Transcripts For WUSA CBS Overnight News 20171221 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Overnight News 20171221

something. and my husband, made a plea on facebook. in mexico, prosecutors want to question the driver of a tour bus that crashed in the yucatan pa anyone la. eight -- peninsula. eight americans were killed. others were hurt. manuel bojorquez was there. >> reporter: mexican prosecutors say skid marks on the narrow highway may indicate the tour bus was speeding causing a crash so violent it flipped the bus on its side. passengers tossed across the road into a grassy shoulder. red cross responder says it is the were he has ever seen. >> they were in shock. you couldn't speak their language. you saw that they were clearly in shock. >> they were in a screaming because of the pain. and their injuries. and seeing their relatives who died. the passengers were from two royal caribbean cruise ships on a day trip to mayan ruins. the bus was operated by a mexican company. the driver treated for injuries but was not arrested. five of israel franco's relatives from florida aboard the bus. his 78-year-old sister was killed and nef few phew's wife r son, 11-year-old daniel. >> daniel was my sister's shining boy. she loved him. and he used to be by her side all the time. the cruise lines make many hundreds of millions of dollars selling ashore excursions. >> jim walker former defense attorney for cruise lines and represents passenger and several cases pending against royal caribbean. >> once nay take them into a port. they take no responsibility legally, once yolk basically, entering country at your own risk according to uh the cruise lines. >> reporter: in a statement, royal caribbean said it is doing what it can to assist its guests. including helping with medical care and transportation. the two ships have now left to continue on their journeys and they will eventually return to florida. jeff. >> manny, thank you very much. crews worked to clear the amtrak crash site in washington state. the lead locomotive was hauled away on a giant trailer. three people were killed. 100 hurt monday when the train ran off the tracks on to interstate 5. after taking a 30 mile an hour curve at 80. federal investigators are looking into whether the engineer was distracted by a second person in the cab. >> olympic medalist, suing usa gymnastics. she says the organization tried to cover-up her allegations of sexual abuse, against former team dr. larry nassir. in the $1.25 million and signed a nondisclosure agreement. dr. jon lapook has more. >> in the lawsuit, she accuses usa gymnastics of covering up sexual abuse by coercing her into signing the agreement. first revealed abuse in a twitter post, writing that nassir's abuse started when i was 13 and didn't end until i left the sport. john manley, represents 100 girls and young women alleging sexual abuse by larry nassir. >> of course it is a cover-up. if you are not covering it up. why are you asking her to be quiet. >> he says they took advantage of her fragile psychological state. >> wanted to keep their dirty laundry quiet. and welling to sacrifice her health, well being and voice to do that. that's wrong. >> reporter: at the 2012 london olympics part of the powerhouse women's gymnastics team, the fierce five. just last month, her former teammate, olympic gold medalist, aly raisman told 60 minutes about the abuse. >> what did usa gymnastics do and larry nassir do to manipulate the girls so much they're so afraid off to speak up? >> usa gymnastics put out a statement saying both side agreed to the settlement and confidentiality deal and they were initiated by maroni's attorney not by usa gymnastics. a mother in tennessee recently gave birth to a girl who was almost old as the she its. the baby developed from an embryo frozen 24 years ago. more than two decades later along came tina gibson struggling with infertility. adopted the embryo had it implanted and gave birth to a healthy girl. gibson and her husband named her emma. believed to beef the longest gap between concemention and birth since treatments began. >> at the time tie was only 25 i was like if this embryo, was supposed to have been, we could have been best friends. >> just a miracle. it is so excited. such we are so blessed to have her. >> remarkable. joined by cbs news medical contributor, tara, what struck you about this case? >> well it is a miracle. really a validation of the science of ivf. the fact that we were able to take an embryo that was frozen 24 years ago and implant it now successfully. what is the difference between an embryo that may have been made 20 years ago and now. science evolved. so before, we used to slowly freeze the embryo. used to free them at earlier stages in development. now we flash freeze them. in older stages. and we also use better protectants. this means that the chancels of the embryo surviving when we thaw it are improved. 20 years ago, successful implantati implantation, 80%. now successfully thaw an really amazing what technology has done. what the other issue is what about the embryos unused. couples who undergo ivf. really can be an agonizing decision for many families the doctor says what do you want to do, thaw them, discard them, donate them to a family or keep them frozen indefinitely. and know the babies in suspense animation can be a win-win for families struggling. >> doctor, thank you very much. the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. ♪when you've got...♪ ♪...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ here's pepto bismol! ah. ♪nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!♪ that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. they cahow many of 'em?e, sir! we don't know. dozens. all right! let's teach these freaks some manners! good luck out there, captain! thanks! but i don't need luck, i have skills... i don't have my keys. (on intercom) all hands. we are looking for the captain's keys again. they are on a silver carabiner. oh, this is bad. as long as people misplace their keys, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. you don't even want to know protection detergent alone doesn't kill bacteria but adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect. more and more people are buying holiday gifts online. having them delivered to the front door. that has given rise to porch package poachers. now, don dahler tells us they could be in for a surprise. they come of in the dead of night and broad day light. grinches stealing holiday cheer. sometimes thousand of dollars of gifts. in campbell, california, homeowner, terry bowlan security cameras caught a man stealing packages from his porch. >> he should feel safe and comfortable not only in your home, but in your neighborhood. >> online shopping and thus home deliveries are up 17% over last year. ups and fedex expect to deliver one billion packages comne 11 million packages were stolen last year. 74% while the homeowner was away. making porches, prime targets for pillagers. the detectives in washington county oregon using a baited package traced a porch pilot two blocks from where he snatched a box. detective patrick el pierre showed us how it works. >> gps in the package. we can watch from a distance as the package takes a route around the city back to the person's hem who stole it. wherever it goes. we can watch it. >> homeowners have taken advantage of security technologies, the doorbell to nab would-be thieves. >> hey, what are you doing? >> video of this nanny, spotted a porch pirate on her doorbell and chased her down. went viral. the tacoma entrepreneur, took it one step further. he invented and is now selling, boobie trapped boxes, containing blank shotgun shells, to scare the noel out of holiday crooks. >> to combat porch pirates. amazon, program, delivery people unlock your door place packages inside. whole foods use the delivery lockers. the safest bet is to schedule deliveries when someone its home. >> good advice. don, thank you very much. >> up next. why your commute its getting longer. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. olax. designed for dependable relief. 