Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 6am 20121207 : comparemela

Transcripts For WUSA 9News Now At 6am 20121207

as we -- see the improvement as we get out ever the 40s into the 50s. it does look like code yellow for today but we're actually code green for tomorrow. monday came? well, as usual things start to happen a little later in the rush hour on friday morning. that's exactly what's happening right now. you'll see the volume increasing and we do have one accident. i'll get to that in just a moment. 66 on the inbound side beginning to slow down just a bit as you leave centreville and a little more in fairfax, about route 50 toward 123. let's take a live look in springfield on the northbound side of i-95 where again you're going to see the brake lights right here leaving 644 heading northbound. it slows down to the beltway. once you're on 3935 it still actually looks good through landmark and seminary road. 270 on the southbound side, looking good out of frederick till you hit 109 toward clarksburg. that will be your slow stretch. i'll show you a live picture at the intersection of seven locks road and montrose road where there is an accident here in the rockville area. you have to follow police direction to get through it. i'll be back with more traffic coming up in a few minutes at 6:11. we want to update you on our breaking news from earlier in the morning. reports out of japan have diminished the sietz of the sue ma'am -- size of the tsunami expected to hit there. a warning was issued after a quake hit the same area struck by the march 200010 quake. while the debate over the fiscal cliff dominates the headlines, the concern in washington is the middle class. >> the hardest most biggest segment of the population it is supposed to hit if this does happen. delia goncalves is live with more. >> reporter: good morning. absolutely. this is a very complicated issue that seems to just be boiling over without any real compromise, even though we saw some signs of promise a couple of weeks ago. another stalemate here on capitol hill. easily everyone agrees that middle-class families should be spared in this whole situation. they stand to see on average tax increases of $2,000 if congress doesn't take action. so everyone agrees let's spare middle-class families. the only thing that folks are disagreeing on are two other proposals that could possibly solve this fiscal crisis. the first proposal, democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy 2%. but republicans favor tax reform instead. they say raising taxes on the wealthy could hurt business. the other solution, possible solution involves raising the debt ceiling. president obama advice sid a falls church -- visited a falls church family. the president says it's imperative that congress act now. >> it's very important that we get this done now. that we don't wait. we're in the midst of the christmas season of the american people are counting on this getting solved. the closer it gets to the brink, the more stressed they're going to be good by demanding the power to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants by as much as he wants, he showed what he's really after is assuming unprecedented power to spend taxpayer dollars without any limit at all. >> reporter: senator mitch mcconnell talking about the debt ceiling and the president's proposal to raise the debt ceiling. we'll have more on that debate coming up at 6:30. back to you. we have dedicated our entire news department to track this story. we're ready with alerts on the air and on the web. every day we'll have stories that show you how you will be affect fundamental we go over this cliff. you can get alerts -- effected if we go over this cliff. you can get alerts on your phone. jessica doyle is here. she leads the effects on you team this morning. she's looking at the impact on federal contractors in northern virginia. of course we have tons of federal contractors here. >> diving over the cliff would have an across-the-board ripple effect around the country. we know that's the case. in fairfax county, they could be particularly vulnerable. big cutbacks in government spending could mean big trouble for information technology and defense-related contracting firms that carry a lot of federal business. if spending on those firms gets cut, a lot of people could be out of a job. >> if you go make the kind of cuts that some are suggesting happen, then you're really hurting a lot of the small businesses and residents in fairfax county who rely on federal contracts for their livelihood. ultimately that trickles down to and affects fairfax county. >> fairfax county alone took in $23 billion in federal contracting money back in 2009. that's more than any other county in the country. and it's $3 billion more than washington, d.c. growth for contracting in fairfax county has been explosive to back in 1980 federal contracting dollars totaled just $1.7 billion. why is nova been such a big draw for federal contracting dollars and the big salary jobs that come with them? one word for you. dulles. the international airport provides easy access to washington on its limited access highway. dulles also provides connections to both national