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With a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. The threat is still out there. Hes considered dangerous. The manhunt intensifies for an escaped killer in upstate new york. One dead one on the run. Matt was shot and killed by a Border Patrol agent. Sweat now being chasedy b 1100 officers. Well do what we have to do to bring them to justice. White house is lit up in rainbow colors tonight to celebrate sthemeupre Court Decision legalizing samesex marriage. Finally, yes. Love won today. At least 38 people were killed here at the seaside re sort in tunisia where isis says a local engineering student opened fire. Amazing grace the president of the u. N. Lends his voice to remembering victims of the chstarleon South Carolina shootings. Dark out there. Two more sharks off North Carolina coast. A family encount ears dangerous hitchhiker at Yellowstone National park. A tourist gist a bit too close. And all that matters. Usa will go on the semifinal for the seventh straight world cup. On cbs this morning saturday. I have breaking news. The two escaped murderers from new york prison, right, one is dead the other they got surrounded which is terrible timing for them because now they can get married. And welcome to the weekend. We have a great show for you this morning. Later well take to you texas and tour some of the states dance halls. These classic gathering spots some of which are more than 100 syear old are starting to der rate and fading in to popularity. Plus comedian mark maron. He gained attention for his candid chat with president obama. Also he gained popularity after he and his brother battled out on the finale of talk chef. There he is. Hell join us to discuss his familys love of food thats later in the dish. Hes a music legend in his native u. K. Well talk with paul weller about his 40 year career. Breaking news overnight the manhunt for an escaped killer in new york state after one fugitive was killed. Richard matt was shot to death friday in malone new york in a wooded year near the Canadian Border about 30 miles from the maximum clinton facility. Hundreds of Police Officers are still looking for david sweat and we go to malone for the latest. Reporter good morning. Yes, were out here at a road block basically all traffic has to stop here. The only people allowed to go through are Police Officers. As they get ready this morning to once again look for the second escapeee. Richard matt was shot and killed yesterday and now the manhunt for david sweat continues. Federal agents were led to richard matt after he attempted to hijack a vehicle in the rural town of malone 30 miles from the maximum security prison from which the fugitives escaped. A man driving called 911 and said he heard gun shots then a half hour later found a bullet hole in his camper. The tip steered a team of Law Enforcement office nears to a wooded area where they found matt armed. I can tell you they verbally challenged him, told him to put up his hands. At that time he was shot when he didnt come fly. Reporter new york governor was in malone to address the capture. You dont want to see anyone lose their life but i would remind people that mr. Matt was an escaped murderer from a prison. Reporter residents of the nearby areas have had to adjust daily life styles during the hunt. It was very stressful and everyone in the community up my way was very alert and watchful. Reporter the locals cant rest yet. Escapeee david sweat is still on the loose. Sources said they made a tight perimeter. Officer stationed every 25 yards. Were told from sources as of last night state police were going to set that perimeter last night, kind of wait overnight and then get back to the hunt for sweat this morning and i think that they are wondering whether theres any chance he might be willing to turn himself in or whether they have to00 him down again just as they did with richard matt and also its possible that sweat could be armed. Thank you. Now to a transformative moment in american history. Yesterday in one of its momentus civil rights decision the Supreme Court found gay and lesbian americans have a constitutional right to marry. This morning the headlines say it all. In our country 13 years ago no y bathing the president ial mansion in good morning. Good morning. This was the ruling add vo it kas fought for for a generation. And it made a powerful statement even beyond marriage. Saying emphatically that gays and lesbians belong. It was a ruling decades in the making. A hard fought victory for the right to marry guaranteed in a landmark decision that emphasized equality for gays and lesbians and the full promise of liberty. Writing for the Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said samesex couples seek not to deno denigrate are marriage. Excluded from one of civilizations oldest institutions, they ask for equal dignity. The constitution grants them the right. The ruling sweeps away samesex marriage bans in 13 states laws the court says impose stigma and injury no different from the hurt that resulted from laws barring interracial unions. When all americans are treated as equal were all more free. President obama who opposed samesex marriage until three years ago hailed the decision as a victory for america. Today we can say in no Uncertain Terms that we made our union a little moreperfect. The president called the man at the center of the case jim, who fought ohios refusal to recognize his outofstate marriage to his long time partner and was in the courtroom. You never thought this would happen. Never thought we would get married. Certainly never thought now it would be across the country. Unbelievable. Kennedy acknowledged the historical definition as between a man and a woman, but wrote a change understanding of marriage stating new dimensions of freedom become apparent to new generations. In a scathing dissent Justice Scalia said the opinion are often profoundly inif coherent. All four of the courts conservatives wrote dissents saying the issue should be left to the states. Scalia said todays decision ignores the will of the voters to impose the judgment of an elite few, a select pa trigs handle of nine. Chief Justice John Roberts engaurnlged samesex marriage supporters to celebrate todays decision celebrate the achievement of a desired goal to not celebrate the constitution, it had nothing to do with it. But Justice Kennedy who has been the decisive voice, affirming gay rights under the constitution in four separate decisions going back 20 years, those cases will be his legacy of it putting gays and lesbians on equal ground. Jan crawford in washington. Thanks jan. In minutes of the decision the race began for many gay couples to apply for marriage licenses in some states it was instant, in others the ability to tie the knot got tied up. Here is carter evans. Outside San Francisco city hall supporters waited anxiously until the decision came down. Now nationwide gay people gay couples are treated like any one else. Thats america thats what we stand for. That is equal justice under the lawnd a today we have it. Samesex marriage was legal in california but it was a long road to get there. Lieutenant governor gavin newsom was mayor of San Francisco when the Movement Began here in 2004 thats when he first opened city hall to gay marriage. This is now the law of the land. Yeah. Its incredible. Now that this is the law of the land