Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20160404 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20160404

veteran rail workers rolled their backhoe on to an active rail line on sunday. cnn is quoting a source that called it a colossal mistake because the workers their lives and injured scores of people on an amtrak train south of philadelphia. bruce leshan is live at union station recovering after a crash that jammed thousands. >>reporter: most of the tr ains are running on time. the ntsb is trying to figure out exactly how this could happen and how to keep it from happening again. trains are moving through a stretch of track in chester, pennsylvania. speeds can hit more than 100 miles per hour. amtrak's palmetto train gathered speed on sunday when a rail-crashed into cc1: based backhoe mistakenly on an active track. it killed one worker and a supervisor on the construction equipment and sent 3035 people on the train to the hospital. >> i'm lucky to be alive. >> i called my church members and asked them to pray. 's >>reporter: the impact blew out windows on the train and passenger said they saw flames and smelled smoke. >> what do you do? do thank god you are okay and hope everyone else is, as well. >>reporter: not everyone was. the ntsb is trying to figure out if something went wrong with amtrak's twelve-step of construction workers on rail lines. it is unclear whether the two workers were conducting routine sunday maintenance, or if they worked urgently to clear debris from the weekends high winds. >> someone went on the track and when they did that, they have to let everyone know. they need to get out of the way when a train comes at 120 miles an hour. >>reporter: amtrak has implemented positive train control along the northeast corridor, and advanced system designed to automatically slow or stop trains in certain dangerous situations. it is still unclear to me why it failed to prevent this crash. live in union station, bruce leshan, wusa9. >> good question. >>reporter: congressman brady said there must've been some kind of communication failure. a pedestrian struck and killed by a police cruiser saturday tonight is identified. jeffrey ponce aguilar of alexandria worked at lucky sports theatre and grill for six years and friends are mourning his loss on social media. they describe him as an up to mr., funny and helpful young man. the accident happened in kingstown. the officer has not been identified. the virginia state trooper killed at a richmond bus station will be laid to rest tomorrow. a visitation for trooper chad dermyer takes place today at the liberty baptist church in hampton, virginia. the funeral will be tomorrow and he will be buried in virginia. he is survived by his wife and two young children. a man faces multiple sex charges after police said he used craigslist and the app kick to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl. >> what the mended and how he there could be more victims. stephanie ramirez has that story. >>reporter: i found his pseudo name still on the kick app. we talked about it already involved in two recent and very big child abuse and murder cases. kick is how police say the 31- year-old contacted the 14-year- old girl. it started last summer. police said the teen responded to a craigslist ad soliciting young models and they said 31- year-old roy evans jr., at least three times, drove one hour or more from baltimore county to montgomery county to have sex with the minor. explicit text messages and videos and photos were shared on kick. >> it goes against his personality. >>reporter: ellen brooks said he saw the neighbor friendly and happy, married man who work with the international guard. >> i believe he has a day in court and anything is possible. >> completely inappropriate. >>reporter: the sergeant said he searched with craigslist and you will find ad listing his kick handle, raw danger 86 and others for an apple is. >> he is willing to travel up to pennsylvania since he lives north of baltimore, he will travel to washington, dc. >> if it is true, it is -- >> totally sickening. that is social media for you. >>reporter: police say the craigslist ads go back to 2014 and are seen all over the area. there are concerns there could be more victims and they're looking for anyone who can corroborate the illegal activity. stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> the victim's mother had the program teen safe on her daughter's phone but it could not prevent activity. it did allow police to track her social engagements with the suspect. three people are treated for stab wounds at a port washington lounge. police were called to a teen and found two adults and a security guard with stab wounds . police say the injuries are not life-threatening and that a suspect is under arrest. is identified as 33-year-old, philip harrington a southeast dc and investigators say the stabbings happened during the fight and the security guard was hurt trying to break it up. breaking news. the irs building has been evacuated. dc fire tells wusa9 it was a transformer fire in the basement at 11th and constitution. the fire is out. the traffic in that area is affected. your tax return will not be impacted by this because returns are not processed at that location and we haven't heard of any injuries. investigators are searching for the cause of a fire in northwest washington. crews were called to the 1800 block of 14th street before 11:00 this morning and found flames on the roof restaurant. a person said the fire was put out quickly and no one was injured. 14th street has reopened to traffic this evening. investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire in capitol heights, maryland. the crews rushed to find heavy smart date -- heavy smoke. the fire was brought under control. we are just getting started on wusa9 was at five. the florida mayer said he intends to go through with his plan. reaction to a new bill in dc that would get rid of sales tax on diapers and feminine hygiene products. the stakes are getting higher with each presidential primary. a look at to tomorrow' fios is not cable. t 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. voters in both parties go to the polls in wisconsin. the results could have a big impact on whether there is a contested republican presidential nomination of the summer convention. the latest cbs news poll shows ted cruz leading donald trump in wisconsin. trump insists he will do well tomorrow but would be better of john kasich would drop out. >> the problem is he is in the way of me. not ted cruz. >> it matters who wins wisconsin and how they win. >> the news poll shows bernie sanders has a slim lead over hillary clinton and wisconsin. sanders looks for his fourth win in a row, regardless of the outcome in wisconsin. clinton maintains a big lead in total delegates. for up-to-the-minute results in the primary and election related -- election alerts, download the free wusa9 app. mcauliffe vetoed a bill that would force schools to notify parents of their children will be assigned books with sexually explicit content. >> democrats say it inappropriate to interfere with the local school board policy. the measure requires schools to provide an alternative to the sexually explicit folk if a parent had objections. virginia would have been the first state in the country with such a law. a central florida mayer said he wants to understand what cuban migrants experience. following a visit to cuba in a few weeks he plans to return home in a makeshift raft. plenty of people, including the coast guard urge him to reconsider. as kiersten o'connor reports, mayor clinton johnson wants to do it. >>reporter: the first time started with one hiccup but he said nothing will stop him from planning his trip to cuba. >> i'm doing this trip. when i put my mind to something, i don't give up until i've achieved it. >> to the first test run. >> better than expected. i feel optimistic and confident that i can get this done. >>reporter: clint johnson has been planning this since he wrote from tallahassee to key west on a bicycle. as for the attention he received a. >> i don't want to diminish the intensity and importance of the trip for the people who have done it before may. >>reporter: he said even after strong warnings from the coast guard to reconsider his trip from to be, he is staying on course. >> there is no law that prevents an american from coming home on a boat. it is a smaller sailboat, for lack of a better definition. >>reporter: after today, the vessel may need alterations before the 90-mile journey from cuba to key west. after 10 minutes, one of the metal bolts broke he had to go back to fix it. >> i'm extremely confident. >>reporter: the coast later this month and then the final test run will be across lake okeechobee. the 30-year-old mayor hopes to complete the trip from havana to key west in about two days. a great day early today. >> it is about to change. >> it has gone downhill. >> it was warm. the next 5-7 days, it will be more like march. april can be a little bit cruel. the 3-degree guarantee, we are concerned because it was so warm today. we've gone for a higher than the upper 60s, seems reasonable. 