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Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2016

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20161101

this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. reporting tonight from cleveland, ohio. >> pelley: this is the state where past and future of the american presidency meet, birth place of seven presidents, graveyard of more than a few presidential dreams. no republican has won without ohio since lincoln, and the polls show tonigh donald trump tied here with with democrat hillary clinton. both have visited ohio more than any other battleground, and they've poured $32 million into advertising here. that's four bucks for every registered buckeye. here's mark strassmann. >> we'll make america great again. >> reporter: in the courtship of ohio. >> helping children has been a cause of her life. >> reporter: ...many voters want a restraining order. clinton runs on local television every three minutes. >> overwhelmingly with ads, overwhelming with calls, overwhelming with nonstop political stuff. >> reporter: linda merriam is a registered independent. betty drake is a conservative democrat. if you get up at 7:00 a.m., by what time you have heard your first ad? >> probably, like, 7:03 appropriate 7:03. that soon. >> yeah, that soon. i >> reporter: since june, both presidential campaigns have spent more than $32 million on television ads in ohio. and many ohioans have stopped answering the door and the phone. you get calls all day long from numbers you don't recognize. >> right, yup. >> reporter: these are robocallers? >> robocallers, yes. >> reporter: and then right on call was? >> i think it was a robocaller. >> reporter: does this kind of blitz work? >> no. >> reporter: professor justin buchler: >> when you have as many ads as voters in ohio see, the marginal benefit of every additional ad is basically nothing. >> reporter: drake will vote for trump. merriam is undecided. nothing anybody has said has changed your mind one bit? >> noise for nothing. >> . it's a lot of noise for nothing. >> in hillary clinton's america. >> reporter: noise that one one here can muffle until next tuesday. mark strassmann, cbs news, cleveland. >> pelley: there is some evidence that ads do drive voters to polls. four years ago, the turnout in battleground states was seven points higher than the rest of the country. the real clear politics average clinton's lead is shrinking tonight from seven points two weeks ago, to two points now. so with one week to go, let's bring in our campaign corresponds nancy cordes and major garrett. first, let's go to nancy. how is clinton responding to these polls? >> reporter: scott, she herself has not said anything about them, but her aides insisted to us that this is what they've always predicted, that the race would tighten at the end. in fact, they've even begun airing ads in a couple of states that should be pretty democrats like new mexico and michigan. they say it's not a sign that they're getting nervous. it's simply a sign that they've amassed a pretty big war chest and this is their last chance to spend it. >> pelley: and, nancy, what do we know today about the f.b.i. e-mail investigation? >> reporter: well, we know that f.b.i. agents at quantico in virginia have begun electronically sifting through the hundreds of thousands of e-mails that they say are on anthony weiner's laptop. they believe that the number of they've actually built a pretty sophisticate software program to weed through them using keywords like "classified" to try to condense the e-mails to those that they believe could be relevant to the clinton investigation, weed out duplicates that they've already read before, a process they say could take days before they even begin actually reading the e-mails, scott. >> pelley: they're trying to figure out whether there's any passed on hillary clinton's private e-mail server. major garrett, trump is making hay out of clinton's problems, but the f.b.i. is looking into his world as well. >> reporter: that's right, scott. the big topic is russia. the f.b.i. spent many months this summer looking into possible connections between donald trump, those in his political inner circle, or his businesses with the russian government or russian oligarchs. in the end, the f.b.i. found some noak smokebut not much fire. there are also reports that paul manny fort is under f.b.i. investigation. but he asures me, scott, there is no f.b.i. investigation. one thingt f.b.i. did conclude is the russian government is more disrupted in disrupting the democratic process here in america than aigd trump. >> pelley: and how's the campaign seeing this final week of the race? >> reporter: well, scott, to answer that question you have to understand the trump campaign models differently than anyone else. they see five or six points tha other pollsters do not see. where do they find it? low-propensity voters, voters who haven't showed up before. they believe there are two or three points there, these people will surge to the polls unexpectedly. they also expect republicans to come home in the final days, one or two points there, and maybe one point of psycholog people associated with trump but finally convinced he's going to win. that's why they believe in battleground states and new state they're putting on map they can win this race. >> pelley: we'll see a week