Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150529 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150529

spoke with the survivor. >> reporter: miguel rodriguez is out of the hospital and said the tragic chain of events was a result of road rage. they were leaving for work going into the district from virginia when life changed forever. with a bullet lodged in his jaw an emotional miguel rodriguez cries for the loss of his brother-in-law 50-year-old pedro alvarado. the two men drove together every day to work at a construction site, but yesterday they would never make it to work. their commute ended abruptly on 295 northbound in d.c. in a hail of bullets. alvarado's life ended there. miguel who was the passenger survived. he said it was road rage and they were being followed before the barrage of bullets. in this interview you'll see first on 9 he says there was no confrontational encounter before. the violence was all on their side. neither one of us he says did anything violent. he says he only saw a hispanic man between 20 to 25 years old with short hair, but he says he was bent down and it was hard to see. miguel says that there was more than one person in that dark colored car. i also talked with miguel's daughter. he says that his dad told her they were traveling in the fast lane behind a slow moving car. the next moment they were being followed and they were being shot at. that is the very latest in fairfax county, surae chinn, wusa9. >> just unnecessary tragedy. the cops say they cannot share any more information except that they were being followed by a dark colored car as surae mentioned. talk about your close calls, a plane out of reagan national airport nearly strikes a drone out of new york city this morning. the pilot for shuttle america flight 2708 had to suddenly climb 200 feet to avoid the collision as plane tried to land at lagarde why. fortunately no one was hurt. the faa -- laguardia. fortunately no one was hurt. the faa is looking into. this. metro just foiled pam geller's plan to plaster carp to ans of the prophet muhammad in train stations. bruce leshan first broke the story. >> reporter: i think it's unlikely we have heard the last of this. the woman whose jihad watch muhammad cartoon contest ended with two dead in texas is now plotting her next move here in d.c. >> they have submitted to the a sass in's veto. >> reporter: by phone from new york pam geller slammed metro's decision to impose a six month moratorium on all new political and advocacy ads including her ad featuring a caricature of a sword wielding prophet muhammad saying you can't draw me. >> they're rewarding terror with submission. the message here is terror works. >> reporter: the cartoon won the contest in texas earlier this month the two isis sympathizers attacked with assault rifles. a police officer shot them both dead. >> that event saved lives. they would have attacked a softer target. >> reporter: but metro riders we talked to thought the decision to ban all issue ads for a while would make all of us safer. >> i think everybody's beliefs should be protected and shouldn't be denigrated in any way. >> right now everything that's been going on in the world i think it's not the right time for that. >> we live in baltimore and just came from the riots last month. no one wants to live through something like that. >> reporter: cory saylor on the council of islamic american relations says geller's actions are drowning out voices of moderation and tolerance. >> the violent extremists like eye success and pam geller cruel the -- isis and pam geller control the conversation and people of got will in the middle are losing this conversation. >> reporter: there is at least one thing on which geller and the council on islamic american relations agree. they both say that she has the right under the first amendment to display that cartoon. bruce leshan, wusa9. >> i've been on your twitter feed. i can see a lot of debate. bruce tells us he's soon more debate on this issue on his twitter feed than on any other issue. if you want to join in, you can follow him @bruceleshan. hundreds of people are expected to show up to an anti- islamic rally outside of a mosque in feeks, arizona. the muslim house -- phoenix, arizona. the muslim house in worship was the same one where two were killed in texas. tonight's rally will feature a similar event. cuba is off the u.s. list of state sponsors of terrorism. secretary of state john kerry signed an order removing cuba from the u.s. terrorism black list as part of the process of normalizing relations. kerry acted nearly six weeks after the obama administration informed congressful its intent to do. so the -- congress of its intent to do so. travel experts say they've seen a 36% increase in visits by americans to the country. when it's hot and sticky, it's only a matter of times before the storms start to head our way. >> it's just the way of things around our. our topper shutt is tracking them on doppler 9000. >> it's more like july than may. a couple storms are popping up. i thought we'd see more activity. we're looking at a couple showers earlier that kind of fizzled out as they went across i-66. we'll zoom down to fredericksburg. all the storms are moving north. you can see the heavy rains, pretty frequent lightning strikes south and west of fredericksburg. it's headed toward gold vein at about 5:27 on storm tracker and fauquier county about 6:14, essentially moving north. the last storm that kind of fizzled had this same track. we'll see if