Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170112 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20170112

>> it was really hard. >> devastated neighbor robert spencer said he tried to get survivors away from the inferno. >> it was everywhere. coming from everywhere. it's like i'm living in this room. >> reporter: survivor and mother, kate malone is a constituent service aide to baltimore congressman elijah cummings, who is stunned. >> my office is going to do everything in our power to embrace them during this very, very difficult time. >> an 8-year-old girl led her mother and siblings out. >> the 8-year-old insisted on bringing the 5 and 4-year-old out, along with the mother. >> reporter: investigators do not know what caused it. baltimore's mayor said the space heater is one of many possibilities. survivors told bystanders, the flames came from the first floor. six children gone. a community devastated. >> it crumbled my heart. yeah. it was crumbling my heart right now. >> one of things was to look at that photograph. of the kids. some of whom did not survive. baltimore's mayor catherine pugh said the children's father was at work when all of this happened at 12:30 this morning. he told investigators he had just changed the batteries in the family's smoke detectors. reporting live in northeast baltimore, scott room, wusa 9. >> so incredibly sad, scott. thank you. surviving mother, kate malone, is in critical condition. but one of herchildren has been released from the hospital, after being treated. well, some breaking news now. and new charges against a new suspect in this so-called pizza gate. it led some people to believe that some democrats were running a child sex ring. we've just now learned a louisiana man, now facing charges for threats against another pizza restaurant. according to those documents, yuceph jones called the nearby pizza, on december 7th, three days after the shooting at comet. he reportedly said, i'm coming there to finish what the other guy didn't. i'm coming to save the kids and shoot you and everyone in the place. he never showed up. no one was hurt. the shreveport man now remains behind bars in louisiana, pending a court hearing next week. more than 100,000 people are expected to march through the streets of d.c., to protest the president-elect's inauguration. activists say demonstrations will remain peaceful. but they also say they're ready for anything. wusa 9 delia goncalves, live at mcfeely square. that will be the camp's campsite and headquarters. >> that's right. those marchers will all meet here on mcpherson square. for a what raly what will last -- rally that will last pretty much all day, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. but don't expect protestors to stay put here several spontaneous demonstrations throughout the day. >> reporter: while crews work to set up for inauguration -- >> protest is more important now than ever. >> reporter: lacy macaulay is busy with her own inaugural prep. >> we'll have the security team. also, medics, just to respond, you know, with our own people, in case any situation arises. >> reporter: situations like violence. protestors with disrupt j20 say they've already received death threats. >> i got an e-mail. >> there are four demonstrations that we know of. two nonpermitted marches, one from key bridge. another from logan circle, both stepping off at 10:00 a.m. then two permitted marches. one from malcolm x park. the other dubbed a festival of resistance, a family friendly march. everyone will meet up at mcpherson square. >> any parent out there or someone who cares about i mean, you have to realize, they're the ones inheriting this world. >> reporter: back on the streets of d.c., reaction. >> this should be peaceful. >> approximate you lived here, we would be here to join them as well. >> reporter: jim and guadalupe are from texas. >> he didn't get our vote, but he will get our support. >> i think the biggest protest, honestly, is not to come at all. >> this is a bump in the road. and the road is still there. we'll just take the bump and keep on going. >> reporter: there's a lot of planning that is taking place for the massive crowds that most expect. we can tell you that protestors say they will be blocking security checkpoints, physically lying down on the ground. and they will risk arrest to do so. now, even though they won't get into specific detail with us, we can also share that all the protestors will be crashing the inaugural ball that night. we're live at mcpherson square, delia goncalves, wusa 9. we will have a ton to talk about next week. delia, thanks. the group is also planning what they're calling a year dance party. january 18th. vice president-elect mike pence's home. that will be on the wusa 9news app. the women's march on washington is threatening to overshadow the inaugust raise itself. -- inauguration itself. at least 1200 tour buses have applied for permits to park at rfk stadium on january 21st, the day of the march. 