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The kremlin says it was an afact ter terror. Traces of explosionives were in the area. The French Interior mteinisr is now saying authorities have carried out 128 new security raids. And the International Manhunt is still under way tore the alleged eighth attacker. The jets have a sec wave of airstrikes from air i syria. It donnk thi ive ever seen one like this. A dozen twisters were reported in the texas panhandle around denver, blizzard conditions. Is this a trojan horse . The Syrian Crisis the major issue on the republica cnigampan trail. If we bring to this country tens of thousands of Syrian Refugees, thats nothing short of losing. Protestors with black lives matter shut down i94 in respoens to the officerinvolved shooting of jamal clark. President obama is in man i manila for the apex summit. The focus of the trade is maritime security. Thousands of people suddenly attacking people. The officer escaped in the cruiser. All that what an unbelievab lewin. The ball was in my hand. It looked like a beebee gun. I think we did that. Par are sis a city that so many people associate with love. Our thoughts with the people of paris and france. If somebody calls you [ bleep ] you are bleep pleep with us. On cbs this morning. France gave america our enduring symbol of freedom and today in a tribute to his mother country, lady liberty offered isis a fitting gesture. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. [ music playing ] welcome to cbs this morning. Nearly two weeks after russian plane went down in egypt, moscow has confirmed it was an act of terror. All 224 people on board died when the charter plane broke apart midair. This morning, investigators say they found traces of explosives in the debris. Isis claimed responsibility for the attack. The plane went down over the sinai peninsula. Officials are holding two airport workers who may have helped plant the bomb. Mark philips is following this unfolding story from london. Good morning. Good morning. Russian services now said they have the evidence to conwhat was always the prime suspicion, but the russian metro jet crash in the sinai was caused by a bomb. The fact that the wreckage from the plane was sped spread over such a large area had always indicated it had broken up at altitude t. Question was was that a structural failure or an explosion . Now, the head of the main Russian Security agency the fsb, has told Vladmir Putin tests on the wreckage proved a homemade explosive device, as he described it, blew the plane up. The continuing suspicion is that the pom was placed on board at sharm el sheikh. A lapse in security. The egyptians resisted admitting to. The two airport workers that have been arrested havent been confirmed. The responsibility has long been claimed by the socalled islamic state, saying it was retaliating for the russian Bombing Campaign against them. Vladmir putin has vowed to find them and to punish them. Thank you very much, mark. Russian warplanes and cruise missiles are hitting more isis targets in syria this morning. A pentagon official says they carried out a number of strikes on the isis strong hold of raqqa. It is unclear if those attacks were in response to the confirmation a bomb destroyed that russian airliner. Those russian attacks are liting the same city that french jets are targeting france warplanes drop more bombs overnight. French police lawnched another 128 raids. Frances government has mobilized 115,000 Police Officers and troops to protect the public. Liz palmer is in paris where americas top diplomat is promising to help the french. Liz, good morning. Reporter good morning, charlie. Its still a tense situation here. People are nervous, but what you just mentioned the news from the interior ministry that there are 124r0i6789, not only police but soldiers across the country to keep people safe has gone some what i to reassuring them. Here in paris, secretary of state john kerry met the french president Francois Hollande to extend his condolences and to discuss how the two countries could expand their cooperation. Later, secretary kerry said the international rooch of isis terrorist demansd and even tougher response. And everybody understands that with lebanons attack, with whats happened in egypt, with ankara, turkey, with the attacks on paris, we have to step up our efforts to hit them at the core, where theyre planning these things. Reporter france has already hit isis in its capital, raqqa with the biggest french bombing raid yet over the weekend and even more airstrikes last night. The French Military says the latest targets include a command post and a training camp. Meanwhile the manhunt for the suspect na got away Salah Abdeslam grows. The magazine says he rented two hotel rooms south of paris before the attacks where police found empty pizza boxes and syringes, which could have been for drugs or making bombs. At the top of the list is the presumed mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud. He joined a group of french isis fighters in syria and he may still be hiding there now. Weve also just had confirmation that french president Francois Hollande will go to washington in the coming days. That will mark the beginning of a much expanded intelligence sharing operation that everybody hopes will prevent more attacks. Nor. Reporter really interesting. Liz palmer, thank you so much. And the intense search for salah is center often brussels, where he and his family lives. Alan pizzy is in the neighborhood that is linked to the mastermind of the attacks. Alan, good morning. Reporter good morning. Within 400 belgium series, the highest per capita number in europe and at least 30 of them came from this suburb. A series of raids here by Belgium Police turned out to be futile t. Main suspect is still at large. Salah abdeslam is described as dangerousings belgium has issued a international warrant for his arrest. One of his brothers blew himself up with a suicide vest in the paris attacks. A third brother, mohammed, said his family could not understand why they did it. We are a deep thinking of the victims, the families of the victims, he said. But you must also understand, we have a mother, we have a family and he is still her son. French investigators believe this man Abdelhamid Abaaoud employmented the terrorist attacks. He has been linked to a filed terrorist plot in belgium and an attempt to gun down passengers on a high speed train to paris filed by three americans. Abdelhamid abaaoud grew up in a brussels suburb where the jihadist and criminal meet. One stop shopping for drugs, explosives and automatic weapons, a terrorists dream. A security nightmare. They call for better Cooperation Among European Security agencies. The only way to block some possible terrorist activities before a terrorist attack. Reporter u. S. Intelligence Officials Say the mastermind behind the attacks is the chief isis operator for europe. Hes believed to be in syria, where four of the plotters are also thought to have gone. Gayle. Thank you very much alan pizzy in belgium. Isis released a few video threatening attacks in the u. S. It shows an isis fighter saying, we swear we will strike america at its center in washington. Police have now