Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20240621 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20240621

with more. bruce? >> reporter: mike, one more big hassle, not just for mark, but for amtrak as well. all mart service shut down, all amtrak service shut down, although i do hear a train coming at this point. there are tracks further away and that is where some trains might be able to get through. police are here on the scene. apparently about 10:00 this morning someone was walking along the tracks, got hit by a mark train. that train stopped there. then they halted all the mark service, all the amtrak service for about two hours. another mark train was allowed to come in, pick up all the passengers that were trying to get in to work, take them back to new carrollton. then they had to take the metro in from new carrollton. that's what's happening with some service now. but all the amtrak service shut down between dc and baltimore again. the lieutenant here, there's an amtrak train that is just now coming through. the lieutenant told me that the investigation, the dc police lieutenant told me the investigation likely will continue for sometime, but the body is off to the side of the tracks and they will try and allow these trains now to come through at a crawl while they continue the investigation. then if they have to take the investigation onto the tracks, they will halt service again. both mark and amtrak are telling me they hope to have normal service between dc and baltimore for evening rush. mike, back to you. >> thank you, bruce. we are also waiting on an update from philadelphia mayor michael nutter. when that happens, we'll bring it to you live. first, all eyes are on the engineer of amtrak 188, as the probe into the deadly crash begins. today, investigators are looking to talk to the train driver who was driving double the speed that was allowed in that area. today, he is saying he has no memory of that crash. we are also learning more about those who died in that violent crash. amtrak is working to get service back on track, as frustrated commuters look for ways to try to get to their destinations for the rest of this week. nikki burdine is live in philadelphia with the latest on the train's engineer and when we could possibly be hearing from him. >> reporter: all night and all morning, we've seen crews coming in here to the crash site, starting to remove some of the debris and replacing train tracks. meanwhile, ntsb investigators say they want to talk to that engineer. but it might not happen at all today because they say at the end of the day, he, too, has been through a traumatic experience. >> we want to find out what happened and why and we're not casting any judgment calls at this point right now. >> reporter: investigators say the engineer on train 188 was 32-year-old brandon bostian of queens, new york. although a top priority is finding out what happened tuesday night when the train derailed, bostian has to be mentally and physically able to talk. right now, he can't remember what happened. >> i want to point out that for somebody who's been through a traumatic event, this is not at all unusual for human behavior to have the mind blank out things like that. >> reporter: what we do know, the train was going 106 miles per hour when bostian hit the emergency brakes. at that point, only slowed down to 102, which is still more than double the speed limit around the curve. that's when all seven cars went off the track, killing seven people and injuring 200. about two dozen of those are still in the hospital. bostian himself was also hurt, but not seriously. >> we want to talk to this person and find out what his perspective was. >> reporter: was it human error? or did something else happen? a key safety feature called positive train control that could have intervened in either case was missing from the tracks. >> this is something that's been mandated by congress to be installed by the end of this year. it's designed to form redundency for human error so that when human error does occur, the system kicks in and will not allow the train to be oversped. >> reporter: any minute now we expect to hear from the mayor of philadelphia and then later this evening at 5:00, we'll hear briefing from the lead investigator with ntsb. meanwhile, an attorney for bostian says his client suffered a concussion and he was very distraught when he heard that seven people died in that accident. for more on the victims, let's go to cbs's jerikha duncan. >> reporter: five of the people killed in the crash on wednesday have been killed. jim gains, a 48-year-old father of two. and justin zenzer, 20-year-old naval academy mid shipman. >> he was wonderful, absolutely wonderful. everybody looked up to my son and there's no other words i could say. >> reporter: derek griffith was also confirmed as one of the passengers killed. he was the dean of student affairs in brooklyn, new york. his school released a statement calling griffith a pillar in the community, adding he will be sorely missed. 