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County. Peggy fox is live along river drive. Who was he, peg . Reporter well, the victim has been identified as 83year old johann deleedy, he retired from the World Bank Many years ago. He lived in a large waterfront mansion, down there on the left, where that crime scene truck is parked. Now, Fairfax County police were here overnight. With search dogs after receiving two different 911 calls. Just after 1 00 a. M. One of the callers reported an unconscious man at the home in the 6,000 block of river drive. The other caller reported hearing gunshots in the area. When police got to the scene, they found 83yearold johann deleedy lying in the backyard, suffering from trauma to the upper body. He was taken to a hospital where he died. Police say the wounds were not self inflicted. His death is now being investigated as a homicide. First neighbors were told to stay indoors. Now, that warning has en lifted. But it doesnt appear random. These homes are along the river. And people cant, you know, if people were going on, these would be some of the last places you would pick. You have five miles off the peninsula. Reporter no arrests have been made. The investigation and collection of evidence continues here at the scene on river drive. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 703691 2131. Reporting live in mason neck, peggy fox, wusa 9. Mike . Peg, one question before you go, did police say anything about those gunshots the neighborhood heard or not yet . Reporter we just know that a neighbor called and heard those gunshots. But certainly, with that information, it is possible that the man was shot, but police have not released that information yet, mike. Okay, thank you, peg. Live in virginia this afternoon. One man is dead, and a gunman is on the run, after a shooting in northeast dc in northeast, between sheriff road and j street and proved to be a scary morning for this woman who was in gunshot of the gunfire. Five or six shots. Thats all i heard. Ha did you do when you heard the shots . Hit the floor like everybody else does. Police are asking neighbors who may have saw or heard anything to give them a call in this. Final preparations for Nancy Reagans funeral are taking place in california. [ Station Audio trouble ] at the rond reagan president ial library in simi valley california. Mrs. Reagans guest list includes hollywood celebrities and politicians and every living first lady. The resting place is on the library growns next to her husband. The former president. She was 94. Delegates is forced to take up a bill when it comes to ignition like requirements when it comes to convicted drunk drivers. We have more on a Montgomery County Police Officer noel leota, it is three months since the Montgomery County Police Officer was hit and killed while on duty by a suspected drunk driver. Since his death, advocates have been working lard to make the law a reality. Interlock ignitions on cars and if they have been drinking, the car wont start. Yesterday a big step forward, House Committee passed the law but weakened the bill with amendments. And there is an ignition lock requirement provision that for those who refuse the breath test. And that is a huge blow because 20 to 30 in maryland pulled over on suspected dunk driving refuse to take a breathalyzer. And it shortens the time of days. And the little cellphone sized device is preventible medicine in a sense supporters say. And people can go about their lives and drive to work, just not while intoxicated. The hope advocates say that the officers death could help save lives. Nikki burdine, wusa 9. And today, officer leotta and other Law Enforcement officers are recognized during the 42nd annual Montgomery County Public Safety awards. During that ceremony, officers who you see here rescued an unconscious man from a burning vehicle on i495 last august, they will also be awarded today. A drunk driver who killed two cyclists in Chesapeake Beach is going to be in court this afternoon. Catherine lion and her lawyers are expected to discuss a plea deal. Lion was originally drunk, allegedly drunk, when she crashed into a tandem bike in october, killing those two cyclists. The killer of a kidney transplant survivor will be sentenced today. Latoya morgan of Silver Spring wa others, for her role in the death of 26yearold jonathan harris. Harris had been robbed and then left for dead. Morgan is facing five years in jail. The g. O. P. Frontrunner is picking up an endorsement from a former rival today. And just about everyone is reflecting on the kinder, gentler Republican Debate from thursday night. Craig boswell has more from the white house. Reporter dr. Ben carson endorsed donald trump during a News Conference in florida friday morning. It is such an honor to have ben. He is a friend. He has become a friend. And i really appreciate the endorsement, ben, thank you. Reporter carson said he was able to get over trumps attacks against him during the campaign because he has gotten to know the other donald trump. There are two different donald trumps. There is the one you see on the stage, and there is the one who is very cerebral. Reporter perhaps it was the more cerebral trump