67. how did we do? we will talk about that at 11:00 and you can download the app and track is that way. a live look outside, 60 right now with winds out of the north at 17 and showers and light rain just about everywhere. doppler shows over the last hour, hagerstown is done with the bulk of precipitation. frederick, it is just about out of your area. across i-95, more rain and showers and north of baltimore, a little red and orange, a thunderstorm popping up. around the beltway, it is all green, shades of light to moderate activity. rain in rockville and i 66, you will have rain showers down 95 and up 95 and 50, everybody has rain. rest and has rain. potomac, light to moderate and further out, leesburg and north of 50, yellow and moderate activity, nothing crazy heavy. everything will push out pretty quickly. we are looking at southern maryland where you may have rain and showers lingering until 9:00 or 10:00. the rest of us, 7:00 or so. freeze likely tomorrow night, not likely tonight. but, rain is likely r good thing. it looks like rain across the board. 60 at 4:00. 56 at 6:00 and 51 at 8:00. that is how it looks now. it could change. be advised that it doesn't look like a good home opener, weatherwise. by 8:00, the showers are lingering. the skies are beginning to clear with temps in the 50s and by 10:00, 49 downtown and 49 or 50 in silver spring. it will be cold but we won't see freeze tonight. tomorrow you will have a freeze. don't plan things to mother's day. 33 in gaithersburg, 33 as far south as la plata and by 6:00 on tuesday, temperatures don't go anywhere. mid-30s and wind chills will be in the 20s. 1:00, we are still low to mid- 40s and temps are a wee bit low. 33 downtown, 43 in la plata and sterling. by 6:00, back and upper 40s pretty strong northwest winds all day. nothing like saturday night. the windchill will be added all day. the day planner, 30s across the board. 43 with full son at 1:00 p.m. next seven days -- there are the showers, may be wednesday night and rain and showers on thursday. 62 in cooler on friday with showers. that is a snowflake, flurry possible on saturday. the nats are in town saturday and sunday, as well. cool on sunday and 51 and more showers possible on monday and into the mid-60s. >> take another day off, topper. in consumer alert, preorders are pouring in four tesla's most affordable car. >> have you ordered chores? >> a big step forward for commercial drones lights. wall street. the nra. theypo're werful. they usually get their way. but t nowith democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. time magazine called chris van hollen "a hero to environmentalists, education groups, and gun control advocates" for his accomplishments as a young legislator. now a respected leader in congress and key ally of president obama, protecting planned parenthood and social security... chris van hollen is the only candidate who fought the wall street banks and the nra...and won. that's why he's endorsed by the post as the "talented successor" to senator mikulski who will "deliver results." i'm chris van hollen, and i approve this message. drones are one step closer to flying over populated areas. the faa was sent a list of recommended standards for commercial drones lights. most commercial drones ts the standards could speed up the introduction of packaged delivery drones and more. new rules went into effect today allowing motorists to drive faster in central maryland on interstate 70. the speed limit is entered -- the speed limit is increased on a 30-mile stretch from howard to frederick county. some people are already doing that. the speed limit goes up 5 miles per hour between frederick and the washington county, pennsylvania line. alaska air is buying virgin america for more than $2 billion. the outbidding rivaled jetblue and if this is approved, the deal would let alaska air explant -- expanded san francisco, los angeles and dallas. more fights are arriving on time and airlines are losing fewer bags. why are more of us complaining? the annual report an airline quality said traveler year, the highest level since 2000. the co-author of the report report believes more are complaining because they resent the increases in baggage and other fees. passengers cited flight cancellations and delays as top frustrations. tesla is going mainstream. elon musk already tweeted that tesla has received 276,000 preorders, bruce, for lower- priced electric car. this thing went on the market just last week. the new model starts at $35,000 and is half what the previous model costed. it is a range of 215 miles per charge and will start shipping by the end of next year. >> if you go half, i will go the other half and we can share it. >>ou day. >> every other day and weekends. coming up, the wikileaks of the panama papers. two brothers from maryland will tip off against each other yeah! ahh... you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. new proposed legislation in dc would get rid of sales tax on diapers and femini products. wusa9 has stephanie gailhard live with reactions. >>reporter: leslie, this would be a huge win for women. i spoke with a single mother who told me she spends $100 per month on diapers. >> she is excited about this. very outgoing and bubbly. >>reporter: her daughter is 16 months old. >> i'm pennypinching. between bills and everything else, i have to be serious. it's heartbreaking. >>reporter: she's in favor of eliminating the tax on diapers. and new proposed bill in dc would do that and also get rid of the tax on feminine hygiene products. it's estimated women spend $61 per year on tampons 5.75% sales tax and that money adds up over time. >> it's strange to have women pay taxes on feminine products. >> the tax should be repealed. women shouldn't have to pay more for products that are necessities. >>reporter: in most states, items considered necessities are exempt from sales tax. in dc, prescription and nonprescription drugs, including viagra and pacemakers, wheelchairs, crutches and artificial limbs are all exempt from sales tax. feminine hygiene products and diapers are taxed. >> we've already got too much going on. >>reporter: dc council members will discuss the nobel tomorrow. it is expected to pass. if that happens, it will become a law in 6-12 months. it will cost the city $1 million per year. live in town, stephanie gailhard, 9. tampons. maryland does not. for diapers, dc, maryland and virginia have attacks on baby diapers. maryland does not tax adult diapers. california governor jerry brown signed a minimum-wage bill. the legislation will raise the minimum wage in the state to $15 a a -- $15 an hour by the year 2022. business groups say it could cost thousands of jobs. governor andrew cuomo simon -- signed similar legislation to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in the empire state and set it will grow the economy and improve new yorkers lives. trending on twitter, possibly the largest leak of inside information all of history. williams of documents leaked out of panama reveal how world leaders and other rich and powerful may be hiding billions of dollars. the so-called panama an anonymous source. it comes from a law firm which helps establish offshore bank accounts for the world's wealthiest people. >> the same system that politicians and the mega-wealthy and billionaires are using to move money and do transactions is being used by criminals, drug kingpins -- >> this will be a huge story. among the 12 current or former heads of state named