200 buses have applied for permits for the inauguration day. our wusa 9 app. your one-stop shop. you can download it for free right now. new information tonight in a stabbing that left two people dead at wheaton mall. police have identified the second victim in that tuesday attack. he is 22-year-old kevin cruz of wheaton. today, a judge ruled that the deadly stabbings, be held without bond. angelo jackson is charged with two counts of first-degree murder. the defense said the 17-year- old maintains he's innocent. seven people, jackson's family and friends, were in the courtroom today, supporting him. flames were out after a fire at a church. you can see the fire just shooting out of that building there. it happened at the new mount olvev apostolic church. so far, no reports of any injury. >> one, two, three. home. >> two cabinet secretaries and the mayor of d.c., cutting the ribbon today on revolutionary housing on for homeless veterans. 10 blocks from the capitol. 60 units for vets trying to get off the streets. and another 64 apartments for low and moderate income folks. now, what's new is that there are full-time services on social service workers, job counselors. bruce leshan talks to some who say it made a difference. >> clifford row said the day he moved into his new apartment was the best day of his life, and he's had some great days and some really bad ones. >> do you ever feel like you have an apartment -- >> 76-year-old clifford row still can't believe. >> look at that. >> reporter: he literally looks down now on the life he used to live on the streets. >> it's just a wonderful place. >> yes. it's my home. >> reporter: the army vet never thought he'd need this kind of help. >> i volunteered. >> reporter: 40 years ago, he was on top of the world. says he played bass in a band that opened up for elvis presley. and he used to sing with the king. >> well, you ain't just call ♪ >> rose said heroin nearly cost him everything. he spent two decades, homeless, sleeping most of the time on a bench in langdon park in northeast. but always holding on to his guitars. >> i was bungee cording. and someone pulled on the guitar. and i'd wake up. >> two days before christmas. america, social worker at the va told them, he could move into apartment 1002 at the conway residents for home -- residence for homeless vets. >> one of the best christmases i ever had. this is what i got for christmas. >> thank you for your service. >> reporter: and now, cabinet secretaries are welcoming row and 59 other vets to their new home. >> welcome to my home. [ applause ] >> big applause for that. survey last year found 0 homeless vets in d.c. on a cold night in january. that number is down by a third since 2010. and advocates are hoping this new strategy of combining homes and support staff will soon drive that number down. >> glad to see so many of them getting help they need. vets pay 30% of their incomes with rent. it is a collaboration between community solutions, national nonprofit, and developer mccormick salazar. metro. get ready for the return of space track. the program to fix safety problems on the rail starts up again next month. first up, the blue line. february 11th, to the 28th, there will be no service between loudland and the pentagon. all inbound blue lines will land at reagan international airport, where riders can then transfer to yellow train. then it's a month of pain for yellow and continuing the trek march through april. it will only run every 23 minutes. blue, green and orange lines up after that. but the dates, they say, are still to be determined. cement truck driver, in a hit-and-run crash, involving -- in loudoun county. it happened about 7:30 this morning. that's in the dulles area. two students are being treated for minor injuries. but they are expected to be okay. >> a busy day on capitol hill. congress holding simultaneous hearings for three of president- elect donald trump's cabinet nominees. in order, here are mike pompeo. then, retired general james madaus. defense secretary. then dr. ben carson, set to lead housing and urban development. >> i tell every policy maker. >> we recognize the reality of what we deal putin. and we recognize he is trying to break the north atlantic alliance. >> i've been very fortunate to be able to move from the bottom rung of the socioeconomic level to the top rung. >> republicans hold a majority in the senate, making it likely that all of mr. trump's cabinet will be confirmed. president-elect donald trump taking steps to prevent future cyber attacks. mr. trump is hiring former new york mayor and long-time friend, rudy giuliani; he'll lead a new cyber committee for the white house administration. the president-elect says it's a top priority, following russia's interference in the 2016 election. mr. trump accused u.s. intelligence agencies of leaking unverified reports that claimed russia had compromising information on him. james clapper is the director of national intelligence, insists the leak did not come from the intelligence community. and russia denies having