Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150223 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20150223

i'm going to is on that list and targeted you better believe i'm going to still go out there. >> that's what we found out from local police, homeland security and of course the company that runs this mall behind us. when we come back at 6:00 we'll read some of your facebook posts. find out how you guys feel about the threat. live at the montgomery mall, debra alfarone, wusa9. >> the video released by al-shabab mostly focuses on the conflicts between kenya and somali and the attack of twoulth. twoulth -- of 2013. a man secretly videotaping women using restaurants in one restaurant. >> the owner is charged with six counts of visual surveillance after a woman using a ram's head tavern in maryland said she discovered a camera in the restroom. authorities are concerned the alleged videotaping could have also happened in one of those other locations. kyle muehlhauser of severna park turned himself in to police and has since been released on bond. howard county police began investigating moul -- muehlhauser since last year. she saw the camera fall other the floor. police found images of six women. they also found video images of muehlhauser himself putting the camera in to place in the women's room. detectives also say dna results from the camera match muehlhauser but his neighbors say the man they know is a good guy. they're not completely convinced of these charges. >> i'd guess maybe they were there for security reasons but i don't think he's doing anything malicious or porn knrask -- pornographic with it. just who's going in and out of the bathroom. i find that very hard to believe. >> in addition, ram's head has two tavern locations in annapolis. the restaurant group also has a stevensville location. authorities are notifying police departments in all those locations and investigating other possible videotaping. in a wild turn of events in the case of accused child molester gardner, they're considering whether he had witnesses killed in a murder for hire scheme. why that attorney had to withdraw. what happened, peggy? >> it was less than a week to go before trial and after months of preparation michael gardener's defense team pulled out of the case today. this after a judge ruled that gardener's lead attorney could be called as a witness. >> the more this goals on, the more lies bury him deeper and deeper. >> reporter: the parents of three children who say michael gardner molested them at a slumber party were told about an alleged murder for hire plan to kill off the young witnesses. >> law enforcement officers from the state from three different local jurisdictions they tell you that there's the potential plot to abduct and murder your children is not something you can really describe. >> reporter: prosecutors say gardner discussed the plan with another inmate who turned out to be an informant. when an undercover officer visited gardner, gardner called his attorney, chris libeing. libeing -- liebig informed officers. >> he certainly provided us other information during our meetings with him that led to the information he gave us. >> reporter: liebig and his firm withdrew from the case. liebig's attorney blames prosecutors. >> they used bad judgment and mr. gardner paid the price. >> reporter: prosecutors say phone jail conversations reveal michael gardner is consumed with anger and revenge. >> he's described himself as we indicated a sheet of black anger. he's indicated we've sucked on a radioactive popsicle things of that nature. >> gardner is not charged with murder for hire and his attorney's attorney said gardner never discussed such a thing and that the informant made it all up. the judge made a ruling on whether his wife will be a witness. i'll have that coming up. >> gardner is not only set to be retried on this case but on new charges involving a sex assault against a female relative. that trial was set to start next week. now that gardner needs to find new counsel, that could cause a delay. the deep freeze is back and here is first alert chief meteorologist topper shutt with all the details. >> it didn't last long. we hit 50 yesterday. very nice day. perfect for shoveling snow. we're now in the 20s essentially. it's 30 downtown. everybody else in the 20s. and really temperatures fell or held steady all day. 24-hour temperature change, 18 degrees colder than we were at this time yesterday. what does it feel like? there's a little bit of a breeze. it feels like it's in the teens in terms of wind chill. feels like 16 in manassas. 18 in gaithersburg and downtown. 22 for wind chill down in fredericksburg. forecast temps tonight we had to widen the range. i talked about this on facebook and twitter. 