you think the road to equality ends here . No it doesnt end here. Its going to still be millions of conversations. Those are already taking place across the country of the 14 states that have laws against samesex marriage, most began issuing marriage licenses on friday, in dallas texas, 85yearold jack evans and 82yearold George Harris tied the knot after being together for 55 years. By the constitution of the United States i pronounce you spouses for life. But many were dismayed by the ruling including alabama governor robert bentley. Marriage is at least on the biblical sense is defined as between one man and one woman. We have to go obviously by what the courts say, but i certainly can disagree with them and i do. Alabama did begin issuing marriage licenses to samesex couples on friday, but two states mississippi and louisiana, delayed moving forward citing legal technicalities. In new Orleans Michael and his partner earl waited throughout the day for a marriage license, only to learn that they may not be able to get one for more than three weeks. Its disappointing that louisiana will not be following the movement that is happening around the country today. The couple will try again when the temporary legal obstacles are removed. Waiting for 14 years we can probably wait another month. A few months if it had to be that. We dont want to but we will. For cbs this morning saturday, carter evans, San Francisco. Scramble to court houses will only bested by the scramble to social media. In an hour the ruling got more than 10 million likes and shares on facebook. In the first four hours there were more than 6 million messages on twitter. Apples tim cook who became the highest profile ceo to come out as gay today marks a victory. Google maps tweeted this image with the words yes hash tag love wins. Another tweet said progress showing the lowering of the Confederate Flag and the raising of the rainbow flag. Funerals continue today in around charleston South Carolina for victims of last weeks Church Massacre. Yesterday president obama joined 6 thoutz 6,000 mourners, honoring Clementa Pinckney. The event was held at a basketball arena. That was not enough to hold the love for the pastor and the other eight victims of the shootings. Lines of people trying to get in stretched around the building and as jeff reports, some who arrived at 6 00 a. M. Still were not able to make it inside to hear the the president s impassioned words. What a good man. You dont have to be of high station to be a good man. Preacher by 13 pastor by 18, Public Servant by 23. What a life Clementa Pinckney lived. To the families of the fallen the nation shares in your grief. Our pain cuts that much deeper because it happened in a church. The church is and always has been the center of africanamerican life. A place to call our own in a too often hostile world, a sanctuary from so many hardships. The president said the killer knew the meaninging of attacking a church. It was an act that drew on a long history of bombs and arson and shots fired at churches not random, but as a means of control, a way to terrorize and oppress. The shooting sparked change in South Carolina the confederate battle flag that flies on the State Capitol grounds could be gone within weeks. For too long we were blind to the pain that the Confederate Flag stirred in too many of our citizens. It would not be an insult to the valor of confederate soldiers it would be an acknowledgement that the cause for which they fought the cause of slavery was wrong. The president said change must not stop there. Whatever solutions we find will necessarily be incomplete. But it would be a betrayal of everything reverend pinckney stood for, i believe, if the we allowed ourselves to slip into a comfortable silence again. The president spoke of the grace of the victims families for offering forgiveness to the shooter, and of the Amazing Grace of reverend pinckney. Amazing grace how sweet the sound the president worked on the speech late thursday night, then again on air force one friday morning. Writing large sections by hand by himself, on a legal pad. Now to the latest in a string of terror attacks overseas that left more than 60 dead and hundreds injured. France a man with a history of radical islamic ties tried to blow up an americanowned chemical plant. A decapitated body was found. In kuwait several were arrested in the bombing attack of a mosque that killed at least 27 and injured more than 200. In tunisia a gunman at a beach resort killed at least 39 people. Most of them western tourists. Charlie begins our coverage. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We returned from the beach, the crime scene where eyewitnesss told us it really didnt look like the gunman had complete control of his weaponnd a as people raced the difference between life and death was really just a matter of chance. We have to warn you, this report unavoidably contains graphic imagings. What he did is more clear cstoday, with his hidden in a beach umbrella he approached rows of tourists on sun beds and opened fire. Thats according to eyewitnesss who got away who survived like ely and her friend. A guy drops an umbrell aand out comes a gun. I got up and shouted gun, he then started shooting everybody around him. Reporter why may be more clear too. Isis has claimed credit posting a picture of the suspect naming him as abu alronny. Police identified him as a young student not previously known to authorities. He was shot dead by security forces, but not before he claimed dozens of lives, moving from the beach to the hotel pool in search of victims. The majority were tourists from britain, germany and belgium. Tourists have been targeted before here in march when militants shot dead 22 people in a museum. The government vowed to crack down after that attack but whatever that beefied up security entailed it wasnt able to stop a young man from executing tourists concealing his weapon and intent behind nothing more than an umbrella. As bads it was, it could have been even worse, a Hotel Manager that we spoke to said that the staff risked their lives in order to save others they rounded up tourists and locked them away in the spa, hotel shops, any place to hide. Anthony. Thanks, charlie. Now to the attack in france on friday. A suspected islamic terrorist killed one man at a gas factory owned by an American Company near the city of lyo, inthe. Mark phillips is not far from the site with the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, Police Holding the man who committed this grisly attack. They say he isnt talking. A minute of silence was held in memory of the victim of yesterdays attack which was deadly gruesome and if the attackers plan worked could have been worse. A delivery van approached the gate as the air products plant in the industrial suburbs of lyon. In it the driver and a man, his boss who he had already killed. The driver then hung the severed head of the victim on the plant gate, with two flags with arabic writing on them. The van which made regular deliveries to the plant was then allowed to enter the site where the driver crashed it into a Storage Building full of gas canisters. The intent seems to have been to cause a massive explosion, but the blast that followed was limited if loud. Police soon arrived and arrested the attacker seen here on the ground. Hes a 35yearold man who had been on the french terrorism watch list but wasnt currently under surveillance. The decapitated body of the victim along with the knife were found nearby. Attacks like this seem designed to create fear and revulsion, the french government is calling for another reaction resolve. Thank you. Secretary of state john kerry and irans foreign minister are in vienna trying to work out an agreement to curb Irans Nuclear program ahead of tuesdays deadline. The to deal include ending severe economic sanctions on iran. Significant obstacles remain and the deadline could be extended. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. The greek daily paper says greece will hold a national refer ren come on what to do with the worsening debt problem. This is the most dramatic twist yet in the fivemonths long negotiations between greece and foreign lenders. The greek government rejected proposed cuts by lenders as too severe. The Associated Press reports a lawyer for bill cosbyp droed a bombshell in federal court friday. The attorney said it would be quote terribly embarrassing for the comedian if documents from a 2005 sex assault lawsuit were unsealed. The ap is fighting to unseal the confidential with the former Temple University employee his attorney in this arguing details of his marriage sex life and Prescription Drug use could come out and he may not have said those things if he knew they would be unsealed. The Los Angeles Times reports the academy of Motion Pictures is creating a millibarship more like america. Recruiting members that skew younger and more diverse, following an avalanche of criticism that this years oscar nominees were overwhelmingly white. And the guardian of london says harry potter is gearing up for another adventure. A new play called harry potter and the cursed child, is set to take the stage in london next summer. Rowling hinted it will explore an untold part of the story though not the prequel so dont expect that. Ask its about 22 after the hour. Now here is a look at the weather. Coming up, it might be the next big stumbling block for the economy. Well over 1 trillion in outstanding student loans. Scam artists are targeting the 40 million young borrowers. The u. S. Womens soccer team claims victory over china. Well look how they did it and whats next for team usa. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer its june the month for weddings. Say i do. This sunday morning. Announcer they may be americas greatest rock band but thats not why they are coming up Steven Colbert has something to say about the Supreme Court legalizing samesex marriage across the country. Could be last call for texas dance hall where theres a move to keep the honkytonks hello people watching this discreetly at work. Steven colbert here. Nice head phones. Im here to say congratulations gays. You now have the right to marry in all 50 states. So if youre a homosexual and living in north dakota all your problems are solved. Enjoy dakota pride week. Wow history moves fast. Its hard to believe that gay americans achieve full constitutional personhood just five years after corporations did. Im so excited when i saw the news. Though at first i had the tv on mute and thought they legalized rainbows. Not everybody is celebrating. My condolences to gase with commitment issues who are asking their partner if we can please just talk about this when i get home from work today. He posted that online minutes after the ruling too. Celebrating rainbows. I love it. All right. Team usa beat china 10 in the womens world cup. Heres more for whats next for the surge american team. Reporter good morning. The u. S. Now heads to the. Semifinal state for the seventh straight time. This team is two wins away from calling themselves world cup champions, its something they havent been able to say since 1999. Many americans biggest names were on the bench. Two were suspended on penalties and amy was getting a first half rest. But the replacements game out gunning and the hoards of american fans one canada loved it. While there were plenty of big opportunities, nothing in the net for the first half. But heading out for the second half they begged to finish. Five minutes later, an impressive header. It was the difference maker that gave the u. S. A 10 lead. We knew that the chances would come and we just had to put them away and thats what we did in the second half. Reporter the americans left it all on the field. Kelly wore the determination on her face. The defense led by Julie Johnston continued its amazing play. No one scored on team usa in the past four games and the coach liked the spark she saw from her starters. I think it was a highly energized performance. We took care of the ball well. Were really pleased. Reporter next the u. S. Womens team faces number one ranked germany which survived an even more epic match against number three france. That game was decided by penalty kicks. Germanys goal keeper stopped frances final try. The next game is this tuesday in montreal. If they win that game its off to vancouver for the final where they could face australia or canada. Also last night was hope solos 134th career win. That was a beautiful goal. Truly beautiful goal. Really important impressive win for this team. Absolutely. These are the types of goals you saw that others say they want to make more of. This is a team that had a tough time scoring goals, defensively they have been great. Weve been having a great time covering them from the beginning. Were jealous. Going to montreal. How fun. Thanks. Coming up plenty of successful careers have started in garages, but podcaster mark march maron has stayed there and even got the president to visit. Now heres a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next medical news in our morning rounds including new evidence that Medicinal Marijuana may not be as helpful as previously thought. Plus our doctors on a new test that could signal alzheimers years before it can be diagnosed. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by new flonase allergy relief. Youre greater than your allergies. Ance flonase controls six. Seize the day and the night. New flonase. 6 is greater than 1. This changes everything. You wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. But since he cant you rely on frontline plus. Its deadly killing force kills fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. Frontline plus. The vets 1 choice. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most of my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. A these may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. Time now for a morning rounds with dr. Holly phillips and dr. Tara. First up new questions about the true healing power of medical marijuana. Doctors are allowed to prescribe pot in 23 states and washington, d. C. , but a groundbreaking new study challenges many of the expected Health Benefits that led to legalization. All right, holly, what is it telling us basically. This was the largest review to date of the safety and effectiveness of medical marijuana. They looked at 79 different studies that involved about 6,500 or so patients. What they found is that there was a moderate level of evidence to show it provided relief for a couple of things. Chronic ps in cancer. Or stiffness that we see in conditions like multiple sclerosis. It provided a low level for chemotherapy or sleep disorders. I dont see this as a tremendous blow to the possibility that medical marijuana will be effective for these things it just really points out how the possibility the research we have. We need more research to make a strong argument. So many people feel strongly about this topic. On a scale do you think that the side effects out weigh or the benefits outweigh the risks . I do. I think there are patients and conditions where the benefits outweigh the side effects or the risks. I think weve only begun to see the tip of the iceberg in terms of potential for marijuana. In terms of the side effects for most them the common side effects are mild. They include things like confusion, dizziness, nausea dry mouth and then when you talk about more serious side effects those exist too. Then the concern is addiction, causative changes, increased anxiety or depression and then for adolescents who use this there is the potential for long term damage or changes to the brain because the brain develops to teenage of 25. Add to the confusion here theres another study that comes out edible medical marijuana is often mislabelled. Can this be dangerous . It certainly can. Researchers tested 75 different products to see if the active ingredients matched the amounts that were reflected on the labels. In loin 17 of cases did that happen. Often products were overlabelled or under labelled. This raises the risk of accidental recover dose but points to we need to improve manufacturing and quality standards of these medications. That can happen though and astery touches on this that cant happen until we get some changes in how the medicine are qualified right now. Right now the fda hasnt approved them broadly on a national level. Its state by state. Now to new findings on alzheimers. Researchers found low scores on memory tests and thinking tests may signal the disney years before it can be diagnosed. Thats alzheimers is one of these defense stating diseases and we dont have effective treatment. The hope if we pick it up early enough maybe we can begin early treatments. Researchers looked at 2,000 individuals over 65 and gave them thinking and memory tests. And they did that every three years and then they looked and saw how quickly or early could we pick up on changes. They were able to see changes in the persons testing ability as far back as 18 years prior to the diagnosis. So, you know that does give us hope that if we catch it two decades in advance maybe we can offer help. What does this mean for future research . Basically, right now every 67 seconds somebody is diagnosed with alzheimers. By 2050 that will be one in every 33 seconds. Were seeing exponential rises. The idea isnt to wait until people show symptoms or become debilitated. The focus should be on finding those things if the we find them 20 years earlier we can maybe prevent them or figure out ways through diet or brain exercise or whatever to top the onset of alzheimers. A new study finds mobile apps that connect people trained in cpr with those in cardiac arrest could save lives, when the app wasnt used 48 of victims received cpr from a bystanderment when used 62 got the potentially life saving procedure. This seems important. I love this. We have apps for dating and ordering food and candy crush and here you have something that can potentially save lives. We know that cardiac arrest in this country, about 400,000 on average every year. The survival is so dim, when you have an out of hospital arrest the survival is less than 8 . You can improve by two or three times. We know that when somebody arrests outside the hospital only 32 of the times do they get bystander cpr. They are afraid. Or they panic. So to have this where you are activating an app to somebodys phone who knows how to do cpr, comfortable who can show up and assist, thats huge. The Way Technology should be. Were harnessing it for is the right reason. There is a push to make cpr more accessible. Campaigns like hands om even if you dont do mouth to mouth. Push hard push fast 100 to the beat of staying alive. Yes. The app can walk you through that. Exactly. Thank you both so much. Up next 1 trillion in school loans is crushing the hopes of millions. Debt that big also threatens the economy and draws scam artists. The story ahead. What if getting ready was this easy . Now teeth whitening is with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Just brush whiten, and go its stayon formula deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. Optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Brush, whiten, go hey. Is that a new washing machine . Yeah, its a samsung with activewash. Its got a builtin sink to pretreat and help get stains out. How about these stains . Yep. What about this . Sure. What about chili . No problem. Oh yeah, how about this . Sorry. The samsung washing machine featuring activewash with a builtin sink. Get 1035 off select major appliances 396 and above. At lowes hmm. Mom, whats a best buy . Um, well its a great product. Its what you buy if youre a smart shopper. Then, why are we buying cascade instead of finish . The amazing clean of finish was rated a best buy three years in a row. Switch and see the difference. Introducing a whole new way to enhance your eyes. Its 1day acuvue® define™ brand contact lenses. The eye enhancement lenses that comfortably accentuate your eyes natural beauty. Ask your doctor today about 1day acuvue® define™ brand. The beast was as long as the boat. For seven hours, we did battle. Until i said. You will not beat. Meeeeee greg. What should i do with your fish . Gary. Just put it in the cooler. If youre a fisherman, you tell tales. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Put the fish in the cooler its like a scam artist dream come true. Millions of Young Americans up to their eyeballs in school loans and desperate for a way out. The numbers are staggering. 40 million borrowers, 1. 2 trillion in outstanding debt. Thats an average student loan balance of 29,000. It seems like everyone associates more education with more social mobility and that situation really creates a good situation for scam artist. So many people with so much debt outstanding and looking for a way to manage it a shortcut to pay it off. Whenever you have that sense of urgency especially i think about a complicated financial topic, when you have a vague idea theres a Government Program that can help you have a lot of private companies that to take advantage of that. This week the consumer protect bureau sent letters to yahoo and bing to scope scammers. They are looking for dpoerks you search for the term Student Loan Relief student loan forgiveness you have these companies that try to have their ads placed against those search results and get you to pay them money to do something that really you dont need to pay anybody money for which is to find more information how to manage your student debt. This seems like the mortgage crisis. What should we be looking for . The main thing is if somebody pressures you for an upfront fee to administer these documents and basically, you know, apply to the government for relief thats a big red flag. If they want your student pin which is essentially something that gets all your account information, thats something you should sort of back off from. Basically just look at the cfp b, their website or department of education just to get a sense of exactly whats available and what are the proper routes to get relief. Theres free and legitimate relief for people who have fallen behind on student loans. Sure. You can get in a program where you change your repayment schedule. You can consolidate those loans and make them more affordable. Theres ways to do it. Unfortunately a lot of these scammers want to get in the middle of that and have you pay them money. What about the legislation. After the financial crises we saw doddfrank. In response to this this has been bubbling for a long time. A lot of it comes under a fraud statute if it is illegitimate. When you look at a number like 1. 