from today. major garrett, nancy cordes african americans could tip the balance in battleground states, especially in florida and here in ohio if they turn out for clinton as strongly as they did for president obama. in a story for "60 minutes," we spoke with voters on the east side of cleveland, many of whom worship at the olivet institutional baptist church, which is led by pastor jawanza colvin. >> i think what's going to happen is people are going to have to vote-- vote with passion because this election is not simply significant because every election is important. this election is existential when you look at what's happening around the country, the rhetoric, the kind of loss of civility. you won't vote, you're undecide or you will be voting? >> yeah, i'm going to vote. >> reporter: in the neighborhoods, reverend colvin is getting out the vote, and lisa tollbert promised she'll be counted. >> we have to have a president, we have to have a president. >> pelley: my wife says if you don't vote you can't complain. >> you can't, that's right, thoorpt, that's right. that's right. >> pelley: when african americans vote in large numbers in ohio, ohio votes democratic. >> yes. >> pelley: and when they don't come to the polls, ohio votes republican. >> yes. >> pelley: what's going to happen? >> i'm going to pray that they come to the polls. i'm gonna -- >> but you're not feeling that groundswell? >> i'm not hearing it. >> pel this congregation, the sunday before election day, what are you going to tell them? >> i'm going to say, "when you go to the polls, remember who you're taking with you. first, i want to think about the past. we're taking medgar evers with us. we're taking freedom summer with us. but not only are we taking the past, but we are also taking future. you're taking your kids, your granddaughters, and kids unborn. >> pelley: hillary clinton is also concerned that voters might minute because of that f.b.i. e-mail investigation. here's michelle miller. >> reporter: at price hill chili restaurant in hamilton county this morning, they served up hot coffee, scrambled eggs and a side of politics. >> i'm standing by hillary. >> i'm really rooting trump this year. >> reporter: the f.b.i.'s decision to reopen hillary clinton's e-mail investigation doesn't seem to be change many minds. are people pretty much just d in? >> i think they are pretty much set at this point. >> reporter: the controversy isn't a big deal for 60-year-old kim chappelle, a lifelong republican who is voting for clinton. isn't this a new round of e-mails? >> it is. but from the previous, all the previous e-mail incidents nothing ever became of it, so i'm figuring nothing is becoming of this. >> reporter: 75-year-old david stanger says the f.b.i. review confirms he's making the right the investigation tells me that there's more things that she's done that we don't know about. >> reporter: neighbors are displaying their support with political yard signs. james gillespie, a democrat who campaigned twice for obama, is switching parties this year. >> a lot of corruption they saw in hillary clinton is coming out in the news right now, and it's a big part of why i'm not willing to support her. >> reporter: back at the restaurant, kim chappelle thinks >> i couldn't in good congress vote for donald trump. i just couldn't do it. >> reporter: early voting began here in ohio nearly three weeks ago, scott. so even before the controversy broke on friday, more than a million ballots had already been cast statewide. >> pelley: michelle, thanks very much. of course, both candidates would like to change the subject to the economy. chip reid spoke to small "closing arguments." >> reporter: so what are you making here? >> i am making peanut butter buckeyes. >> reporter: buckeyes. >> yes. >> reporter: fall is candy season and it's when talk in donna's shop turns to politics. sandusky is a swing can county. president obama won it twice, but so did george w. bush. and who would you like to see win this election? >> i would like to see donald trump win this election. >> reporter: mcneemer says she especially likes his plans grow, would you not need somebody that knows business? >> reporter: she prefers trump's current plan on the minimum wage. he wants the states to decide. clinton supports a minimum mum as high as $15 an hour. >> if we're forced to pay $15 for minimum wage, guess who's going to work more hours? me. because i'm going to have to lay off employees. i can't-- you know, we can't handle that kind of increase. >> reporter: she also favors biggest for the wealthiest. clinton's plan would raise taxes on the rich. >> i understand that they're wealthy and they make a lot of money, but i also understand that they worked really hardinar money, and if they have to pay more taxes, it has to go somewhere. it's going to come down to me. >> reporter: across the county, in bellevue, ohio, richard stegman has a very different view. you're a big fan of hillary clinton. >> oh, gosh, yes. >> reporter: stegman owns the victorian tudor inn. >> all right, ladies, here we go. >> a b beforey recession. >> evidence this close, so close to losing everything. >> reporter: he credits the president's policy with turning the economy around and thinks clinton would state course. on the economic front what, do you like most about hillary clinton? >> well, i think it all goes under the exwrael umbrella