Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20161026 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20161026

still unfolding as we speak. >> it's really sinking in today. this is the equivalent of a disaster without the flood or earthquake. this entire condo building behind me here. power out. people with u-haul trucks. volunteers trying to show up behind me here. a salvation army truck. even volunteers, cooking barbecue. but the impact on people has just been crushed. >> the elevators don't work. so seven floors up to jessica rollins apartment, where the situation is dire. >> i had to take everything out. that stuff is spoiled. trying to get everything out. had to move bunk beds. dressers, everything. they expect us to move this stuff. i've been here for two years. paying my rent on time. and now we're homeless. >> reporter: rawlings is a single mom with five kids who lifted her family up out of failing condominiums, two years ago, not knowing units were being rented and the condo association responsible for paying utilities was broke. and behind, more than $1 million. utilities were cut tuesday, after more than three years of litigation. the buildings are now condemned by prince george's county authorities. and lots. kids have been ordered out. county authorities are trying to help find new places. help people move. but rawlings is among those with no place to go. >> how are you going to move this couch down seven flights of stairs in the dark? >> i don't know. just might have to be left behind. >> coming from a homeless shelter, and being on my feet, and being as stable as i've been, to turn back around and start all over again is horrifying. and my kids are scared. and i'm scared. and i just got a new job. and good news. i'm going to try to stay strong. but it's like, there's got to be something the county can do or the president of the tenant association or something. i just don't believe that we're on our own when it's not our fault. >> i want to remind you, rawlings has five kids. that family is being split up as we speak, to different grandparents. a huge impact. that is one family out of the 77 here right now. we will see some late word afternoon, completely unconfirmed. there may be some moves in court, going on this afternoon. we are not sure what direction those are taking. right now, county authorities here are proceeding as if this place is going to be locked up and off limits to its residents, beginning sometime tomorrow. police are bringing in lights tonight. and we'll have police officers on duty because these buildings are dark without utilities to prevent any sort of unrest or any possibility of looting. it's a bad situation out here. condominiums, scott broom, wusa 9. >> you got that right. litigation between the bankrupt condo association and the utilities has been going on since 2014. but tenants say they didn't hear about anything until monday. and the deadline to move out is tomorrow. d.c. police need your help to find a missing 11-month-old girl. she was last seen yesterday afternoon in the intention -- intersection of cinld kingdom -- kind street -- kingdom street. she was wearing an orange jacket and tan pants. call police if you can help them find her. in baltimore, an amber alert has been canceled after a missing 11-month-old was found safe on the side of the road. leo was in the back seat of his mother's suv, when a teenager jumped in and stole the car. police say the boy's mother was carrying groceries from the suv into her home and she left the somebody found him in northeast baltimore, still in that car seat and called police. the car and the suspect have not been found. donald trump in washington, d.c. today. for the ribbon cutting at the new trump international hotel. today's event was largely ceremonial. the hotel on pennsylvania avenue has been open for more than a month. the trump organization won a 60- year lease from the federal government to transform the old post office building into a hotel. >> one of the biggest real estate companies in the world. but it seems very insignificant, compared to what we're doing now. >> reporter: our media partner, the washington post, said today, the republican nominee described the d.c. hotel a way to work with the hotel to get things done. but today, protestors slammed government officials for working with trump, who they called a bigot and a racist. wusa 9 stephanie ramirez is live. where stephanie, controversy >> reporter: adam, mayor bowser said the renovation is supposed to be in the best interest of the city. she was supposedly in support of the project but today absent for the ribbon cutting. she also said today donald trump needs to rebrand his business. >> reporter: many will argue this is why protests take place outside of trump's international hotel, while inside the ribbon cutt place. it was said this could -- would be a short break from the cam campaign trail. but protestors outside didn't want them to happen. >> they're endorsing this pig. he has a nose for business. i got my nose for business right here. >> people are unhappy with what he's been saying. >> this retired union