39-year-old rachel jacobs, ceo of a tech company, was a wife and mom to a 2-year-old. she was on her way home when the train crashed. in a statement to "cbs this morning," her family said she was devoted to her family, her community, and the pursuit of social justice. we cannot imagine life without her. near the crash site, the family of 45-year-old bob gildersleeve passed out fliers. the baltimore dad hasn't been seen since the crash. >> very frustrating, guys. not that they are not trying, but trying and coming up empty don't do it. >> we have no idea where he is, what hospital he's at. >> reporter: in an interview posted on twitter, his son told reporters his dad caught the train two hours after dropping him off at a sports practice. >> my name is mark. please help me find my dad. >> with the train tracks closed in philadelphia, many passengers say they have been left high and dry by amtrak, as they try to work to get to their destinations. one passenger found out today that many people are now taking travel into their own hands. >> are you going to new york, new jersey? >> trying to get to boston. >> reporter: cindy zip is giving away her greyhound ticket to new jersey today. >> so you decided to make that change because? >> because amtrak gets me quicker to philadelphia and then i can get to trenton and then to my destination, as opposed to all the way up to newark by bus. >> reporter: she says her trip back home on amtrak will save her time, though it involves three trains to bypass philly. others are waiting in long lines to catch the bus all the way up north, after their amtrak trip was canceled. >> we were left on our own. it's like you get a bus, find your own transportation. >> i had friends texting me who knew. i came home last minute just to see family. my friends were, like, are you on the train right now? it's terrifying. >> a minor inconvenience for me, even if it's a delay or taking a different form of transportation than is my favorite is nothing compared to the tragedy that happened. >> accidents happen and you just hope that they learn from those and make sure they don't happen again. >> reporter: at union station, wusa 9. >> our team is continuing to cover the following developments throughout the day. count on us for the latest information here, on air, and on the wusa 9 app. emergency crews have been called to a train derailment in the hazelwood area of pittsburgh. according to emergency dispatchers a freight train derailed at about 10:00 this morning. at least 10 cars are believed to be off the tracks in this. most of those train cars, again, a freight train, appear to be empty. a look at the first look weather, the beginning of spring? >> finally. i think we've been waiting for a while. it's been feeling like summer for so long. it was chilly this morning. >> it was great, especially when the air conditioner breaks! >> i feel so bad. enjoy today because it's going to be warm again this weekend. we'll talk about that later. let's take a look at our michael & son camera. lots of sunshine. we're at 65 degrees. it's absolutely so comfortable out there, all because of the low humidity. into the 60s across the board. still into the upper 50s, 64 for manassas, 63 for leesburg. over to annapolis, 62. eastern shore, middle 60s as well. we'll head to about the lower 70s. it's going to feel great. driving home, you still need the sunglasses. i think the barbecue this evening will feel pretty good. notice clouds moving on in by midnight. we are going to see a cloudier friday. then we're talking warmer weather for this weekend. i'll have all those details in your first alert seven-day forecast, coming up. >> thank you, allison. postal workers are taking to the streets today to protest cut backs, at the intersection of 14 and l streets in northwest this afternoon. the union's contract with u.s. postal service is set to expire on may 20 and the union is asking for extended hours at the post offices to try to shorten customers' wait time in line and end the closure of mail sorting centers, as well as other demands. top members of the secret service will be on the hill this afternoon to answer questions about agent misconduct. lawmakers will look into the night that high-ranking agents reportedly interferedded with an active bomb investigation near the white house. they will also try to see if those agents were under the influence of chal on the night of march 4. mark connelly, deputy special agent in charge of presidential protection division announced his retirement in advance of a report into that incident. the hearing today takes place at 2:00 p.m. five firefighters are home now after an early morning fire sent them to the hospital. two-alarm fire broke out around 1:30 this morning on leaks locke way in gaithersburg in the kentland subdivision. part of the roof collapsed, prompting a mayday for firefighters to evacuate. five went to the hospital as a precaution. they were not burned or suffered any life-threatening injuries. the person living in the home also got out safely. martin o'malley plans to announce his presidential intentions later this month, coming up in baltimore. o'malley aid says the former maryland governor will hold a news conference on thursday night to discuss his plans. the official announcement is expected coming up on may 30. o'malley has been considering a potential challenge to hillary clinton for the democratic nomination for months now. he's already courted voters in new hampshire. he did that on wednesday. still ahead at noon, the search for a missing u.s. helicopter lost in nepal continues right now. six marines on . welcome back. we are