Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20150511 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20150511

home. good evening. i'm lesli foster. >> and i'm derek mcginty. the vilardos did their best to keep their home secure, but detectives suspect the killer or killers got in through a window with a latch that didn't work. >> reporter: i'm bruce leshan in rockville. we now know how julianne and richard vilardo were murdered. they were cut or stabbed to death. investigators back out looking at the side of the house focusing on some bits of evidence on the sidewalk, but it was hard to tell what it was. police will only say they found an open window and 65-year-old richard vilardo dead around the back of the house. his wife julianne was dead inside. >> that's why i'm scared if it was a random act and the perpetrators are still out here. >> reporter: the vilardos had gone to the hollywood casino in charlestown, west virginia, with friends saturday night and got home before midnight. investigators decline to zero in on any specific possibility here, but they do say at some point they'll be going to that casino and going over the surveillance tape to see if they can find anyone following the vilardos in rockville, bruce leshan, wusa9. >> the neighbors say the vilardos just had some trees trimmed in their yard and police did briefly question the driver of a landscaping truck down the street but let him go. tenacious topper is tracking a first of the year, 90 degrees possible tomorrow, but some other big changes are on the way, too. top is here with our first alert forecast. >> a little temperature whiplash here. we'll be almost like summer tomorrow and back to average, but it's going to seem cool by the time we get into wednesday. let's start with futurecast. we advanced it all the way until 2:00 tomorrow afternoon and look at the temperatures. we're talking temperatures mid- to upper 80s, just a few clouds. the front goes through. a cold front front actually goes through 1:00 or 2:00 tomorrow, still upper 80s before then. winds west, southwest. by 4:00 futurecast has 90 downtown, 808 in manassas, 86 as far north as frederick. nighttime we'll advance till wednesday, so wednesday at 2:30 it's 70. we went from 2:00 on tuesday, 88 to 2:30 on wednesday, 70. we'll lose almost 20 degrees here. we're looking at 60s in the suburbs. this may be a bit overdone. we'll come back, talk about how cold it will be wednesday night, track a couple showers to the west of us, let you know if they can make it into our western suburbs before midnight. in prince george's county today an independent investigator will look into a deadly weekend shooting involving two sheriff's deputies. police say the suspect was wanted for a domestic violence attack and rammed his vehicle into two cruisers. >> reporter: i'm prince george's county bureau chief scott broom in landover where the suspect was shot by two sheriff's deputies last night in the parking lot of the rice elementary school. >> he used his vehicle a number of times repeatedly to ram the deputies' vehicles and, of course, they responded because they were in fear of their lives. >> reporter: killed in the confrontation was 34-year-old lionel lorenzo young see on shots from his facebook page who was due in court today after his girl friend swore out a protective order against him. prince george's county sheriff's department inspector general mark spencer said the girl friend called 911 before 10:00 last night saying young was threatening her. dispatchers told her to get in her car and get away. that start a pursue that ended here the rice elementary school after crossing the d.c. line and coming back. today young's physical and friends gathered at -- family and friends gathered at the school bewildered. >> never know to ever put his hands on a female, so it was shocking. >> reporter: spencer says last night's shooting by two deputies will be independently investigated by the prince george's county police, a completely separate agency from the sheriff's department. in landover scott broom, wusa9. >> the inspector general said prince george's county sheriff's vehicles do not normally record activities on dashcam. it appears some sort of gas powered equipment caused those high levels of carbon monoxide at a construction site today. montgomery county fire officials responded to a building under construction on southlane lane in rockville and emergency crews took lech workers to the hospital for co exposure. fire officials a the crew was using the equipment inside -- say the crew was using the equipment inside the building without a vent. here's hoping your ride home on metro was better than your ride to work. this morning was truly awful and metro has issued a formal apology to all of you riders who suffered long delays this morning on the orange, blue and silver lines. it seemed the transit agency had to suspend service between roslyn and foggy bottoms after the operations center got a report of smoke in the tunnel. metro did provide shuttle service around the close down stations, but many commuters had to wait over two hours for a ride and in the end metro said it failed to find any significant smoke at any of the stations. today's