Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20151231 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20151231

delia has a look at what is happen around town and how to get home safely. >> reporter: there's no shortage of parties happening in and around the d.c. area, and, of course, downtown probably going to be full of new year's eve revelers. metro hopes you'll catch the train to get here. this new year's eve started out with a bang. two step and some smooth music. the perfect backdrop as he talked about plans for tonight. what are your plans tonight? >> i'm going to a house party. >> reporter: she can hop on the train to get there. metro offering free rides from midnight until the system closes at 3:00 a.m. to avoid driving, you're staying over? >> yes, i'm staying over. i'm not getting into any bad situations. i don't want any of my friend to drive. >> all i can do is work. >> reporter: there's d.c. sober ride. 800-200-taxi will get you a free and safe ride home. there's a long list of parties around town but many of you will ring in 2016 at home with family. >> absolutely. i love every minute of just being home and enjoy my company and my family. >> reporter: happy new year. >> happy new year to you. thank you. >> reporter: wusa 9. ♪ >> whoo, sound good! they're already celebrating. check out our mobile app for a complete list of celebrations if you're heading out for first night as well as more information on sober ride so you can get home safely. you know what? high heels and heavy coats tonight on first night, allyson? >> i think you'll need a jacket but won't have to go in the clothe for the heaviest coat you can find. it's cold. it's december, almost january, but more manageable than previous or prior new year's eves we have had. i was just outside. there's some blue setting the tone. 5 . it's a little breezy but feels pretty good. 54 frederick, a little cooler hagerstown at 47. now, further south, some clouds lingering and you have a chance of a stray sprinkle near fredericksburg, st. marys county, northern neck, still dealing with the boundary from yesterday. everybody else enjoying moments of sunshine, like i promised this morning. more sunshine to start 2016, come with the price tag of chillier temperatures, not too bad, i prom. we'll go through the details a little later. mike, over to you. >> sound good, allyson. some new year's revelers started lining up early this morning in times square. more than 1 million people are expected to party tonight and 1 billion more will watch on tv. jamie yuccas reports. >> reporter: crowds for the world's biggest party showed up early for a spot in times square. >> it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience so i figured i would get it out of the way while i'm still young. >> reporter: security is working to make sure revelers can safely ring in the new year. >> we're the best prepared city in the country and know how to do big event and have shown it time and time again. >> reporter: there's no specific or credible threat, but close to 6,000 officers will be in times square just in case. some in uniform, some undercover. snipers willbe on rooftops, garbage cans removed, manhole covers sealed shut and radiation detectors deployed. >> those who capabilities beforehand, as well as the capability to respond, we believe we're as prepared as anybody can. >> reporter: once in plays, revelers cannot get outside these pen and no backpacks or largeback bags are allow. tell me why you're here. >> it's my birthday. as soon as the ball drops at midnight, it's my 19th birthday. >> those showing up early aren't worried. they're excited for a good time. preparations have been underway, too. organizers have already tested confetti and the ball had its test run and is ready for its midnight descent. jamie yuccas, cbs news, new york. >> at the stroke of midnight, the lights on the new year' eve ball are turned off and the numbers 2016 will light up, as we see every year. security is higher than usual in europe dues to fears of terrorism in belgium. two terror suspects were caught, accused of plot an attack during new year's eve celebrations in brussels. nearby police also arrested someone in connection with last month's terror attacks in paris. in london, just over 100,000 people, all ticketholders, are expected to attend the fireworks display at midnight in the center of town there. while many are preparing to celebrate, others are planning to hold a protest in downtown d.c. leaders of a local stop police terror project and black lives matter groups are planning to hold a demonstration tonight at 7:00 p.m. in chinatown. they're upset over two recent grand jury decisions earlier this week. no charges were returned against a cleveland police officer hot shot and killed 12- year-old tamir rice in 2014 and a few weeks ago, a texas grand jury did not charge any of the officers at a jail where sandra bland died after she was arrested during a traffic stop. the mother of the so-called affluenza teenager is back in the u.s. tonya couch is in california but her son ethan is in mexico, where the pair went after they fleed texas in november. it could be weeks before he's deported. >> the couches have legal counsel and it seems to me that if they wanted to, they could pay as much as they want to drag as long as they want to. >> the teenager was convicted of killing four people in a drunk driving crash in 2013 and received probation and no jail time after his defense argued he suffered from something called affluenza, saying his parents were too wealthy and