who showed up last nights debate which focused more on policy and left out the last nights debate was fun, it was different, it got wonderful there were a lot of good feelings in that room. Reporter the biggest policy difference came during the night when claimed trump says Social Security is fine as it stands as long as we get rid of the fraudulent cases. As you said, it wont add up. Fraud is not enough. The answer cant be wave a maimingic wand and say problem go away. This is not a theory. If you have to take on entitlement programs to balance the budget, yes, it doesnt mean you have to cut them. It remains to be seen if the good feelings in the debate will continue as the candidates hit the campaign trail ahead of tuesdays primaries. Craig craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. And you can get the latest news on the wusa 9 app. The 106yearold dc woman who won over the hearts of millions after a video of her dancing with president obama and the first lady ago is now celebrating another birthday. Today, ms. Virginia mclauren got a huge surprise. She was given the president s volunteer Service Award for all of the great things she has done in the dc community. So how does this Birthday Celebration compare to the previous 106 . Ive had birthdays before, but not as excited as this. This is the greatest one i have ever had. And bobs furniture also donated thousands of dollars worth of furniture for ms. Mclaurens home, a special happy birthday. Memories are still very rong for veterans of one of the countrys most controversial wars. See what happens when the Andrea Mccarron and the wusa 9 service dog bunt heads to the vietnam wall. Whoa. Whoa is right. Ohio state fire investigators are looking into what could have triggered this violent propane tank explosion at a construction site near cleveland. Workers ran for their lives after hearing hissing coming from a pair of 1,000pound propane tanks. Believe it or not, no one was hurt in that blast yesterday. Friends of a philadelphia Police Officer who was ambushed and shot repeatedly in his patrol car are amazed that he is still alive. Officer jeffrey hartnet was gunned down on january 7. Police say Edward Archer fired shot after shot into the car and his body. But somehow, hartnet survived and he is now testifying in court. I cant imagine, under circumstances like that, anybody doing what he did. He is truly, truly brave. Officer hartnet spent 15 days in seven surgeries and somehow, with his left elbow destroyed by bullets, he chased, shot and caught that suspect. Shut your door, shut your door. Wow. Talk about a close call. A minnesota sheriffs deputy narrowly escaped serious injury during a traffic stop on wednesday when he dodged a car that was sliding on the ice. Deputy cody bucci was standing next to the car on the side of the road during a routine traffic stop and he noticed that other car coming towards him. The dash cam video shows him running away and yelling to the driver of the car sitting still to close their door. Just afterwards he ran out of harms way, that suv slides into the picture and missed the car by mere inches. Allison is up next with the weekend forecast. Hopefully it is not a complete washout as we spring forward. It feels so great out here. If we could just hold on to the weather where it is not too hot, not too cold. But of course, we have some one day is going to be warmer than the other over the weekend. I will explain, coming up. On the news at noon. I do everything on the internet, but its kinda slow. My friends said i should get fios because its the fastest, but i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . No kate. Turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. And its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. I heard that. Nows the best time to switch to better internet. Only fios has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. So you can send files up to 5x faster than cable. Now, get our best offer ever super fast 100 meg internet with plus tv phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good . Fios can do that. Cable just cant. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv and phone for our best offer ever. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v welcome back. He may be one of the most recognizable faces in washington. Americas puppy, bunce, has facebook followers in all 50 states and 78 countries. Our wounded war service dog, along with his side kick, Andrea Mccarron, introduces us to a very special veteran they met at the vietnam wall. What year . 69. Navy veteran dan causeman stands bee neat a sunfilled sky to talk to strangers. Some da talking to talk to 3rd graders. And hold it together. Because chip and i were once that age together. We called him chip. Chip bachman was dons best friend. They grew up together and joined the military right out of high school. Chip died in vietnam. On october 2 of 1969. He was just 20 years old. Don came home. But to angry demonstrators. When we got off the jetway, they were right there in our face. With the insults. And the rotten fruit and veggies. And some were even assaulted. 