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. >> getting to and from work take longer. figures show the average commute in america last year was just over 26 minutes. nearly a minute longer than in 2010. the reason -- more cars. 86% of workers drive to their jobs. residents of east straussburg, pennsylvania, 75 miles from new york city have the longest ag nearly 39 minutes. >> no one prouder than the people of missouri, since october, knitting a christmas stocking. they rolled it out yesterday. all 177 feet of it. too long to hang from any building. but long enough they hope to make it into the guinness record book. a holiday hit around long enough off to be kidded a gocon golden oldie, made the top ten of the billboard top 100. ♪ all i want for christmas is you ♪ >> mariah carey released "all i want for christmas is you" in 1994. 23 years is believed off to beef the longest any song has ever taken to crack the top ten. up next, a father's face? book plea. brings an incredible response. and we'd like you to be part of ours.. so our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. you pay what we pay. not a cent more. we're so happy to share this with you. it's our way of saying happy holidays. and welcome to the family... the chevy family. use your employee discount for everyone and trade up to this silverado all star to get a total value of over eleven thousand dollars. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. we end with an extra ordinary 8-year-old boy. his mom and dad believe his story has a lesson for every parent. and every child in america. here is jim axelrod. >> reporter: a christmas smile that could warm any heart. but when you consider the amount of bullying jackson faced the small will positively melt you. kelly benson is jackson's mom. >> jackson was having a little bit of trouble at school. >> little bit of trouble, what do you mean? >> well, kids were being mean and picking on him. >> jackson has treacher collins syndrome, genetic condition that makes him look, well, different. >> i said we have got to do something because, to fix the school situation. and, and, my husband made a plae -- plea on face book. my heart is in pieces, dan wrote, he is called ugly and freak and monster. he talks about suicide. he is not quite 8. the next morning, jackson had messages from kids. >> i'll be friend with you. >> wanting to be friends. >> you look like a nice kid. >> some bikers organized a ride to stand with jackson and stand up to bullying. >> someone even hooked him up with rex the service dog. >> does rex lick you? >> yeah. >> where? >> here. >> right on your face? >> yeah. >> ha-ha. >> in hollywood, and real life, a nice reminder, different doesn't have to mean bullied. >> a little buy asking questions about his face, just recently, and there was about five other boys who spoke up and said, he was born that way. leave him alone. be nice. >> be nice. if that's the lesson kids are truly learning, then maybe this holiday season, jackson is giving so much more than he has received. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. that is the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york welcome to the "overnight news," i'm jericka duncan. president trump celebrating the first major legislative victory of his administration. congress gave final approval to the biggest overhaul of the u.s. tax code since the time of ronald reagan. the tax bill passed without a single democratic vote. and critics say it family benefits the richest americans as well as multinational corporations. >> this will indeed be a big day when people look back at our country. >> president trump and fellow republicce cuts will unleash economic growth. it means jobs, jobs, jobs. >> the president showered praise on gop leaders mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. >> a little team. always a lot of fun when you win. if you work hard and lose that's not acceptable. >> the president will sign the bill in the coming days. it reduces the corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%. doubles the current standard deduction for individuals and families. and doubles the child tax credit. taxpayers will see the effects in february pay checks. congressional republicans who met the president's christmas deadline for passage served up fawning praise for mr. trump. >> but for your leadership we would not be here today. >> you are living up to every, everything i thought you would. >> something this profound could not have been done without exquisite president sthal leader -- presidential leadership. >> republican promises went unfilled. >> they were going to reduce it, they did not. >> corporate loopholes are worse than ever. >> for ceremony capped ape year of accomplishments. neil gorsuch on the supreme court. >> the qualifications of judge gorsuch are beyond dispute. >> fewer illegal crossings. regaining territory from isis and iraq and syria. and eliminating regulations. but the president fell short on replacing affordable care act. >> we all learned a lot. increasing infrastructure spending. and changing immigration laws. with his trademark zest for superlatives the president said he is just getting started. >> it is going to be a special period of time. >> republicans say these tax cuts are having an immediate impact. late today, two large banks, wells fargo and 3/5 announced they're raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour. att and comcast said they will be giving most employees $1,000 bonus. >> john, let me start with you. mr. trump begins the 12th month of his presidency today. put this year in context if you would. >> well bit of a paradox. if you look on the one side you have all those achievements that major talked about. that the president got. here he got a big legislative achievement at the end. which was really, a what he wanted. but for somebody that came into the office with signature skill being marketing all of those achievements have not paid off in popularity. approval rating average at 39%. the tax bill that he has been selling, the approval rating for that is below 30%. 10 points away from where affordable care act was when president obama signed it. the republican party is less popular. and, so, he has gotten the achievement, but what has alluded him so far its the approval. >> nancy, republicans want this to show they can get something big done. what, what might come next? >> well, the president has talked a lot about infrastructure, but, congressional republicans really want to take another run at health care. either, shoring up individual insurance markets or, or chipping away at more of obama care. welfare reform another big priority. reinstating work requirements for medicaid, and food stamp recipients. and paul ryan and number of republicans want to go further. and, reform medicare and social security as well. but, some of their colleagues think that could be radio active in a midterm elect, year. especially, jeff, since president trump promised not to touch entitlements. >> talk about the image projected today. at the white house. out of a unified party, the case right now? >> well it sure looks like it. remember a few weeks ago. we were talking about well the rates in alabama which split the republican party, and then also you had some senators, even those who were standing behind him. today, smiling and applauding like senator corker. who have been openly critical of the president. suggested he may not be fit for the job. they are now all behind him. when, when you ask paul ryan about some of the controversies over the last several month he's would say, well i am not focussed on that. i am focused on, our agenda. and that's what you saw today. they were in the promised land all of them together. that locks the party in behind the president. it is not just, republican party, that president trump's party. now a unified republican party. by, by today's action. prosecutors in mexico say the driver was at fault for a deadly crash that left a dozen dead and 20 injured. some americans. manuel bojorquez reports. >> reporter: mexican prosecutors say skid marks on the narrow highway may indicate the tour bus was speeding causing a crash so violent it flipped the bus on its side. passengers tossed across the road into a grassy shoulder. red cross responder says it is the were he has ever seen. >> they were in shock. you couldn't speak their language. you saw that they were clearly in shock. >> they were in a desperate state he said, crying, some were screaming because of the pain. and seeing their relatives who died. the passengers were from two royal caribbean cruise ships on a day trip to mayan ruins. the bus was operated by a mexican company. the driver treated for injuries but was not arrested. five of israel franco's relatives from florida aboard the bus. his 78-year-old sister was