and international markets. but it's already been feeling effects of the soft economy. the recent recession left many commercial buildings vacant. if more businesses go under, that means more vacancies, more job losses, possible new foreclosures, and tax revenue to the state could take a dive as well. that is where we see these ripple effects happening. >> a lot of big contracts. that makes a huge impact around here. absolutely. >> thanks, jess. superstorm sandy is widely thought to have slowed the u.s. job growth last month. the only question is how much. an answer is expected to emerge from the government's job report from november which is due out today. meanwhile new jersey's governor paid a visit to president obama yesterday asking for money to help his state rebuild. the storm destroyed 80% of this sea side heights community and left the famous boardwalk in pieces. governor chris christie says it will take $37 million to rebuild that area. the president is expected to ask congress for $50 billion but that will not cover the $83 billion that new york, new jersey and connecticut are already asking for now. same-sex couples can now apply and receive marriage lrnses in maryland -- licenses in maryland. on the first day yesterday, just a few couples around the state actually went to clerks' offices to pick up listens. they have to wait -- licenses. they have to wait till 12:01 on new year's day. montgomery county's new licenses say party one and party two. prince george's county plans to issue one license for heterosexual couples and another for same-sex couples but prince judge's licenses won't be ready till next week. we're gearing up for a huge weekend of football here at wusa. it starts saturday with the army-navy game at 3:00 p.m. we'll have a complete wrapup at 7:00 on "game on." >> just go get the wings, beer, soda and sit down and have a good weekend. then on sunday you can watch as the skins bring the ravens to tonight at fed ex fields. that is going to be a fantastic game. when we come back, holiday shopping. >> we'll take a look at some food gifts from some local small businesses. our food blogger will be back with us in just a bit. i'm meteorologist olga breese. starting off with cloudy skies. maybe a peek of sunshine this afternoon but expect scattered showers throughout the day. temperatures only making the middle range 50s. an accident being cleared up from the intersection of seven locks road and montrose road in rockville. expect to follow just a bit of police direction through the area. not much delay getting by. i'll have more traffic coming up in a few minutes at 6:18. andrea, back to you. >> thank you, monika. she's made no secret of her support for president obama. now making news, eva longoria will have a new role in his presidency. the actress has been named co. chair of the inaugural committee. president obama will be sworn in for his second term on monday, january 21, 2013. george zimmerman is suing nbc. he's the neighborhood watch volunteer in florida charged with murdering 17-year-old trayvon martin. he claims he was defamed when nbc edited his 911 call do make it sound like he was racist. three people lost their jobs over it. thanks, andrea. it's the holiday season. that means we'll all be shopping for gifts for family and friends. did you ever think of food? because sometimes gifts can be challenging when you're trying to find something different. food is a great idea. here to talk to us is jona, a blogger. this isn't just a regular drink mixer. >> it's not. it's an electric cocktail mixer. you can use it to mix up your lie bases during the -- libations during the holidays. they usually are more expensive but i got this one at hills kitchen around southeast d.c. that was under $25. >> you can see these. i've seen these for $57 and they're still plastic. there isn't anything different about them. it's putting air in wine. again, these are all from small businesses. our agoing to do plenty of shopping at the big chains. take care of the small businesses as well. >> another thing is this cutting board in the shape of d.c. >> i noticed that. >> i thought it was pretty cool. so you can serve it as a cutting board or a serving platter for cheeses. >> are these cheese things, too? >> no. these are cookie cutters. you can use these for when you're doing your sugar cookies around the holidays. >> this looks like it's in the shape of-- >> virginia. >> this cracks me up, even the title of this. the vegan junk food cookbook. >> you have suggestion abouts cookbooks. >> exactly. if you're going to buy a cookbook, don't just buy a cookbook. buy something that relates to the person. >> they'll get a kick out of it and maybe find great recipe ideas. >> those are preserves, jams which can be served with cheeses and breads. so you can serve those during the holidays and beyond. they're locally produced. >> you said this collection or some of this collection is local as well? >> exactly. another thing you're going to do during the holidays is everybody is going to celebrate and drink. it's a nice added touch to make it from a local producer. here we have catoctin creek and a local vineyard in virginia. >> how close is this? >> it's right here in