chaos on the rails made a lot of you late for work and a low the of angry folk couldn't -- a lot of the angry folks couldn't get information from metro. >> reporter: in what some feared could evolve into an emergency today, metro riders said if they were getting any information at all, it often sounded like the adult from charlie brown. >> wa, wa, wa. >> reporter: as firefighters responded to smoking insulator reports at foggy bottom and capitol heights, riders on the train said they couldn't understand many of the announcements. wusa9 first exposed the problem february last year. we asked grammy winner pete novak to listen. >> what? >> reporter: in novak's opinion that day only about 5% of metro's announcements were understandable. our 2014 analysis of 115 announcements found 21% were clear, but 79% were unclear or worse. metro disputed our findings saying their own studies show their announcements are understandable 85% of the time. metro says the new 7000 series cars will fix this, but those cars will be years, years in the coming. i'm investigative reporter russ ptacek, wusa9. >> metro wouldn't answer russ' questions during his 2014 investigation into those speakers and didn't today either. a mississippi town is mourning the deaths of two police officers shot and killed saturday during a traffic stop. a memorial service was held for hattiesburg police officers benjamin deen and liquori tate, the first hattiesburg officers killed in the line of duty in more than 30 years. tate's family says the young man was living his dream of becoming an officer. deen was a married father of two named officer of the year in 2012. >> as the family slept, the house was on fire. he went inside and saved that family, got them to safety. >> four suspects arrested in connection with the shooting had initial court appearances today. marvin banks and joanie calloway are charged with two counts of capital murder, cornelius clark charged with obstruction of justice and curtis banks charged as an accessory. this is video of crews hauling away a truck that was driven at the time of the shooting. it happens the gunman is the same person involved in a road rage incident with zimmerman last year. investigators have not said what sparked this latest fight. zimmerman had minor injuries from debris and glass. he, is out of the -- he is out of the hospital tonight. about 90 minutes ago the nfl announced it is suspending tom brady for the first four games of the 2015 season for his role in what's been dubbed deflategate. last week a league report found brady was generally aware of team employees prepping the footballs to his liking which meant they had less air in them than the league man dates. the nfl also fined the patriots 1 million bucks and took away two draft pictures including next year's first rounder. a former president is back on his feet today, jimmy carter explaining what caused him to cut short a south american trip. >> the express lanes can sometimes look more like parking lots, the recommendation aaa has to help virginia drivers save time and money. >> talk about a rough ride for these flyers, what prompted this emergency landing in l.a. you're get more only with cash flow insight, powered by pnc cfo a unique suite of online tools that all work together. get more efficiency... and insight into your business' cash flow. get more visibility into when customers view and pay invoices and how it impacts your current and future cash flow. get more time by syncing with your accounting software. then go home and get more sleep. get more with cash flow insight. only from pnc bank. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. no one was hurt when a regional jet made a hard landing at l.a.x. today. the plane wobbled as it approached the runway. the left landing gear didn't work and you can see the left wing sort of drag across the ground causing some smoke and sparks as that plane skidded to a stop. 43 people were on the united express flight from monterey. eight choir members from china recovering after the stage they were on collapsed mid-song and it was all caught on camera. [ singing ] ] screaming ] >> oh, my goodness. you can see it right there. the 80 member choir just disappearing as the ground gives way. turns out they were practicing for a sunging contest when this all went -- singing contest when this all went down over the weekend. two of the singers were hurt badly, but they are expected to survive. at least five people confirmed dead from tornadoes that hit parts of texas and arkansas. it's not clear what happened to eight others. a couple died when a tornado hit their mobile home late yesterday in nashville, arkansas, but their young daughter survived. former president jimmy cart he said he's doing fine and getting -- carter said he's doing fine and getting along well. he came home early from a trip to south america. this photo was posted of the former president standing at a podium earlier today. he told folks in the crowd he had ad about cold. -- he had a bad cold. no showers in the immediate metro area which means high pollen count. you can get this on our website, by the way, we're tracking a cold front tomorrow, but before that rolls through it might be our