Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20150925 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20150925

the resignation of john boehner was universal. the reaction was not. >> i think he's a great guy and done very well. he needs to stay where he belongs. >> i got tired of the same rhetoric with him all the time. he would go and they all say this and that and he didn't get anything done. >> he performed pretty admirably and i wish him the best. >> i think he has led people to be against the obama administration and caused a lot of trouble. that's just my feeling. >> reporter: boehner has been under a lot of intense pressure to keep the government open, but a growing number of conservatives have told him they would not vote for any bill that funds planned parenthood. >> i believe it would be best for the country if a more conservative, more traditional politics prevailed. so for those reasons i believe that replacing boehner with somebody else may be a good thing. >> you have to rate his performance by his own party and how they treat him and you've got a whole faction of the republican party that are really not trying to work with anybody. i don't think they really want to work with him. >> i, too, am a son of this great continent. >> reporter: one day ago boehner wept as addressed a joint flowing of congress. now it's clear his overflowing emotions might have been created by something else, his pending resignation. boehner's last day will be october 30th. president obama calls him a good man and said while he and the house speaker are at different ends of the political spectrum boehner always conducted himself with courtesy and civility. reporting live from capitol hill andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> andrea, thanks for that. house members will now choose a new speaker. the leading candidate is majority leader kevin mccarthy of california. some republicans say they prefer paul ryan of wisconsin, but he said he doesn't want the job. congress votes next week on a spending bill which would avert a government shutdown. if no agreement is reached, it's set to begin on october 1st. in prince george's county executive rushern baker today endorsed former state's attorney glenn ivey for the fourth congressional seat. they are good friends, but that's not why he believes ivey is the best candidate for prince george's county. >> i'm endorsing glenn ivey because i feel all the folks that are running, the folks that i know, he is the only person on day 1 that's going to be able to go up there and know the ins and out ofs of the malls of congress. >> -- outs of the halls of congress. >> donna edwards is running for the senate seat of the retiring barbara mikulski. the u.s. and china today agreed not to carry out cyber crimes against each other or to supported hackers that might do that. the announcement came after what president obama described as an extremely productive meeting with the chinese president in the oval office. >> when i said to president xi and what i'd say to the american people is the question now is are words followed by actions and we will be watching carefully to make an assessment as to whether progress has been made in this area. >> china is believed to be behind a massive data breach affecting 5.6 million federal employees. during a welcome ceremony at the white house the president said his country and the u.s. need to be frank in order to have first and understanding between the two countries. kim davis is switching parties. she's becoming a republican. the kentucky county clerk who went to jail rather than grant same sex licenses says she's switching parties because she feels abandoned by democrats. davis is in washington to accept an award from the family research council. she tells cbs news it would be easy for her to step down, but in the process she would lose her voice and be judged by god. >> what people do in the privacy of their own home is not my business. it's not my concern. >> reporter: why not sign those marriage licenses? >> that makes me a party to it. if i'm a party to it, then i'm a partaker in that sin and i don't want to be a partaker in that sin. >> her interview is coming up with scott pelley right after this newscast. pope francis at the garden. it's a one night only appearance and definitely a packed house. you are looking live at new york's madison square garden where the pope has just arrived to celebrate holy mass, 20,000 people there. >> they always do it big in new york. the pontiff made his way to the arena by way of central park traveling in his popemobile waving to thousands upon thousands of cheering new yorkers. the crowd at central park was so large it overwhelmed security. that's not good. earlier this afternoon pope francis visited with children at a catholic school in east harlem and he gave them some homework. translator: it is a simple request but very important. please don't forget to pray for me so that i can share with many people the joy of jesus. >> earlier today the pope addressed the united nations