d.c. >> it's right here in d.c. okay. and distributed in purcelville, virginia. very local. >> very local. >> that's a gift you're not going to find on somebody's table normally. wow, look at this. it's neat. >> exactly. then you have the olive oils and infused vinegars. those are unique little dishes or gifts you can give to somebody versus the basic olive oil which typically costs -- it's really expensive. now you can give it to somebody as a gift and it's inexpensive as a gift. >> thank as lot for joining us. ing on ga over to you. >> thank -- olga, over to you. >> thank you. >> great gifts. maybe if you're going out shopping, you'll want to take the coat because you'll need it. >> absolutely. we're already getting that rain moving in in portions of warrenton, frederick and also toward hagerstown. the rest of us we're about to get some as well. it's creeping up toward the beltway. temperatures are on the cool side. 30s and 40s for this morning. that's going to be the case for the next couple of hours but things will improve as the rain tapers off in the afternoon. on satellite and radar, you can see where the moisture is coming from. our winds so far this morning are predominantly south. that's going to turn a little bit toward the southwest as we head toward the afternoon. but still the cloud cover sticks around as well as that moisture. overall, though, the day planner does start off with the overcast skies. those who have dry pavement now will see a little bit of wet pavement later. that's why we're going with a yellow alert for today. as we move out of the 40s, we should hit right around 49 degrees by the 1:00 hour. we'll squeak into the 50s but i think most of us are going to stay in the lower 50s. we could even see some mid- range 50s closer to the city center by that 4:00 hour. in all it does look like the moisture is going to be here for the short term. we are not going to see much of a change in our forecast pattern till after we get through the overnight hour into the saturday forecast. so doppler radar, spotty showers around already south of 495 for us. but overall the pattern for the next 24 hours is going to keep the moisture around for the short term and clear us out overnight tonight on the three- hour radar loop. let's get to our forecast. i can show you how things will be looking. right now we do have mainly cloudy skies. feeling like 36 degrees because of the winds out of the south. but the futurecast will bring the moisture into the afternoon. it looks like when we get into the overnight tonight, say after 6:00 and in toward the midnight hour, nothing but cloud cover. so the rain is going to taper off. then by tomorrow we're going to see some breaks in the cloud cover calling for a partly sunny forecast for your saturday. as the wind shifts, we will see the temperatures move into the 60s. a nice surprise for our december forecast. the forecast for today right around 52 for arlington. you should see about 48 up toward laurel and middle 50s the further you go down toward the south. it looks like tonight will be fairly mild by comparison. only sitting into the 40s. maybe a few 30s north and west. yellow alert for today because ever the rain showers moving through, we're still -- we'll still see a few showers mainly northwest on saturday. but sunday we are in the clear. good weather for the football game. looks like the warm-up really comes on monday. we're beginning to see the slow traffic settling in on the major thoroughfares right now. good morning, everybody. let's start off with the inbound side of i-66. of course you have the slow stretch in manassas to centreville. i'll show what you it looks like inbound 066 from our sky 9. a -- on 66 from sky 9. a minor incident is going to slow things down a bit. of course it's catching some attention and now you have wet roadways as well. inbound 66, watch out for that. this time over to 270. beginning to slow down out of frederick. it's not red yet so that's some good news for you but i saw that the roads are wet as you head down into clarksburg. we'll take a live look at route 109 on the southbound side. brake lights forming here and then you're okay down to the point where the lanes divide in germantown. it's 6:19. we have another look at our question of the morning. women tend to run longer in the morning after they've done this. is it a, had a stressful day at work, b, gotten a good night sleep or c, drinking beer the night before. >> our facebook friend laura says c. having a stressful day at work leads to drinking beer the night before. >> w time 6:226789 showers around. looks like we'll keep the chilly temperatures. date planner keeps an opportunity for showers throughout the day. we should see temperatures top out into the lower range 50s, right around 53 for reagan national. andrea? >> thank you, olga. tech pioneer mcaeee is wanted for questioning in the murder -- for questioning in the murder in belize. he was rushed to the hospital after being denied asylum in guatemala [ inaudible ] services for 58-year-old ki- success han were held in new york. a 30-year-old man was charged with second-degree murder in connection with han's death. naeem davis pushed him on to the tracks and took off. tammy