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Metro stations. So firefighters were dispatched to those locations including at Lenfant Plaza, but the Mayors Office is still trying to find out the exact time when that metro train was disabled. There are a lot of questions that remain and from our point of view we have to make sure that the response in our Fire Department responded in every fast and safe way possible. Reporter the mayor has ordered a full review of the metro smoke incident in conjunction with the ntsb. We know that 200 people were evacuated and 804 people including carol glover, the one fatality, were transported to the hospital. More than an harry latched from the first call coming an hour elapsed from the first call coming from Lenfant Plaza. It took 21 minutes before metro cut off power to the rail. I just heard this morning that radios are not working in the tunnels and i think that also contributed to response times. Reporter thats what mayor Muriel Bowser is concerned about, too. Firefighters were using new radios put into use last month. There are reports they were working intermittently in the tunnel and firefighters had to use runners to communicate. There has been a lot of discussion about if the firefighters could hear amongst themselves and get upstairs and what was the state of the equipment, our equipment and the metro equipment and i expect that well be able to have some answers to those questions. I think there should be more training with the response officials, too both with metro and the Emergency Services in town, too. Reporter while we wait for the ntsb full report, the Mayors Office says that they are about to release a preliminary report in the next 48 hours, a full report scheduled for next week. That should be coming out in the next few days. Back to you. A d. C. Lawyer announced the first lawsuit today against metro in that trapped train tragedy and the first of as many as 20 claimants offered new details of the operators heroic efforts to get that train out of the tunnel and back into the Lenfant Plaza station. Bruce leshan is live at that station with the story. Reporter it is a harrowing story. The 53yearold fredericksburg ride her all but given up. He texted rider had all but given up. He being ited a final goodbye he texted a final goodbye to his mother and two children convinced he was not going to get t rich is still wearing his Georgetown Hospital wristband. Doctors just released him after almost four days. His story of terror underground and the desperate effort to get out is supplemented by a new video. I understand theres smoke on the train. Please op the doors. We are about open the doors. We are about to move back to the platform. By the time they get us to the platform well be cooked. He said the train wont move until the train thats already in the plaza gets out. Reporter rich says several Metro Transit Police were in his car yelling into their radios trying to get another train to move out of Lenfant Plaza so the trapped train could move in. They are holding the train on Lenfant Plaza. You need to get in contact with them and have them move that train off the platform. Just constantly screaming at command trying to get it turned to the fifth channel or this channel and nobody could even get that train out. What a crock of reporter you can hear the passengers growing increasingly scared. Rich said he sent what he thought was a final text to his family. I told my mother that i loved her and i told my kids i loved being their dad. Reporter richs lawyer says she is suing metro for answers, why did it take so long to get those people help, that one woman was killed and scores of others were injured . Those people should not have been trapped like rats in a subway car filling with smoke. Reporter five more passengers have now signed onto that lawsuit. Attorney kim brooksrodney is a former assistant general manager at metro. She rented the estate of general david v represented the estate of general david worely and his wife ann who were killed in the 2009 metro crash and reached an undisclosed settlement with metro in that case. A Memorial Service will take place this monday to remember carol glover, the woman who died in the smoke incident. Capitol hill baptist officials said glover and her family attended services at the church and that is where they will gather to remember her monday at 10 a. M. Ms. Glover was 61. She leaves behind two sons and recently became a grandmother. An ohio man has been arrested for plotting to attack the u. S. Capitol building and kill federal workers. In an undercover fbi operation 20yearold Christopher Cornell was arrested outside a gun shop in ohio where he allegedly bought two semiautomatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammo. Prosecutors say he professed allegiance online to isis and spoke of plans to commit acts of jihad. Cornells father says his son was a kid who somehow lost his way. I believe he was really vulnerable and i believe he was coerced in a lot of ways. Investigators say they had been monitoring cornell for months ready to actand that the public was never