Transcripts For WUSA CBS This Morning 20180105 : comparemela

Transcripts For WUSA CBS This Morning 20180105

surging market and why many average americans are not buying stocks. and mark zuckerberg said he will dedicate to 2018 to fixing facebook. why he views it as a personal challenge. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> right now it's pretty tough. it's like a hurricane. >> this wind is vicious. >> a deadly storm ravages the east coast. >> wow. >> it's all about the cold. a big bitter blast of cold air is coming down from the arctic. >> more than 4,000 flights are already canceled up and down the east coast. >> the highly anticipated book about president trump comes out ahead of schedule despite defiance. >> complete fantasy and full of tabloid gossip. >> trump tried to sessions from recusing himself. >> they'll hold their first formal talks. the military is delaying its military exercises. >> alex trebek is taking a break from "jeopardy" as he recovers from brain surgery. >> i expect to be back very, very soon. >> all that -- >> a couple of girls got stuck on a ski lift. >> -- and all that matters -- >> it was a white out for the new england patriots. bill belichick told them no excuses. >> how about one day off? come on. they're not even playing on sunday. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> bombogenesis. what was it? bomb cyclone? that's not a weather term, by the way. >> boo. it's a bomb ow! . >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." i'm norah o'donnell with jeff glor and alex wagner. gayle king is off. happy friday, ebb. >> happy friday. >> happy friday. millions of people on the east are waking up to massively low temperatures. it dropped 18 inches of snow on new york's long island and more than a foot in boston. >> surging tides and hurricane-force winds blasted new england. at least 19 deaths are blamed on the weather. >> windchill advisories talk about the cold from virginia to maine. it felt morning in buffalo, noncht don dahler is in hard-hit boston to show us the damage. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i want to show you. the waters at boston harbor are 15 feet below where i am standing now. but this whole area yesterday was under water as the seawater flowed into the streets and bagsmentes of downtown boston. in fact, it was the worst coast at flooding here in 40 years. and now that the temperatures are plummeting, that's all turned to ice. from massachusetts to connecticut to maine, surging ocean tide and wind gusts of more than 70 miles per hour slammed into new england. >> there used to be a seawall here. >> reporter: record coastal flooding and a disastrous storm. >> it was coming down. itas i couldn't get back. >> reporter: in massachusetts the national guard used high water trucks and even a bucker loader to help families stranded in their homes. >> it was scary. i wanted to get out. they came up to the front door and he put me over his shoulders and put me in the car. >> reporter: furtherer north in boston icy waters flooded downtown and a subway station. firefighters didn't let it stand in their way. using rafts in the knee-deep water to bring people to safety. >> this is the first time we've ever seen it up to this level. it's in my driveway now. >> reporter: it's not been seen since the blizzard of 1978. boston mayor marty walsh. >> if anyone wants to know about global warming, look at the flood zones. >> reporter: it's frigid out here. temperatures are expected to go below zerohi haven't been adequately cleared or salted will freeze over making for dangerous driving. norah? >> i i'm wore i'm worried about. thank you, don. heavy snow created slippery conditions and difficult commuting. it dumped more than a foot of snow in seven states. massachusetts had more than 17 inches, maine more than 18. jericka duncan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. where i'm standing was filled with water at the peak of the storm, causing beach erosion, which you can see right here, and even putting homes like this behind me at risk of literally washing away. as for the snow, at least 13 inches fell here in saco, and throughout the east coast, it was a similar story. vicious winds, brutal cold. it was affecting everyone everywhere. from virginia to new york, cars were no match for the slick and snow-covered roads. in salisbury, maryland, even the snow plows struggled in the treacherous conditions. in boston, snow removal continued into the night to prepare for the morning commute. in new york city, the iconic billboards were barely visible through the snow. the snow dumped more than a foot of snow in parts of maine. along the coast, powerful winds led to some of the worst tidal flooding in four decades. >> where i grew up and childhood memories are being washed away. >> reporter: literally. >> literally, yeah. >> reporter: he had seen how an eroding as maine, threatens homes. and thursday he watched the storm pound the area once again. >> what's kind of going through your mind? >> cross your fingers. really, cross your fingers and hope for the best. >> reporter: it is freezing out here. actually below freezing. and temperatures are expected to go even lower over the weekend. in fact, it won't get above freezing in portland, maine, until tuesday. and the last time that even happened was nearly two weeks ago on christmas eve. jeff? >> it's so sad to see the memories washed away. meteorologist danielle niles of our boston station wbz shows us just how cold it's going to get. good morning. >> good morning to you. we have freeze warnings up to southern florida. windchill advisories and warnings all all the way from north dakota to eastern maine and south carolina with the core of the cold air focused from the midwest to new england. values of 15 to 35 below zero for tonight. for tomorrow night and even into sunday morning we'll see a little bit of a reprieve here in the midwest late on sunday but still feeling like 10 to 25 below zero. record cold territory, too, in terms of high temperatures. teens and single digits today and for saturday. but there are signs even though the cold will hang on from the northern plains to the midwest that we get a bit of a break with a mid to late january thaw from the east coast. back to you. >> danielle, thanks. airlines are working to clear backlogs. all three major new york airports were crippled yesterday. laguardia and jfk reopened last night, but newark airport is just starting to reopen this morning. there were more than 100 diversions yesterday including this massive airbus from frankfurt, germany. the tell-all book that caused the dramatic breakup between president trump and his former chief strategist is on sale this morning. that is four days earlier than planned. "fire and fur" shows steve bannon and other white house officials questioning president on how to do his job. the president tweeted last night that the book is, quote, full of lies, misrepresentations, and sources that don't exist. look at this guy's past and watch what happens to him and sloppy steve, referring to steve bannon. chip reid is at the white house watching the spreading fallout. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. here it is. in this book michael wolff rights that steve bannon said there was a 33% chance that the mueller investigation would lead to the impeachment of president trump and a 33% that trump would si says. he's lost his stuff. reporters asked president trump thursday whether he felt betrayed by his former strategist stephen bannon. >> i don't know. he called me a great man last night, so he obviously changed his tune pretty quick. >> reporter: bannon spoke highly of the president the night before but the book raged on. the president's lawyer charles harder demanded that the book's publisher cease and desist any further publication or face a lawsuit. the publisher brushed off the lawsuit moving the selling date from tuesday to today. it talks about dysfunction at the white house and about president trump. it had decreased and focus had notably declined. in an article for "the hollywood reporter" wolff continues he has used words that are like a child, he writes. they all 100% believed he was incapable of functioning in his job. >> it's disgraceful and laughable. >> reporter: white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders denied those claims. as for why he continued to talk to steven bannon for months after firing him, president trump dismissed it. >> i don't talk to him. i don't talk to him. that's just a misnomer. >> reporter: the fallout from the book has not done much good for bannon either. white house officials urged bannon's long-time benefactor rebecca mercer to cut all ties with him in the aftermath "fire and fury." >> thank you very much. the author of "fire and fury" will be here at cbs on monday. in the introduction, wolff calls the book, quote, a version of events i believe to be true. other people are backing up wolf f's recording. >> to be clear, bannon had a fondness for donald trump but i can't say he -- he almost had a paternal role to donald trump. >> like he was above donald trump? >> he was in control of donald trump. >> reporter: she said it was mind-blowing that the president spoke that frankly in front of lawyers. "the new york times" and "associated press" house counsel spoke to sessions but he refused to change his mind. mueller is looking at whether that could be an obstruction of justice. >> overnight the justice department responded to the report which also alleged that attorney general jeff sessions send an aide to dig up dirt on then acting fbi director james comey. four days before fbi director james comey was abruptly fired by the president last may, according to "the new york times," one of sessions' aides asked whether he had damaging information about mr. comey, which was part of an apparent effort to undermine the fbi director. they said this would not happen and did not happen. they also write when sessions refused to stop recusing himself, the president erupted attorney general to protect him. the book also including a meeting aboard "air force one" in july that could lead to obstruction of justice. according to michael wolff, the president, hope hicks, jared iv huddled. the decision, say the meeting was primarily about russian adoptions by americans, which was false. trump junior later acknowledge the meeting was convened because he was told the russians had negative information, about hillary clinton. do you believe the president is in grave legal jeopardy? >> i don't think i would put it at that level of warning. >> where would you put it? >> he is in a most serious situation with the special counsel looking right at him. >> times," president trump described the russian investigation as fabricated and politically motivated in a letter to then acting fbi director james comey, but white house aides stopped him from sending that letter. >> jeff pe gaze, thank you so much. stocks opened in record territory after passing another big milestone. for the first time the dow passed 25,000 on thursday. that's the third record high in trading days of the new year. cbs financial news mellody hobson is in chicago. good morning. what a start to the new year. what's fueling this growth? >> wow is all i can say. we broke through lots and lots of records land year. a lot of it has to do with corporate profits have been strong. should only get better because of the recent tax cuts. unemployment is really low. the economy, not but around the world is really strong. and not to mention the fact that some of these deregulation efforts will push a lot of industries to make it easier for them to dos by. so is there is a lot to push the stockmarket up. >> i look to the front page of "the wall street journal" and they point out despite the surge small investors have pulled their money out. why? >> because they're suffering from what i call post-traumatic stress disorder from the financial crisis. small investors have mostly sat on the sidelines because the financial crisis really scared them. as a result, they've missed out on the direct ownership of stocks but they indirectly own it through 401(k) plans and pension plans. so a lot of them have benefitted. >> mellody, what about americans who don't own stocks. how do you explain that discrepancy? >> so wage growth has been very, very slow, very low, and this is something that has confounded a lot of economists. a lot of this has to do with, in fact, again, coming out of the financial crisis, unemployment surged, and people gave up looking for a job. they said, i'm done. as the economy started to koshlgs come back. now we have 18 states that have raised unemployment as of the first of this year. we have 13 states with 40-year lows on unemployment. so in order to hire people, that i going to have to pay them more. i expect wage growth to really start to happen. i've been saying that for a while, but i really do think this is it. >> it could also be a correction on the horizon down the line. no one knows. this is the thing. i love when they say bull markets do