this one can hold together, right now heavy rains on the west side of i-95. futurecast 8:00 tonight we'll show scattered showers and thunderstorms in parts of trott area. don't get too hung up -- the metro area. don't get too hung up on the exact location. some isolated showers and storms will be popping around. temperatures 8:00 muggy, low 80s to upper 70s, 79 in manassas at 8:00, by late tonight at midnight temperatures low to mid-70s across the board. we'll come back, talk about the weekend, if the fat earn will hold and we're track -- apparent will hold and we're tracking a -- pattern will hold and we're tracking a cold front for next week. 37-year-old dewitt hall and 66-year-old thomas george are accused of nine robberies committing them across the metro area between january and march this year. at a status hearing a federal judge granted hall's request for a new attorney. hall will undergo a competency screening. neighbors and community activists living in the southeast neighborhood where a stray bullet killed a local news reporter say enough is inform. charnese mill -- is enough. charnese milton's death has a community simply fed up. >> reporter: this murder upset a lot of people in this community, but activists tell us this is not an isolated incident. >> not over the last few day. this lab going on over the last year -- has been going on over the last year. >> reporter: ron mill ton is a well known community activists. he said the people who live in ward 8 are already pushing back to the violence plaguing their neighborhood but he says more needs to be done. >> we have to do something differently in the city, that the police are not the total solution to the problem. we have to have a holistic approach with everybody working together. >> reporter: witnesses say wednesday night she saw a woman laying alone on the ground and by the time the ambulance came they knew she was gone. >> her arm dangled off the bed. >> reporter: and you know. >> she was out of there. >> reporter: police say mill ton was heading home -- milton was heading home from work transferring to a different bus when a bullet meant for someone else struck her. >> in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> reporter: the incident report says an off-duty officer heard six shots fired. milton only 27 years old. >> my daughter lived a great life. >> reporter: in a second her life was taken, a young reporter full of promise that will never speak or write again. >> she's always been a miracle and a blessing unto us. >> reporter: about 20 minutes ago we saw two detectives walking here alongside this gas station. police are still looking for the suspect. this is such a busy area they say there are absolutely people who saw something and they want to hear from them. in southeast i'm ellison barber, wusa9. >> police are offering up to $25,000 for any information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. they're asking anybody who saw something, contact them 202-727- 9099. we are just getting started on wusa9 news at 5:00. coming up at 5:30 what happened to those missing s.a.t. results from one northern virginia school district? >> for the past 24 years he faced the nation, coming up a look at bob schieffer's career and a look ahead to his final show. >> but first one man's story of how he survived those deadly floodwaters in texas. more rain, more flooding, more misery in texas, hundreds of people were stranded with their cars for hours when a dallas freeway became swamped. it was very busy for first responders there. rescuers had to scramble to get people out of their cars trapped in flash flooding. even a police officer had to be airlifted to dry land. >> the water was risen up to my neck like that was very scary. >> officials say as much as 7 inches of rain fell in some places overnight. more than 10 people are still missing. it's extreme heat that has people struggling in india. more than 1,800 people have been killed in a week long heatwave. temps reached nearly 110 degrees in some areas. victims are dying from dehydration. thousands of tankers are trying to bring water to remote villages. cameras captured the exact moment a volcano erupted in japan today. authorities called for an immediate evacuation of the small island in southern japan. check it out. that's an eruption. the towering plume of thick black smoke with hot rocks and gases rained down all over the place. early reports are all 137 people who lived on the island are safe. here we're talking about heat and some potential storms this weekend? >> yeah. i want to emphasize not a washout. the odds are in your favor if you're having a cookout or barbecue in the backyard. may be a good time to download our app and track the storms. let's talk about the 3-degree guarantee, sweating this one out, too 89 friday and we're getting close. we'll let you know at 11:00 tonight if we did it. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, really nice in the immediate metro area, sunny, temperature 85. when the dew point is 70 or higher, that's not comfortable. radar over the past hour most of the activity is south of us. this is a pretty big storm in easton, folks going across the bay bridge are getting hammered with heavy rain. this is what we're focusing on down towards the south toward fredericksburg. we're looking at two storms, one southwest of fredericksburg and one north of fredericksburg, a little weak cell trying to form north of haymarket. this storm has prompted a severe thunderstorm warning until 5:30 south of fredericksburg and it's moving north. so i just tweeted this out, put it on facebook. get ready, fredericksburg, for some heavy rain and possibly strong winds. put the umbrella down, secure the objects. this is no slouch of a storm. heavy rain indicated in red down 95 across 17 moving to the north at 17 miles an hour. this is headed toward garrisonville about 5:26 on our storm tracker and bell fair cross roads about 5:48 if it holds together. obviously isolated thunderstorm tonight, humid. we'll keep the storms in till about 9:00 or 10:00. hot and humid all weekend. the summer pattern continues, mainly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. you'll have time to do stuff in the morning and afternoon. i would really recommend taking your jog and bike ride in the morning. it's cooler and air quality is better. better chance of thunderstorms on monday because the cold front gets closer to us keeping temperatures lower and give us a better chance of showers. 10:00 tonight on futurecast it's trying to have a leftover shower around the district and fairfax county. again i wouldn't get too hung up on the location, just could see an isolated shower till about 10:00, 70s, muggy. by morning 7:00 if you've got morning tee times or soccer games, you're fine, low 70s downtown, muggy, upper 60s in the suburbs. by 10:00 it's 80 already down town and by and large, by 1:00 you folks west of town will to have start dealing with showers and storms. in the immediate metro area fairfax county, the district, montgomery county probably have till about 4:00 or 5:00 to get stuff done, but out by i-81 showers and storms by winchester and hagerstown, temps in the low 80s. by 6:00 showers in parts of the metro area, upper 80s. tomorrow night showers give way to partly cloudy skies. we're looking at a muggy night again saturday, in the 70s at 11:00 tomorrow night. tonight isolated thunderstorms, otherwise partly cloudy, warm, muggy, 65 to 74. we'll keep the storm chance in at least until midnight. 77 at 9:00, 82 at 11:00, 86 with sunshine at 1:00. so scattered storms tomorrow and sunday. i don't think you'll have to change your plans. most of the day will be okay. better chance of storms on monday, 83. we'll watch that for the possibility of a yellow alert. next seven days, nats in town monday, 83. 802 on tuesday, maybe a leftover shower, gorgeous on wednesday 80, 83 on thursday, 88 with an isolated thunderstorm on friday and the nats are in cincinnati. you can watch the game tonight on channel 9 at 7:00. owe, how time can fly by. -- oh, how time can fly by. this sunday will be bob schieffer's final broadcast of face the nation. >> we didn't think it would happen so soon. bob is retiring after a legendary career in journalism that began when he was just 20. craig boswell takes us back. >> reporter: bob schieffer is about to sign off at 46 years at cbs news, 24 as host of face the nation. >> i've always loved to talk to the key player in whatever the big story was and time and time again over the years we've had a chance to do that on face the nation. >> reporter: schieffer announced his retirement at his alma mater texas christian university in april. sunday will be his final show. he began to make his name as a reporter at the fort worth star telegram covering president kennedy's assassination and the vietnam war and joined cbs news in 1969. >> we knew you real political junkies would be up to joining us. >> reporter: schieffer is respected for his fairness and no nonsense style. >> senator, if you didn't threaten to shut document the government, who was it that did? when a guy in my age demographic takes his shirt off in public, he gets a high five from me. >> reporter: he says one thing will stay the same. >> sunday after next i'm going to be watching face the nation. i'm so used to doing this. i think it will probably take me a while to break that habit. >> reporter: the accolades are rolling in. >> we are so proud to have called you a colleague. >> an amazing career. >> reporter: but there's still an hour of tv left. >> we're going to keep the focus on the news like we always do. >> reporter: a fitting sendoff for a legendary reporter. >> we are going to miss our weekly chaps with bob, but cbs -- chats with bob, but john dick areson will be -- dickerson will be on face the nation. his mother nancy was once an associate producer of that show. it's been nearly 14 years now since the public was able to see the big apple this high up. we go up to check out the brand- new observatory at one world trade center. >> while hybrid cars are a hot commodity a national donut chain is hoping its version of a hybrid will be a must have for anyone in tonight's consumer alert stocks plunged on the last day of trading on wall street. the dumpled 115 points, the -- tumbled 115 points and the nasdaq was down nearly 8 points. the state pushed the date of today to promote the importance of saving for your child's college education program with a 529 program. they say us a good thing to do because when you stash your money -- it's a good thing to do because when you stash your money in one of nose accounts, it's protected from federal and -- those accounts, it's protected from federal and state income taxes. 