van dyke is resting at home with her son in minnesota, but the northwestern hospital admits to a mixup. the hospital released a statement saying the newborn was taken to the wrong room and briefly breast fed by another mom. a spokesperson from the hospital called it a terrible mistake and said there will be consequences. santa claus is coming to town in a big way. 4,000 of them. santa's helpers are all going to be there because we know there's only one real santa. these helpers of santa are all gathering for an annual convention dancing to a holiday tune. the festivities include a kris kringle march. more concern in washington over the fiscal cliff and how it affects the middle class. >> when we return, 9news' delia goncalves will have the latest from capitol hill. right now with the latest on our rush hour traffic, here's monika. >> reporter: brunswick line 870120 minutes -- 870 is 20 minutes late. an incident here at route 50. delays begin at route 28 in centreville. more news, weather and traffic coming up at 6:30. you're watching 9news. we'll be right back. good morning. we're back at 6:29. this is always the place to get your weather first. here's a live look at the white house. not as bright as we usually see it. maybe they were out partying at the ellipse lighting a christmas tree last night. sleeping in. it is 41 degrees. maybe a few showers later today. but thank you for starting your friday with us. nothing can dampen our spirits on a friday. i'm andrea roane. sounds good. grab an extra cup of coffee. i'm mike hydeck. thanks for joining us. meteorologist olga breese is live on the weather terrace. she had her scarf on last time and does again. >> that's right and gloves too. it's cool out this morning. temperatures this hour continuing to dip down. yes, we have overcast skies and a few showers moving in. right now most of us are sitting in the upper 30s with just a slight windchill. looks like satellite and radar is going to continue with the moisture moving on through. we'll stay overcast most of the day. take the umbrella with you as well. the showers could really impact you as you head throughout the afternoon. our day planner does keep us quite cool. only hitting the middle range 40s by the noontime hour. i think we'll squeak out a 52 or 53 at reagan national airport by about the 4:00 hour. but then after sunset, those temperatures go back down. good news. we should dry out later on tonight. that's great for your sunday plans. monika? well, we have a couple of issues right now, plus the wet road conditions. although we started off really well this friday morning, things are beginning to deteriorate just a little bit. in fact, on the southbound side of 270, of course you've got your initial delay out of frederick toward clarks burke. then there's an -- clarksburg. then there's an accident in the left lane. let's take a live look in clarksburg on the southbound side of 270. the brake lights are going to begin just after this as you head for montgomery village avenue where the accident is in the left lane. let's go back to the maps this time to the northbound side of i-95 in virginia. no irks to report as you head northbound except for the slow traffic, especially as you cross the occoquan river right now. then leaving springfield. a live look right now on the northbound side of 395 where it's now very heavy and slow. duke street to seminary road. once you're beyond that, you're still okay in shirlington and at the 14th street bridge. ail have another look at traffic at 6:43. back to you, andrea and mike. it is 6:31. time to see what our partners at cbs this morning are covering. >> norah o'donnell standing by. she's in washington this morning. good morning, norah. >> good morning, mike and andrea. we're going to talk with former secretary of state james baker about solutions to avoid the fiscal cliff, the crisis in syria, and the condition of former president george h. w. bush. plus, we have the academy award winning director of zero dark 30. we'll ask katherine bigew how she got classified info on the bin laden raid. a lot ahead when we see you at 7:00 good see you in a little bit. thanks, norah. the. was in virginia yesterday meeting with the family who would feel the impact if the county went off the fiscal cliff. >> delia goncalves is live from the capital with more. obviously the middle class will be hit pretty hard. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning, mike, andrea. while lawmakers are here battling out these issues on capitol hill, the president is hitting the road talking to families like the santanas in falls church about the fiscal cliff. the santanas, a family living with older parents say they stand to see their taxes go up by $4,000 if congress does not act now. the cliff would essentially mean the expiration of the bush era tax cuts. and that includes benefits to the middle class. everyone here on the hill agrees those families should be spared, but the president wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. republicans oppose the hike saying it would further hurt our economy. in the meantime, the president is also playing hardball on the debt ceiling. obama wants the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling to be lifted allowing for more government money to pay off medicare and tax refunds. he says without a resolution to the debt ceiling, there is no deal. >> just to be clear, i'm not going to sign any package that somehow prevents the top rate from going up for folks at the top 2%. >> what the president is really interested in as we learned just yesterday is getting as much taxpayer money as he can first by raising taxes on small business that he believes are making too much money and then on everybody else, not so he can lower the debt or the deficit but so he can spend to his heart's content. >> reporter: there you have it. essentially the both sides of this issue, and they seem at odds at this point, even though there seemed to be a compromise and some hopeful talk about two weeks ago. so things have certainly changed here in the past couple of weeks here on capitol hill. there will not be any debate on this issue today or over the weekend because the house of representatives have gone home for a long weekend. so the debate continues on monday. andrea, mike, back to you. >> they went home but we're glad you were there this morning. delia goncalves live on capitol hill. this morning police continue to search for a man who sexually assaulted a motel clerk at work. it happened wednesday night at an econolodge in woodbridge, virginia. police say it appears the man telephoned the clerk posing a a guest locked out of a room. the clerk headed that way to help and in the stairwell, the masked man pulled a knife on the woman, forced her into an empty room and assaulted her. this morning this man is waking up behind bars. his name is jose nunez charged with murdering a 14-year-old. the two teens were walking along sheridan street when someone drove by and started shooting. police believe it may have been gang related. we want to tell but a disturbing crime at three young students. an aide is accused of inappropriately touching and kissing them. 37-year-old clarence taylor was arrested yesterday and charged with three counts of sexual abuse. these alleged incidents happened between 2008 and 2010. police are now looking into the possibility that there may be even more victims. angela mccloud of hyattsville, maryland is fulfilling a promise she made to her best friend. she's raising her best friend's three children left behind after their mother's sudden death. now mccloud is reaching out because she needs some help. ken molestina has more on her story. >> when she passed away, i felt it was like part of me was gone. >> that night when she passed away, we just tried to get the baby some stuff. >> reporter: the pain is still raw for them. their mother died shortly after giving birth to her third child xavier who is now a month old. >> she did an emergency c- section. after that she went into cardiac arrest. >> reporter: angela is her best friend of 39 years. they called each other sisters. >> it's still a shock. >> reporter: they've been inseparable since they were little girls. even up to her death they'd all been living under one roof. angela with her son. this is just one big family. >> these are my babies. i treat them like i treat mine. >> reporter: which is why she stepped up to the role of mother but assuming the role isn't easy, she says. she's currently unemployed and fallen on hard times. you won't find a christmas tree in this house because they can't afford one. the idea of having gifts at this point is simply a wish. now she's scrambling to save christmas before they're all dealt another heartbreak. >> i'm just trying to get the girls, trying to keep them -- let them have a nice christmas. >> reporter: the children's uncle has also stepped in to try and offer a helping hand. >> our goal is to give them the type of christmas that she would want them to have. >> reporter: even if they do get to celebrate, it will be tough for them to be without the one gift that brings them the most comfort. a mother's love and warm embrace. >> i miss her so much. >> reporter: clearly this family can use your help this holiday season. if you'd like to give them a hand, please follow me on twitter. imhe at -- i'm at ken at wusa9. i've tweeted a direct link to the family. i'm ken molestina, 9news. >> help them if you can. 6:38. its a big football weekend around here on wusa9. you can catch the army-navy game on saturday at 3:00 followed by game on at 7:00. >> then on sunday the redskins rn rave -- redskins-ravens showdown. 