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For a high. A passing shower cant qmbe ruled out also. Little broad circulation. Drawing a lot of moisture at the atlantic. The eastern half of north carolina, twothirds of south carolina, some of that moisture is slipping into virginia. We have a couple of sprinkles locally, lets go back andrea and mike. Thank you howard. Heres what is in the news right now. President obama plans to meet with lawmakers tomorrow, one day before spelling out plans to the nation on wednesday. Nine nato countries have agreed to work with the u. S. To take on the militants. The United Nations estimates 2600 civilians have been killed in the 5monthold conflict in ukraine. Russian and pro russian separatists agreed to a ceasefire. It could falling fall apart if the shelling continues is that if you didnt stay up late last night, you missed a nail biter. The broncos jumped out to a lead before hanging on to dear life. Peyton manning and the broncos prevailed at the end 3124. We have breaking news to report. It involves the incident on february 15th involving Baltimore Ravens ray wright. Tmz released a video they say ray rice is truly hitting nick ceasefire vaughn thai. Roger goodell admitted quote he didnt get it right in the way he handled the situation with rice. That was before this video surfaced. We won to warn you this is very graphic and vial in nature. So much so we edited quite a bit on you of it. It starts with the couple exchanging words while making their way on to the elevator. You can see inside the elevator, rice is seen hitting his fiance then wife twice. She falls and hits the elevator rail. When the video picks up with a clip that has been circulating for months. Rice drags her out, again graphic video. With the public it will be interesting foresee if nfl compacts them, rice has said time and time he wishes he could take it back. Will he miss more . Subsequent Domestic Violence will get a six game suspension, is that correct . Based on the new policy. Turning our attention to the biggest local story of the morning. This ones sure to drive you crazy for quite a long time. We are talking about a Major Construction project set to begin along massachusetts avenue. Lane closures on eighth street, vanessa herring has a preview of what you should and a half. The lane closures will be starting in just under an hour on eighth street and massachusetts satisfy between second and fourth. You can see behind me the construction crews are ready to go. There is a lot of cones and equipment here. I want to bring up a map so we can slow you exactly where we are talking about the closures and where they are going to be happening. They are on eighth street northwest and massachusetts Avenue Northwest between second and fourth street. These lanes are going to be closed during the busiest time of the day. Probably going to be driving you crazy for quite some time here. Stay clear of this area monday friday and also 8 00 actual mto 8 00 p. M. On saturdays so crews can update and install underground utilities. Also evening hours could be added as well as sunday hours as this construction project progresses. This morning 7 00 in just under an hour, eighth street northwest and massachusetts satisfy northwest will be closed. If you are using that route, find an alternate route in this morning. Back to you. Thank you for that update, monika, of course has given us alternate routes. Serena williams has submitted her name in the lift books of professional tennis. Redskins gear not selling as well as it used to. We are back, right after this. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. Introducing the allnew Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Neat looking sky this morning. A few clouds out there, certainly breaks ahead of the sunrise, coming just after 6 40 this morning. We will be mostly cloudy, cooler, isolated showers with the best chances being south and southeast of washington. Look at the high temperatures today. That is a lot more like it. 75 to 80. Ill in back in five, six minutes, talking about a coastal storm. Also looking ahead to the upcoming weekend. Monika samtani, volumes building. What does that mean . Reporter incidents as well, southbound on 395. An accident involving a motorcycle at Boundary Channel drive. Two left lanes are closed. I will keep you posted on that situation. Back to you guys. It was a wild and crazy Opening Weekend in the nfl. We are going to get to that in a minute though. An nb actual owner who is facing more questions about racist remarks. This is a case where the owner called himself out. Bruce levinson had an email surface from two years ago. In it he called the kiss cam at the stadium too black. Levinson said in july he volley the nba and about stereo typing their perceptions of one another. The original email was isnt to the hawks again manager and two ownership partners. R. G. Iii riesed eyebrows when he said he and the redskins dont have anything to prove, except