Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2016

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160530

spent memorial day pulling dozens from rising flood waters following days of relentless rain. at least six people died this holiday weekend, two are missing, one in texas and an 11-year-old boy in kansas. manuel bojorquez is following this. >> reporter: from the air, the extent of the historic flooding is clear. rivers in southeast texas have consumed land and homes, forcing rescues by the coast guard. on the ground, it's a painful reality for homeowners like alicia gracia. >> this is a piece of property my dad gave me before he passed away and it's sentimental. >> oh, oh, oh! >> reporter: the relentless storms dumped 20 inches of rain upstream over the past four days leaving cars submerged and parts of haydens impassable. the 19-mile stretch of the ba sos river from simonton to richmond, texas, is forecast to rise 8 feet above flood stage. hardest hit, near horseshoe bend river on simonsons west side. lynne johnson's farm. you've never seen this bad? >> we've never had water from fluting. >> reporter: she evacuated. her house has several pete of water. >> very, very hard to wrap your mind around. >around. >> reporter: alicia gracia has never considered living anywhere else. >> after 33 years, you might have to walk away. >> yeah. >> reporter: the river is expected to rise above 53 feet. that would be the highest level ever recorded here. elaine, it's not expected to recede for days and, making matters worse, there is more rain in the forecast later this week. >> quijano: devastating scenes in texas. manuel bojorquez, thank you. what's left of bonny, once a tropical storm, weakened near the south carolina today. some parts to have the state inundated, others lucked out. >> the memorial day in myrtle beach was a relief for a city once in the path to have a tropical storm. >> we we weren't going to let the weather stop us. >> reporter: the hinojosas drove here from houston. >> we left one storm to get to another. >> reporter: bonnie stalled shortly after making land sunl day in isle of palm, south carolina. record rainfall flooded charleston in the south in what's known as the low country. 10 inches of rain fell in 13 hours in richland, a stretch of i 95 southbound was underwater waste high. vehicles floating, drivers stranded, nine people had to be rescued. for some drivers, it took four hours to go four miles. >> so what's going on up the road? >> interstate is flooded. it's underwater. >> that's crazy. >> reporter: just in time for the memorial day drive home, i 95 southbound is open tonight. all weekend, bonnie has been generating swells that have created the risk for rip currents, a real threat, but tonight, elaine, the storm is breaking apart. it is still crawling up the south carolina coast, but it is expected to move offshore. >> quijano: a bit of good news. david begnaud, thank you. eight days before the california primary, democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck in the polls. julianna goldman is following the presidential race. (cheers and applause) >> reporter: hillary clinton spent memorial day with her husband former president bill clinton walking along a friendly parade rupe in chappaqua, new york. >> i believe we have an excellent chance to win here in california and i believe that we have a chance, perhaps, to win big. >> reporter: while senator bernie sanders continued to campaign across california, clinton announced she's returning to the west coast on thursday ahead of the june 7t june 7th primary. california polls show her and sanders in a statistical dead heat. clinton could lose california and still get enough delegates nomination, but it would be damaging, and not the show of lectionh she was hoping for matchup against donald trump. >> we can't have hillary clinton be our president, that i can tell you. >> reporter: the presumptive republican nominee was in washington sunday speaking at an annual gathering of motorcyclist who is roll in each year to honor america's prisoners of war and troops missing in action. >> i thought this would be like dr. martin luther king where people would be lined up from here all the way to the washington monument, right? unfortunately, they don't allow them to come in. >> reporter: while trump was disappointed by the crowd size, he announced tomorrow he'll be naming the veterans charities who received millions he says he raced earlier this year. >> we raised $6 million for vets. >> reporter: the businessman came under fire for not fully accounting for the money. cbs news reached out to all the veterans groups the t organization said the money would initially go to. as of the end of last month the groups we reached confirmed receipt of just over $2 million. some of the groups were less forthcoming and would not specify how much they received. >> quijano: julianna goldman, thank you. today, fallen servicemen and women were honored. at the arlington national cemetery. president obama laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. he noted 20 members to have the armed forces have died in combat in the last year. plenty of parades from coast to coast where the weather permitted. in livermore, california, military aircraft from past wars were on display. today iraq's military pushed into outskirts of fallujah. retaking the city is under top period of time. under i.s.i.s. control for two years. here's charlie d'agata. >> reporter: iraqi forces combined with shiite militias pummeled suspected i.s.i.s. targets as they closed commanders say ground forces backed by u.s.