6:38. when we return, the people from the ritz carlton in georgetown talk about ice skating on washington harbor. >> looks pretty cool. >> warming up with some hot chocolate, s'mores and winter cocktails. how about that. if the politicians in washington negotiate a bad deal on the budget and deficit, what do you think will happen to medicare and medicaid benefits? and to our coverage? cutting hundreds of billions of dollars from medicare and medicaid will short change the people who need it the most. so if you don't want seniors to come up empty. call sen. warner and tell him don't make a bad deal that cuts our care. werl come back to 9news -- welcome back to 9news. monday came here with your timesaver traffic. brunswick line is running 15 to 20 minutes. on the southbound side of 295 right before the sousa bridge, there's a disabled vehicle in the left lane. you can see eight before slow traffic already forming because of that. on the inbound side of i-66, earlier incident here at route 50 has been cleared. but slow traffic as you head in from route 29, lee highway, 31 miles an hour as you head toferred fairfax -- toward fairfax before that pace picks up. let's show you what it looks like if you're planning to head here in rockville. this accident long-standing in the intersection of seven locks road and montrose road. let's take a look at our maps at 270 on the southbound side. this accident southbound side near route 28 blocks the left lane. we got a shot from sky 9 of that. southbound side along the left side of the roadway. it was already slow to 121. i'm going to say it's going to extend pretty soon all the way to rockville because of this accident. i'll have more on that coming up at 6:58. it is 6:43. friday. we love the sound of that. and we're not even going to be disturbed by a little bit of rain in the forecast. >> no. i think it's not going to complicate things too much, but those areas that are wet this morning could slow that morning commute. that's why we are on a yellow alert for today. right now outside, the conditions are overcast. we're going to stay mostly cloudy most of the day. in fact, temperatures were on the down slide last hour but reagan national up 41 degrees, one degree higher than the last hour so we'll take that. looks like the cloud cover and rain opportunity will persist through noontime, even early afternoon. that's going to help us to or i should say cause us not to warm up too much. even by the noontime hour we're still below the 50-degree mark but we should top out right around the lower 50s between 3:00 and 4:00 and then temperatures start to slide later on this evening. after sunset, the rain opportunities should die down and that means it's great if you have plans out on the town this friday evening. bus stop forecast, you want the kids to definitely have those coats with them. it is chilly outside. 30s and 40s for most of the region with the spotty rain showers moving on through. our rains today -- our winds today fairly light out of the south and southwest but after sunrise at least we'll get some of that daytime heating kicking on in. here's how we look on our satellite and radar combined. over the last three to four hours, we do have the overcast skies but moisture moving on in, mainly from the south and southwest. that gives us the opportunity for rain throughout the day. doppler radar shows that the southern portion of virginia and maryland are already seeing some of that rain moving on through. also up north of town as well. so you definitely want your coat today as you head on out. we will see the opportunity for some milder temperatures as we head into the afternoon. but showers will start to tamer off later on today. the warm weekend looks pretty good. only a slight chance of a shower and the long-term forecast looks pretty good as well. right now 40s and 30s. feeling a little bit cooler than that. be prepared as you step on out. but overall, we will see the opportunity for these showers to move on through. let's take a look at that seven- day forecast. it looks like today's temperatures in the 50s. milder for tomorrow. middle range 60s. we will see a slight cooldown on sunday due to the front moving through but still good for the game for the red skins and ravens but another warm-up on monday. looks like the forecast overnight not too bad. we stay in the 40s but much cooler toward the end of the week. it's beginning to feel a lot more like winter, at least it did yesterday, but the ritz carlton georgetown is cranking up the heat after a spin on the new ice rink by the georgetown waterfront. yes, there is one. you can head over to the ritz for hot chocolate, spa more respect and winter -- s'mores and winter cocktails by the fire. we have the general manager and director of food and beverage and we have have the chef who's cooking for us this morning. thank you, gentlemen, for joining us. >> thank you. we're excited to be here. >> jeff, what's getting on here? >> we have the chef working on his magic s'mores. they're finished, fresh off the grill. we have the classic -- our interpretation of the classic s'mores which everyone wants s'mores. we have them daily at 6:30 in our lobby lounge and living room. we have the greatest fireplace in washington, d.c. >> it is a beautiful fireplace. lance, you are making a cocktail so maybe the kids will have the s'mores but this is definitely the parents territory. >> this is one of our simple drinks you can make at home. it consist abouts one and a half ounce of jack danielles, hot apple cider and honey as well. we use a cinnamon stick so it kind of mellows it out a little more and gives you a nice flavor. these are all the ingredients you can have at home as well. this is what you want to have when you're having s'mores as well. >> that's fantastic. i can't wait to try this particular cocktail. >> when you're making the s'mores, what's the process that we go through here? because it almost looks like it's a little