Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2015

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20151015

million on medicare could see premiums rise as much as 50%. with higher deductible, as well. here's major garrett. >> reporter: the increase in out-of-pocket medical costs would affect doctors visit, surgeries and medical supplies such as walkers and wheelchairs. currently the monthly premium is $10 4. it could rise to $159. eight million could face these higher costs. about a million are federal retirees. jessica klement of the national active and retired federal employees association. >> $55 a month makes a big, big difference to individuals living on a fixed income. >> reporter: here's the problem: health care costs are rising fast. by law 70% of people on medicare are protected from higher premiums if they don't get a social security cost of living raise. that's what's going to happen next year, which leaves only 30% of medicare patients to absorb all the higher health care costs. that 30% includes the wealthy, seniors who recently signed up for medicare and federal employees. congress can reverse the cost increase due to start january 1st, something the white house supports. >> there does seem to be bipartisan support in congress for preventing this. how you do that, if you have to offset those costs, however, could complicate this issue. >> reporter: preventing these medicare premium increases is now part of secret budget talks between the white house and congressional republicans. scott, that means seniors could be caught in the middle of an upcoming fight to avoid a government shutdown and increase defense and domestic spending. >> pelley: you would imagine they'd figure out how to make a deal in an election year. major garrett at the white house for us. major, thank you. last night a computer system that is used to keep terror suspects out of the country crashed, turning thousands of passengers into virtual prisoners. here's kris van cleave. >> reporter: the national outage gridlocked the emirates check-in desk at new york's j.f.k. airport last night. some flights were delayed and long lines formed as customs actuals across the country ground to a virtual halt, strapping thousands. >> the people up there were all cursing. there were people up there that couldn't walk. it was crazy, crazy. people in a wheelchair that were like crying, waiting there for hours. >> reporter: cameron miller got stuck in line in dallas. >> they told us that the computer system was down and that we needed to fill out some forms old-school style. >> reporter: "old school" is a fitting description. for 90 minutes the software customs officers used to access terror watch lists was off-line, requiring alternative procedure, including manually processing passports and doing passenger interviews. it was described as tedious. sources familiar with the watch lists say names of passengers needing additional screening would have been sent to customs officers by other means, including via fax or e-mail. >> the question that i'm left with after last night: why isn't there a back-up system? >> we get what we invest in with respect to government. >> reporter: watch list data are maintained by the f.b.i. ron hosko is a former assistant director. >> i don't think our security is enhanced where we go from an automated system to a paper system and we're hand-scanning names on a list. >> reporter: customs and border protection says the issue was a software error that prevented information from flowing between systems. it was not malicious in nature. scott, a senior official said any passenger who needed to be checked against a list was fully vetted. >> pelley: kris van cleave, our transportation correspondent. kris, thank you. today president obama confirmed what we reported right here last night. america's longest war, already 5,122 days old, will continue longer than he wanted, longer than he promised. he's keeping at least 5,500 troops in afghanistan through the end of his presidency, and here's david martin. [gunfire] >> reporter: the taliban takeover of the provincial capital of kunduz last month provided the exclamation point, but the handwriting was already on the wall for president obama to read. >> afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be, and meanwhile the taliban has made gains, particularly in rural areas and can still launch deadly attacks in cities, including kabul. >> reporter: under his new plan, american troops will be based in the capital of kabul, the main air field at bagram and at two other locations in the east and south. one of those locations will allow the c.i.a. to continue to conduct drone strikes against terrorist hideouts in pakistan. >> these bases will give us the presence and the reach our forces require to achieve their mission. >> reporter: although the u.s. combat mission officially ended with much fanfare last december, american commandos continue to carry out raids, and american warplanes continue to conduct air strikes. just last week u.s. and afghan forces killed an estimated 120 al qaeda fighters in what was described as one of the largest joint ground assault operations ever against two training camps. and earlier this month, an american gun ship inexplicably opened fire on a hospital near kunduz as u.s. green berets were helping afghan troops retake the city. how long those 5,500 troops remain in afghanistan will be up to the next president, but president obama suggested american troops will be needed until there is a peace treaty with the taliban. scott? >> pelley: david martin at the pentagon, david, thank you. the cost of 14 years