-led airstrikes advanced to the city limits from three directions. but u.s. military sources in baghdad told cbs news no iraqi forces have managed to enter the city itself yet. the week-longo fencive to retake the i.s.i.s. strong hold has now entered a new and dangerous phase. only a few hundred residents have been able to escape. tens of thousands more remain trapped, held hostage as human shields. iraqi officials estimate as many as 2,000 i.s.i.s. fighters are holed up in the city. when we were last with outstretched iraqi forces outside fallujah a few weeks ago they said their biggors fear was suicide truck bombs striking their fragile front lines. american forces know from experience taking fallujah house by house won't come easy. troops died in some of the bloodiest battles they faced against sunni insurgents. the latest assault on fallujah came as dozens were killed in a new wave of terrorist attacks in baghdad. i.s.i.s. has already claimed responsibility for a strig of suicide bombings to strike the capital in recent weeks. u.s. military officials in baghdad told us i.s.i.s. has yet to launch any significant counterattack, elaine. it was likely that militants were trying to draw forces into urban combat. fallujah was the first city to fall to i.s.i.s. more than two years ago, and they're unlikely to give it up without a fight. >> quijano: charlie d'agata reporting, thanks. today houston police say they have no motive in sunday's shooting rampage. investigators say a man walked into an auto body shop and started shooting. one person was killed. six others wounded, including two police officers. the shooter was killed by police. today at new york's j.f.k. airport, one day after a computer outage created a massive backlog at the british airways terminal. crews were forced to write out boarding passes and baggage tags by hand. more than a thousand passengers were stuck waiting for hours to board flights. at some of the busiest airports, bomb-sniffing dogs are helping to speed up security lines. their knack for finding explosives is unparalleled. the only progress, not enough of them. here's transportation correspondent kris van cleave. >> she sits and that's how she tells me show found explosives. >> reporter: sonny can easy detect the kind of explosives used in the paris attacks. >> 19,000 different kind of explosives. >> reporter: a.t.f. special agent shiela fry is sonny's handler. >> when i started in 2002, not too many people knew what a bomb dos bomb dog. >> reporter: the use of bomb sniffing dogs by the federal agencies and or others vin creased since 9/11. about a thousand sniff around transportation hubs. the canines are specially suspected, trained for a year and serve eight years. as demand increased, u.s. law enforcement has seen the demand tighten. >> it likely makes me concerned. i think that we have an obligation to the public to keep us safe, and the dogs we know are the most effective screening tool for explosives. >> reporter: recently dr. otowarned congress of the potential fortunately a looming shortage. >> one of the major reasons for the shortage of quality dogs is we rely on other priority. >> reporter: the transportation security administration used to have its own program but shut it down dow high costs and needs 60 dogs to add to the 300 it's using. customs and border protections needs 325 additional canine teams. >> we need to think about a better way to provide these dogs because it really is a national security issue that we're all invested in. >> reporter: the t.s.a. would like to add hundreds of more detection canines to airports in the coming years. kris van cleave, cbs news, reagan national airport, virginia. >> quijano: addiction to oip yods including painkillers and heroin takes 29,000 american lives each year. a new treatment for addicks using implants should be available by the end of next month. anna werner takes a look. >> i woke up every day and my focus on life was to find a way to get osca throughout the day. >> 49-year-old chris borgeone got hooked on painkillers after breaking his hip in 2003. he battled addiction for five years before hitting rock bottom. >> i knew if i continued on the path i was on i would eventually die. >> quijano: he checked into a clinic where they gave him suboxone to wean him off opiates but would forgot take the medication and relapse. his docks enrolled borgeone into a clinical trial for buprenorphine, . it is implanted into is it upper arm in rods which slowly release the drug into the bloodstream and travels to the brain. it latches on to receptors that are