in any kind of danger. A little relief on the way from the bitter cold, chief meteorologist topper shutt is tracking what he calls a fine finish to the week. It really will be a fine finish even though a cold front will come through tomorrow, move through dry. Tomorrow night 7 30 temperatures in the low 30s in the suburbs and mid30s downtown, by 10 00 temperatures below freezing in the suburbs, low to mid30s downtown. Late tonight we fall back to the 20s north and west of town. Looking ahead weve got a great time to wash the car or truck, at least three days before the rain returns. Breezy and not as cold tomorrow, a bit colder saturday, keep lowering temps. This cold front that goes through tomorrow will lower temps saturday. Showers could still turn to snow showers sunday night, maybe just enough moisture left as the cold air rushes in. Well talk more about that coming up. Tonight a teenager is dead and police are searching for his killer. Officers found 17yearold Phillip Jones dead in the 3100 block of Martin Luther king, jr. Avenue in southeast last night. Neighbors heard several gunshots. Anyone with information should call d. C. Police. Tonight a man is behind bars accused of trying to lure young girls to have sex with him. Anne Arundel County Police arrested 24yearold Jonathan Kurtz after an undercover investigation. Officers say kurtz attempted to meet a 14yearold girl for sex, but that teen was an undercover cop. Kurtz is from baltimore and is held on a 40,000 bond. A followup on a csx train wreck that killed two maryland teenagers. The families reached a settlement. 19yearold rose mayr and Elizabeth Nash was sitting on a trestle in 2012 when 21 railcars jumped the track in ellicott city. The two girls were buried in coal. There was a broken rail on the section of track that had a history of problems. The terms of the settlement were kept confidential. New information on u. S. Relations with cuba. Starting tomorrow it will be easier for americans to travel to the country and to send money to Family Members living there. As promised, the Obama Administration will ease decades old rules tomorrow, among them americans authorized to visit cuba will no lodger have to apply for special licenses, plus travelers will be able to bring home up to 100 in alcohol and tobacco which means as of tomorrow the ban on cuban cigars is officially over. Right now pope francis is visiting the philippines. He was greeted this morning by catholic officials and a big gust of wind. The blustery breeze white cam as he walked off the plane in the capital cap as he walked off the plane in the capital city. Hundreds of thousands people waited in the steaming heat to catch a glimpse of the popes motorcade as it slowly drove through the streets. We could see something similar here in d. C. Later this year. Our Debra Alfarone has been tracking down whether pope francis is making washington part of his u. S. Trip in september. What have you learned, deb . Reporter they have not confirmed anything yet, but that did not stop us from nosing around. This is what we found. Its official. Pope francis will visit philadelphia for the world meeting of families in the end of september, but will he be stopping here, here and here . An official with the d. C. Board of trade says the pope is coming to washington and also new york. This was echoed by the Catholic News Agency reporting the vaticans secretary of state confirmed d. C. And new york are likely stops. The archdiocese in new york tells me that they are anticipating the pontiffs visit, even having informal talks on what pope francis might do, but theyre still awaiting confirmation. The archdiocese of washington says they cant confirm a papal visit to d. C. , but if it happens, what would the pope do . House Speaker John Boehner has invited pope francis to address a joint session of congress and whats a stop in the Nations Capital without a step into bens . I think the pope would be it would be wonderful if the pope were to meet with the youth and discuss literacy in washington d. C. And the issues facing young people with reading and writing in local schools. He strikes me as a pope thats for the people. So instead of dont go to any of the cliche, you know, touristy attractions downtown, but actually visit the communities and neighborhoods of d. C. I think the pope ought to be who he is. He has demonstrated that he is a person of the people. I think he ought to take an opportunity to visit some of the areas of the city and touch some people who would probably never imagine themselves having that opportunity. Reporter you go to bens, never know who youll run into, former mayor gray having lunch today, but we also found out there was a bit of a buzz maybe the pope would host an event here at the basilica in northeast d. C. They say at this time they have no news and no plans, so there you go. Live in northeast, Debra Alfarone, wusa9. I bet a lot of people are holding onto hope. Were just Getting Started here on wusa9 news at 5 00. A push to let summer be summer. At 5 30 the new developments that could mean some local schools wont start until after labor day. Encouraging news tonight for thousands of local federal work when the flu hits, its a really big deal. The aches. The chills. The fever. An even bigger deal . Everything you miss out on. Family pizza night. The big game. Or date night. Why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to . Prescription tamiflu can help you get better 1. 