of war in afghanistan has been more than 2,200 american lives and nearly $700 billion. former u.s. speaker of the house dennis hastert has struck a deal with prosecutors. hastert is charged with violating banking laws and lying to federal agents about it. hastert was reportedly paying hush money to a man who claimed that hastert sexually abused him decades before when hastert was a high school wrestling coach. hastert will plead... will change his plea to guilty, likely in return for a reduced sentence. six members of a church have pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter and assault. police say two teenage brothers were beaten by their parents, their sister, and other members of the secretive word of life church in upstate new york. one of the brothers died. michelle miller is there. >> reporter: today police were seen serving what they describe as court papers to members of the word of life church, the site of sunday's brutal assault. the victims' parents, deborah and bruce leonard, remain in jail on first-degree manslaughter charges in the beating death of their 19-year-old son lucas. devin garramore represents the victim's mother. >> i don't think it was her idea. i think that this is something that she didn't foresee going this far. and i think she lost control of it. >> reporter: four other church members are accused of assaulting lucas' 17-year-old brother christopher after church sunday. district attorney scott mcnamara says the beatings may have lasted more than ten hours. what did happen? >> what we understand, there was an issue about whether or not they wanted to stay, the oldest brother wanted to stay in the church, and if there was a confrontation between the two boys and the parents about that. >> reporter: investigators believe church members home school their children inside this former public school compound bought more than 30 years ago. several of those children were taken away yesterday by child protective services. was the assault a part of some religious ritual? >> it's not our allegation that it was a religious ritual or anything of that nature. but for purposes of what we're dealing with right now, we're looking at what i would characterize as a form of a gang assault. >> reporter: authorities say that several former church members are helping in their investigation, and, scott, we're told that the younger brother is conscious, cooperating and is expected to make a full recovery. >> pelley: michelle miller reporting tonight. michelle, thank you. tonight a 13-year-old boy is at the center of the never-ending battle between israelis and palestinians. to one side he's a victim. to the other a terrorist. jonathan vigliotti is in tel aviv. >> reporter: 13-year-old ahmed manasra lay bleeding badly on a yum street. the palestinian authority said he was killed by israeli soldiers, but then the israelis released this video of the arab boy very much alive recovering in a hospital. israel says manasra stabbed two, including a jewish teen teenager, and was hit by a car when he fled the scene. it's the latest in a string of knife attacks against israelis that have spooked the country. palestinians, mostly young men, armed with knives, appear out of nowhere, stabbing as many as they can. their targets appear to be random, which is only added to the fear. all the suspects have been arrested or fatally shot by israeli security forces, like this woman gunned down at a bus station. [gunfire] now, for the first time since 2000, israeli security forces set up extra checkpoints around the palestinian neighborhoods of east jerusalem. so far it has not done much to reassure anyone, like this resident and father of five. >> it's very, very dangerous place. we are scared all the time. >> reporter: meantime, both sides buried their dead this ths week in another grim procession of death. palestinians are calling for a day of mass protest following tomorrow's weekly muslim prayers. scott, the country is bracing itself for what could be a day of more violence. >> pelley: john vigliotti in tel aviv, thanks. kim taylor, the former kadian ambassador to iran, has died. if you saw the oscar-winning film "argo," you know his story. during the hostage crisis in 1979, taylor sheltered six americans and helped them escape with fake passports. for that he was awarded the u.s. congressional gold medal. ken taylor was 81. today a zimbabwean hunter said that he expects to be cleared of charges that he helped an american illegally kill a beloved lion named cecil. the american, walter palmer, does not face charges. debora patta was there as the hunter came into the crosshairs of the court. >> reporter: hiding behind dark glasses and a cap, hunting guides fear bronkhurst sat in his car anxiously waiting for court to start. he insisted he had done nothing wrong. he claims he had a legal permit. >> well, i guess i shot a famous lion. >> reporter: cecil was a major attraction at the hive national park. the government says bronkhurst lured ceaseling off protected parkland to a nearby farm where he was shot with a crossbow. >> absolute nonsense. the animals were eating on an elephant carcass. it's a load of nonsense. we didn't even have to lure him. he was there. >> reporter: bronkhurst says he's being made a scapegoat. most of the $55,000 palmer paid for his hunting license goes to bronkhurst after a small cut to the farmer on whose land cecil was killed, but those days could be over. >> well, it's destroyed it i think. it's destroyed the family, my business... you know, we employ a lot of people, and they are all on half time now. i guess each family is supporting six or more