that could blackmail president- elect donald trump. and a threat to national security. the convoy, across poland's border. assesses the first buildup in europe with the cold war. >> you want more news? we're just getting rolling here on wusa 9news at 5:00. a black family in loudoun county is shocked tonight. after receiving a letter so hateful. what they're saying about the blatant racism in just a bit. and why michael jackson's daughter is furious about the actor picked to play her dad. and topper will be back with more on the ugly, snowy, wet, cold, freezing -- just despicable weather. that's headed this way. and right after the break, one mystery solved. another one arises after ashes are left on the doorstep of a church. some breaking news coming to us out of falls church. police say someone fired shots. police determined a single shot went into the center. now, none of the 8 kids or 2 adults inside heat t time were injured. police are still looking for the person who did it. this week, we told you about the ashes of a rockville man that ended up turning up on a church doorstep. >> reporter: right? well, it was find right down there, at that door in front of this church. >> just find its way to the front door. >> my uncle was a pretty special guy. >> the man's name and date of death were written on the top. but through the power of tv, facebook and a really nice pastor, we were led to will around's -- willard's niece. but today, while trying to find out how those ashes came to be lost, we uncovered yet another mystery. >> it started with an e-mail, telling us about a man's ashes, left on a church doorstep. pastor robert wilson took it very seriously. >> he was a human being. he deserves the dignity and respect. >> reporter: the ashes belong to a man named donald willard of rockville. >> i am thankful the pastor would take so much time to find a relative. >> they sent angie a facebook message. she's donald willard's niece. said she's grateful. but the mystery remains. how did the ashes turn up here? enter carol dennison. >> loved my dog. >> reporter: carol was donald's neighbor on this rockville street. when he passed away, his brother rocky held onto the ashes. until -- >> the house was cl one morning, all of his belongings were put on the street. including his. >> but he did have his brother's ashes. >> yeah. >> that's how carol said the ashes got lost. and probably some well-meaning person dropped them off at nearby deersville baptist church. one mystery solved but another uncovered. where is rocky? carol said she's worried and the golden doodle, chablis, won't leave the front door. >> senate 2016. we talked. and no one has seen him since. >> montgomery county police say no middling persons -- missing persons report was ever filed. angie said she hasn't seen him in years, but said a friend of a friend saw him about 20 days ago. so hopefully carol, rocky and the dog chablis can soon. if i got this straight, we're going from sandals today -- >> uh-huh. >> on snow on saturday? >> uh-huh. >> what's the deal? >> it's january. >> oh, yeah. >> i'll put that into perspective for you. we have a little sleet. a little snow. but we're getting off easy. with the folks in kansas, missouri, looking at crippling ice storms. we're in pretty good shape, all things considered. i thought i was okay. we'll see. i went 67, thinking it might get 70. some of the guys are keeping it 63 today. we know it was a record high. dulles. we knew that would fall. live look outside. still 69. that's good. look at the dew points in the 50s. winds are gusting to 29. we had a wind gust today, earlier at national. 37 miles an hour. remember, we showed you that last night on our wind gust tracker. mild tonight. a few showers. that's it. bus stop temperatures, low 40s to low 50s and your friday. grab a coat tomorrow, even if you feel it's warm in the morning. you're going to need it in the afternoon. kind of a blustery day. temps fall. and a wintry mix develops overnight on friday. so your friday night plans are safe. just don't stay out too late. i mean, because they're looking at a mix, maybe as early as 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, early saturday. why is it a mix? you've got snow. snow is what i call the abnormal atmosphere. you go up. it gets colder and colder and colder. snow remains frozen from the cloud to the ground. then you get sleet. what happens is, the snow melts. then gets into a little cold wedge of air. and it refreezes. that's what hits your windshield and bounces. we'll probably see sleet and freezing rain. probably also going to see freezing rain with the snow. so this is a little different scenario. look at the wider, warm profile. melts, stays liquid. freezes on contact. and that's freezing rain. so you're going to see all of these precip types, i think, before the weekend is out. and again, the more snow we see, the better off we are, frank frankly. looking at snow and mix continues, all day saturday. i don't see d.c. west getting better on saturday. minor