2 trillion in student debt, michael, thats a burden on this economy . It is a drag and one of the reasons that you have younger people are not yet anyway buying homes, starting families in the same numbers that prior generations did. I do think its manageable its peaked in the amount of debt were coupling on the student Balance Sheet but not something that can go away very soon. Could there be social repercussionses people not wanting to take Public Interest jobs because they have to payoff those debts . Those programs target people who take a government or Public Service job and say that will make you eligible for more relief. Theres a little bit of a mechanism there. Thank you. Coming up, theyve been trucking for a long time but not much longer. The surviving members of the grateful dead prepare for what they are calling their final show. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Does all greek yogurt have to be thick . Does it all have to be the same . 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Great to see you off the soccer field. Whats that sunscreen . Its coppertone clearly sheer. Lightweight, breathable protection. Your skin looks amazing not greasy. Try it. Heads up show off. I heard that coppertone clearly sheer. Choose to move freely. Move free ultra has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. And now try move free night. The first and only 2in1 joint and sleep supplement. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Its so shiny. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go angies list. Now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. You can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and well help you find a local company to take care of it. Angies list is there for all your projects, big and small. Pretty. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. 4o tell me how this improveation thing starts . Its a secret. Thats what i want to know. Other things in the band were all so different from each other. I can never predict what anybody will play ever. Like really a jump. Just got to poke around the appeal is that its real and we too make mistakes up there right in front of everybody. I call them train wrecks. We had some good derailments. It wasnt just about, you know, music. It was about what the music did and how you participated in the music and the fans and our connection with them and the magic. Still theres nothing i would rather do. Shake it shake it i would love to be doing this for another 10 20 30 years. I hope it lasts for a long time. Final concert is next weekend in chicago. Are you going to try to go . No. You know how badly people want those tickets. The demand for those tickets was nothing like ive ever seen. Up next honky tonk dance halls have kept generations of texans entertained. But their numbers are dwindling. For some of you your local news is next. For the rest stick around, youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Right noriw vezon is offering unlimited talk and text. Plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for 80 a month. And 15 per line. More data than ever. For more of what you want. On the network thats 1 in speed. Call. Data. And reliability. So you never have to settle. Now also get 300 or more when you tradein your smartphone and buy a new one. Stop by or visit us online. And save without settling. Only on verizon. Welcome to cbs this morning saturday. Im than mason. Im vinita nair. Coming up a murder in the park. A new documentary about a complex murder case dating back to the 1980s that sent two men to prison who were both later released. Then well hear how comedian mark maron got president obama to come to his garage for a podcast interview unlike any other. Not many rock stars have careers measuring decades. Anthony speaks to him about his music and hell perform in our saturday session. First our top story this half hour the massive search for one of two convicted killers still on the loose after a prison escape in Northern New York three weeks ago. Yesterday police shot and killed escapeee richard matt in malone new york about 30 miles from the maximum security Clinton Correctional Facility in dannemora. David sweat is still at large. Reporter good morning. Were back at the road block about three miles south of here is where they shot and killed richard matt yesterday. This morning they are starting up the hunt again for david sweat. Weve seen a lot of Police Vehicles coming in here today including the Vermont State Police troopers and the Tactical Unit another line of new York State Troopers and a couple of large buses just passed us. So they are staffing up for the search this morning. They have a parameter set up. That perimeter is a mile and a half area with officers posted about every 25 yards. They do believe they have him contained in that area. The question this morning is whether david sweat might give himself up or whether hes going to take on police. Our sources say Law Enforcement believe that hes armed so again, this is a dangerous situation for officers but the weather is good this morning which hopefully will help in the search for sweat and were waiting for updates to see what happens today. Thank you. A rush to marriage license bureaus is expected this morning one day after the Supreme Courts ruling that samesex marriage must be legal in all 50 states. The high courts ruling will be part of president obamas legacy and perhaps that of at least one justlis. Jan crawford is in our Washington Bureau with the latest. Reporter good morning. It was a ruling that gay rights advocates have fought for for a generation. Yesterday when word reached the front steps of the Supreme Court, the roar of the crowd out front, i mean it was almost overwhelming. Then last night there were celebrations continuing in front of the white house which was bathed in those rainbow colors. It was a history jig ruling sweeping language of acceptance and belonging. In the courtroom as Justice Kennedy announced this decision many people were moved to tears. The language was so powerful. The justices. Chief Justice John Roberts reflected the view of the four conservatives saying tissue should be left to voters who are coming around the support samesex marriage. Justice kennedy provided that key fifth vote. Thanks jan. More funerals are scheduled today in charleston South Carolina for victims of the Church Massacre that left nine people dead. Yesterday president obama led an Emotional Service for 6,000 mourners honoring Clementa Pinckney the church master. The president sang quarter point a sang amazing gase. In 1999 Anthony Porter was released after spending 16 years on death row in an illinois prison. Port her been convicted in the 1982 murder of two teenagers in chicago park but the conviction was reversed thanks to a reinvestigation of his case by northwestern universitys innocence project. That led then governor