Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20141006 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20141006

season be come to a very disappointing end. we're in san francisco. take it away. >> reporter: hey, mike. thanks so much. one of the most critical games of the season and tons of emotions coming in to the game. one of the most beautiful ballparks they get to play in. >> my favorite of the modern ballparks. the best garlic fries and a beautiful scene in right field. home runs splash down -- plus a lot of hippies too. >> all sorts of interesting characters and it's a beautiful day and there's still the importance of the game. this team won 96 games this season, best record in the national league. and after two playoff games, the season could be coming to an end. an 0-2 hole is an extremely tough hole to climb out of but it's been done before. and here's a glimmer of hope. it's been a rough unexpected start for the team but they are in good spirits and they are not ready to go home yet. . >> we don't have a choice. we're in a must win situation. and so we have to go out there and play and win the game. it can certainly be done. you have to start with the first one. we have to be ready for that and be sure we're doing things out there to give us a chance to win it. that's where you start. and once that is over, you move to the next. >> downpour fister getting the -- doug fister getting the start for the nats. >> the team stopped hitting, getting three runs over the past two games. >> we'll see if they get ryan zimmerman in the lineup. make-- they need to manufacture runs. the pitching has been terrific for the giants. there are things the nationals can do. getting base runners on, moving them over and driving them in instead of relying on the home run. >> nats with the biggest game of the season in about five hours. back to you in the studio. baltimore did its part to keep the dreams of the beltway world series alive. they swept the tigers in three games and now the feel good story of the playoffs, the kansas city royals back in the playoffs for the first time since 1985. and don't forget, it's the redskins on monday night football and they have a tough task hosting the defending super bowl champion seattle seahawks. the first game since the thursday night debacle against the giants. dave owens will anchor our coverage tonight. so how do you dress if you're tailgating? howard is here with the kickoff forecast? >> i think it's going to be mainly dry. one batch of showers that's moved in to pennsylvania and new york state. and the area of rain ohio, kentucky, tennessee, this is also moving northeast. and looks like the showers will hold off until late. by game time in the mid-60s. if you're going out 5:30 or 6:00. it should be comfortable. a light jacket or a sweatshirt. south winds 10 to 15. i'll have the 7-day forecast which has several opportunities for rainfall and we'll talk about that and where temperatures are headed towards the weekend. i know it's monday. i'm looking ahead to the coming weekend. >> aren't we all? virginia will likely have the first same sex marriage the coming days in what some consider a surprise move. the u.s. supreme court left a lower court ruling that legalizes same sex marriages and keeps it intact. that legalizes it in 10 other states potentially. virginia will recognize same sex marriages performed in other states as well. turning to the ebola crisis and while doctors say two possible cases in our area are not ebola, another american arrived. a patient in dallas is fighting for his life. >> reporter: they loaded the latest ebola patient in an ambulance and transferred him to omaha today. 33-year-old ashoka mukpo is the 5th american to contract the virus. he got the virus while working in liberia. he's being kept in the largest isolation unit of its kind in the u.s. it's where richard -- was treated. thomas eric duncan is on a respirator. health officials are monitoring 50 people who had contact with duncan who is from liberia. electronic scanners that allow checking for fevers without touching them were installed at schools. the scanners remain in the schools for several weeks, omar villafranca, cbs news, dallas. and four members of duncan's family who he was staying with in dallas are still showing you signs of ebola. thankfully. searchers will be looking for hannah graham today. she's been missing three weeks now. property owners were asked to check abandoned structures and cars for signs of hannah. and the teen's parents made an emotional plea for more information. >> somebody listening to me today either knows where hannah is or knows someone who has that information. we appeal to you to come forward and tell us where hannah can be found. >> the area includes more than 700 square miles. the suspect, jesse matthew remains behind bars and he's scheduled for court in december. few things drive metro riders crazy more than broken escalators. the metro system is beginning a two year project to replace some of the oldest escalators in the season. metro is warning the construction and the delays will be long. >> the three escalators here at the bethesda station will be replaced but metro