include president of the ukraine, argentina and the king of saudi arabia. will not name directly, the documents show that allies to russian president vladimir putin secretly shuffled as much as $2 billion through the banks and shadow companies. the law firm where the documents came from called the legal crime. the airport in brussels is slowly reopening. the first passenger flight since last month suicide bombing took off yesterday. new security measures are in place to prevent repeated attacks. a limited number of flights are taking off and landing from brussels and that will increase over the coming days and weeks. the airport is not expected to open -- it is and expected to be fully open until the end of june or beginning of july. the controversial campaign to deport migrants out of greece is under way. hundreds of refugees arrived in turkey. the move is part of a european plan to limit the number of people trying to reach europe. the campaign has been strongly criticized by human rights groups. the turkish president is lashing out at greece for turning away refugees. migrants were loaded on to buses. it is not clear where they were taken. female air france flight attendants speak out. the airline said female crewmembers must wear headscarves, thanks to new flights to iran. air france plans to start three weekly flights tw and tehran starting april 17. unions representing crewmembers said flight attendants should be allowed to refuse working those flights without punishment. the ncaa finals dream is a reality for two maryland brothers and their family. kris jenkins plays for villanova. nate is on the -- nate britt is on the gonzaga squad. the mother decided it would be best if chris lived with britt permanently. they agreed and became his legal guardian. the game of a lifetime. >> i couldn't ask for a better way to be able to be with my kids and watch them play at such a high level. it is a win-win for our families. they are extremely blessed. we are in a good place right now and i want the kids to enjoy this journey. i enjoy watching these guys participate and play as hard as they can and wish them best of luck. i love them dearly. >> nate britt is the data and said his wife and daughter will wear special jerseys with both boys names on them. he expects roughly 50 family members to be there in houston watching the game tonight. >> that has to be a nailbiter. coming up, taylor swift has people asking, who is adam? it was at the i music awards. what many say is wrong with this ad. we are tracking showers and light rain. he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. when he forgets who i am, i'll still know who he is. the first time we said i love you we didn't use words. we simply held each other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message. won't keep you up at night.n know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. with the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future you've always wanted. trending tonight, the new gap kids add the wrong reasons. >> the girls girls are the faces of the new ellen degeneres lifestyle brand, gap. it is supposed to empower girls to show they can do anything. many are calling the finished product racist and they are taking their outrage to social media, questioning why this photo shows most of the girls showing off their skills and the african-american girls simply appeared to be an armrest. i cannot tell you how many are talking about this picture. >> let's see what happens. walmart doesn't know the difference between the state of maryland and the state of massachusetts. the chainstore printed out terps t-shirts with the outline of the state of massachusetts instead of maryland. when a woman reached out on twitter to bring it to walmart's attention, the retailer responded by tweeting to massachusetts, maryland, shapes are similar on the map, with the absorption -- with the exception of that dip. >> what would it cost to fix that? >> with that kind of thing, you fix it and move on. taylor swift was the talk of the iheart music awards in los angeles. the superstar won five awards, including best work, female artist of the year, best album of the year. she raised questions on social media about her love life during one of the speeches. taylor, dating singer calvin harris thanked her boyfriend, adam and apparently many didn't realize that his real name is adam wild. >> who is she dating? >> calvin harris. a dj guy. apparently, he has another name. >> has you written a song about him? or, does that come with a breakup. >> i don't know. we will have to see what happens. kyle busch won the race at martinsville -- at martinsville. >> this was posted after the victory. >> what's up? oh my god! [laughter] [bleep] >> there were a lot of beeps. she was clearly very excited and showcasing her command of the french language. that was kyle busch surprising and overly excited fan while stuck in traffic. she signed her had before they drove off and i'm sure she sent them off with a parting expletive. [laughter] >> yes. in philadelphia, allen iversen is ditrenng on twitter. 11 times nba all-star was elected to the basketball hall of fame. shaquille o'neal and this is an impressive plaque. >> you will have to look up to see that. shaquille o'neal made a surprise pe night's show in dallas. he was an entrant in the andre the giant memorial battle royale and squared off with wwe resident giant, the big show. both men were eliminated after being ganged up on by the others. i could never get into that. it is all set up and fake. wrapping your arms around other people. today is your national hug a newsperson day. it's legit. we checked on social media just to make sure. a bunch of us shared love with great friends and colleagues all in the name of fun. >> i've already got my hug from you. don't short change yourself. if you want to hug me for the of the day, that is fine. >> there you go. [laughter] today is square root day. when the day of e the last two digits of the year. for 4/16. the last time square root day was march 3, 2009 and the next time we celebrated is may 5, 2025. it only happens nine times each century. >> that is way too many numbers. [laughter] just keeping it real. the lengths a police officer went to to make sure wayward dog made it across the san francisco bay bridge. how hackers prey on people's w wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. authorities warn about a growing scam called ransomeware. hackers disable personal computers and entire networks and then demand a ransom to give users files back. >> demarco morgan reports they're targeting everybody. consumers, businesses and municipalities. >>reporter: in new jersey, plainfield new jersey was taken hostage. >> the hijacker requested or demanded a ransom. >>reporter: hackers infiltrated a computer system when an employee clicked on link. officials scrambled to pull servers off-line but three were compromised. emails and other files were inaccessible. >>reporter: yes. they had tenures of documents they were not able to access. the hijackers held the files ransom, demanding roughly 650 euros paid in bitcoin. law enforcement not involved but they remained helpless. they were a victim of ransomeware. who should be concerned? >> everyone. >>reporter: the director of cyber security at come persky -- kaspersky said once it is infected it encrypts all files and locks the user out until they pay for the key. he demonstrated how it works. >> ransomeware gets to your server and sends instructions to encrypt these files. >>reporter: the fbi receive more than 1800 complaints in 2014 about ransomeware, a loss of $23 million. in 2015, the bureau received 2400 complaints and victims lost over $2400. >> we suspect there are many that haven't been reported. it's important to avoid clicking on suspicious links. you should also backup your files. this is a must. the town of plainfield did not pay the ransom and the hackers disappeared. it's not clear who let the dog out. california highway patrol didn't let him get away. 