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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. Today winter made history. The storm that dumped 20 inches of snow on the midwest over the weekend moved into the northeast, and in parts of new england, this is now the snowiest tenday period on record with accumulations totalling five feet. We have team of correspondents covering this latest storm. First well go to Michelle Milner miller in boston. Michelle . Reporter bostonians were still trying to dig out from the two feet of snow from last weeks storm when this one started delivering on average an inch every hour. Tonight were nearly one foot and counting. As soon as the snow started to fall, boston deployed an army of 600 cleanup crews to city streets, clearing 6,000 truckloads of snow. Some might see it as bad but weve seen a lot worse here. Reporter plow truck operator Billie Mcdonald is on his 16th straight hour of overtime. What makes your job so difficult right now . Its like a track. You are just constantly doing a loop around this track. Thats what you do. Just keep the plow laid down, the salt going and eventually you do get to the black top. Reporter from kalamazoo michigan to, sioux falls, south dakota, the storm swept across the midwest dumping record levels of snow. Detroit reported its third biggest snowfall, and chicago its fifth the evidence heaviest on record. All this snow shut down the nearby brookfield zoo, and that seemed to give the bison and tigers reason to roam. But just outside the windy city, black ice is blamed for a multicar collision after two semi trucks jackknifed on a highway during the morning rush hour. In west hartford, connecticut, a. A. A. Crews came to the rescue of stranded motorists. What seems to be the issue . Reporter it was so cold, Edguardo Rivera had to replace edward wilsons battery. The cleanup will cost 10 million to boston, and thats even before todays snow, which could be as much as another 15 inches. Where are they going to put the rest of it . Its crazy. Reporter schools will be closed for the second day in a row tomorrow, and that big super bowl parade for the new England Patriots for their victory in the super bowl that was originally scheduled for Tuesday Morning has been postponed until wednesday. Pelley no respect even for the super bowl champs. Michelle, thanks very much. So whats next . Eric fisher is the chief meteorologist at our cbs station in boston, wbz. Eric . Reporter well, scott, were into historic territory now. Weve seen the entire normal winter season worth of snow over the last ten days. Some towns totalling more than 60 inches in that time, a record that hasnt been topped before. Lets talk about where the storm is tonight. Its just starting to wrap up. We have a few hours yet still some heavy snow around eastern new england. During the overnight the whole storm starts the move out to sea. In terms of whats behind after the storm, its all about the cold. The windchill is going subzero during the overnightment tomorrow morning out the door, all across the northeast into the great lakes subzero wind chills. So bitter air with a deep snowpack on the ground. Unfortunately we cant tell you that this is all calming down because were watching another storm as we head toward thursday thats going to be another coastal event, bringing heavy snow to the same areas that have seen so much. When you talk about the amount of school and work lost over the last week, the prospect of another storm adding to these records not what people want to hear. Pelley eric fisher, wbz. Eric, thanks very much. Well, if this wasnt predictable, it probably was inevitable. Does as the mayor of sun prairie, wisconsin, tried to get the forecast from jimmy the groundhog, look what happened. Pelley jimmy saw his shadow and the mayor saw stars. Also bleeding in this snow is the economy. Airlines grounded, more than 4,000 flights today and chip reid tells us that costs a lot more than you think. Reporter when winter storms result in canceled flight, its not only the airlines that take an economic hit. Erik hansen is with the u. S. Travel association. Give me an idea of some of the different ripple effects that happen. Flights are canceled, youll have missed business meetings, so thats a missed opportunity for a sale. Youll have missed reservation at a restaurant. Youll also have missed hotel bookings, where people arent going to show up. Reporter the travel Association Estimates that each canceled doe pestic flight costs about 31,600 in lost economic activity. That means last weeks blizzard with 7,300 cancellations cost the economy 230 million. With more than 6,300 canceled flights from this weeks storm so far thats another 193 million. And with the need to plow runways and deice planes, this weather also results in more flight delays than usual. Each hour of delay costs the economy 3,300. Major storms, of course, disrupt much more than airline travel. The economy takes an even bigger hit from missed work days. A preliminary report by moodys an lettics says the Overall Economic impact of last weeks blizzard was 650 million in new england, 300 million in new york city and the suburbs and another 300 million in philadelphia and new jersey for a grand total of 1. 25 billion. That report found that the people least affected by these big storms are whitecollar professionals because so many of them can work from home. Most affected are people who are paid by the hour, that includes people who work in construction, retail and restaurants. Pelley chip reid at a pretty logan Reagan National terminal tonight. Chip, thanks very much. A few more quick notes on the economy. The president sent his budget to congress. Theres no chance for his tax increases, but the republican majority says it can work with a bipartisan idea to lower corporate taxes. The Commerce Department said today a key measure of inflation was running at an annual rate of a little over 1 in december. Its been almost three years since annual inflation was over 2 . Remember when we worried about inflation . Oil prices rose today almost 1. 5 to 49. 