to themselves. The top of the todo list protecting the rock. Redskins led the allegheny in red zone turnovers and that callous disregard for the rock. A couple of blocked punts and an extra point. You have a guy running free, stripped from behind, unnecessary hand off that you work on every day in practice. We have to move on. We moved the ball, some good to take out of the game, we are not here for moral victories. We within to get the w. Inexcusable is what gruden said right off the top. New season, new merchandise for the burgundy and gold. Dramatic drop in merchandise sales. It may not be because of the controversy over the teams name. A spokesperson for the franchise says it has to do more with the teams 133 record last year. Back along the beltway, the ravens suffered through a similar slow start at the redskins, which featured joe flaccos stupidest play ever, according to the quarterback. Seven dropped balls, four at the hands of steve smith. Joe flacco hit steve smith senior here. Smith totally redeems himself. There puts baltimore out in front. Not even a minute later andy dalton says imill see your six points and raise you two. A nice shimmy there all the way into the end zone to put the benghazi up 2316. No time to sull being for the ravens throw. The steelers coming to town. The debut of thursday night football. Finally on the court, Serena William is fixing out where to store her 18th grand slam title. 63 and 63. Williams now has as many grand slams singles titles as Chris Everett and martina and a half rat loaf va and martina and a half rat. Thanks nick. Heres another look at our question of the morning. During a weeklong vacation the average person does this . Go to the actual testimony m, post a facebook or check e mail. Well have more of your responses and the correct survey answer in about 30 minutes. So stay with us. To prove a point about internet speeds we slowed down an up escalator. This is crazy i dont get it, this one is working ladies, shouldnt up be as fast as down . Yeah. Shouldnt internet speeds match as well . Yes. Do your socks match . My socks match. Do your eyeballs match . Yes. Cable does not match the speeds. Makes you want to go mad. Erggggh. Only verizon fios comes with speedmatch upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at fiosspeedmatch. Com verizon. Call the Verizon Center for customers with you read the labels on the foods you eat but do you know whats in your skincare . Neutrogena naturals. A line of nutrientrich skincare with pure naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize. And youll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. Healthy skinstarts from within. Neutrogena naturals. Learn more at neutrogenanaturals. Com. Washington monument on the left. Capital on the right. 6 16 this monday morning. Great start to the work week. Ouds around, making for a beautiful picture. Well have plenty of clouds around the next couple of days. A yellow alert up for tomorrow. That will depend on the exact track of the coastal storm. I do want to start with doppler 9000. Moisture is banked up against the mountains to the west. From asheville over to charlottesville. Light sprinkles here in the washington metro region. Ground cover now. From around north beach, Chesapeake Beach on to hunting town. These look to be real sprinkles toward la plata. Benedict, waldorf as well. New showers are popping here. Light ones south of culpepper through charlottesville and maybe into skyline drive. Spectacular looking sky. Some breaks down there and temperatures really in check. 3 00, 78. With a high of 7. Braves are coming into town. Low 70s by 9 00. You may need a long sleeved t shirt, maybe a sweatshirt here in the late innings tonight. The east wind at 10 00. I have been looking across upper montgomery. Down in the mid50s in a few spots. I think you may need a sweatshirt this morning. Reagan national 71. The wind will continue to come out of the east and northeast thanks to a high to the north. Driving the winds off the atlantic the next couple of days. This area of low pressure bringing moisture off the atlantic wants to track more northeast. The track will be just that are enough east we probably wont get any showers. That is where the best chances look like they are going stay today. Not a yellow alert, just an isolated sprinkle. Then tomorrow the low tracks that far away. Afternoon showers north 60s in the cool spot, tomorrow 77. A few showers, again this yellow alert may be back to not guilty. 