member blasted trump for refusing to talk with them. >> he doesn't have a clue what working people do. >> reporter: the protest was a union members. >> if you're going to complain or make statements about what you want the government to do, you need to be out there, making sure that your voice is heard. >> this came from a trump supporter who didn't want all of the attention to go against her pick. >> the election is being rigged. >> i've heard the things that he said. and i didn't hear them the way that other people heard them. and i think it's open to interpretation. >> i think it's right to look into a ribbon cutting. i don't believe this has anythi >> others openly accuse trump of using the campaign to promote the d.c. opening. we did get tatalk to -- to talk to the mayor. >> i decided it was a political event, more than anything. ask i'm not going to be involved in a political event. >> reporter: and trumped protestors commented on the 80 to pro -- the area to protest. protestors say they're going to continue to make their voices heard here. outside of the trump international hotel, stephanie ramirez, wusa 9. >> stephanie, thank you. with the $212 million trump international hotel sits down the street. from where donald trump calls home. we asked our facebook followers what they thought about mayor bowser, not attending the ribbon cutting. diana keeler says she's the mayor and the hotel is the major employer for the district. she should put her thing. anne washington said, i wouldn't have went either. i won't be staying at or buying anything he's a part of nor would i allow anybody in my family to apply for any job opening they had. we'd rather be and stay broke. the election now, just 13 days away. >> and today, both trump and clinton accused the other of tearing the nation apart. ask they both claim they can fix it. that is confident and optimistic. i really believe america's best days are still ahead of us. >> we have to choose the most optimistic pay. we have to choose to believe not our politicians, that in many cases, truly, don't know what they're doing. but to believe in ourselves and in our country. >> the american public does not think too highly of either candidate. the shows 53% of people surveyed have an unfavorable view of hillary clinton. donald trump is currently at 60% unfavorable rating. breaking news now. wusa 9news has learned that the parents of a local teen, killed at a speed and alcohol-fueled car crash have filed a lawsuit against the father of another teen, who hosted an underaged drinking party, the night of that tragedy. wusa 9's ellison barber is in >> the lawsuit claims that the death of alex america was tragic and completely avoidable, if the adult at the house party hadn't allowed the teens to drink. over a year ago, 18-year-old alex murk and calvin lee were killed instantly in a single car crash in north potomac. the driver, another teen, was drunk. in the hours leading up to june 2015. the teens crashed an underaged drinking party at the home of kenny salzman. salzman pled guilty for allowing minors to drink in his home. and pay a $5,000 fine. his parents only agreed to let him go out that night because they were told a parent, ken salzman, would be at the house. but at one point, the lawsuit said salzman answered the door. and saw a 17-year-old carrying two cases of beer, and jokingly asked if one was for him. sam ellis was the driver of the car. he was sentenced earlier this year to four years in prison parole next spring. because of restrictions in maryland, this lawsuit doesn't say exactly how much the family is suing for. simply says the amount exceeds $75,000. in the newsroom, i'm ellison barber. wusa 9. >> there were four teens in the car that night. all of them attended wooten high school. ellis, the driver, and another passenger, suffered nonfatal injuries. the defense department is taking action. amid mounting outrage, over california national guardsmen who were asked to repay the pentagon says overzealous recruiters were trying to reach enlistment goals by granting improper payments. some said asking the enlisted members to give back their bonuses was simply unacceptable. we are just getting started. not as cold tonight. clouds rolling in. still chilly if you're going to go out. 42 in gaithersburg. 44 in manassas. we'll come back and talk about our yellow weather alert. and timing when showers roll in. new developments in the case of a young student, suspended for pointing a pop tart shaped gun. a man with a sledgehammer, pairs up donald trump's star on the walk of fame. metro turns a deaf ear to some riders as we get ready for new problem for red line riders. a stretch will be closed down. cross ties, two track switches and an entire track crossover. this is the second part of metro's biggest safety haul. and riders are already warning. >> metro is turning a deaf ear, say deaf riders. thousands are about to be cut off. >> it's a big concern, absolutely. >> alexander rosen bid spoke through an will shut down for 25 days. >> you have to understand that students and people work at gallaudet university. and a lot of information is not given