Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20170112 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20170112

>> retired neurosurgeon dr. ben carson, made the case, why he should be the next secretary of urban and housing development. >> i've been very fortunate to be able to move from the bottom rung of the socioeconomic level to the top rung. >> carson testified that growing up poor, he knows this firsthand. retired general james matusz to serve as defense secretary. granting matusz a one-time exception from a ban of former service members who have been out of uniform for less than seven years. expecting more than 120,000 people to march through the streets of the nation's capital to protest the president- elect's inauguration. organizers say there will be four marches throughout city. some with protests, some without. some say they have received death threats and are prepared for violent confrontations. >> we're going to have deescalation teams, security teams, also teams of medics, just to respond, you know, with our own people, in case any situation arises. >> protestors say they will also block the security checkpoint and risk arrest to do so. there are also plans to crack the inaugural balls. more information can be found on our website. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is joining the pleacts's team as the leader of a cyber security committee. he said he will initiate the process of getting input from private sector leaders to address cyber security. giuliani was a surrogate and adviser. he had been reportedly under consideration for a variety of high-level jobs, including secretary of state. the inspector general of the justice department will look involving fbi director, james comey, and how he handled the probe of hillary clinton's e- mail practices. michael horowitz said his investigation will be wide ranging. and whether fbi or other justice department employees leaked information. well, it's a close partnership. it began and lasted the entire eight years. president barack obama and vice president joe biden. both men were clearly emotional this afternoon, when mr. obama awarded mr. biden with the presidential medal of freedom. his family was on hand as the vice president accepted the nation's highest civilian honor. mr. obama looked back at their years together. >> an amazing career in public service. it is as joe once said, a baked deal. [ laughter ] >> i can say i was part of -- part of the journey of a remarkable man. who did remarkable things for >> president obama said he bestowed the honor on biden for faith in his fellow americans, for love of country and a lifetime of service that will endure through generations. the senate has taken the first step towards repealing obama care. following a marathon session last night, lawmakers voted 51- 48, to begin overturning the affordable care act. some republicans had concerns about eliminating obama care for millions of people without a replacement. the house of representatives is set to vote on that issue tomorrow. 60 homeless vets are celebrating what some might call a miracle tonight. >> yes, sir. this is it. home. the vets have all gotten stunning new apartments just 10 blocks from the u.s. capitol. $33 million conway residents also has space for 64 low and moderate income families. 76-year-old clifford rose said he had been decades. he couldn't building it when a social worker contacted him, two days before christmas and told him he could move in. >> one of the best christmases i ever had. this is what i got for christmas. >> here's the deal. the vets pay only 30% of their income for rent. advocates say this might have been the first time that homeless vets have had the chance to move into an architecturally striking building, with full healthcare staff. mental health workers and counselors for jobs. six children were killed in a house fire. an 8-year-old girl is being credited with leading the surviving members of her family to safety. the family -- family's mother is among them. she's an aide to congressman elijah cummings. >> they have found the bodies of all six children. but they have not found the cause of this devastating fire. >> it's crumbling it's crumbling my heart right now. >> reporter: rescuers have now recovered the bodies of six children, age 9 months to 11 years, including a pair of 3- year-old twins. six children trapped when their northeast baltimore home became an inferno last night. some of the children seen in halloween costumes posted by a relative on go fund me this afternoon. four survived, including three kids and the family's mother, kate ward malone, who was critically injured. >> reporter: devastated neighbor robert spencer said he tried to get survivors away from the inferno. >> it was fire coming from everywhere. it's like i'm living in a dream. >> reporter: survivor and mother, kate malone is a constituent to congressman elijah cummings. >> 8-year-old female actually assisted in bringing the 5- and 4-year-old, out with the mother. >> reporter: investigators do not know what caused this. survivors told bystanders, the flames came from the first fl >> the photograph of those kids comes from a go fund me page put up this afternoon that has already raised upwards of $40,000. for this devastated family. in northeast baltimore, scott broom, wusa 9. >> baltimore's mayor told us that the