4k television technology is touted as the next generation in hi-def viewing. they are pricey. some sets start at about $1,000, but electronics manufacturer hyacinth plans to release a 50-inch model that will cost almost half of that price. it's the 4k ultra hd smart tv coming in at under 600 bucks which makes it. most affordable in the market -- it the most affordable in the market. dunk in dunkin' donuts hopes this hybrid convection will bring in those who -- confection will bring in those who want an afternoon snack dimmed in cookie crumbs. -- dimmed in cookie crumbs. can you feel the sugar rush? the sweet pastry will go on sale june 1st. i heard something of called a cruffin, a mix between a croissant and a muffin. i have to get my hands on one of those. >> i popped a button just thinking about it. a new sky high view of new york city, the rib bone cutting ceremony marked the open -- ribbon cutting ceremony marked the opening of the observatory on top of the one world trade center reaching the top in 47 seconds. the observation deck provides a view of the city unavailable since the september 11th terror attacks. >> this is just the quintessential symbol that evil will not prevail. >> it proves we will rise from the ashes and live on. >> what they said. the observatory is on the top three floors. it's the tallest building in the western hemisphere. as many as 4 million visitors are expected there every year. timed admission tickets are available online, but it will cost you 32 bucks for an adult to take the tour. coming up see how some local students are preparing for a promising future in space exploration. >> up next new information concerning those missing s.a.t. results in loudoun county. why am i so awake? did you know your brain has a wake system... and a sleep system? science suggests when you have insomnia, the neurotransmitters in your wake system may be too strong, which may be preventing you from getting the sleep you need. talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. new information about those missing s.a.t. tests in loudoun county. >> our peggy fox joins us live from broad run high school where the tests were taken and then mysteriously vanished. have they found the tests yet, peg? >> reporter: no unfortunately, but loudoun officials say they have proof those tests were packed up and handed over to a ups worker. video taken from inside those doors apparently shows a ups worker wheeling out boxes containing the tests. the kids took the tests here on may 2nd and they say that video was taken on may 4th. now even though they won't allow me to show you the video they have shown me a picture taken from it and i can tell you it does show a ups worker wheeling out three large boxes and a smaller box. the three larger boxes are test booklets and they made it to their destination, but the smaller box with the test answers, that's still missing. >> what happens is the college board sends out a box to send the tests in prelabelled by ups that has sealing instructions. our guidance director put the tests in the box, sealed it properly, checked the labels. it was all there. don't shoot us. we're just the piano player. we put it out there. we did our job. >> reporter: the test answers were headed to education testing services in austin, texas. it's believed the box made it to texas. no one knows where it is and given the flooding that is going on there finding that small box may not be much priority. if it is found, it will be up to the college board whether or not students will have to retake it. students are being offered a free retest on june 20th right here at broad run. >> you can imagine how frustrated those kids and parents are. the suspect in the murder of a rockville couple is headed back our way. scott tomaszewski was released from the department of corrections and is being transmitted to maryland to face the charges of murder of his neighbors dick and jody vilardo. tomaszewski office a vacation cruise with his parents. bill christian, an fbi special agent killed in the line of duty 20 years ago tonight. a wreath laying ceremony took place at the law enforcement officers memorial in d.c. >> bill was known in the office as every agent's best friend and partner. if you needed help, you went to bill. it didn't matter the time, the circumstances. how long it was going to take. bill was there to help you. >> bill christian was working with a surveillance operation when he was shot by ralph mclean, a emergency wanted for killings in d.c. and prince george's county. mclean then took his own life. christian was a baltimore native, served in the army, joined the fbi and worked in baltimore again and detroit before transferring to the washington field office. he served as a member of the special operations group. a third suspect in the shooting of an oklahoma police officer is in custody. the trio opened fire on the officer and shot him in the head during a traffic stop last night. those suspects were armed with an assault rifle and body armor. despite the bullet to the head the injured officer is responsive and is expected to be okay. if you have visitors in town to check out the washington monument this weekend, you may be in luck. the national park service reopened the monument earlier today. they had shut it down thursday. there was an electrical malfunction which affected the elevators which is important. tests today determined the problem has been fixed, but as a precaution an electrician will remain on the site until the monument closed tonight at 10:00. do you move over when you see a patrol car or ambulance? many drivers do not. today prince george's county and prince william county all joined forces to raise awareness about virginia's new move over law requiring drivers to change lanes as safely as possible to give first responders move when