3 days faster. Thats 30 sooner. Call your doctor right away. And attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Call your doctor right away. Dont lose another moment to the flu. When theres flu, tamiflu. Thank you cable. For the slower internet upload speeds. For making me wait longer to share my photo albums. Thank you cable, because if we never had you. We wouldnt know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. The numbers dont lie. In Customer Satisfaction studies, fios is rated 1 in Internet Speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. Get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years and get a 400 bonus with a two Year Agreement. Hurry its your last chance this offer ends january 17th. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v a fairfax judge has tossed out two h. O. T. Lane lawsuits after problems with the companys representation were exposed. Peggy fox joins us live from x county courthouse us where other lawsuits stand. Reporter these are the 29 violations that one maryland man is fighting. The fees total about 30,000. Transurban has a first time forgiveness policy and caps its fees at 2,200, but many defendants say they did nothing wrong and shouldnt have to pay anything. It would be similar to mickey mouse suing you. Reporter David Burnhart is an attorney representing several clients sued by the transurban, the company that operates the 90 fever and 495 express lanes. As 95 and 495 express lanes. As far as i can tell transurban is a fickal name. The corporate names are different. Fictional name. The corporate names are different. Reporter he said the suits have passed the statute of limitations. Wednesday burnhart was successful on getting two h. O. T. Lane lawsuits thrown out when he protested the person representing transurban was neither an attorney nor an employee of the company. Thats a legal matter and well address this in the court. Reporter the transurban spokesperson would not discuss the dismissed cases. He does dispute allegations of several defendant including arthur sobers. He was served with nearly 30,000 worth of summonses due to alleged toll violations even though he had an ezpass. I was under the impression that everything was in good standing. We had a credit card on auto pay. Reporter sobers and others say they were not notified about the violations until they were summoned to court. The driver only will enter the Court Process after a period of at least eight months, many notices to them there was an issue beforehand and again reporter thats how your system is supposed to work, but what if theyre not getting the invoices that you say they are . Customers are absolutely getting these notices. They are provided to them by the mail house provider at the invoice stage and again from the collections agency. Reporter burnhart says due process is lacking and hes challenging virginias 75 Year Agreement allowing transurban to operate and enforce the express lanes tolls. There are no defenses. If transurban makes the mistake, you, the public, pays the fine. Reporter you know you must have an ezpass to ride the express lanes. The company says the root of most of these problems with people who have the pass is that they havent mounted the pass correctly or they do not have funds in their account. So they say make sure those two things are correct. Live in fairfax peggy fox, wusa9. Incredible video from Northern Ireland where lava has been flowing from a volcano since august and it has caused several new land formations. According to nasa, that lava field is now larger than the island of manhattan. Experts say this is the largest volcanic eruption in 200 years and there is no sign that its letting up any time soon. Always watching always tracking wusa9 first alert weather. Let me just correct that. I was supposed to say iceland, thank you. Really big story if it was ireland. Sorry about that. A fine finish to the week and could end in snow showers sunday night. Lets start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, temperature 40 degrees, about average this time of year. Dew point reasonable mid20s and the winds turning west, southwest at 8. The winds will eventually become southwesterly tomorrow ahead of the cold front and become northwesterly 10 to 15 with gusts, a little higher than that behind the cold front by afternoon. Cold tonight but little wind. Bus stop temperatures 24 to 36, kind of a cold start for the kids, about average. Then the next front friday afternoon and we have another front on sunday afternoon. The one on friday, tomorrow, actually moved through dry, no real problems there. Pleasant on friday, but it will be breezy, so keep that in mind. The mid40s may feel cooler because of the breezes. Futurecast, 8 00 tonight low 30s, pretty much