0 to 14. i think it will be zero to leesburg, 1 in sterling 10 in springfield. even bethesda, rock field and college park will be in the single digits. about 8 going toward woodbridge so we're looking at record lows it looks like. the record low is 14. that's low hang ing prut. by tonight, want to walk the dog you can. bad news, it's already 10 in gaithersburg and 13 in manassas. we'll let you know if we see any moisture mixing with this cold air this week. new controversy of police use of nsa style of secret technology to track cell phones. prosecutors in and around the country have dropped evidence and cut deals rather than reveal details of the surveillance equipment. bruce leshan is live with more on that part of the story. >> what looks like a tree behind me sill wetted against the clouds, that's not a tree. that's a cell phone tower. but the devices that we're talking about, local police are using to fool cell phones and snarf up cell phone data, they're far more covert and camouflage than that tree. >> reporter: the suitcase-sized stingray devices do not look like much. they're so good at scarfing up cell phone data that local police are spending as much as $400,000 a piece in federal terrorism grants to buy them. stingrays are like fake cell phone towers. phones register with them and as the police drive around, they can triangulate a phone's precise location in real time. >> the purpose of a warrant is really to have a judge be involved when a really invasive surveillance ecnology -- technology is being used. >> reporter: dc police and feds have spent thousands of dollars on stingray but decline to talk about it and decline to say if they're going to a judge to get a warrant to use them. in baltimore the baltimore sun says a judge threatened to hold the detective in contempt of court for refusing to say how police pinpointed a suspect. in florida the washington post reports prosecutors pleaded out what looked like a slam dunk tape against a small time pot dealer than detailed police use evidence the feds have sworn police departments around the country to secrecy but judges have been pushing. >> the supreme court of the united states has been very skeptical about intrusion using technological means that are not just the eye or ear. >> reporter: the sting grabs data not just on the target's phone but on the phones of everybody in the area in real time. critics say it needs to be very clear to police agencies that they have to throw out the information on hundreds of potentially thousands of people who have been swept up by the surveillance. >> it shows where you are. it shows who you're talking to. it shows what you're doing. you go to a doctor's office. you go to a gun show. you go to a church. >> the justice department, arlington police, montgomery police fairfax police all declined to comment on this surveillance technology. prince george's and louden county authority say they do not have it. >> police suggest just talking about this technology will make it less effective but critics say we have to discuss how it's being done to protect the privacy of innocent law-abiding americans. a deadly shooting happened just after midnight on brentwood road. the victim, 29-year-old marcus mccom was promounsed dead dead at the scene. two men were seen leaving in black four-door cars. still no word on any arrests. no word on who did it or why. luckily no one was home when a massive fire broke out early this morning in montgomery county. it took several firefighters to put out the flames. investigators say the damage is now estimated at $425,000 and investigators still do not know what caused it. we're just getting started on wusa9 news at 5:00. two maryland lawmakers and one anti-gay robo call. scott broom brings us the controversy coming up at 5:30. >> a new study parents need to know about. research believes peanut allergies could be preventable. >> topper is back with more on our return freeze and how long it's going to last. >> after the break a popular party drug. we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half fast totally half fast stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. and the fastest wi-fi available from any provider. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v a spectacular fire in new jersey today where an oil tanker overturned and caught fire. check out these flames. it lost control of the rig just across the delaware river from philadelphia. the driver was rescued and nearby homes had to be evacuated. the truck was reportedly carrying 8900 gallons of gasoline. a group were sent to the hospital after an overdose of molly. molly is a very potent form of the psycho active drug ecstasy. >> it's to be expected from the college environment but it is disappointing to know that people are exposed to this kind of dangerous drug. >> according to the drug abuse warning network hospitals reported more than 22,000 mdma-related emergency room visits in 2011 alone. a new study suggests many peanut allergies can be prevented. researchers say their findings could lead to major changes in food allergy guidelines. >> reporter: the chances evan woolen would develop a peanut allergy were high. when he was 11 months old his mother enrolled him in a study at kings college london that involved more than 600 babies at high risk for peanut allergies. the infants were assigned to eat peanut protein or avoid it. the findings published in the new england journal of med sl found -- medicine found introducing peanut early dramatically rediscussed the risk of a peanut allergy. >> feeding young infants with eczema was associated with a striking reconduction in the prevalence of peanut allergy and seemed to prevent more than 80% of cases. >> reporter: dr. hugh sampson at mt. sinai hospital says this is a landmark study