doesn't want to shut town the whole station in order to do that. so they can do the work in four hours each and every night. that means the project will now take about 2 1/2 years. >> it's inconvenient there's no question about that. but if its for the safety, i'm for it. >> reporter: the good news, the 30-year-old escalators will be replaced one at a time so two always remain in service. and they must prevent overcrowding. here's the bad news. the station will shut down periodically and without notice. shuttle buses will be available to riders between bethesda and the medical center. >> the shuttle buses, additional time to the commute. >> if they're going to make them so they don't break down as much, it's a good idea. >> i don't know why they're constantly repairing the escalators. >> reporter: hopefully, this will be a permanent fix. >> let us hope and pray. >> reporter: wusa 9. >> try walking up one of them. at 106 feet, one is the second longest in the western hemisphere. they made a major sacrifice to protect our nation and many are still paying for it. more on the monument that honors the men and women of the military still with us. and more and more women welcome back to the news at noon. there's new evidence that isis is targeting women in its latest recruitment efforts. as many as 50 british women have joined the fight, including girls as young as 14. isis targets teens who feel they don't fit in with the society around them. one french teenager was caught by her parents as she tried to flee to syria. and the parents of one british girl pleading for her to come home. >> many young girls are marrying isis fighters and producing jihadist children. a powerful typhoon washed three soldiers out to sea. they were stationed in japan. and more than a million people in central and eastern japan was advised to evacuate and go to shelters. when we come back, we'll take you to a new memorial in town. and howard has the forecast. beautiful out here now. i want to show you the wind gusts. there's a gust of 30 miles per hour. and i think we'll see the gusts pick up for most of us. and tomorrow a possible yellow alert day. the forecast is coming dropping off, working hard. and if there's a problem, they don't blame others. they try to solve it. that's also the story of this virginian. after working his way through college, mark warner started two businesses, failed at each. he didn't blame anyone else, he tried again. and that company became nextel. as our governor, he brought democrats and republicans together, to turn a six billion dollar defecit into a surplus. and when we sent him here, this senator chose not to shout, but rather to work with republicans, to bring maufacturing and tech jobs back to virginia. to improve veteran's healthcare, and find a bipartisan solution to cut the national debt, even if it means taking on his own party. whether you're starting a business, leading a state, or making everyone has the same fair shot i had, i know you get a lot more done, when you work together. i'm mark warner, and i approve this message. d.c.'s newest memorial is open to the public. supportest spent 14 years getting the american veterans disabled for life memorial built. >> awesome. i cried the whole time. >> reporter: this is how bill mckinley tells me when the american veterans disabled for life memorial was unveiled. a first of its kind to honor those who suffer physical disabilities and invisible ones like ptsd. >> it means everything. it's finally honor for duty and service. i was at the original dedication of the vietnam veterans memorial. i was there at 3:00 in the morning with my dog, lady, and a 5th of jack daniels and i thought i was going to leave it all there and never happened. this happened and i can leave it here. >> reporter: architects used granite and glass to convey strength and vulnerability. and there's a reflection pool with a star with a flame in the middle sitting next to a grove of trees to show persist especially in hope. if there's no visible scar, many think there's no injury. >> they don't see what we've been through and they automatically assumethat we should be fine. >> reporter: and these iraq war veterans are thankful that every visitor will fit a chance to see and understand what servicemen and women go through. always watching, always tracking. wusa 9's first alert weather. nats are in san francisco and first pitch five hours from now. what's the weather going to be? >> sunshine and about 80 for the high in san francisco. >> so that's going to do well for fister. >> and around here we have a kickoff forecast. >> at 8:30 we're talking about temperatures in the mid-60s. we're looking nice this afternoon. if you have any plans to get outside -- here we go. temperatures on the day planner in the low 70s. the average is 73 so we are right in the wheel house with sunshine and a couple of passing clouds and the clouds will thicken up this evening. if you're in west virginia a different story for you. you have a chance of showers as the afternoon weighs on. a cold start, down to 35 in martinsburg. and 37 in warrenton. and gaithersburg and -- the air is dry. temperatures in the mid-60s in spot. hagerstown, 61. and 