the epicenter of this growing Measles Outbreak started in disneyland, there last year almost 8 of kindergartners, 41,000 children failed the get required immunizations against mmr, measles mumps and rubella. Oregon 6. 8 , in pennsylvania its nearly 15 of kindergartners 22,700 do not have these vaccinations. What is going on . We are very concerned by the growing number of people who are susceptible to measles and possibility to have large outbreak in this country as a result. Parents are concerned they want their kids to be safe and healthy. The science is clear. Study after study has shown that there are no serious long term adverse consequences for measles. Of course, it can hurt your arm one in six kids can have fever ten days after, but vaccine is safe and effective and far those parents who may think that measles is gone, its still here. It can be quite serious. Odonnell you look at states like mississippi and west virginia. Those two states have mandatory vaccination rules, do not allow these exemptions they have almost 100 vaccination rates. Do we need to think about other states making vaccinations absolutely mandatory . Weve worked community by community, its a decision for the school board for the community, last year we had large outbreak in amish community. We worked closely with the community, we got vaccination done increased use of isolation and quarantine the outbreak stopped. We can control it. The future is within our control. We vaccinate well, increase those vaccination rates we can stop measles just as we stopped it before. Odonnell good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Well be right back with our Political Panel. Go go go hes challenging the very fabric of society. In a post cannonball world was it Grilled Cheese . Guilty the aquatic delinquency is a larger issue to this you did it again, didnt you . Yup. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. Odonnell were back with peg knee noonan, shes also cbs news contributor and cbs political director John Dickerson and mark leibovich. Democratic strategist and cnn contributor Stephanie Cutter and phil musser great to have all of you here. Start with the news this morning out of iowa. A poll, because never too early to poll how republicans are doing all the candidates what we find from what arguable small sample size that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is at the top of the list of those in iowa and look the establishment candidates, jeb bush, is near the bottom of that list, at least fifth in that list. John, what does this say what is happening in iowa . Says a couple of thing. First of all as you pointed out we all need to recognize the caucus is a year away, see people rise and fall, scott walker had good performance in iowa the last weekend at the steve king cattle call. He did well. We saw this in 2012 when Michelle Bachmann had her moment. What scott walker has those other candidates didnt have is he has a little bit of staying power. He has a quick elevator pitch can talk about being elected three times in purple state and took on the unions and survived. That is what is you have slow burn candidates and fast burn candidates. You want to be a slow burn, you want to be there at the end. What keeps him from being fast burn out candidate is this record hes got. So thats good for him as far as establishment candidate they got a long road in iowa to convince people and to work on voters so they dont need to be nervous about being fifth in the polls right now but it does mean they have work to do. Odonnell this is your world you live in republican politics is it surprised to be jeb behind even ben carson . I dont know that he was in fifth or where he was the bunching between the top performer about 15 and 9 largely street particular particularly irrelevant is what does say that next in line syndrome that weve had in our party the last four or five cycles is gone. This is going to be a wide open race. I think interesting consequence of this is to show you that in large part iowa and New Hampshire may ultimately be less relevant to the determination of the ultimate nominee this go around, conventional wisdom is odonnell why . You need to have top three finish in iowa and New Hampshire. I think that is old conventional wisdom. If you look for 2016 the reality is that you come in the top five you have super pac chance that you can be standing with three or four candidates post florida all of whom responsible to real. Odonnell forgive me, a lot of the other primaries together now. Shortened the process both respect to debates and contest. So you have regional series of contests that are shaping up what that means you have to plan differently for your president ial campaign in 2016. The slingshot strategy of iowa is over. Odonnell thats interesting. Peggy . We are all waiting to see what mitt romney was going to do. John dickerson, im hearing from one source hes getting out. But what is going around. Odonnell love of texts. He spoke to his supporters just play clip let our viewers hear exactly what romney told his supporters. I believe that one of our next generation of republican leaders, may not be wellknown, one who is not yet taken their message across the country. One who is just Getting Started may well emerge as being better able to defeat the democrat nominee. Odonnell something is that a dig at jeb bush, a fresh face, someone other than bush . It could be interpreted that way. I tell you one thing about that statement that i found odd, i dont know if the rest of you did, is that this was mr. Romney speaking to friends and supporters and fundraisers, they are people who know him. And yet he didnt just have a phone call which he told the decision, he read from a script. You could tell from the way it sounded. And friend of mine who tells me who had the script in advance he didnt deviate a word. To me it sounded a little bit like a public address system in an emptyp parking lot saying odonnell that reminds me of when romney told a group of supporters or big billionaire funders that i might get in he said first big mistake hed go back announce in front of bunch of millionaires and billionaires. So arguably was a little bit clunky, ill tell what you interests