waiting for a news conference of philadelphia mayor michael nutter with an update on the amtrak train derailment. a search for a missing u.s. helicopter and the crew on board that helicopter continues right now. six marines and two nepaly service members were on board when the helicopter vanished tuesday evening. troops are involved in the search. more than 400 nepali soldiers have been on foot day and night searching for the helicopter since its disappearance. now let's go live to the mayor of philadelphia with an update on the train derailment there. . >> michael nutter is about to speak to the media momentarily. let's listen in. thank you all for being here and we have a series of announcements to make this morning. but first, let me acknowledge the tremendous partnership, relationship, collaboration and coordination among probably now 10 to 12 different city, state and federal agencies that have worked with us in a seamless effort to save lives, notify families, work with those families, for some in their darkest moment, do our best to treat all of them with the dignity and respect that they deserve while also working with those who were injured, some who at times on our side may have been unaccounted for and ultimately seek to bring a sense of healing and closure to this incredible tragedy that's taken place in our great city while at the same time acknowledging the near miracle of survival that we experienced with over 200 people here in our city, traveling mostly from washington, dc to new york city and while passing through the city of philadelphia, a great tragedy and trauma took place. let me again thank and recognize for the third day in a row our governor, governor who has been with us and his team with us each and every step along the way. we've had amtrak board chairmen with us and now of course today for the second day, the ceo of amtrak. the federal railroad administration represented by acting administrator sarah feinberg, the ntsb, the great investigatetory organization, renowned across the united states of america, if not around the world, for the quality of their work and their board member robert sumwalt and the vice chair of the ntsb vice chair woman denzar. the philadelphia fire department under the great leadership of commissioner derek sawyer, philadelphia police department under the incredible leadership of police commissioner charles ramsey, deputy mayor for public safety everett gilson, deputy mayor for administration and coordination and the managing director, rich nagrin, city representative and director of communications, desiree peter cantell. and the nationally recognized, the director of emergency management sam phillips and our director of public safety mike reznik. this team, city, state and federal partners working in collaboration and coordination made what could have been an even greater tragedy a life- saving miracle here in our city. so i want to thank all of them and express appreciation for their work, their cooperation, and their support. state senator is with us today, but has consistently expressed her concern for the families. city councilman bobby heenen, whose district we stand, communicate on a regular basis. councilman nielsen was here the other day and our city council president. we had numerous members of congress, two u.s. senators, congressman bob brady and brendan boyle, and visitors from outside of philadelphia or pennsylvania, members of congress from both parties to see not only the tragedy, but to inform their work in the congress for issues of safety and infrastructure support with regard to amtrak. this has been a massive effort. it's been painful. as we've already reported, there were seven deceased individuals confirmed. i'm going to ask fire commissioner derek sawyer to give an update from the work of the fire department and the police department this morning at the site. commissioner sawyer? good afternoon. this morning around 8:00 this morning, we received a call to bring back our dog, our cadaver dog. so we worked in conjunction with a dog from pa task force and the police department to go out and do another search of that first car that was, that had a large amount of wreckage. the dog hit on a couple of spots and we were able to find one other passenger in the wreckage. we utilized our hydraulic tools to open up the train a little bit more so that we can reach the person and be able to extricate that person and have them transported to the medical examiner's office. once again, this is a great coordinated effort. the members of our department, the men and women of our department did a great job throughout this whole event. we continue to have an engine and a medic unit on scene just to make sure that everything is done safely, as we finish this investigation and go through the wreckage. once again, the great partnership with the police department, fire department, ems units of getting this last person out. >> thank you, commissioner. governor? [ indiscernible ] thank you. i want -- this is such a tragic occurrence and i am so sorry and on behalf of everyone in pennsylvania, i want to express my condolences and sympathy to the families, certainly to the victims. but i also want to say that as a pennsylvanian, i am so proud of the way this was handled by the folks here in philadelphia. as the mayor says, commissioner