that should change food allergy guidelines. >> i think we'll now see a prevalence of peanut allergy in this young population start to drop instead of continuing increasing. >> reporter: now 8 years old evan never became allergic to peanuts and can eat whatever he wants. >> my favorite food is peanut butter which does have a lot of nuts tin. -- in it. >> reporter: marlie hall, new york. >> it's estimated 2% of the children in the u.s. have food allergies. i feel like there's not as many allergies. >> i feel we hear a lot more of it than when we were. >> my daughter definitely had peanuts before 1 and shellfish before 1. >> we did it after 1. we did seafood too and she doesn't have any allergies either. we're deal ing temperatures sleet snow and ice are crippling parts of the southern u.s. this building in tennessee buckled under the sheet of snow and you can see thick coats of ice brought down tree branches and there are families who have been without electricity for days. >> it's one of the worst. it really is. it's done more damage to people's homes or cars. >> i don't think you can really imagine it's this bad until you get here. >> that's a red cross volunteer who traveled 200 miles to help out at this shelter. she said conditions in parts of tennessee are so bad that sticking it out at home just is not an option. it could take weeks. weeks, topper before electricity is fully restored. >> that is dangerous. >> we hate ice storms. they're the worst. it takes a long time to put in poles. >> takes a long time to get to those poles when there's ice. >> we'll talk about a lot of things today. temperature roller coasters, snow. we've got some grass coming up for you. let's start with a temperature grab. we had a nice little break yesterday and that's gone now. so we'll go back in time. only 22 for a high on friday. alive on saturday. that occurred essentially at midnight. then 50 yesterday. pretty nice day. 40 is going to go in the books today. that was the midnight temperature this morning. we've been essentially with below average temperatures for the last four days except yesterday. the dew point is 1. that's good. winds west northwest. we really have a perfect recipe for a very, very cold night with clear skies calm winds very dry air mass and oh, yeah, snow cover. a bitterly cold start but light tomorrow morning. that may be the only silver lining i have. bus stop temperatures 0 to 22. those aren't wind chills. those are actual temperatures. 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. still very cold in the afternoon. still seasonably cold on wednesday. so it's going to be kind of cold but essentially quiet week. you saw that video in tennessee and parts of the south. the southern stream is very active. a lot of storms just to our south this week. we'll keep a close eye on them. tonight, want to walk scrappy you can. 11 in leesburg. 18 downtown. by morning i think these temps are going to be a little lower than the futurecast is showing. 6:00 7 in gaithersburg. more like 3. 9 in leesburg. i think it will be more like 2. 15 in dc will be more like 13. it's going to be a very, very cold night. 9 a.m. tomorrow a few clouds come down. not a huge deal. they'll quickly exit. essentially a partly cloudy day. by 1:00, in the 20s. that's pretty impressive that we're heading in to late february. 4:00 31 downtown. 25 in gaithersburg. 28 in lee sburg and 30 in manassas. we stay above freezing with this latest batch of cold air. tonight clear to partly cloudy. bitterly cold again. a few slick spots though nothing really melted. lows 0 to 14. tuesday morning partly cloudy. very cold. 0 to 26. but light winds. by afternoon partly cloudy and cold. high temperature around 30. winds south southeast about 10. we'll break it down on the day planner. 15 at 7:00. 17 at 9:00 and low 20s by 11:00. not much wind but cold. 26 downtown at 1:00. next few days, no yellow alert. that will be nice. flurries possible on thursday. that storm i'm watching passing just barely to our south. it will give more snow to places like raleigh durham. next seven days, maybe a flurry on friday. another cold front comes through. 29. not as cold sunday and you snow lovers this is killing me too. we warm up, rain and showers next monday. we've got troubling new information about how precarious the finances are for average americ impact of the largest oil workers strike in 35 years. we'll have details on our consumer alert. >> why this 18-month-old birthday is a special one for bao bao the panda. >> and we want to know what's on your mind. tweet us. in tonight's consumer alert, oil prices continue to inch up. the markets on wall street ended the day mixed. the dow was down 24 points. the nasdaq added 5. it's the largest oil refinery strike by workers in the u.s. in alive years. the work stoppage started february 1st and now affects 1/5th of u.s. production. union leaders say safety concerns are among sticking points between the workers and management. the management and even engineers have stepped in to keep the refineries up and running. a new survey finds three out of eight of us are teetering on the edge of financial disaster. says 30 to 49-year-olds fair the worst in the study. target plans to add double the amount of organic and sustainable products in its