me about republicans apart from what you say. A year ago we were all thinking theres going to be six or eight serious candidates among the republicans. Could be 25 candidates among republicans everything is going to get to say one sentence. And potentially one or two women. Odonnell what about that stephanie. Politico reported this week that hilary may now move back, later in the schedule her announcement. Why does she need to get in early while plenty of republicans jockeying back and forth . I think that story was retracted by hilarys sources that shes not going to wait to get in. There are some things that you have to do if you are thinking about running for president. Harder to put those pieces together. In 2011 we hadnt exactly stood up campaign but we knew how we were going to do it. We had the key personnel identified, we had a strategy, we were well on our way to setting up our state operations. I think she does have to get in early. I expect that she will get in early. Odonnell mark, we showed the poll earlier to senator durbin about out of iowa that senator clinton is 40 points ahead of senator warren, but ask that a good thing for the party good thing for Hillary Clinton to remain virtually unchallenged . I dont think so. I think those numbers really mean all that much right now. But i think clearly theres not much no competition now. If Elizabeth Warren to get in there would be some real oxygen that is gathered around her. Otherwise, i think shes in very safe position, but clearly i think people want to see her in a dynamic environment. And if she waits thats just going to hold off. Also if youre being criticized for being part of coronation its not good to have your announcement date treated like a royal birth. We get story after story when is Prince George going to arrive . Her goal is to get out talk about herself, not all this process stuff thats why waiting i think stephanies point makes great sense. If it looks like a coronation people ive talked to in iowa last week were saying all the more reason to get out there and show that shell fight and grit it out even though there is no competition. Makes a good point, the energy in this country is really i think on the libertarian isolationist on the right theres interesting pocket there. But also on Progressive Left enormous vessel of penitentiary up energy that is manifested in the Elizabeth Warren show that seems the never end. Just giving advice if i could to some democrats running for president how would be terrific time to jump in because you can build your name, build your credential if you had the right message you can grow a candidacy make a lot of news build yourself up. I think dynamic between establishment and antiestablishment in both parties is really strong right now. I think it would be really unfortunate if the democrats didnt have that argument which i think republicans clearly in position to have. So much talking about horse race and little time until actually debate begins about issues. One of the things that i watch very closely i think drives back in both of these parties is issue of income gap and welfare inequality. Its interesting to see some of the republican candidates talking about whether its marco rubio or jeb bush or others. It is the strain in this election on both sides how you help people enter middle class and keep them there. I think where you see a big difference once these debates start people have to start answering questions, is how you do it. Thats really when the parties are going to separate and the president coming out with the budget this week, its a pretty clear road map of how he would do it. Middle class economics is what he calls it, see number of republicans including those running for president come out and pan it. The question is where the American People, from everything that we seen American People want fairness in our economy they want washington to address that it means education, infrastructure and rebalancing our tax code. People basically left and right feel like the system is rigged. That the wealthy have the upper hand, the way we run our pat shall campaigns put president ial candidates in totally who do they spend their time with, very wealthy people asking for their money. They do their Campaign Events somebody may talk about poverty we know what it looks like on issue, they to go places where people are actually poor and they engage at protracted level lot of rhetoric on both sides lets see how much the candidates actually spend in places doing these kind of things. What side on both sides of the partisan divide, some of these solutions are also going to create controversy within Democratic Party or within republican party. That is going to be interesting of itself. I see conditioned dates interesting that they talk about this. I think it ha is to do with the fact that people in america understand the poor now are stuck in a way they havent been in the p. And have various reasons that they cant rise somebodys got to look at that its kind of unamerican that you cant rise. Its a central issue. It is the super bowl. I know we usually talk about the super bowl of politics. But of course it is the super bowl today. And mark, you cover lots of interesting people you have great profile in the New York Times magazine on tomboy dein fact the cover. Well show the cover. You spent a lot of timist what he eats, his life coach, what is your long time patriots fan what did you find most interesting about tom brady . I think first of all just having experience of writing this, normally being political reporter its shocking to write something that people really care about. I mean politics, come on. Its stunning to actually be around someone ever been around some as workaholic as dedicated to what he does as tom brady. The degree to which he micro manages his diet, his time sort of his Mental Energy was really amazing to me. For the life of me i dont know why he let me in but i was privileged fun to be around him. Odonnell rooting for anyone seahawks fan here . Bunch of new England Patriots. Ill go, seahawks come back. Odonnell great to have all of you here. Thank you so much. Well be right back. Rrator gas prices are down helping middle class families. But