's black, 10-pound chihuahua, literally, brought traffic to a standstill on the bay bridge and san francisco. he is so cute and he wouldn't go peacefully. the dog kept the officers on the run for more than five minutes. >> they don't teach you this stuff in the academy. i had to distract him and another officer came up and took him into custody. >> [laughter] clearly, the lights and sirens didn't work. he is with san francisco animal care and tell the owner bails him out. they said the unusual chases a good reminder for pet owners to get their animals microchipped or tagged. >> i wonder if the owner will get a bill for the expense? >> they might. balog! bella! >> all these people are yelling as part of the tennessee williams festival. it is held around this time every year in the french quarter of new orleans. it is powered by special beverages, for sure. the shouts are attributed to a memorable scene in streetcar named desire. >> marlon brando? >> yes. >> close on. we have showers and rain pushing through. it is ending west and north of town and is slowing folks down on the way home. a live look outside on the weather cam, down to 60. we were in the 70s earlier. the winds are north northwest and they will pick up tonight, not crazy like we had saturday night, but 25-30 miles per hour in the next six or seven hours. this is the radar and the last hour. montgomery county is clear. there might be a sprinkle but the bulk of the showers moves quickly through. the yellow around rockville, 97 and over toward 28, rumble of thunder not out of the question. heavier activity from reston into poolesville and we will zoom in with rockville and down through potomac and past gaithersburg, you are essentially done with the rain and showers and that is a good news. zooming on, the heaviest rainfall is north of the mall and south of rockville proper to aspen hill and 28 toward 97. showers and early tonight and colder with bust up temperatures 40-42. it will be windy tomorrow. wind chills and the 20-degree mark tomorrow. wins will be with us all day and tracking rain for the nats home opener on thursday. i wish it were a different forecast but it looks like rain. 8:00 tonight, all in southern maryland. lingering showers into st. mary's county. everyone else, mostly cloudy and temps in the upper 40s. my morning, low 30s and by 9:00, mid- upper 40s. i don't think we will see a freeze tonight. we will see a hard freeze tomorrow night. 30s across the board. 43 by 1:00 p.m. the next seven days, there is rain. showers on friday and 55. don't make the mistake, there is a flurry on saturday and sunday and back to 51 on sunday. showers on monday and into the mid-60s. now, wusa9 game on sports with kristen berset brought to you by xfinity. challenge again. the tip and a strikeout. >> it's finally here, opening day for the washington nationals -- nationals park max scherzer and river shot out. the team looks to erase the the disappointment of last season and carry the momentum from a successful's ring training the dusty baker era. for the first time in a few years, the nats enter with a healthy roster from top to to bottom. opening the season at atlanta, bryce harper got a showering of use. no love lost there. what does he do? he sent this out the ballpark. this is the fourth career opening day run for harper. game tied at 1 after a homer and one of the big offseasons, daniel murphy gets this and it is tied to-2 in the sixth inning. the national home opener is thursday against miami. you can watch it at wusa9 at 4:00 and we hope you join us at 3:00 for a special pregame show countdown to the game. for the dusty baker area -- era, it was only appropriate that they opened up in atlanta where the nats new manager got dus start in pro baseball. was in 1986. his managerial career is on the same path. the washington nationals became the fourth team dusty managed. as he told us, he plans on it being the best and last team emulating the success of former yankees manager joe torre. >> a few years ago, joe torre -- he wasn't held in high esteem until he got to the yankees, and in my career and life, with two marriages and having a child older, i always joke with him about how our lives have paralleled. if history repeats itself, we will have some successful years. >> everyone wants to hear that. he has brought new energy to the team. >> the players seem to be having fun. >> they are having a lot more fun and enjoying him and they kn the success he brings and they are getting some stuff done. >> coming up, jan jeffcoat joins us with the cold front heading to the mid-atlantic. you might want to prepare for possible freezing. a special honor for a local high school. researchers are using a tocsin popular in hollywood to help yvette: i was running for my life. he was flicking matches on me... my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side. . finish researchers found a use for botox. patients with knee pain said one injection gets them back on jonathan vigliotti reports from london. dr. michelle irby drives every day but splintering pain in her nay -- in her knee nearly sidelined her pavement running. >> generally, patients will feel some pain. >>reporter: she was diagnosed with something one and eight runners have. >> many patients would have had more physiotherapy. surgical options were extremely limited. >>reporter: physiotherapist david urquhart and a team from london found a breakthrough with botox. botox is often used to relieve wrinkles. researchers said it also relaxes injured muscles associated with this. she was one of 45 patients in the study to receive a shot in the front muscle, which runners tend to >> it was pain free, relatively. >>reporter: researchers found a single injection and continued physical therapy had a 69% success rate. she has remained pain free since the injection two years ago and now focuses on training for not one, but two marathons is here. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news in london. >> studies for the botox injections are under way. bit as three churches said they could become available to the public in two years. at 6:00, federal investigators tried to piece together what led to another amtrak derailment well sources say it was the result of a huge mistake. the stakes get higher with each primary in campaign 2016. the focus is turning to winning delegates in wisconsin and new york. live across the district, the entire mid alert. i'm bruce johnson. i'm jan jeffcoat. we began with a yellow weather alert and evening rain. >> toppers standing by. if you are north and west in frederick and leesburg, the rain and showers are over. 95, heavy activity north of baltimore. they are trying to play a game in camden yard. pretty good rain around the beltway. around the spur and rockville and silver spring, it will rollout in the next hour or hour and a half but will slow you down, especially north of the spur. the patch of oranges heavy activity toward wheaton and 97, which is georgia avenue and moderate rain out 190, river road. by 8:00, we are done with the showers and rain except for fredericksburg south and into southern maryland, calvert county and southern charles county. temps in the 50s will by 10:00, upper 40s in gaithersburg. 49 or 48 in fairfax and by midnight, everyone in the 40s with a few 30s toward frederick and hagerstown. we won't have a freeze tonight but which not will be have a freeze? and we will look at the nats home opener forecast. neighbors are recovering from the windy weather this weekend which downed several large trees. and arlington, a home fell on washington boulevard in some communities so winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour. that is nearly as powerful as a tropical storm. >> home on custer road, the 100- foot tree was uprooted and fell on to a house and went through a bedroom and landed on a sleeping husband and wife. the husband was knocked unconscious. he is fine tonight. another massive tree fell on top of a carport. the car was crushed and the neighbors house was clipped. >>

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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20160404 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20160404