they're on the side of the road. >> it protects our first responders, officers, ems et cetera. it also helps protect the public and prevent collisions. >> today police officers and state troopers made a special point to warn or ticket drivers who violated the move over law. they are learning skills that could translate into a job at nasa one day. students at quince orchard high school are building mini mars recoveriers. >> rovers. >> stem is cool in school. >> reporter: he wants to make it as ream as it gets. >> sun is out -- ream as it -- real as it gets. >> sun is out, got a beautiful martian sky line. >> reporter: his vehicle to teach much? student mars rover. students use small cameras and a control are just like nasa to maneuver it. >> they cut out their template made with a cad program and then they cut out their wheels. >> reporter: wheels, gearboxes, even the electromagnet, they build it all. >> i really enjoy it, more than i thought i would. >> reporter: are these kids going to be engineers or just benefit from the line of thinking? >> some of them are. it's a problem solving process that could be used for picking a career, picking a school. >> reporter: nelson says of the nine core stem strategies required in maryland this project ticks off eight of them. all josh hernandez knows is mr. nelson's class seems to fly by. >> i would come in, start working on the emergency, the sound, get in the zone and like two minutes would go by and ding, the bell rings. it happens so fast. >> reporter: school is now cool and this is engineering and technology and science, a little bit of math involved. so all of a sudden they see why we learn all those things and that's why stem is cool in cool. mike hydek, wusa9. >> mr. nelson designed the whole rover kit himself and contributed 1,000 bucks of his own cash to make it work. if you have a stem story for mike hydek to cover, follow him on facebook or twitter and let him know. next just in time for father's day you could call it personal protective gear for guys. >> oh, my goodness. >> that is so strong it could stop a bullet. topper? >> what is that? i don't know. if you were sneezing today, grass pollen is high and mold spores were high, too. raining pretty good south of fredericksburg. there is not a severe thunderstorm warning any longer in spotsylvania county, but that's a pretty heavy storm. we'll come back, track that for you, track your forecast through the weekend. let's go trending. some people might call you nuts if you're willing to take a bullet to the groin. >> but that's exactly what a businessman did to prove his jockstrap is the strongest around. it's called the nutshell and the couples are designed for law enforcement, athletes and the military. don't laugh. this is a video he posted on youtube today. a hunter shoots him with a .22 caliber long rifle and the bullets just bounce off. do we see it? do we see the shot? i couldn't really tell. the company offers two levels of protection. 1 is 70 bucks. one is $140 which to me is not enough money if you're taking bullets to the groin. >> i'm thinking if you're going to do it, you want the $140 protection. >> if they have a $300 one, that's the one i want. the hit show house of cards is holding an open casting call this weekend in annapolis. there's no video for this? >> there you go. >> casting directors are looking for a wide range of people, everything from working class to art gallery types to government officials. be camera ready. come with makeup on. open casting starts at 10:00 saturday morning at tip moyer recreation center in annapolis. i'm still laughing about the nutshells. comedians will be getting in cars with jerry seinfeld for a new season. >> his online shown known as comedians in cars getting coffee has been viewed by more than 100 million people since its debut three years ago. anthony mason sat down with seinfeld for a feature piece on the cbs sunday morning show. >> here's a question i've gotten in my entire career that always amuses me. do you have a note pad? i don't know why people ask this. >> the question bothers you now? >> it just seems weird so many people ask it. i had the feeling you're on the verge of asking me. >> i'm glad you stopped me. >> who cares? it's just a little note pad. it's $1. >> you can see the rest of the conversation with jerry during the cbs sunday morning broadcast. coming up see how new face recognition technology tested at a local airport could change how we go through security checkpoints around the country. >> after you win a national championship it's hard to win two with everybody looking at you, but that did not stop a the department of homeland security is making a new push to find immigration violators at airports. so customs and borders agents are conducting a three month test of facial recognition technology to try to identify people who use somebody else's passports. >> kris van cleave shows us one being tested at nearby dulles. >> reporter: this bright light greeting some of the 19,000 plus international travelers who pass through customs daily at dulles airport outside washington d.c. could be the future of airport security. it's part of new facial recognition technology being tested by u.s. customs officers aiming to catch passport imposters. customs and border protection deputy assistant commissioner john wagner. >> we do see people trying to use a legitimate document belonging to someone else to conceal their identity and we are vulnerable to that. >> reporter: we were given rare access comparing the