below freezing everywhere except downtown d. C. By 10 00 everybody will be below freezing with to mid 30s downtown. By morning a lot of 20s showing up, not quite as cold as this morning, but still upper 20s even as far south as la plata and fredericksburg maybe even 29. This is at 6 00 friday morning. Generally clear skies. Then by 9 00 were back in the 30s. We get into the afternoon hours. Look at this. Temperatures go back in the 40s, pretty nice day really. Again the breezes will make it feel colder and notice the arrows turning directions. They started like this. Theyre going to turn northwesterly through the day. Now theyre doing northwesterly and temperatures go back in the 30s 24 hours from now, not falling off the table, just kind of cold. Tonight clear to partly cloudy, cold, wind southwest at 10. By morning sunshine, breezy and cold, 24 to 42, southwest winds 10 to 15 and winds become northwest as the front goes through. High temperatures 40 to 45, still not a bad way to end the week in midjanuary. 29 in oakland, snow showers possible there, 37 when you jump the divide in cumberland, 40 in hagerstown, martinsburg and winchester low 40s, mid40s for culpeper, 43 in warrenton and manassas, probably only 43 or so in leesburg, 44 in reston and mclean. Downtown well say 44, a little above average. Average high is 42 now. 44 in rockville and gaithersburg, 43 in annapolis. There is a Small Craft Advisory for the bay and tidal potomac, no real surprise there with southwest winds becoming northwest. Day planner 30 at 7 00, 34 at 9 00, full sun. 41 by 11 00. Been a while since weve been in the 40s before noon and low 40s with sunshine 1 00. Next three days, a bit cold saturday. Well try to keep it at 39 for a high. Sunday 47, but temps will fall during the day. Afternoon rain and showers could end as snow showers sunday night. Behind the front Martin Luther king day pretty nice, temperatures mid30s, about 40 tuesday, rain or snow shower possible, not a storm, flurries wednesday, not a storm and still cold thursday but dry. Are you looking for a new job . The employment website Career Builder has some advice if you are. Employers were asked about biggest Job Interview mistakes . Chief among them, poor eye contact, bad posture and weak handshake. Half of the employers said they knew in the first five minutes of the interview whether the candidate was a good fit for that position. Gannett, the company that owns wusa9, also owns Career Builder. Unsuspecting College Students looking to make extra money are the target of a new scheme and were going to tell you all about it in our wusa9 call for action heads up. Its a look into the future where cars without drivers may soon zip around dad, i know i havent said this often enough, but thank you. Thank you mom for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Youre watching wusa9 news at 5 00. President obama has signed a white house memorandum involving sick leave. It directs Government Agencies to allow federal workers to take up to six weeks of paid sick leave to care for a new child or sick Family Member even if they have not accrued that much time off. The president is calling on congress to pass a bill that would grant all workers seven days of sick leave each year. We have an important wusa9 call for action heads up for College Students. Scammers are targeting them with a work at home scheme through their school email. This bogus notice says some fictitious Company Wants to recruit you for a payroll or Human Resource position, but they need your account information to make a direct deposit to your bank. The Internet Crime Information Center says dont fall for this. This scheme is pretty bad. It uses the students credentials to steal money from the Bank Accounts of others and then the unsuspecting student could Face Criminal Charges for fraud. If you get one of these e mails, make sure to forward it quickly to your universitys i. T. Department. You may have to wait longer for your tax refund this year. The irs says budget cuts could push those back by at least a week or more. They also say staffing issues will mean fewer audits and less help for you when you need it. We told you weeks ago fewer than half of the people who reach out to the agency will likely be able to get through to someone for help. Auto manufacturers see a future of driverless cars. Soon the unmanned vehicles will drive down the roads of a simulated city at university of michigan. The 32acre m city will be designed and built in partnership with the Michigan Department of transportation. The goal is to test these wheels before they hit actual roads. No human needed for these jobs, coming up how hotels, cruise ships, even hospital taking part in the robotic revolution. Reporter the two men who scaled the 1 2mile granite wall behind me tell us what that more than two week journey was like and why it wont be long before theyre hanging off the side of this wall again. Im bigad shaban in Yosemite National park, that story coming up. Reporter a proposed Kings Dominion law in maryland, im scott broom in bowie. Coming up reactions to the idea of forcing Public School