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Traveling to an International Conference in australia to combat aids and hiv. They were taken from us in a senseless act of violence. In this world today, we shouldnt forget in the midst of conflict and killing there are people like these, people focused on what can be built rather than what can be destroyed. People are focused on how they can help people theyve never met. People define themselves by what not makes them difference but the humanity that we hold in common. Its important for us to lift them up and affirm their lives and its time for us to hed their example. The United States of america is going to continue to stand for the principle that people have the right to live as they chose and that nations have the right to determine their own destiny and that when terrible events like this occur the International Community stands on the side of justice and truth. Let me take just a couple questions. Technical matter, does the u. S. Believe this passenger jet was targeted or the people that shot it down had been thought they were going after military aircraft . And more broadly, this incident does seem to escalate the crisis in ukraine to a level we havent seen before. Does that change what the u. S. Should be doing . Well, i think its too early for us to be able to guess what the intentions of those who might have launched the surfacetoair missile might have had. Investigations going to be on going. I think what well see is Additional Information surfacing over the next 24 hours, 72 hours, the next week, the next month. What we know right now, what we have confidence in saying right now is that a surface to air missile was fire and thats what brought the jet down. We have confidence in saying that that shot was taken within a territory that is controlled by the russian separatists. But i think its important for us to make sure that we dont get out of the facts and were working with the entire International Community to make sure the focus is on getting to the bottom of this thing and being truthful and my concern is obviously that theres been a lot of misinformation generated in Eastern Ukraine generally this should snap everybodys heads to attention and make sure that we dont have time for propaganda. We dont have time for games. We need to know exactly what happened and Everybody Needs to make sure were Holding Accountable those who committed this outraj. With respect to the second question, as youre aware, before this terrible incident happened, we had already ratcheted up sanctions against russia and i think the concern not just of russian officials but of the markets about the impact that this could have on the russian economy is there for all to see. I made clear to president putin that our preferred path is to resolve this diplomatically. But that means that he and the russian government have to make a strategic decision. Are they going to continue to support violent separatists whose intent is to undermine the government of ukraine or are they prepared to work with the government of ukraine to arrive at a cease fire and a peace that takes into account the interests of all ukrainians. There has been some improved language at times over the last month coming from the kremlin and coming from president putin. But what we have not seen is an actual transition and different actions that would give us confidence that thats the direction they want to take. And, you know, we will continue to make clear that as russia engages in efforts that are supports the separatists, that we have the capacity to increase the cost that we impose on them and we will do so. Not because were interested in hurting russia for the sake of hurting russia, but because we believe in standing up for the basic principiple that is countrys sovereignty has to be respected. Its not any other country that should be deciding what happens in that country. At this point, do you see any u. S. Military role . We dont see a u. S. Military role beyond what weve already been doing in working with our nato partners and some of the baltic states, giving them reassurances that we are prepared to do whatever is required to meet our alliance obligations. How much do you put on president putin to push the europeans for stronger action . We dont know exactly what happened yet and i dont want to as i said before, get out ahead of the facts. But what i do know is that we have seen a picks up of violence in Eastern Ukraine that despite the efforts of the to abide by a ceasefire and reach out and agree to negotiations including with the separatists, that has been rebuffed by the separatists. We know they are heavily armed and that they are trained and we know that thats not an accident. That is happening because of russian support. So, you know, it is not possible for the separatists to function the way theyre functioning, to have the equipment that they have, set aside whats happened, you know, with respect to the malaysian airlines, a group of separatists cant shoot down military transport planes or, they claim, shoot down fighter jets without sophisticated equipment and sophisticated training, and that is coming from russia. So we dont yet know exactly what happened with respect to the Malaysia Airlines, although, obviously, were beginning to draw some conclusions, given the nature of the shot that was fired. There are only certain types of antiaircraft missiles that can reach 30,000 feet and shoot down a passenger jet. We have increasing confidence it came from the control of the separatists, but without having a definitive judgment on those issues yet, what we do know is the violence taking place there is facilitated in part in large part because of russian support, and they have the ability to move those separatists in a different direction. But mr. Putin makes a decision that we are not going to allow heavy ar armaments and the flowf fighters have ukraine, across the ukrainianrussian border, then it will stop. And if it stops, then the separatists will still have the capacity to enter into negotiations and try to arrive at the sort of political accommodations that mr. Putin himself says he wants to see. He has the most control over that situation. So far, at least, he has not exercised it. Reporter indiscernible . I think this certainly will be a wakeup call for europe and the world that there are consequences to an escalating conflict in Eastern Ukraine, but it is not going to be localized, it is not going to be contained. You know, what