photo and passport with the person presenting it. the computer compares the two and rates how likely they are to be a match. the three month pilot project at dulles is part of a larger test of biometric technology. this fall face and iris scans of people returning from mexico on foot at a san diego area border crossing will be collected. it's a fear this is just the beginning of biometrics being used to track law abiding citizens. >> the real concern is this particular pilot program is a step towards a larger program. >> reporter: customs officials say travelers are already required to present photo id when entering the country. this technology confirms that. kris van cleave, cbs news, dulles airport, virginia. >> the images taken during this program are being saved in a secure database that is not shared. officials say when the pilot project is done, those images will be deleted and the effectiveness of the program will be evaluated to see if it should be expanded. nature's fury sun leashed and a kid -- is unleashed and a kid's camera catches it all. >> 16-year-old karl buley was standing on the porch in grand isle during a massive thunderstorm when he got the shot. >> i wasn't even looking at the phone at the time. i turned around to look at something, felt a shock, heard a boom. checked my phone and i got the shot. >> fortunately there was no damage to him or the church. they say lightning never strikes the same place twice, but that same church was struck by lightning during a storm in 2007. what is the chance of that? >> that's a tough one, nothing you want to bet on. derek knows lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the sun. >> it is, yes. >> you can have cloud-to-ground lightning and cloud to cloud and ground to cloud lightning '. >> sometimes apparently it can strike twice in the same area. >> that's kind of an old wives tale, still unusual, wouldn't bet on that either. a summer pattern through the weekend, showers and storms primarily through the afternoon and evening. morning activities are safer. soccer games are going to be played, young lady. how many do you have tomorrow? >> four. >> i remember those days. 85 now, dew point 70, not a good thing. that's bad. winds south at 6 which is why we say customer size in the morning. it's still 85 degrees 5:00 in the evening. live look at doppler over the past hour and this is a pretty big storm now down into fredericksburg. the question is will it stay together? the warning is expired. it's still producing heavy rain. that's the a man threat with these storms. -- the main threat with it these storms. they don't have a lot of movement on them. don't cross a flooded street by car or foot. this does have a lot of lightning strikes in it, an indication the storm may be getting more intense over the past half hour or so. this cell was separate at 1 time. now it's 1 big happy family. pretty heavy rain. red indicates the heaviest rain on our legend. this is heavy rain down 17 toward chancellor, old plank road and rocky run road where 17 heads up toward hartwood, very heavy rain. we'll zoom back out and track it. if it stays together which i think it will a little while, could hit david's cross roads at 6:07 and main threat will be heavy rain and flash flooding. isolated storms, humid tonight until at least about 10:00 i think. hot and humid all weekend, summer pattern continuing. mainly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms. then much more numerous in the mountains tomorrow i-81 westward and even a better chance of showers and storms monday as a cold front gets closer to us. that cold front won't go south of us until monday night. 10:00 walk the dog, okay, couple showers possible here and there but mainly partly cloudy with 70s, kind of muggy and by morning 7:00 upper 60s, low 70s, partly cloudy skies. by 10:00 almost 80 downtown already and already 79 in frederick. by 1:00 in the afternoon this is where the focus will be in terms of early activity is probably where most of the coverage will be on saturday from the east side of i-81 and on the west side along the shenandoah back in the mountains. by 6:00 a couple showers pop up in parts of the metro area. if you're grilling tomorrow, the odds are in your favor. download our app to track the storms with us. by 11:30 tomorrow night everything is gone, upper 70s, a little muggy. you should be fine to doing out after about 7 p.m. 70 -- to cook out after about 7 p.m. 70s to start, low 80s by 11:00 and 86 by 1:00. next three days 88 tomorrow, 87 on sunday, scattered storms, then a better chance of storms on monday, 83 degrees. monday the nats come back into town. maybe a leftover shower on tuesday, very nice wednesday and thursday, 83, warmer on friday, isolated storm possible, back in the upper 80s. now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. >> this week's high school profile tipping the cap to a champion, gonzaga high school in northwest, not just once but twice is nice. >> reporter: these underclassmen from gonzaga college high school are already practicing for next year's rugby season, but they're still reveling in the 2015 national rugby championship they won last month. >> it's a really good feeling. >> it meant a lot to me. >> it's an incredible feeling. it's hard to explain. >> reporter: this is the second time around for the eagles. they won their first last year after six straight semifinal appearances in 26 years of having rugby at the school. winning this national championship in rugby was a multi-sport affair for gonzaga