icing. but at this point, not an ice storm. and even in the morning sunday, i think it mixes possible. certainly north and west. here's the future cast with a nice night to walk the dog after dinner. temps still in the upper 50s at 10:00. clouds roll through, generally dry. keep a shower in overnight. not a huge deal. even by 6:00 a.m., we're still at 50 downtown. temps are falling. by lunchtime, we're down to 47. and by 6:00, we're already in the 30s in gaithersburg and frederick. a little blustery tomorrow. may not feel we need a jacket. kids will argue with you. now we're going to take you into friday night. here come the clouds. and by 6:00 breaking out, west of leesburg. and temperatures by this time, already in the upper 20s to arn the -- around the freezing mark. so by saturday morning, it's going to be slippery. 40s across the board. and 48, with sunshine by 1:00 tomorrow. yellow weather alert saturday. wintry alert. also, yellow weather alert, only 39. next seven days. showers on monday. 40s and look what happens. we're back in the 50s on tuesday. 60s on wednesday and thursday. get your sandals back on next week, adam. >> thanks, brother. still ahead. what a mother said she used to build a house for her family, using something almost all of us have access to. >> plus, a much cheaper version of the epipen is now on store shelves. and another car company accused of cheating on emissions standards. details we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. this is your last chance to get incredibly fast 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year, plus a 150 dollar visa prepaid card with a two-year agreement. hurry, this amazing offer ends january 21st visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. only from fios. in tonight's consumer alert, nation's largest drug store chain will soon sell a cheaper version of epipen starting today. cvs says it will sell the two- pack version of impact laboratory adrenal click auto injector, an alterne epipen. cvs's auto injector costs about $110. that's about a third of the epipen from mylan priced at $300. emissions defeat device in more than 100,000 of its diesel engine trucks and suvs. the e.p.a. charges that it compromises the emissions control system since 2014. this comes one day after volkswagen pleaded guilty to emissions cheating and hit with a record $4.3 billion penalty. amazon said over the next 18 months, it will create more than 100,000 full-time jobs in the u.s. the new positions will be in the company's fulfillment center. the hires will bring the u.s. work force to 280,000 people. a mom is inspiring people across the country tonight, after she built her using youtube videos. >> literally built it. she needed a home that would give each of her four children their own room. working with limited funds, buying a house wasn't an option. >> we just had the idea, what if we built one? we can afford the supplies. why not build it ourselves? >> they knew nothing about home building when they started. but mom started at the foundation, got pointers from workers at a home improvement store. then the family was on their way. wilkins has written a book about her expecerien that is due out later this month. >> kudos to her. wow. straight ahead, house speaker paul ryan has new details on the efforts to repeal and replace obama care. plus, it's being called the most comprehensive rtrepo to date on the health effects of both recreational and medical marijuana. and right after the break, a northern virginia woman tells us about a hate-filled letter that arrived at her house. .a mouthwash. so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest pro-health mouthwash. checkup? nailed it. it was important to me to send a message that we will not be intimidated. >> the lesson for them should be that it does still exist. but you should not be afraid. and when you're -- when you encounter it, you should speak up. >> while there's no direct threat in the letter, the sheriff's department says it's investigating the circumstances behind it. it also wants to know if any other letters might have been sent to other people. in south riding, peggy fox, wusa 9. >> and to that end, if you know of anyone else who has gotten a letter like that in loudoun county, well, the sheriff's office wants you to give them a call. president obama's healthcare law is one step closer to repeal voted 51-48 to approve a resolution that will help republicans quickly undo the affordable care act, also known as obama care. leaders in the house will take up that measure today. but paul ryan talked about it being a step-by-step process. >> we've not going to take one monstrosity and switch it for another. we're not going to find out what's in it after it passed. we're going to do this the right way. going to do it the way it was designed to do through the congressional committee. >> ryan outlined a handful of states, including maryland, seeing increases this year. they said they will continue to work with the obama administration. >> today, a