dependents. >> reporter: illegal hunting is rarely prosecuted in zimbabwe, but researcher brent staplekamp, who had been studying cecil, was convinced that because of the international outrage this time would be different. he believes the american dentist should have been charged. >> i really thought this was going to be an example to other people that have done this before who would do it in the future, and so i'm very disappointed that they're not going to see justice. >> reporter: bronkhurst told us that if the american dentist isn't facing charges, then he shouldn't either, but his lawyers did not gate chance to argue the case in court today, scott, as the trial was postponed until next week. >> pelley: debora patta reporting. deborah, thank you. a hollywood star puts a spotlight on a disorder that is affecting many new mothers. employers let us in on the most absurd excuses for calling in second. and a new look at camelot when the "cbs evening news" continues. eed you on point for this one. already got the latest updates direct from ford engineering. 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'cause i don't trust robots. right...well, if the portfolio you're invested in doesn't perform well for two consecutive quarters, amerivest will reimburse your advisory fees for those quarters. i wasn't born yesterday. well, actually it looks like you were born yesterday. happy belated birthday. thanks. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this. >> pelley: actress hayden panettiere has a lot going for her. she's 26, successful, engaged lance december became a mom, but this week she announced that she's getting treatment for postpartum. hundreds of thousands of other women are battling it, too, and dr. jon lapook has one woman's story. >> reporter: lauren safran was 34 when she gave birth to her first child, a healthy daughter name lily. you looked so happy in those pictures. were you? >> no. i was very much the opposite. i was pretty certain i was not going to be able to handle being a mother. >> reporter: she was suffering from postpartum depression. every year about four million women give birth. anywhere from 8% to 19% report having frequent symptoms of depression, that's more than 300,000 women every year. dr. catherine birndorf of new york-presbyterian treats women with postpartum illness. >> the biggest myth about postpartum is that it doesn't exist. there are people who really believe that it isn't possible to be depressed or upset or struggle around such a miraculous event as having a baby. >> reporter: safran was successfully treated with therapy and anti-depress. s and is now a therapist for women facing the same struggle she had. when you look at them now and you think back to how you were feeling at the time they were born, what goes through your mind? >> it almost doesn't feel like it was me, you know? it feels so far away. >> the adjustment to motherhood, this is not easy, and the idea that we want women to do it effortlessly and smoothly and with a smile on their face is an enormous problem. >> reporter: it's common for women to have some sadness or irritability or other changes in mood after giving birth. these symptoms usually resolve in about two weeks, but if they're severe or persist for longer, it's important to seek help. it's estimated at least 50% of postpartum depression goes unrecognized. >> pelley: dr. jon lapook, thanks, doc. lawmakers fled. that's coming up. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. the possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. two words: ialt hes.e different? how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask then, pai thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. the proof that it heals is you. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> pelley: photos released by the kennedy library are giving us a peek into camelot. john kennedy relaxing on the presidential yacht honey fitz, and with daughter caroline, now the u.s. ambassador to japan. j.f.k., jr., inherited his dad's love of the sea, and a rare shot of the president enjoying ice cream and a color photo of his interview with walter cronkite 12 weeks before the assassination. you think debate gets heated in our congress? well, kosovo's parliament emptied out when some lawmakers set off tear gas to protest a deal with serbia. kosovo declared its independence from serbia seven years ago after a vicious war. old grudges die hard. career builders is out with its annual list of absurd excuses for calling in sick. one woman said she was going to the beach because she needed vitamin d from sunlight. a man caught cheating on his wife had to retrieve his belongings from the dumpster. and one guy said grandma poisoned him with ham, but his boss thought it was baloney. a half century after the cuban missile crisis, cuban musicians in the white house next. >> this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by: if you're a toe tucker... because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effects include skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? 