not die of old age. everyone was pointing out it's ten months, it would be the longest. who knows. >> mellody hobson, thanks for that. investors are backing away from marijuana-related stocks. ahead how a policy by the attorney general a russian news network seen in this country is accused of interfering in the 2016 election. le goes one on one. >> british media supported hillary. no problem with us, nothing. some russian media supported trump, oh, my god. >> on "60 minutes" what they say about the russian president's relationship and michael flynn. you're watching "cbs this morning." pele down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. hi, i'm mindy kearns. it's greatnice to meet you too. your parents have been talking about you for years. sorry about that. they're all about me saving for a house, or starting a college fund for my son. actually, i want to know what you're thinking. have a seat. yeah. knowing that the most important goals are yours. with 15,000 financial advisors, it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. every great why needs a great how. actually, the biggest dinos only ate plants! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! and country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and the same country fresh taste you love. welcome to crock country. unlike ordinary toothpaste, colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. giving you the confidence of a healthier mouth. colgate total. be totally ready for life. i'm and i'm an emt.erer when i get a migraine at work, it's debilitating. if i call out with a migraine, that's one less ambulance to serve a community. i just don't want to let these people down. excedrin migraine. relief that works as hard as you do. facebook's worst job to have at this time of the year is local news reporter. unless you're in the studio, they stick you out in a blizzard to show everyone how cold it is. this is wnbc's tracie strahan who had bad morning. she's none too happy about it. >> reporter: a lot of places where people would be for their morning commute, they're shut down now. not a soul to be seen. we see somebody in front of our favorite coffee store who i won't name. are you going to open or what? we've been waiting for 5:00 a.m. in the morning. you don't? get somebody who does. he says but he knows somebody that does. >> tracie, are you trying to scare somebody to open up their store? >> listen. if i can endure this, i can get some coffee. >> all of the correspondents braving the temperatures. >> and the crews who make it all possible. welcome back to thchlt here are three things you should know this morning. a new report shows the nation's cancer death rate dropped 26% between 1991 and 2015. that means almost 2.4 million lives were saved. it shows a decrease in four cancers. researchers credit reduced smoking and advances in treatment. apple confirms nearly every one of its devices is vulnerable to two computer chip that can access your data. billions of others are also at risk. the bugs are called "meltdown" and "spectre." the tech giant says it protects giants from a "meltdown" attacks. it will issue a patch in the coming days. >> and lottery fever is rising as mega jackpot and powerball is a combined $995 million. $445 million is the largest payout. the powerball jackpot is tomorrow. you can't win if you don't buy, jeff. >> that is correct. states are confused by a move by attorney general jeff sessions. he reversed the obama administration's hands-off federal policy toward pot yesterday. sessions calls eun of marijuana aio prosecuted under federal law. mireya villarreal is in a shop in west california that started selling recreational pot this week. good morning. >> good morninging. stores like this have been working the past two months to get compliant to sell recreational marijuana. now here and others across the country are worried that one single memo coming out of washington, d.c., could turn them all into criminals. the extend marijuana dispensary in hollywood, california, has had a steady stream of sales since recreational selling started on monday. but now the next people through the door could be federal authorities coming to shut them down. >> it's always the possibility that i'll go after the most successful ones to make an example. >> reporter: california is one of the six states along with the district of columbia sales is legal. under the obama administration it was federal policy to respect state marijuana laws. by reversing that policy, the u.s. attorney general's office is now giving permission for states to prosecute marijuana cases but without a clear directive to do so. the move drew strong objection from many states that have legalized recreational pot including senator cory gardner. >> he said he wouldn't use legal powers to reverse colorado's decision. why does jeff sessions think president trump was wrong. >> he said he'll take all moves necessary. colorado, oregon, and california all say they have no plans to change their prosecution strategies and they have the public's support. a recent poll says acceptance of legal marijuana is at all-time high, 64%. legal experts say that level of acceptance could make federal prosecution difficult. >> when they actually have to try this case and they end up in front of a jury that has voted for the legalization of marijuana, you could see something like jury nullification and no convictions. >> reporter: some can is by farmers are already reconsidering their licenses because it would put them on a public list and available to investigators. this store was raided in 2013. all of their merchandise was confiscated or destroyed, so the fear is absolutely real. >> that's good point. u.s. intelligence agencies believe russia used international warfare. one of the weapons was its state-run news work, r.t., formerly ""russia today" which can be seen in the u.s. lesley stahl talks with one reporter. >> let's talk about it. >> you believe thome just like you believe they had weapons of mass destruction in iraq? continue to believe russians interfered with the american election. in five years you will know it didn't happen. >> it's also facebook and twigger. what do they say? >> they say the russians used their website to perpetration pro-trump/anti-hillary clinton information. >> i can't deny that there could have been russia media that had their opinion on twitter, facebook, wlaefr. but is that bad? is that illegal? isn't that people do as well? british media supported hillary clinton. no problem with that. nothing. some