children's father was at work when the fire broke out. he said he just replaced the batteries in the home's smoke detector. we've got new information tonight on that stabbing that left two people dead at wheaton plaza. the second victim in tuesday's attack is identified as 22-year- old kevin cruz of wheaton, maryland. the judge ruled that the suspect be held without bond. angelo jackson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder. the 17-year-old maintains he's innocent. seven people, jackson's friends, were in the courtroom supporting him. you can call her professor mikulski soon. faculty. the 84-year-old lawmaker will start next week, as the professor of public policy. and as an adviser to university leaders. mikulski was the longest- serving woman in the history of congress. the baltimore relative represented maryland in the senate for 30 years, before retiring this month. a teen accused of exploiting a doctor has been indicted. 19-year-old malaki love robinson was charged. he is now charged with using false presense tenses, identity theft and robbery. officials say he was practicing medicine without a license in florida. authorities say the teen was illegally operating a medical practice, complete with office, lab coat and stethoscope. trafficking. two weeks of blue line work starts february trains will not run between rosalyn and the pentagon. that means arlington station will be closed but will be served by buses. after that, it's yellow and blue line work. between huntington and van doren street. the worst part, that may be that blue line trains will only run every 24 minutes for most of the time. >> got it. stir still -- still ahead. the return of the red hot washington housing market. we'll tell you why area realtors are smiling again. we're going to see every kind of precipitation over the weekend. now, let's just snapshot in time. saturday morning, 8:00. snow snow across parts of the metro area. could see an inch of snow or so. we'll talk about the change to sleet and freezing rain. but i may have better news about sunday. there are hearings to determine who is responsible for the death of rock star prince. he died in april 2014. his fortune has been in limbo ever since. prince's sisters and -- sister and five half siblings are asking the judge to formally name them as heirs. the judge did not make a decision but made it clear the six heirs. jeff bezos said the company will create more than 100,000 full-time jobs over the next 18 months. bezos said the hiring will include a broad range of positions, including engineers and software developers and workers at its fulfillment centers. the results are from the holiday season indicate amazon needs a lot of help. sales were up 11%. brick and mortar star -- stores by comparison were down. got a new report tonight. that says d.c. housing price are marching the record set during the housing boom. editorial partners at the washington post reports the median sales price of a home in metro area last month, reached $410,000. the previous high had been $408,000. low inventory is reason for the increase in home prices. tracking services found the most expensive housing prices were -- where would falls church, virginia. and also manassas park. still ahead, the high life and the inauguration. we'll tell you what $10,000 a night -- yeah. will get you at one of washington's swairchy -- swankier hotels. plus, role playing stand- ins for donald and melani creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. dominion. depend on us for more than energy. rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's.. i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. and prott american interests not corporate interests. if you want to make like your a 1%er, ritz carlton. $10,000 will get you the priciest suite. it also comes with a large seating area and a dining room that seats 10. and of course, the food, why make your own. it can be whipped up by your own personal chef that comes with the room. the ritz says it's been planning ways to indulge its inaugural guests. >> i wasn't inviting you. >> we're seeing them all over tv. but i bet you didn't know, the president-elect, vp and their wives have been here in d.c. the whole time we continue coverage of inauguration 2017. >> a striking resemblance. what do you think? >> meet vice president donald trump. >> i believe he's probably much handsomer than i. >> that's who will be playing in the inauguration rehearsal. >> i'm actually very excited. >> the four were elected by command and had to go through an audition. it's smiles now. but come rehearsal, it's all business. because everything they do could not only impact the safety of the people they're impersonating, but also how it airs to the world. >> it's personally important. because the escorts to the president and the first lady will need to know their route. they'll then need to rehearse escorting someone. and they'll need to set the height of the microphones and the lighting. >> the stand-ins, but really all the agencies involved, only had one chance to kinks. >> that's at the one dress rehearsal to be held this sunday. >> it's a very important thing. and to take part in it, i think it's thrilling. >> this peaceful transfer is the keystone of our democracy. so what we're celebrating is that act. >> and on rehearsal day. they also have to dress the part. says