Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20170505 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20170505

>> senator lamar alexander was appointed by mitch mcconnell to lead a group are to come up with a compromise. white house is emphasizing the president wants it done right and not necessarily quickly. state senators say it will be weeks before they can bring the bill up far vote. >> while the president and house republicans celebrate the passage of the health care act and democrats cry foul. , stephen colbert may have summed it up the best. what's next? >> reporter: so they did it. obamacare is finally officially dead. it is something they can say once the bill goes to the senate and then gets out of committee is debated on the floor where amendments can be added and the senate votes on their bill which is sent to conference committee where the difference between the two bills is ironed out and voted on in the house and senate again and isn't to the white house for the president to sign. which is why chanted we're number one-third of the way through a very complex process. [ laughter ] >> thanks, stephen. president trump is no, ma'am comedian but some are clopping over what he said about australia's health care. he met australia's prime minister last night and says your health care system is bert than ours. keep in mind they offer universal health care. senator bernie sanders jumped on twitter with this. thank you mr. trump for admitting that universal health care is the better way to go. ly be sure to quote you on the floor of the senate. president trump has signed a spending bill to keep the government running through the end of september. no big signing ceremony at white house. president put pen to paper behind closed doors at its new jersey residence. it leaves out money for top priorities like the border wall. it does increase defense spending which the gop is calling a win. -- former first lady michelle obama did not mention president trump by name while speaking to students in new york city. >> we need you prepared to be the next generation of leaders. there is stuff going on out there. and thankfully we have you to take up that challenge. right? >> mrs. obama made those comments during an appearance with mtv to celebrate this years college signing day. prosecutors announce they are dropping rape charges against two immigrant teens accused of attacking a 14-year- old inside of a bathroom at rockville senior high. glib today they are tiling possession and distribution of child porn charges against jose montano and henry sanchez. >> reporter: at rockville high school both anger. >> i oppose that. that's for sure. being dropped. they prosecuted. >> reporter: and understanding. >> i guess the law knows what to do. >> reporter: jose montano looked shock as prosecutors announced a win and loss for him. no more rape counts but now he is facing two counts of possession and two counts of distribution of child porn. the porn, the video the 14-year- old gill allegedly sent to him. the very video that helped his lawyers convention prosecutors that the degrading sex she had with the teens in the bathroom stall at their high school was consensual. not rape. >> she was the one that created the image. she was the one that sent the image to our client. and not just pictures. video. very graphic videos. very vile pictures. and now they want to turn this around and charge our client with created. >> reporter: the usually talkative states attorney declined to take reports from attorneys. surrounded by montgomery county's top leaders, he declined to explain why he decided to file porn charges against the teens. >> as prosecutors, we always go where the evidence takes us. >> reporter: the district court judge ordered montano released but there is a small chance he could be held by the juvenile court on the child porn charges. and if not that, lawyers say there were federal agents in the courtroom who were likely to detain him deportation. >> so those child porn charges come with serious time. 10-20 years possible for montano. five years for sanchez for possession. those lawyers say the child porn laws are designed to punish adults who exploit consensual sexting. corporal stephen bowe ward was one of our own. he grew up in buoy. loved the burgundy and gold. hundreds of law enforcement paid their respects as ballard was laid to rest in wilmington. he was shot and killed last week in the line of duty. that suspect died in a shootout with police. corporal leaves behind a wife, a daughter, and loving family. court documents say he pledges to support isis. tonight a former u.s. marine from d.c. faces federal weapons charges after allegedly illegal purchasing an ak47 from an fbi informant. the 38-year-old clark holloway. they ordered the construction worker jailed until next wednesday. heavy rain is gone but showers could linger the weekend. >> showers are lingering. good news is if you are in town, pretty good faith. if you go west pretty good storms. when we come back we will track these and the the showers for saturday activities and let you know if one day will be better than the other over the weekend. >> also