russian media supported trump. oh, my god. >> did r.t. support trump? >> no, r.t. did not support trump. our position is r.t. did not support hillary clinton either. >> i know that. >> i wanted somebody to win that would be nicer to russia. >> did you get that? >> no. d is it even possible? i don't know. >> reporter: former national security adviser michael flynn pleaded guilty to lying on the russia probe. >> you paid him $45,000 to come to the event and sat him next to mr. putin. it just conjures up the idea that eventually he may have been some kind of a did get close to trump. >> because he sad next to putin? >> not just because he sat next to him. >> putin didn't know who he was. i give you my word on that. >> fascinating. >> riveting. >> i talked to lesley stahl about this and she said it was really interesting and she was very impressive and kind of at the heart of the allegations about the collusion. >> it's a part we haven't heard about. you want to hear more from her and what her explanation is. >> and if you want to hear more, guess what? >> funny you should say that. >> sunday on "60 minutes" learn when she and others stopped being fans of the united states. that's right here on cbs. mark zuckerberg promises to fix facebook's flaws this year. ahead, how he may be trying to head off action by congress to stop vault information from the social m i'start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. if you spit blood you may have gum problems,s and could be on the journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. (vo) more "dper rollres for mom" more "doing chores for dad" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty the quicker picker upper. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg's new year's resolution is to fix facebook. he writes in a post, we currently make too many errors in enforcesing our policies and miss yoousing our tools. vladier duthiers of cbsn shows us why changing facebook is complicated. >> good morning. complicated indeed. mark zuckerberg has been setting personal challenges in 2009. he recently ran 365 miles, traveled across the country, and this year's job is to do better at running his company. facebook's job is to connect people around the world but in his latest post he acknowledges his company has caused divisions. facebook has a lot of work, he wrote, whether it's to protect our community from abuse and hate, defending interference by nation states or making sure time spent on facebook is time well spent. >> i don't want anyone to use our tools to undermine democracy. >> reporter: mark zuckerberg spent much of 2017 was forced to backtrack. >> our teams have shut down thousands of facebook accounts. >> "new york times" technology frahad manjoo. >> he ak snojs that facebook may be too big and too power ulf. >> if you feed the beast, the beast will kill you. >> a statement made by vice president. >> you've created these platforms and now they are being misused and you have to be the ones to do something about it or we will. >> i think this could also be an effort to head that off to try to say we're kiernlds of policing ourselves, you can hold off on policing us. >> zuckerberg offered few specifics on how he plans to accomplish his personal challenge for 2018. one thing he said he would do is convene groups of experts to help him work through the issues and he'll look at issues like how bitcoin and crypto-currency can be used. i think he realizes this is not just place where we share vacation photos and interaction with our parents. >> what a huge concept. it's a big deal. >> before the senate investigation. that's what he's trying to get ahead, more news headlines. the controversy over more coastal drilling and two mi >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by the hotel search? 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not now. if you want a max strength alternative to cough drops take cépacol instamax. this will provide fast relief. look! unlike regular cough drops it contains 2 max strength pain relievers and cools in seconds. dual power in one lozenge. bye bye sore throat. knock out sore throat fast. take cépacol instamax. welcome back to "cbs this morning." here's look at some of this morning's headlines. the trump administration will suspend most security aid to pakistan stan. they're accused of providing safe hav ps for militants. the trump administration previously said it would spend $255 million in funding for trump administration's proposal to expand offshore oil and gas drilling. the plan would open up federal waters off california for exploration for first time in more than three decades. the governors of california, oregon, and washington say the administration has forgotten about past offshore oil spills and the devastation they caused. the proposal would also expand aftershore drilling in protections areas of the atlantic. the agency approve ed it la month. there was a parody created last month. dislikes of the video vastly outnumbered the liked. yesterday the agency said he canceled plans to appear at the las vegas show next week. one report says he received death threats. saers is across the country, that including the kmart bran. macy's said it's closing 11 stores. the company's head count will reduce by over 5,000 employees. it comes despite what were good holiday sales. ahead, susan page of "usa today" looket at "fire and fury" and how steve bannon is not disputing the things he reportedly said about president trump. high blood pressure and cholesterol. but they might not be enough to protect my heart. adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. because my second chance matters. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. there'that only uses 100% american oranges.and simply orange and tropicana ship in juice from overseas. only florida's natural grows all of our oranges in florida. great taste. naturally. and lose weight with contrave. it's fda-approved to help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... i'm so hungry. 