systems around the state to while we are in the middle of this very cold weather take a moment to think back to summertime, the beach, a relaxing vacation and time with loved ones. Maryland is hoping to make moments like that last longer by extending summer vacation. Scott broom is in the mobile newsroom in bowie with details on the petition that incoming governor larry hogan signed today. Hey, scott. Reporter yeah. Its an interesting idea but not a foreign one to us here at the karate academy, after School Academy in bowie, maryland. Were talking about a maryland version of virginias Kings Dominion law and there are mixed feelings about it here this afternoon. Thats the law that would extend summer and prohibit schools from opening before labor day so that theme parks and beaches and resorts can squeeze some extra revenue out of the end of summer. What is the challenge for parents when kids are not in school . Child care is the biggest challenge. Of course, we will extend our program for the kids for the summer. Reporter outside the after School Karate academy marylander not so sure an extended summer is such a good idea. Im absolutely opposed to the idea. Im for more school for children. Its good for the entire state. Reporter ocean city mayor calling it the let summer be summer campaign. Provide Small Businesses the heart of our tourismbased economy a tremendous economic boost. I think it will have quite a bit of momentum. Reporter state controller Peter Francho on board saying the extra week of vacation would create 73. 3 million in Economic Activity and 7. 7 million in state and local tax revenue. School superintendents are largely against it saying theyre already under stress to meet a state minimum of 180 days of classroom instruction. Theres plenty of time to put the 180 days in. Reporter its news today because the incoming republican governor larry hogan signed a petition flet summer be summer campaign. They have more than 13,000 signatures. Outgoing governor Martin Omalley is also on board and legislators from the Eastern Shore are promising to promote a bill in this upcoming legislative season which is just Getting Started. So plan on hearing some political debate about it this spring. Scott broom, wusa9. New information on that deadlies before i on bus crash in texas, transportation deadly collision bus crash in texas. 15 people were on board when the bus went off an overpass and hit a moving train yesterday killing two Correctional Officers and eight inmates. The on person wearing a seatbelt was the driver. Federal and state agencies spent the day clearing up that scene. Jodi arias lost a bid to put her resentencing trial on hold. She was convicted of murder in 2008 in the death of her former boyfriend and jurors deadlocked whether arias should be sentenced to life in prison or receive the death penalty. The arias Legal Defense team hoped to delay her sentencing retrial, but the Arizona Supreme Court today denied that request. Traffic is flowing again in boston after activists shut down parts of a busy interstate. This morning protesters joined hands across the lanes and stopped traffic. Some protesters even chained themselves to concrete filled barriers. They were protesting alleged police brutality. Police had to arrest the protesters one by one to get them off the interstate. Some refused to surrender forcing police to handcuff them. 29 people were arrested. Protesters gathered in d. C. Today and look at when they were fighting for coming up at 6 00. The two men who made history after scaling yosemites famous el capitan wall are sharing their story now. Cbs news correspondent bigad shaban spoke with the two men and tells us why it wont be long before the climbers are back on that wall again. Reporter whats it like to finally be on solid ground . My legs hurt. Reporter Kevin Jorgeson and his climbing partner Tommy Caldwell say they had to get used to walking again after spending 19 days pulling themselves up yosemites 1 2 mile granite wall known as el capitan. Its an emotional roller coaster and holding onto the top was a release to have that roller coaster come to a stop. Reporter the two men are the first to scale this side of the slab just using their hands and feet. Safety ropes were only there in case of a fall. The Close Friends celebrated their victory at the top with champagne. Caldwell said two days earlier he caught a cold and lost his voice. Reporter part cold, part celebration . Yes. Reporter the journey took a physical toll on both climbers. My hands are beat. I wake up every morning and i have to take 800 milligrams of ibuprofen just to brush my teeth. Reporter the two men plan to return to el capitan friday to remove the safety ropes they installed all along the 3,000 foot climb. Bigad shaban, cbs news, Yosemite National park. The men plan on using rope and climbing gear when they remove all their equipment instead of relying on just their bare hands and feet like they have the last two weeks. Hollywood is all about us today because of this little golden statue. Find out who was nominated and snubbed for this years oscars. A space experiment that