said, this is an example of cooperation, collaboration. we have worked together to work through this tragedy and i can't say enough about the heroism of the first responders who came to this site right after the accident, risked their lives to save as many people as we possibly could. so as a pennsylvanian, i want to express my pride and my thanks to the mayor and his team for doing such a tremendous job, such a terrible, terrible tragedy. mayor, thank you very much. >> thanks. thank you. >> thank you, mayor. thank you, mayor, governor, senator. what a team philadelphia has with us at amtrak. amtrak's heartbroken for what happened here. the men and women of amtrak accept their responsibility seriously. we know that we have a team here that works together to help us, to help the families, to be sensitive, to understand what needed to be done, and we've done that. 28 years ago was the last time there was a derailment on the northeast corridor. 28 years. and 300 million people have ridden amtrak since then. no derailment, no loss of life. today, we're committing to, i'm committing to meeting the requirement of positive train control. that will happen on the northeast corridor by the end of this year. mayor, governor, team, thank you on behalf of amtrak. >> would you identify yourself, please? >> joe boardman, ceo of amtrak. chief inspector joe salman. i would like to say i've been a police officer for 32 years and this was a catastrophic event. deepist sympathy to those who were affected. i'm very proud of the response by the philadelphia police department that night. it was a cataclysmic emergency, but what i observed when i arrived shortly after the incident and the manner in which they joined as a fire department and worked as a team to rescue the injured in a miraculously short period of time, i can tell you i'm extremely proud of, i'm very grateful for our office of emergency management for the support they have given both our departments. i am also very grateful to amtrak, specifically the amtrak police. they arrived on location and integrated together with us immediately, which has allowed us to bring this matter to the conclusion that we now have and we'll continue to work together cooperatively until everything is returned back to normal. philadelphia police department has an ongoing, active investigation, criminal investigation into this matter and we'll continue to work together with amtrak and the district attorney's office here in philadelphia. thank you. >> thank you, chief. sam phillips? good afternoon. sam phillips, director of emergency management for philadelphia. i want to summarize a lot of things you've heard here this afternoon. this does not just come together. the way we respond to these things is really the product of years of planning, coordination, training and exercising. we have tremendous relationships in public safety, but also across the board. we rely heavily on our utilities when events like this happen. we partner with the public works agencies, all of the lighting that you see out of here, all of the things that you don't think about that are outside of police and fire all have to come together and that's really a testament to this city. we will continue to have a presence here and support amtrak. we're also supporting the families that experienced tragedy at the family assistance center. we're going to do that until we're told we're no longer needed. we're here for the long haul with this one. and then finally, we can always learn from these. so it's our responsibility as a city and as an office of emergency management to make sure that what went really smoothly this time continues to go smoothly next time and that any kind of glitches we experience, we fix for the next one. thank you. >> thank you to all the speakers. let me give you one additional piece of information. fire commissioner sawyer explained to you this morning that we did recover the remains of one individual this morning. those remains were taken to the medical examiner's office, as is our protocol. the remains have been identified as a person who was on that train. and so if i can take you back to just two days ago, at the time we believe based on all information available at that time that there were approximately 243 individuals on amtrak train number 188. with the recovery and the identification this morning, as this news conference was taking place, i just received that final confirmation. we believe that we have now accounted for all 243 individuals on -- that we believe were on amtrak train number 188 from tuesday night. all of the individuals that we believed that we were looking for or were trying to identify have all now been accounted for. unfortunately, again, we must now report that we have confirmed eight deceased from this horrible tragedy. eight deceased from this horrible tragedy. but all individuals that we had any reason to believe were on that train have now been accounted for and we know their whereabouts completely. >> who was the final person-- >> let me finish. as fire commissioner sawyer indicated, as chief inspector sullivan indicated, and as sam phillips indicated, we will maintain a support role with amtrak, provide any assistance to the ntsb in their investigatetory process and should any other instances

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