killed and nephew's wife and her son, 11-year-old daniel. >> daniel was my sister's shining boy. she loved him. and he used to be by her side all the time. the cruise lines make many hundreds of millions of dollars selling ashore excursions. >> jim walker former defense attorney for cruise lines and represents passenger and several cases pending against royal caribbean. >> once nay take them into a port. they take no responsibility legally, once you walk off the gang plank, there is, you are basically, entering country at your own risk according to uh the cruise lines. >> reporter: in a statement, royal caribbean said it is doing what it can to assist its guests. including helping with medical care and transportation. the two ships have now left to continue on their journeys and they will eventually return to florida. investigators say the engineer was possibly distracted when he barreled around a 30 mile an hour curve, doing 80. the train flew off the tracks, three people were killed. and there are questions about whether a safety system could have averted the disaster. david begnaud reports. >> preliminary indications are positive train patrol was installed on the tracks here not active at the time. ptc the program that could have slowed the locomotive as it entered the curve here into dupont, washington. ptc led some people to say had it been active we wouldn't be here talking derailment and deaths. because the those train cars actually derailed and fell on to nightmare i you've don't drive here. get this, traffic experts are telling people some of the best options were, 65 miles detour. i can breathe again! vicks sinex... breathe on. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. starting january 31st, adults in california will be able to legally buy marijuana for recreational use. police there will lead to increase in drug driving. right now there is no roadside test to help police determine if a person is too high to be behind the wheel. but researchers at the university of california san diego are trying to change that. barry peterson has more. >> part of the study want few get at memory issues. >> reporter: when you drive on the simulator at university of california san diego he is not checking ow good a driver you are but how bad a driver you may become high on pot. lane. take the freeway exit. >> so, gradually the off ramp is actually something that the police suggested to you. >> because, their estimation that's one of the areas most difficult for impaired drivers to handle. >> the real test subjects light up some with a real point others with placebo. then put through the simulator challenges. like decide toing whether it is safe to drive through a yellow light. they've also face a multitasking test. finding the right circle. >> all designed to eventually create a tool, perhaps, a tablet test, that police can use roadside to determine if someone its too stoned to drive. >> the ultimate outcome to see whether or not we can really help, law enforcement, separate those people who are impaired due to it and may have it in their system and not impaired. >> unlike alcohol there is no marijuana breathalyzer. blood tests can be inconclusive depending when the test is taken. off to make pot affects different people, differently. >> there are indications that, the more experience you'd are, more tolerance you develop. so a person who smokes a lot, might actually have less affect when it comes to driving. >> that's correct. because their body is a justed to it. they know what to expect. off awe california highway patrolman, sergeant glen glatzer jr. teaches officers how to recognize a driver under the influence. >> how much does this end up making it kind of a judgment call if that's the right word? >> well i think it very much is a judgment call. because the we want our officers, only arresting people who are impaired. >> right now, officers mostly rely on subjoke tiff ective obs, walking the line or pot smell in the car. while a lot of californians are looking forward to january 1 when recreational pot goes on sale, glazer and police across the state >> the people that try it first time january 1, not knowing how it affects their body. >> one day, the simulator may lead to an answer. and help catch someone impaired by pot, before getting too high gets some one hurt. barry peterson. san diego. one of the hottest gifts this holiday season is the digital assistant. but critics say, the google home and the amazon alexa, may be listening in and recording a lot more than you might want. jamie yuccas reports. >> what's the weather tomorrow? >> tomorrow in al hambra, you will see lots of sun. >> relying on her amazon echo ever since she got one as a christmas gift last year. >> did you've have any concerns when you first got it? >> well you know i actually never thought abit. >> google and amazon, make the devieces say >> alexa. turn on the hall lights. >> they are transmitted become to amazon and google servers where the questions are an liesed and answered. while they work now, some are worried that could change in the near future. >> they're to track you, surveil you and sell you. >> advocacy group, consumer watch dog, studied dozens of applications for google and amazon smart home technology. >> what the patents describe is they're always watching. they're always listening. >> one amazon patent shows the the company could instruct the echo destries vice to listen fo. discussion of the vacation destination. then transcribe the conversation and use it to try to sell the user of the device a related product. >> i was -- it's -- concern they would be able to have access to my private life. >> a spokesperson for amazon tells cbs this morning. we do not use customers voice recording for targeted patents take multiple years to receive. and, do not necessarily reflect current developments to products and services. of a google representative told us, consumer watch dogs claims are unfounded. but the claim dus do point out little they know about digital gadgets. >> play christmas radio. >> all most feels a little big brotherish. >> the cbsover will "overnightl be right back. ok, let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, norman leer changed the face of television with a string of hits from all in the family to the jeffersons, maude, good times and many more. leer invited gale king in for a look back on his legendary career. ♪ ♪ ♪ songs that made the hit parade ♪ ♪ guys like us we had it made ♪ those were the days >> you really weren't trying to be controversial with "all in the family." >> i promise you we were not frying to be controversial. it turns out because we were serious. we were controversial. >> what may have been uncomfortable territory for some, would become a trademark for producer norman leer. >> come on the weather is not what is bugging you? it's sex isn't it? >> if i go home and found out at my age i was pregnant. he would laugh himself sick. >> the iconic shows changed the landscape of television. off awe one, two, three. >> t >> in the years before all in the family was that, the boss was coming to dinner. well, i lived through more. >> leer took inspiration from his own life experiences one of the most formative in 1931, when his father was convicted of fraud. >> when your father is going off to jail. your mother is selling the furniture. and the good leather that you and your chair lived in, to hear sports and comedy and so is being sold. and the guys she is selling it to puts his hand on your shoulder and says, well, norman you are the man of your house now. >> you were 9. >> you have how to begin to understand something about the foolishness of the human condition. >> archie bunker was. >> leer says, his dad inspired all in the family's archie bunker. >> you are a meat head. >> i always hated the term. because is a bigot lovable? >> the intention was to show there is humor in everything. i never thought of him as a -- as a hater. >> a man -- >> my home sweet home. [ applause ] >> the show won 22 emmys over nine season run. but carol o'connor who played archie bunker struggled to see eye to eye on the subject matter. >> why did you and carol o'connor butt-head? >> he bore the responsibility of carrying that character. >> jeez, i don't think i can get through this. >> and that was a heavy responsibility. somebody who was unpleasant in the eyes of, so many people. >> okay, michael. >> but carol's face, personal ale, soul. >> little boy. >> would make him lovable. >> i dent