hottest day since last september. >> and next a suspected kidnapping in what might have been an uber ride, what the victim did that's making it pretty tough for police to track down the suspect. we'll tell you that. you're watching wusa9 and your only local news at 7:00. tonight d.c. police are trying to figure out whether a man suspected of assaulting and kidnapping a woman really was an uber driver. police say early yesterday morning the woman hailed a car with an uber sticker near 13th and g streets in northeast. hailing off the street is against both city and company rules. she told investigators the driver held her captive and assaulted her. they are still searching for that man. some women told us they don't feel comfortable ride ago loan in uber cars. >> -- riding alone in uber cars. >> it's scary. usually when i'm taking an uber cab, i'll tell my parents or a friend. it is scary sometimes taking it by yourself. >> i am cautious. i haven't taken one alone before. i usually only do it with friends. >> neither police nor uber could confirm if that man was actually an uber driver or an imposter. d.c. police anyone with information to call them. anger is building over congestion on the i-95 express toll lanes. drivers who paid maybe 10 bucks or more are often finding themselves sitting in long backups in the afternoon rush and it is especially bad on thursdays and fridays and any day when there is a problem on the main line. backups can stretch as far back as 7 miles to the end of the toll road in stafford county. aaa says transurban which operates those express lanes needs to not just give the price of the ride, but estimated travel times so drivers can figure out if it's worth the extra money. >> if it's not meeting those expectations and you're stuck in traffic as long as people on the free lanes, then what's the bargain? >> it's a ripoff. >> transurban says it use twitter to let drivers know about travel conditions and they are working to add the congestion advisory signs to the web page, twitter not the best solution for drivers on the road. a maryland boy is hoping third time is a charm for this year's spelling bee. he is a 6th grader from jermantown and this is the third year in a row he's been a state champ and wednesday he's going for that national title as one of the 10 finalists. d.c. rising, the wizards look to take a commanding 3-1 series lead tonight against the atlanta hawks. >> if it weren't for paul pierce, they wouldn't be looking at this possibility. what a game last saturday. our kristen berset is at the verizon center for tonight's game which just got started. >> reporter: big game tonight here at the verizon center for the wizards. you can bet these towels will be flying d.c. rising as the wizards look to build that momentum from the paul pierce buzzer beater in game three. they can get the w. they take a huge lead back to atlanta. tonight they'll have to get it done again without their all- star point guard john wall. randy wittman says the way his team has played the last couple games without him gives him the utmost confidence they can get it done again tonight. we'll have a full recap tonight at 11:00. at the verizon center kristen berset, wusa9. >> we just checked that score, wizards trailing the hawks 19- 16, only in the 1st quarter. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we are getting a hint of summer tomorrow. then it sound like we're going back to spring after that. >> not in a bad way. winter temperatures are gone. when it gets cooler, it's just pleasant now, average actually. we're looking at temperatures tomorrow near 90, maybe the first 90-degree reading of the year. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, gorgeous evening, tracking about two thunderstorms now, temperature 81, relative humidity 60%, winds pretty much calm, a very nice evening if you want to sit outside and have dinner or take a jog or walk. here are the showers we're tracking few and far between. there's two, one in cumberland and one north of winchester. this is over the past hour. we'll zoom in. this is a pretty decent storm, some lightning strikes, pushed east of cumberland. this storm appears to be moving south and east. so paw paw and berkeley springs could get a shower the next 45 minutes. this storm is falling apart pushing north and east. so tracking a couple showers tonight. that's it. bus stop temperatures warm, 64 to 78 tomorrow, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. our first nighttime degree day tuesday looks probable for at -- 90-degree day tuesday looks probable for at least d.c. and dulles, much cooler the rest of the week back to average temperatures, but by this time of year average is nice. 10:00 tonight there are the showers and storms. i don't think they'll be that strong with the yellow and orange there. that's pretty good rainfall just east of luray and north of culpeper. we are keeping the chance of a thunderstorm overnight. so they'll be hit or miss. temps 74 downtown at 10:00. then by 6:00 we're generally back to partly cloudy skies with low 70s and upper 60s, some showers lingering in the mountains tomorrow. in fact, the cold front is going through the mountains early in the morning, goes