will leave one man without gravity for a year, coming up the ambitious reason behind nasas mission. A very nice night, typical january night, forecast low temperatures, 20s in the suburbs, 30 downtown, 28 in bethesda, 25 in fairfax, 26 in rockville and bowie. Were tracking two hiiiii. Hi. Sorry, were closed. What . I need help with my deposit. The bank has rules. Its really quick. I cant hear you. I promise, im gonna be really quick. I dont under. I cant hear you through the glass. Ill. Be. Quick youll be quick. Thats what you just said . Yes. Im sorry, i cant hear you. Were closed. You know what . Okay, thats. Hey. Sir . I just. Okay. [ male announcer ] its time to bank human again. Thats why td bank has the longest hours and even stays open an extra ten minutes for when you run late. Td bank. Americas most convenient bank. Trending today all over the web the oscar nominations. Birdman and the grand lead the pack with nine nominees each. The other nominees for top movie, american sniper, boyhood, the imitation game, they marks the theory of thelma, the theory of everything and whiplash. Boyhood is considered the frontrunner and just took home the golden globe for best drama and picture. Im kind of surprised. Its a long one. Its almost three hours. Carve out some time. Heres the breakdown for the best actors, steve carell for fox catcher, Bradley Cooper for american sniper, Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmane for the theory. He transferred into steven hawthorne. For supporting actors Robert Duvall is up for his role in the judge, same for ethan hawk for boyhood, Edward Norton for birdman, mark ruffalo for fox watcher and j. K. Simmons for whiplash and he is considered the frontrunner. There were a couple surprises in the best actress category. Marianne kotiar in two days one night, also nominated Felicity Jones for the theory of everything, julie ann more for still alice, rosamon pike for gone girl and reese weatherspoon. Best supporting actress category Patricia Arquette for boyhood, emma stone for birdman and meryl streep for into the woods. By the way, that is her 19th Academy Award nomination. Wow. Neil Patrick Harris hosts this years awards. They will be handed out next month. Boyhood was shot over a 12 year period with all the same actors. You can actually see them grow up, the progression. It was very interesting. People today were talking about what happened to thelma and how that was largely shut out and snubbed. Theres a lot to talk about around the oscars this year. One of our reports last night sure did strike a nerve online. Andrea mccarren told us about a Montgomery County couple under investigation for child neglect because they let their children roam around their neighborhood. The meitiv kids are 10 and 6. Their parents let them walk together up to a mile from their home unaccompanied by an adult sometimes to the library or store. The story has attracted worldwide attention. Thousands of you have weighed in on facebook and twitter. Andrea is going to have a followup at 6 00. It sounds like something straight out of the jetsons. Coming up how robots could soon take over your household chores from folding laundry to fixing dinner coming up next. Reporter im andrea roane, fighting obesity from within. Coming up ill listen up. Im reworking the menu. Veggies youre cool. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein. With 30 less sugars than before. Ensure, your 1 dr. Recommended brand now introduces ensure active. Muscle health. Clear protein drink and high protein. Targeted nutrition to feed your active life. Ensure. Take life in. Thank you cable. For the slower internet upload speeds. For making me wait longer to share my photo albums. Thank you cable, because if we never had you. We wouldnt know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. The numbers dont lie. In Customer Satisfaction studies, fios is rated 1 in Internet Speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. Get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years and get a 400 bonus with a two Year Agreement. Hurry its your last chance this offer ends january 17th. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v in tonights health alert the food and Drug Administration approved a new implant for people with severe obesity. Andrea roane shows us how the device suppresses the appetite by zapping the nerves that connect the stomach with the brain. Reporter this device will give doctors a new way to treat obesity. The pacemakerlike system uses wires and electrodes planted in the stomach. Electrical pulses stimulate the vegas nerve which tells brain if the stomach is full or empty. Ive lost the weight and its stayed off. Reporter the device is approved for severely obese adults who have at least one healthrelated issue. Patients also need to have tried and failed other doctor supervised weight loss programs. The new device is exciting. That said i would love to tell you that theres a quick fix for obesity. That idea is enticing to all of us. Unfortunately theres not. Reporter some patients who tested the device reported side effects including