bit after french toast s'mores. >> we do have a french toast style. bread at home, allow it to aerate a little bit. from there in our case you're dipping it in, french bread style and on the grill. in about two minutes you're ready to go. you add some of our melted marshmallows. >> or fluff if you're at home. >> and then of course the chocolate pieces and allow it to melt and wala. >> tell us a little bit about the ice rink that's just opened at washington harbor. because this is pretty exciting. >> it really is. it's been great to see. in the neighborhood we have a skating rink that's larger than the rockefeller ice rink. it's huge. they've got lights outside and it's just really amazing to see as a whole. we see people coming in nightly after skating so after skating at the ritz carlton, warming up with our fireplace and s'mores. >> then they make best friends with lance. other cocktail ideas when warming up after being outside? >> absolutely. we have a cocktail menu we're doing right now where we're specializing in whiskey because whiskey seems to be hot at the moment. we have cok tames -- we have cocktails, we have a special menu. >> i'm going to enjoy my breakfast this morning. i don't know about you at home but in the meantime, thank you, gentlemen. back to andrea and mike. time to answer the answer the question of the day. women tend to run longer in the morning after they've done one of these things. is it a, had a stressful day at work, b, got a good night sleep or c, drinking beer the night before? >> joleen says c, got to burn off those extra calories. >> the correct answer is c, drinking beer the night before. there you have it. >> joleen was right. i've been combing through the day's daily deals, e-mails and retailer websites to find you deep discounts and here are some of my friday favorites. on the next road trip maybe you could bring some peace in the back seat with a portable dvd player. philips 9-inch portable dvd player is on sale at for $59.99 saving you 60 bucks or 50% off. plus, you are getting free shipping. is running a buy one, get one free deal on jeans. you'll pay $22.99 for a pair of mossimo juniors jeans and you get the second pair for free. ladies, this could come in handy before the holiday parties. take $59 and get four blowouts at release the belowdry bar in northeast. that's 50% off. if you have a deal for our viewers, i'd love to hear from you on facebook. in the meantime, we'll be right back. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. it is 6:54 on this cloudy friday morning. cool temperatures. most of us in the 30s. some of us in the lower 40s. we'll stick to the lower 40s through the 9:00 hour. off and on showers are possible today as the moisture moves on through. we should hit highs in the lower range 50s and then a warm- up is on the way for your saturday forecast. >> thanks, olga. it's 6:54. in the news before you go, superstorm sandy may have slowed u.s. job growth last month. the only question is by how much. an answer is expected to emerge in the government jobs report later today. many economists predict employers added few their than 100,000 jobs last month. if you missed the lighting ever the national christmas tree, here you go. one more shot at it. this was last night. the first family flipped the switch. that is beautiful. the national christmas tree is a colorado blue spruce from georgia. it was transplanted on the ellipse back in october. it's 6:55. >> one last check of weather and traffic right after this. stay with 9news. if the politicians in washington negotiate a bad deal on the budget and deficit, what do you think will happen to medicare and medicaid benefits? and to our coverage? cutting hundreds of billions of dollars from medicare and medicaid will short change the people who need it the most. so if you don't want seniors to come up empty. call sen. warner and tell him don't make a bad deal that cuts our care. one more thing before we go. last week we told you about bacon flavored or bacon scented shave cream. apparently pizza hut wants to get in on the game. they want to have pizza flavored cologne. >> this is coming out of canada. jessica was telling us about this. it's a special select group of people getting this. they went on facebook. they took part in the question and answer and they're going to get what is it? >> there are 110 bottles that were produced of these perfumes. >> who is going to wear it? >> does it have pepperoni or anchovies on it? it all depends. if you have the shave cream with the bacon flavor, you have a meal. one thing we know the forecast is going to stay cloudy and damp for today. looks like temperatures on the cool side but not so bad as we head over the next three days. today it will be about 53 degrees. warmer for tomorrow. southbound 295 before the sousa bridge, disabled vehicle has turned into an accident. here southbound 270, take a look. yikes. it's going to be like this all the way into rockville because of an earlier accident. wall street waiting on the jobs report out in an hour and a half. cbs this morning is next. they'll have more on that. see you back here monday morning. take care, everybody.

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