of r experience. >> reporter: how about minimum wage, where do you stand on $14 to $15 an hour. >> reporter: that's well above the minimum wage. >> because i need good people. >> reporter: and he prefers clinton's tax policies to trump's? >> his tax proposal benefits a wide variety of people and that's what we need. we don't need a tax policy that really benefits just a small segment. i think hers is very broad. >> reporter: you think she'll help the middle class more than donald trump? >> oh, oh, oh, clearly. >> reporter: two small business owners on opposite sides in a county that could determine which way this chip reid, cbs news, sandusky county, ohio. >> pelley: and it will be determined a week from tonight. cbs news election night coverage will begin next tuesday at 7:00 eastern time. today, the oklahoma highway patrol released video of the deadly end to a week-long manhunt. the suspect, michael vance, was wanted for a series of here's manuel bojorquez. >> reporter: dash-cam video shows an oklahoma state trooper driving and firing his assault rifle as he chased murder suspect michael vance sunday night. a police helicopter captured the chase from above, showing him barreling through a checkpoint during the rolling gunbattle. at one point vance, who police say was armed with an ak-47, got out of his truck, using it as a shield as he kept shooting. troopers fired back. eventually, he was struck and killed. vance had been on the run for more than a week after police say he killed two relatives, shot and injured two officers, and taunted authorities with a facebook video. >> what's up, y'all? letting you all know, look, this is real. see? that's a gun. that's the real deal. >> reporter: police got a break sunday when someone spotted vance camping out in rural western oklahoma. he opened fire on a sheriff, who tried to pull him over, the sheriff was struck on the shoulder and elbow. he will survive. scott, police believe vance, who was recently charged with child sex abuse, out to seeke rvenge. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez for us tonight. manuel, thank you. coming up next on the cbs evening news, a pipeline blast could mean higher gasoline prices. and later, a city making a comeback when the cbs evening news continues from cleveland. roller derby. ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia? is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? my doctor said prolia? helped my bones get stronger. are your bones getting stronger do not take prolia? if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva?. serious allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia?. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. prolia? can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium, serious infections. which could require hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint or muscle pain. only prolia helps strengthen and protect bones with 2 shots a year. i have proof prolia? works for me. can it work for you? ask your doctor about >> pelley: gasoline prices are likely going up after a major pipeline in alabama exploded yesterday. one person was killed, five were injured. pipeline supplies the east coast all the way up to new jersey. today, gasoline futures spiked more than 15%. here's david begnaud. >> reporter: the fire is still burning, but it's decreasing in size. >> oh, my god, it was growing so fast. >> reporter: the explosion the flames sparked wildfires. bill ber sea spokesman for colonial pipeline. >> this is a tragic accident. we had a contractor out there that we've used for many years excavating over the top of a pipeline thp this contractor has done this many, many times before. >> reporter: that contractor struck the pipeline with a trackhoe, igniting the gasoline. at the time of the blast, the contractor was completing a permanent repair on a leak that had happened two months that leak sparked gas shortages and long lines in five southern states as prices spiked. following yesterday's explosion. >> markets were just through the roofs and you could tell that there was a sense of panic. >> reporter: adriana diaz is a senior petroleum analyst at gasbuddy.com. >> prices may go up slightly in the days ahead. more importantly, for the time being there, should not be widespread impact to gas supply, but that remains a threat we'll keep monitoring. >> reporter: we have not seen lines here at the pumps. scott, colonial says that pipeline where the explosion happened is going to remain off for the rest of the week, but if it goes longer than that, many analysts believe that could be what fuels a spike in prices. >> pelley: david begnaud. thanks. still ahead, a rare look inside the white house living quarters. i thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and i'm meeting people. unlike the bargain brand, depend fit-flex underwear you've been missing. get a free sample at depend.com. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. you've been missing. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. . if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? rand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. looking to save with a medicare prescription drug plan? at unitedhealthcare, we offer three plans- -including one that's brand new for 2017: the aarp medicarerx walgreens plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it features $0 co-pays, low monthly premiums, and the convenience of walgreens. open enrollment ends december 7th. so if you're on medicare w to learn more or to enroll. ? ? >> pelley: politics will be on hold here in cleveland tonight as the indians play the chicago cubs in game six of the world tonight, or maybe tomorrow night. but even if they lose, don dahler tells us this city is on a winning streak. >> go, indians! >> woo! >> reporter: cleared sphrans adopted a new nickname for their afh-maligned hometown, believeland. but it wasn't always so. tom hamilton is the home of the indians. sum up the past five decades for sports fans here? >> a lot of frustration, don, a lo b of championships that seemed to be lost in almost historical fashion. >> reporter: with the indians possibly on the verge of the city's second championship in a year, cleveland seems to have put its painful past behind it. but it this resurrection hasn't just happened in the realm of sports. not so long ago, this city was down for the count. in the mid-1970s cleveland became the first major city to default on its financial obligations since great depression and became the poster rustbelt. richie teaches population dynamics at cleveland state university. >> we rose with industry and we died with industry, psychically. we lost our identity. >> reporter: to save itself, the city was reborn as a world-class center of medicine. downtown now beckons with clean streets, stores, and restaurants. >there's still a tough struggle ahead, but as when its basketball team was down 3-1 in the finals or its baseball taesms dismissed even reach the world series yet again, the city of cleveland looked into the abyss and staged the ultimate comeback. don dahler, cbs news, cleveland. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for our team here in cleveland and for all of us all around the when we win on mbnoveer 8, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace obama care. >> but you know what donald trump was backing -- bragging about. grabbing women. mistreating women. with just one week to go until election day, donald trump focuses on obama care, hillary clinton makes the final pitch to female voters. hello, and welcome to the final week of what has become one of the longest, nastiest, most bitterly partisan residential races in all of history, and tonight, the candidates are fanned out across the country,

Related Keywords

United States , Oklahoma , Alabama , Quantico , Virginia , Sandusky County , Ohio , New Jersey , Cleveland , Lutheran Church , Florida , Sweden , New Mexico , Russia , Michigan , Chicago , Illinois , Hamilton County , Americans , Russian , American , Michael Vance , Hillary Clinton America , Richard Stegman , Betty Drake , James Gillespie , Nancy Cordes , Scott Pelley , David Stanger , Linda Merriam , Medgar Evers , Kim Chappelle , Adriana Diaz , George W Bush , Michelle Miller , Anthony Weiner , Tom Hamilton , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20161101 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20161101

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this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. reporting tonight from cleveland, ohio. >> pelley: this is the state where past and future of the american presidency meet, birth place of seven presidents, graveyard of more than a few presidential dreams. no republican has won without ohio since lincoln, and the polls show tonigh donald trump tied here with with democrat hillary clinton. both have visited ohio more than any other battleground, and they've poured $32 million into advertising here. that's four bucks for every registered buckeye. here's mark strassmann. >> we'll make america great again. >> reporter: in the courtship of ohio. >> helping children has been a cause of her life. >> reporter: ...many voters want a restraining order. clinton runs on local television every three minutes. >> overwhelmingly with ads, overwhelming with calls, overwhelming with nonstop political stuff. >> reporter: linda merriam is a registered independent. betty drake is a conservative democrat. if you get up at 7:00 a.m., by what time you have heard your first ad? >> probably, like, 7:03 appropriate 7:03. that soon. >> yeah, that soon. i >> reporter: since june, both presidential campaigns have spent more than $32 million on television ads in ohio. and many ohioans have stopped answering the door and the phone. you get calls all day long from numbers you don't recognize. >> right, yup. >> reporter: these are robocallers? >> robocallers, yes. >> reporter: and then right on call was? >> i think it was a robocaller. >> reporter: does this kind of blitz work? >> no. >> reporter: professor justin buchler: >> when you have as many ads as voters in ohio see, the marginal benefit of every additional ad is basically nothing. >> reporter: drake will vote for trump. merriam is undecided. nothing anybody has said has changed your mind one bit? >> noise for nothing. >> . it's a lot of noise for nothing. >> in hillary clinton's america. >> reporter: noise that one one here can muffle until next tuesday. mark strassmann, cbs news, cleveland. >> pelley: there is some evidence that ads do drive voters to polls. four years ago, the turnout in battleground states was seven points higher than the rest of the country. the real clear politics average clinton's lead is shrinking tonight from