47 years after his best friends death, don strolls along the wall a few times a week. He wants to make sure visitors know there is a story behind every name etched in granite. He wants to ensure that no one forgets. We cant forget. At the vietnam wall, andrea and if you have an idea for bunces weekly salute to service report, send us an e mail. A wisconsin mother is taking on a task that some other parents might just be too distraught to even try themselves. She takes children with terminal illnesses into her own home to give them love and the care they need. One of my favorite things to do is just climb into bed and lay next to him, and we kind of lay nose to nose and i talk to him and i tell him about heaven. Corey selletcher is the definition of a super mom. Eight children of her own. And four years ago when she was finishing a near deadly battle with her own autoimmune disorder, she decided she still had more love to give. And there is another reason that mothers should not smoke. A new longterm study finds that mothers who do smoke might increase the risk of their children developing lung disease as adults. The study comes out of australia. Researchers say the risk is are exposed to maternal cigarette smoke and then take up smoking later in life. Encouraging news this afternoon, about the fight against the zika virus. The u. S. Health Officials Say that a zika vaccine could be ready for testing as soon as this fall. The mosquitoborn virus is hitting puerto rico particularly hard. And there is concern that thousands of pregnant women could be infected this year. You could soon pay a price if you open your car door and hit a bicyclist in virginia. A bill waiting for Governor Terry mcculloughs signature calls for a 50 for doing so. [ Station Audio trouble ] i went flying into the car in front of him. A woman just opened her door. And right as i was there. I swerved out and barely missed her. Now, the law could also hold the driver accountable if the bi car door. Similar laws are already in effect in both dc and in maryland. Well, the annual rock and roll marathon is coming up this weekend. The race steps off at 7 30 tomorrow morning, near Smithsonians National museum of natural history. And Dc Police Say street closures related to the marathon will start as early as midnight tonight. All of the affected streets should reopen by 3 00 p. M. Tomorrow. To accommodate runner, Metro Rail Service is going to start at 5 00 a. M. You can see all of the road closure information right now, on the wusa 9 app. Well, flood warnings are raising alarms and prompting evacuations all across the south after heavy rain forced rivers and streams to go over their banks. One. The areas hit the greatest is bossier louisiana. David begnow has the latest. Reporter the storm unleashed another round of torrential rain overnight. Thousands of people were forced from their homes in northern louisiana. More than 20 inches of rain has fallen you need sandbags . We will go get them. We rode along with the National Guard Staff Sergeant genevieve tolar in the Golden Meadow sub definition of bossier parish. They were delivering sandbags and had already rescued 100 people. Last night the evacuations in the neighborhood were voluntary. The National Guard helped to get angela and her two daughters to safety but her 22 yearold son jimmy decided to stay behind. The fears grew that the levees would breach. There is a planneder to evacuation. We need to get everybody we can on the truck. The Staff Sergeant and others went back to get angelas stubborn son. It is mandatory. More people joined them. As this area braces for potentially lifethreatening flooding. Flooding this severe is rare, in this part of louisiana. Chris perkins is not from here, but he came to help. Just helping the neighborhood. It is hard seeing these people struggle. I mean why not do something good . The army corps says around lunchtime today, the water from this bayou, they believe will spread and overtop that levee right there. Spreading into an area where there are 1600 homes. David begnow, cbs news, along the Red Chute Bayou in bossier city, louisiana. When bad weather hits, we have you covered with the wusa 9 app. Live radar. Breaking news alerts. Get the app. It is free. On both apple and android devices. Okay, as we look ahead to the weekend forecast, remember, we spring forward this weekend. Right . Yes. And then also, it is a good idea to check the alarms and your smoke detectors and your co2 detectors and stuff like that, too, replace the batteries. Always good to do that. I like to spring ahead. I dont like losing an hour of sleep. But i love the longer days. Yes. Thats right. Grill outside much later. Im usually a little tired at work because due want to go to bet when you dont want to go to bed when it is so nice out. We started off skies. A couple of areas of light rain. We expected that to come on through. In and out. Very fast. Now we are back to some sunshine and some pleasant temperatures. Man, it is nice today. We do have a pretty nice weekend in store. However, there are a few changes. We are going to cool off a little bit. Come tomorrow. However, we are still above average. So here we go. With the sunshine. Coming out. With just a few fair weather clouds. 