judge sentenced a man to three years probation. for jumping over the white house fence. however, a judge put conditions on 24- of stanford, connecticut. he's been ordered to stay out of the district or any sights under caputo's direction. he must also undergo mental evaluations. family and friends of a beloved yoga teacher and actress have helped start a fund to help actors afford healthcare. loved ones say it's a way to keep tricia macaulay's memory alive. a man is charged with beating the d.c. woman to death. because acting gigs can be variable. macaulay had a hard time affording health insurance. >> looking for work all the time, going from one employer to another. it's not a lucrative career. >> reporter: family and friends have already raised $35,000 for the fund. if you'd like to donate, we have a link on our wusa 9 app. a school bus overturned in din witty, virginia this this morning. all injuries. investigators are working to find out what caused that crash. people across the country are opening up their hearts and their wallets. to support the family of a police officer killed in the line of duty. so far, about $40,000 has been raised in the go fund me account for fallen orlando police master sergeant, deborah clayton. investigators say mar keef lloyd is the man responsible for taking her life. tonight, there an intense manhunt for lloyd. he was report -- wanted for killing his pregnant ex- girlfriend. he allegedly shot craig during a confrontation. san diego charger fans, oh! your team is packing up and moving back to los angeles. fans met outside of the team's offices, to console one another. really? does it come to that? the chargers originally began in l.a. but moved to san diego 56 years ago. now, this morning, owner dean spanos sent a tweet confirming the move, after san di his team a new stadium. how about 20 million people -- americans use cannabis every month. and with more and more states legalizing pot, a new report takes an in-depth look at the health effects. >> cancer survivor derek said it helped him get through. >> as more states legalize the treatment. a new report from the national academies of sciences, engineering and medicine, looks at the most recent research on the health effects. researchers found that cannabis can relieve symptoms for some. >> some types of chemotherapy. >> the review looks at more than 10,000 studies and reports about also highlights the need for more research. >> including epilepsy and post >> the report and pregnant women, more likely to have low birth weight babies. when it comes toor hospital romances, the more complicated, the better. i love you. but i love him. i love him, too. so do i. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. le your check-up today to learn your four health numbers and start the year off right. cigna. together, all the way. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, r. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's.. i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. as an air force fighter pilot, colonel resles romine, flew 150 combat missions during the vietnam war. >> things. traveling, 1600 miles an hour which means the heat friction is like a ball of fire. >> romine used this paper map. hand-drawn markings, indicate the distance to refuel. and the flight path to his home base. >> they were up there. and these supersonic jets, which were high tech time. yet they really were relying on maps. and it's just amazing that they were able to do what they did. and come home safely. >> romine's daughter insisted he write down his adventures. the result was high flight. a book detailing his distinguished military career. >> oh, my gosh. i was floored by the combat details in vietnam and how close he had come to being shot down. >> you know, i have never climbed in that cockpit and felt like i was coming home. >> at 88, his memories are still vivid. his patriotism, unwaivering. >> there's a lot of people out there, trying to do our country in. and i think we need our young people to stand up and be counting. >> romine grew up in rural alabama. the son of a cotton farmer. as a child, he always dreamed of flying. as a military man, he soared. in fairfax, virginia, >> we thank him for his great book. if you'd like more, we've got a link to it now on our wusa 9 app. hundreds of local young students have a special reason to say farewell to president obama. through tiny supporters in just a little bit. and trending now, while michael jackson's daughter is furious over the man slated to play the pop star in a new series. and a readit user is outraged after what he found on th at perdue, we take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. like putting oregano in their water. it has natural antioxidants and we don't have to use antibiotics in their diet. perdue. over 200 products no antibiotics ever. we take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. for example, thyme. it's part of our 100% veggie diet and helps support their immune system. perdue. over 