general assembly, then took part in a multi-religious service at new york's ground zero, the national september 11th memorial. kenneth craig joins us now live from new york and, kevin, 20,000 people inside madison square garden for tonight's mass, but it's those numbers trying to get into central park that were just voluminous. how are police handling the crowd? >> reporter: at this point they seem to be handling them very well. everything has gone according to plan. you have to remember that new york city police along with the secret service along with a number of different agencies have really spent weeks, if not months, preparing for this time in new york city. they have planned this down to the minute and as i said, everything really appears to have gone according to plan, 80,000 people in central park, 20,000 people in madison square garden right now. they have a lot on their hands. >> this mass tonight, how long is it supposed to last and are there some quintessential new york things that will be in the mass that gives it some new york flavor? >> reporter: well, what's really special about this mass and as i said 20,000 people will be in there, there's a lot of things and moments that came from the people and that's what francis really would want. the chair that he's sitting in, that wooden chair is made by immigrant day laborers, something that's very important to him. the people who are in that mass come from the parishes all around this area. they divided up those tickets among all of the different parishes. it depends on how big the church and parish was and that's how they distributed those tickets. so this is a very local, very special event tonight. >> special for those day laborers, too. we saw some of them getting a chance to meet the pope earlier, too. kenneth, enjoy the visit there in new york and good luck with all of the crowds. when you're not in front of the tv this weekend, you can keep track of the pope in philadelphia, his next leg of the trip, on our wusa9 app. coming up the national zoo's new panda cub gets a name. >> yes. also ahead are there any changes in store for the burgundy and gold after in so ugly loss to the new york giants? top? >> don't show me that play again. just when i thought i knew how they would lose, they come up with a new way. let's talk about the radar, first alert doppler, all the showers sinking south, a couple sprinkles here and there, dale city down toward waldorf. we'll come back, talk about the weekend, lots going on with a concert on the mall, if you need your umbrella or not. >> coming up next public defenders for daron wint want the name of a witness who said he saw a machine with short hair drivinger -- a man with short hair driving erratically in the family's stolen porsche. wint has long braided hair. wint's attorneys may be pursuing the wrong strategy some say. >> when your defense is misidentification, more often than not you're going to lose. >> the judge told wint's lawyers to submit a formal request for that name. one of the victims who was molested by former political leader falls church michael gardner peeks -- speaks out today. >> gardner's conviction was overturned on a technicality, but last year he was arrested again after his own niece came forward with similar accusations. thursday he pled guilty to all charges. >> reporter: do you feel like now everyone who doubted you should believe you? >> yeah. i mean they should have believed me from the first point. there's dna evidence against him. there's three other girls with very similar stories about what happened to them and if you don't believe that, you're delusional. >> gardner was sentenced to 20 years in prison. coming up the first ladies of the u.s. and china reveal the name of the national zoo's new baby panda. >> but up next growing questions for hillary clinton as new tonight new questions are dogging democrat hillary clinton's campaign for president. it's all about those work- related e-mails she exchanged while secretary of state. clinton is on record saying she's handed over all of those e-mails, but the obama administration says it's discovered a chain of e-mails she failed to turn over, messages exchanged with former general david petraeus. officials say the e-mails deal with personnel matters and contain no classified material. throw in shade and slinging mud, republicans donald trump and marco rubio during a radio interview, rubio called trump touchy and insecure at a summit of conservative voters in new york. then trump called rubio a clown and baby. the audience booed. the trump/rubio back and forth has been heating up as rubio climbs in the polls. the republicans have held two presidential debate ahead of the iowa caucuses. the democrats have yet to hold one. their first debate is scheduled october 13th and some in the party including former maryland governor and current presidential candidate martin o'malley have accused democratic leaders of committing political malpractice. >> not a single member of the dnc was ever asked if they thought it was a good idea