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veteran rail workers rolled their backhoe on to an active rail line on sunday. cnn is quoting a source that called it a colossal mistake because the workers their lives and injured scores of people on an amtrak train south of philadelphia. bruce leshan is live at union station recovering after a crash that jammed thousands. >>reporter: most of the tr ains are running on time. the ntsb is trying to figure out exactly how this could happen and how to keep it from happening again. trains are moving through a stretch of track in chester, pennsylvania. speeds can hit more than 100 miles per hour. amtrak's palmetto train gathered speed on sunday when a rail-crashed into cc1: based backhoe mistakenly on an active track. it killed one worker and a supervisor on the construction equipment and sent 3035 people on the train to the hospital. >> i'm lucky to be alive. >> i called my church members and asked them to pray. 's >>reporter: the impact blew out windows on the train and passenger said they saw flames and smelled smoke. >> what do you do? do thank god you are okay and hope everyone else is, as well. >>reporter: not everyone was. the ntsb is trying to figure out if something went wrong with amtrak's twelve-step of construction workers on rail lines. it is unclear whether the two workers were conducting routine sunday maintenance, or if they worked urgently to clear debris from the weekends high winds. >> someone went on the track and when they did that, they have to let everyone know. they need to get out of the way when a train comes at 120 miles an hour. >>reporter: amtrak has implemented positive train control along the northeast corridor, and advanced system designed to automatically slow or stop trains in certain dangerous situations. it is still unclear to me why it failed to prevent this crash. live in union station, bruce leshan, wusa9. >> good question. >>reporter: congressman brady said there must've been some kind of communication failure. a pedestrian struck and killed by a police cruiser saturday tonight is identified. jeffrey ponce aguilar of alexandria worked at lucky sports theatre and grill for six years and friends are mourning his loss on social media. they describe him as an up to mr., funny and helpful young man. the accident happened in kingstown. the officer has not been identified. the virginia state trooper killed at a richmond bus station will be laid to rest tomorrow. a visitation for trooper chad dermyer takes place today at the liberty baptist church in hampton, virginia. the funeral will be tomorrow and he will be buried in virginia. he is survived by his wife and two young children. a man faces multiple sex charges after police said he used craigslist and the app kick to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl. >> what the mended and how he there could be more victims. stephanie ramirez has that story. >>reporter: i found his pseudo name still on the kick app. we talked about it already involved in two recent and very big child abuse and murder cases. kick is how police say the 31- year-old contacted the 14-year- old girl. it started last summer. police said the teen responded to a craigslist ad soliciting young models and they said 31- year-old roy evans jr., at least three times, drove one hour or more from baltimore county to montgomery county to have sex with the minor. explicit text messages and videos and photos were shared on kick. >> it goes against his personality. >>reporter: ellen brooks said he saw the neighbor friendly and happy, married man who work with the international guard. >> i believe he has a day in court and anything is possible. >> completely inappropriate. >>reporter: the sergeant said he searched with craigslist and you will find ad listing his kick handle, raw danger 86 and others for an apple is. >> he is willing to travel up to pennsylvania since he lives north of baltimore, he will travel to washington, dc. >> if it is true, it is -- >> totally sickening. that is social media for you. >>reporter: police say the craigslist ads go back to 2014 and are seen all over the area. there are concerns there could be more victims and they're looking for anyone who can corroborate the illegal activity. stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> the victim's mother had the program teen safe on her daughter's phone but it could not prevent activity. it did allow police to track her social engagements with the suspect. three people are treated for stab wounds at a port washington lounge. police were called to a teen and found two adults and a security guard with stab wounds . police say the injuries are not life-threatening and that a suspect is under arrest. is identified as 33-year-old, philip harrington a southeast dc and investigators say the stabbings happened during the fight and the security guard was hurt trying to break it up. breaking news. the irs building has been evacuated. dc fire tells wusa9 it was a transformer fire in the basement at 11th and constitution. the fire is out. the traffic in that area is affected. your tax return will not be impacted by this because returns are not processed at that location and we haven't heard of any injuries. investigators are searching for the cause of a fire in northwest washington. crews were called to the 1800 block of 14th street before 11:00 this morning and found flames on the roof restaurant. a person said the fire was put out quickly and no one was injured. 14th street has reopened to traffic this evening. investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire in capitol heights, maryland. the crews rushed to find heavy smart date -- heavy smoke. the fire was brought under control. we are just getting started on wusa9 was at five. the florida mayer said he intends to go through with his plan. reaction to a new bill in dc that would get rid of sales tax on diapers and feminine hygiene products. the stakes are getting higher with each presidential primary. a look at to tomorrow' fios is not cable. t 10 years our competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more, including jd power who ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. now get super-fast 100 meg internet tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. voters in both parties go to the polls in wisconsin. the results could have a big impact on whether there is a contested republican presidential nomination of the summer convention. the latest cbs news poll shows ted cruz leading donald trump in wisconsin. trump insists he will do well tomorrow but would be better of john kasich would drop out. >> the problem is he is in the way of me. not ted cruz. >> it matters who wins wisconsin and how they win. >> the news poll shows bernie sanders has a slim lead over hillary clinton and wisconsin. sanders looks for his fourth win in a row, regardless of the outcome in wisconsin. clinton maintains a big lead in total delegates. for up-to-the-minute results in the primary and election related -- election alerts, download the free wusa9 app. mcauliffe vetoed a bill that would force schools to notify parents of their children will be assigned books with sexually explicit content. >> democrats say it inappropriate to interfere with the local school board policy. the measure requires schools to provide an alternative to the sexually explicit folk if a parent had objections. virginia would have been the first state in the country with such a law. a central florida mayer said he wants to understand what cuban migrants experience. following a visit to cuba in a few weeks he plans to return home in a makeshift raft. plenty of people, including the coast guard urge him to reconsider. as kiersten o'connor reports, mayor clinton johnson wants to do it. >>reporter: the first time started with one hiccup but he said nothing will stop him from planning his trip to cuba. >> i'm doing this trip. when i put my mind to something, i don't give up until i've achieved it. >> to the first test run. >> better than expected. i feel optimistic and confident that i can get this done. >>reporter: clint johnson has been planning this since he wrote from tallahassee to key west on a bicycle. as for the attention he received a. >> i don't want to diminish the intensity and importance of the trip for the people who have done it before may. >>reporter: he said even after strong warnings from the coast guard to reconsider his trip from to be, he is staying on course. >> there is no law that prevents an american from coming home on a boat. it is a smaller sailboat, for lack of a better definition. >>reporter: after today, the vessel may need alterations before the 90-mile journey from cuba to key west. after 10 minutes, one of the metal bolts broke he had to go back to fix it. >> i'm extremely confident. >>reporter: the coast later this month and then the final test run will be across lake okeechobee. the 30-year-old mayor hopes to complete the trip from havana to key west in about two days. a great day early today. >> it is about to change. >> it has gone downhill. >> it was warm. the next 5-7 days, it will be more like march. april can be a little bit cruel. the 3-degree guarantee, we are concerned because it was so warm today. we've gone for a higher than the upper 60s, seems reasonable. 