Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20170508 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20170508

and when she told the white house regarding michael flynn's ties to russia. the hearing doesn't begin for a few more hours, but already president trump is blasting yates on twitter. he wrote and sally yates under oath if she knows how classified information into the newspaper got there soon after she explained it to the white house council. kenneth craig has the the latest from capitol hill. >> former acting attorney general sally yates is expected to contradict trump administration officials when she testifies on capitol hill about alleged ties between russia and the trump campaign. sources tell cbs news it was yates who warned the white house that former national security advisory michael flynn was not forthcoming with the vice president about his contacts with the russian ambassador to the u.s. this morning president trump tweeted a question for senate lawmakers. he wrote and sally yates under oath if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explaid council. >> congress began investigating after u.s. intelligence agencies concluded that russian president vladimir putin ordered the cyber hacking of the u.s. election to help donald trump win. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rites supports the investigation. >> let's not give him the satisfaction of thinking that he has caused americans to doubt the legitimacy of our own democratic processes. >> yates a holdover from the obama administration was fired for instructing justice department attorneys not to defend president trump's travel ban. flynn was also fired but some lawmakers say it took too long. kenneth craig, cbs news capitol hill. >> and again, no evidence has been found that russia's interference impacted any voting in the election in 2016. here are three things you should know about sally yates. first she was an obama appointee fired from her position as general in january as you heard after she said she would refuse to defend the trump administration's travel ban. her scheduled testimony in march before the house intelligence committee was abruptly canceled without any explanation, and again, today she's expected to testify that she warned white house officials about former national security advisory mike flynn's russia ambassador, which would contradict the administration's explanation of what she told them. then you can follow sally yates testimony, plus any breaking news and live updates by downloading our free wusa9 app. sorting out what's true and what's fake, our verity team got ahold of a tweet that's raising serious questions about what federal workers at a facility in montgomery county are being forced to watch on tv. but after a closer look, it appears that tweet is misleading. and it all started with a tweet posted by paul thacker on friday. he's a freelance sc reporter. here's the tweet. it shows an e-mail sent to researchers at the fda's research center in silver spring. the e-mail address is the reason why internal tvs in the facility were changed from cnn to fox news. the e-mail goes on to inform employees the decision came from the trump administration, and it adds that the tvs cannot be switched back. the tweet got people fired up. rick tweeted we move towards a national propaganda network. this orwellian administration gets more surreal by the day. it turns out the tweet is not true, at least according to the fda. they tell our news partners at the washington post, that quote, there was no directive or memorandum from the administration that went out to employees about broadcast news channels displaying on monitors in common areas throughout the fda's white oak campus. we're told the e-mail posted on twitter came from a customer se from the fda's office of facilities and, again, not from the trump administration. the federal communications commission website is back up and running after it was flooded with complaints from last week tonight host john oliver. he called on viewers to call the fcc in support of maintaining net neutrality. net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments regulating the internet should treat all data on the internet the same. authorities in north korea have detained another american over unspecified hostile acts against the country. the arrest of kim hock song raises the number of u.s. citizens held there to four amid heightened diplomatic tensions in washington. he is the second american professor to be arrested in the last month. the incoming and outgoing french presidents made a joint appearance in paris today. it was part of re recognizing the end of the second world war. earlier current president francois hollande announced the president elect emmanuel macron's inauguration will take place this sunday. he defeated marine le pen in the runoff with 66% of the vote. president trump congratulated macron on twitter saying congratulations to emmanuel macron on his big win today. i look very much forward to working with him. a question of ethics, trump's son-in-law jared kushner's family is being criticized for a cash for an alleged u.s. green card scheme in china, reportedly to help finance a real estate project in new jersey. kushner's