including more than a dozen football players. >> i would call them rugby players. they have better rugby knowledge than kids that only play rugby. >> reporter: the team captain said it's hard to deny how special the football players are. the head coach says it stands to reason since they play in one of the toughest football conferences in the country. >> that prepares them to play in this environment where they've got to be mentally tough. >> reporter: reggie corps bin corbin is so good on the gridiron -- corbin is so good on the gridiron he's committed to illinois. >> it was the first time in a whole sporting event i ever cried because we worked so hard all season. >> reporter: that hard work was no doubt born out of gonzaga's creed men for others. the poach said this team really embodied -- the coach said that team really embodied that saying which resulted in a second national championship. diane roberts, wusa9 sports. >> good for them. twice is nice. it's a big sports night here in wusa9. in about 30 minutes the nats coming up on 9. we'll see stephen strasburg a little later. >> hope he can pick it up. >> yeah, turn it around. he struggled, just hasn't been himself. that's a key for them. we'll see. emergency bridge work now underway on the arlington memorial bridge. at 6:00 we'll tell you about the businesses affected by these closures. >> reporter: a former republican house speaker is indicted and mystery surrounds why am i so awake? did you know your brain has a wake system... and a sleep system? science suggests when you have insomnia, the neurotransmitters in your wake system may be too strong, which may be preventing you from getting the sleep you need. talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. or call 877-241-luna. a former lawmaker who was once second in line to the presidency tonight charged with lying to the fbi and violating banking laws. >> federal prosecutors say former gop house speak are dennis hastert paid millions of dollars in hush -- speaker dennis hastert paid millions of dollars in hush money to someone in his past. that money went to a man to conceal past sexual misconduct. craig boswell picks up the story from washington. >> reporter: from capitol hill to dennis hastert's hometown of yorkville, illinois, the allegations against the former gop house speaker left people stunned. >> we've known him personally 40 years. we're very surprised. >> reporter: a federal indictment accuses hastert of breaking banking laws, then lying to the fbi about why he was withdrawing large amounts of casual. in 2010 hastert met with and agreed to pay a person identified only as individual a $3.5 million to keep quiet about prior misconduct. the indictment does not detail the misconduct but says individual a is from yorkville, illinois where last territory taught high school and coached wrestling from 1965 to 1981. illinois senator mark kirk served in the house while hastert was speaker. he said in a statement anyone who knows hastert is shocked and confused by the indictment. the fbi launched an investigation last year after banks reported the withdrawals. hastert told agents he was taking the money out because he didn't trust the banking system. the 73-year-old faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each of the two counts. he was the longest serving 11 house speaker and was second in line -- republican house speaker and was second in line to the president. >> yesterday hastert resigned from the washington lobby firm where he has worked since leaving congress. first tonight at 6:00 the 2016 presidential race is about to get even more crowded, this time with a very familiar face. thank you for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> i'm derek mcginty. former maryland governor martin o'malley will make it official tomorrow. he's launched a long shot bid to become president running against democrat hillary clinton. our scott broom is taking the temperature of the voters. how are they feeling about governor o'malley, scott? >> reporter: i tell you this run for president was a badly kept secret. martin o'malley was very popular here in prince george's county during his eight years of governor, but it does appear some of that popularity eroded, especially in the wake of the baltimore riots. do you think what happened recently in baltimore might hurt him? >> yes. >> reporter: martin o'malley seen in his own videos as an architect to the law and order strategy in baltimore, successfully drove down the murder rate but ultimately ratcheted up conflict between police and people. already a long shot for president, o'malley is up against hillary clinton who he campaigned for in 2008. the former maryland governor will run to the left of the former first lady. as maryland's governor, he raised taxes, dumped record money into schools and saw casinos open. he embraced gay marriage and tougher gun laws and claimed to be a budget cutter, but during eight years in office his last budget was bigger than his first. >> somewhere around the last he stopped doing for the people and started doing more for the government. >> if it makes it through the primary, yes, he's got my vote. >> we need the democratic party getting stronger every day. >> reporter: o'malley who has been visiting new hampshire and iowa more than a year still gets a lot of attention for being in a celtic rock band. getting youtube video released today he noodled out hail to the chief to tease his announcement tomorrow.

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