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she told us, "this represents her flag, her culture and her ideals." ochoa says the trip will be part of his artistic record forever. for decades the musicians were little known outside cuba until the 1990s when the buena vista social club album made them a worldwide sensation. that inspired an academy award-nominated documentary. and soon many band members had found fame in their 70s and 80s. omar a&e liades see hope in the fall of two cold war foes. do you think relations between the u.s. and cuba are getting better? eliades says a day will come when everyone will be able to sit down and eat at the same tame. that gets a laugh from omara who says her band mate speaks the truth and beautiful words. their final song was the spanish version of "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps," a song made popular by nat king cole. >> i knew nat king cole. >> reporter: you knew nat king cole? >> he came the cuba, and we sang with nat king cole and other singers. he sang in cuba, "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps." ♪ perhaps, perhaps i can't hear you. >> reporter: and perhaps has never been so promising. margaret brennan, cbs news, washington. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh righw t nomeet the man who is about to receive a great honor at the white house. >> the governor cracked down on gun. >> and the youth at the center of this videotaped incident gives his side of the st ory. we start tonight with breaking news. there is been a shooting near eloped lash laundromat a man was shot in the head. we have no word on his description. garret is headed to the scene you can look for his updates tonight on twitter and on the news app. another big story. we heard jason -- screaming out in pain. now he is in

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Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20151015 :

Transcripts For WUSA CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20151015

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million on medicare could see premiums rise as much as 50%. with higher deductible, as well. here's major garrett. >> reporter: the increase in out-of-pocket medical costs would affect doctors visit, surgeries and medical supplies such as walkers and wheelchairs. currently the monthly premium is $10 4. it could rise to $159. eight million could face these higher costs. about a million are federal retirees. jessica klement of the national active and retired federal employees association. >> $55 a month makes a big, big difference to individuals living on a fixed income. >> reporter: here's the problem: health care costs are rising fast. by law 70% of people on medicare are protected from higher premiums if they don't get a social security cost of living raise. that's what's going to happen next year, which leaves only 30% of medicare patients to absorb all the higher health care costs. that 30% includes the wealthy, seniors who recently signed up for medicare and federal employees. congress can reverse the cost increase due to start january 1st, something the white house supports. >> there does seem to be bipartisan support in congress for preventing this. how you do that, if you have to offset those costs, however, could complicate this issue. >> reporter: preventing these medicare premium increases is now part of secret budget talks between the white house and congressional republicans. scott, that means seniors could be caught in the middle of an upcoming fight to avoid a government shutdown and increase defense and domestic spending. >> pelley: you would imagine they'd figure out how to make a deal in an election year. major garrett at the white house for us. major, thank you. last night a computer system that is used to keep terror suspects out of the country crashed, turning thousands of passengers into virtual prisoners. here's kris van cleave. >> reporter: the national outage gridlocked the emirates check-in desk at new york's j.f.k. airport last night. some flights were delayed and long lines formed as customs actuals across the country ground to a virtual halt, strapping thousands. >> the people up there were all cursing. there were people up there that couldn't walk. it was crazy, crazy. people in a wheelchair that were like crying, waiting there for hours. >> reporter: cameron miller got stuck in line in dallas. >> they told us that the computer system was down and that we needed to fill out some forms old-school style. >> reporter: "old school" is a fitting description. for 90 minutes the software customs officers used to access terror watch lists was off-line, requiring alternative procedure, including manually processing passports and doing passenger interviews. it was described as tedious. sources familiar with the watch lists say names of passengers needing additional screening would have been sent to customs officers by other means, including via fax or e-mail. >> the question that i'm left with after last night: why isn't there a back-up system? >> we get what we invest in with respect to government. >> reporter: watch list data are maintained by the f.b.i. ron hosko is a former assistant director. >> i don't think our security is enhanced where we go from an automated system to a paper system and we're hand-scanning names on a list. >> reporter: customs and border protection says the issue was a software error that prevented information from flowing between systems. it was not malicious in nature. scott, a senior official said any passenger who needed to be checked against a list was fully vetted. >> pelley: kris van cleave, our transportation correspondent. kris, thank you. today president obama confirmed what we reported right here last night. america's longest war, already 5,122 days old, will continue longer than he wanted, longer than he promised. he's keeping at least 5,500 troops in afghanistan through the end of his presidency, and here's david martin. [gunfire] >> reporter: the taliban takeover of the provincial capital of kunduz last month provided the exclamation point, but the handwriting was already on the wall for president obama to