72 in easton. lots of sunshine and reagan national is 68. the dew points in the 40s. the air is comfortable and cry and winds south at 15. some of the gusts could be up to 30 miles per hour this afternoon and evening. that could be a slight impact on the redskins, seahawks game at fedex tonight. we had one batch of showers all the way up to new york state and canada. and now another piece from ohio into kentucky and tennessee and rotating around. and this is more to the northeast. this will clip some of us, especially in the mountains, here in d.c., borderline whether it ge here. and our future cast is not showing much rain. sunshine and clouds and temperatures in the low 70s and breezy. tonight it's going to be a lot milder than the last couple of mornings. tonight with the winds up, with cloud cover, with a chance of a shower, we're going to have temperatures 55 to 60 tonight. and at 12:30 notice the showers from charlottesville. tomorrow we're in good shape to start tuesday. there'll be a few clouds around. and we'll be all right. lunchtime looks fine. by noon, showerapproaching roanoke. these will overspread some of the region by mid-afternoon. we could have a couple of showers in d.c. it doesn't look widespread enough to warrant a yellow alert. we're looking at good weather for the drive home and tomorrow night a chance of showers and by wednesday morning they're out of here. wednesday will be a good day along with thursday. today, breezy, milder, 73. and an isolated shower tonight and 59 degrees in town and mid- 50s in the cool spots. 72 tomorrow. and a couple of showers in the afternoon. and a better chance tomorrow night. by wednesday the sun returns and a pleasant today and 75. thursday also looks good, low 70s. 71 on friday and a few showers and the o's and royals kick off in baltimore. and temperatures holding in the 60s. we in fairfax county we had to cut a lot of waste. we consolidated offices. started sharing printers. we can walk a few feet. replaced computers, but kept the monitors. they still work fine. we even discovered that the phone company overcharged us by three million dollars! i approve this message because congress doesn't need another right winger. they need someone who can balance a budget. oh, and we definitely didn't need so many government studies. welcome back. our guest today has come to the rescue of females in the military who were stressing about their hair and pentagon grooming requirements. pamela farrell is from washington corn rows and company. and she was able to get some policy moved through the pentagon now in six months which to normal people might not sound like a lot but it's lightning speed. this is staff sergeant janet davis. she called you because the policy was that it had to be a certain way and you wanted to help educate them how. let's talk about how this started. >> she called me in march 2014 and the grooming standards had changed where twist hair styles and locks were unauthorized which is how she wore her hair. what i did was sent a letter to the secretary of the army and chief of staff of the army. and i sent a letter april 28th. they responded back in may. and i put together a lesson on hair and literally in four days. >> so you told the army about hair. clearly. and were these the models you used to help explain. you were telling me there were two kinds of hair. >> there are two shapes of hair and this is revolutionary. straight hair and circle hair. and they have very distinct characteristics. one grows up and one grows down. this one will shrink and contract and create bulk. and in the regulations you can't have beyond 2 inches of bulk this way or more than 3 inches in bulk of a bun. >> if you're serving under extreme conditions in the military. you could be in a situation where your hair will change dramatically, and that could endanger your life. >> it could interfere with being able to wear headgear. and sometimes you'll have a different look. the hair is the same length and this hair shrinks up and has bulk. when you create policy for one shape hair, it's going to impact this hair. and it forces women with circle hair to straighten their hair. >> can we -- staff sergeant davis -- can you turn so we can see the side of your hair. and explain her hair style. >> this is done with her natural hair and we did individual twists on the top which lows her some movement. and some will do all flat twists. but it's like blow drying for straight hair. imagine a policy that says you cannot blow dry your hair. >> and you were able to fix that policy in less than six months and were honored by a general for your efforts. congratulations on that.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , Canada , Japan , Kentucky , Martinsburg , West Virginia , Liberia , Syria , Warrenton , Ohio , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , California , United Kingdom , Iraq , Tennessee , Fairfax County , Pennsylvania , Dallas , Texas , France , Virginian , French , British , American , Janet Davis , Dave Owens , Hannah Graham , Jack Daniels , Jesse Matthew , Pamela Farrell , Doug Fister , Thomas Eric Duncan , Ryan Zimmerman ,

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