weve seenp hee is, just in one country alone, our great allies, the dutch, 150 or more of their citizens being killed, and that, i think, sadly, brings home the degree to which the stakes are high for europe, not simply for the ukrainian people, and that we have to be firm in our resolve in making sure that we are supporting ukraines efforts to bring about a just cease fire and that we can move towards a political solution to. This last question. Lisa. Reporter indiscernible . We have been pretty methodical over the last 24 hours in working through the flight manifests and identifying which passengers miffe might had a u. S. Passport. At this point, the individual i mentioned is the sole person we can definitively say was a u. S. Or dual citizen. Because events are moving so quickly, i dont want to say with absolute certainty that there might not be additional americans, but at this stage, having looked through the list, been in contact with the malaysian government which processed the passport as folks were boarding, this is our best assessment of the number of americans that were killed. Obviously, that does nothing to lessen our outrage about all those families, regardless of nationality. It is a heartbreaking event. With respect to the effect of sanctions on the economy, we have consistently tried to tailor these sanctions in a way that would have an impact on russia, their economy and institutions or individuals that are aiding and abetting in the act tickets that are taking place in Eastern Ukraine, while minimizing the impacts on not only the u. S. Economy but the Global Economy. It is a relevant consideration that we have to keep in mind d the World Economy is integrated, russia is a larger economy, theres a lot of financial flows between russia and the rest of the world, but we feel confident that, at this point, the sanctions we put in place are imposing a cost on russia that the overall impact on the Global Economy is minimal. It is something that we have to, obviously, pay close attention to, but i think so treasury in consultation with our European Partners have done a good job on that issue. Thank you very much. Pelley that was the president of the United States live in the White House Briefing room describing the shootdown of malaysian flight 17 yesterday as a catastrophe. The president called for an immediate cease fire in ukraine so that investigative agencies could get to the crash site to determine what exactly happened. The president said u. S. Intelligence discovered a surfacetoair missile was used to bring the aircraf . T down but the president did not say who might have fired that missile, even though it came from rebelheld territory in Eastern Ukraine. But the president also laid a great deal of blame at the doorstep of Vladimir Putin, saying that putin had not used his influence to calm the situation in ukraine and had instead sent armament and training to the rebels. Bob schieffer is in washington today. What did you hear in the president s statement . It was not so much what he said but the fact he said it and the contrast between the president as we saw him yesterday when he went up to delaware to do this photo op about rebuilding the nations infrastructure and just at the beginning of his remarks there standing in front of a bridge, he basically confirmed that he had heard about the plane going down, that he had his people working on it and then, in a matter of seconds, it seemed like, went on to what he had come up here to talk about, about rebuilding the nations bridges. Then after that, he went off to new york for a couple of fundraisers. Today, it was a very different president you saw. He called it a catastrophe of unspeakable proportion. He laid a great deal of blame to the russians for funnel arms and help to these rebels and said they could dial back this whole situation if they would cut off that supply. What the president did not say, of course, is what the United States is prepared to do if it turns out that the russians had a direct involvement in this. This is going to require a very strong answer and, as we find out more and more about this, well find out what the answer to that question will be. But thats going to be the question, i think, now, in the days to come, scott. Pelley thank you very much, bob. There will be more about flight 17 on cbs at your local station as well as cbs. Com and we will have extensive coverage right here on tonights cbs evening news. A reminder Bob Schieffer will have the very latest on this story as well sunday on face the nation. Im scott pelley, cbs news in. Good afternoon. Im mike hydeck. The downing of the Malaysia Airline flight 17 is topping our news even though its difficult [indiscernible] even at this point, the cause of the crash is still not immediately known but the suspicion continues around russian separatists who bragged interest shooting down two Ukrainian Military jets in the region on wednesday. Susan mcginnness with more. Reporter emergency workers and civilians are searching for victims in a ninemile debris field littered with wreckage and body parts. Ukrainian separatists rebels control the area, so it is not yet known if or when International Investigators will be allowed to the site. No one should interfere with the area or move any debris. Reporter the u. S. Strongly suspects a surfacetoair missile brought down the civilian airliner as it flew from amsterdam to kuala lumpur but aviation experts say the planes wreckage needs to be examined for residue of missile propel lent and evidence that the skin was punctured by high speed impact. Russian president Vladimir Putin blames ukraine for the tragedy but ukraine claims it intercept add phone conversation in which a rebel commander admits shooting down the plane. But its unclear what plane hes referring to and that recording has yet to be verified. Id like to emphasize here we are a caring company. Reporter Malaysia Airlines defended the decision to fly over a region where rebels rhav been targeting military planes. On that particular day, we were not the only airline which was flying that route. Its a common route. Reporter Malaysia Airlines says the victims came from nearly a dozen nations. There is no official word yet whether there were any moarns on board. Susan americans on board. Susan mcginnness, cbs news, washington. There was confirmation that one person on board had two dual citizenship. He is american and dutch. His name was lucas smith. The majority of the people, though, on that mawrn air malaysian