want to argue with you any more, maud echt. a i get my chair back. >> and maude was a spin-off in 1972. good times came two years later. >> good times. >> the show, there was a lot of turmoil with the cast of good ti played first african-american parents, family. heavy responsibility. the country had not seen this before. they were the people representing their race to the rest of america. so, we had to understand that was really difficult for them. >> of in my collard greens. >> it faced accusations of promoting racial stairy types. and prompting a protest from the black panther party. >> you tell the story of black panthers looking for the garbage man. the garbage man is you. they're very upset with the portrayal. >> i'm tired of living like this. always behind. >> they were very upset. why he had ke the living he required. >> good question. >> great question. >> certainly moved us in the direction. >> to go with the jeffersons. ♪ well we're moving on up to the eastside ♪ >> the jeffersons quickly became a hit spin-off. >> i didn't know the jeffersons had a couple. >> couple of what? >> maid and butler. >> sherman hemsley played george jefferson. >> they must be real rich. awe uh awe hold it, diane, we are the jeffersons. >> in terms tuft topics that you tackled. bigotry, sexism, abortion, racism. >> everything you have just listed. nothing was unfamiliar to every, every family in america. not one subject. >> leer was fearless, both in and outside of his career. as a world war ii combat veteran, he continued to take a stance on what he >> it is dangerous because -- >> approximately ticks politics weekly pod cast. >> russell brand. he's funny. >> who is getting it right when it comes to tv today? >> if i want to be sure of a laugh. i will go to southpark. i do believe laughter add time to your life. >> my name is norman leer. [ cheers and applause ] >> and i have hundred of times stood behind an audience and, and went, when they, when they, belly laugh. and you will find them, they come a little bit out of their seats. they go forward like this. and they come back like this. i don't know a more spiritual moment than a belly laugh. >> music to your ears, right? >> yes. and music to my ears and time to my life. ♪ those were the days ♪ ♪ each year millions of tourists flock to rome off to celebrate christmas. part of that is a visit to the christmas tree in the heart of the city. but this year's crowd for a different reason. it has been dubbed the toilet rush, or baldy, or the sorriest christmas tree in the world. seth doane is there. >> yes, rome is decked out for the holidays with lights and decorations everywhere. at the center of it all in this magnificent location is that, rather, sad tree brought in from north italy. romans who have a knack for italian mangy, threadbare, balding. and there it stands. barely. looking a little like a tree the neighbors should have taken down weeks ago. >> he told us indicative of some of italy's problems. >> i think it is dead. and very, sad. >> sad tree? >> yeah, very sad tree. the problem is that. everybody knows about it. >> yes, it has been ridiculed here. and bullied online. one internet user likened it to a toilet brush. now the tree has a twitter account, at spelacchio with 4,000 followers. when compared with trees in say washington, d.c., or new york city, well, it is a tad reminiscent of this. >> what a tree. >> as if to rub it in, just down the street, the vatican has the a spectacular tree in front of sain >> this is kind of like coming to a cemetery. >> yeah. >> he brought a bouquet of flowers today for poor spelachio. >> something wrong on the transportation i don't know. >> the city of rome paid $55,000 for the dree trtree delivery an disposal and officials haven't said anything about the controversy. some see an elegance with 600 silver balls. this mother and daughter from australia were surprised to learn of all of the fuss. >> that is just another thing to be passionate about. >> was it abused? was it poisoned? social media users are demanding answers. some are calling for a funeral. well, that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us later for the morning news. and of course, cbs this morning. york city, i'm jericka duncan. tax cuts and jobs act is passed. the tax overhaul passes. republicans celebrate. >> it has been an amazing experience. >> there are only two places where america is popping champagne. the white house and the corporate board rooms. >> also tonight, eight americans are among the dead in that tourist bus crash in mexico. >> olympic athlete accuses usa gymnastics of covering up sexual abuse by a team doctor. >> oh, my gosh such a miracle. >> remarkable story of a child born a quarter century after she was conceived. >> package poachers get a holiday surprise. >> and a plea from a mom of a bullied child. >> teach your children and teach them acceptance for everybody. ♪ ♪ president trump got what he wanted most for christmas. congress approved a $1.5 trillion package of tax cuts. the biggest overhaul of the tax code in 31 years. cuts out a major part of obama care ending the requirement that most americans buy health insurance for pay a fine. this is the president's biggest legislative victory achieved without a democratic vote. he called republicans to the white house to celebrate. major garrett was there. >> this will indeed be a very big day when people look back at our country. >> president trump and fellow republicans celebrated on the south lawn and promised the tax cuts will unleash economic growth. it means jobs, jobs, jobs. >> the president showered praise and paul ryan. >> a little team. always a lot of fun when you win. if you work hard and lose that's not acceptable. >> the president will sign the bill in the coming days. it reduces the corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%. doubles the current standard deduction for individuals and families. and doubles the child tax credit. taxpayers will see the effects in february pay checks. congressional republicans who met the president's christmas deadline for passage served up fawning praise for mr. trump. >> but for your leadership we would not be here today. >> you are living up to every, everything i thought you would. >> something this profound could not have been done without exquisite president sthal leader -- presidential leadership. >> republican promises went unfilled. >> they were going to reduce it, they did not. >> corporate loopholes are worse than ever. >> for the president, the ceremony capped ape year of accomplishments. court. >> the qualifications of judge gorsuch are beyond dispute. >> fewer illegal crossings. regaining territory from isis and iraq and syria. and eliminating regulations. but the president fell short on replacing affordable care act. >> we all learned a lot. increasing infrastructure spending. and changing immigration laws. with his trademark zest for superlatives the president said he is just getting started. >> it is going to be a special period of time. >> republicans say these tax cuts are having an immediate impact. late today, two large banks, wells fargo and 3/5 announced they're raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour. att and comcast said they will be giving most employees $1,000 bonus. >> we turn to john dickerson. chief washington correspondent, anchor of face the nation. and nancy cordes, chief congressional correspondent. john, let me start with you. mr. trump begins the 12th month of his presidency today. president of this year in context if you would. >> well bit of a paradox. if you look on the one side you have all those achievements that major talked about. that the president got. here he got a big legislative achievement at the end. which was really, a what he wanted. but for somebody that came into the office with signature skill being marketing all of those achievements have not paid off in popularity. approval rating average at 39%. the tax bill that he has been selling, the approval rating for that is below 30%. 