through us around noon or 1:00, moves through dry. they'll throw a few fair weather clouds, about it. by 9:00 we80 degrees downtown. by 1:00 87 in d.c., 87 in leesburg, frederick. by 5:30, 6:00 very close to 90 it looks like our hottest day of the year. 72 to start, upper 70s by 9:00, low 80s by 11:00 and 87 by 1:00. even though a cold front is coming through, the cool air lags until night, breezy and cooler on wednesday 74, thursday 74. maybe a shower friday, mid- 7ors, low 80s on saturday and sunday, scattered -- a party prince is showing a softer side today. prince hari says he's at a -- prince harry says he's at a crossroads in his life. britain's most eligible bachelor says he is ready to make one lucky woman a princess. >> of course, i'd love to have kids right now, but there's a process that one has to go through and talks like this is great fun. hopefully i'm doing all right by myself. it would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure. >> especially when you're in the royal family. the 30-year-old is fifth in line to the throne. >> so he's ready to do it. at least that's what he says. >> he has someone who he might propose to. >> i don't think he does. >> not anymore? >> we'll be back okay, i need a better pizza. one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. (announcer) freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. freschetta. made better to taste better. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. whitney houston's mother breaks her silence to us about bobbi kristina's condition. >> we talked exclusively about krissy and the family's new court fight. how is krissy dg?oin >> does sissy believe that there's hope for her grand daughter who's been in a coma for three months? w >> i talk to her because she can still hear. >> we'll explain who's now allowed to make to the decision. lindsay lohan lives up it up in london. and why is she trying to blow off communitye srvice in new york? we get answers from her dad. do you think she should go to the jail? plus burt reynolds outing. what happened to this new kid on the block's face. and amal upstages george. also tonight, she married a multiiomillnaire on tv, but whatever happened to darva conger?

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New York , United States , Arkansas , Monterey , Texas , Stafford County , Virginia , China , Capitol Heights , Maryland , Rockville , Leesburg , Mississippi , London , City Of , United Kingdom , West Virginia , Charlestown , Williamsburg , Prince George County , Hattiesburg , Berkeley Springs , Hollywood , California , Montgomery County , Houston , Britain , America , American , Benjamin Deen , Lindsay Lohan , Randy Wittman , Charlie Brown , Burt Reynolds , Cornelius Clark , Landover Scott , Pete Novak , Tom Brady , Lionel Lorenzo , Derek Mcginty , Jimmy Carter , Liquori Tate , Bobbi Kristina , Bruce Leshan , Joanie Calloway ,

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20150511 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 7pm 20150511

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home. good evening. i'm lesli foster. >> and i'm derek mcginty. the vilardos did their best to keep their home secure, but detectives suspect the killer or killers got in through a window with a latch that didn't work. >> reporter: i'm bruce leshan in rockville. we now know how julianne and richard vilardo were murdered. they were cut or stabbed to death. investigators back out looking at the side of the house focusing on some bits of evidence on the sidewalk, but it was hard to tell what it was. police will only say they found an open window and 65-year-old richard vilardo dead around the back of the house. his wife julianne was dead inside. >> that's why i'm scared if it was a random act and the perpetrators are still out here. >> reporter: the vilardos had gone to the hollywood casino in charlestown, west virginia, with friends saturday night and got home before midnight. investigators decline to zero in on any specific possibility here, but they do say at some point they'll be going to that casino and going over the surveillance tape to see if they can find anyone following the vilardos in rockville, bruce leshan, wusa9. >> the neighbors say the vilardos just had some trees trimmed in their yard and police did briefly question the driver of a landscaping truck down the street but let him go. tenacious topper is tracking a first of the year, 90 degrees possible tomorrow, but some other big changes are on the way, too. top is here with our first alert forecast. >> a little temperature whiplash here. we'll be almost like summer tomorrow and back to average, but it's going to seem cool by the time we get into wednesday. let's start with futurecast. we advanced it all the way until 2:00 tomorrow afternoon and look at the temperatures. we're talking temperatures mid- to upper 80s, just a few clouds. the front goes through. a cold front front actually goes through 1:00 or 2:00 tomorrow, still upper 80s before then. winds west, southwest. by 4:00 futurecast has 90 downtown, 808 in manassas, 86 as far north as frederick. nighttime we'll advance till wednesday, so wednesday at 2:30 it's 70. we went from 2:00 on tuesday, 88 