airliner were from the netherlands. A statement from the ambassador said the dutch government is doing all it can to gain some clarity for the victims families and its pressing for an independent and tranarent International Investigation as is the president after this shocking disaster. A british family scheduled to be on board that Malaysia Airlines flight 17 says they feel like they have been given a second chance. Barry simm and his wife, izzy, were bumped off the flight because there wasnt enough room. Elizabeth palmer has their story. Reporter after the plane went down, shocked family members were led out of amsterdams airport to wait for more news. But theyd already heard the worst. There were no survivors. Izzy simm, her husband and baby were bumped from pa laborrian Airlines Flight 17 from Malaysia Airlines flight 17 for lack of space. I was shaking. I didnt know what to do. I was physically sick. I was like i was coming through the airport and just crying. Im just thinking like i feel like ive been given a second chance. Reporter this picture was snapped by a passenger who posted to facebook, should it disappear, this is what it looks like. It was posted as a joke but it now reads like a grim [indiscernible] the airline is offering to fly airlines here and maybe to the crash site if its safe enough. A man who lost two of his sons a while ago said some of the families said no thank you. At the moment theyre just not up to making the trip. Elizabeth palmer, cbs news, amsterdam. Here in local news, metro crews will begin practice runs on the new silver line through Northern Virginia this weekend. It will bring new service to communities as far as reston. Some riders on other parts of the subway, though, will see an increase in wait times. Nikki burdine reports from the metro station at Pentagon City. Reporter change is coming for metro riders starting next week and not just for those who will be riding the new silver line. Blue line riders will see an increase in wait times. On the blue line, trains will run every 12 minutes which is a slight reduction from what you see today where trains run every six, then every 12, then every 6 again. Reporter two blue line trains will be directed every hour in each direction and some orange line trains will be converted to the silver line. 10 will see more wait time. 37 will actually see more service. Reporter unfortunately adrian is part of the 10 whose commute will now be longer. Typically i have to take the orange to the blue and a delay increase of 4 minutes is going to be an issue. Reporter but she says the train out of tysons will be something she takes advantage of. I can see the flip because i do live on the western side of the county and the silver line will be a benefit for those who like to go shopping on the weekend. Reporter other riders agree. Im actually looking forward to the silver line. I always wanted to go to tysons corner. Ill try it. Ill check it out. Reporter not everyone is thrilled, though. Even a change. Org petition was started to save the blue line. Whether youre for the line or against it, the effects will be felt as early as monday. Testing for the silver line begins this sunday wi simulated rides. No passengers, just crews. And on saturday, july 26, the silver line will officially open and Pentagon City in Pentagon City, nikki burdine, wusa9. Silver line stations will have extra staff on opening day to answer questions. If you would like to map out your route or calculate how much your trip is going to cost on the new line, look for a link on our website wusa9. Com. We will im first alert meteorologist erica grow. Welcome back. Were taking a live look with the michael son weather cam. A beauful afternoon to kick off the weekend. A few more clouds will drift in later tonight but were going to keep it dry for you. 83 degrees at 3 00. 82 at 6 00 sliding down to 77 degrees by 9 00. And we will keep the showers out of the forecast until we get toward the end of the weekend. Right now it is 77 degrees in manassas and gaithersburg. 79 in frederick. 75 in winchester and its 82 degrees right now in fredricksburg. So were taking a look at a wide view of satellite and radar. This is the approaching storm system that will graze us with some showers as we head into the weekend. And this is another area of developing low pressure that will graze the shoreline with some showers and we will be sandwiched in between them in the beltway so it looks like for the most part were going to keep things dry, just more dreary weather moving in for the most part this weekend. The drier air also will go by the wayside. So the humidity increases overnight tonight into saturday morning. Lots of clouds in place as youre waking up. A few sprinkles and showers possible. Most of them stay west of i81. Not affecting the immediate metro area. On sunday you can see that developing area of low pressure making its way toward the delmarva beaches. Looks like it could be unsettled on sunday through the beach areas and then just a slight chance for one of those showers affecting us here in the immediate metro area. If youre heading down to the nats game tonight, the second half of the season beginning tonight. First pitch will be in the 80s. By 6 00 82 degrees with sunshine. The first pitch is at 7 05. Were going to keep it dry for the nats game. Unfortunately the showers arriving down the shore. Ocean city temperature will be in the mid to upper 70s this weekend. Rehoboth mid70s. The best chance for rain will be on sunday with that coastal system making its way toward us. Our best chance for rain in the beltway and beyond is also on sunday with some passing showers, a life 83 degrees. And were going to keep those temperatures in the 90s next week. Mike, back to you. Thats it for the news. Were back on tv at 5 00 and more on the Malaysia Airlines flight on wusa9. Com. Have a [ knock on door ] jack special delivery. Kelly well, well. Maybe i have a secret admirer . Jack or a notsosecret admirer. Kelly just kidding. I know who those flowers are from. Jack oh . Kelly mr. Hinkle. My building manager. Jack oh, will i ever live up to mr. Hinkle in your eyes, ever . Kelly youre getting there. Let me see. What is the occasion . You feeling guilty or, uh, need a favor . Jack no, the flowers are a thankyou. Or, actually, more appropriately, a, hey, you were right. Kelly say that again. Jack you. Were. Right. Kelly [ chuckles ] jack you suggested i should show up at summers wedding

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