usually triggered by prescription pain pills or heroin, effectively blocking the craving to get high. dr. richard rosenthal of new york's mount sinai hospital sa what completed you about the development? >> a new weapon to fight drug addiction. the risk of relapse is reduced because you won't miss a dose. you would have your new opioid receptors covered by the medication. >> with the implant, it will give you the opportunity to live a normal life without feeling the need to take a pill every day and i'm hoping by doing so, at the end of the treatment, i will be able to move forward without any medication whatsoever. >> quijano: dr. rosen that will says the new treatment could eventually be used to help some 500,000 people currently addicted to opiates. the drug's cost is estimated at $6,000 every six months. >> quijano: anna werner reporting. thank you. outrage grows after a gorilla is killed to protect the life of a young boy. a marine on a mission to honor the fallen when the "cbs evening news" continues. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone 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(screaming) >> the gorilla has the child and is dragging him around the pen. >> reporter: the boy's mother could be heard calling to him. >> mommy loves you. i'm right here. >> reporter: the gorilla's death caused a furious reaction from those critical of the zoo's decision to kill the april. thane maynard said tranquilizing wasn't an option. >> we did not take the sth of harambe lightly, but that child's life was in danger and people who question that were our monday morning quarterbacks, and second-guessers don't understand you can't take a risk with a silverback. >> reporter: wildlife expert jack hanna tells cbs he agrees 1,000% with the zoo's decision. >> they made the correct decision. a human being is alive because of the decision the cincinnati zoo made. >> reporter: the death is sparking outrage toward the child's mom. a petition has 200,000 significants and wants the boy's mother to face charges. kim o'connor says moments before she took the video she heard the young boy and mom arguing. >> i'm going in, no you're not. i'm going to go in, no you're not. >> reporter: o'connor heard the splash. >> he was pulling the boy by the ankle under water for a long , banged as he was climbing up. that's the part they didn't see. >> reporter: the family said h the boy is home and doing find and said we extend our heart felt thanks for the quick action by the cincinnati zoo staff. we know this was a very difficult decision for them and that they are grieving the loss of their gorilla. the zoo says the barriers are adequate and officials are looking at whether there are ways to improving. they hope to reopen the gorilla exhibit this weekend. >> quijano: a lot of strong feelings about the story. sharks expected of attack swimmers on both coasts this weekend. that's next. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. toujeo® also provides proven full 24-hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. ask your doctor about toujeo®. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? 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(rothat cigarette smokingght just messed up your lungs. i never thought that at only 45, it would give me a heart attack. my tip is, do your heart a favor and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. pooh pau pau gasol pau gasol pau pau flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. terry bradshaw? what a surprise! you know what else is a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. that's why i'm here. c'mon let's sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? i didn't know that. i did. he's on tv saying it. but have you done anything? (all) no. that's why i'm reminding people like you to ask your doctor or pharmacist about your risk of getting shingles. because if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who's had chickenpox? scoot over. me too! when i got shingles i had this ugly band of blisters and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. so talk to your doctor or pharmacist. we all in? (all) yes! of my career 12 hours straight. i know, talk about pain. seriously now, talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. >> quijano: we end this memorial day with a marine's remarkable journey-- one which nearly ended on a minefield in afghanistan. instead, he became the first veteran-- wounded in combat-- to summit mount everest. jericka duncan has his story. >> quijano: it took charlie lindville seven weeks to reach the top of mount everest. this was his third attempt, and he did it with a five-pound prosthesis strapped to his thigh. >> i pushed my body to the ultimaxt victorious, so that's confidence i get to carry with myself forever. >> reporter: the 30-year-old marine a member of a bomb disposal unit badly injured in 2011 while in afghanistan. the pain in his right leg was so severe he asked doctors to amputate it. >> all of a sudden i was in a hospital bed where people wanted to push me to my wheelchair and had nothing but