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"the new york times" reports that they sent an aide on director comey. >> he said there was a 33% chance it would lead to the impeachment of president trump and 33% that he would resign. >> corinna, you're having fun. where are you? >> i'm trying to hold on. >> can we go back there? we've got to go back. are you okay? i think she's embarrassed. >> i'm not embarrassed at all. >> you're not embarrassed at all. good morning. i'm norah o'donnell with jeff glor and alex wagner. gayle king has the week off. a nasa sat lit captured the massive scale of the system. it covered nearly the entire eastern seaboard. >> the storm brought up to a foot and a half of snow to parts of the east coast. severe flooding slammed boston and coastal new england. at least 19 people have died from the winter weather. >> this morning the temperature is below freezing in 85% of the country. the low is negative 18 in grand forks, north dakota. temperatures will go even lower in the northeast tomorrow. don dahler is in boston where it's expected to drop to one degree below tomorrow. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. boston not only got slammed with 13 inches of snow, but they had considerable flooding here as well. in fact, it was the worst since 1978. one of the reasons it was so catastrophic is the storm hit during the high tide as well as a super moon, which meant the tide was higher than normal. there were waves out on the coast that were picking up chunks of ice and throwing them like projectiles. the national guard performed several water rescues. one family was rescued from their home using a bucket loader. the snow dumped up to 18 inches in new england making it difficult for plows to keep up. new york city had over 10 inches. they put 1,500 plows on the road and they couldn't keep up with it. it spread to the south which created conditions up and down the coast. as you said, it's not expected to get to the freezing area until monday if not later which means the icy roads are going to make for dangerous driving. jeff. >> don, thank you very much. a controversial new book about president trump's first year in office i four days early. despite a threat to halt its publication. "fire and fury" is a sprawling account inside the west wing of the white house. the book was published after the president's legal team sent cease and desist letters to author michael wolff. >> last night the president slammed bannon and wolff on twitser saying i authorized zero ak soes to the white house. look what happens to him and sloppy steve. they say they did speak to the president. chip reid is at the white house with a copy of the book. good morning. >> good morning. one of the main themes of this book is the chaoticness at the white house. the book makes clear and as cbs news has consistently reported, the fierce oeft batter was steve bannon on one side and ivanka trump and her husband jared kushner on the other side. according to the book he offered a plan. he said, quote, you send those kids home, get writ of hope hicks and listen to your legal team. the president did not do that and chaos ensued as advisers desperately tried to influence the president and as competing policies were advanced and then scrapped. he said he ignored much of his advise. he said, you can't stop him. the guy's going to call his own plays. he's trump. the white house says the book is full of falsehoods but they're not going to waste their time going through every one of them one by one, but that is not keeping the president from raging about this book on twitter. >> never a dull moment. thanks, chip. >> you bet. "usa today" washington bureau chief susan page joins us now. good morning. >> good mog. back-and-forth between the white house, the publisher, and author michael wolff. he's standing by his reporting. he said this morning, the president has, quote, lost it. who has the upper hand here, susan? >> well, i think that -- you know that storm coverage you just showed on the east coast? that's nothing compared to what's going on inside the white house in response to this book because this book is a very serious development for the white house. it's got all of these gossipy details. more seriously, there are reports in the book that go to the russia investigation, you could have legal repercussions and as chip was saying, the portrait of the president in a white house that is really quite dysfunctional. >> so you would say the white house is on defense at this moment. >> yes. i think the white house is on defense. one of the things that is, i think, alarming for the white house is that this now -- there have been these negative stories about the president being impulsive, reckless, and un of the coverage of the pretty. now we ha president. now we have reports from the closest senior advisers that go to how the wlous works or doesn't work. >> but there were comments about some comments made off the record. i wonder if you can talk about that. and michael wolff says in the book, this is a version i believe to be true. is that problematic in any way? >> it is. we don't know that everything reported in this book is true, but i do think it's notable there's been pushback to whether things were off the record, not to whether they were said. there's pushback to attacks on michael wolff and on steve bannon, but they don't go to the substance of the content of the book. there's been less pushback on that. that's what in washington we might call a kind of form of confirmation. >> i want to talk about some of the more serious charges outlined in "the new york times" today that deal with investigation by the special counsel robe the nor times has some incredible detailing. i want to read to you and i know you read the report, that the special counsel has received handwritten notes from former choof of staff reince priebus showing how he talked to him and called on him and he was not under investigation and then "the new york times" reporting that even some of president trump's own white house lawyers tried to -- took the extraordinary step of misleading mr. trump about whether he had the authority to remove him. his own lawyers. >> you know, what's a lesson from the watergate investigat n investigation, from the white water investigation and more. often problems from the white house involve a crime, not a coverup. there's also evidence in this reinforces the arguments and allegations that james comey made, the fired fbi director, that the white house and president have denied and called lies. >> all right. susan page, thank you. >> thank you. former secretary sean spicer said he had made some mistakes. he spent time with hln and said the largest crowd ever witnessed the president's inauguration. he said that was not the only time he lost credibility. >> there were times where i screwed up. there's no question about it. >> give me one. >> i mean the inauguration. you brought it up. that was first and foremost. there was an event how i tried to talk about how evil ha sad was and i screwed thaw up roy royally. >> talking