10 points away from where affordable care act was when president obama signed it. the republican party is less popular. and, so, he has gotten the alluded him so far its the approval. >> nancy, republicans want this to show they can get something big done. what, what might come next? >> well, the president has talked a lot about infrastructure, but, congressional republicans really want to take another run at health care. either, shoring up individual insurance markets or, or chipping away at more of obama care. welfare reform another big gop priority. reinstating work requirements for medicaid, and food stamp recipients. and paul ryan and number of republicans want to go further. and, reform medicare and social security as well. but, some of their colleagues think that could be radio active in a midterm elect, year. especially, jeff, since president trump promised not to touch entitlements. >> talk about the image projected today. at the white house. out of a unified party, the case right now? >> well it sure looks like it. remember a few weeks ago. we were talking about well the rates in alabama which split the republican party, and then also you had some senators, even those who were standing behind him. today, smiling and applauding like senator corker. who have been openly critical of the president. suggested he may not be fit for the job. they are now all behind him. when, when you ask paul ryan about some of the controversies over the last several month he's would say, well i am not focussed on that. i am focused on, our agenda. and that's what you saw today. they were in the promised land all of them together. that locks the party in behind the president. it is not just, republican party, that president trump's party. now a unified republican party. by, by today's action. >> john dickerson, nancy cordes, thank you both very much. >> now to some of our other stories we are following in tonight's evening news feed. cardinal bernard, disgraced archbishop died in rome. he resigned after it was revealed he and predecessors shifted child molesting priests from parish to parish without notifying police. he will be buried in rome. pope francis will preside the funeral mass. the virginia house in the delegates was declared a tie. it will come done to picking a name out of a bowl. republicans currently have a 50-49 majority in virginia's house. >> the thomas fire, north west of los angeles is now the second largest wildfire in california history. it is burned more than 272,000 acres and destroyed more than 700 homes. last week it killed a fire fighter. the fire will likely not be fully contained until next month. ♪ >> some homeowners are using new technologies to catch porch pirates, pilfering your packages. >> why do you have to steal? >> i dent want a lot for christmas ♪ it took 23 years but a popular ♪ [electric guitar] caring - soft tone i just need a second. is your weight holding you back? [male narrator] are everyday tasks getting harder and harder to do? did you see this? hm? your cousin's in the hospital from a heart attack. r] health risks associated with excess weight or obesity can be serious. but you can do something about it. i know you're worried. i found this. [narrator] take the your weight matters challenge. visit your weight matters dot org where you'll find free resources to help you take control. you can start improving your life right away. download the free toolkit to prepa you to speak with a healthcare provider about your weight and health. your weight does matter. accept the challenge and take charge today. visit your weight matters dot org. from college student to army soldier. then tragedy struck. my world turned upside down being told i would never walk again. now i'm excited about my life, thanks to paralyzed veterans of america. with their support and adaptive sports programs, my fire is lit again. for veterans with spinal cord injury or disease, pva is our partner for life, assisting as our needs and challenges change. thanks to pva, course. to learn more, visit pva dot org. in mexico, prosecutors want to question the driver of a tour bus that crashed in the yucatan pa anyone la. -- peninsula. eight americans were killed. others were hurt. manuel bojorquez was there. >> reporter: mexican prosecutors say skid marks on the narrow highway may indicate the tour bus was speeding causing a crash so violent it flipped the bus on its side. passengers tossed across the road into a grassy shoulder. red cross responder says it is the were he has ever see >> they were in shock. you couldn't speak their language. you saw that they were clearly in shock. >> they were in a desperate state he said, crying, some were screaming because of the pain. and their injuries. and seeing their relatives who died. the passengers were from two royal caribbean cruise ships on a day trip to mayan ruins. the bus was operated by a mexican company. the driver treated for injuries but was not arrested. five of israel franco's relatives from florida aboard the bus. his 78-year-old sister was killed and nephew's wife and her son, 11-year-old daniel. >> daniel was my sister's shining boy. she loved him. and he used to be by her side all the time. the cruise lines make many hundreds of millions of dollars selling ashore excursions. >> jim walker former defense attorney for cruise lines and represents passenger and several cases pending against royal caribbean. >> once nay take them into a port. they take no responsibility legally, once you walk off the gang plank, there is, you are basically, entering country at your own risk according to uh the cruise lines. >> reporter: in a statement, royal caribbean said it is doing what it can to assist its guests. including helping with medical care and transportation. the two ships have now left to continue on their journeys and they will eventually return to florida. jeff. >> manny, thank you very much. crews worked to clear the amtrak crash site in washington state. the lead locomotive was hauled away on a giant trailer. by covering up sexual abuse by coercing her to sign the agreement. first revealed at abuse in a twitter post. writing that the abuse started when i was 13 years old and didn't end until i left the sport. >> in the lawsuit, she accuses usa gymnastics of covering up sexual abuse by coercing her into signing the agreement. first revealed abuse in a twitter post, writing that nassir's abuse started when i was 13 and didn't end until i left the sport. john manley, represents 100 girls and young women alleging sexual abuse by larry nassir. >> of course it is a cover-up. if you are not covering it up. why are you asking her to be quiet. >> he says they took advantage of her fragile psychological state. >> wanted to keep their dirty laundry quiet. and welling to sacrifice her health, well being and voice to do that. that's wrong. >> reporter: at the 2012 london olympics part of the powerhouse women's gymnastics team, the fierce five. just last month, her former teammate, olympic gold medalist, aly raisman told 60 minutes about the abuse. >> what did usa gymnastics do and larry nassir do to manipulate the girls so much they're so afraid off to speak up? >> usa gymnastics put out a statement saying both side agreed to the settlement and confidentiality deal and they were initiated by maroni's attorney not by usa gymnastics. a mother in tennessee recently gave birth to a girl who was almost old as the she its. the baby developed from an embryo frozen 24 years ago. more than two decades later along came tina gibson struggling with infertility. adopted the embryo had it implanted and gave birth to a healthy girl. gibson and her husband named her emma. believed to beef the longest gap i was like, i'm 25 years old. i was like if this embryo, was supposed to have been, we could have been best friends. >> just a miracle. it is so excited. such we are so blessed to have her. >> remarkable. joined by cbs news medical contributor, tara, what struck you about this case? >> well it is a miracle. really a validation of the science of ivf. the fact that we were able to take an embryo that was frozen 24 years ago and implant it now successfully. what is the difference between an embryo that may have been made 20 years ago and now. science evolved. so before, we used to slowly freeze the embryo. used to free them at earlier stages in development. now we flash freeze them. in older stages. and we also use better protectants. this means that the chancels of the embryo surviving when we thaw it are improved. 