67. how did we do? we will talk about that at 11:00 and you can download the app and track is that way. a live look outside, 60 right now with winds out of the north at 17 and showers and light rain just about everywhere. doppler shows over the last hour, hagerstown is done with the bulk of precipitation. frederick, it is just about out of your area. across i-95, more rain and showers and north of baltimore, a little red and orange, a thunderstorm popping up. around the beltway, it is all green, shades of light to moderate activity. rain in rockville and i 66, you will have rain showers down 95 and up 95 and 50, everybody has rain. rest and has rain. potomac, light to moderate and further out, leesburg and north of 50, yellow and moderate activity, nothing crazy heavy. everything will push out pretty quickly. we are looking at southern maryland where you may have rain and showers lingering until 9:00 or 10:00. the rest of us, 7:00 or so. freeze likely tomorrow night, not likely tonight. but, rain is likely r good thing. it looks like rain across the board. 60 at 4:00. 56 at 6:00 and 51 at 8:00. that is how it looks now. it could change. be advised that it doesn't look like a good home opener, weatherwise. by 8:00, the showers are lingering. the skies are beginning to clear with temps in the 50s and by 10:00, 49 downtown and 49 or 50 in silver spring. it will be cold but we won't see freeze tonight. tomorrow you will have a freeze. don't plan things to mother's day. 33 in gaithersburg, 33 as far south as la plata and by 6:00 on tuesday, temperatures don't go anywhere. mid-30s and wind chills will be in the 20s. 1:00, we are still low to mid- 40s and temps are a wee bit low. 33 downtown, 43 in la plata and sterling. by 6:00, back and upper 40s pretty strong northwest winds all day. nothing like saturday night. the windchill will be added all day. the day planner, 30s across the board. 43 with full son at 1:00 p.m. next seven days -- there are the showers, may be wednesday night and rain and showers on thursday. 62 in cooler on friday with showers. that is a snowflake, flurry possible on saturday. the nats are in town saturday and sunday, as well. cool on sunday and 51 and more showers possible on monday and into the mid-60s. >> take another day off, topper. in consumer alert, preorders are pouring in four tesla's most affordable car. >> have you ordered chores? >> a big step forward for commercial drones lights. wall street. the nra. theypo're werful. they usually get their way. but t nowith democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special. we are. women vote! is responsible for the content of this advertising. thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. time magazine called chris van hollen "a hero to environmentalists, education groups, and gun control advocates" for his accomplishments as a young legislator. now a respected leader in congress and key ally of president obama, protecting planned parenthood and social security... chris van hollen is the only candidate who fought the wall street banks and the nra...and won. that's why he's endorsed by the post as the "talented successor" to senator mikulski who will "deliver results." i'm chris van hollen, and i approve this message. drones are one step closer to flying over populated areas. the faa was sent a list of recommended standards for commercial drones lights. most commercial drones ts the standards could speed up the introduction of packaged delivery drones and more. new rules went into effect today allowing motorists to drive faster in central maryland on interstate 70. the speed limit is entered -- the speed limit is increased on a 30-mile stretch from howard to frederick county. some people are already doing that. the speed limit goes up 5 miles per hour between frederick and the washington county, pennsylvania line. alaska air is buying virgin america for more than $2 billion. the outbidding rivaled jetblue and if this is approved, the deal would let alaska air explant -- expanded san francisco, los angeles and dallas. more fights are arriving on time and airlines are losing fewer bags. why are more of us complaining? the annual report an airline quality said traveler year, the highest level since 2000. the co-author of the report report believes more are complaining because they resent the increases in baggage and other fees. passengers cited flight cancellations and delays as top frustrations. tesla is going mainstream. elon musk already tweeted that tesla has received 276,000 preorders, bruce, for lower- priced electric car. this thing went on the market just last week. the new model starts at $35,000 and is half what the previous model costed. it is a range of 215 miles per charge and will start shipping by the end of next year. >> if you go half, i will go the other half and we can share it. >>ou day. >> every other day and weekends. coming up, the wikileaks of the panama papers. two brothers from maryland will tip off against each other yeah! ahh... you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your in-network annual checkup. so america, let's go. know. ahh! and take control of your health. cigna. together, all the way. new proposed legislation in dc would get rid of sales tax on diapers and femini products. wusa9 has stephanie gailhard live with reactions. >>reporter: leslie, this would be a huge win for women. i spoke with a single mother who told me she spends $100 per month on diapers. >> she is excited about this. very outgoing and bubbly. >>reporter: her daughter is 16 months old. >> i'm pennypinching. between bills and everything else, i have to be serious. it's heartbreaking. >>reporter: she's in favor of eliminating the tax on diapers. and new proposed bill in dc would do that and also get rid of the tax on feminine hygiene products. it's estimated women spend $61 per year on tampons 5.75% sales tax and that money adds up over time. >> it's strange to have women pay taxes on feminine products. >> the tax should be repealed. women shouldn't have to pay more for products that are necessities. >>reporter: in most states, items considered necessities are exempt from sales tax. in dc, prescription and nonprescription drugs, including viagra and pacemakers, wheelchairs, crutches and artificial limbs are all exempt from sales tax. feminine hygiene products and diapers are taxed. >> we've already got too much going on. >>reporter: dc council members will discuss the nobel tomorrow. it is expected to pass. if that happens, it will become a law in 6-12 months. it will cost the city $1 million per year. live in town, stephanie gailhard, 9. tampons. maryland does not. for diapers, dc, maryland and virginia have attacks on baby diapers. maryland does not tax adult diapers. california governor jerry brown signed a minimum-wage bill. the legislation will raise the minimum wage in the state to $15 a a -- $15 an hour by the year 2022. business groups say it could cost thousands of jobs. governor andrew cuomo simon -- signed similar legislation to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in the empire state and set it will grow the economy and improve new yorkers lives. trending on twitter, possibly the largest leak of inside information all of history. williams of documents leaked out of panama reveal how world leaders and other rich and powerful may be hiding billions of dollars. the so-called panama an anonymous source. it comes from a law firm which helps establish offshore bank accounts for the world's wealthiest people. >> the same system that politicians and the mega-wealthy and billionaires are using to move money and do transactions is being used by criminals, drug kingpins -- >> this will be a huge story. among the 12 current or former heads of state named include president of the ukraine, argentina and the king of