pity for me and wanted to take care of me. >> reporter: soon after, lindville was introduced to tim medvitz, founders of the heros project featured on "60 minutes" in 2016, training wounded veterans to climb the world's highest mountains to help them regain their strength and ready themselves for a lifetime of highs and lows. >> we'll show you what you're capable of and what the prosthetic legs are capable of here and what you're cap >> reporter: how have you changed as a person? >> whewhen i first got wounded i was very depressed and it flipped me 180 degrees from where i was three years ago. >> reporter: lindville says this journey wasn't only about himself. >> when i got to the summit of mt. everest, i took a few tokens of fallen service members, some really great friends that i remember and i said a little prayer, not only for him but for every servicemember that has given their life for our great country at the top of the world because, for me, that is as close aches get to them. >> reporter: honoring those who died while learning how to live again. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. >> quijano: a remarkable journey and we're forever grateful for the sacrifices of the fallen. that's cbs news for this memorial day, i'm elaine quijano. thanks for watching. scott will be back tomorrow. good p?p?o?gv fo right now at 7:00. heavy rain and thunderstorms greeting travelers as they come home from the holiday weekend. there is a live look right now on route 50 as drives approach the bay bridge. maryland transportation authorities said that cars are backed up bumper to bumper for a 16-mile stretch. hello and thanks for joining us. i'm bruce johnson. showers will continue through the night. howard bernstein telling us who is getting hit hardest. howard. >> a measurable memorial day on the beaches. look at the tropical moisture. southeast virginia, the outer banks and ocean city, a very wet day. locally we have had a couple of showers and much better. some of them rather heavy and nothing severe. weakening as they approach cross

Related Keywords

Richland , South Carolina , United States , New York , Charleston , Chappaqua , Fallujah , Al Anbar , Iraq , Arlington , Texas , Germany , Paris , France General , France , Afghanistan , Myrtle Beach , Washington , Florida , California , Virginia , Cincinnati , Ohio , Richmond , United Kingdom , Washington Monument , District Of Columbia , Ocean City , Maryland , Baghdad , Houston , Kansas , Newport Beach , Neptune Beach , America , Iraqi , British , American , Anna Werner , Julianna Goldman , Bruce Johnson , Elaine Quijano , Martin Luther King , Terry Bradshaw , Thane Maynard , Jack Hanna , Howard Bernstein , Richard Rosenthal , Glynne Johnson , Scott Pelley , Alicia Gracia , Mount Everest , Hillary Clinton , Roger Zapata , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160530 :

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160530

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spent memorial day pulling dozens from rising flood waters following days of relentless rain. at least six people died this holiday weekend, two are missing, one in texas and an 11-year-old boy in kansas. manuel bojorquez is following this. >> reporter: from the air, the extent of the historic flooding is clear. rivers in southeast texas have consumed land and homes, forcing rescues by the coast guard. on the ground, it's a painful reality for homeowners like alicia gracia. >> this is a piece of property my dad gave me before he passed away and it's sentimental. >> oh, oh, oh! >> reporter: the relentless storms dumped 20 inches of rain upstream over the past four days leaving cars submerged and parts of haydens impassable. the 19-mile stretch of the ba sos river from simonton to richmond, texas, is forecast to rise 8 feet above flood stage. hardest hit, near horseshoe bend river on simonsons west side. lynne johnson's farm. you've never seen this bad? >> we've never had water from fluting. >> reporter: she evacuated. her house has several pete of water. >> very, very hard to wrap your mind around. >around. >> reporter: alicia gracia has never considered living anywhere else. >> after 33 years, you might have to walk away. >> yeah. >> reporter: the river is expected to rise above 53 feet. that would be the highest level ever recorded here. elaine, it's not expected to recede for days and, making matters worse, there is more rain in the forecast later this week. >> quijano: devastating scenes in texas. manuel bojorquez, thank you. what's left of bonny, once a tropical storm, weakened near the south carolina today. some parts to have the state inundated, others lucked out. >> the memorial day in myrtle beach was a relief for a city once in the path to have a tropical storm. >> we we weren't going to let the weather stop us. >> reporter: the hinojosas drove here from houston. >> we left one storm to get to another. >> reporter: bonnie stalled shortly after making land sunl day in isle of palm, south carolina. record rainfall flooded charleston in the south in what's known as the low country. 