to the students because the access is not there. >> reporter: riders are still getting the warnings. signs are up all along the redline. metro says this will impact 200,000 peak riders every day. choice but to deal with it. >> we have been well informed. we can manage. >> reporter: the hard of hearing wish they felt the same way. metro says it has created a sign video about buses bypassing the shutdown. >> for myself, i need to see them do more. >> mayor bowser is especially worried about all students. she said they rely on the red line to give the public and private schools. tonight, she's urging them to make alternative plans now. peat muntean. wusa 9. and d.c. officials add a warning about driving. they say it should be your plan c. and they say you should choose to telecommute first. three years ago, the pastry gun case out of maryland. well, that made national headlines. and now the case is back in the news. the family of then 7-year-old josh welsh has come to a financial settlement with the anne arundel county school josh ever jock happens size -- josh was suspended in 20 13 after he nibbled a pop start into the shape of a gun and pointed it at a car. some say they went too far. exhibitors say the child had distributed a lot of behavior. listen. we sort of tease you sometimes when you don't guarantee right. but now, there's some incentive for folks if he's off. >> we're pretty good. like 93, 94%. but not always 100% right. now it's going to be a good thing. every time we're wrong, we're going to donate to one of these charities. go to wusa 9. and pick which charity you want. pick which one you want. and that will be who we donate to in the month of november, every time we are incorrect. guarantee. we are on a pretty long streak here. we'll try to keep this going. we went 59 for a high. a little below average. average high is about 64, 65. a little cooler today. but less wind. it's pretty nice. clouds have rolled in now. they'll roll back in after midnight. and roll back in tomorrow before noon. 57. dew point still in the mid-30s. still a pretty dry air mass. winds south/southeast at 5. winds scraping the frost off this morning. chilly, no 55. it will be cool. will be dry in the morning. picking the kids up in the afternoon. especially if they have after- school activities. could be a different story for showers rolling in. in fact, yellow weather alert for showers. and mild on friday. so the cold front doesn't really cool us off any. and still warmer over the weekend. lower temps, a little on sunday. but still pretty good. so 10:00 tonight. the clouds that are over us now begin to move actually back out. we'll just say spartly cloudy tonight. so walk -- burbs. walk the dog. maybe a little light jacket. and 49 downtown. 46 in sterling and leesburg. and 47 in bowie. and by 9:00, back in the upper 40s to low 50s. clouds begin to roll back in. by 1:00, showers and rain. hageerstown, martinsburg, winchester. you folks out towards cumberland will see showers before the lunch hour. in the immediate hemetro area, it will 1:00 2:00. and that rolls in. more showers to the west. hagerstown, martinsburg, winchester, still mild. that's about 24 hours from now. second wave of showers roll through by 8:00. then we begin to clear out by midnight tomorrow. so partly cloudy. just chilly tonight. low temperatures in the 40s. winds southeast at 10. and then by morning, clouds roll back in. cool, 42 to 58. and then by afternoon, winds pick up a little bit. the winds, and the showers, still pretty mild. 60 to 65. and winds south/southwest at about 10 to 15. on the day planner. downtown temps, near the south side of 50 to start. clouds roll back in by 9:00. 53. 57, 11:00. still dry downtown by 11:00. mostly cloudy at 63. by 1:00, showers are on our doorstep by 1:00 p.m. breezy and pleasant on friday. 65. and warmer with afternoon 74. now, next couple of days. sunday, we lowered back to 69. like 70, 71. a good day. clouds come in late as well. kind of two fronts roll through. but don't plan around the shower saturday night. halloween still looks dry. lower temps a little bit. mid-60s. and look at that. tuesday and wednesday. sunshine back in the low 70s. an upstart competitor looks to take on allergy shots. save your epipen. shortage in the works. i'll tell you about it in tonight's consumer alert. but first, a warning about selfies in the voting booth, ?? stand by me ?? dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. a man armed with a sledgehammer and pick ax defaced the hollywood walk of fame star donald trump this morning. the guy is dressed up like a construction worker and just rolls up in there and starts hacking trump's name out of the sidewalk. now, he is supposedly unhappy with the way trump is accused of sexually mistreating women. so before you snap a selfie while you're out there exercising your right to vote. take a moment to think before you post it. the issue of ballot box selfies days. that's because the rules, well, they vary on this from state to state. take justin timberlake. for example. he posted a picture on instagram, after voting in memphis. the problem is, taking