seven points two weeks ago, to two points now. so with one week to go, let's bring in our campaign corresponds nancy cordes and major garrett. first, let's go to nancy. how is clinton responding to these polls? >> reporter: scott, she herself has not said anything about them, but her aides insisted to us that this is what they've always predicted, that the race would tighten at the end. in fact, they've even begun airing ads in a couple of states that should be pretty democrats like new mexico and michigan. they say it's not a sign that they're getting nervous. it's simply a sign that they've amassed a pretty big war chest and this is their last chance to spend it. >> pelley: and, nancy, what do we know today about the f.b.i. e-mail investigation? >> reporter: well, we know that f.b.i. agents at quantico in virginia have begun electronically sifting through the hundreds of thousands of e-mails that they say are on anthony weiner's laptop. they believe that the number of they've actually built a pretty sophisticate software program to weed through them using keywords like "classified" to try to condense the e-mails to those that they believe could be relevant to the clinton investigation, weed out duplicates that they've already read before, a process they say could take days before they even begin actually reading the e-mails, scott. >> pelley: they're trying to figure out whether there's any passed on hillary clinton's private e-mail server. major garrett, trump is making hay out of clinton's problems, but the f.b.i. is looking into his world as well. >> reporter: that's right, scott. the big topic is russia. the f.b.i. spent many months this summer looking into possible connections between donald trump, those in his political inner circle, or his businesses with the russian government or russian oligarchs. in the end, the f.b.i. found some noak smokebut not much fire. there are also reports that paul manny fort is under f.b.i. investigation. but he asures me, scott, there is no f.b.i. investigation. one thingt f.b.i. did conclude is the russian government is more disrupted in disrupting the democratic process here in america than aigd trump. >> pelley: and how's the campaign seeing this final week of the race? >> reporter: well, scott, to answer that question you have to understand the trump campaign models differently than anyone else. they see five or six points tha other pollsters do not see. where do they find it? low-propensity voters, voters who haven't showed up before. they believe there are two or three points there, these people will surge to the polls unexpectedly. they also expect republicans to come home in the final days, one or two points there, and maybe one point of psycholog people associated with trump but finally convinced he's going to win. that's why they believe in battleground states and new state they're putting on map they can win this race. >> pelley: we'll see a week from today. major garrett, nancy cordes african americans could tip the balance in battleground states, especially in florida and here in ohio if they turn out for clinton as strongly as they did for president obama. in a story for "60 minutes," we spoke with voters on the east side of cleveland, many of whom worship at the olivet institutional baptist church, which is led by pastor jawanza colvin. >> i think what's going to happen is people are going to have to vote-- vote with passion because this election is not simply significant because every election is important. this election is existential when you look at what's happening around the country, the rhetoric, the kind of loss of civility. you won't vote, you're undecide or you will be voting? >> yeah, i'm going to vote. >> reporter: in the neighborhoods, reverend colvin is getting out the vote, and lisa tollbert promised she'll be counted. >> we have to have a president, we have to have a president. >> pelley: my wife says if you don't vote you can't complain. >> you can't, that's right, thoorpt, that's right. that's right. >> pelley: when african americans vote in large numbers in ohio, ohio votes democratic. >> yes. >> pelley: and when they don't come to the polls, ohio votes republican. >> yes. >> pelley: what's going to happen? >> i'm going to pray that they come to the polls. i'm gonna -- >> but you're not feeling that groundswell? >> i'm not hearing it. >> pel this congregation, the sunday before election day, what are you going to tell them? >> i'm going to say, "when you go to the polls, remember who you're taking with you. first, i want to think about the past. we're taking medgar evers with us. we're taking freedom summer with us. but not only are we taking the past, but we are also taking future. you're taking your kids, your granddaughters, and kids unborn. >> pelley: hillary clinton is also concerned that voters might minute because of that f.b.i. e-mail investigation. here's michelle miller. >> reporter: at price hill chili restaurant in hamilton county this morning, they served up hot coffee, scrambled eggs and a side of politics. >> i'm standing by hillary. >> i'm really rooting trump this year. >> reporter: the f.b.i.'s decision to reopen hillary clinton's e-mail investigation doesn't seem to be change many minds. are people pretty much just d in? >> i think they are pretty much set at this point. >> reporter: the controversy isn't a big deal for 60-year-old kim