10 inches of rain fell in 13 hours in richland, a stretch of i 95 southbound was underwater waste high. vehicles floating, drivers stranded, nine people had to be rescued. for some drivers, it took four hours to go four miles. >> so what's going on up the road? >> interstate is flooded. it's underwater. >> that's crazy. >> reporter: just in time for the memorial day drive home, i 95 southbound is open tonight. all weekend, bonnie has been generating swells that have created the risk for rip currents, a real threat, but tonight, elaine, the storm is breaking apart. it is still crawling up the south carolina coast, but it is expected to move offshore. >> quijano: a bit of good news. david begnaud, thank you. eight days before the california primary, democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck in the polls. julianna goldman is following the presidential race. (cheers and applause) >> reporter: hillary clinton spent memorial day with her husband former president bill clinton walking along a friendly parade rupe in chappaqua, new york. >> i believe we have an excellent chance to win here in california and i believe that we have a chance, perhaps, to win big. >> reporter: while senator bernie sanders continued to campaign across california, clinton announced she's returning to the west coast on thursday ahead of the june 7t june 7th primary. california polls show her and sanders in a statistical dead heat. clinton could lose california and still get enough delegates nomination, but it would be damaging, and not the show of lectionh she was hoping for matchup against donald trump. >> we can't have hillary clinton be our president, that i can tell you. >> reporter: the presumptive republican nominee was in washington sunday speaking at an annual gathering of motorcyclist who is roll in each year to honor america's prisoners of war and troops missing in action. >> i thought this would be like dr. martin luther king where people would be lined up from here all the way to the washington monument, right? unfortunately, they don't allow them to come in. >> reporter: while trump was disappointed by the crowd size, he announced tomorrow he'll be naming the veterans charities who received millions he says he raced earlier this year. >> we raised $6 million for vets. >> reporter: the businessman came under fire for not fully accounting for the money. cbs news reached out to all the veterans groups the t organization said the money would initially go to. as of the end of last month the groups we reached confirmed receipt of just over $2 million. some of the groups were less forthcoming and would not specify how much they received. >> quijano: julianna goldman, thank you. today, fallen servicemen and women were honored. at the arlington national cemetery. president obama laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. he noted 20 members to have the armed forces have died in combat in the last year. plenty of parades from coast to coast where the weather permitted. in livermore, california, military aircraft from past wars were on display. today iraq's military pushed into outskirts of fallujah. retaking the city is under top period of time. under i.s.i.s. control for two years. here's charlie d'agata. >> reporter: iraqi forces combined with shiite militias pummeled suspected i.s.i.s. targets as they closed commanders say ground forces backed by u.s.-led airstrikes advanced to the city limits from three directions. but u.s. military sources in baghdad told cbs news no iraqi forces have managed to enter the city itself yet. the week-longo fencive to retake the i.s.i.s. strong hold has now entered a new and dangerous phase. only a few hundred residents have been able to escape. tens of thousands more remain trapped, held hostage as human shields. iraqi officials estimate as many as 2,000 i.s.i.s. fighters are holed up in the city. when we were last with outstretched iraqi forces outside fallujah a few weeks ago they said their biggors fear was suicide truck bombs striking their fragile front lines. american forces know from experience taking fallujah house by house won't come easy. troops died in some of the bloodiest battles they faced against sunni insurgents. the latest assault on fallujah came as dozens were killed in a new wave of terrorist attacks in baghdad. i.s.i.s. has already claimed responsibility for a strig of suicide bombings to strike the capital in recent weeks. u.s. military officials in baghdad told us i.s.i.s. has yet to launch any significant counterattack, elaine. it was likely that militants were trying to draw forces into urban combat. fallujah was the first city to fall to i.s.i.s. more than two years ago, and they're unlikely to give it up without a fight. >> quijano: charlie d'agata reporting, thanks. today houston police say they have no motive in sunday's shooting rampage. investigators say a man walked into an auto body shop and started shooting. one person was killed. six others wounded, including two police officers. the shooter was killed by police. today at new york's j.f.k. airport, one day after a computer outage created