shielded him from a sense of responsibility. texas authority will try to move ethan couch to adult court. an attorney for bill cosby said the entertainer will be cleared of sexual assault. he's accused of drugging and assaulting a woman at his suburban philadelphia home almost 12 years ago. kenneth craig is outside montgomery courthouse in elkins park, pennsylvania. >> reporter: bill cosby remains free on bail after his arrest and arraignment on a sexual assault charge. the 78-year-old comedian was booked wednesday for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting former temple university employee andrea constant in 2004. according to the complaint she gave her three blue pills he claimed were herbal. within a half hour, she had difficulty speaking and could not see well. >> mr. cosby urged her to drink wine and take blue pills, the effect of which rendered unable to move. >> reporter: she sued cosby in montgomery county, pennsylvania, in 2005 and settled out of court. a decade later, prosecutors used unsealed portions of depositions from the lawsuit to build the case, including cosby's admission he planned to use drugs on women he want to have sex with. cosby's attorney told "cbs this morning" the unsealed court papers are no smoking gun. >> there's nothing in that deposition where mr. cosby admits to committing any crime and in fact, he denies it vehemently. >> reporter: more than 50 other women lodged similar complaints dating back deck cade. a conviction could expose him to civil damage in other lawsuits. kenneth craig, cbs news, elkins park, pennsylvania. >> bill cosby's next court date is set for january 14. well, it looks like it has a boy's favorite christmas present nearly burns down the family home. find out why a federal agency is taking a closer look at these wildly-popular hoverboards. but first, see what happens when jerry seinfeld swings by the white house to pick up that life is is lived. don't let them pass you by. jump into them. immerse yourself in them. ♪ because it's the nows that make the journey worthwhile. the wild atlantic way. 1500 miles of extraordinary nows. jump into ireland. visit to find out more. >> welcome back. engineers and the national guard are busy in st. louis county, missouri. they are trying to restore the roads and continue diverting traffic through the region. crews rerouted traffic wednesday night just so they could put up some sandbag and start pumping out more than a foot of water in many places. at least 20 people have been kill in this flooding and the rising water is also forcing evacuations in places in missouri and illinois now. meanwhile down under, wildfires continue to burn out of control there. australian emergency officials warned resident in south australia to be prepared to evacuate. flames are threatening dozens of home in the same fire that destroyed more than 100 homes on christmas day alone. iraq's defense ministry released footage of air strikes against i.s.i.s. militants north of baghdad. several militants were killed and in ramadi, crews continue to remove bombs left behind by militants driven out of the city. onon mday, iraqi forces retook ramadi after losing it to i.s.i.s. in the spring. before you pick out what you will wear new year' eve tonight, you want to hear allyson's forecast. >> we're feeling comfortable now, a little sunshine. we're one of the lucky ones. there's cloud cover throughout the region. we'll detail tonight's forecast hour by hour and right through 2016. keep it right here. islamic terrorists launch attacks in europe and beyond and thousand of migrants died trying to escape war torn country. here are some of the biggest international stories of 2015. >> reporter: terrorists targeted paris twice. gunmen linked to al-qaida stormed the newsroom of the proking vocative charlie hebdo, killing 12. another attacker killed four hostages at jewish supermarket before police killed him. ten months later, i.s.i.s. terrorists massacre people in a concert hall while others set up bombs outside a soccer stadium and gunned down people at cafes. 130 were killed. i.s.i.s. claimed another 224 lives when a bombing loaded on a russian jetliner as it flew over egypt. the latest round of terror comes as i.s.i.s. seizes more territory in syria and iraq. the u.s. and its allies launched airstrikes against the terror group and america sent in 200 special forces. refugees rush to get out of the war torn region. nearly 1 million escaped to hungary and germany. thousands died trying, including this syrian toddler who drowned. dozens of tourists were gunned down sunbathing in a resort town. >> this was a tragic but avoidable accident. >> reporter: there was international outrage after the u.s. carried an airstrike against the taliban in afghanistan and mistaken it will hit a doctors without borders hospital, killing 30 people. more than 2,000 people died in the annual hajj pilgrimage, the deadliest stampede ever. tension remained high as palestinians carried a wave of stabbing attacks on jews and a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck nepal, killing more than 9,000 and injuring 23,000. a suicidal pilot killed all 150 people on board a plane. the mystery of malaysia flight 370 was solved when a wing washed off the coast of africa. and leaders agree to reduce greenhouse gas emission that are warming the planet. and britain welcomed prince william and kate's second child, princess charlotte. cbs news, london. >> also this year, china abolished the one-child policy. all couple are also allowed to have two children. facebook, twitter shows hoverboard going up in flames. 