stores. the big box retailer offers more than 200 new brands that include natural children's soaps and veggies with a full serving of spinach. target introduced 16 environmental friendly products just last year. calling all cheese lovers. mineral point cheese is selling a 20-year cheddar priced at more than $200 per pound. i know you liked aged cheese. i don't know if you'd be willing to pay that much for it. the wisconsin company says the cheese may be gone next week because the orders are coming in at a rapid pace. all you cheese connoisseurs, better act fast. >> i like the cracker barrel. >> i hear you. birth day wishes go out to had national zoo panda cub bao bao. >> she turns 18 months old today which is sort of independence day. 18 months is the age panda cubs stop nursing and can start living separately from their moms. bao bao began the weaning process naturally a few months ago so she should be able to start living alone in march. >> takes her 18 months and takes us 18 years. straight ahead the latest on the search for three missing school girls feared to have joined isis. >> a father's emotional response when his daughter was mauled to death by a pit bull. >> a county council member with ties to a neo-confederate hate group refuses to talk about his anti-gay robo call made in the final days of a political campaign. maryland state prosecutors investigating a mysterious anti-gay robo call made according to the candidate target of the call. the eventual winner of the race is not talking about it because of the onknowing investigation and that's where scott broom picks it up. >> despite his well documented ties to a neo-confederate hate group. on youtube he talks about secession. his ties to a hate group called the league of south. natural anthem he plays is "dixie." and here he is on a recent podcast calling homosexuality a death style. >> i don't call it a lifestyle. it's a death style. this death style does not reproduce. it's got to recruit your children. >> reporter: it brings us to this robo call made in the final days of peroutka's run for office. the call thanks his opponent for being gay which he is then ties armstrong what peroutka's campaign literature calls the bathroom bill, which armstrong had nothing to do with. >> transgenders can now openly and freely go in to any bathroom they choose. tell patrick it to continue to stand loud and proud in support for transgenders' equal rights. >> reporter: the robo call gave out armstrong's parents' numbers. they were flooded with abusive messages. >> it was very hateful. >> reporter: she says she's been contacted by an investigator from the state prosecute's office who appears to be conditioning in to possible violations of fair election rules and federal robo call regulations. susan o'brian was armstrong's campaign manager. >> this is an illegal phone call that was orchestrated in support of peroutka's campaign. he was scared. he was losing. this was a last ditch effort, absolutely illegal to bring fear in to the voters about the sexuality of patrick's candidacy. >> reporter: what about armstrong? does he think peroutka is behind the mysterious robo call that may have violated campaign finance laws? >> i'm sure he would not have engaged directly in this but the fact of the matter is this was a contribution of sorts to his campaign. it benefited his campaign and that needs to be disclosed as to who did it and paid for it. >> reporter: armstrong ended up losing by 1700 votes. >> by e-mail a peroutka member said he has a policy of not commenting on ongoing investigations. he did not take questions about the extremist tie. he said because peroutka is busy right now working the county budget. in severna park, maryland scott broom, wusa9. >> a spokesman for the maryland state prosecutors office is refusing to talk about whether they may have found. after six months on the run from the law a man accused of raping a girl is in police custody tonight. frederick police say the attack happened in august. investigators say 18-year-old zachary jordan crawford was hanging out with the victim in the park but then assaulted her. yesterday crawford who moved from frederick to hagerstown after crime was featured in frederick's most wanted. he turned himself in later that day. the family of a woman struck and kill allegedly by a suspected drunken driver in silver spring is trying to raise money for a funeral. vanessa dixon of kc had just celebrated her frightening birthday when she was killed while waiting at the bus stop on crest haven drive. dixon's family is trying to raise $15,000 on a know fund me page. if you want to donate, head to the wusa9 page and search dixon. a family is reeling tonight after a pit bull mauled a 2-year-old girl to death. it happened inside a home last night near pittsburgh. while the whole family was over for kiner. taylen devon's father said he was in the kitchen when the dog suddenly attacked the 2-year-old. >> she was bleeding. it should never have happened the way it happened. >> investigators still do not know what caused the dog to attack. detectives are in turkey looking for three missing british school girls. they boarded a plane in london nearly a week ago and there are fears they left to join isis. authorities said 5 00 people have abandoned britain for