that we have only one debate in iowa, only one in new hampshire and that it be scheduled the saturday before christmas when as few people will watch it as possible. this was a cruddy way to run a party and i've said that very clearly. now it's up to party leaders to do something about it. >> thus far no traction in the polls for o'malley. catch the full interview on sunday at 8:30 right after our morning newscast. precious treasure, that's the naming of the new panda cub bei bei. >> bei bei, you know, like a bei bei. the first ladies of the united states and china revealed the name at the national zoo this morning and into sue was there for all the -- and surae chinn there was for all the excitement. >> i think it's a great name. i might name my kid that someday. >> i think it's cute. >> reporter: first lady michelle obama and the first lady of china revealed the baby panda cub's name at the national zoo this morning, bei bei. the cub weighs under 3-pound and is growing every day. he's -- 3 pounds and is growing every day. he's usually snuggling with his mom. the most of name was submitted by panda keepers -- the chosen name was submitted by panda keepers at a zoo in china. it means peaceful and calm. >> it's definitely cute it's attributed to bei bei. i think it's a cute little duo. >> reporter: bao bao and bei bei, two of the most complimentary names you could find in china. in fact, the chinese people often mix the two together for terms of endearment or something they hold precious like their own children. >> i've been waiting a long time to see them. word don't even start to explain. >> reporter: it's his first time seeing them and he approves of the name. >> pretty cute. >> reporter: at the national zoo surae chinn. >> bye, mr. panda. >> reporter: wusa9. >> you'll have to wait a few more months before you can see bei bei in person. he's expected to be on display early next year. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we need a nickname for you. >> we have one. >> do we not? >> what is it? >> tenacious is sort of. >> i was thinking of something like there's bei bei. >> you can call me bei bei, top top. we're looking at a little shower activity south of town, clouds elsewhere, let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam. it's 70, relative humidity 68%, just cloudy now at the airport, showers moving south of the airport and continue south. they're not very heavy. into la plata and st. mary's county as well, but everything is light, all shades of green. some wet roads between waldorf and la plata down 301 toward the northern neck and also down 95 from dale city down towards stafford. so for tonight cloudy, cool. high school football is fine. saturday i think most can cut their grass tomorrow. i really do especially north every town and then sunday -- north of town and then sunday better chance for showers, warmer next week with more thunderstorms. futurecast, 10:00 tonight clouds, early tomorrow morning, clouds, showers south, upper 50s, mid-60s. 9:30, 10:00, soccer games will be played, 60s. by 4:00 it's 71 downtown, upper 60s gaithersburg, olney, leesburg, but dry across the board. let's talk about rainfall potential. this is one model that takes you through into sunday and notice only .06 here. the heaviest activity is back to the west. that's why we're concentrating on south and west of town in terms of where the showers will be over the weekend. so sunday perhaps a little better for chance for showers, maybe a thunderstorm, 72, showers and storms monday, around 80. next seven days stays warm next week and unsettled, tuesday, wednesday, more showers, maybe a storm tuesday, more storms on thursday, back in the 70s and mid-70s on friday, a little bit cooler, perhaps a leftover shower. >> can we come out now? >> yes. there's the loss and then some not so good news. >> yeah. it's a big loss for the skins. this was the senior member of the secondary. skins have many bodies in the triage unit in ashburn, one in particular of serious concern, the word on now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. >> arguably the weakest part of the skins' team just got weaker. d. hall, the deal of the defensive second e.r.a., has a partial tear in the big toe -- secondary has a partial tear in the big toe, out three weeks. last night was a downer. let's go back to the 3rd quarter. hall went down and i initially thought oh, boy, achille's. remember he missed most of last season with that. hall's injury part of a disappointing night, bad quarterbacking, toothless pass rush. after last week's win, the skins back to life, back to reality. >> we just came out flat. we didn't run the ball like we had the last two weeks. i think that played a part. we threw the ball more than we would like, of course, but hey, they just did a good job, credit to them. >> we're a good team, but we have to come out and prove it every time we step on the field and we're just not doing it right now. >> all right. get your football sunday started right here on wusa9. game on sun at 11:30 a.m. we -- sunday