saudi arabia. will not name directly, the documents show that allies to russian president vladimir putin secretly shuffled as much as $2 billion through the banks and shadow companies. the law firm where the documents came from called the legal crime. the airport in brussels is slowly reopening. the first passenger flight since last month suicide bombing took off yesterday. new security measures are in place to prevent repeated attacks. a limited number of flights are taking off and landing from brussels and that will increase over the coming days and weeks. the airport is not expected to open -- it is and expected to be fully open until the end of june or beginning of july. the controversial campaign to deport migrants out of greece is under way. hundreds of refugees arrived in turkey. the move is part of a european plan to limit the number of people trying to reach europe. the campaign has been strongly criticized by human rights groups. the turkish president is lashing out at greece for turning away refugees. migrants were loaded on to buses. it is not clear where they were taken. female air france flight attendants speak out. the airline said female crewmembers must wear headscarves, thanks to new flights to iran. air france plans to start three weekly flights tw and tehran starting april 17. unions representing crewmembers said flight attendants should be allowed to refuse working those flights without punishment. the ncaa finals dream is a reality for two maryland brothers and their family. kris jenkins plays for villanova. nate is on the -- nate britt is on the gonzaga squad. the mother decided it would be best if chris lived with britt permanently. they agreed and became his legal guardian. the game of a lifetime. >> i couldn't ask for a better way to be able to be with my kids and watch them play at such a high level. it is a win-win for our families. they are extremely blessed. we are in a good place right now and i want the kids to enjoy this journey. i enjoy watching these guys participate and play as hard as they can and wish them best of luck. i love them dearly. >> nate britt is the data and said his wife and daughter will wear special jerseys with both boys names on them. he expects roughly 50 family members to be there in houston watching the game tonight. >> that has to be a nailbiter. coming up, taylor swift has people asking, who is adam? it was at the i music awards. what many say is wrong with this ad. we are tracking showers and light rain. he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. when he forgets who i am, i'll still know who he is. the first time we said i love you we didn't use words. we simply held each other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message. won't keep you up at night.n know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. with the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future you've always wanted. trending tonight, the new gap kids add the wrong reasons. >> the girls girls are the faces of the new ellen degeneres lifestyle brand, gap. it is supposed to empower girls to show they can do anything. many are calling the finished product racist and they are taking their outrage to social media, questioning why this photo shows most of the girls showing off their skills and the african-american girls simply appeared to be an armrest. i cannot tell you how many are talking about this picture. >> let's see what happens. walmart doesn't know the difference between the state of maryland and the state of massachusetts. the chainstore printed out terps t-shirts with the outline of the state of massachusetts instead of maryland. when a woman reached out on twitter to bring it to walmart's attention, the retailer responded by tweeting to massachusetts, maryland, shapes are similar on the map, with the absorption -- with the exception of that dip. >> what would it cost to fix that? >> with that kind of thing, you fix it and move on. taylor swift was the talk of the iheart music awards in los angeles. the superstar won five awards, including best work, female artist of the year, best album of the year. she raised questions on social media about her love life during one of the speeches. taylor, dating singer calvin harris thanked her boyfriend, adam and apparently many didn't realize that his real name is adam wild. >> who is she dating? >> calvin harris. a dj guy. apparently, he has another name. >> has you written a song about him? or, does that come with a breakup. >> i don't know. we will have to see what happens. kyle busch won the race at martinsville -- at martinsville. >> this was posted after the victory. >> what's up? oh my god! [laughter] [bleep] >> there were a lot of beeps. she was clearly very excited and showcasing her command of the french language. that was kyle busch surprising and overly excited fan while stuck in traffic. she signed her had before they drove off and i'm sure she sent them off with a parting expletive. [laughter] >> yes. in philadelphia, allen iversen is ditrenng on twitter. 11 times nba all-star was elected to the basketball hall of fame. shaquille o'neal and this is an impressive plaque. >> you will have to look up to see that. shaquille o'neal made a surprise pe night's show in dallas. he was an entrant in the andre the giant memorial battle royale and squared off with wwe resident giant, the big show. both men were eliminated after being ganged up on by the others. i could never get into that. it is all set up and fake. wrapping your arms around other people. today is your national hug a newsperson day. it's legit. we checked on social media just to make sure. a bunch of us shared love with great friends and colleagues all in the name of fun. >> i've already got my hug from you. don't short change yourself. if you want to hug me for the of the day, that is fine. >> there you go. [laughter] today is square root day. when the day of e the last two digits of the year. for 4/16. the last time square root day was march 3, 2009 and the next time we celebrated is may 5, 2025. it only happens nine times each century. >> that is way too many numbers. [laughter] just keeping it real. the lengths a police officer went to to make sure wayward dog made it across the san francisco bay bridge. how hackers prey on people's w wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we are a 100% fiber optic network... and fiber optics move at the speed of light. over the last 10 years, our cable competitors have received a few awards. but we've received a few more. including pc magazine's #1 for internet speed 10 years running. and jd power ranked us highest in customer satisfaction for the third year... in a row. awards aren't everything. but when they come from your customers, they mean a lot. only fios has the fastest internet on the most awarded network. upload and download speeds plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month, online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. authorities warn about a growing scam called ransomeware. hackers disable personal computers and entire networks and then demand a ransom to give users files back. >> demarco morgan reports they're targeting everybody. consumers, businesses and municipalities. >>reporter: in new jersey, plainfield new jersey was taken hostage. >> the hijacker requested or demanded a ransom. >>reporter: hackers infiltrated a computer system when an employee clicked on link. officials scrambled to pull servers off-line but three were compromised. emails and other files were inaccessible. >>reporter: yes. they had tenures of documents they were not able to access. the hijackers held the files ransom, demanding roughly 650 euros paid in bitcoin. law enforcement not involved but they remained helpless. they were a victim of ransomeware. who should be concerned? >> everyone. >>reporter: the director of cyber security at come persky -- kaspersky said once it is infected it encrypts all files and locks the user out until they pay for the key. he demonstrated how it works. >> ransomeware gets to your server and sends instructions to encrypt these files. >>reporter: the fbi receive more than 1800 complaints in 2014 about ransomeware, a loss of $23 million. in 2015, the bureau received 2400 complaints and victims lost over $2400. >> we suspect there are many that haven't been reported. it's important to avoid clicking on suspicious links. you should also backup your files. this is a must. the town of plainfield did not pay the ransom and the hackers disappeared. it's not clear who let the dog out. california highway patrol didn't let him get away. 