Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20160628 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20160628

yellow alert day because of the threat of significant rain. what are you seeing on the radar for this afternoon and right now. >> right now, significant rains for parts of delmarva. flooding in parts of delmar v.a. and the rain will hang out here for the stationary boundary for the northern neck. the rest of us, cloudy and humid. and the showers are expected to arrive later on this afternoon. and with another front that is going to come on through. look outside. we have seen better days. that's for sure. but we are going to see better days. today is just not it. 81 degrees. the humidity, it is short- lived. tomorrow, big changes. 86 degrees is what it feels like out there. so as with we head into the mid to upper 80s, it is going to feel in the low 90s. this afternoon. and that humidity is quite high. once we get over the 70-degree dew point, you just know it is going to be an uncomfortable afternoon. here we are, with first alert live doppler. the storms and showers really start to develop later on this afternoon. and you can track them on the app. it really is going to be light to moderate with only a few pockets of heavier rain. and we will tell you where we could see heavier rain later on so temperatures right now, we are at 82 for frederick. we are warming up fast with. a little bit of sunshine poking on through the clouds. and we will go through this future cast, coming up in just a bit. make sure you get the updated forecast on the wusa 9 app. there are new flood warnings for parts of west virginia this afternoon. and the fear of more rising water is hampering communities attempting to recover from last week's floods. state police have plucked cars out of several feet of mud and debris in white sulfur springs. one resident says she saw a woman in a car when it was swept away. >> i saw her clawing at the window, looked like she was clawing at the windows and hit the bridge and i never saw her again after that. >> the governor says two dozen people have died in the west virginia floods. a memorial marks where a family of three once lived before their house was swept away. all of them died. we are waiting to hear the fate of the district's first congressional fontoy, the civil rights leader has an expedition hearing in leesburg. accused of fraud in prince george's county for allegedly passing a bad check for $50,000. it was after he planned a private party for the first obama inauguration. he was arrested at dulles airport yesterday, after being out of the country since 2009. president obama is among the legions of fans remembering pat summit. he praised her as a role model to millions of americans, and an inspiring fighter. and summit who guided the tennessee volunteers women's teams to eight national titles died this morning. after leading the lady vols to nearly 1100 victory, the most in division one college, summit stepped down after announcing she had early onset dementia, alzheimer's type. >> she obviously coached a team and nobody was coming to watch it, to becoming the winningest basketball coach in history. >> none of us will ever have the impact that summit has. no coach in america will >> every player who played for pat summit graduated. pat summit was just 64 years old. and in addition to her son tyler, she is survived by her mother, sister and three brothers. the sports world lost another noted coach. the nfl's buddy ryan. ryan considered the defensive genius died today, after a lengthy battle with cancer. as many fans of the burgundy and gold know, ryan was a head coach of the philadelphia eagles, and the arizona cardinals. and both of his sons, rex and rob ryan, coach in the nfl right now. buddy ryan was 82 years old. after two years of investigations and more than $7 million, the republicans are releasing their house select committee report about the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. democrats who issued their findings monday say the entire investigation was a witch hunt designed to hurt hillary clinton's presidential campaign. mark albert has more. >> after interviews and more than $7 million, the house select committee on benghazi has released the final report into the death of four americans. including u.s. ambassador to libya, chris stevens. >> no u.s. military asset was ever deployed to benghazi despite the order of the secretary of defense. >> the republican written 800 page report, also found the administration was politically motivated, despite an internet video as a cause for the attacks and not terrorism. the state department and secretary clinton failed to provide better security for the consulate leaving it vulnerable and members of the obama administration stone walled the congressional investigation. >> i believe that the government failed its people, and lied to the public, in the aftermath. >> the report is critical of then secretary of state hillary clinton. but republicans on the