about hitler. >> thank you for reminding me. senator rand paul makes his first sunday tv appearance since he was attacked at his home. he'll be on "face the nation" on sunday. a mix of deadly violence in a region known for its natural beauty. >> tracy smith. two millionaires in wine country. something goes terribly wrong. a barrage of gunfire. what kind of ahead, jamie wax shows us a new fashion option for those who are not so tall. >> as an adult, you have shopped in the boys department. >> yes. macy's. nothing to be ashamed about. >> why a form brother deucer decided to switch roles and create a line for men of a different stature. you're watching "cbs this morning." they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson's. what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. my visitors should be the ones so i got an offer and now i'm thinking... i'd like to retire early. oh, that's great sarah. let's talk about this when we meet next week. a trillion dollars in assets under care? jay. sarah. so i have a few thoughts on that early retirement... by focusing our mind on whatever's on yours. un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of "mmm fresh" in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym. this is charlie not coughing while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing while getting really into nana's party. nothing lasts longer than delsym searching for answers may feel overwhelming. so start your search with our teams of specialists at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at california's wine country is trying to rebuild after the deadly wildfires nearly three months ago. long before the disaster, a different horror rocked the famous region. an unlikely confrontation between an entrepreneur and a silicon valley investor led to violence and bloodshed. tracy smith investigates for tomorrow night's "48 hours." here's a preview. >> 911, what is your emergency. >> he called 911 and he's yelling, help me, help me, he shot me. >> that's the actual transcript from the 911 call. >> yes. >> so he's running through the vineyard. >> he's running through the vineyard and the shooter is in the truck coming after him, >> this is crazy. >> crazy. >> who are these guys. these guys were a couple of rich ambitious wine lovers who wanted to be in the business and own their own vineyards. here e here's emad tawfilis. here's the other guy, robert dahl who people said could make money grow on trees. in this case, vines. was he a good saylesman? >> a great salesman. >> he ran a mold business. >> he had a vision of owning a winery. >> he moved with his wife and three kids and hit the ground running. he started with a company and part ownership of this man and then a brewery with greg and francese knittel. when dahl won the ultimate napa prize, his own vineyard, he turned to investor emad tawfilis with ties to hollywood. he put in a bag of cash. soon there was dahl vineyards. but it wasn't long before things turned sour. >> no one that ever put money into something that he was doing was ever going to get anything back. >> dahl was making wine. money was vanishing. it turned out dahl had been conning everyone all along. his contractor, his winemaker, his co-owner at the vineyard, and his partners at the brewery. but when he conned that millionaire investor emad tawfilis, the whole thing came crashing down. >> who lives, who dies. it's a teefl wine, money, and murder. >> tracy smith is with us from los angeles. tracy, that's an incredible preview. why did this end in murder? >> great question. money. as one napa local told me, money is intoxicating. when you mix money and wine, you get intoxicated to the second or third power. >> tracy, how was dahl able to con all of his business partners for so long? >> dahl could talk a good game. all the trappings of success, nice house, nice car, nice motorcycle, and people wanted to believe him. they wanted to believe their dreams could come true. >> so what happened in the shoot-out? who's chasing who? >> i'm not going to give you too many details. but just imagine there's t flashy entrepreneur and a quiet businessman who has a bag full of $800,000 in cash that he brings to napa that ends up with a shoot-out in a vineyard and murder. >> thank you. you can watch tracy's full report "grapes of wrath" tomorrow night right here at 10:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. central right here on cbs. the unexpected answer by alex trebek that raises questions about his health. tom brady is reported will i not in synch with the team's top brass. you're watching "cbs this morning." small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. long-time "jeopardy" host on the air. he has been off to believe blood clots on his brain. hoe was injured in a fall about two months ago. >> surgery was performed. after two days in the hospital, i came home to start recovery. the prognosis is excellent, and i expect to be back in the studio taping more "jeopardy" programs very, very soon. >> that's good to hear. certainly concerning. he's hosted the legendary game show since 1984. he did not give a specific return. >> we were not allowed to watch a lot of tv, but we could watch "jeopardy." >> the show we were able to watch, what is jeopardy. that's my attempt at a joke. >> you ask with a question. >> your visits to a doctor may be a checkup of your own. our dr. tara narula is in the toyota green ro up concerns to your doctor. your loc that is not your typical figure skating soundtrack. he skated as the gnat action championships last night. the performance landed him in 11th place ahead of tomorrow's free skate. this isn't the first time the new york native that has chosen music that's a little unprodiggsal. he performed a short program to an eminem medley last year. i'm all for it. more hip-hop on ice. >> that was great. welcome back to "cbs this morning." espn looks at the growing rift between new england patriots robert kraft, tom brady, and bill belichick. some said it could be the last year the three men are together. they have reportedly fought about brady's trainer, the team's quarterback plans, and belichick's brash coaching style. yesterday's blizzard in massachusetts, however, didn't stop belichick from holding practice and most of the guys from turning out, although he did eventually move it indoors because of the blizzard-like conditions. look. when you're the reigning super bowl champs -- >> here we go. >> -- you're going to face a lot of scrutiny and people claiming this and that. >> i would be