george ryan to vacate the prison simon who confessed to the killings. According to a new documentary a murder in the park theres even more to this story. After the conclusion of the grand jury proceedings, the sentence was vacated. Porter was a free man through the northwestern investigation guilty guy simon was put in prison and the innocent guy Anthony Porter was released. There was one problem those. Anthony porter killed those two people. It was one big lie. Here to talk about the film is the codirector. Good morning. This is a case basically of double Wrongful Conviction isnt it . Its amazing when i found out about this case it was almost something that was kind of hard to script it would be implausible. Take us through the case. What was the set of circumstances that landed him in jail and when did you first start looking in to it. It was a 1982 case. A double murder of jerry hill and marilyn green two teenage sweethearts in chicago. A think that happens all the time unfortunately. A pretty open and shut routine case where Anthony Porter was found guilty sentenced to death and to be first to dive lethal injection in chicago. So you cut to 1998 there are ad voluntary case trying to save his life and they get a stave his execution because his i. Q. Was measured at 91. So a team of University Students time to investigate the case. They set out to see if he really was the killer and they developed information that said he wasnt that someone else committed the crime, simon. They found witnesses that implicated simon and they got someone they characterized as the only witness to change his testimony slightly and that combination of events whipped chicago into a frenzy. He confessed. Why do you think he confessed. He felt his goose was cooked. They came in and showed him statements from his exwife and her nephew saying that he did it. They didnt say this for 15 years but all of a sudden they were saying it. He thought his goose was cooked. They also showed him tapes of people implicating him that ended up to be an actor who was scripted by a private investigator. You spent close to three years researching this case to make this documentary. What do you think the biggest mistake . Was there was a lot of Research Done before we did this too by some federal investigators and a journalist named bill crawford. How did this happen . Nobody paid attention to what was really going on. Had anybody pulled the original Police Reports from 1982 they would have seen that six people put Anthony Porter in the park or saw him commit the murder. Yet nobody brought that up when it was rereported in 1989. Even now simon didnt know that until two years after he was put in prison. Where are mr. Simon and mr. Porter now mr. Porter still lives in chicago. Hes under the care of a community activist. And simon lives in the cleveland, ohio area now and starting to look into old cases that he left behind. We reached out to northwestern and they decided not to comment. Do you consider this sort of a take down of the Wrongful Conviction movement or just sort of good intentions that didnt play out . Its good intentions gone awry and some corner cutting and laziness. What it comes down to is the journalists didnt conduct most of the investigation. They farmed it out to a private investigator. And he did his job masterfully. They told him what the goal was and he made it happen. He made no commitment to objectivity or fairness. He was taking care of a client. Thats now how investigations are to go down. Thank you for being us. Murder in a park is playing in select theaters. Nine after the hour. Heres a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next hes got americas number one podcast in his latest interview with the president has been the talk of the town from washington to hollywood. Well talk with come dont and podcaster mark maron about his amazing week. This is cbs this morning saturday. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. 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My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me and i was like well can you fix it can you paint it back on and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier and it was a real easy switch to make. Yes. So this is it. This is where it happens. This was your garage before it was a studio. It was a garage. Brian cranston walked in and said this is it. John hamm was in here. That gave him some credibility. One year ago we introduced you to mark maron who interviewed many of the years biggest celebrities for his podcast done from a makeshift studio in his garage but his 613th episode topped all the previous ones maron hosted president obama for a condition did one hour conversation. That show was posted online on monday and had more than 900,000 downloads in just the first 36 hours. So from his garage with the president to studio 57 were so pleased to welcome him, good morning to you mark. Good morning. Nice to be here. How did you get him . How did you get him in the garage . Its amazing. About a year ago the white house reached out to my producer and said look we like the show we might be inned in doing something. They were vague. He told me the white house called. Sure. The relationship grew over time. At some point they said we want the president to do the show. So i said all right where i do have to fly. Do i have to go the white house. He said no they want to do the garage. I go thats crazy hes going to come to my house. My bathroom door doesnt even work. So im nervous about weird things but its not that easy of an yunt taking. They changed your whole garage around. They didnt change the garage around. They made me pick up some clutter. Good thing about the president coming or divorce everything gets organized. They needed to then the driveway. Secret service came. We need to find where well put the snipers. You asked your neighbors about that. Sure. They did that. Any neighbor i thought we were putting people out. Are you kidding. Hes retired. Hes got the secret service with snipers. They gave him a patch. Look at my patch. So theres no sight line. There you go. I took that one. Theres the back part once you get through the gate they had to tent that away because snipers are up to the west of that picture. They told me to stand in front of the garage at the end of this when the time came. It was funny. He took a motorcade from b hills santa monica and then flu a chopper to rose to bowl. We saw him fly over my house im like okay hes close. Thats him in the air. Then when he came i had a five minute warning and i stood at the end of the driveway and i saw a part of the motorcade coming up. I couldnt see him. Then he comes through that gate he goes mark. Mr. President. Once you got over those nerves because i felt like in your podcast there was a certain candidness that were seeing more and more with the president. What was your goal in speaking to him . Because it certainly didnt feel it was interesting. I wanted to do not necessarily a light hearted interview. My podcast is talking candidly one on one about whatever somebody wants to talk about. But i want it an authentic conversation. I didnt know if i would be able to do that with the president. But it was interesting because right when he got there, he was very disarming and put me at ease like i was nervous and just by having him there i feel better youre a real guy. You got the most attention, mark, obviously for when he used the nword. You havent been watching the coverage. That caught a lot of people. The white house had a press conference about it after that. I heard about the press conference. He remain detached because i want to keep the experience in my heart. I know that usly and i talked to people about it. I think its as a comic it wasnt that jarring to me and more to frame it correctly he said the nword to talk about using the nword and what that implicates. I think it was a broader statement about racism. Taken out of context and judging the president and then some places were censoring the president. They b leep him using the word. He said it. I think it was taken out of context. An amazing day. Something that most people could never expect the push to preserve them cominge ging up on cbs this morning saturday. Coming upg on cbc this morning saturday. Of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. 