committee insist she was not the focus. >> speaker boehner asked me to find out what happened believe that is what i have done. >> democrats say the investigation's purpose was aimed at derailing clinton's presidential campaign. in a statement, the clinton campaign said quote, this committee's chief goal is to politicize the deaths of four brave americans and perhaps most lasting is the impact, was a revelation that secretary clinton used a private e-mail server during her time at the state department. mark albert, for cbs news, capitol hill. >> the benghazi report also lists 25 recommendations aimed at strengthening security for american personnel serving overseas. we have some dramatic pictures to show you, from a car fire today in the district. the vehicle burst into flames in the northbound lanes of interstate 295 this morning. there is no indication there was ever a crash. the driver remained on the scene, but away from the vehicle. there were no injuries, and no word yet on what sparked the fire. dc police continue their investigation of an officer- involved shooting night. it happened in the 100 block of varnum street south east, around 10:30. police have been there all day. and nikki burdine has the latest on the investigation and reaction from neighbors. >> reporter: police say the initial 911 call was here to varnum and first street for a report of a man with a gun. when they got out here, they found that man with the weapon. he refused to drop it. and then pointed it at officers. that's when police shot the man. hitting him. >> i was looking out the window right there. and i heard, drop the gun, drop the gun. and just other loud noises, and then a few seconds later, five or six shots. >> other neighbors heard the same commotion. >> we heard what we saw were fireworks and didn't pay any attention until we heard all of the sirens and the helicopters flying over. >> madeline and her roommate doesn't know what was happening but they knew they needed to get to safety. >> i'm thinking i don't want to get hit by a stray bullet, and what is the thickest wall that can protect me. >> she later found out it was her upstairs neighbor in was shot and killed right outside her window. around 10:30 last night they came face to face with the suspect who had what police thought was a gun. when he refused to drop it, police shot the man. he was taken to the hospital. in critical condition. where he later died. police say that weapon turned out to be a bb gun. it is not clear why the suspects pointed the bb gun at officers or why he refused to drop. it whatever happens, those who live in the neighborhood say they're sick of the violence. >> and i said i wanted to go to north carolina, which is where i'm from, to sit on the front porch and listen to the crickets, versus the gunshots. >> the names of the officers involved and the victim have not been released. in northeast, nikki burdine, wusa 9. we are expecting metro's gm to release more information within the hour about the next phase of the safe track repair program. right now, we are in phase two and that has the stadium armory and potomac avenue stations closed. until the end of the week. and those serve the blue, orange and silver lines. next month's surge thre lines near reagan washington international airport. gm paul weederfeld will outline the proct at 1:00 this afternoon at the braddock road station. make sure to join us this thursday, at 7:00 p.m. for a live wusa 9 mission metro special. it is an hour-long town hall style event. gm paul weederfeld will be live in the studio, along with other local leaders and commuters, and we want to hear from you. he post your questions on the wusa 9 facebook page, or use the #wusa 9 on metro, on twitter. still ahead on wusa 9 at noon, what is old is new again at the national air and space museum. we will explain. >> and leaders of all 28 countries in the european union now gather in belgium to discuss the u.k.'s break from the block. we will have out of the e. u., now booted out of the european soccer game, that was the very excited broadcast for iceland, following the team's unlikely soccer victory over england. the win knocked great britain out of the euro 2016 soccer tournament. the 2-1 loss was so humiliates, england's coach quit right after the game and in his excitement, the announcer says, you can leave europe, you can go wherever you want. leaders from all 28 e. u. country, including prime minister david cameron have gathered in brussels for a summit meeting. the chief order of business is britain's exit from the alliance. mark phillips is in belgium with more. >> reporter: the brexit battle moves to brussels today and moves to a new level of vit role. and the eu president showed today he is not very happy with the -- >> there was plenty of anger to go around, and including from brexit campaigner nigel feraj i know none of you have done a proper job in your lives. >> david cameron says it is up to britain to decide whether start divorce providings with article 