increased patrols. Federal Officials Say they have not seen a direct isis threat to the United States. Says t ense secretary ash carter not involve him. I wouldnt say that anything that happened over the last two days is surprising to me, shouldnt be surprising to anyone. This is an enemy that needs to be defeated. We need capable and motivated local forces who can keep the place running without extremism after isil has been defeated. Now theyre hard to come by a in syria and iraq, but they do exist. Charlie dagata is in irbil, good morning. Reporter good morning, here they hunt down terrorist suspects every day. Mostly at night. Last night we spent the night with a squad going after suspects in one of the worst isis atrocities this country has seen. We met the general and his men at a secret location south of kirkuk. He told us they were after four isis suspects. A sleeper cell, lying low among the local population plotting terrorist attacks in iraq. Down a muddy road, they nab the first one. He didnt put up any resistance. But in the back of the truck, its starting to sink in. The targets, men suspected of taking part in a massacre of as many as 1,700 army recruits when isis overran a military base in tikrit last year. Lined up by the hundreds, shot dead in shallow graves. Who is this young man . The general said the men they were after is among those that pulled the trigger. The next is a warehouse where they hope to find three other suspects. They only found one. He is blindfolded and taken away for interrogation. Two more men from the suspected terror cell are still at large. Now they know their cohorts have already been taken in. The general told us because they hide in plain sight and strike in civilian areas the suspects they go after every week pose more of a threat than the isis militants his forces face on the front lines. Charlie. Charlie dagata, thank you very much. Incredible reporting he is doing there. To see people on top of it that way, its scary but comforting at the same time. Agreed. Agreed. President obama said in turkey on monday that the paris attack will not change his strategy against isis. At a News Conference we asked him if american airstrikes are doing enough. Reporter have you underestimated their abilities and will you widen the rules of engagement for u. S. Forces to take more aggressive action . No, we havent underestimated our abilities. This is precisely why were in iraq as we speak and why were operating in syria as we speak. If you have a handful of people who dont mind dying, they can kill a lot of people. Thats one of the challenges of terrorism. Former cia director is here from sclichlt t. Retired general is with a global mismanagement firm. Form. Good morning, charlie. Let me begin with the question, with your experience and only in, if you had t advise the president this morning learning what he said yesterday, what would you tell him . I would tell him, charlie, that what we are doing right now in syria and iraq against isis is under resourced and overregulated. We need to commit more to the fight. We need to loosen our rules of engagement. A classic point. 36 hours ago, an American Power exploded over 100 tanker trucks in syria used to fuel the treasury of the islamic state. We could have done that on thursday. But we only decided to do it on sunday. I think there are a whole host of decisions like that, that if we loosen the rules of engagement, we can actually more strongly take the fight to the islamic state. How do you defeat people who dont mind killing themselves and dying in the process . Right. Look. Number one, you reduce tear capabilities. You make them less able to do that. But there is another element here that we havent seen before. This is a fight where the ideological struggle, the motivation is tightly tied to their success on the battlefield. These guys are claiming theyre enacting the will of god and they are the hand of god and the more they are successful, the more they look inevitable, the more they mote viet the kind of people he just described. So if we can break this narrative. We actually begin to break their ideological foundations. You heard, general, the president saying no u. S. Ground troops, with the closest military advisers, that it would be a mistake. You have said airstrikes alone wont do the job. Who should be our ground partner . Well, ideally, our ground partner will come from the local area. Weve had some success with the kurds. I think as you know the kurds are self littleing. They have been very powerful in and near the kurdish areas, but for them to go much further into arab lands, their usefulness begins to reduce, so we need arab allies on the ground stiffened, stiffened assisted and abled by a larger american foot print. No one is calling for american maneuver units to return to the desert in iraq or enter the deserts of syria. You believe they have the capability to attack washington and new york . I wouldnt rule it out, charlie. But, look, i dont mean to split hairs on you, but were a tougher target. Were a tougher target because when were distant, were a tougher target because our demographics are different. Were a tougher target because were actually pretty good at this and were a tougher target because culturally weve assimilated far better than the french and other europeans have. But i dont know that we have to do anything dramatically different. Well, people suggest we need to do hand wripging over spying by cia. I said to one of your colleagues yesterday suddenly that biggest stack of metadata isnt the scariest thing in the room. So you are agreeing with john brennan . Absolutely, i agree with john, too, when he pointed out our capacities have been badly hurt by the unauthorized exposure of secrets over the past two. 5 years. General Michael Hayden, we thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you. Ahead, we will take a look at how isis may be using tools in Silicon Valley. The Tech Industry may be in the crosshairs of u. S. Intelligence agencies. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. More than 30 million americans are facing a Severe Weather threat this morning t. Powerful storm system stretches from the plains to the midwest. Fuel tornadoes in texas overnight. Castle rock, colorado, is under a blizzard warning. David. Good morning. Reporter norah, good morning. The u. S. The first time in six years the denver metro area has been under a blizzard warning. It is coming down at a pretty good slip. Its fresh, its pretty. Its about four to five inches where we are right now. Wind gusts at Denver International were clocked at 60 Miles Per Hour in castle rock south of denver. It is col, it is blustery. On the road right now, it is near whiteout conditions. Oh my god. Reporter massive tornado, violent storms. And blinding snow are lashing part of the u. S. This morning as a dangerous mix of Severe Weather intensifies. Wrng warn sirens roared across western kansas. At left a ten tornadoes ripped through the state. It wrecked the home howell in left the family inside terrified. Very scared. Numb would be a good word for it. Reporter five tornadoes were reported in texas. Lightning strikes leaving more than 6,000 people without power. The system is also fueling winter storm warnings in new mexico and 60mileperhour winds in colorado which could see up to 18 inches of snowfall today. Heres the good news, as far as the system is moving in, it is moving through and moving out. There could be 2 feet of snow that falls in the denver metro area. By the time its all over, as one meteorologist said, the zpood news is, you might see sun by 5 00 this afternoon. David, thanks. Interstate 94 is opened after demonstrators last night blocked the freeway. Police arrested 51 people in protest over the Police Shooting of a black man. Protesters walked onto the interstate and blocked traffic. It follows a Police Shooting sunday of damon clark. He was taken off life support monday. The mayor of minneapolis is calling for a federal investigation. He received the most extensive face transplant in history. The Ground Breaking surgery that nearly half of american governors say dont send Syrian Refugees to our states. Ahead, the growing fight over weather Public Safety is more important than compassion. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Ahead the challenge of stopping terrorist attacks, the cia director explains how David Snowden may be helping you cant predict. The market. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your investments through good times and bad. For over 75 years, our clients have relied on us to bring our best thinking to their investments so in a variety of market conditions. You can feel confident. In our experience. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. [ music playing ] that is the French National anthem opening up the late show with Stephen Colbert last night. He did no mon log. Ahead, we will look at how the late night shows addressed the attacks. You get the feeling how people are feeling about the people in france. So sorry. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Also coming up in this half hour, should the government be allowed to tap into your apps. The latest National Security and your privacy. Ahead why intelligence officials blame common smartphone apps for helping the terrorists. Plus, its considered the most extensive face transplant ever and doctors are calling it a success. Well show you the mississippi firefighter who has undergone a dramatic transformation. That story is ahead. Time to show you the headlines. The Bowling Green daily news reports police in kentucky are searching for the killer of a 7yearold girl. She vanished from a football game. An immediate search began. She was dead in a nearby creek. They reported it a homicide. A man is arrested for killing six people at a texas campsite. Their bodies were ground in anderson county, southeast of dallas. Among the victims a little boy. The suspect owns property next to where the victims were found. Police have not found a possible motive. A for college profit operator will forgive student loans, he allegedly violated recruitment practices. It will forgive 102 million in loans. In a settlement with the justice department, it will pay more than 95 million. The wall street journal reports on a call for Laboratory Developed tests. Those tests are designed and used within a single lab. The fda says the test quote may have caused or have caused harm to patients by producing incorrect results. Congress is considering whether to limit fda oversight of the labs. The syracuse poststandard reports a judge wont block new york state from closing down two Fantasy Sports operators. New yorks attorney general says the games offered by draft kings and fanduel amount to illegal gambling t. Companies say they offer games after skill fought chance. Both sides are active. The paris attacks are offering debates. The Intelligence Community says new Encryption Technologies may have helped the attackers hide their plan, Edward Snowdens nsa leaks are being blamed for revealing government methods that could help terrorists avoid rejection. We have the challenges facing investigators. Jeff, good morning. Reporter good morning, the key to finding that out is getting the attackers computers or cell phones, its unclear whether they have been recovered. A Law Enforcement source says investigators are confident that the paris attackers were using some form of encrypted communication. Almost four days after paris came under siege, cia director john brennan says terrorists have found new ways to plan major attacks undetected. In the past several years, the unauthorized disclosure, there have been policy, legal and other actions that are taken that make our ability collectively, internationally, to find has to terrorists much more challenging. Without naming name, brennan appeared to blame edward snowden, a former nsa contractor, who exposed top secret details about the agencys phone and internet under surveillance program. As a result of his disclosure the Communication Companies are less cooperative with the u. S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement. In fact, they are taking direct steps to challenge Law Enforcement and Intelligence Community under surveillance activities. Reporter but now, brennan and others suggest potential terrorists are using encrypted messaging apps to avoid protection. I think Silicon Valley has to take a look at their products because if you create a product that allows evil monsters to communicate in this way, thats a big problem. This shows the absolute need to have top under surveillance, stop criticizing the nsa. Reporter Glen Greenwald that First Published the documents said before the leaks, terrorists were able to keep their conversations to carry out the attack, including the suicide attacks in Central London t. 2008 siege in mumbai and the april, 2013 bombings at the boston marathon. He says officials are trying to exploit the paris attacks to justify increased under surveillance. Dont you think after the type of bloodshed that we saw in paris, Law Enforcement should have the tools that they need to stop attacks like that . Law enforcement has had every single fool that they have asked for since september 11th. The problem is that those agencies collect so much information that they have no idea what theyre actually in possession of. They have collected so much, they werent able to connect the dots. Reporter the Technology Industry has been a road block on this issue for Law Enforcement, but the government keeps pressing the industry to share data when National Security is at risk, but so far, gayle, privacy concerns have won out. Thank you, jeff. This morning opposition to the president s plan to resettle 10 now. In the u. S. Is growing after the paris attacks. One apparently sfluk into france through greece. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill with the politics. Reporter good morning, all house members will be briefed on that threat today by the director of the fbi and the secretary of Homeland Security. And a serious partisan divide is emerging on capitol hill and in state houses across the country about those refugees who are set to come here. We want to keep mississippi out of that war here on the homefront. Mississippis phil bryant is one of at least 22 governors. Mostly republicans, who say theyll do what they can to keep Syrian Refugees out of their states. Denying them services usually offered to refugees. If there is even the slightest risk that the people who are come income from syria are not the types of people that we would want them to be, then we cant take that chance. Reporter the move drew criticism from some democratic governors like vermillions peter shumlin. And i think the governors who are taking those actions are standing, stomping on the qualities that make america great. Its dividing lawmakers on capitol hill, too. Arizona senator john mccain an other republicans said the refugees should not be allowed in. At least for now. We have to have a pause until we are absolutely sure that anybody that comes to this country as a reasonable has to be properly screened. Reporter heres how the screening process works. First, the state department collects biographical information on the applicant. The department of Homeland Security the National Counterterrorism center and the pentagon then review it. Next comes and in person interview with a Homeland Security official. Plus a Health Screening and a cultural reorientation course. Maryland senator ben carden says he doubts a terrorist would be able to slip through. No refugee comes to the United States without going through this vetting process. It can take 18 to 24 monthss. Reporter most of the republican president ial candidates say that refugees should not be let in. In fact, norah, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie said even orphans under the age of five should be kept out because they dont have family here. All right, nancy, thank you very much. And a Ground Breaking surgery gives a badly burned firefightary new outlook on life. So the fact that we were able to perform this and the patient was aint i able to come out is a historic event. This is here to stay. It will not go away. We can do this safer. How incredible is that . What it took for surgeons to perform the most extensive face transplant in history. 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Com info or call 8005803421. Also, 9 out of 10 Medicare Part d patients can get toujeo® at the lowest branded copay. Ask your doctor about the proven full 24hour blood sugar control of toujeo®. We work weekends here. Because it works for our patients. Here, at Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia, we give our patients the freedom to make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. Because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. Weekend appointments are now available here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com eastern. All right. You have the hairs standing up on the back of 94 neck. That is a sneak peek at her new song when we were young. Australia the sec track on her new album. 25. 25 will be released this friday i cannot wait. I actually think i like this song better than hello. Awas going to say hello again, adele. I like this song. I cant wait. Gayle, its so good. Theyre so good. I have been playing that hello again, my husband says, stop with adele there. This ones better. Coming up, a Ground Breaking surgery for a mississippi fire fighter gave him the most extensive face transplant ever. They performed a 26hour surgery in august. We have the remarkable results. Good morning. Good morning, patrick was 27yearsold, married and raising three children. He had been a volunteer fire fighter for seven years when he answered a call to a house fire. He was inside the home and the ceiling collapsed on his head and shoulders. Somehow he made it to a window and a fellow fire fighter pulled him out. He survived by suffered third degree burns on his head and chest. He endured 71 surgeries, but after 14 years, he still had only partial vision, no eyelids and prosthetic ears. He was waiting for what would be the most extensive face transplant ever attempted. I have been working hard every day trying to get the transplant done. So hopefully its not much longer. Reporter they needed to find a donor matching his general appearance, blood type and tissue factors. He was a year on the wait list. He was the only person on that wait list, he wasnt with others. Ill still took a year. Reporter that ended when a 26yearold artist died in a bicycle accident. Dr. Rodriguez led the team of 100 t. Surgery took more than 26 hours and encompassed not just his face but much of the neck skin, several facial bone, blood vessels and nerves. The biggest functional improvement was in the eyelids and then, of course, removal of the scar for normal facial animation. This is the first time he saw his new face. I thought for years that i would die the way that i was after a face transplant. I never thought i would be sitting here today having a face transplant. I never thought that. Reporter he waited for his children to see him with his new face for the first time. Im i theyre just excited to see me. He was reunited with his children weeks after surgery. His two youngest had never seen his face before the fire. Hi, dad two of patricks children were born after his injuries so they saw their dad with a complete face for the first time. He hopes to drive again after an operation on his eyelids. Doctors say his swelling will continue to subside, eventually, he will look like he wanted to look for years, like an average man. Isnt that incredible . Can you imagine what they did to change his life and his perception of himself. For the first time he can blink an sleep with his eyes closed. He looks good. He looks great. Congratulations to the surgeons. To everybody involved. Elaine, we thank you. Ahead the host of the late night tv cut out 30, 29, 28. Tick, tock. 25 years old and youre still playing in the mud. 15 feet in the air, thats where you feel most alive. 10 meter maids waiting to wallpaper your truck. Better get out of town. 5, 4, 3. The allnew tacoma. Toyota. Lets go places. 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Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Go talk to your doctor. Youre not indestructible anymore. One, two, three, four can i have a little more . Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten i love you sail the ship chop the tree skip the rope look at me all together now vo everything for entertaining everyone. Kohls. 