to 2:30 on wednesday, 70. we'll lose almost 20 degrees here. we're looking at 60s in the suburbs. this may be a bit overdone. we'll come back, talk about how cold it will be wednesday night, track a couple showers to the west of us, let you know if they can make it into our western suburbs before midnight. in prince george's county today an independent investigator will look into a deadly weekend shooting involving two sheriff's deputies. police say the suspect was wanted for a domestic violence attack and rammed his vehicle into two cruisers. >> reporter: i'm prince george's county bureau chief scott broom in landover where the suspect was shot by two sheriff's deputies last night in the parking lot of the rice elementary school. >> he used his vehicle a number of times repeatedly to ram the deputies' vehicles and, of course, they responded because they were in fear of their lives. >> reporter: killed in the confrontation was 34-year-old lionel lorenzo young see on shots from his facebook page who was due in court today after his girl friend swore out a protective order against him. prince george's county sheriff's department inspector general mark spencer said the girl friend called 911 before 10:00 last night saying young was threatening her. dispatchers told her to get in her car and get away. that start a pursue that ended here the rice elementary school after crossing the d.c. line and coming back. today young's physical and friends gathered at -- family and friends gathered at the school bewildered. >> never know to ever put his hands on a female, so it was shocking. >> reporter: spencer says last night's shooting by two deputies will be independently investigated by the prince george's county police, a completely separate agency from the sheriff's department. in landover scott broom, wusa9. >> the inspector general said prince george's county sheriff's vehicles do not normally record activities on dashcam. it appears some sort of gas powered equipment caused those high levels of carbon monoxide at a construction site today. montgomery county fire officials responded to a building under construction on southlane lane in rockville and emergency crews took lech workers to the hospital for co exposure. fire officials a the crew was using the equipment inside -- say the crew was using the equipment inside the building without a vent. here's hoping your ride home on metro was better than your ride to work. this morning was truly awful and metro has issued a formal apology to all of you riders who suffered long delays this morning on the orange, blue and silver lines. it seemed the transit agency had to suspend service between roslyn and foggy bottoms after the operations center got a report of smoke in the tunnel. metro did provide shuttle service around the close down stations, but many commuters had to wait over two hours for a ride and in the end metro said it failed to find any significant smoke at any of the stations. today's chaos on the rails made a lot of you late for work and a low the of angry folk couldn't -- a lot of the angry folks couldn't get information from metro. >> reporter: in what some feared could evolve into an emergency today, metro riders said if they were getting any information at all, it often sounded like the adult from charlie brown. >> wa, wa, wa. >> reporter: as firefighters responded to smoking insulator reports at foggy bottom and capitol heights, riders on the train said they couldn't understand many of the announcements. wusa9 first exposed the problem february last year. we asked grammy winner pete novak to listen. >> what? >> reporter: in novak's opinion that day only about 5% of metro's announcements were understandable. our 2014 analysis of 115 announcements found 21% were clear, but 79% were unclear or worse. metro disputed our findings saying their own studies show their announcements are understandable 85% of the time. metro says the new 7000 series cars will fix this, but those cars will be years, years in the coming. i'm investigative reporter russ ptacek, wusa9. >> metro wouldn't answer russ' questions during his 2014 investigation into those speakers and didn't today either. a mississippi town is mourning the deaths of two police officers shot and killed saturday during a traffic stop. a memorial service was held for hattiesburg police officers benjamin deen and liquori tate, the first hattiesburg officers killed in the line of duty in more than 30 years. tate's family says the young man was living his dream of becoming an officer. deen was a married father of two named officer of the year in 2012. >> as the family slept, the house was on fire. he went inside and saved that family, got them to safety. >> four suspects arrested in connection with the shooting had initial court appearances today. marvin banks and joanie calloway are charged with two counts of capital murder, cornelius clark charged with obstruction of justice and curtis banks charged as an accessory. this is video of crews hauling away a truck that was driven at the time of the shooting. it happens the gunman is the same person involved in a road rage incident with zimmerman last year. investigators have not said what sparked this latest fight. zimmerman