68 degrees. And now, we do have a little bit of a breeze. Out of the northwest. And we dont have the gusts that we will this morning. As that front started to slip off to the south. Bringing that little bit of rain. And we had some gusts up to near 31 miles an hour. Not the the case, but breezy from time to time, as we head into the evening hours. And that will be the case. And now, we are pretty comfortable right now, with generally low humidity, and 70 degrees, for manassas and 68 for culpepper and 67 for anders and 66 for frederick. And this evening will be pretty pleasant. 6 00, looking at 63. And dinner outside. Grilling outside. It is going to be very nice. Once the into the evening hours, getting a little chilly, dropping down to the 50s. By 9 00, and these are your current temperatures, for first thing tomorrow morning. Friday night, so really early saturday morning. For the runners, i would say this is pretty good running weather. I have to say. 44 degrees. So that will be about 6 00, 7 00 in the morning. When you get ready for the race. And then the temperatures will increase, to about 50 degrees. Thats pretty nice. And you dont have to deal with rain like you did last year. And clear skies, for the race. It is going to be good. The clouds will return later on in the day. We have a chance of a stray shower, on saturday. But really, it is not for most people. And now, friday, here we are at 5 00 on your future cast and looking pretty quiet and pretty sunny out there as well. And the sunsets and stay clear overnight. And chillier than we have been. In the past couple of evenings, and first thing on saturday morning. And 4 30 on saturday, the clouds are back and they are here to stay for much of the day on sunday. However, we have this front that is going to ft north, the winds will turn back out of the south, and we are going to see some showers on sunday. A couple of showers in the morning. Much of the day is pretty dry. If you want to be outside. Warm, cloudy and dry. And here come the heavier showers. By 8 00 at night, the showers will line up. And it will be heavy at times. Even a rumble of thunder while sleeping sunday night. And into monday morning. And that will be our best chance for rain. And 69 degrees today. And into this evening. Into the 40s. By first thing saturday morning. And kind of cloudy and cool. Relative to what we have been experiencing. However, still well above average for saturday. Sunday, upper 60s. Showers arrive late sunday night and into monday. We stay pretty mild. All next week. Well be right back after this. When i was sidelined with blood clots in my lung,h. It was serious. Fortunately, my doctor had a game plan. Treatment with xarelto®. Hey guys hey, finally, somebody i can look up to. Besides arnie. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, theres limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, i tried warfarin, but the blood testing and dietary restrictions. Dont get me started on that. N xarelto®. Nice pass. Safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. You know xarelto® is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto®. Was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Thats it for the news at noon here on wusa 9. Were back on tv at 5 00. And dont forget the wusa 9 app. Aus news, weather and i do everything on the internet, but its kinda slow. My friends said i should get fios because its the fastest, but i thought it would be too expensive. Whos that, jenny . No kate. Turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. And its 100 megs. I just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. Thats seriously better. Were out of 2 then i thought, maybe other things could be better. I heard that. Nows the best time to switch to better internet. Only fios has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. So you can send files up to 5x faster than cable. Nd download speeds. Plus tv phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good . Fios can do that. Cable just cant. Just go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios. Thats 100 meg internet speeds, tv and phone for our best offer ever. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v your home can be perfect. Re, even when life isnt the spring home event is happening now. From classic to contemporary, havertys. Billy the rollout for pass key is going to be huge, and its gonna come a little bit sooner than we expected, but thats a good thing. Itll give it a sense of urgency, as in the public needs this web Security Program today, so give us your money before its gone. Jack and when newman sues us . Billy why . cause victor was stupid enough to fire natalie and cancel the contract . Jack doesnt mean shes free to come work for us. Look, even if he doesnt have a legitimate claim to this intellectual property, it doesnt mean they cant sue us to tie us up in court. Billy theres not gonna be a lawsuit, jack. Trust me. Newman enterprises doesnt want anything to do with pass key. I already offered part of the profits to victoria. Jack wait, you what . Billy dont worry about it. She turned me down. Then she called off the wedding. Victoria dad, look. Im not here to gloat

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