when we come back the department of the interior goes to the dogs. one night on the road with our special assignment unit changed this maryland woman's life forever. >> i went anticipating that it was going to be a special night but i never would have even imagined how life changing it was. >> embracing differences airs tonight at 11:00 only on wusa 9. a scene from the national transportation safety board here in washington is on the scene of a deadly cargo plane crash in west virginia. pilot and co-pilot were killed when their small twin engine turbo prop tracked by ups went off the runway. it happened at the quaker airport. the airport tomorrow. this picture became the first viral video some 80 years ago. this german air ship exploded when it landed in new jersey. again marking 80 years ago tomorrow. two-thirds of the passengers survived. only one is still alive today. colorado man who was eight back then saved by his mother who threw him out of the window. tomorrow it will be a memorial at the crash site. president trump's choice for army secretary has withdrawn his nomination. mark reeds is a republican state senator from tennessee. he has been criticized for statements he made about gays, muslims, and others. at a tea party last year he said psychiatrist consider transgender a disease. green said his nomination had become a distraction for the white house. take your kids to workday. that is one thing. that is a whole different animal. as of today social security a monthly thing at the interior department. ryan sinky says it will be a good one for moral. >> even if you are having a bad day, rogner is really good at making the day a little bit better. >> the next doggy day is september 1st. how about cats you ask? what about other animals? he says we'll take this one step at a time. coming up how a special army unit helped a wounded warrior unit transfer from the battleground to z2c5qz z16fz y2c5qy y16fy how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. faking a look at -- taking a look at story making headlines. the candidates for france's president campaigned one final day before sunday's run off election. has a 20 point lead in the polls. over a far right leader. the eiffel tower today green pea activist hung a banner with #reexist. le pen wants france to lead the eu. north korea accusing the cia tonight and south korea's intelligence service of plotting a biochemical attack to kill leader kim jong un. the ministry of state claims the u.s. teamed up with south korea to enlist a north korea citizen to carry out the attack during last months celebration. north korea is demanding an apology and the execution of the agent it says was responsible. pentagon says the u.s. navy seal was killed and two others wounded when special operations forces came under fire in somalia. the casualties came during an operation against al-shabab an extremist group. that is when you will recall two u.s. black hawk helicopters were shut down and the bodies of americans were pulled new at 6:00 a special and important army unit aimed at helping our wounded warriors is celebrating a milestone today. the army's warrior transition brigades started ten years ago in d.c.. wusa 9 michael quander has one man's story. >> a lot of times when i think you're a soldier and deployed and fighting, you don't think about being injured. it's not something you let yourself think about. >> reporter: that until it happened. >> i suffered an amputation of my left leg and injuries to my left arm as well. >> reporter: he stepped on a bomb in baghdad back in 2007. >> i was in a lot of ways i knew i had been injured but i was also once i figured out i survived the initial blast, i knew i was going to be taken care of. >> reporter: he was flown to the old walter reed campus on leaders, medical staff, and families work together to give wounded warriors the medical and support services they deserve. >> it's a big turning point in your life. you're now other abled. it is a life altering event and you have to decide what you're going to do and really decide that you want to get better. >> reporter: the unit helps raise men and women in their transition back into the army or into a new civilian life. >> and one of the important things i think is it gives you the time to try. it's a safe place while you're still in recovery to try something and even if it doesn't work, that's okay. stop back and reassess and try again. >> reporter: lieutenant luis is an example of that. suffering severe brain injuries and now support from his family to learn how to talk again. fighting to make a full transition after fighting for the country he loved. ♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ >> reporter: reporting at the d.c. armmy michael quander wusa 9. >> despite injuries many wounded warriors want to remain in the u.s. army and nearly half of the warrior transition brigade sold juries return to duties. these are the faces of the missing and they recover the side of their building facing wisconsin avenue. kids from across our region who are not home tonight. windows of hope just one of the things we are doing this month to help bring them home. ne wednesday we