50. >> before we do that we need to determine the kind of relationship with the eu and that is something for the next prime minister and the cabinet to decide. >> the next prime minister, boris johnson, is the current front-runner is stalling. the lead side doesn't seem to have worked out the play book for the drive to departure. >> as with any separating couple, the hope for a amicable divorce rarely survives the first shot across the table. this was scheduled as a two-day meeting and david cameron has already been uninvited for the second the 27 remaining eu members will meet to discuss the way forward. >> and stocks are solidly higher today, following even bigger games in europe. as global markets stabilize following a two-day rout triggered by britain's vote to leave the european union. the milestones of flight gallery has reopened in the smithsonian space museum. the newly interactive exhibit hall features the. ss enterprise from star tech and the one that landed on the moon. and on friday, the air and space museum celebrates the 40th birthday by staying open all night. coming up, on wusa 9 news at noon, more problems for the summer games. a multimillion dollar lab designed to make sure olympic athletes don't cheat is suddenly shut down. we will have details ahead. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mrs. wagner's car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie "up in the air" to watch while she's...up in the air. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and downloads speeds, ne. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ikea, the swedish retail giant, is recalling about 27 million of its dressers and chests. they are capable of tipping over and crushing children. the massive recall comes after the death of a 22-month-old child earlier this year. last year, instead of a recall, ikea launched an ad campaign, warning customers of falling furniture. they also distributed 300,000 anchoring kits designed to secure the dressers. critics say the products should have been recalled a long time ago. >> i don't think this was quick enough. this product needs to come off the market. i wish it had been sooner. i wish that no children had been killed. and no children had been injured. >> so far, the deaths of three children are attributed to the the past two years. the justice department just announced the landmark settlement with volkswagen over the emissions cheating scandal. the automaker admitted installing software in hundreds of thousands of u.s. vehicles designed to trick emissions tests. don champion has more from dallas. >> reporter: cheating on emissions tests is going to cost volkswagen more than $14 billion. lawyers claim it is the largest settlement of its kind in u.s. history. >> it marks a significant first step toward holding volkswagen accountable. >> last year, the automaker admitted to installing a defeat device, in 11 million volkswagen and audi diesel vehicles worldwide. the software senses when a vehicle is undergoing emissions tests and reduces the pollutants being released. but when driven, the epa found levels up to 40 times above acceptable standards. volkswagen owners like steve abernathy weho almost $8,000 overnight. >> if a judge approves the settlement, vw will pay $10 billion to buy back, cancel leases or fix nearly a half million vehicles in the u.s. >> people who took the buyout are expected to get anywhere from five to $10,000. >> volkswagen will also have to pay nearly $5 billion for environmental fines and towards emissions research. >> this does not resolve the issue for vw. the company still faces billions more in fines and penalties. >> our criminal investigation is active, and ongoing. >> government leaders say it is expected to take years to get all of the affected cars off the road. don champion, cbs news, dallas. >> there is currently no fix in place for vw owne, the settlement also does not cover pending claims, for people who own three liter diesel vehicles equipped with the emissions software. ot jason day, is pulling out of the rio olympics. because of the zika virus. the 28-year-old australian says while the risk is slight, it is not one he is willing to take, because he plans to have more children. the sport has lost two of the biggest stars in the last week. rory mcilroy, a four-time major champion, also says zika will keep him from competing in rio this summer. there are other problems plaguing the games in brazil. the doping control lab set up to make sure athletes don't cheat has been closed down. the $66 million facility is shuttered weeks before the games are scheduled to begin. the world anti-doping agency made the decision to shut down the lab, saying it was due to nonconformity, with the international standard for laboratories. >> it is a problem to have the lab being suspended, less than two months before the games. but it would be a bigger problem to have the lab that is in the games that >> if the rio lab remains closed, samples will have to be flown daily to other