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Its been said if you want to show someone and have them understand texans and texas you first tame them to the alamo and then you take the home a dance hall hall. Could it be last call for the dance hall. Its considered one of the most endangered places. Two step your way through the broken spoke in eastern texas and youll meet james white. Were a living legend. Reporter hes been greeting guests five nights a week since he opened the plains 1964. True mom and pop operation. I tell people that my wife is the working half of the company and im in charge of b. S. We wont change nothing. Hes good at b. S. He is. He talks more than three women. Reporter nowadays the 76yearold pioneer compares his broken spoke to the alamo. Once in the middle of nowhere now sandwiched in the middle of city. That Country Charm is whats allowed the broke spoke to roll on. But elsewhere across texas in mostly rural areas, historic dance halls are endangered. Many of them have disappeared either through lack of interest or support fallen down burned. Turned into barnes and other things. Reporter deb fleming is president of dance halls preservation inc. How much can be traced back. With immigration of the europeans that came to texas, they built a church a Community Center which could be used as a dance hall was a dance hall. All these different cultures that came into texas and melted together over the years thats the history of texas. To listen to you you make it sound dance halls romantic. Every hall has a story. Every person who has grown up in a hall has a story. Does it make you emotional . It does. Why . Because its a great thing. And its dying. Reporter twin sisters dance hall is surviving. It is the oldest dance hall in texas. One hour west of austin. It opened to the public in 1870. Reporter george and milda danced in this hall 76 years. Dwindling attendance and performer royalty fees led to tough times for the owners. Jake penrod is one local musician who is affordable. Baby steps until im free reporter with a voice described as the love child of Hank Williams and kitty wells this 30yearold throw back started his career in a dance hall. Its the kind of music i play that will survive this is where it will carry on. Reporter its estimated 1,000 dance halls were built in texas between late 1800s and early 1900s. Now just 400 are Still Standing and only two operate daily. Luchen b ach dance hall and greenville. This band hasnt missed a tuesday Night Performance in 20 years. I come here over the years and seen mothers with their sons teaching them to dance and then a few years later you see them here with a date. Its like a family. Reporter the Famous Family members are endless. Many still play here like Willie Nelson who has his own window entrance. I worked here for 15 years. Reporter shane manages the 6,000squarefoot open air dance hall where they still dust the floor with corn meal so its easier to slide as you go. If you dont know how Michele Simmons will teach you how to swing. Slow slow click. Thats all there is it to it. Reporter if only it was that easy to preserve texas decaying dance halls. James white shows whats needed. People with an undying passion to able to save whats left one two step at a time. I band aid this place together and it has heart and soul. Nobody has to tell them where they are at. They know they are not at carnegie hall. The texas dance hall Preservation Group projects it would take about 15 mill thrown stabilize and preserve the 200 most significant dance halls still in existence. We hope they do that. Those are really cool places. They were the spot writ all happened before we had cars and civic centers. So sweet also to hear in your piece the passing on from generation to generation. A lot of people found out who they are and where they are from in those dance halls. Thanks. Up next, in the dish. A taste of home from celebrity chef brian. He shares dishes from his new cookbook. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Welcome home take a little walk who said you cant go home but thats what chef brian did. Born and raised in maryland hes a true child of chesapeake. In 2008 he opened his first restaurant volt and hasnt looked back yet. Hes the own of five popular restaurant brands. He has nine locations in maryland, virginia and washington. His new cookbook home he puts his own twist on the midatlantic classic and comfort dishes he grew up. Chef welcome to the dish. Thank you. We have Fried Chicken here this morning. Yes. Great breakfast. Walk us through what we have on table. First a cocktail delicious, called smoke on the water. Its really great for backyard barbecues. But also lower in alcohol. Its made that way, its a little bit of a summer cocktail. Have it for party and a punch bowl cocktail. A salad thats bibb lettuce and bleu cheese and balsamic. A little sweetness. Perfect for this time of the year. This Fried Chicken is a staple at a family meal. We have four locations this the secret to this is a pickle brian. We use pickle juice. Brian that overnight. Bread it and fry it and its truly delicious. Really really crispy. We use standard frying oil, canola coyle. Nothing fancy. Peanut oil is great. Can you use lard. We have a coleslaw. Celery and green apple. Celery leaves and capers. Delicious twist on the coleslaw. Biscuit. My favorite, banana butter scotch pudding parfait. Todiefor. I encourage when you get to that stick your spoon in dig down the bottom. You started you were 14 when you got a job at a bus boy thanks to your father who was working security at the holiday inn. Is this what started . I started at an early age. You saw some photos of me when i was younger cooking with my grand father. I had this love and passion for food. We grew up in an area in fredrick, maryland where theres a lot of agriculture around. I started cooking when i was 14. A lot cooler for what they were doing in the kitchen than me clearing takes. I wanted to go in there and have fun. So many recognize you from top chef as the nice brother. What was it like competing. You already had a restaurant buff sign up for that show. What made you want to do it and with him . The thing is i opened that restaurant seven months after we went on top chef. Part of it was i knew michael was going to go on the show. If we went on together we might have a chance to push each other to get through the process and try to get to the end. Theres a lot of uncertainty. I do know at the time a lot of chefs