at 11:30 a.m. we got to recap skins/giants and dexter manly. game on sunday 11:30 a.m. jonathan papelbon of the nats suspended three games for this incident thursday night when he buzzed manny machado. remember that? with that 93-mile an hour pitch. umps thought it was intentional. he didn't. here's the deal. paps should know better. you don't throw near his head. you know better. he's appealing that. our game of the week takes us to alexandria, west potomac, wolverines versus lake braddock bruins. question, can a wolverine beat a bruin? work on that. our grace olson catching up with the coach who thinks the wolves actually have a shot tonight. >> reporter: thanks, guys. here with west potomac head coach jeremiah ross, the man of the hour now. you're facing lake braddock tomorrow night both conference seven teams both undefeated. now have the guys been feeling this week? >> the guys have been feeling good. for us it's the next week up, so we're excited about it. >> reporter: both high octane offenses. i know you've racked up 136 points through three games, but they've only allowed 14 points total. i know some extra special prep has gone in this week, right? >> same kind of preparation regardless of who we play. we're just excited to go out and play tonight. >> reporter: all right. the wolverines are sticking to their game plan. we'll see what they've got for us on the field tonight. thank you, coach. >> that's wusa9 news at 6:00. cbs evening news is next. >> we'll be >> pelley: an earthquake shakes the house. >> this morning, i woke up, and i said my prayers, as i always do, and i decided, you know. today's the day i'm going to do this. >> pelley: also tonight, donald trump, thin of skin? an impression is created, though, that you like to dish it out, but you can't attack a punch. the pope plays the garden and gets treated like a rock star. and steve hartman with football's toughest yard and a half measured vertically. >> you have heard about, like, the little dog with the big-dog heart. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: as parades go, it was st. patrick's day and thanksgiving rolled into one. thousands lined the sidewalks of new york t f

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New York , United States , East Harlem , New Hampshire , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , China , California , Gaithersburg , Maryland , Wisconsin , Washington , District Of Columbia , Madison Square , Iowa , Leesburg , Capitol Hill , Chinese , American , Marco Rubio , Barbara Mikulski , Braddock Bruins , Steve Hartman , Kim Davis , Kenneth Craig , Scott Pelley , Manny Machado , David Petraeus , Dave Owens , Jeremiah Ross , Bao , Kevin Mccarthy , Michelle Obama , Rushern Baker , John Boehner , Glenn Ivey , Daron Wint , Donna Edwards , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20150925 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 6pm 20150925

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the resignation of john boehner was universal. the reaction was not. >> i think he's a great guy and done very well. he needs to stay where he belongs. >> i got tired of the same rhetoric with him all the time. he would go and they all say this and that and he didn't get anything done. >> he performed pretty admirably and i wish him the best. >> i think he has led people to be against the obama administration and caused a lot of trouble. that's just my feeling. >> reporter: boehner has been under a lot of intense pressure to keep the government open, but a growing number of conservatives have told him they would not vote for any bill that funds planned parenthood. >> i believe it would be best for the country if a more conservative, more traditional politics prevailed. so for those reasons i believe that replacing boehner with somebody else may be a good thing. >> you have to rate his performance by his own party and how they treat him and you've got a whole faction of the republican party that are really not trying to work with anybody. i don't think they really want to work with him. >> i, too, am a son of this great continent. >> reporter: one day ago boehner wept as addressed a joint flowing of congress. now it's clear his overflowing emotions might have been created by something else, his pending resignation. boehner's last day will be october 30th. president obama calls him a good man and said while he and the house speaker are at different ends of the political spectrum boehner always conducted himself with courtesy and civility. reporting live from capitol hill andrea mccarren, wusa9. >> andrea, thanks for that. house members will now choose a new speaker. the leading candidate is majority leader kevin mccarthy of california. some republicans say they prefer paul ryan of wisconsin, but he said he doesn't want the job. congress votes next week on a spending bill which would avert a government shutdown. if no agreement is reached, it's set to begin on october 1st. in prince george's county executive rushern baker today endorsed former state's attorney glenn