10-year-old elias johnson is heartbroken after the one he got for christmas blew up inside the family's new york city home. the lithium batteries were charging for almost four hours when it burst into flames. >> it just blew up and spark of fire. >> it could have caught my kid on fire. it's not safe. >> officials are investigating nearly 20 hoverboard fires across the country. fortunately, no deaths or serious injuries reported but they're also falling off them, too. you probably pay an arm and a leg for seafood around the holidays, but crab prices should be more reasonable for super bowl time. the crabbing season is finally about to heat up. high levels of acid and toxin in those state's waters and in california have kept boats docked but not any more. officials said the crabs are safe to eat. while they missed out on the holidays, they hope to catch up on lost time. >> we have super bowl 50 coming. we have to have a crab party for our super bowl party. >> california crabbers will have to stay back a while understandless they have permits in oregon. jerry seinfeld kicked off season 7 of "comedians in cars getting coffee." >> i do well in the 0-8 demographic. i think it's because my ears are big and i look like a cartoon character. little kids love saying my name. but it's all one big name. it's barackobama. >> it's a name you could compress into one word. it's good. >> it's like nickelodeon thing. >> anything o- amama. >> my daughter does that, too. seinfeld got a quick view of the suv known as the beast and they went inside the white house to grab a cup of coffee for the rest of the interview. >> i watched it. it was funny. >> it's worth a watch and easy to click on -- google it and comes it. >> i love how they made the coffee for standard brew. . people are going out for the first night festivities. all the cities around -- first ball drops -- what do they need to wear? >> you know what? bring a jacket. it's going to be cold but is not a night where you have to really bundle up and find the hat, gloves, scarf, coat. lower 40s. it's a little on the chilly side but mild out there and you see a little bit of sunshine there. we promise moments of sunshine and they are there. temperatures are into the mid- 50s, well above average this time of year by 10 degrees so breezy but feels pretty good. we'll see the clouds linger for areas south. we'll show that on the futurecast but even though we're starting to see the clouds part just a little bit around the district and to the north and northwest and northeast, the clouds will return tonight. 54, 55. right now 53 for water. those clouds, if they stay around for tonight, will keep it warm sore that's nice. as we head through the new year, clouds will return into the lower 40s. that's a little chilly. remember, if you're in the suburbs, subtract five degrees. 41 through the midnight hours e cloudy and dry. the first day of 2016, how about some sunshine? it's been cloudy, dreary, and foggy for the last seven days but not tomorrow. we're looking at sunshine, nice start. temperatures will be still above average but noticeably cooler into the upper 40s but ample sunshine. it will feel pretty good. here's the lingering boundary here through southern delmarva, northern neck, st. maries county. that will bring a few showers, sprinkles, if you will. notice the clearing, partial clearing in frederick and hagerstown. by 5:00 tonight, clouds are still hanging out through la plata, passenger river. at 8:00, yeah, a couple of sprinkles. i think this overdoes it a little bit but can't rule it out. no problem for frederick to baltimore, gaithersburg, hagerstown. a few clouds are working in to start the new year but we will see clearing skies for friday. waking up, we're looking at cloud cover with 30s and lower 40s so pretty chilly out there but look how the skies just part way and we're going to set up for a sunny weekend. it's going to feel pretty good. by 4:30, 47 degrees. we're setting up for chilly nights and winds relax a little bit. it's going to feel cold on saturday morning. on saturday, this is 12:00, lunchtime, winds out of the southwest but near 40 degrees. colder on saturday for sure but a quick recovery. by sunday, we're back up to near 50-degree. not a bad start for 2015 -- excuse me, 2016. 54 for today, 48 for tomorrow, saturday 46. now, by sunday, we are at 50 but notice on monday we take another bit of a dive, 40 degrees, blustry, and with winds strong out of the northwest, yeah, we could see a flurry -- just one or two, no worries. we'll be back after this. okay, so a reminder -- we want you to stay safe so sober ride is free and you can ride metro free from midnight to 3:00. just bring your card. wear a jacket tonight for sure but you don't have to find the heaviest one. you'll be fine. 54 today. we'll drop down around midnight into the lower 40s, upper 30s. that's manageable. >> we get to see the sun as we start the new year. >> i know. it's out there. >> thank you for joining us at noon. we'll be back at 5:00, 24/7 on the app. she's allyson ray and i'm mike hydeck. happy new year, ever ♪ >> stitch: hi. >> dearly beloved, we are gathered here together in the sight of god to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. now, abby and ben are here with their friends, their family, to publicly declare their love for one another. >> phyllis: [ gasps ] >> jack: ash! >> abby: oh, my god. >> stitch: give her some room. hey. hey. hey. ash, ash, it's ben. can you hear me?

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