had minor injuries from debris and glass. he, is out of the -- he is out of the hospital tonight. about 90 minutes ago the nfl announced it is suspending tom brady for the first four games of the 2015 season for his role in what's been dubbed deflategate. last week a league report found brady was generally aware of team employees prepping the footballs to his liking which meant they had less air in them than the league man dates. the nfl also fined the patriots 1 million bucks and took away two draft pictures including next year's first rounder. a former president is back on his feet today, jimmy carter explaining what caused him to cut short a south american trip. >> the express lanes can sometimes look more like parking lots, the recommendation aaa has to help virginia drivers save time and money. >> talk about a rough ride for these flyers, what prompted this emergency landing in l.a. you're get more only with cash flow insight, powered by pnc cfo a unique suite of online tools that all work together. get more efficiency... and insight into your business' cash flow. get more visibility into when customers view and pay invoices and how it impacts your current and future cash flow. get more time by syncing with your accounting software. then go home and get more sleep. get more with cash flow insight. only from pnc bank. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. no one was hurt when a regional jet made a hard landing at l.a.x. today. the plane wobbled as it approached the runway. the left landing gear didn't work and you can see the left wing sort of drag across the ground causing some smoke and sparks as that plane skidded to a stop. 43 people were on the united express flight from monterey. eight choir members from china recovering after the stage they were on collapsed mid-song and it was all caught on camera. [ singing ] ] screaming ] >> oh, my goodness. you can see it right there. the 80 member choir just disappearing as the ground gives way. turns out they were practicing for a sunging contest when this all went -- singing contest when this all went down over the weekend. two of the singers were hurt badly, but they are expected to survive. at least five people confirmed dead from tornadoes that hit parts of texas and arkansas. it's not clear what happened to eight others. a couple died when a tornado hit their mobile home late yesterday in nashville, arkansas, but their young daughter survived. former president jimmy cart he said he's doing fine and getting -- carter said he's doing fine and getting along well. he came home early from a trip to south america. this photo was posted of the former president standing at a podium earlier today. he told folks in the crowd he had ad about cold. -- he had a bad cold. no showers in the immediate metro area which means high pollen count. you can get this on our website, by the way, we're tracking a cold front tomorrow, but before that rolls through it might be our hottest day since last september. >> and next a suspected kidnapping in what might have been an uber ride, what the victim did that's making it pretty tough for police to track down the suspect. we'll tell you that. you're watching wusa9 and your only local news at 7:00. tonight d.c. police are trying to figure out whether a man suspected of assaulting and kidnapping a woman really was an uber driver. police say early yesterday morning the woman hailed a car with an uber sticker near 13th and g streets in northeast. hailing off the street is against both city and company rules. she told investigators the driver held her captive and assaulted her. they are still searching for that man. some women told us they don't feel comfortable ride ago loan in uber cars. >> -- riding alone in uber cars. >> it's scary. usually when i'm taking an uber cab, i'll tell my parents or a friend. it is scary sometimes taking it by yourself. >> i am cautious. i haven't taken one alone before. i usually only do it with friends. >> neither police nor uber could confirm if that man was actually an uber driver or an imposter. d.c. police anyone with information to call them. anger is building over congestion on the i-95 express toll lanes. drivers who paid maybe 10 bucks or more are often finding themselves sitting in long backups in the afternoon rush and it is especially bad on thursdays and fridays and any day when there is a problem on the main line. backups can stretch as far back as 7 miles to the end of the toll road in stafford county. aaa says transurban which operates those express lanes needs to not just give the price of the ride, but estimated travel times so drivers can figure out if it's worth the extra money. >> if it's not meeting those expectations and you're stuck in traffic as long as people on the free lanes, then what's the bargain? >> it's a ripoff. >> transurban says it use twitter to let drivers know about travel conditions and they are working to add the congestion advisory signs to the web page, twitter not the best solution for drivers on the road. a maryland boy is hoping third time is a charm for this year's spelling bee. he is a 6th grader from jermantown and this is the third year in a row he's been a state champ and wednesday he's