very surprised if you don't see all three of them together again next year and for a significant period of time to come. >> all right. you heard it here first. time looks at that shows that fewer teenagers are having sex. a proportion of students who ever said they had sexual intercourse dropped from 45% to 41% in 2015. the decline is probably a contributing factor to teen pregnancy dropping. >> "the boston globe" reports that dunkin' dropped dyes from its doughnuts. the company also said you will not taste the difference. dunkin' brand said it will phase out artificial covers from all icings, fillings, toppings and other products by the end of the year. and it's so cold iguana are falling from trees. some neighbors snapped photos of iguanas lying belly up on the ground. iguana's get stunned and get sluggish when it get bess low 50. fall off the trees and it leads to lizard conditions in florida. >> i saw that. >> that's from the evening news. >> i like that. the new year could give you new ways to improve youring are visits to the doctor. american resolutions that top 2018 may not be a huge surprise. 37% want to eat healthier and get more exercise. 24% plan to take better care of themselves. for many that means the annual physical. the average visit last 2/2 minutes. dr. tara narula is here. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. >> what should we be doing? >> 22 minutes goes very quickly, so you want to be empowered. that means coming armed with information. first you want to bring your medications, bring the bottles, pictures so the doctor knows the your aunt have a thyroid problem, does your mother have high blood pressure. that's important. also bring your records. that information is very useful. keep those copies. bring all that information to your visit. and then you want to keep a diary of your symptoms. when did they start, what did they feel like. all of that will be helpful. last but not least you may want to bring a friend or family member who can take notes because oftentimes the information goes in and out of your ear. >> it's not always easy to transfer those records back and forth to track them down, right? >> it is not. you can ask for copies and that is your right. >> is it useful to get lab tests done before you go for a checkup? >> sometimes. if you're a patient who's been with your doctor for a while and you know they order thesees helpful, then you can sit face-to-face with the doctor and go over the results. however, if you're a new patient, the doctor may want to order specific tests for whatever condition they're looking for and you may get stuck twice. >> what are some of the questions you ask? >> you would want to ask about screening r vaccination, prevention, cardios have car lar risks, how often your doctor should follow up with you. the first visit is establishing a connection. this is like a marriage. it's an important personal relationship. you're emotionally vulnerable, physically vulnerable. is this someone who's going to listen to me, who mun communicates in way i understand. >> what is the latest thinking on the annual checkups and how off about you should see your doctor? >> there are pros and cons. there's evidence that it doesn't cr illness. on the other hand it establishes that very important docto doctor/patient relationship, that trust. time is valuable. when you see someone from year yo to year, they may see, you know, they don't seem the same, that mole is a little different. that's valuable. it gives you time to go over prevention and screening. >> i think the prevention is good too. they always take your cholesterol, your blood pressure. and certainly as you're getting older and your blood pressure goes up and your cholesterol goes up, you can treat that early. >> don't worry about asking for second opinions. people lots of times feel uncomfortable. that. the bottom line is this is your health. you should be in charge and your doctor should not get offended if you ask for a second opinion. a former broadway producer puts his touch on fashion. >> they love it. i can iand i like these award-winning cheddar puffs. first place. both events? booyah! we're an awards family. you'll like them both but love our price. award-winning organic cheddar puffs from aldi. simply smarter shopping. small business, internet providers promise you a lot. let's see who delivers more. comcast business offers fast gig-speeds across our network. verizon doesn't. we offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g wireless network backup. verizon, no way. we offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. verizon, not so much. get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call 1-800-501-6000. now that the holidays are over, we're in a season of returns. shipping giant ups tells "cbs this morning" by the end of the week it will have delivered about 6 million packages back to its retailers. of the same. gifts are returned for all sorts of reasons, but jamie wax is showing us how one store is making sure size is not the problem. >> that's right. what's more disappointing after getting a sweater or shirt, trying it on and finding it's not the right size. there are big and tall, petite, plus size. but for millions of men of a certain size, there's a category just now getting the attention it deserves. >> if you're tall, dark, and hand? -- >> reporter: there's a certain type of man. >> you're the type of man when you walk through the airport peep stop and look at you. >> reporter: they get all the attention. pop culture has always favored the tall guy and that leaves a lot of men out. the average american man stands just about 5'8" and those who measure below that have a clothes. >> there's no way i can find anything. >> reporter: this is a very problematic suit for me. it makes me feel like i'm wearing my grandfather's suit who was the size of her man money stur. >> and it looks like. >> reporter: clothier peter manning has had to change that. >> so the tailors of america have made a lot of money. >> true. we call it the taylor tax. right? i just spent a fortune at the tailor and i thought, this is crazy. you should jts have to fix all of this stuff. >> reporter: so the former broadway producer stepped into a new role, providing apparel for men, 5'8" and under. >> this is quite a sizeable showroom especially for manhattan. >> reporter: manning was selling clothes online for two years. >> we have 45 sizes of pants, so we're almost like custom new york's trendy flat ooirch district giving them a place to shop. >> as an adult, you have