84 wednesday. Thursday is the lottest day this week. Ravens are hosting the steelers here on wusa. Much nicer friday back in the 70s. It is a good morning, except for one spot. Southbound 35. Right after the 14th street bridge. We were trying to find it on our camera here. A motorcycle crash against southbound on 395. And a couple of the left lanes are blocked. On the southbound side going to cause delays coming off the 14th street bridge again. On the southbound side, a tipical rush hour agree. Luckily we are hearing there arent any injuries involved. Up to watch out for that northbound side as i said is not affected by the accident. Duke street and seminary road to the 14th street bridge. Longterm Construction Projects begin today. We have been telling you all about it and will you the weekend eighth and mass satisfy will be closed for major portion of the day through the next few years. This is west of Union Station and not too far from georgia law center. Use kstreet, e street, and you are going to have to use alternate routes. If you are planning to head over on 66 the beltway looks good. 66 word of an accident in manassas near route 234. Manassas to centerville is going to be about an 18 minute ride, right now. Over to our live picture check out what it is like here. Lets go back over to the maps. If you are planning to head southbound on 270, frederick the lanes are open. Rockville is where the lanes divide, over on the beltway looks good on the north side of town. Well end with a live look over in college park on the outer loop said. We want to save you money and time. According to aaa, the shell is selling regular for 3. 60. Or save money and go to the fairfax at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, to move, to keep warm, to make clay piggies. Thats why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50 fewer co2 emissions than coal. Lets broaden the Worlds Energy mix, lets go. I gotta have that bag. Italian leather . For an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that . [ female announcer ] two stores. Two amazing ways to score. T. J. Maxx and marshalls. I just cant wrap my head around it. We just need to break it down into simple steps. Is that house for sale again . Youre changing the subject. We looked at that house. We have so much demanding our money right now but we have to save for later. Right. Thats the house with the low ceilings. The lets stick with the subject of retirement conversation. Wells fargo can help with my retirement plan. A tool that gives you manageable steps for retirement. We can do it with you or try it online. Together well go far. The sky is on fire this morning. Red out there and red in the morning sailors take warning. Usually that is the case. We have a storm watch in the carolinas that could throw a little moisture our way. More clouds and more bark than bite. Winds out of the east northeast. Showers toward the northern neck. Mainly areas east of the bay. Highs 70s to near 80. Monika . A live look here from our sky 9. The i want bound the inbound side of route 66. Attracting attention coming into this point. Southbound 395 an accident as well just after the 14th street bridge. Ill keep you posted outhear both of these situations. President obama plans to outline a strategy to deal with isis militants in iraq and syria tomorrow. In an interview, obama is ensuring Americans Air strike against the militants will continue. Those not the equivalent of the iraq war. Secretary of state john kerry is expected to head to the middle east soon to solidify a coalition against isis. A Prince Georges County woman is accused of murdering her 1 and 3yearold toddlers. Police were called to the how many of 24yearold sonia spoon. 1yearold aiden spoon and 3 yearold Kayla Thompson were both pronounced dead. Reporter investigators pulled bags and bags of evidence from this forest river home. It was just after 2 00 a. M. When officers responded to the 911 call, to find two unresponsive children. One neighbor, who is also a parent, watched as detectives searched the home and talked with us. I cant imagine not having my kids here. Reporter this neighbor and others described a couple living in this forest road home with two children. It didnt say if there were other adults in the home but most of the neighbors said they wondered if anything was wrong. Is a shame what happened. I dont know everything that happened. They have always been really quiet. Really neighborly. What i can tell saw there is no need for the community to be afraid. This doesnt appear to be a random action and the detectives are working on a motive at this time. Reporter that was the Prince Georges County vehicle that was here earlier. Police will take over this investigation from here on on you. Sonia spoon is charged with two counts of first degree murder. The official cause of the childrens death is still pending. The toddlers are the third and fourth young murder victims in Prince Georges County in just the last month. Ten ladder trucks are in service. The Dc Fire Department says trucks which failed inspection have corrosion from rust. The Department Says it will rotate the trucks into service in various jurisdictions as needed. Heres a look outside. A cloudy, overcast morning. What a pretty sunrise. Howards going to have weather in just a bit. It is ugly here, a live look from our sky 9, the inbound side of i66 near route 34. In manassas. The activity has been pushed off to the shoulder. Once you are beyond that, i