read. >> afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be, and meanwhile the taliban has made gains, particularly in rural areas and can still launch deadly attacks in cities, including kabul. >> reporter: under his new plan, american troops will be based in the capital of kabul, the main air field at bagram and at two other locations in the east and south. one of those locations will allow the c.i.a. to continue to conduct drone strikes against terrorist hideouts in pakistan. >> these bases will give us the presence and the reach our forces require to achieve their mission. >> reporter: although the u.s. combat mission officially ended with much fanfare last december, american commandos continue to carry out raids, and american warplanes continue to conduct air strikes. just last week u.s. and afghan forces killed an estimated 120 al qaeda fighters in what was described as one of the largest joint ground assault operations ever against two training camps. and earlier this month, an american gun ship inexplicably opened fire on a hospital near kunduz as u.s. green berets were helping afghan troops retake the city. how long those 5,500 troops remain in afghanistan will be up to the next president, but president obama suggested american troops will be needed until there is a peace treaty with the taliban. scott? >> pelley: david martin at the pentagon, david, thank you. the cost of 14 years of war in afghanistan has been more than 2,200 american lives and nearly $700 billion. former u.s. speaker of the house dennis hastert has struck a deal with prosecutors. hastert is charged with violating banking laws and lying to federal agents about it. hastert was reportedly paying hush money to a man who claimed that hastert sexually abused him decades before when hastert was a high school wrestling coach. hastert will plead... will change his plea to guilty, likely in return for a reduced sentence. six members of a church have pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter and assault. police say two teenage brothers were beaten by their parents, their sister, and other members of the secretive word of life church in upstate new york. one of the brothers died. michelle miller is there. >> reporter: today police were seen serving what they describe as court papers to members of the word of life church, the site of sunday's brutal assault. the victims' parents, deborah and bruce leonard, remain in jail on first-degree manslaughter charges in the beating death of their 19-year-old son lucas. devin garramore represents the victim's mother. >> i don't think it was her idea. i think that this is something that she didn't foresee going this far. and i think she lost control of it. >> reporter: four other church members are accused of assaulting lucas' 17-year-old brother christopher after church sunday. district attorney scott mcnamara says the beatings may have lasted more than ten hours. what did happen? >> what we understand, there was an issue about whether or not they wanted to stay, the oldest brother wanted to stay in the church, and if there was a confrontation between the two boys and the parents about that. >> reporter: investigators believe church members home school their children inside this former public school compound bought more than 30 years ago. several of those children were taken away yesterday by child protective services. was the assault a part of some religious ritual? >> it's not our allegation that it was a religious ritual or anything of that nature. but for purposes of what we're dealing with right now, we're looking at what i would characterize as a form of a gang assault. >> reporter: authorities say that several former church members are helping in their investigation, and, scott, we're told that the younger brother is conscious, cooperating and is expected to make a full recovery. >> pelley: michelle miller reporting tonight. michelle, thank you. tonight a 13-year-old boy is at the center of the never-ending battle between israelis and palestinians. to one side he's a victim. to the other a terrorist. jonathan vigliotti is in tel aviv. >> reporter: 13-year-old ahmed manasra lay bleeding badly on a yum street. the palestinian authority said he was killed by israeli soldiers, but then the israelis released this video of the arab boy very much alive recovering in a hospital. israel says manasra stabbed two, including a jewish teen teenager, and was hit by a car when he fled the scene. it's the latest in a string of knife attacks against israelis that have spooked the country. palestinians, mostly young men, armed with knives, appear out of nowhere, stabbing as many as they can. their targets appear to be random, which is only added to the fear. all the suspects have been arrested or fatally shot by israeli security forces, like this woman gunned down at a bus station. [gunfire] now, for the first time since 2000, israeli security forces set up extra checkpoints around the palestinian neighborhoods of east jerusalem. so far it has not done much to reassure anyone, like this resident and father of five. >> it's very, very dangerous place. we are scared all the time. >> reporter: meantime, both sides buried their dead this ths week in another grim procession of death. palestinians are calling for a day of mass protest following tomorrow's weekly muslim prayers. scott, the country is bracing itself for what could be a day of more violence. >> pelley: john vigliotti in tel aviv, thanks. kim taylor, the former kadian ambassador to iran, has died. if you saw the oscar-winning film "argo," you know his story. during the hostage crisis in 1979, taylor sheltered six