shopped in the boys' department. >> yes. macy's. trust me, it's much less cheaper. big and tall has been a category forever and it's an obvious category. what do we call those of us who are small framed? >> we call it not so tall. >> what do you think of the term not so tall? >> not so tall? not so bad. >> that still sounds cute to me. to me it's not a cute issue. >> he's a director at the fashion institute of technology. >> i don't think we call ourselves anything. >> reporter: while he may find the term not so suited designs for shorter men is still in need. >> the challenge is in that particular market, in any market, it's coming up with good design. >> reporter: blackman said a good design means form fitting and a good cut. >> it's nice that clothing is more finlts. the days of the 1980s, david burns, talking heads, that's over, right? that's a good thing. >> it is over. >> customer fred antonoff agrees. >> keeping your pant leg nice and slim helps. >> manning said the right cut makes his clients look sharp. >> i will tell you you do feel more dejt when you're wearing clothes that fit. >> yes. yes, you do. it matters. fit really matters. >> well, they are meeting a big market. >> they really are. it's millions of men. some estimate it's as much as 30% of the population. >> the suit makes a man or the man makes the suit? >> i believe the man makes the suit but a good fitting suit reflects who you are. >> very judicious. >> as a man who reflects that. >> thank you, jamie. we'll talk about what to expect and top contenders. listen on apple's itunes and podcast apps. up next we're going the look at all that matters this week. you're watching "cbs this morning." fe before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesn't have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesn't get us all killed, ben. what's so good about fios anyway? uh. what's so great about a 100% fiber-optic network that makes your gaming system actually work awesomely? hey. did you take out the trash? dad, i already took out ben. it's not funny. gaming is best on a 100% fiber-optic network. so get fios. now, just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. tomorrow on "cbs this morning: saturday," please tune in. >> it's a good show. >> it is a very good show. one of the hosts -- i'm kidding. that would be me -- he served under four popes an spent decades at the vatican. now this teacher is on a new mission to save the latin language. you'll meet him tomorrow. >> all right. i studied latin. >> did you? >> yes. >> all i know is one. >> that does it for us. jiff will be back tonight on the "cbs evening news." as we leave you, let's take a look back at all that mattered this beak. have a good weekend. >> it is cold. it's been snowing here in cape may for hours. these conditions stretch up through new york city. >> the lens is slightly fogging up. that's because the wind here is pretty brutal. >> old ironside might as well be called old icy side because she is completely encased in ice. >> by the end of the month, niagara falls could be completely frozen. >> temperatures are so low they're dangerous. >> wow. oh, my god. >> awe i have to say is awesome. >> south korea says it wants the formal high-level talks with north korea and they want them to take place next week. >> of course, the president does not have a nuclear button, but his rhetoric escalated already simmering tensions. >> we consider this to be a very reckless regime. we don't thing we need a band ai aid and we don't think we need to take a picture. >> this is between the president and a man who used the be one of his biggest allies. >> whipsaws the white house with a lot of backstabbing, front stabbing. ♪ >> let me be the first to say 2018 -- >> happy new year. >> -- happy new year. you do always start the new year, norah, saying this year i'm going get it right or this year's going to be better? >> no. ♪ i just want to be part of your party ♪ >> i just got the chills actually watching this. it got really, really cold. >> a bach cyclone. why do they make it sound like the east coast is about to get hit with a delicious dessert from dairy queen, i don't know. >> a bomb cyclone, a bomb blizzard. you can't have one without the other. >> i love it. i love it. the buffalo playoffs. the team and the fans went a little crazy. >> are you crying a little bit? i think i saw tears? >> yeah, i was. i'm happy to share that with you guys. >> your chance of winning the jackpot is one in twill million. they're slightly more in the mega millions. >> what are your chances of winning both? >> one in a batrillion. in california this used to be jaywalking. now you can cross the street when the countdown clock starts. just make sure you cross before it hits zero. >> am i the only one who knows she just broke the law? it's zero and she's still walking. it's zero. i think we ought to lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. >> can we clarify, jamie? were you breaking the law? >> my foot was on the curb. it was right there. i had crossed. >> settled. >> questionable. it needs to be decided b >> it's decided. >> thank you, jamie. it is friday, january 5 and this is "great day washington." >> [ theme music playing for "great day washington." ] >> good morning! and happy friday! welcome, friday. i am patricia harris. expect and i am markette sheppard. we are here with charisse jackson jordan. charisse, welcome back to "great day washington." >> and happy new year! >> as i understand, you are here to reveal a hidden talent that many of us have no idea that you do. tell us about this. >> on the show, we have been kind of doing this little rap thing so i went back into the studio and worked on some singing in mind somewhere else so it is kind of fun and i am enjoying. expect is this something that you knew had the talent for or was there any fear or trepidation? how did it feel to get in there? back to you no, i haven't done it before and i really don't think i am a great singer or wrapper but it was a great opportunity to just kind of do something fun, stay outside -- step outside of the box a little bit so here we are. >> for those of you who don't know, your 50th birth day, you performed a rap song that you wrote as a teenager. so this is like coming full circle. now, you are moving back into the world of being a single lady. is your music career kind of a rediscovery of charisse? >> yes! like the first time, i am talking about:on the market and -- you know -- [ laughter ] back as far as dating?

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