think you are okay heading into centerville. Lets go over on the maps, the crash right after the 14th street bridge as you head southbound off the bridge span the accident on the left side of the roadway. It wasnt involving a motorcycle, we are hearing minor inure ries involved. Northbound 395 should be okay though, heading to and across the bridge span with all the lanes open northbound on 395. Such a nice day. More clouds around. Each an isolated shower. As we go through today and tonight. Lets slow you know, how good it looks out there. The beautiful color here, 10 minutes before the sunrise. And a lot of red on the isern horizon this morning. A sunny break or two, east winds at 10 to 15. Owl this moisture is coming off the atlantic, and a little bit has made it in toward southern maryland. Lighter showers, tough to pick out in toward calvert and charles county, to around reductionersville, everything is moving off to the northeast. With temperatures south in the sprinkles in the mid60s, up north with more breaks, in the mid and upper 50s. Lots of news starting off this work week. Good morning mike and andrea, ahead to announce a new plan against isis later this week mike more relevant takes us behind the scenes with how a strategy like this is formed. Plus respiratory illness is affecting children across the country. What children need to know. The royal family announced the duke and duchess of cambridge are expecting their second child. All of that and more. The news is back in the morning. Well see you at 7 00. A quick question before you go. You have interviewed just about everybody, have you ever been the subject of an interview . I try to avoid it as much as possible. Charlie rose oncharlie rose. Members of congress return to work this morning after a five week summer recess. Some of the key itemfs on the agenda, passage of a budget bill. The ferguson, missouri controversy will be front and center. A hearing to look into the confrontation between police and protesters will take place is that a texas gubernatorial candidate said she terminated two pregnancies. Democrat wendy daviss new memoir, forgetting to be afraid, said the doctor told her the fetus had a brain abnormality and would not live. Some of the 2017 models will be ache able to talk to other vehicles and use sensors. Fully Driverless Cars are believed to be years away. The new horseshoe casino in baltimore reported record setting numbers. Nearly 6 million in six days. That is more money than some in maryland took in for an entire month. I thought i was in las vegas. August revenue at maryland live, the states largest casino, it rose 7. 4 . We want to congratulate again our monday facebook fan of the day. Todays winner is linda joe block. She says im a first grade spanish teacher who faithfully watches your morning show for the best traffic, weather and news. She wins two tickets to the big apple circus. For your chance, go to our Facebook Fan Page and when you fill out the form, make sure you put your favorite facebook picture there too. Hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling. Awwwwww scram im crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. Peas charty get town down. [laughter]tute face stummy wag pow pam shabeeps stella nerf berms. Saxanay nay . Badumps a head. Temexiss gurrin. Juppa left. Fluppa jown brone a brood. What . Catch up on what everyones talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. Preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. Only from xfinity. Look at there sky this morning. You have to look, you just have to take a second and smell the roses or at least look at the rosie color. Clouds this morning. Temperatures in the mid50s, to low 70s across the region. There is the plane mr. Pilot. 75 to 80 range. Passing shower or two. Doesnt look like a big, big deal. A full forecast, another pretty picture too when we come back. Live from our sky 9, there was a crash right at route 234 in pla naysays. Look at that delay. Oh my goodness. Everything sitting on the shoulder. But again it was my roadway. You have delays coming in from manassas. A juror who helped convict former Virginia Governor bob mcdonell and his wife, maureen, discussed her decision i dont peggy fox asked how the relationship played into their reaching a verdict. It was extraordinarily difficult. Reporter she was on the jury that convicted former virginian nor bob mcdonell and his wife, maureen. She says it was an extremely difficult decision none of the jurors took lightly. I believe we came to the correct conclusion. But it was very hard seeing the mcdonells cry, to see the family cry. There was no joy in this. No joy at all. No o reporter a mother of four and a project manager at the association of molecular pathology did not believe the broken marriage defense. She believed the mcdodges enriched themselves. He had access to the governor i cant it didnt matter he didnt get studies for his projects . I think it could have happened. Reporter the jury