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Indiana with a pivotal primary vote tonight. First votes are right now being counted. Today ted cruz let loose on the republican frontrunner donald trump. The most recent poll gave trump a 15point lead in indiana. Major garrett now on ted cruz in attack mode. I tell you what i really the think of donald. This man is a pathologicalia lr. He doesnt know the difference between truth and lies. If you hooked him up to a Lie Detector Test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening, all contradictory and hed pass the Lie Detector Test each time. Reporter ted cruz on the verge of losing a primary crucial to his hope of stopping donald trumps. No nation described the frontrunner as a menace to the presidency. If this man were to become president , think about the next five years, the boasting, the pathological up the National Enquirer and accusing people of killing j. F. K. Reporter thats a reference to a completely unproven accusation first made in the National Enquirer that cruzs father rafael was seen in a picture next to lee harvey oswald, an assertion the Cruz Campaign flatly denies. I guess i should go ahead and admit, yes, my dad killed j. F. K. , hes secretly elvis and jimmy hoffa is buried in his backyard. Reporter cruz, who once spoke warmly of trump i want the thank my friend donald trump. Reporter called him a serial philanderer. I want you to think about your teenage kids, the president of the United States talking about how great it is to commit adultery, talks about his battle with venereal disease as his own personal vietnam. Thats a quote from howard stern. Reporter trump said, cruz th a desperate candidate trying ted cruz does not have the temperament to be president of the United States. Cruzs biggest food and Drug Administration Administration May be his indiana strategy is unraveling. Scott, not only is trump poised to win handily tonight, with that victory he may accumulate more votes in all the primary contests this year than mitt romney did in all the nominating contests of 2012 and there are still nine primaries to go. Pelley Major Garrett in manhattan. Major, thank you. Well, Hillary Clinton has about 91 of all the delegates that she needs, so even a loss tonight wouldnt change her path to the nomination. Nancy cordes is with the democrats. To put it plainly, i missmoke. Reporter clinton spent election day not in indiana, but in appalachia, consuming a bakerys worth of humble pie over this slipup from march. Were going to put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. Reporter her apology tour has taken her to West Virginia, kentucky and southern ohio. Dont like you. Reporter shes been confronted nearly everywhere by protesters, including coal executive don blankenship, who goes to prison next week for safety violations that contributed to the deaths of 29 miners in 2010. Well, if donald trump wants the support of someone like, that he can have it. Reporter sanders, meantime, has been barnstorming indiana, and the clinton camp says he could very well win. Thank you. Reporter its an open primary, which means independents can vote, and his tough stance on trade has played well in other rust belt states like michigan. Secretary clinton, as you know, has supported virtually every one of these disastrous trade agreements. Reporter sanders sank nearly 2 million into tv ads in indiana. Clinton conserving cash for the general election spent virtually none. Hes also spending more time than money in West Virginia and kentucky, which vote later this region, i met with some of them yesterday, who find it hard thinking about voting for any democrat or voting for me particularly. Reporter she said shell keep trying to convince them anyway. Clinton was asked today how she expects to do in indiana tonight, and tellingly, she said she was more focused on the general election. The reality is, scott, she can afford to lose a few delegates to sanders, who is trailing by about 800 of them. Pelley nancy cordes in the washington newsroom. Nance, thank you. Joining us now is john dickerson, our cbs news director and the anchor of face the nation. John, what did you make of ted cruz today . The clock is running out for ted cruz. Indiana was favorable for him. It was a state he had to win. The voting population there is more conservative than they were in last weeks northeastern states, and he had the endorsement of the republican governor. And if he doesnt win, that not only will allow trump to amass more of those delegates toward accumulating that he needs, but it really weakens cruzs case in the future contests, and if this race goes to an open convention, losses like this make it even harder for cruz to argue that the g. O. P. Should deny donald trump, who will rack up a lot more votes tonight and a lot more delegates. Pelley an open convention seems less and less likely now. What are you looking for from the democrats in indiana tonight . Its all about what Bernie Sanders does. First he has to win really big, as nancy mentioned, to shrink Hillary Clintons pledged delegate lead, and because his campaign now release on convincing superdelegates basically, he has to find some way the use tonight to make an argument, to somehow start making the case to those superdelegates that would be so compelling that a large number, who have already pledged to Hillary Clinton, will somehow abandon her. So for Bernie Sanders, its not because hes so far behind, he not only has to win, he has to make big strides. Pelley john dickerson, well watch you sunday on face the nation. Thanks so much. We have some schieffer, who has covered 13 president ial campaigns. Reporter pardon the pun, but if all goes as expected, donald trump will cruz to victory in indiana and wrap up the republican nomination next month in california. So heres where we are we remember campaigns for the words they add to our culture, tippecanoe, happy days are here again, i like ike, but the phrase i hear these days is, have you ever . Who would have thought a guy could appeal to the working class by flying around in a private jet, bragging about how rich he was. Or