photos in polling places in tennessee tense is forbidep. >> the idea actually goes back to the concept of the secret ballots. people are not going to bribe you. the danger is they'll find ballot selfies are perfectly legal. but maryland voters should be wary. the issue is legally unclear. meaning there is no rules specifically outlining whether it's allowed or not. in tonight's consumer alert. plans to give epipen much- needed composition. so caleo says patients will pay a lower cost. and this is generating a whole lot of social buzz. in. it was recalled last year, due to problems with a dosage delivery. epipen's mimile -- mylan continues to face a backlash for increasing prices by 600%. increasing threat from a disease known as greening. it appeared in the u.s. in 2005. state's orange groves. farmers say next year's orange harvest could be one of the lowest on record. now there is chocolate butter to slather on your morning toast or popcorn. that's right. a farmer in new zealand created this spread using dark chocolate from africa. >> you want to hug that guy and punch him at the same time. >> a social media post says it could be a breakfast game chge the chocolate butter is not available outside of new zealand just yet. >> i promise you. theid -- the kids will never find out that exists. straight ahead. what a conservative commentator says that has people fired up on social media tonight. why fights are no bounds at arlington national cemetery. the murder mystery of d.c. intern chandra levy. d.c. murder that gripped the nation. and now, former congressman gary condit is breaking his silence about the chandra levy case. >> the intern was reportedly having an affair with the former congressman and he was interest. >> chandra levy's remains were found here in 2002. that was a year after the 24- year-old went missing and disappeared. now, gary condit says it took investigators that long because they wasted time chasing him. >> they were trying to accept not everything they could. >> in an exclusive, gary condit talked about his book, a actual malice, a crime he blasts d.c. police and investigators who he says failed to find her real killer, focusing instead on him and his alleged affair with the 24-year- old. investigators say condit admitted to having a relationship to chandra levy. though he publicly denies that. though she did visit his condo at least twice. >> people have made speculation about that being something special. >> were the police making something out of that or trying >> in 2010, ingmar guandique was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 60 years behind bars. but the conviction had to be thrown out. because the cell mate who said he confessed, later a mitted -- admittedly lied. so does -- book hurt the ongoing investigation? >> doesn't hurt. it's a free country. first amendment. we just deal with it. >> and we can tell you that ingmar guandiquey is currently in the custody of immigration. he faces deportation to el salvador. >> delia, thanks. you can watch gary condit's tomorrow, here on wusa 9. an alexandria pastor and his wife, charged with defrauding church members are out on bond this evening. pastor terry millander and his wife brenda posted bail. they're accused of recruiting members of victorious life church. instead, they're accused of using that money for personal use. they'll be back in court friday for an arraignment. >> so biking and pets are national cemetery. >> and they say while it might not be intentional, those bikes and animals are disturbing grieving families. there are 30 funerals a day at the cemetery. and it is also not clear that there is a bike path. bikers we spoke to say they understand. >> their rules were made for -- with reason i assume. so we respect that. to this rule. if you are biking for the gravesite of a family member, you can apply for an official pass, each time you visit. we are still waiting to learn the identity of a person who was hit and killed by a u- haul truck. this happened at fourth street in northwest d.c. we are told the driver of the u-haul stayed on the scene. >> police are hoping you can identify this person of interest in an attempted armed robbery. surveillance video from last thursdayws wells fargo bank on pennsylvania avenue southeast. he passes a note, demanding money. then pulls a semi automatic gun before running away. no money was taken. we're told the man was in his 20s. about 6 feet tall, and wearing a dallas cowboys cap. commotion on the water moves to the court. the two men seen in this video, going at it, faced a judge for the first time today. that incident happened while they were out on maryland's choptay river in july. the men removed an antenna attached to the rental boat. anditet hit another man with it. that caused $3,000 in damages. they are both charged with assault. >> the district of columbia is now 66 acres larger. this afternoon, mayor muriel bowser transferred it from the hands of the u.s. army to the district. the land in northwest has sat untouched since the center moved to bethesda in 2011. a major development project will now take over th millions more vehicles over those