put aside the todd dry details of the case. The broken marriage, the crush the shopping spree. Bob mcdonell blaming his wife, she said, was disheartening. I could appreciate maureen was having a hard time as first lady. But i dont think it was irreconcilable or broken beyond repair. And the fact Johnny Williams had immunity from prosecution didnt matter. Very charismatic guy. I could see how anyone could get pulled in to charisma. He could not recollect a lot, i understand he was under immunity agreement. So understood. But you know, i think he told the truth as he knew it. Peggy fox, wusa9. Prosecutors offered bob mcdonell a deal to plead guilty to one count of bank fraud. Which is the same count juriors found him not guilty of. Another weekend at the Box Office Ends with disney supreme. Six months have come and gone, they were married for 53 years. She was his everything. He cant live alone anymore. But we dont have the room. So we talked to suntrust. Looked at our options. Remodeled. For family, you make it work. He taught me that. We shine when we make room for whats really important. How can we help you shine . Suntrust. Again, another beautiful sunrise. Why are we seeing beautiful sun some dust in the atmosphere. The dust filters it. We have been lucky to have some clouds around. Gorgeous. Not completely overcast, you know when the sunlight gets underneath the clouds and it lights from below, that is when you get sky shots. Like the pained desert. We have lost that lighting. 15, 20 minutes ago, im going to post some great shots. Also our facebook page, well get it out there. Let me show you what is happening for doppler, which is a coastal storm. Near columbia and atlanta and myrtle beach. That moisture is going to stay south and east. A couple of springles we are watching sprinkles we are watching. Eastnortheast. From lady smith to done kirk, to dunkirk, la plata. Trying to get toward culpepper and even around la plata, toward white plains and up 301 to waldorf. Dunkirk, hunting town, owens, seeing a few light showers. Over toward prince frederick. And then another area of light showers south of culpepper tracking toward quantico in another 30, 40 minutes. Mostly cloudy skies in dc today. Best chance of south and east, temperatures if the upper 70s. Near 80s for a high. We cant rule out a passing shower. Going to be dry but just in case you are going to want a rain slicker with you. Cumberlands a brisk 50 this morning, humid, cloudier, sprinkles, dont be surprised you get a sprinkle at 66. We are down on the mid50s for glass discuss, and to the south waldorf, 65, dumb frizz 62. 6 43 with sunshine today. The air mass is a lotber feeling than what we had last week when it was hot and humid and growth. By lunch time. Looks like Richmond South and east will have the much better chance of rain. Mostly cloudy, cant rule out a passing shower here and there. Tomorrow we have to watch exact track of the storm. If this thing continues to track off toward the newport east, we may get couple of showers blowing from the northeast, but the bulk of the rain will stay offshore b well just get clouds with a passing shower or two. Currently a yellow alert up for tomorrow. They are going to have to pull the yellow alert. Tomorrows highs will be in the 70s, todays highs will also be if the 70s. Near 80 in frederick, upper 70s in hagerstown. Lets say in fredericksburg. Highs there in the mid70s. Our 3 day forecast starts out with clouds today and tomorrow. Today, tomorrow, tomorrow night. Upper 60s in town, to mid 60s, winds east 10 to 15. Wednesday more sun, 84. Thursday ahead of a cold front. Maybe even near night. We have a threat for thunderstorms thursday. Well try to clear out the storms and cool down back in the 70s by friday. Monika samtani, good morning to you. Easy for you to say. Good monday morning, everybody. We started off nice and light and clear and now we have a couple of incidents minor in nature. But caused huge delays. Lets take a live look on the inbound side of i66. Look up ayour monitor. If you are having your cup of coffee and you were just about to head out the door. Hurry up the clash to 34 was clear the to the shoulder awhile ago but left life like this again. Beyond that you are okay. Manassas to centerville is about a 17 minute ride. Northbound or southbound on 35 there was a crash. Blocking off the left lane. Again it is the southbound side it is against the rush hour flow so i think you are going to be okay. But in downtown today a huge construction project begins on 8th street and massachusetts avenue between 2nd and 4th streets for the next two years. Use kstreet, as your alternate route. A big heads up for there one. I think it will be a mess until everybody gets used to the closures. Now another live picture and check out the 14th street bridge on the northbound side. Looking great across the bridge span and into do you want. All of the river crossings are incident free right now. Checking out the south side of i27 0. Fredericks and clark burglary is about clarksburg is about an 18 minute ride. Over on 270 here in germantown, at central avenue, there had been that accident right there, you can see it on the shoulder, not causing any slow traffic. Back to you guys. Dont let the price of gas drive you crazy. Lets check prices in western maryland this half hour as reported to aaa. The least speanssive gallon of regular is 3. 