when asked why she took 600,000 for making a speech to bankers, a candidate would answer, its what they offered. Or a candidate could raise 115 million only to discover it had no impact on his campaign. Or a female candidate would list as a considerable experience with men who went off the reservation. Or the leading candidate in both parties would turn out to be people that polls show a majority of americans dont like. And then theres my favorite, that a Party Insider could call a candidate lucifer in the flesh and manage to offend devil worshipers. You can look it up. I keep hearing this campaign may be the worst ever, an alltime low, scott. I dont know about that, but i know this were at the deep end of the pool. Pelley bob schieffer, dean of american political reporters. Thank you, bob. There is continuing coverage of the indiana primary on our Digital Network cbsn, and its available on all devices at cbsnews. Com. Today a navy seal was killed in combat against isis in iraq. The fight was north of mosul, a city of more than 500,000 people controlled by the army. David martin is at the pentagon. Reporter the attack recorded and immediately distributed by isis for propaganda took place near a small village 20 miles north of the iraqi city of mosul. It was a sudden outburst of fighting along a front that has been relatively peaceful. It began early this morning when three suicide truck bombs rammed into a checkpoint manned by the kurdish peshmerga, followed by bulldozers to clear away debris and open a path to the rear for two more truck bombs. There two or three miles behind the front line, a small team of american advisers was meeting with peshmerga commanders, paying a routine visit to make sure they were getting the supplies and equipment they needed. Whether isis knew the americans were there is not clear. Air strikes destroyed the two truck bombs before they could reach the rear. In video shot from the peshmerga line, you can see a jet streak by orh the explosions. It would take a total of 23 air strikes to finally break the isis charge. But not before they got close enough to open fire with their rifles on the american advisers. One of them, a navy seal, was shot and killed. The third american serviceman to die in combat with isis. All told, there are about 5,000 American Military personnel in iraq doing everything from training the iraqi army to conducting commando raids. Only a small portion of them, just over 100, are advisers working with local forces in the field. Defense Officials Say its not unusual if for advisers to be within a couple miles of the front line, so this was just another day in the life of an american adviser, until it turned deadly. Scott . Pelley and the name of the seal is still being withheld. David martin at the pentagon. David, thank you. In syria, the siege of aleppo is becoming mass murder. The syrian dictators forces are encircling the city, which is partly held by rebels who rose up five years ago. Well, today rockets fired by those rebels hit a hospital. Three women were killed, among 20 who died in aleppo today. The city was once syrias commercial capital. Last week a missile fired by the dictatorship killed 50 people in another hospital. In an important study tonight, it has been reported that medical errors are now the Third Largest cause of death behind Heart Disease and cancer. Dr. Jon lapook has been looking into this. Reporter dr. Martin makary of John Hopkins School of medicine coauthored todays analysis on medical errors. Were talking about patients dying from the care they receive rather than the disease or injury for which they seek care. Were talking about things that a sound health care system. Reporter medical errors include mistakes in diagnosis, inadequate discharge instructions and preventable complications such as infections picked up in the hospital. Patients dont just die from heart attacks and bacteria. They can also die from communication breakdown and medication errors. Systemlevel problems are almost ubiquitous in health care. Pelley john, what is a patient supposed to do to defend themselves . Reporter well, patients can only do so much. You can ask questions, what are the risks, what are the benefits . I tell my patients, if youre in the hospital, try to have Family Member and friend in the room, but ultimately this is the responsibility of hospitals and medical centers to shine a light on the problem. And for a long time that light has simply been too dim. But i have to say, in recent years theres been a huge effort to look at this more closely, to turn it into a science and say, what are the systematic problems. It may be several things working in concert, identify them and fix the problem. Pelley when in doubt, ask lots of questions. Dr. Jon lapook, doctor, thank you. Welsh teachers say theyll be back in detroit tomorrow. They called out sick for a second day today, concerned they wouldnt be paid this summer. Today michigan lawmakers put up 500 million to reorganize the school district, which is considered the worst in the nation. Theres another big cancer verdict over talcum powder. And how did tiny leicester knock off soccers big guns when the cbs evening news continues. Im bushed ive been on my feel alyea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. Incredible blnow comes with protectionan incredible double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it, love it or get double your money back. Pelley a jury in st. Louis has ordered Johnson Johnson to pay 55 million to a woman who claims that talc in the companys baby powder caused her Ovarian Cancer. Its the second big verdict against the company recently. Anna werneris covering. You feel soft, fresh and loved. Reporter these commercial from the 1970s and 80s helped convince thousands of american women to use johnson and johnsons baby powder, which contains talc. Like many, 62yearold Gloria Ristesund used it for feminine hygiene until 2011 she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Her Attorney Says talc was found in her ovarian tissue. There are studies that go back decades showing that use of talcum powder increases the risk of