sister seemed to suggest to potential chinese investors that in return for a half million dollars investment they could get american green cards. and jericka duncan reports administration. >> reporters were shunned from publicized events in china over the weekend. nicole kushner meyer, the sister of white house senior advisory jared kushner was courting chinese investors urging them to invest in a new jersey luxury complex. escorted from saturday's session at the ritz carlton. >> nicole meyer when she stood in that room made sure that people knew she was part of this kushner family, that her brother was in the administration. >> for $500,000, investors could get a path to american citizenship through the government program which grants green cards to entrepreneurs who invest in u.s. enterprises. >> during the course of this event, they displayed the president's image because they were identifying him as a key decision nicole meyer said this project means a lot to me and my family. >> a kushner company spokesman says the firm apologizes if that mention of her brother was in any way interpreted as an attempt to lure investors. that was not ms. meyers intention. but trump's son-in-law has emerged as a major diplomatic channel between china and the trump administration. his personal lawyer says kushner has no involvement in the operation of kushner companies and divested his interests in the one journal square and that he will recuse from particular matters concerning the eb5 visa program. kushner has benefited before from the eb5 program and the trump bay street apartment complex also here in jersey city received $50 million from eb5 investors, many of whom are chinese nationals. jericka duncan, cbs news. a sunny and breezy start to the workweek. meteorologist melissa nord alert forecast, definitely chill in the air. >> there is a chill in the air, and unfortunately the chill is not really going anywhere. we're going to be keeping these below average temperatures in the forecast for quite some time, but what we're seeing today that we didn't see that much of this weekend is a whole lot in the way of sunshine. still breezy, though, so you need that jacket throughout the afternoon. look at these winds gusting out of the northwest right now, 23 miles an hour. so this creates that feels like temperature. it's turning a little cooler than the actual temperature outside, 60 degrees with the sunshine, we're going to keep temperatures warming up from the 50s into the 60s this afternoon. still mid-50s right now, 55 in leesburg and 57 in frederick. let's talk about the rest of your monday afternoon, not a bad start to the workweek. we're climbing in the low 60s. tonight with a clear sky and winds that be will be calming down, we're going to wake up tomorrow morning even colder than where we were this morning. in fact, i'm expecting some patchy frost in a northwest suburbs from the 30s in montgomery county and loudoun county to the mid-30s towards martinsburg. bundle up the kids and lots of layers tomorrow morning for the bus stop. we'll keep the sunshine going, dry weather for the first part of the week. rain chances increasing and they're going to linger into part of the weekend. we'll talk about your weekend forecast, and also you can always get that forecast on our wusa9 app. thank you melissa. our special assignment unit reports weighs into controversial waters when it comes to children of color who go missing. >> honestly, in this country, there's a double standard. if you're african-american you're not going to get the same media coverage. >> we'll tell you what one national organization with local roots is doing to bring black and brown children who go missing home. >> black and missing, it's narrator:to do time is what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. [ chanting ] >> opposing protestors marched to a statue honoring confederate general robert e. lee sunday in new orleans. on one side of the debate those who want the city's confederate monuments taken down saying they're symbols of racism and white supremacy. >> the fight we're waging is against the city fathers who have refused to bring about genuine equality and freedom for the black people here. >> supporters contend the statues honor southern heritage and history. >> we want it to stay. we understand that most of us can only be here for a day, but it's a symbolic gesture of standing up for what we believe in. >> the clash comes as the city of new orleans plans to remove the statue of robert e. lee and two other confederate monuments as the city plans to remove the remaining monuments, tensions department confirms multiple threats have been made against contractors hired to take down the statues. from clashes in the south to crashes in the pacific northwest, police in portland have charged a guy with drunk driving after he crashed his car into a bar he had just left over the weekend. one person inside the bar was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. what do you think is the most dangerous intersection in the city for pedestrians? well, one company is using data to try and answer that question. take a look at this map. it was created by a firm called 1.21. using city data, they pinpointed where every pedestrian accident has taken place over a six-year period. as you can see, the vast majority are in the downtown area. however, when you factor in how many injuries there have been, you get some interesting results. wusa9's evan koslof dug through most dangerous intersections in the city. >> it's a big city we live in with a lot of accidents, but here is the most dangerous of all for pedestrians. number 5 on our list is in northwest on georgia avenue by its intersection with kennedy street. here 9 crashes were reported and 4 major injuries. number 4 takes us unsurprisingly to u street by 14th street. this area always packed with people had a whopping 11 crashes with 4 major injuries. number 3 takes us to federal triangle by pennsylvania avenue and 12th street. this is right next to trump hotel. 