will devote our entire 7:00 p.m. show to finding missing children. head to our website, we have an entire section devoted to the parents and care givers too. flooding if in the midwest has killed at least ten people. a 69-year-old missouri man died friday after flood waters swept his vehicle off the road. in illinois the u.s. coast guard closed a 77-mile stretch from the mississippi river due to flooding. the river is expected to crest over the weekend. i know we've been getting some rain but it doesn't look anything like that. >> we had a pretty rough time. about 2-3 inches of rain. good news it's kind of spotty right now. good news over the weekend nothing heavy and nothing severe but not exactly chamber of commerce. live look outside. we are still pretty warm out. 72 right now. dew points mid 60s. humidity is up there a little bit. the winds are still up there. south, southeast gusting to 23. so we have pretty st outside the thunderstorms that rolled through this morning. okay here's the radar. notice everything setting up west of town. now west of leesburg. west of leesburg and on the east side of i-81. again heavy but not severe. this storm producing heavy rain. that storm running up 522 producing heavy rain. we will cross over 66 in 25 minutes. this is pretty heavy rain too south of charleston and to the east of winchester. we will track this for you. this will head up toward hedgesville at 650. this will add injury -- insult to injury because we are looking at flood warnings still in effect over this year. please be advised along 181 come across a flooded street, turn around. a few showers and a thunderstorm tonight. we will keep them in all night tonight. in town pretty quiet. weekend not a washout but cool. almost chilly. temps tomorrow will be in the 50s. some showers both days. sunday is a little better. and dry and cool start couple showers north and west. still 68 downtown at 10:00. by 7:00 a lot of clouds but not much in the way of showers. by 10:00 a couple of light showers leesburg, gaithersburg mid 50s. by 1:00 a shower downtown. and 6:00 temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s with a few showers. we'll take you into sunday some breaks in the clouds on sunday. so upper 50s, low 60s to starlet. we remain there. about 62 at 1:00. subbed a little more sun but a few showers. 66, 65 on monday. cool but really a pretty good day. tuesday pretty good day upper 60s. and near 70 on wednesday. maybe a shower late in the 70s thursday and friday. and the nats return to town. you often hear these two teams don't like one another. in this case sit ? true >> i think it is. especially after that shove. a day later. what is going to kelly oubre junior? the latest next in sports. wizards are bracing for that phone call from the lead office to chat about kelly oubre's shove in the wizards win last night in the nba playoffs. the wiz are up 20 points when oubre had after olinc. that emotional moment could come back to haunt oubre and the wiz as he could be suspended for game four. >> they were kind of playing angry. they fouled. that's what happened throughout the course of the game. i told them we need you. you're one of my best defenders. you are constantly getting better. you know you're a threat on the floor and we need you. just make sure you are moving forward. that you are smart about it. somebody hit you, just move on. continue to play smart. >> capitols do not want to do their annual capitols thing. there is no other word for it. they are choking in the playoffs. caps have a few days off to get ready for game five tomorrow night at home. caps got a win on this season which was great in the regular season but not so good in the playoffs would be over. >> i feel like last year we didn't give them our best. this year we are not giving them our best yet again. it will be we're made of here and see if we can come into game five and play our game for a full 60. >> pens best player who missed pitch burg's game four with a win sydney crosby did skate at practice today. he is questionable for game five. if he plays, advantage fits burg. if he doesn't, advantage caps. on paper. [ laughter ] here's the seven day. low to mid 60s for tomorrow. some holding in the 50s. couple showers possible but you can go to landon and the flower mart say it will be okay. back into the 70s next tuesday and friday. >> let the viewers in. they keep telling me. >> on paper the caps how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... whoa-whoa-whoa!!! and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. captioning sponsored by cbs

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New York , United States , Australia , Germany , Missouri , Washington , Illinois , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Montgomery County , West Virginia , Rockville , Tennessee , New Jersey , Leesburg , Baghdad , Iraq , Colorado , North Korea , Somalia , South Korea , France , Americans , America , German , Lamar Alexander , Michelle Obama , Jose Montano , Clark Holloway , Henry Sanchez , Steve Hartman , Mitch Mcconnell , Stephen Bowe , Walter Reed , Bernie Sanders ,

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