going for that national title as one of the 10 finalists. d.c. rising, the wizards look to take a commanding 3-1 series lead tonight against the atlanta hawks. >> if it weren't for paul pierce, they wouldn't be looking at this possibility. what a game last saturday. our kristen berset is at the verizon center for tonight's game which just got started. >> reporter: big game tonight here at the verizon center for the wizards. you can bet these towels will be flying d.c. rising as the wizards look to build that momentum from the paul pierce buzzer beater in game three. they can get the w. they take a huge lead back to atlanta. tonight they'll have to get it done again without their all- star point guard john wall. randy wittman says the way his team has played the last couple games without him gives him the utmost confidence they can get it done again tonight. we'll have a full recap tonight at 11:00. at the verizon center kristen berset, wusa9. >> we just checked that score, wizards trailing the hawks 19- 16, only in the 1st quarter. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we are getting a hint of summer tomorrow. then it sound like we're going back to spring after that. >> not in a bad way. winter temperatures are gone. when it gets cooler, it's just pleasant now, average actually. we're looking at temperatures tomorrow near 90, maybe the first 90-degree reading of the year. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, gorgeous evening, tracking about two thunderstorms now, temperature 81, relative humidity 60%, winds pretty much calm, a very nice evening if you want to sit outside and have dinner or take a jog or walk. here are the showers we're tracking few and far between. there's two, one in cumberland and one north of winchester. this is over the past hour. we'll zoom in. this is a pretty decent storm, some lightning strikes, pushed east of cumberland. this storm appears to be moving south and east. so paw paw and berkeley springs could get a shower the next 45 minutes. this storm is falling apart pushing north and east. so tracking a couple showers tonight. that's it. bus stop temperatures warm, 64 to 78 tomorrow, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. our first nighttime degree day tuesday looks probable for at -- 90-degree day tuesday looks probable for at least d.c. and dulles, much cooler the rest of the week back to average temperatures, but by this time of year average is nice. 10:00 tonight there are the showers and storms. i don't think they'll be that strong with the yellow and orange there. that's pretty good rainfall just east of luray and north of culpeper. we are keeping the chance of a thunderstorm overnight. so they'll be hit or miss. temps 74 downtown at 10:00. then by 6:00 we're generally back to partly cloudy skies with low 70s and upper 60s, some showers lingering in the mountains tomorrow. in fact, the cold front is going through the mountains early in the morning, goes through us around noon or 1:00, moves through dry. they'll throw a few fair weather clouds, about it. by 9:00 we80 degrees downtown. by 1:00 87 in d.c., 87 in leesburg, frederick. by 5:30, 6:00 very close to 90 it looks like our hottest day of the year. 72 to start, upper 70s by 9:00, low 80s by 11:00 and 87 by 1:00. even though a cold front is coming through, the cool air lags until night, breezy and cooler on wednesday 74, thursday 74. maybe a shower friday, mid- 7ors, low 80s on saturday and sunday, scattered -- a party prince is showing a softer side today. prince hari says he's at a -- prince harry says he's at a crossroads in his life. britain's most eligible bachelor says he is ready to make one lucky woman a princess. >> of course, i'd love to have kids right now, but there's a process that one has to go through and talks like this is great fun. hopefully i'm doing all right by myself. it would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure. >> especially when you're in the royal family. the 30-year-old is fifth in line to the throne. >> so he's ready to do it. at least that's what he says. >> he has someone who he might propose to. >> i don't think he does. >> not anymore? >> we'll be back okay, i need a better pizza. one made with only real cheese. a pizza my family will love. (announcer) freschetta naturally rising crust pizza. freschetta. made better to taste better. no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer. whitney houston's mother breaks her silence to us about bobbi kristina's condition. >> we talked exclusively about krissy and the family's new court fight. how is krissy dg?oin >> does sissy believe that there's hope for her grand daughter who's been in a coma for three months? w >> i talk to her because she can still hear. >> we'll explain who's now allowed to make to the decision. lindsay lohan lives up it up in london. and why is she trying to blow off communitye srvice in new york? we get answers from her dad. do you think she should go to the jail? plus burt reynolds outing. what happened to this new kid on the block's face. and amal upstages george. also tonight, she married a multiiomillnaire on tv, but whatever happened to darva conger?

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