7 crashes and 6 major injuries. number 2 takes us across anacostia to the only southeast intersection in the top 5. it's by southern avenue just south of chesapeake street. 8 crashes have been recorded at this intersection and 7 major injuries. and finally, that brings us to number 1 on the list, minnesota avenue by the metro stop. it's had 10 crashes and 5 major injuries. there you go, the 5 places you wantto when you're walking to work. evan koslof wusa9. >> if you want to see the full rankings you can check out the full report on our website let us know what you think of their methodology. we want to hear from you. a group of tourists will have a whale of a story to tell their friends when they get back from their trip to mexico. a group of them help get this 40-ton beached whale back to sea sunday morning. a fisherman used his motor boat to pull the whale as volunteers on the beach pushed. after four hours of pushing and pulling, the whale swam off. maryland natural resources department tweeted these pictures of two officers rescuing a couple of deer that got stuck in a mud pit on saturday in anne arundel county. once the officers were able to lasso the deer they led them back to solid ground on wooden planks to keep their hooves from getting stuck in the mud again. the deer took off for the woods once they got tired and muddy they appeared to be okay. always watching, always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather. >> borrowing from american express, i never leave home without the tissue, especially with the allergies. >> oh, man, the allergies after friday's rain we thought maybe they're going to go down a little bit. even through the weekend, it was enough -- dry enough to not wash the allergies out. >> i believe it. >> and they're still here. and guess what they're not going away anytime soon unfortunately. this has been a really bad season for allergy, but what's different today from the weekend is that hey, we've got sunshine, and our rain chances are zip. we're not going to see rain today, but it has been a wet start. in fact, in the last seven days we have picked up almost 2 inches of rain. lets take that and compare it to february's total month rainfall. we are almost three tias in a matter of seven days. it's been a soggy start to may. right now the weather is not favorable, and our setup is not favorable for rain. when it is going to be favorable for rain is as we get towards the weekend. it's going to be the second half of the week we start to see the rain returning. i want to go into futurecast going all the way into next weekend. you've got plans already. let's talk about which days will be wetter, which one will be a little drier. by thursday that's when rain starts to return to the area. we're going to be dry today, tomorrow, and wednesday, but late on thursday we'll start to see a few spotty showers entering the area. rain coverage increases on your friday. you're getting home from work, ready for your friday evening activities. we've got rain returning. i think friday night, saturday morning is the wettest time frame. we're going to start to dry off late on saturday. we're looking at mother's day sunday morning, we might stay dry early mother's day, but late on sunday, yet more showers that we're tracking. so it's we're talking about for the weekend, and temperatures they're in the 60s today. look at our weekend, not much of a change. we're keeping this cool unsettled pattern for the weekend forecast, but i do see some changes middle of next week. i think that's when we're finally going to break the spell and jump back into the 70s and maybe even some 80s. the rest of your monday afternoon we've got the sunshine going. we are running at 60 degrees right now. northwest winds, it will be breezy today. the afternoon, we're climbing into the 60s. then as we go into tonight, winds will finally let down. what that's going to do is allow the clear skies, dry air, calm winds to be a triple threat, that means it's going to be chilly again tomorrow morning. cover up the sensitive plants, especially northwest of the city. prince george's county we're in the low 40s waking up tomorrow morning. we will see upper 30s as you get closer to sterling out into loudoun county, and even in west virginia there's going to be some mid-30s out there. seven-day forecast, we talked about the dry weather for the next three it looks unsettled into next weekend. i've got highs for saturday and for sunday in the 60s, mother's