's black, 10-pound chihuahua, literally, brought traffic to a standstill on the bay bridge and san francisco. he is so cute and he wouldn't go peacefully. the dog kept the officers on the run for more than five minutes. >> they don't teach you this stuff in the academy. i had to distract him and another officer came up and took him into custody. >> [laughter] clearly, the lights and sirens didn't work. he is with san francisco animal care and tell the owner bails him out. they said the unusual chases a good reminder for pet owners to get their animals microchipped or tagged. >> i wonder if the owner will get a bill for the expense? >> they might. balog! bella! >> all these people are yelling as part of the tennessee williams festival. it is held around this time every year in the french quarter of new orleans. it is powered by special beverages, for sure. the shouts are attributed to a memorable scene in streetcar named desire. >> marlon brando? >> yes. >> close on. we have showers and rain pushing through. it is ending west and north of town and is slowing folks down on the way home. a live look outside on the weather cam, down to 60. we were in the 70s earlier. the winds are north northwest and they will pick up tonight, not crazy like we had saturday night, but 25-30 miles per hour in the next six or seven hours. this is the radar and the last hour. montgomery county is clear. there might be a sprinkle but the bulk of the showers moves quickly through. the yellow around rockville, 97 and over toward 28, rumble of thunder not out of the question. heavier activity from reston into poolesville and we will zoom in with rockville and down through potomac and past gaithersburg, you are essentially done with the rain and showers and that is a good news. zooming on, the heaviest rainfall is north of the mall and south of rockville proper to aspen hill and 28 toward 97. showers and early tonight and colder with bust up temperatures 40-42. it will be windy tomorrow. wind chills and the 20-degree mark tomorrow. wins will be with us all day and tracking rain for the nats home opener on thursday. i wish it were a different forecast but it looks like rain. 8:00 tonight, all in southern maryland. lingering showers into st. mary's county. everyone else, mostly cloudy and temps in the upper 40s. my morning, low 30s and by 9:00, mid- upper 40s. i don't think we will see a freeze tonight. we will see a hard freeze tomorrow night. 30s across the board. 43 by 1:00 p.m. the next seven days, there is rain. showers on friday and 55. don't make the mistake, there is a flurry on saturday and sunday and back to 51 on sunday. showers on monday and into the mid-60s. now, wusa9 game on sports with kristen berset brought to you by xfinity. challenge again. the tip and a strikeout. >> it's finally here, opening day for the washington nationals -- nationals park max scherzer and river shot out. the team looks to erase the the disappointment of last season and carry the momentum from a successful's ring training the dusty baker era. for the first time in a few years, the nats enter with a healthy roster from top to to bottom. opening the season at atlanta, bryce harper got a showering of use. no love lost there. what does he do? he sent this out the ballpark. this is the fourth career opening day run for harper. game tied at 1 after a homer and one of the big offseasons, daniel murphy gets this and it is tied to-2 in the sixth inning. the national home opener is thursday against miami. you can watch it at wusa9 at 4:00 and we hope you join us at 3:00 for a special pregame show countdown to the game. for the dusty baker area -- era, it was only appropriate that they opened up in atlanta where the nats new manager got dus start in pro baseball. was in 1986. his managerial career is on the same path. the washington nationals became the fourth team dusty managed. as he told us, he plans on it being the best and last team emulating the success of former yankees manager joe torre. >> a few years ago, joe torre -- he wasn't held in high esteem until he got to the yankees, and in my career and life, with two marriages and having a child older, i always joke with him about how our lives have paralleled. if history repeats itself, we will have some successful years. >> everyone wants to hear that. he has brought new energy to the team. >> the players seem to be having fun. >> they are having a lot more fun and enjoying him and they kn the success he brings and they are getting some stuff done. >> coming up, jan jeffcoat joins us with the cold front heading to the mid-atlantic. you might want to prepare for possible freezing. a special honor for a local high school. researchers are using a tocsin popular in hollywood to help yvette: i was running for my life. he was flicking matches on me... my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side. . finish researchers found a use for botox. patients with knee pain said one injection gets them back on jonathan vigliotti reports from london. dr. michelle irby drives every day but splintering pain in her nay -- in her knee nearly sidelined her pavement running. >> generally, patients will feel some pain. >>reporter: she was diagnosed with something one and eight runners have. >> many patients would have had more physiotherapy. surgical options were extremely limited. >>reporter: physiotherapist david urquhart and a team from london found a breakthrough with botox. botox is often used to relieve wrinkles. researchers said it also relaxes injured muscles associated with this. she was one of 45 patients in the study to receive a shot in the front muscle, which runners tend to >> it was pain free, relatively. >>reporter: researchers found a single injection and continued physical therapy had a 69% success rate. she has remained pain free since the injection two years ago and now focuses on training for not one, but two marathons is here. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news in london. >> studies for the botox injections are under way. bit as three churches said they could become available to the public in two years. at 6:00, federal investigators tried to piece together what led to another amtrak derailment well sources say it was the result of a huge mistake. the stakes get higher with each primary in campaign 2016. the focus is turning to winning delegates in wisconsin and new york. live across the district, the entire mid alert. i'm bruce johnson. i'm jan jeffcoat. we began with a yellow weather alert and evening rain. >> toppers standing by. if you are north and west in frederick and leesburg, the rain and showers are over. 95, heavy activity north of baltimore. they are trying to play a game in camden yard. pretty good rain around the beltway. around the spur and rockville and silver spring, it will rollout in the next hour or hour and a half but will slow you down, especially north of the spur. the patch of oranges heavy activity toward wheaton and 97, which is georgia avenue and moderate rain out 190, river road. by 8:00, we are done with the showers and rain except for fredericksburg south and into southern maryland, calvert county and southern charles county. temps in the 50s will by 10:00, upper 40s in gaithersburg. 49 or 48 in fairfax and by midnight, everyone in the 40s with a few 30s toward frederick and hagerstown. we won't have a freeze tonight but which not will be have a freeze? and we will look at the nats home opener forecast. neighbors are recovering from the windy weather this weekend which downed several large trees. and arlington, a home fell on washington boulevard in some communities so winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour. that is nearly as powerful as a tropical storm. >> home on custer road, the 100- foot tree was uprooted and fell on to a house and went through a bedroom and landed on a sleeping husband and wife. the husband was knocked unconscious. he is fine tonight. another massive tree fell on top of a carport. the car was crushed and the neighbors house was clipped. >>

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