syria and there's a growing trend of more young girls joining the terror groups. their families are begging for the teens to come home. >> if you're watching this, please come home. mom needs you more than anything in the world. >> remember howti we love you and they cannot stop crying, your brothers. >> just agonizing. investigators are check ing out possible contacts between the girls and extremists. some capital police officers are frustrated tonight by their new marching orders. according to roll call, commanders are calling for fewer traffic stops and even drunk driving arrests with bigger focus on combating terrorism and keeping congress safe. one officer is quoted in saying you cannot have a police department that you don't allow officers to police. does anybody want streetcars in dc? bruce johnson brings us the update. a troubled transportation project at 5:30. >> patricia's shout-out to women. the stories people are talking about after last night's oscars. >> we have a very, very cold night ahead. we'll show you downtown record low, that's safe. 1. 2 is safe in baltimore. but the record low in dulles is 14. that's going to go by the wayside. 6, record low in martinsburg. we'll talk about how cold it's going to get tonight. trending now, you know the big winners who caused the biggest buzz on oscar night? >> three big moments from last night's awards. we'll have to start i'm sure with patricia arquette. >> that's right. she won best supporting actress and in her acceptance speech talked about wage equality and equal rights for women. the crowd loved it. twitter loved it and meryl streep jumped out of her seat in approval. >> what's interesting it's not just women she said. it was more or less women who have given birth. i was reading this article in the post. single women are only getting 4% to 5% less than men. it's the woman who have children where the big discrepancy is, 23% less than their male counterparts. >> certainly talking about wage and equality in a different way. people have been talking about it but they put it on the stage yesterday. so good for her. joanie, there are a lot of people who aren't so happy about this next thing. >> that's right. joan rivers was notably missing from the in memoriam segment last night. she was really the queen of the red carpet. so many people expected to see her photo. the academy said the memorial couldn't fit everyone. >> that was very interesting when i heard the response to that. she was notably missing and twitter started lighting up after that. >> they said she really was the one who made the red carpet what it is. >> with the fashion. >> what about sean penn's green card joke? >> when alejandro gonzalez innereto won some are saying not cool. racist jokes are never okay. others saying since the two are friends it's not a big deal. >> i don't know, a lot of people also thought that that joke sort of underscored how the oscars seem to be out of touch with society. >> what's interesting to me is out of all those trending topics nobody is talking about neil patrick harris at this point. >> he's hosted before and -- >> not the oscars. >> right at the top he said the whitest instead of the brightest. so right away we got that joke. then we had the other joke at the end. so there were kind of some weird moments. >> there were quite a few. let's keep things moving here. another talk er was this performance of "glory" by common and john legend. >> ♪ glory glory ♪ ♪ hands to the heavens ♪ ♪ man man no weapons ♪ ♪ formed against ♪ ♪ glor destined ♪ ♪ >> the anthem from the movie "selma" won an oscar for best original song and their searing acceptance speeches about the relevance of selma and incarceration statistics and the call to march on brought people to their feet. get your peanuts and crackerjacks ready. baseball season is almost here. we'll have a report from nationals training camp coming up. >> the obama administration proposes new rules to help american families save more for retirement. now, more and more americans are discovering that... shred after shred... dish after dish... day after delicious day... shredding galbani mozzarella yourself inspires meals, and moments, that are simply better. mmm, galbani (sfx: kiss). italy's favorite cheese brand. now, america's number one we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half fast totally half fast stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. and the fastest wi-fi available from any provider. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v president obama said today a partial shutdown of homeland security would mean no paycheck. the president made that comment as congress struggled with a new budget for homeland security because the current funding expires. they're at odds over a provision that many lawmakers have attached to funding. it aims to block spending for the president's executive orders on illegal immigrants. a las vegas man accused of killing a neighbor made his first court appearance today. 