20 years ago, successful implantation, 80%. now successfully thaw an implant, 99% of embryos. really amazing what technology has done. what the other issue is what about the embryos unused. couples who undergo ivf. really can be an agonizing decision for many families the doctor says what do you want to do, thaw them, discard them, donate them to a family or keep them frozen indefinitely. and know the babies in suspense animation can be a win-win for families struggling. >> doctor, thank you very much. the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, it's a like, a dagger?a worm! a tiny sword? bread...breadstick? a matchstick! a lamppost! coin slot! no? uhhh... 10 seconds. a stick! a walking stick! eiffel tower, mount kilimanjaro! (ding) time! sorry, it's a tandem bicycle. what? what?! as long as sloths are slow, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. she's had a tiny cough. see you at 5! seriously? protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause coughs. lysol. what it takes to protect. hey julie, i know today's critica...a sick day. need... dads don't take sick days... dads take dayquil severe. the non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat... more and more people are buying holiday gifts online. having them delivered to the front door. that has given rise to porch package poachers. now, don dahler tells us they could be in for a surprise. they come of in the dead of night and broad day light. grinches stealing holiday cheer. sometimes thousand of dollars of gifts. in campbell, california, homeowner, terry bowlan security cameras caught a man stealing packages from his porch. >> he should feel safe and comfortable not only in your home, but in your neighborhood. >> online shopping and thus home deliveries are up 17% over last year. ups and fedex expect to deliver one billion packages combined. last year. 74% while the homeowner was away. making porches, prime targets for pillagers. the detectives in washington county oregon using a baited package traced a porch pilot two blocks from where he snatched a box. detective patrick el pierre showed us how it works. >> gps in the package. we can watch from a distance as the package takes a route around the city back to the person's hem who stole it. wherever it goes. we can watch it. >> homeowners have taken advantage of security technologies, the doorbell to nab would-be thieves. >> hey, what are you doing? >> video of this nanny, spotted a porch pirate on her doorbell and chased her down. went viral. the tacoma entrepreneur, took it one step further. he invented and is now selling, boobie trapped boxes, containing blank shotgun shells, to scare the noel out of holiday crooks. >> to combat porch pirates. amazon, program, delivery people unlock your door place packages inside. whole foods use the delivery lockers. the safest bet is to schedule deliveries when someone its home. >> good advice. don, thank you very much. >> up next. why your commute its getting ok, let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. ♪i'm gonna get ya', get ya', get ya', get ya'♪ ♪one day maybe next week, ♪i'm gonna meet ya' ♪i'm gonna meet ya', i'll meet ya'♪ >> getting to and from work take longer. figures show the average commute in america last year was just over 26 minutes. nearly a minute longer than in 2010. the reason -- more cars. 86% of workers drive to their jobs. residents of east straussburg, pennsylvania, 75 miles from new york city have the longest average commute in the country. nearly 39 minutes. >> no one prouder than the people of missouri, since stocking. they rolled it out yesterday. all 177 feet of it. too long to hang from any building. but long enough they hope to make it into the guinness record book. a holiday hit around long enough off to be considered golden oldie, made the top ten of the billboard top 100. ♪ all i want for christmas is you ♪ >> mariah carey released "all i want for christmas is you" in 1994. 23 years is believed off to beef the longest any song has ever taken to crack the top ten. up next, a father's face? book plea. brings an incredible response. has been my life long mission for almost 40 years. nutrition is the hallmark of good health and pairing nutrition with an active lifestyle and educating our children on those values i believe can really change the face of the disease in the future. i view my life differently now, because i no longer felt alone anymore. i saw all the little kids with diabetes just like me. with good exercise and good nutrition diabetes can get easier and life can be long lived. we end with an extra ordinary 8-year-old boy. his mom and dad believe his story has a lesson for every parent. and every child in america. here is jim axelrod. >> reporter: a christmas smile that could warm any heart. but when you cde of bullying jackson faced recently in idaho falls, idaho. the small will positively melt you. kelly benson is jackson's mom. >> jackson was having a little bit of trouble at school. >> little bit of trouble, what do you mean? >> well, kids were being mean and picking on him. >> jackson has treacher collins syndrome, genetic condition that makes him look, well, different. >> i said we have got to do something because, to fix the school situation. and, and, my husband made a plae -- plea on face book. my heart is in pieces, dan wrote, he is called ugly and freak and monster. he talks about suicide. he is not quite 8. the next morning, jackson had messages from kids. >> i'll be friend with you. >> wanting to be friends. >> you look like a nice kid. >> some bikers organized a ride to stand with jackson and stand up to bullying. with rex the service dog. >> does rex lick you? >> yeah. >> where? >> here. >> right on your face? >> yeah. >> ha-ha. >> in hollywood, and real life, a nice reminder, different doesn't have to mean bullied. >> a little buy asking questions about his face, just recently, and there was about five other boys who spoke up and said, he was born that way. leave him alone. be nice. >> be nice. if that's the lesson kids are truly learning, then maybe this holiday season, jackson is giving so much more than he has received. jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. that is the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm jeff glor. welcome to the "overnight news," i'm jericka duncan. president trump celebrating the first major legislative victory of his administration. congress gave final approval to the biggest overhaul of the u.s. tax code since the time of ronald reagan. the tax bill passed without a single democratic vote. and critics say it family benefits the richest americans as well as multinational corporations. >> this will indeed be a big day when people look back at our country. >> president trump and fellow republicans celebrated on the south lawn and promised the tax cuts will unleash economic growth. it means jobs, jobs, jobs. >> the president showered praise on gop leaders mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. >> a little team. always a lot of fun when you win. if you work hard and lose that's not acceptable. >> the president will sign the bill in the coming days. it reduces the corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%. doubles the current standard deduction for individuals and families. and doubles the child tax credit. taxpayers will see the effects in february pay checks. congressional republicans who met the president's christmas deadline for passage served up fawning praise for mr. trump. >> but for your leadership we would not be here today. >> you are living up to every, everything i thought you would. >> something this profound could not have been done without exquisite president sthal leader -- presidential leadership. >> republican promises went unfilled. >> they were going to reduce it, they did not. >> corporate loopholes are worse than ever. >> for the president, the ceremony capped ape year of accomplishments. neil gorsuch on the supreme court. >> the qualifications of judge gorsuch are beyond dispute. >> fewer illegal crossings. regaining territory from isis and iraq and syria. and eliminating regulations. but the president fell short on replacing affordable care act. >> we all learned a lot. increasing infrastructure spending. and changing immigration laws. with his trademark zest for superlatives the president said he is just getting started. >> it is going to be a special period of time. >> republicans say these tax cuts are having an immediate impact. late today, two large banks, wells fargo and 3/5 announced they're raising their minimum wage to $15 an hour. att and comcast said they will be giving most employees $1,000 bonus. >> john, let me start with you. mr. trump begins the 12th month of his presidency today. put this year in context if you would. >> well bit of a paradox. if you look on the one side you have all those achievements that major talked about. that the president got. here he got a big legislative achievement at the end. which was really, a what he wanted. but for somebody that came into the office with signature skill being marketing all of those achievements have not paid off in popularity. approval rating average at 39%. the tax bill that he has been selling, the approval rating for that is below 30%. 