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Nightclub massacre. Hello im andrea roane. From the chinese president and the former afghan president , to the pope and the queen of england, the world is standing in solidarity, with the victims of the worst mass shooting in u. S. History. Kenneth craig is in orlando with the latest developments. Reporter fbi agents searched for evidence monday morning, outside the post nightclub. Police say the last of the victims have been removed. Authorities are now working to notify all the next of kin. Gunfire erupted in the crowded gay club, just after last call sunday morning. Police say an officer working at the club exchanged fire with 29yearold omar mateen. Additional officers entered the club sparking another gun battle. The attacker then retreated to a bathroom with a number of hostages. Police say thats when mateen called 911, pledging his allegiance to isis, and claimed to have a bomb. Around 5 00 a. M. , a s. W. A. T. Team punched several holes through a wall d club. We believe future loss of life was imminent and thats why we acted the way we did. Mateen born in new york to afghan parent was a Security Guard with no criminal record. His father says the attack went against everything he taught his son. I do not condone what he did. It is an act of terrorism. The fbi cleared him of terrorist ties earlier and authorities are following up on leads now. Dozens remained trapped as many escaped. Eddie hid in the womens bathroom with several others while he texted his mother. Trapped in the bathroom. Please call police. I am going to die. Eddie was confirmed dead. 50 were injured. Many in critical condition. In response to the tragedy, hundreds of people lined up to donate blood. Kenneth police, orlando. These are definitely nerve wracking times for people still waiting word for their loved ones in impulse. And we have more from andrea and what have you learned about the victims . Reporter well, good afternoon, andrea, we begin with breaking developments on two front. First, incredible news for one family who thought their loved one had died in that pulse massacre. They went inside the Family Support center behind me and they learned he is alive. And hospitalized. We also know the hospital is reporting that five patients injured in the massacre are now in grave condition. Also from this front, we know that at least 36 of the 49 victims families have been notified. Many of those families are coming here to this orlando is senior center. They are some of them holding bibles. Obviously, an extremely emotional scene. Once inside, they are being met with grief counselors, and people giving them more information on what happened to their loved ones and where to move on from here. I just spoke with a pastor who walked in with a group of volunteers, and he was clutching a bible, in one hand and he said, i have to hurry, they need me in there. Which i of course agreed. I also spoke with a woman who came to the scene, her friend died in the nightclub. They had been former colleagues. At the airport. Both of them Security Guards. Though she happened to be in the nightclub, just celebrating with friends, this woman was turned away, because she is a friend and not a family member, and this location is of course for direct relatives only. Another woman who lives in this neighborhood just told me, this is horrible. Horrible news. These men, innocent lives, all lost. It is very sad. And indeed, it is a very sad scene here, my colleagues, adam longo and christopher mullen, are headed here, along with photojournalist will koky, we will bring you comprehensive Team Coverage today at 5 00. Reporting live from orlando, andrea mccarron, wusa 9. Thank you, andrea. And you can follow andrea and adam on their twitter accounts. As we said, 49 people were gunned down sunday and we are learning more about who they were. 37yearold Kimberly Morris was a female bouncer at the club. 22yearold Peter Gonzalez cruise was there for latin night. And nicholas perez, and anwell tores were in the club with their friend brenda, who posted videos to the facebook page. During the video, perez received a call saying she did not survive. We het her there. And we met her there. And from what we heard, she was missing and we just heard now, in addition to the dead, five victims are still listed in grave condition. At the hospital. As you heard from andrea mccarron. Here at home, the remembrances continue, as dc unites with orlando. Delia goncalves visited a memorial at Dupont Circle and spoke with people there today. Reporter we have been seeing a lot of folks here in Dupont Circle pausing, right at this fountain, and this growing memorial, as they reflect on the tragedy that happened in orlando. It is just overwhelming. Sorry. It is just really hard to think about. And the thought of sundays mass shooting turned whitney to tears. That someone could come in and take away the celebration and the hope and the excitement and it is so devastating. It really hits close to home to know that they targeted people like me and people like my friends. And to think that i could be a target in the future just because of that. Reporter in the hustle and bustle of the morning commute in dc, people stopped to reflect, take pictures, prayer. The fountains makeshift memorial, adorned with flowers, and candles and signs of support for orlando. You know what . I went back there in defiance. I think the most important thing is we dont let the terrorists win and let them get to us. You cant find people before it happens very easily and you have to fight them anyway you can and make sure that people who have been attacked dont feel they will always be attacked. As for whitney, she is the president of claring university in pennsylvania, an educator she admit these is struggling to find a way herself to explain the tragedy to young people at school. I dont know what the future is, but we got to put love ahead of hate. In Dupont Circle, delia goncalves, wusa 9. Flags remain at half staff at all government buildings, in dc. And if you want to help, you are encouraged to give blood, and tomorrow, is world blood donor day and the theme is blood co to find out where you can go to donate, go to our wusa 9 mobile app. President ial hopefuls donald trump and Hillary Clinton are reacting to the orlando shooting. Nikki burdine joins us with their responses. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton agree on one thing. Something needs to be done to keep this from happening in the future. What that is of course is where they disagree. The people know who the bad apples are. Who the bad where the ba seeds are and they dont report them. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton, both on cbs this morning, reacting to the terror in orlando and doling out their plans for the future of fighting terrorism. Hillary says we have to redouble our efforts. Weve got to defend our country from these socalled lone wolves. And work with our allies to dismantle the Global Networks that fuel this kind of radicalization. Trump addressed his changed position on assault rifles. The bad guys have them. So if the guys have them, we ed country. And that is where they differ. Hillary wants to pass a provision that prevents people who are on the no fly list from buying guns. Weve got to make it harder for them to do that. And weve got keep weapons of war off our streets. And trump planned to ban muslims from entering the country was also addressed although the speed limit the suspected shooter omar mateen already in the u. S. They are radicalized by people coming in and radicalized by family members and others. I think it is a moment for statesmanship and not partisanship. We should be coming together and trying to figure out the best way forward. Reporter donald trump has canceled a rally for later this week in new hampshire. And he has changed the focus of his speech tonight to talk about terrorism. While president obama and Hillary Clinton have canceled a rally scheduled for later this week as well. In the newsroom, im nikki burdine, wusa 9. As you can imagine, a lot of reaction coming in to social media on twitter user writes make plans to be kind to one another today. You never know what trials someone is facing alone. Zachary says, hope you all are having a great day. Be kind. Be hopeful. Most of all, spread love. Stay positive. Hash tag, love is love. Pray for orlando. Delaney says darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. Hash tag mlk. Hash tag pray for orlando. And another one, hash tag fame says we extend our deepest sympathies to the orlando firing victims. May your souls rest in peace. Pray for orlando. We want to hear from more of officer is facing charges connected to a sting of persons targeting children in Prince William county. 27yearold christopher dunks of gaithersburg is charged with soliciting a minor. He has been with Montgomery County police since february 2014. He is now suspended without pay. During the investigation. It was a somber day in Montgomery County, last week, the community lost three teenagers, in an horrific crash in damascus. The teens were all juniors at Clarksburg High School. Today, a funeral was held for one of them in gaithersburg. Mikea turner spoke with classmates who are still trying to find closure. Reporter a strong showing of support for Patrick Shifflett, outside of the saint John Newman Catholic parish. Family and friends and others gathered to say goodbye. Always made you laugh on the worst day. It was a special gift 18 yearold Patrick Shifflett had, the ability to make others feel good. Brian walker a junior at Clarksburg High School played on the Varsity Football Team with patrick, he was among hundreds who teens viewing and funeral in gaithersburg today. And when patrick survived, the heart broken family stood behind it, and the priest provided comfort. Upsetting i wont see him but i know he is in a better place and that helps. I think it is good for all of us to be together and be strong together. It is kind of some closure for a lot of us. Patrick and his friends, jacob dennis and carry green, were all killed in a crash on burnsville road in damascus last week. According to police, jacob lost control around a sharp curve and crashed into a tree. The teens were heading only from a gathering at parksburg High School Graduates when their lives ended tragically. Alcohol was not a factor but speed was. How have your peers been doing since the crash . We have come together not only as a school but as a family. Reporter today patricks extended family showed much support. His teammates came together, to sign this football. Hugs were shared among the crowd. And everyone demonstrated their love for Patrick Shifflett. Who may forgotten. Reporting live from Montgomery County, mikea turner, wusa 9. Now, turning to mission metro. The second major project under safe track, starts at the end of this week, and this time a couple of metro rail stations will be killed. Those stations, potomac avenue and stadium armory are on track, shared by the orange, blue and silver lines. And that means shuttle bus trips are finding other alternatives for people who commute to or from Prince Georges County will be mandatory. Charges are pending against a suspected drunk driver in silver spring. A pickup truck stuck a pedestrian and a couple of other vehicles just off lockwood road in the white oak neighborhood. Three people were taken to the hospital. Including the driver of that truck. Their injuries though are not considered lifethreatening. The man who crashed his car into a group of pedestrians on new years eve will learn his punishment today. Three people were hospitalized, when k police say lloyd was driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana at the time. At least 13 other people