now, the white house wants to impose title ii regulations on your internet meaning new government taxes and fees. Every month youd pay more. 11 billion dollars a year in new taxes and fees. Internet freedoms can be protected with the white house and Congress Working together, but imposing new tax increases through public utility style regulations will hurt middle class families lets protect the internet we love without regressive taxes and fees. No to title ii. Odonnell Bob Schieffer sat down recently with former lbj advisor joe califano to discuss his book the triumph and tragedy of Lyndon Johnson. I think what many people, young people especially think of Lyndon Johnson they have hard time getting past vietnam. But as you point out in the new forward of the book that you wrote about that has now been reissued his legislative accomplishments were monumental to the point that we still live in lyndon johns america. Talk a little bit about that. We do. First of all if a president today passes one or two laws over a fouryear term we think its achievement. Lyndon johnson passed hundreds of laws. Look at education, health care, medicare medicaid. Thousands of Community Health centers around the country, the school lunch and School Breakfast programs and then people think about that of course civil rights. Schieffer you were his closest aide on Domestic Affairs you were there from morning until late at night for three and a half years. How did he do it . He was focused. We knew what he wanted. He said, you can out get best ideas. He said, ill worry about the politics. He knew every senator he knew congressmen but he also had a tremendous sense of always finding out what the opposition was going to do. Schieffer you tell about the time that Senator Frank Church from idaho was giving him this big lecture kept quoting Walter Littman the columnist of the day with all the credit six. Johnson said, well, frank the next time you want a dam on the snake river in idaho call Walter Littman. He could also be very tough. He wanted to the museum in washington, wants to give all the sculpture, lady bird loves it. But he wants it named after himself. Clayborn one of the great families going back to the mayflower chair of the subcommittee. He wont report it out because he wants it named the smithsonian. Johnson calls pell over he says, i want the American People to see this sculpture. Only way theyre going to see this if we name it after this guy. He said, i dont care what they call this museum. I dont care if they call it the horse [bleep] museum. I want to give the American People chance to see the sculpture. Pell was so embarrassed he went back, changed his mind, reported the bill out. Schieffer some people in the Obama Administration that you talk to when you say you know youre having trouble and all of that. Lbj had worse problems than you do and they would say to you yeah, but it was totally different time. The way johnson operated wouldnt work today. Would it work today . I think lot of it would work today. You have is sit down to use an example, say what do you need . Lets figure out who do you need what do you need to get this through. Then, all right make the deals. Do the deals. Give it to them. Schieffer you were one of the first people to criticize the movie selma you said it was simply historically inaccurate because as i looked at the trailers it seemed that they were trying to make lbj the heavy. One of the on particular calls to passing the voter rights bill. He said thats the most important bill i ever proposed and most important act of my administering. He was a partner with Martin Luther king. The tragedy of the way that movie describes all the an ms. Fee between king and johnson is one its not true. But number two thats a fantastic story. A white southern president and this great civil rights leader getting together johnson saying to king, you can help me with what i want to do in congress up here if you can find worse police in the south in alabama or South Carolina. Get down there, get it on television. And king found selma. That had tremendous impact. Those two guys together did something that otherwise would never have happened. To lose that story i think its a tragedy. The real story is dramatic. It was all available. Schieffer what do you think turned him around on civil rights because he grew up in the segregated south. He took the usual views. He generally voted the way other people in the segregationist voted. Then began to change. When did that happen and why do you think that was . By the time i got to him he had changed. But i think he used to talk about his driver and his cook who both were black. Would have to drive from washington down to texas. There was no place to stay on the road. They have to go to the toilet by the side of the road they only some places where they could get gas or eat or what have you. He thought that was awful. I think that was one. Teaching mexican kids in 1928 in catula texas poor mexican kids. He used to say even said it publicly more than once you cant look in the eyes of a poor kid that knows hes hated but doesnt know why the color of his skin would make him be hated. He was incidentally quite he would say, what happened. He said, not everybody in life gets a chance to change when they made a mistake. And i got that chance and im going to use it. If you get that chance you use it. Schieffer thank you very much. Its a very good book. Thank you, bob. Odonnell also note mr. Califano urge currently serves on the board of director of the cbs corporation. Well be back in a moment. Let me get this straight. [ female voice ] yes . Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. 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A place where hard work leads to a good life the american dream. Its a country with a foundation of fighting the good fight on behalf of allies, as well as ourselves. Americans understand the meaning of humanity and integrity and honor. But the history of this country also has a dark side. This is an area where the United States, frankly, has a great deal to be ashamed of. Narrator a dark side that includes broken promises. It happened because of greed

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