Ovarian Cancer. Reporter he says there are some 1,200 similar cases filed against j j j around the countr. In february, another st. Louis jury awarded 72 million to the family of jax Jacqueline Fox of birmingham, alabama, who died of Ovarian Cancer last october. She too used j and ja talcum powder products. Johnson johnson said it will appeal the verdicts in both cases. In this videotaped j js chief medical officer defended the companys use of talc. We are confident in our position that there is no Causal Association between talc and Ovarian Cancer. Reporter the American Cancer Society says results of studies on a possible link between talcum powder and Ovarian Cancer have been mixed. Some reported a slightly increased risk, others no increase. But dr. Daniel cramer of brigham and womens in boston, an expert who testified for the plaintiffs in both case, says the risks are clear to him. My advice has always been not to use talc on a regular basis in the genital area. I havent changed that opinion for 30 years. Reporter as for the woman who won the 55 million, he Ovarian Cancer is now in remission. She and her attorneys want Johnson Johnson to put warnings on their products, but scott, the Company Maintains the science doesnt support a need for any warnings. Pelley nn very much. Hamilton has smashed a broadway record. Thats next. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. 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We all in . all yes good, cause if not were gonna watch highlights of my career 12 hours straight. I know, talk about pain. Seriously now, talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Feel free to be yourself all day. Just switch from denture paste to seabond denture adhesive seals. Holds stronger than the leading paste all day. Without the ooze. Feel secure. Be yourself. With stronger, clean seabond. Pelley today the broadway blockbuster hamilton was until indicated for a record 16 tony awards. The musical has already won a grammy and a pulitzer prize. Theres a million things i havent done hamilton is the brainchild of author and actor linmanuel miranda, who tells the story of one of americas Founding Fathers through the beat of hiphop and the rhythm of rap. Im patiently waiting miranda is up for three tone years, including best performance in a leading role. Hell face off in this role against leslie odom, jr. , who plays Vice President aaron burr, who, of ce, philippa soo, who plays hamiltons wife, was nominated for lead actress. Up for featured actor are daveed diggs, who plays thomas jefferson, Jonathan Groff as king george iii, and Christopher Jackson as george washington. The tonys will be handed out june 12th on cbs. Well, today at the real white house, president obama honored a former teenage mother as the National Teacher of the year. Jahana hayes says she wants her High School Students in waterbury, connecticut, to know that there are no dead ends. In a moment, Mark Phillips unearthed the secret behind soccers 5,0001 champions. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to her Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. 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Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Yellow weather alert continues. Wel pelley well, theres no stopping the party in leicester, england, where the soccer team pulled off the Biggest Surprise in all of sports by winning the premier league championship. Its a cinderella story, and for once the clock never struck midnight. Mark phillips is there. [cheering] reporter this was Fantasy League football where the fantasy came true. The players of Leicester City soccer club had been watching their closest rivals faulter in a mustwin game on tv. They started their champions dance then. They were still dancing today, and the town was singing their praises. The boys have become a ovrsttofirst story with team made up of other teams rejects and late bloomers. Their entire roster cost less than what bigname teams spend for a single player. They were so bad last year they were sitting dead last in the standings. But this is a very different leicester side. Reporter but then something strange and maybe something mysterious happened. Remember king richard iii, whose long lost remains were discovered under a parking lot in the middle of leicester . Remember how he was reburied with honors in leicesters cathedral . Richard may have died centuries before soccer was invented, but leicesters winter of discontent ended there and then. The Team Immediately went on a 79 win streak and havent looked back since. And darryl and kevin brown think they know why. We have a king, and the kings just made it happen for us, hasnt he . To be honest, our king is real. Reporter and a leicester fan, it would seem. Indeed reporter heres another fan who may have helped, Buddhist Monks in thailand, where the teams owner is from, have been praying for wins. The buddha, too, it seems is a Leicester City fan. And why not . In a modern world where sports is about big business and the highest bidder, a little team of no hopers from a little town that few have heard of has beaten the big boys, not a bad time to be from leicester says sociologist and fan john williams. Remember leicester. Remember leicester. It will stand for something, wont it . Doing the leicester. Reporter everybodys doing the leicester now. Nobody will believe us but we have won the League Reporter Mark Phillips, cbs news, leicester. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs at 7 00, terror aboard a hijacked d. C. Metro bus. The chief calls it bizarre. Campaign 2016. When you thought it couldnt get stranger, trump links cruzs father to the man who assassinated jfk. Stormy weather. The area struggles to recover after being pounded by powerful winds, hail, and rain. The hits keep coming. We are under a yellow alert. Topper, what are you seeing . A couple thunderstorms to the west. We get rid of one batch going through southern maryland. Nothing severe with these to the west. There is heavy rain possible though, no doubt about that. To the north of

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