200 products no antibiotics ever. this slipped through the quality control checks of the company. >> oh, yeah. but a read-it user said the soles of his shoe leave behind small swastika sticks. he said, i didn't know it had this. the company is recalling them. they said they weren't aware of the questionable design. not everyone is buying that explanation. >> i mean, it's really strange to me that that would be >> i think it's a lie. i'm pretty sure they knew they were swastikas. >> the viral read-it post has been viewed more than 2 million times. >> michael jackson's daughter is furious tonight, adam, over the man selected to play her father in the u u2 series, paris myths. >> said i am so affected by it, which i'm sure so many people would be by it. white actor, joseph fines is going to play michael jackson. jackson's nephew says no words could express the blatant disrespect. the show begins on january 19th. apple is gearing up to take on netflix with original content of its own. >> wondering when they were going to get into this. >> the tech giant reportedly developing its own shows and movies. apple will make it available to subscribers of its $10 a movie streaming. $5 a cup of coffee? >> for reals, if you're spending $5 a cup of coffee, send me an e-mail. and i'll slap nuthe face -- you in the face. more than half of 18 to 23-year- olds have spent more on coffee than retirement. 41% of older millennials are worried that they won't be able to be financially able to retire until after 65. >> you knowledge? -- think? >> good work. dial back on the joe and put more in the bank. there you go. wusa 9's first alert weather. >> live look outside. our michael and son weather cam. crazy. record high 70 at dulles today. and the dew points in the low 50s, which is extremely high. winds are still gusting out of the south/southwest at 29 miles an hour. earlier had wind gust of 37. notice the wind direction of h/ tomorrow. and become northwest as colder air begins to move in. 69 for us. 72 in atlanta. here's the arctic air. 5 below right now in bismarck. and this is going to sink south and east. as we go through friday. it will be over us by the time we get through saturday morning. again, 39 in buffalo. not so bad. but just on the edge of the arctic air. but pretty much a clear line of demarkation. right now, it's not in the metro area. but it will be, late tomorrow night and into saturday. so what does that mean? just a few showers tonight with a front. not a huge deal. bus stop temperatures, really pretty nice. 42 to 52. kids may think they do not need a jacket. but i would recommend taking a jacket tomorrow. and wintry mix develops friday. i think after midnight saturday, i would try to be home. because this mix could get here as early as 2:00, or 3:00 in the morning. snow projection really nothing for the rpm. and 1.5 for the nam. i gotta tell you, even if you don't like snow. snow is better than sleet and freezing rain. i think we'll see all 3 precip types on saturday. starting with snow a few hours. going to sleet for a few hours. then freezing rain. snow mix continues all day saturday. highs are going to be below 32. d.c. north and west. some minor icing. but we do not see an ice storm. the reason why, we don't have that much moisture coming our way, which is a good thing. and an earlier mix possible north and west sunday. as the cold air is going to be tough to scour out. especially north and west of town. look at these temps. crazy. upper 50s to near 60. just a perfect night, walking the dog. then we start seeing the arrows change direction. now, the arrows out of the northwest. winds are northwesterly. colder air begins to move in. by lunchtime, we're in the 40s across the board. about 24 hours from now. mas cold air gets here pretty quickly. then we'll take you into friday night late. just clouds. so your friday night plans are safe. as long as you don't get home too late. by 6:00 in the morning. snow back to leesburg and culpepper. and this should overspread into the early morning hours. by lunchtime, should be snowing as far south as la plata. again, snow is better than ice. 48 with sunshine by 1:00. temps don't move much tomorrow. wintry mix saturday. yellow weather alert. morning mix sunday. yellow weather alert. then chilly monday with showers. we're back in the 50s on tuesday. and back to 60 wednesday and thursday of next week. >> all right. >> well, topper. most of us are used to the idea of having a new president every four or eight years. but it's a different story for some of barack obama's fall smallest fans. >> it's a story some of you saw last night at 11:00. we've gotten such a positive response, we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see it. elton barber prince george's county upon. >> reporter: this school opened. it is the first school to be named after president barack obama. at least half of those who attend this school, obama is the only president they've ever known. >> is he cool? >> yes. he's cool. because the way he talks is