chappelle, a lifelong republican who is voting for clinton. isn't this a new round of e-mails? >> it is. but from the previous, all the previous e-mail incidents nothing ever became of it, so i'm figuring nothing is becoming of this. >> reporter: 75-year-old david stanger says the f.b.i. review confirms he's making the right the investigation tells me that there's more things that she's done that we don't know about. >> reporter: neighbors are displaying their support with political yard signs. james gillespie, a democrat who campaigned twice for obama, is switching parties this year. >> a lot of corruption they saw in hillary clinton is coming out in the news right now, and it's a big part of why i'm not willing to support her. >> reporter: back at the restaurant, kim chappelle thinks >> i couldn't in good congress vote for donald trump. i just couldn't do it. >> reporter: early voting began here in ohio nearly three weeks ago, scott. so even before the controversy broke on friday, more than a million ballots had already been cast statewide. >> pelley: michelle, thanks very much. of course, both candidates would like to change the subject to the economy. chip reid spoke to small "closing arguments." >> reporter: so what are you making here? >> i am making peanut butter buckeyes. >> reporter: buckeyes. >> yes. >> reporter: fall is candy season and it's when talk in donna's shop turns to politics. sandusky is a swing can county. president obama won it twice, but so did george w. bush. and who would you like to see win this election? >> i would like to see donald trump win this election. >> reporter: mcneemer says she especially likes his plans grow, would you not need somebody that knows business? >> reporter: she prefers trump's current plan on the minimum wage. he wants the states to decide. clinton supports a minimum mum as high as $15 an hour. >> if we're forced to pay $15 for minimum wage, guess who's going to work more hours? me. because i'm going to have to lay off employees. i can't-- you know, we can't handle that kind of increase. >> reporter: she also favors biggest for the wealthiest. clinton's plan would raise taxes on the rich. >> i understand that they're wealthy and they make a lot of money, but i also understand that they worked really hardinar money, and if they have to pay more taxes, it has to go somewhere. it's going to come down to me. >> reporter: across the county, in bellevue, ohio, richard stegman has a very different view. you're a big fan of hillary clinton. >> oh, gosh, yes. >> reporter: stegman owns the victorian tudor inn. >> all right, ladies, here we go. >> a b beforey recession. >> evidence this close, so close to losing everything. >> reporter: he credits the president's policy with turning the economy around and thinks clinton would state course. on the economic front what, do you like most about hillary clinton? >> well, i think it all goes under the exwrael umbrella of r experience. >> reporter: how about minimum wage, where do you stand on $14 to $15 an hour. >> reporter: that's well above the minimum wage. >> because i need good people. >> reporter: and he prefers clinton's tax policies to trump's? >> his tax proposal benefits a wide variety of people and that's what we need. we don't need a tax policy that really benefits just a small segment. i think hers is very broad. >> reporter: you think she'll help the middle class more than donald trump? >> oh, oh, oh, clearly. >> reporter: two small business owners on opposite sides in a county that could determine which way this chip reid, cbs news, sandusky county, ohio. >> pelley: and it will be determined a week from tonight. cbs news election night coverage will begin next tuesday at 7:00 eastern time. today, the oklahoma highway patrol released video of the deadly end to a week-long manhunt. the suspect, michael vance, was wanted for a series of here's manuel bojorquez. >> reporter: dash-cam video shows an oklahoma state trooper driving and firing his assault rifle as he chased murder suspect michael vance sunday night. a police helicopter captured the chase from above, showing him barreling through a checkpoint during the rolling gunbattle. at one point vance, who police say was armed with an ak-47, got out of his truck, using it as a shield as he kept shooting. troopers fired back. eventually, he was struck and killed. vance had been on the run for more than a week after police say he killed two relatives, shot and injured two officers, and taunted authorities with a facebook video. >> what's up, y'all? letting you all know, look, this is real. see? that's a gun. that's the real deal. >> reporter: police got a break sunday when someone spotted vance camping out in rural western oklahoma. he opened fire on a sheriff, who tried to pull him over, the sheriff was struck on the shoulder and elbow. he will survive. scott, police believe vance, who was recently charged with child sex abuse, out to seeke rvenge. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez for us tonight. manuel, thank you. coming up next on the cbs evening news, a pipeline blast could mean higher gasoline prices. and later, a city making a comeback when the cbs evening news continues from cleveland. roller derby. ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia? is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? 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