ivey for the fourth congressional seat. they are good friends, but that's not why he believes ivey is the best candidate for prince george's county. >> i'm endorsing glenn ivey because i feel all the folks that are running, the folks that i know, he is the only person on day 1 that's going to be able to go up there and know the ins and out ofs of the malls of congress. >> -- outs of the halls of congress. >> donna edwards is running for the senate seat of the retiring barbara mikulski. the u.s. and china today agreed not to carry out cyber crimes against each other or to supported hackers that might do that. the announcement came after what president obama described as an extremely productive meeting with the chinese president in the oval office. >> when i said to president xi and what i'd say to the american people is the question now is are words followed by actions and we will be watching carefully to make an assessment as to whether progress has been made in this area. >> china is believed to be behind a massive data breach affecting 5.6 million federal employees. during a welcome ceremony at the white house the president said his country and the u.s. need to be frank in order to have first and understanding between the two countries. kim davis is switching parties. she's becoming a republican. the kentucky county clerk who went to jail rather than grant same sex licenses says she's switching parties because she feels abandoned by democrats. davis is in washington to accept an award from the family research council. she tells cbs news it would be easy for her to step down, but in the process she would lose her voice and be judged by god. >> what people do in the privacy of their own home is not my business. it's not my concern. >> reporter: why not sign those marriage licenses? >> that makes me a party to it. if i'm a party to it, then i'm a partaker in that sin and i don't want to be a partaker in that sin. >> her interview is coming up with scott pelley right after this newscast. pope francis at the garden. it's a one night only appearance and definitely a packed house. you are looking live at new york's madison square garden where the pope has just arrived to celebrate holy mass, 20,000 people there. >> they always do it big in new york. the pontiff made his way to the arena by way of central park traveling in his popemobile waving to thousands upon thousands of cheering new yorkers. the crowd at central park was so large it overwhelmed security. that's not good. earlier this afternoon pope francis visited with children at a catholic school in east harlem and he gave them some homework. translator: it is a simple request but very important. please don't forget to pray for me so that i can share with many people the joy of jesus. >> earlier today the pope addressed the united nations general assembly, then took part in a multi-religious service at new york's ground zero, the national september 11th memorial. kenneth craig joins us now live from new york and, kevin, 20,000 people inside madison square garden for tonight's mass, but it's those numbers trying to get into central park that were just voluminous. how are police handling the crowd? >> reporter: at this point they seem to be handling them very well. everything has gone according to plan. you have to remember that new york city police along with the secret service along with a number of different agencies have really spent weeks, if not months, preparing for this time in new york city. they have planned this down to the minute and as i said, everything really appears to have gone according to plan, 80,000 people in central park, 20,000 people in madison square garden right now. they have a lot on their hands. >> this mass tonight, how long is it supposed to last and are there some quintessential new york things that will be in the mass that gives it some new york flavor? >> reporter: well, what's really special about this mass and as i said 20,000 people will be in there, there's a lot of things and moments that came from the people and that's what francis really would want. the chair that he's sitting in, that wooden chair is made by immigrant day laborers, something that's very important to him. the people who are in that mass come from the parishes all around this area. they divided up those tickets among all of the different parishes. it depends on how big the church and parish was and that's how they distributed those tickets. so this is a very local, very special event tonight. >> special for those day laborers, too. we saw some of them getting a chance to meet the pope earlier, too. kenneth, enjoy the visit there in new york and good luck with all of the crowds. when you're not in front of the tv this weekend, you can keep track of the pope in philadelphia, his next leg of the trip, on our wusa9 app. coming up the national zoo's new panda cub gets a name. >> yes. also ahead are there any changes in store for the burgundy and gold after in so ugly loss to the new york giants? top? >> don't show me that play again. just when i