were injured. Lloyd pled guilty to felony assault and destruction of property. And a man accused of killing his strengthed streangdz streangdz wife and trying to make it look like a suicide. He beat and strangled his wife michelle and staged the scene to try to make her death look like a suicide. Her body was found hanging in a shower at her home in ashburn more than two years ago. Closing arguments are set to begin today in the bizarre case against andrew smolz, the virginia lawyer charged with torturing his wifes former boss and that mans wife. He testified last week he didnt remember what happened because of a cocktail of prescription drugs he was taking for various health problems. A judge could sentence him to more than 100 years in prison. If still ahead on wusa 9 news, one of the greatest guitar players of all time could be calling it quits. We will tell you what is bothering eric clapton. It is beautiful out there. Have you stepped outside . The humidity is nice and low. But rain is back on the seven day forecast. Plus, we will let vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me the curtain is about to go up on the renovated watergate hotel. Our Editorial Partners at the Washington Post say the hotel has undergone a sixyear 125 million renovation. Most of the furniture has been custom made to look like it is from the 1960s. The employee uniforms were created by the same Costume Designer from the show mad men and in a nod to the scandal of the watergate era, 70s, the key cards read, no need to break in. The grand opening is scheduled for tomorrow. He holds 17 Grammy Awards and is the only musician to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame three times. But Eric Claptons career may be coming to an end. The 71yearold musician recently revealed he is diagnosed with nerve damage and playing the guitar now is quote hard work. Asked if he would stop playing the guitar, clapton said maybe it hurts too much. Maybe, if it hurts too much. The language the legendary artist says he is looking at retiring and touring has become unbearable. The Kennedy Center says bill murray will receive a prize for humor, presented during a gala performance octoberer 23 in foggy box. Murray is the 19th the murray is the 19th recipient of the mark twain humor award. Tickets go on sale to the public august 1. What a gorgeous afternoon. Beautiful. A little bit of a breeze this morning but nothing like how windy it was on sunday. It felt pretty good. It was summer over the weekend. Maybe felt good to go to the pool. And dip in the water. But today, that is one day and then tomorrow is looking nice as well. And looking outside on the michael and son camera, gorgeous out there, High Pressure is moving in. You can barely see any clouds out. There if we see any clouds, they are fair weather clouds. Not looking at any rain today. And the temperatures are warming up, in the low 70s right now, and the humidity is just so low. So it feels refreshing out there. And we are headed to the low 80s today. Which is a big jump back from where we were over the weekend. But it is still a seasonable temperature and feels pretty good. The winds this morning were about 15, 18 Miles Per Hour and a few gusts higher than that, and now sitting pretty about 10 with the west northwesterly wind, it keeps the air nice and dry. Dew points in the 50s. And 72 for washington. And 70 for winchester. And 73 for manassas. And 71 for andrews and temperatures are going to increase, as we head through midweek. But i think this week, we are going to stay away from the 90s. And i think we will just stay in the upper 80s, at the highest point, by wednesday, and High Pressure is here, so right through the afternoon, and into the evening, no clouds to worry about, no rain to worry about, and this is what we are going to top out, into the afternoon. And mid80s, as you head farther south of 66, and manassas and cullpepper and fredericksburg, nice and warm. But again, with the humidity, nice and low, feeling pretty good out there. And 82 for frederick. And 83 for martinsburg. And if you are headed to the nats game tonight, are you in for a treat. And first pitch at 7 05 against the cubs. And 80 degrees by 6 00. And by 8 00, 76 degrees. And now, tonight, it is not going to be chilly. But it is definitely going to in thing tomorrow morning. So if you get cold, it might be in the suburbs, you might need an extra layer and nice and warm tomorrow but the epitome of a spring day for tuesday. A nice comfortable start in the morning and then warm in the afternoon, but still not too humid tomorrow, and here is the rest of the day planner, it is a good night to have dinner outside, and get the barbecue going, if you thought it was too warm over the weekend, and as we head through the evening hours, 10 00, 73. And then 71 by midnight. Those winds are really going to let up and be nice and calm. And the future cast is looking very calm today. And High Pressure is still in place. So no rain chances, and when do things start to change . It becomes a little bit more unsettled on wednesday. And we are going to see our rain chances start to pick up. And temperatures head to the upper 80s, on wednesday, ahead of our system that is going to push on through. So a cold front came on through, over the weekend, and that is why it is windy out there. But no rain from this system. So here we go, through today. And still on the sunny side. Clear toni their way in. And we still stay dry on tuesday. Looking at temperatures in the mid80s. And just a little bit warmer. Winds are going to turn out of the southeast, and we will look at andrea, over to you . All right, allison, we want to take you directly to the fbi director giving us a briefing update, in the preliminary stages but on the orlando shooting. Lets listen in. Good afternoon, everyone. And their all for being here today. We are here to discuss the justice departments