19-year-old eric nowsh stood in shackles as the judge set a preliminary hearing for march 10th. his attorney says the event has been mischaracterized as an event of deadly road rage. he said he shot because he feared those inside were out to get him. a bullet hit and killed tammy meyers. in tonight's consumer alert, the white house says outdated rules are costing millions of americans a chunk of their retirement savings. today president obama proposed tougher rules on brokers who may be motivated by collecting fees instead of pursuing the best interest of their clients. some financial planners say it will limit financial health. craig boswell crunches the numbers. >> reporter: president obama says middle class families do not know who they can trust to manage their savings and get biased advice. >> it costs working families about $17 billion a year. >> reporter: he went to the aarp here in washington to propose brokers put what's in the financial interest of the customer first and make it more difficult for them to sell products with higher fees and commissions. >> these payments, these inducements incentivize the broker to make recommendations that generate the best turns for them but not necessarily the best returns for you. >> reporter: supporters say the administration is closing a key loophole. >> this is a billion-dollar industry and they've obviously been making fees and commissions off of the status quo of giving advice that isn't in the best interest of workers or retirees. >> reporter: ken vinson says the president's proposal will drive up the cost of retirement savings for the very people he's trying to help. >> it will end up costing some investors more, having them pay for what they've chosen not to pay for and with others will leave them without the access to advice to make the right conditions. >> reporter: many financial advisors say there are already adequate regulations in place. the administration tougher ricks face several months of public comment where they can be changed. craig boswell washington. a lot of comments on facebook. we've had so much snow this year. actually we've had a lot of instances of snow but not that much. we average 15 inches for the entire season. we picked up about 7 of those just on saturday. a little more at dulles but nothing crazy. 24 inches. kind of like seattle, a lot of instances of rain as opposed to a lot of rain. we've had a lot of instances of snow but not a lot in the bank. right now outside very nice. 30 degrees. winds are still northwest at 17. but they will subside tonight. we're looking at bitterly cold start but light winds tomorrow morning. bus stop temperatures, zero to 22. not wind chill. still very cold tuesday afternoon. probably not above freezing. then still seasonably cold pens. maybe 40 on wednesday which sounds kind of good but that's almost 10 degrees below our average high which is now like 49. tonight on the futurecast, clear. 10 in gaithersburg. 12 in leesburg and maybe 18 downtown. i say these temps are a wee bit high. we're going to see some place said 1 2 3 above. gaithersburg. 15 in dc. more like 12 in dc. the record low at dulles is 14. we'll shatter that across the board. 9:00 just a few clouds down to the south. not a huge problem. temps still in the low to mid teens. those move out quickly. full sun by lunchtime. not doing much to warm us. 22 at 58-- at gaithersburg. not much wind but some kind of cold. by tomorrow evening, 4:00, upper 20s to around 30 in manassas and downtown. then by evening temps are not going to fall nearly as far or as fast tomorrow night. partly cloudy. 21 maybe in gaithersburg by 7:00 and maybe 25 in manassas. not nearly as cold tomorrow night. tonight though wow. clear skies to partly cloudy skies. bitterly cold. just a few slick spots but nothing really melted today. lows zero to 14. tomorrow morning partly cloudy, very cold. zero to 26. light winds. by afternoon partly cloudy and cold. highs around 30. so all of us will stay below freezing. winds out of the south southeast at about 10. at least the winds are in check. on the day planner, 14 at 5:00. 15 at 7:00. 17 at 9:00. 21 at 11:00 and only 26 by 1:00. that's full sun. at least no yellow alerts. that's nice. season ably cold on wednesday. 40, maybe flur ries on thursday. we'll watch that storm. it's tracking just to our south. high of about 34. next seven days maybe a flurry on friday. there's a shot of the arctic air. 30. 29 on saturday. 43 on sunday. the dry weekend for now. warms up and rain next monday. weather of course a big headline at cities across the country. so here's a look at what's happening beginning in texas. >> hi, this is phil townsend in fort worth. conditions north texas is not used to seeing. a lot of sleet. kind of slow moving. we'll show you the exact consist aenss of what we're dealing with here. >> a frigid start to the week around here. 11 below zero this monday morning with wind chills around 25 below zero. we have cold sunshine right now. we are above zero. around 3 degrees. >> in grand rapids michigan we set a new record low temperature of 10 degrees below zero this morning. that blew the old record of 4 below way out of the water. >> i'm kendall morris in crossville tennessee. more than 18,000 in this county are still without power. crews are covering the place trying to clear away debris and trees covering the roads. they're trying to get the power turned on so people can get back to their homes. spring is underway. the washington national s are in vieira. pitchers and catches have been working out for a few days now. position