thought i knew how they would lose, they come up with a new way. let's talk about the radar, first alert doppler, all the showers sinking south, a couple sprinkles here and there, dale city down toward waldorf. we'll come back, talk about the weekend, lots going on with a concert on the mall, if you need your umbrella or not. >> coming up next public defenders for daron wint want the name of a witness who said he saw a machine with short hair drivinger -- a man with short hair driving erratically in the family's stolen porsche. wint has long braided hair. wint's attorneys may be pursuing the wrong strategy some say. >> when your defense is misidentification, more often than not you're going to lose. >> the judge told wint's lawyers to submit a formal request for that name. one of the victims who was molested by former political leader falls church michael gardner peeks -- speaks out today. >> gardner's conviction was overturned on a technicality, but last year he was arrested again after his own niece came forward with similar accusations. thursday he pled guilty to all charges. >> reporter: do you feel like now everyone who doubted you should believe you? >> yeah. i mean they should have believed me from the first point. there's dna evidence against him. there's three other girls with very similar stories about what happened to them and if you don't believe that, you're delusional. >> gardner was sentenced to 20 years in prison. coming up the first ladies of the u.s. and china reveal the name of the national zoo's new baby panda. >> but up next growing questions for hillary clinton as new tonight new questions are dogging democrat hillary clinton's campaign for president. it's all about those work- related e-mails she exchanged while secretary of state. clinton is on record saying she's handed over all of those e-mails, but the obama administration says it's discovered a chain of e-mails she failed to turn over, messages exchanged with former general david petraeus. officials say the e-mails deal with personnel matters and contain no classified material. throw in shade and slinging mud, republicans donald trump and marco rubio during a radio interview, rubio called trump touchy and insecure at a summit of conservative voters in new york. then trump called rubio a clown and baby. the audience booed. the trump/rubio back and forth has been heating up as rubio climbs in the polls. the republicans have held two presidential debate ahead of the iowa caucuses. the democrats have yet to hold one. their first debate is scheduled october 13th and some in the party including former maryland governor and current presidential candidate martin o'malley have accused democratic leaders of committing political malpractice. >> not a single member of the dnc was ever asked if they thought it was a good idea that we have only one debate in iowa, only one in new hampshire and that it be scheduled the saturday before christmas when as few people will watch it as possible. this was a cruddy way to run a party and i've said that very clearly. now it's up to party leaders to do something about it. >> thus far no traction in the polls for o'malley. catch the full interview on sunday at 8:30 right after our morning newscast. precious treasure, that's the naming of the new panda cub bei bei. >> bei bei, you know, like a bei bei. the first ladies of the united states and china revealed the name at the national zoo this morning and into sue was there for all the -- and surae chinn there was for all the excitement. >> i think it's a great name. i might name my kid that someday. >> i think it's cute. >> reporter: first lady michelle obama and the first lady of china revealed the baby panda cub's name at the national zoo this morning, bei bei. the cub weighs under 3-pound and is growing every day. he's -- 3 pounds and is growing every day. he's usually snuggling with his mom. the most of name was submitted by panda keepers -- the chosen name was submitted by panda keepers at a zoo in china. it means peaceful and calm. >> it's definitely cute it's attributed to bei bei. i think it's a cute little duo. >> reporter: bao bao and bei bei, two of the most complimentary names you could find in china. in fact, the chinese people often mix the two together for terms of endearment or something they hold precious like their own children. >> i've been waiting a long time to see them. word don't even start to explain. >> reporter: it's his first time seeing them and he approves of the name. >> pretty cute. >> reporter: at the national zoo surae chinn. >> bye, mr. panda. >> reporter: wusa9. >> you'll have to wait a few more months before you can see bei bei in person. he's expected to be on display early next year. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> we need a nickname for you. >> we have one. >> do we not? >> what is it? >> tenacious is sort of. >> i was thinking of something like there's bei bei. >> you can call me bei bei, top top. we're looking at a little shower activity south of town, clouds elsewhere, let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam. it's 70, relative humidity 68%, just cloudy now at the airport, showers moving south of the airport and continue south. they're not very heavy. into la plata and st. mary's county as well, but everything is light, all shades of green. some wet roads between waldorf and la plata down 301 toward the northern neck and also down 95 from dale city down towards stafford. so for tonight cloudy, cool. high school football is fine. saturday i think most can cut their grass tomorrow. i really do especially north every town and then sunday -- north of town and then sunday better chance for showers, warmer next week with more thunderstorms. futurecast, 10:00 tonight clouds, early tomorrow morning, clouds, showers south, upper 50s, mid-60s. 9:30, 10:00, soccer games will be played, 60s. by 4:00 it's 71 downtown, upper 60s gaithersburg, olney, leesburg, but dry across the board. let's talk about rainfall potential. this is one model that takes you through into sunday and notice only .06 here. the heaviest activity is back to the west. that's why we're concentrating on south and west of town in terms of where the showers will be over the weekend. so sunday perhaps a little better for chance for showers, maybe a thunderstorm, 72, showers and storms monday, around 80. next seven days stays warm next week and unsettled, tuesday, wednesday, more showers, maybe a storm tuesday, more storms on thursday, back in the 70s and mid-70s on friday, a little bit cooler, perhaps a leftover shower. >> can we come out now? >> yes. there's the loss and then some not so good news. >> yeah. it's a big loss for the skins. this was the senior member of the secondary. skins have many bodies in the triage unit in ashburn, one in particular of serious concern, the word on now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. >> arguably the weakest part of the skins' team just got weaker. d. hall, the deal of the defensive second e.r.a., has a partial tear in the big toe -- secondary has a partial tear in the big toe, out three weeks. last night was a downer. let's go back to the 3rd quarter. hall went down and i initially thought oh, boy, achille's. remember he missed most of last season with that. hall's injury part of a disappointing night, bad quarterbacking, toothless pass rush. after last week's win, the skins back to life, back to reality. >> we just came out flat. we didn't run the ball like we had the last two weeks. i think that played a part. we threw the ball more than we would like, of course, but hey, they just did a good job, credit to them. >> we're a good team, but we have to come out and prove it every time we step on the field and we're just not doing it right now. >> all right. get your football sunday started right here on wusa9. game on sun at 11:30 a.m. we -- sunday at 11:30 a.m. we got to recap skins/giants and dexter manly. game on sunday 11:30 a.m. jonathan papelbon of the nats suspended three games for this incident thursday night when he buzzed manny machado. remember that? with that 93-mile an hour pitch. umps thought it was intentional. he didn't. here's the deal. paps should know better. you don't throw near his head. you know better. he's appealing that. our game of the week takes us to alexandria, west potomac, wolverines versus lake braddock bruins. question, can a wolverine beat a bruin? work on that. our grace olson catching up with the coach who thinks the wolves actually have a shot tonight. >> reporter: thanks, guys. here with west potomac head coach jeremiah ross, the man of the hour now. you're facing lake braddock tomorrow night both conference seven teams both undefeated. now have the guys been feeling this week? >> the guys have been feeling good. for us it's the next week up, so we're excited about it. >> reporter: both high octane offenses. i know you've racked up 136 points through three games, but they've only allowed 14 points total. i know some extra special prep has gone in this week, right? >> same kind of preparation regardless of who we play. we're just excited to go out and play tonight. >> reporter: all right. the wolverines are sticking to their game plan. we'll see what they've got for us on the field tonight. thank you, coach. >> that's wusa9 news at 6:00. cbs evening news is next. >> we'll be >> pelley: an earthquake shakes the house. >> this morning, i woke up, and i said my prayers, as i always do, and i decided, you know. today's the day i'm going to do this. >> pelley: also tonight, donald trump, thin of skin? an impression is created, though, that you like to dish it out, but you can't attack a punch. the pope plays the garden and gets treated like a rock star. and steve hartman with football's toughest yard and a half measured vertically. >> you have heard about, like, the little dog with the big-dog heart. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: as parades go, it was st. patrick's day and thanksgiving rolled into one. thousands lined the sidewalks of new york t f

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