a massive backlog at the british airways terminal. crews were forced to write out boarding passes and baggage tags by hand. more than a thousand passengers were stuck waiting for hours to board flights. at some of the busiest airports, bomb-sniffing dogs are helping to speed up security lines. their knack for finding explosives is unparalleled. the only progress, not enough of them. here's transportation correspondent kris van cleave. >> she sits and that's how she tells me show found explosives. >> reporter: sonny can easy detect the kind of explosives used in the paris attacks. >> 19,000 different kind of explosives. >> reporter: a.t.f. special agent shiela fry is sonny's handler. >> when i started in 2002, not too many people knew what a bomb dos bomb dog. >> reporter: the use of bomb sniffing dogs by the federal agencies and or others vin creased since 9/11. about a thousand sniff around transportation hubs. the canines are specially suspected, trained for a year and serve eight years. as demand increased, u.s. law enforcement has seen the demand tighten. >> it likely makes me concerned. i think that we have an obligation to the public to keep us safe, and the dogs we know are the most effective screening tool for explosives. >> reporter: recently dr. otowarned congress of the potential fortunately a looming shortage. >> one of the major reasons for the shortage of quality dogs is we rely on other priority. >> reporter: the transportation security administration used to have its own program but shut it down dow high costs and needs 60 dogs to add to the 300 it's using. customs and border protections needs 325 additional canine teams. >> we need to think about a better way to provide these dogs because it really is a national security issue that we're all invested in. >> reporter: the t.s.a. would like to add hundreds of more detection canines to airports in the coming years. kris van cleave, cbs news, reagan national airport, virginia. >> quijano: addiction to oip yods including painkillers and heroin takes 29,000 american lives each year. a new treatment for addicks using implants should be available by the end of next month. anna werner takes a look. >> i woke up every day and my focus on life was to find a way to get osca throughout the day. >> 49-year-old chris borgeone got hooked on painkillers after breaking his hip in 2003. he battled addiction for five years before hitting rock bottom. >> i knew if i continued on the path i was on i would eventually die. >> quijano: he checked into a clinic where they gave him suboxone to wean him off opiates but would forgot take the medication and relapse. his docks enrolled borgeone into a clinical trial for buprenorphine, . it is implanted into is it upper arm in rods which slowly release the drug into the bloodstream and travels to the brain. it latches on to receptors that are usually triggered by prescription pain pills or heroin, effectively blocking the craving to get high. dr. richard rosenthal of new york's mount sinai hospital sa what completed you about the development? >> a new weapon to fight drug addiction. the risk of relapse is reduced because you won't miss a dose. you would have your new opioid receptors covered by the medication. >> with the implant, it will give you the opportunity to live a normal life without feeling the need to take a pill every day and i'm hoping by doing so, at the end of the treatment, i will be able to move forward without any medication whatsoever. >> quijano: dr. rosen that will says the new treatment could eventually be used to help some 500,000 people currently addicted to opiates. the drug's cost is estimated at $6,000 every six months. >> quijano: anna werner reporting. thank you. outrage grows after a gorilla is killed to protect the life of a young boy. a marine on a mission to honor the fallen when the "cbs evening news" continues. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone 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(screaming) >> the gorilla has the child and is dragging him around the pen. >> reporter: the boy's mother could be heard calling to him. >> mommy loves you. i'm right here. >> reporter: the gorilla's death caused a furious reaction from those critical of the zoo's decision to kill the april. thane maynard said tranquilizing wasn't an option. >> we did not take the sth of harambe lightly, but that child's life was in danger and people who question that were our monday morning quarterbacks, and second-guessers don't understand you can't take a risk with a silverback. >> reporter: wildlife expert jack hanna tells cbs he agrees 1,000% with the zoo's decision. >> they made the correct decision. a human being is alive because of the decision the cincinnati zoo made. >> reporter: the death is sparking outrage toward the child's mom. a petition has 200,000 significants and wants the boy's mother to face charges. kim o'connor says moments before she took the video she heard the young boy and mom arguing. >> i'm going in, no you're not. i'm going to go in, no you're not. >> reporter: o'connor heard the splash. >> he was pulling the boy by the ankle under water for a long , banged as he was climbing up. that's the part they didn't see. >> reporter: the family said h the boy is home and doing find and said we extend our heart felt thanks for the quick action by the cincinnati zoo staff. we know this was a very difficult decision for them and that they are grieving the loss of their gorilla. the zoo says the barriers are adequate and officials are looking at whether there are ways to improving. they hope to reopen the gorilla exhibit this weekend. >> quijano: a lot of strong feelings about the story. sharks expected of attack swimmers on both coasts this weekend. that's next. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. toujeo® also provides proven full 24-hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds (thiazolidinediones) may cause serious side effects like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. ask your doctor about toujeo®. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? 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(rothat cigarette smokingght just messed up your lungs. i never thought that at only 45, it would give me a heart attack. my tip is, do your heart a favor and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. pooh pau pau gasol pau gasol pau pau flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. terry bradshaw? what a surprise! you know what else is a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. that's why i'm here. c'mon let's sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? i didn't know that. i did. he's on tv saying it. but have you done anything? (all) no. that's why i'm reminding people like you to ask your doctor or pharmacist about your risk of getting shingles. because if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. (all) oooh. who's had chickenpox? scoot over. me too! when i got shingles i had this ugly band of blisters and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. so talk to your doctor or pharmacist. we all in? (all) yes! of my career 12 hours straight. i know, talk about pain. seriously now, talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. >> quijano: we end this memorial day with a marine's remarkable journey-- one which nearly ended on a minefield in afghanistan. instead, he became the first veteran-- wounded in combat-- to summit mount everest. jericka duncan has his story. >> quijano: it took charlie lindville seven weeks to reach the top of mount everest. this was his third attempt, and he did it with a five-pound prosthesis strapped to his thigh. >> i pushed my body to the ultimaxt victorious, so that's confidence i get to carry with myself forever. >> reporter: the 30-year-old marine a member of a bomb disposal unit badly injured in 2011 while in afghanistan. the pain in his right leg was so severe he asked doctors to amputate it. >> all of a sudden i was in a hospital bed where people wanted to push me to my wheelchair and had nothing but pity for me and wanted to take care of me. >> reporter: soon after, lindville was introduced to tim medvitz, founders of the heros project featured on "60 minutes" in 2016, training wounded veterans to climb the world's highest mountains to help them regain their strength and ready themselves for a lifetime of highs and lows. >> we'll show you what you're capable of and what the prosthetic legs are capable of here and what you're cap >> reporter: how have you changed as a person? >> whewhen i first got wounded i was very depressed and it flipped me 180 degrees from where i was three years ago. >> reporter: lindville says this journey wasn't only about himself. >> when i got to the summit of mt. everest, i took a few tokens of fallen service members, some really great friends that i remember and i said a little prayer, not only for him but for every servicemember that has given their life for our great country at the top of the world because, for me, that is as close aches get to them. >> reporter: honoring those who died while learning how to live again. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. >> quijano: a remarkable journey and we're forever grateful for the sacrifices of the fallen. that's cbs news for this memorial day, i'm elaine quijano. thanks for watching. scott will be back tomorrow. good p?p?o?gv fo right now at 7:00. heavy rain and thunderstorms greeting travelers as they come home from the holiday weekend. there is a live look right now on route 50 as drives approach the bay bridge. maryland transportation authorities said that cars are backed up bumper to bumper for a 16-mile stretch. hello and thanks for joining us. i'm bruce johnson. showers will continue through the night. howard bernstein telling us who is getting hit hardest. howard. >> a measurable memorial day on the beaches. look at the tropical moisture. southeast virginia, the outer banks and ocean city, a very wet day. locally we have had a couple of showers and much better. some of them rather heavy and nothing severe. weakening as they approach cross

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