pain at the implant site, vomiting, heartburn and trouble swallowing. The rate of severe side effects, that would mean something that would put you in the hospital or keep you in the hospital longer than expected after the procedure. That risk was very low. Reporter the company is now required to conduct a five year study following at least 100 patients. To get more information on the safety and effectiveness of the device. Andrea roane, wusa9. The device uses a battery that needs to be recharged every week. The device be with adjusted using a handheld control can be adjusted using a hand held control. A 20 minute walk every day can reduce the risk of early death by 20 . According to researchers at cambridge, exercise that burns between 90 and 110 cal rills a day has huge life calories a day has huge life saving benefits. The study measured the physical activity and health of over 300,000 people. Depression and anxiety can signal a much larger problem. Experts say it could be the first warning signs of alzheimers. A study published in the journal neurology followed more than 2,400 people over age 50. They found those who developed depression and behavior changes were more likely to develop dementia. Lets admit it. Some of us, many of us freak out as soon as we are separated from our phones for an extended amount of time. A study from the university of missouri found Many Americans suffer real forms of anxiety when they are denied access to their phones including rapid heart rate to increased blood pressure. Some people found it hard to think and they struggled to complete simple word puzzles. These prompts really get into our psychology somehow. When that thing buzzes, its hard to recyst. Heres some tips to break the cell resist. Heres some tips to break the cell phone bond. Silence your phone when you need to concentrate. Turn it off when you go to bed to create some better boundaries between yourself and your phone and maybe your partner, too. Know on the go. Text radar to and download the wusa9 weather app. Does it give you comfort when its on your pillow . My phone is here in case theres breaking news, someone tips me off to it. Thats why the phone is here and we engage with you via twitter and facebook. Thats why its here. Give it back. Thank you. She is having an anxiety attack. A nice finish to the week, temperatures about average. We are tracking one cold front tomorrow and a little stronger one sunday. Lets start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, it were down to 40, everybody temperature down to 40, everybody else in the 30s. Dew point in the mid20s, wind southwest at 8. Theyll become more southwesterly ahead of this front providing a little milder air tomorrow. Cold tonight, not much wind. Wind picks up tomorrow morning. Bus stop temperatures 24 to 36. Weve got two fronts, one tomorrow afternoon and a stronger one on sunday. The one tomorrow moves through dry, no worry, just a wind shift. The 1 sunday could produce rain showers one sunday could produce rain showers that might slide into snow shower. Pleasant tomorrow but breezy with the first front. Mid40s may seem cooler than that. Without the breeze it would be fantastic. 8 00 tonight 30s everywhere, low 30s in the suburbs. By 10 00 a few high clouds skirting down across the northern neck, everybody else generally clear and 28 in la plata, 29 in fredericksburg, 27 in manassas and culpeper, seasonable night, temperatures in the 20s on average this time of year. By 9 00 back in the 30s, maybe 34 downtown. We should make it into the 40s tomorrow which is a bit above average, maybe 43, maybe only 38 in gaithersburg at 1 00, but still a lot of sunshine, breezes picking up. By 6 00 notice the arrows are going this way. This is the direction of the wind. Everything coming from the northwest, temperatures in the 30s, downtown 39. By 8 30 temperatures dipping in the 20s from hagerstown and gaithersburg, maybe 29, colder air moving in behind this front. Tonight clear to partly cloudy, cold, low temperatures 24 to 30, winds southwest at 10. By morning winds pick up southwesterly 10 to 15, breezy and cold, temperatures 24 to 42. Good news, mostly sunny skies. By afternoon well say partly cloudy, breezy, not quite as cold as today, 40 to 45 for highs. We have though winds kicking to the northwest 10 to 15 and gusting. So it will feel cooler than it is. Even though were saying not as cold you still need a winter jacket tomorrow. Our friends in oakland will need a jacket, 29, snow flurries. 