dangerous takata air bags. the company says 5.8 million vehicles are affected by this latest recall. the vehicles have air bags that can rupture and just spew shrapnel everywhere. this brings the total number of toyota's recall over this issue to 23.1 million. up to 16 deaths have been linked to the exploding air bags. luxury truck are turning a lot of heads on facebook tonight. the company showed off what it is calling the x class. at an event yesterday in sweden. it's a 5-seat ride. going to hit show rooms next year. unfortunately, though, you can't get this in the united states. at least not right away. trending now. it wasn't just lady gaga, singing carpool karaoke that is lighti and a horror class, inside one of the most frightening hotels ever. plus, a fast food restaurant. all decked out for halloween. and we have a pollen reading. low for frees. -- frees. still -- trees. still, mold spores kind of moderate. you can access it on our website. we'll come back. give you a timetable. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. here's justin, one of our techs. wow. you're right on time. he showed up on time, as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. we'll set you up, and connect your devices to the new wi-fi. and there's no cost to cancel early if you change your mind within 30 days. this is your last chance to switch to super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, guaranteed with a 2 year agreement. hurry, this offer ends soon. 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. only from fios. all right. let's start this trending off with some carpool karaoke. ? [ music ] ? >> lady gaga. some gaga-esque outfits. >> kind of the point is to be unfashionable. >> see? i thought you looked great in this. now, which outfit is your favorite? good thing with this one, because you've always got a snack. oh, i'm hungry. >> he is not right. he is just not right. so far, more than 3 million people have viewed this carpool karaoke thing with lady gaga is hilarruous. >> you're not going to deal with that. >> no. and speaking of costumes, a burger king restaurant in new york is getting an early start on halloween. >> get this. dressed up like a mcdonald's ghost. trolling mcdonald's. you see the bk logo there, through the eyes of the sheep, reminding customers that they still grill their burgers. >> they get points for creativity. >> it's a lot of work. a perfect backdrop for aspiring former writers. university of colorado is offering a class on former writings. at the same hotel that inspired stephen king's novel, the shining. >> the professor teaching the court has high expectations for their writings. stanley hotel. looking like a ghost. >> i lots of nights, where the students don't want to turn their lights out. and hopefully, lots of nights, where the people they write to they don't realize. >> creepy, pal. >> his office looks like a horror scene. >> it does. it does. the class begins in january and costs about $3200. the ghosts are free. >> yeah. this might be the best video of the day. a bear. when you got an inch, you just gotta take care of it. state. no, there was no human there, videotaping this. the trail cameras there picked up the action. the black bear. probably getting ready for its long winter nap. gotta get those itches out, after you get rid of your five- month-long hibernation. >> he's like. wait. i gotta get that spot. right there. right there. right there. there it is. okay. i'm done. >> nice. >> i'm done. >> so, moving on. london is calling. the sh playing across the pond this sunday. on the way in sports will, we'll hear from the guys as they prepare for their transatlantic trips. >> plus, mmm, take a deep breath. a stroll in an unlikely neighborhood that begins with ?? don't let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. nexium 24hr... shuts down your stomach's active acid pumps... to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? banish the burn with nexium 24hr. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, preparation h. get comfortable with it. we have a presidential election, now less than two weeks away. the trash talk, well, it's getting ugly. >> last week, biden said, and we're quoting here. i wish we were in high school. and i could take it behind the tape about taking liberties with women. >> then yesterday, trump responded and we're quoting again, biden wants to take me to the back of the barn. me? i'd love that, mr. tough guy. next up, fox news hosts megyn kelly, versus house speaker, newt gingrich. >> trump is an actual predator. >> he's not a sexual predator. >> that's your opinion. >> you cannot defend that statement. i am sick and tired of people like you, using is inflammatory that's not true. >> excuse me mr. speaker. >> you have no idea whether it's true or not. >> you are fascinated with sex and you don't care about public policy. >> kelly goes on to say she is fascinated by the protection of women and what we're getting in the oval office. >> hen there's this -- then there's this. from conservative commentator, sean hannity. >> well, i have an offer for the president. i will charter