americans and helped them escape with fake passports. for that he was awarded the u.s. congressional gold medal. ken taylor was 81. today a zimbabwean hunter said that he expects to be cleared of charges that he helped an american illegally kill a beloved lion named cecil. the american, walter palmer, does not face charges. debora patta was there as the hunter came into the crosshairs of the court. >> reporter: hiding behind dark glasses and a cap, hunting guides fear bronkhurst sat in his car anxiously waiting for court to start. he insisted he had done nothing wrong. he claims he had a legal permit. >> well, i guess i shot a famous lion. >> reporter: cecil was a major attraction at the hive national park. the government says bronkhurst lured ceaseling off protected parkland to a nearby farm where he was shot with a crossbow. >> absolute nonsense. the animals were eating on an elephant carcass. it's a load of nonsense. we didn't even have to lure him. he was there. >> reporter: bronkhurst says he's being made a scapegoat. most of the $55,000 palmer paid for his hunting license goes to bronkhurst after a small cut to the farmer on whose land cecil was killed, but those days could be over. >> well, it's destroyed it i think. it's destroyed the family, my business... you know, we employ a lot of people, and they are all on half time now. i guess each family is supporting six or more dependents. >> reporter: illegal hunting is rarely prosecuted in zimbabwe, but researcher brent staplekamp, who had been studying cecil, was convinced that because of the international outrage this time would be different. he believes the american dentist should have been charged. >> i really thought this was going to be an example to other people that have done this before who would do it in the future, and so i'm very disappointed that they're not going to see justice. >> reporter: bronkhurst told us that if the american dentist isn't facing charges, then he shouldn't either, but his lawyers did not gate chance to argue the case in court today, scott, as the trial was postponed until next week. >> pelley: debora patta reporting. deborah, thank you. a hollywood star puts a spotlight on a disorder that is affecting many new mothers. employers let us in on the most absurd excuses for calling in second. and a new look at camelot when the "cbs evening news" continues. eed you on point for this one. already got the latest updates direct from ford engineering. 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> pelley: photos released by the kennedy library are giving us a peek into camelot. john kennedy relaxing on the presidential yacht honey fitz, and with daughter caroline, now the u.s. ambassador to japan. j.f.k., jr., inherited his dad's love of the sea, and a rare shot of the president enjoying ice cream and a color photo of his interview with walter cronkite 12 weeks before the assassination. you think debate gets heated in our congress? well, kosovo's parliament emptied out when some lawmakers set off tear gas to protest a deal with serbia. kosovo declared its independence from serbia seven years ago after a vicious war. old grudges die hard. career builders is out with its annual list of absurd excuses for calling in sick. one woman said she was going to the beach because she needed vitamin d from sunlight. a man caught cheating on his wife had to retrieve his belongings from the dumpster. and one guy said grandma poisoned him with ham, but his boss thought it was baloney. a half century after the cuban missile crisis, cuban musicians in the white house next. >> this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by: if you're a toe tucker... because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effects include skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? 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she told us, "this represents her flag, her culture and her ideals." ochoa says the trip will be part of his artistic record forever. for decades the musicians were little known outside cuba until the 1990s when the buena vista social club album made them a worldwide sensation. that inspired an academy award-nominated documentary. and soon many band members had found fame in their 70s and 80s. omar a&e liades see hope in the fall of two cold war foes. do you think relations between the u.s. and cuba are getting better? eliades says a day will come when everyone will be able to sit down and eat at the same tame. that gets a laugh from omara who says her band mate speaks the truth and beautiful words. their final song was the spanish version of "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps," a song made popular by nat king cole. >> i knew nat king cole. >> reporter: you knew nat king cole? >> he came the cuba, and we sang with nat king cole and other singers. he sang in cuba, "perhaps, perhaps, perhaps." ♪ perhaps, perhaps i can't hear you. >> reporter: and perhaps has never been so promising. margaret brennan, cbs news, washington. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh righw t nomeet the man who is about to receive a great honor at the white house. >> the governor cracked down on gun. >> and the youth at the center of this videotaped incident gives his side of the st ory. we start tonight with breaking news. there is been a shooting near eloped lash laundromat a man was shot in the head. we have no word on his description. garret is headed to the scene you can look for his updates tonight on twitter and on the news app. another big story. we heard jason -- screaming out in pain. now he is in

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