day is sunday, looks like the best shower chance on your mother's day will happen in the afternoon rather than the morning. there's more wusa9 news at noon after this. that's the air forces x37b orbital test vehicle, reusable vehicle landing after a two- year mission to outer space. it landed at the kennedy space center yesterday morning. the spacecra c be done on earth. the x37b is the newest and most advance the spacecraft. the air force is preparing to launch the fifth x37b mission from cape canaveral later this year. well, every time you do something like this, it makes you feel pretty good, you know. nobody else has done it. >> he's feeling very good. that's delton wally. he's celebrating his 96th birthday by jumping out of an airplane. walling a pearl harbor survivor from california has been skydiving for years, but he says this dive will be his last. at 96 years old he says he's finally ready to hang up the parachute after one last jump. he'll continue to travel and give motivational speeches. >> we'll >> tonight on wusa9 news at 5, a dispute over a wall between businesses in northern virg. inia >> and we're digging for new details on the woman who went off on a racist rant. >> and the personal story of a retired football player who desperately needs his portion of the concussion lawsuit settlement. >> and a quick check of the forecast, breezy but sunny. enjoy the sunshine today. we're looking at a very cold night tonight, there will be some frost northwest of town tomorrow morning. put the kids out the door on the bus and lots of layers. rain showers return thursday into friday into saturday into mother's day on sunday. >> not fair. >> so unfortunately another weekend, another chance of rain. you can always get that forecast on our app. >> that's it for wusa9 news at have a great day. check out the puppy cam, one of these little babies is nigel, our new service dog in training. now you can watch him and his brothers and sisters on our whoa. are you actually about to scratch it rich brothers and sisters on our at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. because in an instant, that all could change. join mlife rewards and play scratch it rich for your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and freeplay®. this is monumental. >> jack: what'd that coffee ever do to you? >> hilary: what? oh. mm! oh! >> jack: i may be way off target here, but you seem a little distracted. >> hilary: my life is wonderful. i own my own show, i have complete control, and ratings are up, so no one can judge me. >> jack: then i stand corrected. it is sunny and bright in your world. you just hate coffee. >> hilary: [ sighs ] how do you survive divorce without losing your mind? >> devon: [ sighs ] i guess you're not gonna sneak out on me, still dressed like that. >> mariah: i just had to see if i was dreaming, like maybe this is the part in the dream that you think is real, but tyo

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20170508 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20170508

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and when she told the white house regarding michael flynn's ties to russia. the hearing doesn't begin for a few more hours, but already president trump is blasting yates on twitter. he wrote and sally yates under oath if she knows how classified information into the newspaper got there soon after she explained it to the white house council. kenneth craig has the the latest from capitol hill. >> former acting attorney general sally yates is expected to contradict trump administration officials when she testifies on capitol hill about alleged ties between russia and the trump campaign. sources tell cbs news it was yates who warned the white house that former national security advisory michael flynn was not forthcoming with the vice president about his contacts with the russian ambassador to the u.s. this morning president trump tweeted a question for senate lawmakers. he wrote and sally yates under oath if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explaid council. >> congress began investigating after u.s. intelligence agencies concluded that russian president vladimir putin ordered the cyber hacking of the u.s. election to help donald trump win. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rites supports the investigation. >> let's not give him the satisfaction of thinking that he has caused americans to doubt the legitimacy of our own democratic processes. >> yates a holdover from the obama administration was fired for instructing justice department attorneys not to defend president trump's travel ban. flynn was also fired but some lawmakers say it took too long. kenneth craig, cbs news capitol hill. >> and again, no evidence has been found that russia's interference impacted any voting in the election in 2016. here are three things you should know about sally yates. first she was an obama appointee fired from her position as general in january as you heard after she said she would refuse to defend the trump administration's travel ban. her scheduled testimony in march before the house intelligence committee was abruptly canceled without any explanation, and again, today she's expected to testify that she warned white house