a plane. country of your choice. want to go to canada, i'll pay for you to go to canada? kenya? jakarta, where you went to school back then? i'll pay it. i have one stipulation. you can't come back. >> reporter: so hannity's rants stemmed from a spoof article, alleging that the first family would move to canada, if trump wins. let's take a break from the blood-boiling political rhetoric. and talk about me >> a school in west baltimore begins every day with a 15- minute blend of yoga and meditation. >> it would be great if we could all start our day like that. this mindful moment is the dream of two brothers from the neighborhood. >> it's the morning rush at robert coleman elementary school. >> last name. >> but after the buses arrive, and the kids pour in. the usual classroom chatter comes to a complete stop. >> filling your belly like a balloon. students take part in a program called mindful moments. they learn to breathe. >> exhale. bring your arms back down, nice and slowly. >> stretch and block out distractions. >> you see the difference? >> huge difference. >> carline thompson is the principal. >> they taught the students how to redirect their negative energy into something positive. >> so you're seen suspensions go down? >> we've >> when students fight or misbehave at coleman, they aren't sent to the principal's office. instead, they're brought here. where they're taught to resolve conflicts peacefully. >> inhale and breathe. >> and teach others what they've learned. >> all right. how do i do it? >> here. how does it make you feel? >> i was breathing. the other things they had that i passed that on. and worry about -- what is more important. >> reporter: the program is the vision of ali and otman smith, who grew up nearby. >> there's drug abuse in the neighborhood. just all of these things just get dumped on these kids. and they need a way to deal with it. >> reporter: many. children witnessed the riots that erupted in 2015. th say, is now a matter of personal. >> we're teaching at a young age to make a change in our community. as far as how conflicts are involved. because if they worry about the future. it causes anxiety. and these techniques, how to make you focus on the present. which is all there ever really is. >> the brotherses have an even larger vision for the future. they said they want to reach over 4,000 kids in a total of >> check this out. skiing in october. killington ski resort in vermont. open to the public today. topper, no, you are not going to be able to go there. sorry. granted. only three runs were open. and most of that snow, you see is man made. but for the ski and snowboarders. it means the season. >> we're going to get a little snow tomorrow. it will probably go to freezing rain and rain. but a little more winter precip on the way for upstate new york. and even as northwest new jersey. we were as cold as we have been so far this season. 30 at dulles. growing season is over now, north and west. and 41 downtown for a low. live look outside. care of our michael and son weather cam. still 57. dew point still mid-30s. still dry air mass. winds not a factor here this evening. unlike yesterday. winds south/southeast at about 5. just chilly tonight. no frost. you cannot leave the plants outside. buzz stop temps, 42 to 55. earlier, if kids have anythingar school, say 4:00, 5:00, you'll have rain showers. in fact, the yellow weather alert for afternoon and also tomorrow night. mild on friday. so the cold front cools off. and warmer over the weekend. we're talking 70s on saturday. pretty nice day. all right. 10:00 tonight. clouds overhead now, kind of begin to lift back out again. temperatures, 51 downtown. 47 in bowie. and 49 in silver springs. so a little chilly when you by morning, we're back in the 40s. notice, no 30s anymore. 49 downtown. 46 in leesburg. and sterling. 45 in winchester. in fact, temps pretty uniform, quite frankly. midmorning, low 50s. maybe mid-40s if you go up the i-270. and this is one of those weird days where you need sunglasses to get to work. if you're coming down i-70, or especially i-66 eastbound. there will be just enough sun to be annoying. bring your umbrella, too, for why? by 1:00. rain and showers. temperatures in the upper 50s. that rolls through just in time for rush hour. so the roads are going to be wet as you head home. and another batch of showers. just short of a future cast, just updated. they're thinking maybe a different -- another, second batch by 8:30, with the front itself. by that time, temperatures still in the low 60s. but mild. even a heavier downpour possible. again, yellow weather alert tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. day planner, 40s to start. dry to start. sun to start. and clouds roll in. 63, 1:00. showers just west of town. but not inside the beltway yet. behind the front. 