6r7b89s lets take an opportunity to thank france for what theyve done for us. Theyve given the United States so much over the years, aid to general washington in our fight for independence. Key intelligence on how to put potatoes in bolling oil, my fate way of kissing. Half the continent at a bargain price, no takeback, guys. Most importantly, france gave america our enduring symbol of freedom and on a personal note, my daughter was born on july 14th bastille day, she has been a francophile every sense. I promised for her 18th birthday, i would take her to paris. That is in 18 months. Do what you can paris, that trip is still happening. Nice to hear from a host who took a moment to reflect on the paris attacks. Ahead, we will take you to the latest on the manhunt. I am your father. Campbells star wars soups. Thats gotta be the worst vader ever. Made for real, real life. It is tuesday, november 17th, 2015, welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including the latest on the paris terrorist attacks. The secretary of state tells scott pelley how america will help france respond. First, here is todays eye opener at 7 00. Russian services say they have everyday the russian metro jet crash was caused by a bomb. There are 115,000 not only police but soldiers across the country. Te inenlligce fiofcials say the mastermind behind the attacks is the chief isis operator if europe. He is believed to be in syria. Charlie dagata went on operation in iraqt jus this morning. He spent the night in a squad going after suspects. One of the worst atrocitthies is country has seen. We are dealing with iraq and isis is under resourced and overregulated. It is blustery and on the road right now, it is near whiteout conditions. The powerful storm system trenches from the plains to the midwest, fueled tornado in kansas and texas last night. Can you imagine its 130 degrees in syria, now they want to send some up to minnesota, these people will be very, very unhappy. Donald trump said that mosques need to be watched and studied. Because he believes they may spread hateful views. In related news, donald trump needs to be watched and studies. Im charlie rose with gayle king and for ra odonnell. Russia condpirms a bomb brought down a passenger jet that broke apart over the egypt sinai peninsula. Russian president Vladmir Putin calls it an act of terror. All 224 people on board were killed. Putin vowed to find and punish those responsible. The main Security Agency says this, a selfmade explosive device was set off on board. We can say with confidence this was a terrorist attacks. Isis is claiming responsibility. Two airport workers may have helped plant the bomb. This morning, russian planes and missiles attacked isis its unknown if that is retaliation for the bomb okayf that jet. French warplanes also attacked more isis targets in syria, responding to the paris terrorist attacks. Police carried out another 128th raids and in germany, Police Arrested three pictures tied to the attacks. The french government says 115,000 police and troops are now protecting its citizens. Those. Elizabeth palmer is in the neighborhood that saw most of the attacks. Good morning. Reporter good morning, norah, secretary of state john kerry is here if paris today. Hes been meeting with the french president. Hes offered his condolences on behalf of the american people. Also beginning talks on how the two countries can get a share of intelligence of both to prevent further attacks and also to further the fight against the socalled islamic state. As for the terrorists who got away. Salah abdeslam, he escaped to belgium but details are now emerging ability what happened before the attacks. It appears he rented a couple hotel rooms, where police found pizza boxes and syringes which could have been for drugs, but they may also have been for bomb making. And the alleged mastermind of all the paris attacks Abdelhamid Abaaoud u. S. Intelligence confirms he is currently in syria. Charlie. Thank you so much, elizabeth. Elizabeth palmer in paris. Shortly after secretary kerry met with frances president spoke with cbs evening news anchor scott pelley. He is near the embassy in paris. Good morning. Its after 8 00. Im not hearing anything, im not hearing the broadcast. Scott, good morning. Troops on the ground now to prevent an attack on the United States. Well, as you know, the president made the decision some time ago to put American Special forces on the ground in order to augment the ability of others to get the job done. It is working. Unfortunately, as we know, there are fighters that have come from many countries in the world. Ours included, who have gone to syria. So the challenge of fallen fighters returning to their homes is one we have been pocused on fpocu focused on for a year or so. Its a big challenge. We seen the consequences in the last days. Mr. Secretary, you say its working, but in two weeks time, isis brought dowc well, the strategy is to contain isis within iraq and syria and diminish their hold and destroy their headquarters and then fundamentally. Because thats where all of this has emanated from. Slowly, but surely, that pinser is working. But, yes, they have foreign 2350i9ers who have left there and gone to itself places. That remains a challenge. Weve known all along that challenge is there. The basic strategy of destroying dashes, center, its core, which is what we did with al qaeda, is workin working. Scott joins us now from paris. Scott, tell us more about the interview and your take away from secretary kerry and his meeting with president hollande. Reporter well, charlie, norah, the secretary outlined for us today a dramatic and if it works a historic brand alliance. He said that he can imagine in the next few weeks the United States, russia, and france, cooperating militarily against isis or as he prefers to call it dash in syria. The idea of u. S. And Russian Forces fighting together, working towing, against this, this terrible enemy is a remarkable idea. But that is exactly what theyre trying to do. You know, it seems to me that the americans cant say theyre supporting the russians and the russians cant say theyre supporting the americans, but both can say theyre supporting france and that might be a diplomatic break through. Incredible historic break through, indeed, scott. What do you think that means then, though, for the future of assad given who has wanted him to stay in power . Reporter well, putin as you say wants assad to stay in power as the dictator of syria. The americans want him to go. It is my impression from talking to u. S. Fibls that they now consider isis to be the larger of the two evils and theyre willing to leave assad to the side for the moment while they attack isis. When will this cooperation begin, you think, scott . Reporter well, charlie, again, i mean, this is an ambition. This is a hope that the russians will come along. Secretary kerry seemed to think that it would just be in the next few weeks, if it was, indeed, possible at all. President hollande of france is going to be meeting with president obama in washington next week and then he will be going directly to moscow to meet with president putin. Scott pelley if france. Thank you, scott. Scott will have all the latest news on the paris attacks on the evening news. Historic monuments around the world are lit up in the colors of the french flag. One is Wembley Stadium in lon. Thats where the french and International Soccer teams will play in exhibition game tonight. Friday nights attacks began outside the stadium where the french team was playing germany. One players sister survived the deadly shootings at the concert hall. And the fans left the stadium after those attacks, they sang the French National anthem. This morning, a british newspaper printed the words on its front page, english fans will be encounseled to sing along when the anthem is played tonight. Prince william and british Prime Minister David Cameron say they will attend the game. And this morning, we are getting perspective on the attacks in paris in the eyes of children. We see young people at vigils marking the tragedy a. Reporter in france interviewed a child and his father about what happened. The child said he felt better after hearing his dads explanation. What a wonderful interview. What a good bhaenl to send a young child, he wont forget that. How do we prevent the next attack . Ahead a new documentary with all 12 living cia directors. This has never been done before. Americas top intelligence first on cbs this morning, a texas father fights to bring his young son back to the u. S. I am never going to giver up on my son. No doubt about that. He means everything to me. The International Custody battle. How president obama could end up getting involved. Thats next on cbs this morning. Hey whiskers, did you hear you can get a 10 gift card if you spend 75 at toysrus . Whiskers . Hello . Clever keet, why are his eyes turning yellow . Well, shopkins, that signifies pounce mode. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh last chance to get a 10 gift card to use in december when you spend 75 now in our store full of. Awesome if a cold keeps you the up at nightis. 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Today he is calling on the state department on a congressman to help his cause. Michelle miller met with him last week. She is here, good morning. Good morning. According to state department, last year there were more than 1,400 open child abduction cases outside the u. S. 39 in brazil alone. One of those children is nico braun, his mother braut him to brazil in 2013. His father is now in the fight of his life to bring it son back home to the u. S. This is his room. It is. Chris braun has kept his sons bedroom in houston exactly as it was the day he left. This is where we changed his diapers. The day his exwife took him to brazil for a family wedding. And i started asking my attorneys what was going on. I got a phone call that essentially they werent returning. Chris learned she enrolled their toddler in a brazilian school, found a new job and petitioned brazilian courts for full custody, which they granted. Chris says he had no idea any of it was happening. Its heart wrenching. Its devastating. To be in a situation where i was seeing my son every single day, participating in his life, an active member in his life a. Loving parent, to be in a situation now where i have less than 1 physical custody of mychild. Reporter granted partial visitation by a judge, chris now travels from houston to salvador every eight weeks, picks up his sixyearold from school, spends the afternoon playing with him. Then returns him do hess exwifes family. Are you able to see the change in him . Definitely. Its hard for him to communicate with me. Its hard for him to be able to express to me in english what it is thaj going on. What he feels. Reporter chris and his attorney are fighting to return him to the u. S. They say she altered several do you means to conceal a premeditated abduction. Earlier this year, a texas court found that she wrongly and maliciously concealed nicos whereabouts and a federal court in brazil affirmed that he had been taken unlawfully from texas. Still the judge ruled nico should stay in brazil with his mother because he is well settled. We contacted the legal team in brazil for a response to those allegations. Citing privacy laws protecting minors in cases like these, her lawyers say they cannot comment. Only the local court can. I think the most important thing to emphasize is both the United States and brazil agree the child has been illegally taken from the United States to brazil. Reporter he filed a petition to have nico returned under the haig convention, the International Agreement which states that custody should be decided in a childs home country. And under the treaty, a child who has legally taken must be returned to their country of residence unless there is a risk of harm to that child presented by the left behind parent. Whats it going to take to get nico back . Look, i think this will take president obama reaching out to their president saying this needs to be resolved. Reporter president obama stepped into another International Custody battle. The case of american david goldman. Who fought for five years to bring his son home from brazil. Goldmoons victory gives chris braun hope. He needs to come home. Its been two years. This house is like a mausoleum to him. Everything reminds me of him. But i will never give up. The state department told the state it is working with the braun family and already cited brazil repeatedly for failing to meet its obligation under the haig abduction convention. Those stories are always heart breaking t. Kids love their parents the parents love their kidsch these guy versus to figure out a way how you love your child more than you dislike your spouse. They had joint custody in texas. The issue really is, both parents need to have joint custody. I think thats what the law says. Hopefully, someone is playing attention. Both in brazil and the United States. Both places. Hopefully, your story will start a conversation. Thank you, michelle. What do willie mays, Steven Spielberg and Barbara Streisand have in common . Well explain while this group of icons. They are icons, planning to vis dit white house for a very special event. Thats next on cbs this morning. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. Now only ford offers 750 black friday bonus cash on select vehicles, on top of ford friends and neighbors pricing. That doesnt happen every day. Make black friday hasslefree with low prices ford cars, trucks and suvs. And get 750 dollars black friday bonus cash on select ford vehicles, on top of all other offers. Its an inside deal, now for everyone. Hurry for a limited time, get 750 dollars black friday bonus cash on select vehicles, on top of all other low ford friends and neighbors offers. It all ends november 30th. This morning, to say hey, kid, willie mays has an invitation to the white house. Thank you very much. The Baseball Hall of famer is one of 17 luminaries who will receive the president ial medal of freedom. 2015 list of recipients includes retiring maryland senator barbara mikulski, director Steven Spielberg, composer steven sonheim and chirly chisholm will receive a posthumous award. President obama will present the nations highest civilian honor to the group next week. Congratulations to them. Its a good class. Coming up, inside the cia, the revealing new documentary with all if you struggle youre certainly not alone. Fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. Imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. Invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Its a oncedaily pill that works around the clock. 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Its time. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. Welcome back do cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour. See how cia leaders warn the white house about serious threats to the u. S. Before 911. What can we learn now after the attacks in paris. We will meet a team behind a bold new look of terrorism. Plus the africanamerican legacy comes alive. Washingtons museum shows history almost in real time. Thats ahead. Right now, its time to show you some of this morningshood lines. The Los Angeles Times reports on el nino temperatures breaking a 25 year record. A key location in the pacific west of peru rose to more than 5 degrees above average last week. Say we could see one of the most powerful el ninos ever. The new jersey star ledger shows a study with the protective Health Benefits of coffee. That goes for both regular and decaf. Researchers looked at people who drink moderate amounts up to five cups a day. They found a lower risk of the cardio vavg lar disease, neurological disease and type 2 diabetes. Moderate is up to five cups. That works for a lot of people t. Walk post reports on two women not yet ready to retire. One is artist merrillee asher. The other is maybe sawhill shes 102 she started her catering business when she was 70yearsold. Maybe says her secret to a long life was that she never married. As for merry lee she says the treat is being selfish and exercise. They both all say the key to their longevity is they are still working in their 800s. One is an artist. The other does a catering business. They are in love with life. Taking care of thems. Can you see us sitting here at 102 ill go first, no. You two will get there a little quicker than i am. Thats not a mean thing to see. No, its just fact. Its fact. It is not mean, thats true. Thats okay. Are you not as old and wise as we are. Im 40, i dont plan to be here in 60 years. All right. Lets talk about something important about the museum of american, africanamerican history. Culture plans to open its doors on the mall in washington next year. But this morning, the museums first exhibit is already on display. Jan crawford is there to show us a celebration of a milestone in africanamerican history. Jan, good morning. Reporter well,f good morni, charlie, you know, the exhibit was unveiled last night. Even though the museum is not finished. Its not opened to the public yet d. Crowd still came out to see the newest smithsonian become a beautiful baopckdr. The building on the National Mall may not be ready for visitors. But it proved a fine canvass for the first exhibition at the National Museum of africanamerican history and culture. We felt that history couldnt wait. Its important that this museum contribute today. Reporter he is the museum director. For all of us, regardless of race, are shaped in profound ways by the africanamerican experience. So our goal is to make sure that we can tell a rich and complicated history of america. [ music playing ] reporter the live event as exhibition included a musical performance in film to commemorate and celebrate freedom. 150 years of the africanamerican experience reaching five stories high. Documentary film maker Stanley Nelson produced the display with his wife marsha smith. I think, you know the message, hopefully, is inspiring. You know, that africanamerican history is all about history, but that its an inspiring history. You know, its a history that has downs, but you take it altogether, you know, it tells that incredible story of an american people. Each of these boxes has a story. Reporter the museum had already collected more than 30,000 pieces when we visited curators in a warehouse last year. This will go in a sports exhibit. Yes. Reporter there are gold medals from olympian carl lewis the jacket of a tuskegee airman an a plane the group used for training ahead of world war ii. Triumphs will be celebrated here and the nations dark past will be remembered. Looking at those photographs, remind us about that struggle and that a lot of people were involved. Reporter there are shackles predateing the civil war and a railcar used nearly 100 years later to segregate white and black passengers. Not every collection has a focus on the past, because history is happening now. Keep your hands up r. Museum kur eigcurators were in baltimo. They were in charleston, too. After beloved pastor and his Bible Study Group all africanamericans were murdered in their house of worship. Part of the goal of the museum is to be about as much of today and tomorrow as it is about yesterday. Reporter the film concludes with images of the black lives matter movement. A timely effort by the museum to become a relevant voice on race before the building officially opens its doors. Our goal is really to make sure that this museum is a value. Not just by the value of the traditional ways of collecting stuff and preserving, but also by being a value to help people have the tools to live their lives today. Reporter now the video displayed to commemorate and celebrate freedom will continue to show the museums exterior tonight and tomorrow. Gayle. All right. I cant wait. I cant wait. It opens officially next september. Then ive seen some of the artifacts going inside, it gives you chips when you see the history. Not only history, a place where it can ciate smart conversations about race in america. Thank you, dan. We will go inside the cia, inside the agency, this has never been done before, norah is right, this documentary is powerful. Ahead, what they told the makers of the you know the rules. Eggs and sausage. Hotcakes and butter. Morning fare right . Well mcdonalds has thrown away those rules and opened a new world of possibilities. Now, youre free to start enjoying the breakfast you love any time you wish. No way. Yes way. Introducing mcdonalds new all Day Breakfast menu. Once, you changed how you ate breakfast. Its time to start changing when. The morning paris and the threat of terrorist attacks are on everyones minds. A new documentary looks at the role fighting terrorism. How far will it go . How far should it go in this spymasters cia in the crosshairs all 12 living cia directors interviewed think about that intelligence agents say they warned the United States of a danger to the United States before september 11th. Koid for black. A legendary operive, escaped an assassination attempt by al qaeda while serving in khartoum. The first week i was in a Counterterrorism Center a new chief comes in. They stick you in a conference room. Everybody comes in briefing you on areas offing a tifrt. I dont shock easy. But i was shocked. This was a wave of threats coming at the United States. In the spring of 2001, we submitted authorities to the incoming bush administration, it essentially advocating a paramilitary operation and the word back was were not quite ready to consider this, we dont want the clock tomk start tic. The crisis comes to a head on july 10th, 2001. Richard blee, the head of the bin ladin unit, barges into blacks officer. He comes in, the roof is falling down. Great, which guy . The information we now compiled was absolutely compelling. It was multiple sourced. It was sort of the last straw. We decided the next thing to do was to pick up the white phone, call the white house, were coming down right now. I said, connie, i have to come see you. It was one of the rare times in my seven years as director where i said i have to come see you. Were coming right now. Reporter print at the july 10 white house meeting, National Security adviser condoleeza rice and other top officials. So rich started by saying, there will be significant terrorist attacks against the United States in the coming weeks or months. The attacks will be spectacular. They may be multiple. Al qaedas intention is the destruction of the United States. I said, the countrys going to go on a war footing now. So i slammed my hand on the table. What happened . Yeah, what did happen . Yeah, what happened . Essentially, Nothing Happened . Yeah. Thats right. Condoleeza rice would later write, having raised the alert levels for u. S. Personnel abroad, i thought we were doing what needed to be done. If on the 10th of september we were able to walk into the United States and say we think u. S. Airliners will be hijacked tomorrow. Just think about it. If we had been able to give him that very specific piece, as the president , he may very well held all the airliners from flying until when . If you dont put a system of defensive in place, if you dont button up your airports, button open your buildings, change your visa policies, have some ideas of whats going on in the United States, youre going to get hurt. Chris is a writer, an Award Winning former producer for 60 minutes jules is the codirector, he and his brother are t behind the cbs documentary 9 already 11. Quickly, before we talk about what you saw. How did this come about, this film . Well, you know, as document aaro rya documentaryians. Could we get all 12 living cia direct o, to talk with us about the rulesf engagement . You know, whats the mission of cia . How far should cia go to keep us safe . It began with the idea that we would get all 12, to our delight, one at a time, george h. W. Bush was the first. He insisted on being a part of the program. George tenet was the last holdout. He finally came around. And the answer to the question, with that kind of intelligence, why something didnt happen is . Well, you know, everybody talks about that famous august president ial daily brief, you know bin ladin determined to strike on the u. S. The july 10 meeting, that pales in comparison to the importance of that july 10 meeting. There was a drum beat of threats from al qaeda. The problem was it wasnt specific and actionable. I think what is new about this even though george tenet has written about it in his book, kor black says said it wasnt clear, it could have been here. The attacks could have been here in the u. S. But as adrena bennett said, what do you do . Do you shut down the airports . George tenet says he does not feel for the record the white house ignored his warnings. What he says is it was probably, you know, you would have to button down the airport, button down the wild building, a change of visa policies, at this point two of the hijackers were already here a as we now know. There is a clear line coming from the cia in this documentary as well as books they have published. This was not a failure of intelligence september 11th. The details months and months of pdbs, the daily briefings the president gets. This july meeting that you so dramatically described with kofur black telling condoleeza rice they are coming for us. Why wasnt something done . And why didnt the cia go back to the white house after something wasnt done and say, come on, lets do something . I think the cia felt they did come back again and again. At the end of the day, these are the rocky its a rogue agency is no longer was it is. I think they play by the rules of listening giving their marching orders by the president and when the president s dont listen or at least do not have enough intelligence to be able to make that decision. But i think it goes back to what mike morel said that it was not a failure of intelligence. I think its a national failure. . Right. We could never have implemthed before 9 11. People were not ready for it. You know, what was fascinating to my is they were all so candid, guys, all the directors you talked were were candid. There seems to be disagreement of what the mission is among the we call eight battle for the soul of the cia. There is an existential crisis going on at the cia. We were sudden u stunned to discover how passionate the cia directors were in their disagreements with one another. For example, when David Petraeus took over as cia director, Michael Hayden took him aside, one general do another and said, never before in the history of cia has it become such a Paramilitary Organization and that comes at a cost. It comes at the cost of intelligence gathering. If you become too fixated on that, bob yates pointed out how much different the world would be had we not gone into iraq. That was an analytical failure. You pay a price when you get seduced by this covert paramilitary. A secret army. The question was when petraeus became cia directedor he would accentuate that. But thats not the fact. He did not accentuate it. Did he . As it turns out, interestingly, lethal drone strikes, which, of course, the cia to this day doesnt officially acknowledge but which the director talks to us about. Lethal gun strikes increased dramatically under president obama. Clearly, it did. That was over a period of about a year. The petraeus operation is considered to be men oak, men and women on the ground trying to achieve a military objective. Yeah, it goes back to i think a point of where its coming out much more now is what happened in paris. Is the former directors are complaining that we are killing people too much, but were not capturing them. Capturing people is messy. We seen it. Whether you want to have it at the same time. Thank you so much. Thank you, in the crosshairs spymasters on show time, a division of cbs. Well be right back. So. That does it for us. Be sure to tune into the best selling author David Baldacci is here. Meaghan mooney is at arena stage with the show oliver. Its tuesday, november 17 and this is great great. Good morning. My name is chris leary. Im markette sheppard. Were your hosts of great day washington. Today were bringing you food, fashion, and fun in the nations capital. Food, fashion, fun, thats an alit ration. This aliteration. This woman is talented. I get to sit next to her each work day. Tell people who we have on the the show today. We start out with David Baldacci. He has a new book. If you dont read his stuff, ask somebody who knows who he is or anything about his books. Some have been turned into movies. But they love his characters and what he does with them. Im not a reared. All the people around me not a reader but all the people arch me are. Hes a virginia native. This is an internationally known author. Hes on the show. You know the restaurant georgia brown. Its huge. When i was there in 2008, jay z and beyonce were there. Wouldnt wasnt to know where they go when they fly into d. C. . Georgia browns. President s have been there, Vice President s but today theyre in the great day kitchen. Theyll be cooking up a thanksgiving feast. Thats cool. They also have a cool thing if you arent that great of a cook, maybe they can help you out on that, too. Thats a lot of neat stuff gl. Are you a good cook . I dont know. Ive never done it. You guys are a lot alike. I do cereal and spaghetti. Pretty much canned food. We have a great show. Hope you stay with us the whole hour. Well have a lot of fun. The arena stage, wow. We have Meaghan Mooney out there. Not sure if shes going to do any acting. Making handle, do we get any act meaghan, do we get any acting out of you . How about some singing. Im getting a sneak preview from the classic theater play oliver. And im standing next to the actor himself who plays oliver. A 9yearo

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