10 points away from where affordable care act was when president obama signed it. the republican party is less popular. and, so, he has gotten the achievement, but what has alluded him so far its the approval. >> nancy, republicans want this to show they can get something big done. what, what might come next? >> well, the president has talked a lot about infrastructure, but, congressional republicans really want to take another run at health care. either, shoring up individual insurance markets or, or chipping away at more of obama care. welfare reform another big gop priority. reinstating work requirements for medicaid, and food stamp recipients. and paul ryan and number of republicans want to go further. and, reform medicare and social security as well. but, some of their colleagues think that could be radio active in a midterm elect, year. especially, jeff, since president trump promised not to touch entitlements. >> talk about the image projected today. at the white house. out of a unified party, the case right now? >> well it sure looks like it. remember a few weeks ago. we were talking about well the rates in alabama which split the republican party, and then also you had some senators, even those who were standing behind him. today, smiling and applauding like senator corker. who have been openly critical of the president. suggested he may not be fit for the job. they are now all behind him. when, when you ask paul ryan about some of the controversies over the last several month he's would say,l focussed on that. i am focused on, our agenda. and that's what you saw today. they were in the promised land all of them together. that locks the party in behind the president. it is not just, republican party, that president trump's party. now a unified republican party. by, by today's action. prosecutors in mexico say the driver was at fault for a deadly crash that left a dozen dead and 20 injured. some americans. manuel bojorquez reports. >> reporter: mexican prosecutors say skid marks on the narrow highway may indicate the tour bus was speeding causing a crash so violent it flipped the bus on its side. passengers tossed across the road into a grassy shoulder. red cross responder says it is the were he has ever seen. >> they were in shock. you couldn't speak their language. you saw that they were clearly in shock. >> they were in a desperate screaming because of the pain. and their injuries. and seeing their relatives who died. the passengers were from two royal caribbean cruise ships on a day trip to mayan ruins. the bus was operated by a mexican company. the driver treated for injuries but was not arrested. five of israel franco's relatives from florida aboard the bus. his 78-year-old sister was killed and nephew's wife and her son, 11-year-old daniel. >> daniel was my sister's shining boy. she loved him. and he used to be by her side all the time. the cruise lines make many hundreds of millions of dollars selling ashore excursions. >> jim walker former defense attorney for cruise lines and represents passenger and several cases pending against royal caribbean. >> once nay take them into a port. they take no responsibility legally, once you walk off the gang plank, there is, you are basically, entering country at your own risk according to uh the cruise lines. >> repor i royal caribbean said it is doing what it can to assist its guests. including helping with medical care and transportation. the two ships have now left to continue on their journeys and they will eventually return to florida. investigators say the engineer was possibly distracted when he barreled around a 30 mile an hour curve, doing 80. the train flew off the tracks, three people were killed. and there are questions about whether a safety system could have averted the disaster. david begnaud reports. >> preliminary indications are positive train patrol was installed on the tracks here not active at the time. ptc the program that could have slowed the locomotive as it entered the curve here into dupont, washington. ptc led some people to say had it been active we wouldn't be here talking derailment and deaths. because the those train cars actually derailed and fell on to the freeway it created a traffic here. get this, traffic experts are telling people some of the best options were, 65 miles detour. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! hitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. starting january 31st, adults in california will be able to legally buy marijuana for recreational use. police there will lead to increase in drug driving. right now there is no roadside test to help police determine if a person is too high to be behind the wheel. but researchers at the university of california san diego are trying to change that. barry peterson has more. >> part of the study want few get at memory issues. >> reporter: when you drive on the simulator at university of california san diego he is not checking ow good a driver you are but how bad a driver you may become high on pot. >> move off to the far right lane. take the freeway exit. >> so, gradually the off ramp is actually something that the police suggested to you. >> because, their estimation that's one of the areas most difficult for impaired drivers to handle. >> the real test subjects light up some with a real point others with placebo. then put through the simulator challenges. like decide toing whether it is safe to drive through a yellow light. they've also face a multitasking test. finding the right circle. >> all designed to eventually create a tool, perhaps, a tablet test, that police can use roadside to determine if someone its too stoned to drive. >> the ultimate outcome to see whether or not we can really help, law enforcement, separate those people who are impaired due to it and may have it in their system and not impaired. >> unlike alcohol there is no marijuana breathalyzer. blood tests can be inconclusive depending when the test is taken. off to make it more complicated. pot affects different people, differently. >> there are indications that, the more experience you'd are, more tolerance you develop. so a person who smokes a lot, might actually have less affect when it comes to driving. >> that's correct. because their body is a justed to it. they know what to expect. off awe california highway patrolman, sergeant glen glatzer jr. teaches officers how to recognize a driver under the influence. >> how much does this end up making it kind of a judgment call if that's the right word? >> well i think it very much is a judgment call. because the we want our officers, only arresting people who are impaired. >> right now, officers mostly rely on subjective observations, walking the line or pot smell in the car. while a lot of californians are looking forward to january 1 when recreational pot goes on sale, glazer and police across thst >> the people that try it first time january 1, not knowing how it affects their body. >> one day, the simulator may lead to an answer. and help catch someone impaired by pot, before getting too high gets some one hurt. barry peterson. san diego. one of the hottest gifts this holiday season is the digital assistant. but critics say, the google home and the amazon alexa, may be listening in and recording a lot more than you might want. jamie yuccas reports. >> what's the weather tomorrow? >> tomorrow in al hambra, you will see lots of sun. >> relying on her amazon echo ever since she got one as a christmas gift last year. >> did you've have any concerns when you first got it? >> well you know i actually never thought abit. >> google and amazon, make the devices sath voice when you activate them. >> alexa. turn on the hall lights. >> they are transmitted become to amazon and google servers where the questions are an liesed and answered. while they work now, some are worried that could change in the near future. >> they're to track you, surveil you and sell you. >> advocacy group, consumer watch dog, studied dozens of applications for google and amazon smart home technology. >> what the patents describe is they're always watching. they're always listening. >> one amazon patent shows the the company could instruct the echo device to listen for word. discussion of the vacation destination. then transcribe the conversation and use it to try to sell the user of the device a related product. would be able to have access to my private life. >> a spokesperson for amazon tells cbs this morning. we do not use customers voice recording for targeted advertising. patents take multiple years to receive. and, do not necessarily reflect current developments to products and services. of a google representative told us, consumer watch dogs claims are unfounded. but the claims do point out how little they know about digital gadgets. >> play christmas radio. >> all most feels a little big brotherish. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together. and that's not a tissue protection. lysol kills over 100 illness-causing germs and viruses, even those that may cause runny noses. lysol. what it takes to protect. ok, so with the award-winning our customers have 24/7 access, digital id cards, they can even pay their bill- (beep) bill has joined the call. hey bill, we're just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? 'k, well we'll just- phone: hey sorry. i had you muted. well yea let's just- phone: so what i was thinking- ok well we'll- phone: yeah- let's just go ahead- phone: oh alright- the award-winning geico app. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. you don't even want to know protection detergent alone doesn't kill bacteria but adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect. i'm never gonna be able i'll take a sick day tomorrow. on our daughter's birthday? moms don't take sick days... moms take nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, norman leer changed the face of television with a string of hits from all in the family to the jeffersons, maude, good times and many more. leer invited gale king in for a look back on his legendary career. ♪ ♪ ♪ songs that made the hit parade ♪ ♪ guys like us we had it made ♪ those were the days >> you really weren't trying to be controversial with "all in the family." >> i promise you we were not frying to be controversial. it turns out because we were serious. we were controversial. >> what may have been uncomfortable territory for some, would become a trademark for producer norman leer. >> come on the weather is not what is bugging you? it's sex isn't it? >> if i go home and found out at my age i was pregnant. he would laugh himself sick. >> the iconic shows changed the landscape of television. off awe one, two, three. >> in the years before all in the family was that, the boss was coming to dinner. well, i lived through more. >> leer took inspiration from his own life experiences one of the most formative in 1931, when his father was convicted of fraud. >> when your father is going off to jail. your mother is selling the furniture. ane and your chair lived in, to hear sports and comedy and so forth is being sold. and the guys she is selling it to puts his hand on your shoulder and says, well, norman you are the man of your house now. >> you were 9. >> you have how to begin to understand something about the foolishness of the human condition. >> archie bunker was. >> leer says, his dad inspired all in the family's archie bunker. >> you are a meat head. >> i always hated the term. because is a bigot lovable? >> the intention was to show there is humor in everything. i never thought of him as a -- as a hater. >> a man -- >> my home sweet home. [ applause ] >> the show won 22 emmys over nine season run. but behind the scenes, leer and carol o'connor who played archie eye on the subject matter. >> why did you and carol o'connor butt-head? >> he bore the responsibility of carrying that character. >> jeez, i don't think i can get through this. >> and that was a heavy responsibility. somebody who was unpleasant in the eyes of, so many people. >> okay, michael. >> but carol's face, personal ale, soul. >> little boy. >> would make him lovable. >> i dent want to argue with you i get my chair back. >> and maude was a spin-off in 1972. good times came two years later. >> goome >> the show, there was a lot of turmoil with the cast of good times? >> estherrolle and john amos played first african-american parents, family. heavy responsibility. the country had not seen this before. they were the people representing their race to the rest of america. so, we had to understand that was really difficult for them. >> of in my collard greens. >> it faced accusations of promoting racial stairy types. and prompting a protest from the black panther party. >> you tell the story of black panthers looking for the garbage man. the garbage man is you. they're very upset with the portrayal. >> i'm tired of living like this. always behind. >> they were very upset. why he had taken a third to make the living he required. >> good question. >> great question. >> certainly moved us in the direction. >> to go with the jeffersons. ♪ well we're moving on up to the eastside ♪ >> the jeffersons quickly became a hit spin-off. >> i didn't know the jeffersons had a couple. >> couple of what? >> maid and butler. >> sherman hemsley played george jefferson. >> they must be real rich. awe uh awe hold it, diane, we are the jeffersons. >> in terms tuft topics that you tackled. bigotry, sexism, abortion, racism. >> everything you have just nothing was unfamiliar to every, every family in america. not one subject. >> leer was fearless, both in and outside of his career. as a world war ii combat veteran, he continued to take a stance on what he believes in. >> it is dangerous because -- >> politics he discusses in his weekly pod cast. >> russell brand. he's funny. >> who is getting it right when it comes to tv today? >> if i want to be sure of a laugh. i will go to southpark. i do believe laughter add time to your life. >> my name is norman leer. son: it's been more than five minutes. daughter: no, it hasn't. mom: hey, can you two keep it down? son: i want it. it's my turn. daughter: no it isn't. mom: please just keep it down. [tires screeching] mom: i remember days when just driving down the street would give me anxiety. and now look at me. [restaurant sounds] man 1: don't get me wrong, i still don't love crowded places, but it's good to get out again. [restaurant sounds] [plates crashing] man 2: noises like that used to make me hit the deck, but now i can keep going. announcer: transitioning from the military can be tough. are facing similar challenges. life goes on, but some things are different now. visit to watch our stories and learn ways to create the story you want to live. no one can write it for you. make sure it's a good one. make the connection. hailey is one of 7 million children with asthma whose parents have to worry about when the next attack will strike. today more kids suffer from asthma than from any other chronic disease. in emergency rooms, one fourth of all visits are due to asthma attacks. most asthma attacks are caused by allergic reactions to allergens. things like pollen, dust and even household pests can trigger asthma. estimates show than more than 25 percent of americans are allergic to the german cockroach. in children, pests, asthma and allergies are a bad combination that can result in twice as many asthma-related medical visits. allergens left behind from mice and cockroaches, are common causes of asthma attacks. 82% of u.s. households contain allergens left by mice. and cockroaches are found in up to 98% of urban homes. learn how to protect your family at ♪ dramatic..ta tan you'd do anything to take care of that spot on your lawn. so why not take care of that spot on your skin? if you're a man over 50 you're in the group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma, the cancer that kills 1 person every hour. check your skin for suspicious or changing spots. go to to find out what to look for. a message from the american academy of dermatology captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, december 21st, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." a car rams into pedestrians on an australian sidewalk, leaving more than a dozen people hurt. republicans are jubilant about their tax overhaul win, but their celebration is short-lived as the gop struggles to come up with a spending deal to avoid a government cutdown. and the conspiracy theory is true. the performance of some older iphones are slowed down on purpose by apple.

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