27 at the sheets on long meade road. But if you fill up on the bern road it is 3. 25 an hour. The average person does this ten times is it actual, go to the atm. B, posting to facebook, or c, check email. I never miss wusa9 news. So materialry is karen hi, im karen. Joyce and im joyce. Karen and we are. Karen joyce the koch sisters. Karen were not biological sisters, but sisters in spirit. Joyce and were not related to the koch brothers, those rightwing billionaires. Karen were just two average women whove raised families and worked hard all our lives. Joyce we dont have billions to spend on political campaigns. Karen but we do have our convictions, and our voices. We think thats important. Joyce if you agree, then join us. We can all be a nation of koch sisters oh, the young. Their energy seems like an unlimited resource we sometimes wish would run out, at least for a moment. But as we grow into adults, its important to learn how to use our Energy Wisely, especially when it comes to electricity. You can save energy and money by caulking around windows. And by using a power strip, you can turn off several devices when theyre not in use or when youre simply done. Its all about using your Energy Wisely and novec is here to help. For more tips, go to novec. Com. Novec helping you save. Good morning. Im vanessa herring. On eighth street northwest, a Major Construction project will start causing delays this morning. There will be lane closures on eighth street northwest as well as massachusetts satisfy northwest between 2nd and 4 00, so crews can work on repairing the road here. Monday through friday, as well as 8 00 a. M. To 8 00 p. M. On saturday. Ill send it back to you. Almost six months after its disappearance, officials are still searching for clues as to what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370. It dropped off the radar march en route from kuala lumpur to beijing. No debris has been found and investigators dont know why it flew off course. After it lost radar contact the plane continued to community kate periodically with the satellite system providing experts it shows it flew south into the indictian ocean. Crews have not pin pointed that exact location. Efforts are still ongoing. A wildfire burning in Yosemite National park. It has burned 700 acres. Officials closed nearby trails and evacuated areas in the park. Six hot shot fire crews and many aircraft have been trying to fight flames. In new york joan rivers got her hollywood funeral. There were lights, cameras and action as she was remembered at a new york synagogue. Celebrities in attendance included howard tern and Rosie Odonnell howard stern and Rosie Odonnell. Guardian of the galaxy first, teenage mutant anyone sa i cant turtles, came in ndseco. Rounding up the top three, bring in,. 5. 57 million. A passing shower today, tonight, tomorrow night. South and east of us. Temperatures in the 70s for highs, wednesday a little warmer, 84. Thunderstorms thursday, 88. Cooling down back in the 70s on friday. A live look in maryland, 270 southbound. Now you have all that heavy traffic basically sod toward germantown and down in rockville. Dont forget two accidents in virginia, clear to the soldner manassas with slow traffic and 395 southbound as well. Cbs this morning is next. A mysterious child respiratory illness sweeping through ten states, sickening hundreds of children. Howard and i will be back in 25 minutes with traffic and weather. Have a great morning. Some say your health is the luck of the draw. But inovas groundbreaking Genomic Research is working to change that. Were studying the genetic makeup of infants to detect if, when and how disease may occur, so we can learn to tailor the best care for each patient. Providing individualized healthcare. Anticipating and preventing illness thats predictive medicine. Inova. Join the future of health. Anncr hampton knows its your most important videoconference of the day. Hi hi, buddy anncr thats why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. And good reasons to book now. Feel the hamptonality good morning. It is monday september 8, 2014. Welcome to cbs this morning. The president prepares to unveil a plan tgho fit isis. Insider mike morell on the new offensive. Millions face the threat of flash flooding and a Wildfire Forces dramatic rescues at yosemite. Theres big, bignews. Theres already Health Concerns for duchess kate. We begin with todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. All of uda sden it was a huge thunderstorm. Severe flash floods and fires

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