players report tomorrow. dave owens has made his way today all. >> welcome to vieira, everybody, and all i have to say is -- look at that. 83 degrees. i think that bird's got the best seat in the house here. the temperatures are skyrocketing and so are the expectations here as most people believe that the team that is housed here in spring training, washington nationals are a world series favorite and those words get used on you when you've won almost 300 games in the last three seasons. those expectations are all high for one reason. the pitching staff around here is absolutely loaded. three of the starting five from last season e.r.a.s in the top 20. those five guys all won between 10 and 16 games. just when you thought it couldn't get any better, gm mike rizzo gets max scherzer from detroit. he wins 18 games last season. he's a former cy young award winner. you get my point. the pitching is really good here. certainly things looking up and expectations high for the nats. that's the story with the pitching. coming up at 6:20, i'll talk about the position players, two in particular who are right here on this field beside me. for now though the birds are chirping and they're telling me it's time to go. we'll get back to you at 6:20. >> a little jealous there. dave will have coverage for you all week long. switching gears real quick to college basketball. one local hoya freshman keeps racking it up while the terp star is getting recognized for his incredible play. he was named big east rookie of the week for the second straight week and it's the third time he's received this honor in the season. copeland has received this honor more than any other freshman in the conference. melo tremble moved to the watch list for the 2015 because cuzzi point guard of the year award, handed out each year to the best point guard in college basketball. more on their big showdown coming up later in sports. coming up at 6:00, the popular maryland bar has some explaining to do after a digital camera is found in the ladies' room. >> first hackers for hire. why big companies are h i know grandma's house isn't the most exciting, but it's only for a few hours. look what i've got. when you get verizon fios, you get beautiful hd picture quality, super fast internet, and america's most reliable network. so you won't miss a second of that movie, that game they love, or those moments with family. can we sleep over? please! come on! make your house the house when you get more from verizon fios the tv service rated #1 in hd picture qualitd y ansignal reliability based on customer 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flaws. they're often referred to as ethical or white hat hackers. >> we're curious. we want to test our skills. we want to test limits. we want to help new companies. >> he worked for a firm that connects companies including pint rest and western union with hackers like himself. >> i suppose it's half-half in terms of fun and the puzzle. i suppose the other half would be monetary. >> reporter: that's because the businesses pay cash rewards called bug bounties. they range from hundreds of thousands of dollars and go to the first person to find a particular bug. mobile payment company square has a bug bounty program. >> why does square engage the hack to help cyber security >> >> we do everything we can to secure our products and services but things fall through the cracks. >> reporter: he said square would rather have good hackers help find problems before malicious attackers do. >> we're not just focusing all our efforts on locking the front door when there's a window we don't know about. >> reporter: he says it has helped and so far they haven't been burned. this is bruce johnson along 8th street in northeast washington. is this both the beginning and the end of the city streetcar system? >> why were westfield malls like montgomery behind the singled out al-shabab video indicating terror? i'm debra alfarone with what you have to say. >> an alleged murder for hire plot and who did what to whom has an accused sex offender's attorney pulling out a week before trial. first the long delayed dc streetcar system. thank you for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> and i'm derek mcginty. it would a ppear the line could become the beginning and the end of the city's new streetcar system. bruce johnson has talked with the mayor council chair and residents. no love for the streetcars? >> not anywhere. since the mid 2000s it's been the talk in the town. bring back the three cars get some of this traffic off the roads. now it seems like it was either a bad idea or just bad planning. >> we've learned that it doesn't take much to stop a dc streetcar. a flash fire this weekend put one car out of service. collisions with vehicles on 8th street have other cars. and today a panel truck stuck on the ice had to be towed out of a streetcar's path. residents and business owners have been watching test runs for months when the cars should have been hauling passengers beginning on january 1st. >> they don't even say it. you go along h street and you can take a bus to anywhere you want and we really don't need that trolley. >> are all enough fare boxes? >> reporter: the planning of the system

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