melania trump. >> it's going to be nice to wear a nice pair of heels. >> stephanie ramirez, wusa 9. >> stephanie said the group wasn't chosen because of their facial resemblance. it's because of their height. they match the people they're standing in for. >> the president-elect is 6'3." melania trump is 5'11". we'll have all you need to know about inaugural activities. and you can download it for free right here. water officials in california say 40% of the state is now out of that pe thanks to several days of precipitation. but for folks in flood zones. it's been too much. in hollister california, turned into lakes, when nearby creeks overflowed. crews had to be rescued, or had to rescue many neighbors in the middle of the night. >> you expect a little puddle of rain. but you walk out. and you step into a swimming pool, you know? >> higher elevations. we're talking about snow, measured by the feet. mammoth mountain ski resort has walked 15 feet of snow in the past week alone, covering ski lifts with snow drifts. >> i'm sure topper would like that. >> some of that moisture gets in here on saturday. and combined with colder air, that's our little problem on saturday. i think we're going to see it all. snow, sleet and freezing rain. a little concerned about the 3-degree guarantee. a little worried about the winds on the of south, southwest. over the water. keeping temperatures down at national. we shall see tonight at 11:00. if we're wrong. git some money. that's good. -- warrior k-9 gets money. that's good. highest wind gusts today was 37. mild with just a few showers tonight. not a huge deal. then dry tomorrow for the bus stop. and pretty mild. 42 to 52. pretty good deal. grab a coat tomorrow. may feel pretty mild through the morning. turn colder throughout the day. that will set the stage for our wintry mix. developing overnight friday. friday night plans are safe. as long as you're home at a reasonable hour. model snow projection. this is interesting. 2 1/2 inches, gfs. and then 3/10ths for the euro. and an inch and a half for nam. now, i think if you're out in leesburg or frederick, you might even see one or two but everything develops after midnight, tomorrow night. snow continues or the mix all day saturday. and highs are going to be below 32. d.c. north and west, all day saturday. some minor icing. but not an ice storm. and early mix still possible sunday, north and west. butted -- but good news. i'm bringing in dryer air. tonight we're in the 50s. walk the dog after dinner. tomorrow, we're still in the 40s to around 50. and by lunchtime, temps start to fall. in the low to mid-40s. and by 6:00 p.m., upper 30s. we'll take you in to saturday morning. by 6:00, snow off to the west. and by noon, we got snow across much of the metro area. again, more snow, less ice. that's a good thing. 40 toss start. up to 48. by 1:00. temps do not move much at all. >> saturday, winter alert. dryer air is going to move back here. a little wintry mix at first. then we may have an okay afternoon. monday, milder on tuesday. and check this out. back in the 60s on wednesday and thursday. we'll be back right after this. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. well, the off season work load for head coach jay grudden just got bigger. top two wide receivers are free agents. now he has to fill not one but two coordinato offensive coordinator sean mcveigh is headed west. rams tweeted this photo of mcveigh, saying boom, welcome to los angeles. mcveigh will turn 31 in two weeks, making him the youngest head coach in nfl history. mcveigh has been for seven years. ngmovi up the ranks faster, while earning praise from everyone who works with him. with that, the rams stole the headlines from their new city mates. chargers announced today they are moving to los angeles after 55 years in san diego. some very upset, long-time fans mourned the move outside their facility. capitols are currently on a seven-game win streak. saturday, nicholas backstrom scored his 500th career goal. and wasted no time, notching his 1,000th point. only the 84th player to do so. that may seem like a high number. but think about the fact that the nhl is celebrating its every generation has a great. and the capitols player feel honored to call the great 8 their teammate. >> nice to play against gretzky. or mario lemieux. now, people are going to say that. just fortunate. i'm definitely glad i was there. special player. the best goal scored in our era. it's good to be part of it. >> to think he's been entertaining fans for 12 seasons here. >> would like to see him get a title. >> that's the news at 6:00. cbs is next. >> bruce will be back at 7:00 with offscript. we'll see you later. >> pelley: chrysler's big dodge. the u.s. accuses fiat-chrysler of planting secret software in thousands of vehicles to cheat on clean air laws. also tonight, investigating the investigator. ingovernment watchdog will look to the f.b.i. director's handling of the clinton emails. fear and uncertainty as congress takes the first step to repeal obamacare. >> should i lose my health care, i would literally be plunged back into darkness, literally. >> pelley: surprise at the white house, an unpress departmented honor for the vice president. >> this also gives the internet one last chance to-- ( laughter ) talk about our bromance.

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