officials about former national security advisory mike flynn's russia ambassador, which would contradict the administration's explanation of what she told them. then you can follow sally yates testimony, plus any breaking news and live updates by downloading our free wusa9 app. sorting out what's true and what's fake, our verity team got ahold of a tweet that's raising serious questions about what federal workers at a facility in montgomery county are being forced to watch on tv. but after a closer look, it appears that tweet is misleading. and it all started with a tweet posted by paul thacker on friday. he's a freelance sc reporter. here's the tweet. it shows an e-mail sent to researchers at the fda's research center in silver spring. the e-mail address is the reason why internal tvs in the facility were changed from cnn to fox news. the e-mail goes on to inform employees the decision came from the trump administration, and it adds that the tvs cannot be switched back. the tweet got people fired up. rick tweeted we move towards a national propaganda network. this orwellian administration gets more surreal by the day. it turns out the tweet is not true, at least according to the fda. they tell our news partners at the washington post, that quote, there was no directive or memorandum from the administration that went out to employees about broadcast news channels displaying on monitors in common areas throughout the fda's white oak campus. we're told the e-mail posted on twitter came from a customer se from the fda's office of facilities and, again, not from the trump administration. the federal communications commission website is back up and running after it was flooded with complaints from last week tonight host john oliver. he called on viewers to call the fcc in support of maintaining net neutrality. net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments regulating the internet should treat all data on the internet the same. authorities in north korea have detained another american over unspecified hostile acts against the country. the arrest of kim hock song raises the number of u.s. citizens held there to four amid heightened diplomatic tensions in washington. he is the second american professor to be arrested in the last month. the incoming and outgoing french presidents made a joint appearance in paris today. it was part of re recognizing the end of the second world war. earlier current president francois hollande announced the president elect emmanuel macron's inauguration will take place this sunday. he defeated marine le pen in the runoff with 66% of the vote. president trump congratulated macron on twitter saying congratulations to emmanuel macron on his big win today. i look very much forward to working with him. a question of ethics, trump's son-in-law jared kushner's family is being criticized for a cash for an alleged u.s. green card scheme in china, reportedly to help finance a real estate project in new jersey. kushner's sister seemed to suggest to potential chinese investors that in return for a half million dollars investment they could get american green cards. and jericka duncan reports administration. >> reporters were shunned from publicized events in china over the weekend. nicole kushner meyer, the sister of white house senior advisory jared kushner was courting chinese investors urging them to invest in a new jersey luxury complex. escorted from saturday's session at the ritz carlton. >> nicole meyer when she stood in that room made sure that people knew she was part of this kushner family, that her brother was in the administration. >> for $500,000, investors could get a path to american citizenship through the government program which grants green cards to entrepreneurs who invest in u.s. enterprises. >> during the course of this event, they displayed the president's image because they were identifying him as a key decision nicole meyer said this project means a lot to me and my family. >> a kushner company spokesman says the firm apologizes if that mention of her brother was in any way interpreted as an attempt to lure investors. that was not ms. meyers intention. but trump's son-in-law has emerged as a major diplomatic channel between china and the trump administration. his personal lawyer says kushner has no involvement in the operation of kushner companies and divested his interests in the one journal square and that he will recuse from particular matters concerning the eb5 visa program. kushner has benefited before from the eb5 program and the trump bay street apartment complex also here in jersey city received $50 million from eb5 investors, many of whom are chinese nationals. jericka duncan, cbs news. a sunny and breezy start to the workweek. meteorologist melissa nord alert forecast, definitely chill in the air. >> there is a chill in the air, and unfortunately the chill is not really going anywhere. we're going to be keeping these below average temperatures in the forecast for quite some time, but what we're seeing today that we didn't see that much of this weekend is a whole lot in the way of sunshine. still breezy, though, so you need that jacket throughout the afternoon. look at these winds gusting out of the northwest right now, 23 miles an hour. so this