57. Six months ago it was over 100. The dow was up 196. The s p up 25. Thousands of people have filed claims against General Motors ahead of the deadline this past weekend. They want to be paid for accidents caused by faulty ignition switches that can turn off unexpectedly. Disabling the air bags. Gm recalled 12. 5 million vehicles. At least 51 people have been killed. Heres jeff glor. Every time you saw lawyer remark she had a big bright smile on her face. Reporter jay and gerri gass daughter lara died last month inside this saturn ion first, known death linked to faulty gms switches after the recall started. They got off easy. Jay and jeri accepted the compensation offered in a planned a ministered by ken feinberg. In family you made an offer to has turned that offer down. Thats correct. Some have it under advisement, but there is not one either family or injured victim who survived, not one has yet to declared they think they can do better in court and have rejected the offer. Reporter gm set aside 400 million for the fund. Feinberg has received more than 4,000 claims for death and injuries. Hundreds remain under review, no additional claims will be accepted. Senators ed markey and Richard Blumenthal have called on gm to reconsider. Gm says they should not extend the deadline again should they in. They need to extend it until they fix every car. There is no reason for that not to happen. Reporter multiple criminal investigations continue, a federal grand jury is looking at this, the u. S. Attorneys office in new york is looking at this. Why not wait until all that information comes out before closing this fund . Those investigations may punish General Motors. I cant speak for those investigations. This fund is designed with the intent of company assailanting innocent victims. Thats what were doing. Reporter the fund pays out a minimum of 1 million for claims. Feinberg is still evaluating the claims that have been submitted. That process will continue through the spring. Scott, feinberg told us he expects the death toll will rise above that 51. Pelley jeff glor on this investigation from the beginning. Jeff, thank you. An important story overseas now. The u. S. Has been in a military and diplomatic standoff with iran since the hostage crisis back in 1979. But it turns out both countries are on the same side against isis. The islamic extremist g thats holding part of syria and iraq. Tonight Holly Williams takes us to Northern Iraq where war has forced this unusual alliance. Reporter in Al Muqdadiyah, theyre celebrating victory over isis. Runaway, isis, well crush you they chant, a week after they drove the extremists out. But these soldiers are not part of iraqs National Army. Instead theyre volunteers with a shiite muslim militia known as the badr brigades. Where are you getting your weapons from . Our guns all come from the Iraqi Defense ministry, said their commander, essam yahya hussein, who ran a Grocery Store before he joined up six months ago. The u. S. Spent 20 billion training and equipping the iraqi army. Now many of its weapons are in the hands of these unchecked militiamen. But we see iraqi army in disarray. They have the best track record of defeating isis in central iraq. The villagers around Al Muqdadiyah are battle scattered and the local people have all fled. The battle for Al Muqdadiyah lasted four days and when isis was finally defeated, its fighters fled over those hills where theyve now regrouped. The badr brigades may be effective, but they were born of iraqs bloody civil war, and their notorious death squads are implicated in the torture and murder of thousands of sunni muslims. Last week they were accused of shooting more than 70 unarmed sunni men in Al Muqdadiyah. This video appears to show the aftermath. Its not true, the militia leader told us when we asked him about the alleged massacre. The civilians are our brothers. Despite their murky past, the badr brigades are being given unprecedented power by iraqs shiitedominated government. General ali alwazir commands the iraqi armys 20th battalion, but now he and his men, along with their american weapons and equipment, have been put under the command of the leader of the badr brigades. Your National Army and hes part of the badr organization. He was given the job by the prime minister, he told us. Everybody knows it. Pelley and Holly Williams is joining us now from Northern Iraq. Holly, the badr brigades have always had strong ties to iran. What is the connection now . Reporter well, scott iranian officials have admitted their quds special forces are fighting against isis here in iraq. That means that in iraq the u. S. Is on the same side as both an infamously brutal militia and iran. And that really shows just how complicated the battle against isis has become. Pelley more intrepid reporting tonight from Holly Williams. Holly, thanks so much. A prosecutor was set to blame iran in a deadly synagogue bombing. Did that cost him his life . That story when the cbs evening news continues. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. 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He had reached the explosive claim that iran was behind the attack and that the argentine government covered up that involvement in return for a deal for iranian oil. The night before he would present his findings to congress, nisman was found dead in his luxury apartment with a bullet to his head. I couldnt believe what i was hearing. That moment brought me back to the first moment after the bombing. He was dead again a life that was taken. Reporter president Cristina Fernandez kirchner called the death a uh suicide but later suggested he may have been murdered. Angry argentinians took to the Street Holding signs saying i am nisman. Gripped the country, fueling speculation about potential assassins. Today one politician said he had had enough of the sensational coverage. But two weeks after nismans death, the case is no clearer. To complicate matters the president has now suggested that nisman may have died at the hands of rogue spies connected to the countrys intelligence agency. But for weinstein nismans death means 21 years of waiting isnt over yet. Do you feel like youll ever get justice here . I hope. I hope that we get justice. I dont understand any other way a society can be without justice. Reporter both the argentine and iranian governments deny nismans claims. Now president kirchner wants to dissolve the nations spy agency and start a new one. Scott, the debate on that proposal begins tomorrow. Pelley Manuel Bojorquez in buenos aires. Manwell, thanks. Still ahead firefighters shovel it forward. Hey, how you doin . It hurts. This is what it can be like to have shingles, a painful, blistering rash. If you had chicken pox the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. I wish that there was something i could do to help. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. If you have high Blood Pressure like i do, many Cold Medicines may raise your Blood Pressure. 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Helping students and communities across america. Pelley one of the Founding Fathers of this broadcast has died. Part of what you admired about Walter Cronkite was sandy socolow. Sandy was one of proproducers who helped cronkite expand this program in 1963 from 15 minutes to a groundbreaking half hour. You can sit back and philosophize about whether or not you were doing something historic. The job was. We felt it was a miracle every day that we got on the air. Pelley but it was more skill than miracle as socolow worked on the biggest stories from the kennedy assassination to vietnam, the moon landing and watergate. He led the cbs evening news with Walter Cronkite as executive producer from 1978 to 81. Thats the way it is, monday january 19, 1981, the 448th day of captivity for the american hostages in iran. Sandy socolow was 86. Sandy often visited around here. His counsel was solid to the end. One of our colleagues said, it was a privilege, and so it was. Greenfield wisconsins bravest are also pretty thoughtful. An elderly man got chest pains while shoveling snow. After the firefighters took him to the hospital, they went become and shoveled his driveway for him. Coming up next, edgeofyourseat drama with a surprise iting. Butler did it. E blowing ] where do you hear that beat . Campbells healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. Great taste. [ mm. ] [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® do you have something for pain . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. 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Reporter pass is intercepted at the goal line by Malcolm Butler unreal. Reporter it took what may be the worst play call in the history of the nfl to produce one of footballs greatest moments. Im just blessed. I cant explain it right now. Im just. Reporter its Malcolm Butler, the man who made the goal line interception couldnt explain it, how could you expect anyone else to . The patriots radio announcers couldnt believe it. Its got to be one of the dumbest calls offensively in super bowl history . Are you kidding me . Reporter the brokenhearted Seattle Seahawks couldnt understand it. I dont understand how you have the best back in the league on the. 5 yard line and throw a slant. Reporter and their coach pete carroll could only take the blame. I told those guy thats my fault. Why dont you just run it, thats a really good thought. Reporter after the rough season for nfls reputation, with the headlines dominated by doe midwest and abuse and child abuse and a deflating runup to the big game that focused on allegations of cheating, the nfl could use a story like Malcolm Butlers, the undrafted rookie from a small school in alabama who nearly washed out of football a few years ago and was working on popeyes before stepping into glory. Russell for kearse and its broken up again. Reporter just two plays after he was victimized by a miracle catch that seemed to spell out certain defeat i think butler hit it and it felt right back down to the ground. Unbelievable. Reporter butler knocked down a permanent place in super bowl history. Hes been doing it in practice all season. Its nice to see him pick someone else off. Im so happy for him. Reporter in a rivetting final minute, a potential dynasty was derailed, a championship coach because the subject of National Ridicule and a complete unknown at kickoff was on his way to disneyland. Even for the game of inch, thats an awful lot to pack into half a yard. Jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Why was a Fairfax County Police Officer who had an outburst in Court Allowed to be holding a gun in a standoff situation . Im peggy fox. Coming up hear from the family of john geer, the man killed by that officer. Reporter im Stephanie Ramirez looking at Court Documents that say a mother and her boyfriend abused the mothers 9yearold son. Well tell you how cold it will be at the bus stop in the morning. Reporter christmas cards from autistic students to injured vets, we look at why walter reed sent them back. An 11,000 page document has left a Fairfax County family questioning the man who shot their loved one. Thanks for joining us tonight. Im jan jeffcoat. Im derek mcginty. John geer had his hands in the air in his own home when that officer fired the fatal bullet and today peggy fox sat down with geers dad and good friend, both of whom saw it all go down. He had no desire to die that day. Reporter neither saw john make any quick threatening movements. Neither did four officers who were there. He had just scratched his nose and put his hand back up there and had happened so fast and im like when he shot him im like to myself [ bleep ] shot, you know. You know it wasnt him and when it shot, pow. Reporter thats officer randy barnes who had been talking to geer. He was stunned when the fifth officer adam torres fired. I said who shot him . He said i did. Im sorry. And he said he moved his hand down to his waist. I said i didnt see that and i never took my eye off him. Reporter torres told barnes he had just had an argument with his wife. Investigators asked torres about that later. Torres insisted the shooting was justified and not accidental. There was no warning coming from torres that he was going to shoot. Reporter it took

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