like, yeah. i've seen some cooler people out there. >> that speech was amazing. you think? >> yeah. at least i didn't see it. >> almost everyone in this room was born in 2008. they're in third grade. in upper marlboro, maryland. odds are, most of their parents voted for president obama. in 2012, he won this county with 78% of the vote. now, little pieces of his legacy line the halls of the elementary school named for him. >> when i walk into this school, i feel grateful. i feel really grateful. >> even office, the mementos and this school will be named. >> our school will be named barack obama elementary school. the first black president. >> he has showed me, no matter what you're dog, no matter where you come from, you can always do great things. >> this saturday only president they've ever known. >> i was like born while the election was going on. >> and because of him -- >> his personality is like keeping everyone safe. and happy. and for everyone and for everyone to care about each other. >> when i grow up -- >> they have big dreams. >> i want to be actually a dolphin trainer. >> i want to be an engineer. i want to be so many thing . >> i would like to be president, yes. >> i'm ellison barber, wusa 9. >> we have more climes from these wonderful students on our wusa 9 facebook page. we hope when you have a moment, on the way. questions and answers, the nominees who would help make up the president-elect's inner circle undergo new hearings on capitol hill. plus, the air force, they're looking for a few good men. and they don't mind if they're covered in tattoos now. >> time to sign up. >> don't forget, the cbs evening news with scott pelley is on the way. at 6:30. and remindser -- reminder, sunday, president obama appears for the last time on 60 out the new inauguration center. are you all at that timed up -- all tatted up but you want to serve? the u.s. air force is relaxing its rules on tattoos. ink on a body is about to become less know an issue. >> san antonio native, alberto esparza. he's getting a texas star inked on his arm. it's not the only tattoo he has. but he is able to get the star. because the army relaxed tattoo restrictions about a yearly ago. allowing tattoos below the elbow to the wrist. >> i was excited. because now i can finish both of my sleeves and i can get my legs done now. >> now, the air force is following suit, citing low recruitment. >> recruiters with the air force say about half of the people that walk through the doors of recruitment centers like thi about one in five of those recruitses are disqualify -- recruits are disqualified from applying because of the tattoos they have. >> the new rules allow tattoos on the chest, back, arm ands and legs. while tattoos below the wrist are still not allowed, there is an exception for a ring tattoo on one arm. tattoos on the head, neck, face, tongue, lip and scalp are still not aloud -- allowed. new rules go into effect february 1st. >> any time they seem to relax the policies a little more, we get a huge influxes of people getting tattoos while the policies are that way. >> the 11 years james delgado has owned twisted tattoo, he's seen the military do this before. >> it's good for. and good for them. they're fighting for our country. i think they should be able to express themselves however they like. >> delgado believes this will help with recruitment but a lot n' tattoos in the military. but that comes second to serving your country. >> the new rules replace an old policy that excluded those who had tattoos on more than 20% of their body. we'll tell you where trump's picks agree and disagree with the president- elect. >> and the stand-ins will introduce you to the people who have been selected to get the inauguration ceremony just right. >> plus, the white house bromance. in an emotional ceremony today. president barack obama gives vice president joe biden, the nation's highest civilian award. >> good evening. i'm debra alfarone. >> i'm bruce johnson. thanks for joining us tonight. confirmation for three tops our news this evening. senate confirms defense, housing and urban development crd the cia today. aig boswell has more on the questions and the answers. >> pretty clear about what took place here. >> reporter: pompeo, president-elect donald trump's pick called meddling from russia is important. >> my obligation to to tell every lawmaker the facts. >> he told the intelligence committee, he would give mr. trump, his unbiased assessment of politics. pompeo also weighed in on the use of torture. >> if you were ordered by the president, to restart the cia's use of enhanced interrogation techniques that fall outside of the army field manual, would you comply? >> senator, absolutely not. >> at his confirmation hearing, to be defense secretary, retired james madaus also talked about this. saying his key aliances are under attack. >> we recognize the reality of what we deal with, with mr. putin. and we recognize that he is trying to break the north

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