creates that feels like temperature. it's turning a little cooler than the actual temperature outside, 60 degrees with the sunshine, we're going to keep temperatures warming up from the 50s into the 60s this afternoon. still mid-50s right now, 55 in leesburg and 57 in frederick. let's talk about the rest of your monday afternoon, not a bad start to the workweek. we're climbing in the low 60s. tonight with a clear sky and winds that be will be calming down, we're going to wake up tomorrow morning even colder than where we were this morning. in fact, i'm expecting some patchy frost in a northwest suburbs from the 30s in montgomery county and loudoun county to the mid-30s towards martinsburg. bundle up the kids and lots of layers tomorrow morning for the bus stop. we'll keep the sunshine going, dry weather for the first part of the week. rain chances increasing and they're going to linger into part of the weekend. we'll talk about your weekend forecast, and also you can always get that forecast on our wusa9 app. thank you melissa. our special assignment unit reports weighs into controversial waters when it comes to children of color who go missing. >> honestly, in this country, there's a double standard. if you're african-american you're not going to get the same media coverage. >> we'll tell you what one national organization with local roots is doing to bring black and brown children who go missing home. >> black and missing, it's narrator:to do time is what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. [ chanting ] >> opposing protestors marched to a statue honoring confederate general robert e. lee sunday in new orleans. on one side of the debate those who want the city's confederate monuments taken down saying they're symbols of racism and white supremacy. >> the fight we're waging is against the city fathers who have refused to bring about genuine equality and freedom for the black people here. >> supporters contend the statues honor southern heritage and history. >> we want it to stay. we understand that most of us can only be here for a day, but it's a symbolic gesture of standing up for what we believe in. >> the clash comes as the city of new orleans plans to remove the statue of robert e. lee and two other confederate monuments as the city plans to remove the remaining monuments, tensions department confirms multiple threats have been made against contractors hired to take down the statues. from clashes in the south to crashes in the pacific northwest, police in portland have charged a guy with drunk driving after he crashed his car into a bar he had just left over the weekend. one person inside the bar was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. what do you think is the most dangerous intersection in the city for pedestrians? well, one company is using data to try and answer that question. take a look at this map. it was created by a firm called 1.21. using city data, they pinpointed where every pedestrian accident has taken place over a six-year period. as you can see, the vast majority are in the downtown area. however, when you factor in how many injuries there have been, you get some interesting results. wusa9's evan koslof dug through most dangerous intersections in the city. >> it's a big city we live in with a lot of accidents, but here is the most dangerous of all for pedestrians. number 5 on our list is in northwest on georgia avenue by its intersection with kennedy street. here 9 crashes were reported and 4 major injuries. number 4 takes us unsurprisingly to u street by 14th street. this area always packed with people had a whopping 11 crashes with 4 major injuries. number 3 takes us to federal triangle by pennsylvania avenue and 12th street. this is right next to trump hotel. 7 crashes and 6 major injuries. number 2 takes us across anacostia to the only southeast intersection in the top 5. it's by southern avenue just south of chesapeake street. 8 crashes have been recorded at this intersection and 7 major injuries. and finally, that brings us to number 1 on the list, minnesota avenue by the metro stop. it's had 10 crashes and 5 major injuries. there you go, the 5 places you wantto when you're walking to work. evan koslof wusa9. >> if you want to see the full rankings you can check out the full report on our website let us know what you think of their methodology. we want to hear from you. a group of tourists will have a whale of a story to tell their friends when they get back from their trip to mexico. a group of them help get this 40-ton beached whale back to sea sunday morning. a fisherman used his motor boat to pull the whale as volunteers on the beach pushed. after four hours of pushing and pulling, the whale swam off. maryland natural resources department tweeted these pictures of two officers rescuing a couple of deer that got stuck in a mud pit on saturday in anne arundel county. once the officers were able to lasso the deer they led them back to solid ground on wooden planks to keep their hooves from getting stuck in the mud again. the deer took off for the woods once they got tired and muddy they appeared to be okay. always watching, always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather. >> borrowing from american express, i never leave home