response to this stunning and unconscionable acts, in orlando. Our hearts are broken for the unfathomable losses that the people of orlando have suffered. And our thoughts and prayers continue to be with their families and their loved ones. As attorney general lynch said yesterday, the full resources of the department of justice, which includes the fbi, and a. T. F. , and the National Security division at main justice as well as the u. S. Attorneys office in the middle district of georgia, are all supporting the ongoing investigation. Our agents and investigators have been on the ground since been working around the clock since yesterday. And they will continue to do so in the days ahead. I want to thank our Law Enforcement colleague, in florida, for their tireless and extraordinary work thus far and their dedication to the ongoing investigation. I have also been in contact with the attorney general, who is currently on her way back from china. And continues to monitor developments in the case. Words really cant express the depth of our sorrow, or the measure of our grief for losses that have been suffered by those and lives that have been changed forever. What happened in orlando yesterday was a horrifying act. A horrifying act of evil and terror. And for the lgbt community, pulse was more than just a place to go and celebrate and see friends. It was a place that promised inclusion and freedom to be themselves, the same promise that our country holds everyone. This was an attack on that promise. It was an attack on our values as a country, and our national community. It was an attack on who we are as a nation and as a people. And our country as a whole stands united in response to this cowardly and despicable act. And so with this, i will turn things over to director thome who will prois Additional Details on where we are in the investigation right now. Thank you, sally. I want to echo what the Deputy Attorney general said, just now, our hearts are broken and ache for the people who were lost in orlando, those wounded, and their families. We are so sorry for your loss and your suffering. I also want to say a word of thanks and expressed a admiration for the work of local Law Enforcement in orlando. They showed professionalism and extraordinary bravery that saved lives. We are very lucky that such good peoplech and lastly i want to say thanks to those who rendered care that saved lives at the scene, the docs, the emts, the nurses, the victim specialists and the ordinary citizens who stopped to help family and friends you showed us the best part of humanity in the mind of terrible loss. As you know, this is a federal terrorism investigation. Led by the fbi. With the assistance, as we always do, of our state local and federal partners. The reason for that is, there are strong indications of radicalization by this killer, and a potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. We are spending a tremendous amount of time, as you would imagine, trying to understand every moment of this killers path to that terrible night in orlando, to understand his motives, and to understand the details of his life. You will notice that i am not using the killers name. And i will try not to do that. Part of what motivates sick people to do this kind of thing is some twd or glory. And i dont want to be a part of that for the sake of the victims and their families. And so that other twisted minds dont think that this is a path to fame and recognition. So what i want to do is give you a sense of what we know so far. And then tell you as much as i can about our past contact with the killer. We are going to through the killers life as i said, especially his electronics, to understand as much as we can about his path, and whether there was anyone else involved, either in directing him or in assisting killer. We are going through the killers life as i said, especially his electronics, to understand as much as we can about his path and whether there was anyone else involved, either in directing him or in assisting him. So far we see no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the united states, and we see no indication that he was part of any kind of network. It is also not entirely clear at this point j group he aspired to support, although he made clear his afenty at the time of the attack for isil and generally leading up to the attack for radical islamist groups. He made 911 calls from the club during the attack at about 2 30 a. M. Sunday morning. There were three different calls. He called and he hung up. He called again and spoke briefly with the dispatcher. And then he hung up. And then the dispatcher called him back again, and they spoke briefly. So there were three total calls. During the calls, he said he was doing this for the leader of isil, who he named and pledged loyalty to, but he also appeared to claim solidarity with the perpetrateors of the Boston Marathon bombing and solidarity with a florida man who died as a suicide bomber in syria for alnusra, a group in conflict with the socalled islamic state. The bombers at the marathon and the suicide bomber from florida were not inspired by isil, which adds a little bit to the confusion about his motives. Of course, were working to understand what role antigay bigotry may have played in motivating this attack. Again, its early. Were working hard to understand the killer and his motives and his sources of inspiration, but were highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least in some part through the internet. So thats what weve been doing. Now let me tell you what i can about the f. B. I. s prior contact with the killer. We first became aware of him in may of 2013. He was working as a contract Security Guard at a local courthouse. And he made some statements that were inflammatory and contradictory that concerned his coworkers about terrorism

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