65 on friday. breezy and pleasant. check this out. 74 on saturday. a few clouds come in late. but still a very nice day. sunday, a few clouds come in late, near 70. halloween, dry, still mild, mid- 60s. then warmer again. low 70s, tuesday and wednesday the burgundy and gold have their sight set on a bounce- back victory after sunday's loss to detroit. but this week is going to be tough, considering, not only are they playing the cincinnati bengals, but have to take a long trip across the ocean. redskins had a good practice out at redskins park today. they'll do it again tomorrow. after a red lie eye flight to london. will have no problem adjusting. some guys have been going to bed earlier this week to get used to the time change. others plan to put that transatlantic flight to good news. -- use. >> go to sleep. on the plane. >> it's still going. the goal was just to try to take steps each day. i went to bed early last night. got up early this morning. and we'll do that again today and tomorrow. >> walking inside. the stadium. i can only imagine what the morning feels like. >> now, the bengals are no pushover team. they may be 3-4. but those losses came against play-off teams. jay grudden has an added interest since he used to be on that defense. frank hanrahan takes a closer look at this week's game. >> reporter: the redskins have a chance now to start a new win streak. against the very beatable bengals team, who are team over in london. and is this is the ultimate road game across the bond. it will be interesting to see if the skins can bounce back like the skins in the play- offs. and like the redskins, fighting again for them this season. this is a pivotal game for both teams. inside the redskins, i'm frank hanrahan. in times of adjustment, still a loss. but at least the redskins have a bye week afterwards. >> you have have two think once they get on the field, you put that aside. and do your job. >> first regular season game outside of north america. it will be fun. coming up when bruce joins me at 6:00. the northern virginia town that is having an election while there is no one on the ballot. >> how does that work? also up next, meet a 13-year- old girl, who designed an app benefit schools. and don't forget the cbs general! there's been a breach. we need your password so we can lock down the system. my password? yes, sir, we need your password. the password that i use? yes, sir, your password. there's been another breach! sir! right. okay. i-h-a... ...t-e-m-y-j-o-b-1. ihatemyjob1? wanna get away? now you can with southwest fares that's transfarency. forget lemonade stands and bake sales. the 13-year-old you're about to meet had a bigger business plan. a new pitch that she believes could raise $100 million for local schools. >> in a room filled with adults. tuesday evening. at mccall hall. >> it is undergoing development. >> 13-year-old bell pan stands out. and so did the six figure that illustrates the big idea this little girl has come up with. sort of like craigslist or ebay. where you buy and sell goods, but the goods are donated. so when you buy them, the money goes to a school. >> reporter: she calls it ironic. >> i go to lakeside. lakeside does a rummage every year. it's very old story tradition. >> on the rummage sale, the school has long relied on. >> they say it's to raise money. >> they designed a user- friendly app. with the help ceos who do most of the lifting. >> basically they don't have to do anything. they just take the check. and then they're happy. >> reporter: and this event, hosted by social venture partner, seattle. and their chance to pitch the proposal to potential investors. often competing against other entrepreneurs for prize money. >> it can be huge. a lot of the organizations we get that. >> i'm 13 years old. >> reporter: the little girl with a big idea. and a pitch we think she's perfectedful. >> everyone. there's something you can do to help education. and all i have is your -- ask of you is your old couch. >> bell took home one of the first placed prizes and the $2,000 in grand money that -- grant money that came with it. right now at 6:00, na jabs over the opening of trump's new luxury hotel here in washington. a northern virginia mayor, who served for 10 years is running fory election now. so why isn't his name on the ballot? and mounting outrage, over u.s. soldiers being asked to repay their bonusses. good evening. i'm lesli foster. >> and i'm bruce johnson. thank you for joining us tonight. there are just 13 days until election day. and one thing most americans dislike for both leading presidential candidates. a real clear politics average poll shows 53% of those surveyed have an unfavorable view of hillary clinton. 60% have an unfavorable view of donald trump. some of those protested outside the trump ribbon cutting at the old post office pavilion on pennsylvania avenue, between the whowz and the -- white house and the u.s. capitol today. >> donald trump at his new luxury hotel in washington, d.c. >> under budget. and ahead of schedule. that's what we did. >> but hillary clinton said she knows why trump was able to finish the hotel under budget. >> he relied on undocumented workers to make his project cheaper. >> the accusation is just the latest in what has become an extremely divisive campaign. both trump and clinton accuse the other of tearing the nation apart. and both claim they can fix it.

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