laboratories likely here in the united states or in europe. >> what a mess for these rio games. >> i know. >> unbelievable. >> and they work so hard to get there. >> and for so many years. and it is all seeming to fall apart. hopefully it is snot. for those athletes -- hopefully it is not. for those athletes who are competing. >> we know rio can be hot and muggy. and we are hot and muggy. absolutely. we are getting the full summer humidity right in our face. it is short-lived though. today is the worst of it. we are going to see a humid weekend. it is summer. it is july. and it will be july. we can't escape it, but today is the worst of it. and things get a little worse before they get better. >> a look at how we, are starting off outside on the michael and son camera, we cannot catch a break with the clouds, that stuck around all day yesterday, and today, and here they are, there is a little bit of sunshine, for areas off to the west, but cloudy skies, for most of humid feeling. the temperatures are into the 70s and the low 80s, and that dew point, it is at 74. and that threshold is set at 70. once you get above that on the dew point scale, it is a very uncomfortable day. but we have already made it into the mid-70s. so it feels like 86. and winds are staying out of the south today. here we, are this boundary will stall out here, it is kind of a remnant boundary, so light showers, sprinkles, hanging out through southern parts of delmarva and the northern neck, just south of reedville. and this will fade away. but now another front, sliding on through for the afternoon, that will give us another couple of showers. and not a washout. you will see it on the future cast. here is where the sunshine is back off to the maryland panhandle, and through the shenandoah valley along the 81 corridor as well. cloudy skies will start to break. but they will move back in. the clouds will. this afternoon. and the temperatures, 79 for front royal. and 82 for manassas. you can see where the sun is. it is starting to warm up in hagerstown. and 84 degrees. and then you factor in the humidity, and this is what it actually feels like. mid to upper 80s. and 90s for culpepper, a little uncomfortable there and we will take a break, a big break in the humidity for tomorrow. and okay, timing out the showers for today. not everyone is going to see rain showers today. and in fact, much of the afternoon will be dry. maybe even some sunshine for your drive home. and hit or miss showers, but then, here comes the front, some showers between 7:00 and 8:00, and if you are headed to the nats game, pack some rain gear. i will tell you what, the games are going to get in, and the showers head on farther to the south and east, by late tonight, and then we are dry for the rest of the game. and as we said at the nats game, and enjoy it, as the game goes on, the humidity starts to drop and you will feel more comfortable heading home from the game than heading to the game. tomorrow, sunshine. and northwesterly winds. the humidity is low. dry on wednesday. and no good rain chances back in the forecast until saturday affect. with some scattered showers. we will get to a pretty typical summer pattern for your fourth of july weekend. and 87 today. and 84 for tomorrow. and the best day of the week is looking pretty good. we'l man: hey baby, how are you? woman: i have a surprise for you. man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depen ud ons for more than energy." ♪ stand by me. tonight on wusa 9 news at 5:00, new details on the mother who shot and killed her two daughters before being killed by police. we will have the latest from metro on what we can expect for phase three of the track maintenance. >> and high praise for quarterback tim tebow for what he did for a passenger on board a plane. it is humid. but things get really nice for tomorrow. yellow weather alert for this afternoon. a few showers could interrupt your evening plans. but fourth of july looking pretty typical for july. >> okay. firecracker weekend, maybe. >> that's it for wusa 9 news. we will be and you can have us all the time anywhere you go, right there in the palm of your hand, if you downloaded the mobile app. have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> phyllis: i see you've hit the ground running. >> ashley: hi! yeah. it's my first day back. i don't want anybody to accuse me of being a slacker. >> phyllis: that you have never been. >> ashley: so, phyllis... i know about billy. i know... that he asked you to talk to jack on my behalf about coming back to jabot. >> phyllis: yes. he did. and here you are, burning the midnight oil. >> ashley: [ chuckles ] yeah, well, i wasn't sure how you'd feel about that, frankly. i was a little harsh on you and billy when you went after victor the way you did, and i wasn't sure you'd want to work with me again, let alone pitch me to jack, so thank you very much for getting past all the drama. >> phyllis: jabot needs all the

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