without the tissue, especially with the allergies. >> oh, man, the allergies after friday's rain we thought maybe they're going to go down a little bit. even through the weekend, it was enough -- dry enough to not wash the allergies out. >> i believe it. >> and they're still here. and guess what they're not going away anytime soon unfortunately. this has been a really bad season for allergy, but what's different today from the weekend is that hey, we've got sunshine, and our rain chances are zip. we're not going to see rain today, but it has been a wet start. in fact, in the last seven days we have picked up almost 2 inches of rain. lets take that and compare it to february's total month rainfall. we are almost three tias in a matter of seven days. it's been a soggy start to may. right now the weather is not favorable, and our setup is not favorable for rain. when it is going to be favorable for rain is as we get towards the weekend. it's going to be the second half of the week we start to see the rain returning. i want to go into futurecast going all the way into next weekend. you've got plans already. let's talk about which days will be wetter, which one will be a little drier. by thursday that's when rain starts to return to the area. we're going to be dry today, tomorrow, and wednesday, but late on thursday we'll start to see a few spotty showers entering the area. rain coverage increases on your friday. you're getting home from work, ready for your friday evening activities. we've got rain returning. i think friday night, saturday morning is the wettest time frame. we're going to start to dry off late on saturday. we're looking at mother's day sunday morning, we might stay dry early mother's day, but late on sunday, yet more showers that we're tracking. so it's we're talking about for the weekend, and temperatures they're in the 60s today. look at our weekend, not much of a change. we're keeping this cool unsettled pattern for the weekend forecast, but i do see some changes middle of next week. i think that's when we're finally going to break the spell and jump back into the 70s and maybe even some 80s. the rest of your monday afternoon we've got the sunshine going. we are running at 60 degrees right now. northwest winds, it will be breezy today. the afternoon, we're climbing into the 60s. then as we go into tonight, winds will finally let down. what that's going to do is allow the clear skies, dry air, calm winds to be a triple threat, that means it's going to be chilly again tomorrow morning. cover up the sensitive plants, especially northwest of the city. prince george's county we're in the low 40s waking up tomorrow morning. we will see upper 30s as you get closer to sterling out into loudoun county, and even in west virginia there's going to be some mid-30s out there. seven-day forecast, we talked about the dry weather for the next three it looks unsettled into next weekend. i've got highs for saturday and for sunday in the 60s, mother's day is sunday, looks like the best shower chance on your mother's day will happen in the afternoon rather than the morning. there's more wusa9 news at noon after this. that's the air forces x37b orbital test vehicle, reusable vehicle landing after a two- year mission to outer space. it landed at the kennedy space center yesterday morning. the spacecra c be done on earth. the x37b is the newest and most advance the spacecraft. the air force is preparing to launch the fifth x37b mission from cape canaveral later this year. well, every time you do something like this, it makes you feel pretty good, you know. nobody else has done it. >> he's feeling very good. that's delton wally. he's celebrating his 96th birthday by jumping out of an airplane. walling a pearl harbor survivor from california has been skydiving for years, but he says this dive will be his last. at 96 years old he says he's finally ready to hang up the parachute after one last jump. he'll continue to travel and give motivational speeches. >> we'll >> tonight on wusa9 news at 5, a dispute over a wall between businesses in northern virg. inia >> and we're digging for new details on the woman who went off on a racist rant. >> and the personal story of a retired football player who desperately needs his portion of the concussion lawsuit settlement. >> and a quick check of the forecast, breezy but sunny. enjoy the sunshine today. we're looking at a very cold night tonight, there will be some frost northwest of town tomorrow morning. put the kids out the door on the bus and lots of layers. rain showers return thursday into friday into saturday into mother's day on sunday. >> not fair. >> so unfortunately another weekend, another chance of rain. you can always get that forecast on our app. >> that's it for wusa9 news at have a great day. check out the puppy cam, one of these little babies is nigel, our new service dog in training. now you can watch him and his brothers and sisters on our whoa. are you actually about to scratch it rich brothers and sisters on our at mgm national harbor? of course you are. because everyone who plays is an instant winner. so before you win your share of 1.5 million dollars in prizes and free slot play. take these last few 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