got a lot of notoriety for being on it. I had already opened my restaurant. It was a big gamble but paid off well. You opened up three restaurants in three months. We opened three restaurants in the first 110 days of the year. And you have a cookbook. How do you manage. I learned from the best. I worked for charlie palmer. Hes been a great mentor. Itsnd with the restaurants also home life and balance is really important. But, you know, i have a reallyteam. It really takes im not the only cook in the kitchen. Plenty of people behind me make this happen. You said something recently my favorite dish is the next dish. What did you mean by that . Im always looking for a new flavor texture idea and, you know i certainly will always revert back to the repertoire for information. Always seeking new. It keeps me progressive and keeps me exciting. I think maybe thats why i cook too because i love having the opportunity to not, you know, have a monotonous with work schedule. Chicken is absolutely delicious. If you could have this meal with any person past or present who would that be. It would certainly welcome back my grand father you saw earlier. Only because hes such a passionate cook and spent a lot of time cooking in the kitchen with me at home. He would be proud of what ive done now. Thank you so much. For more on the dish head to cbs this morning saturday. And the chef will answer your questions on cbs this morning facebook page. Now heres a look at the weather for your weekend. Up next our saturday session starring one of the most popular and successful british rockers of all time paul westerly has been a star for nearly four decades. Hes still going strong as you will hear. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. When you ache and havent slept. Youre not you. Tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol®. If youre an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. 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Ask your doctor if adding onceaweek tanzeum is right for you. Go to tanzeum. Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. Make every week a tanzeum week. In todays saturdays session one of the hardestworking men. Paul weller has bean key figure in the british rock scene since the 1970s. Many in this have changed but wellers originality and musical talent is as strong as ever. Such a long time for almost 40 years paul weller has been one of britains most popular and influential musicians. Music coming through your head all the time . Quite all the time yeah. I try to concentrate, no question. He first came to prominence in londons punk rock explosion with the jam in the 1970s. With his light soul group the Style Council in the 80s. And as a solo artist in the 90s and beyond. Wellers charted more than 65 hit songs in britain. But his success there has never been equalled here. Im always prepared to put the time in to spend months or years over here because i really love london. I love my country. Never on the top of my list. I didnt think it was the pinnacle of somebodys career you made it in the states. More of a financial consideration for other people. But, having said all this i love coming here and playing. My audience is small in number but very loyal. Weller has always gone his own way. The jam were at the peak of their success when he broke up the band in 1982. Why then at that moment . Well i didnt specifically do it because of that. It was just time for me to move on. It wasnt where we were as a band. I a young man, i was 24. I had been in the same band for ten years since i was 14. Its a huge chunk of your life. I just wanted to see what else i could be and what other music i could play. In britain the press likes to call him as the mod father. When did you first get the name mod father. I have no idea. You have to ask some journalist in england. I have no idea. What do you think of it . It could be worse. Theres worst things to be called, right . Im looking forward to being called grandfather. Now 57 weller has seven children including twin 3yearold boys. The rock star can sometimes be seen pushing them through london in a stroller. Very happy to push that stroller. Are you . Absolutely. Proud and privileged. Youve never been somebody to look back . No. I like to do things. As i said you had so many chapters to your career. Do you have a favorite part of it . Now. Right now. Now here is paul weller with a song from his new album sat turns patterns this is going my way. I want to stay near you following you following me getting carried away as long as you stay i want to be in your heart its get hard to say if by chance we could tell our fate the empty place sparkle and shine bird on the wing are you going my way going my way with me stay by my side where will you be are you going my way going my way with me with me its hard to say following you you following me carried away as long as you stay with me me ooh ooh ooh my universe flying through the universe oh oh oh oh [ applause ] dont go away well be right back with more mutual fund from paul weller. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. I started my camry. Ran a race most wouldnt dream of starting. Chose to take down a monster. And realized when its dark enough. You can see the stars. One bold choice leads to another. Toyota. Lets go places. What if getting ready was this easy . 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And the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. New smuckers fruit fulls. Its a delicious snack, made with fruit and whole grains like oats and chia its like having your own personal orchard any time, anywhere. With a name like smuckers, it has to be good. I promise we have more music from paul well engineer. This is where i should be. I know exactly why i am where i should be i leave it up to fate our lives are so random i know exactly why i am where i should be nothing thats left alone only reason why over time i know exactly why where i am to be part of the sky i want whats mine i know exactly why im where i should be oh oh oh [ applause ] paul weller. Stay with us. Well be right back. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. 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Talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. Tomorrow on cbs sunday morning we profile oscar grammy winning singer john legend. His marriage makes this a unique story. On monday on cbs this morning a land dispute in the south china sea. Why filipinos on a tiny island fear a takeover. And our 24 hour digital news work a saturday session special. Watch an hour of great music at 11 00 p. M. Eastern time on cbsnews. Com. That does it for us. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. Thanks for watching. Stay cool. Byebye. Narrator today on lucky dog. Brandon watch this. You ready . Narrator from covered in knots. Brandon im bringing you a very dirty dog. Narrator . To tying them. Nikki we would love for him to be a part of the wedding. Narrator this rescue dog is about to trade his cellblock for an altar, but before stark can say i do to his new life. Brandon youre a funny little guy. Narrator hell need to stop objecting to his training. Brandon not working sorry. Im Brandon Mcmillan and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. My mission is to make sure these amazing animals find a purpose a family, and a place to

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