37 in cumberland, 40 in hagerstown, 41 martinsburg, maybe 42 in winchester with sunshine, 45 in culpeper. Warrenton and manassas 43, 44, maybe 43 in leesburg. Id say 44 in reston and mclean, downtown 44, maybe even 45 in la plata, waldorf and into st. Marys county and 44 in rockville and gaithersburg. With those wind theres a Small Craft Advisory for the bay and tidal potomac friday. Well break it down. A cold start, 30 at 7 00, 34 at 9 00, back up to 41 before lunchtime. Thats nice. 43 with sunshine by 1 00. The next three days a little cold saturday, but about average, 39, lots of sunshine, no wind. Then on sunday comes another front. It will be dry going to church, but some showers develop in the afternoon and maybe ending as snow showers late sunday evening and early sunday night. Next seven days cold for Martin Luther king day but dry, rain or snow shower tuesday, 40, maybe flurries wednesday. These are not storms. Just shine and cold thursday with highs near 40. A new report says robots will become much more common in the next few years not only at work but at home. Can you imagine a robot that can do everything for you . Kris van cleave will tell you about it. Im wash bot. I can help you find thing in the store. Reporter at this california Hardware Store the future is now. The oshbot helps customer find what theyre looking for. Youre looking for a unique item, Something Like this is ideal. Reporter the test program is part of a robot revolution from a cruise ship bartender to an all scenes Security Guard or a hotel butler, robots are increasingly joining the workforce. Hospitals are using them to disinfect exam rooms and amazon employs an army of robots to fill orders. This Robot Technology could soon be coming to many homes. Is this a lab where the future comes to life . We hope. So. Reporter peter allen is a robotics professor at Columbia University school of engineering in new york. He sees a Bright Future where people can buy their own personal robot assistant. People are going to say i want one to fold my laundry or answer my door or get me a beer from the fridge. Reporter but first robots need to better understand how people communicate and adapt to changing situations. Allen and his team are trying to teach this robot to think for itself as it figures out how to fold clothes. If you can do clothes folding, you can probably do food preparation. Reporter allen says scientists are close to perfecting this technology and he believes personal robots could be a reality in the next 10 years. Coming up talk about a close call, see how a group of tourists boating along an african river nearly wound up as dinner guests. And the father of a man charged with plotting an attack on the capitol is speaking out. It is the mission of a lifetime. Coming up meet a u. S. Astronaut is training for the First American space missionful its kind. Omar villafranca tells us where hes going and for so long. Reporter scott kelly is getting ready to do something no american has done before, spend a year in space. The 50yearold astronaut cant wait to get there. For me the best thing is working at something thats very, very challenging ahead of time for a couple years training for. This. Reporter kelly has already logged 180 days in space during three missions. He suspects after a whole year up there hell miss the weather on earth. I guess its like living in southern california. People get sick of it. Reporter nasa is sending kelly up in march to study the effects of long term space travel on humans to better prepare for a future mission to mars. Kelly and his cosmonaut partner will follow a strict exercise regimen and carry out experiments on themselves while aboard the space station. The russians have some practice having conducted year Long Missions in the 80s and 90s. Scott kelly is the twin brother of retired astronaut mark kelly married to former congresswoman gabrielle giffords. Nasa plans to compare medical data from the brother in space to his twin onette looking at the on earth looking at the effects of gravity on the human body. Kelly and two cosmonauts will blast off to the space station aboard a soyuz rourke march 22nd. Kelly will return in march, 2016. Soyuz rocket march 22nd. Kelly will return in march, 2016. Thanks for watching wusa9 news at 5 00. Wusa9 news at 6 00 starts right now. Reporter im surae chinn in washington. The Mayors Office releases new details on that deadly smoke incident on the metro. Reporter a half dozen people have signed onto of a lawsuit against metro in that trapped train tragedy and one of the plaintiffs pinpoints what could be the cause of this, the story coming up. Reporter a firestorm of reaction to our report on the Montgomery County parents under investigation for child neglect for letting they are two children walk around their neighborhood unaccompanied by an adult. Im andrea mccarren. Ill have a followup straight ahead. The father of the man accused of plotting to blow up the u. S. Capitol describes the suspect as a peace loving mamas boy. Thanks for being here. Im derek mcginty. Im lesli foster. Of course, federal authorities portray 20yearold Christopher Cornell as an islamic terrorist sympathizer determined to kill. 20yearold Christopher Lee cornell is scheduled to appear at a federal courthouse in cincinnati friday. The fbi says he plotted to attack the u. S. Capitol building and kill as many people as possible in the name of the Islamic Terrorist Group isis. His parents say their son is a good person and a home body. He was like a big kid. His best friend is his cat mikey and his mom. Reporter the Fbis Joint Terrorism Task force arrested cornell wednesday after he purchased two semiautomatic rifles and approximately 600 rounds of ammunition at the point blank firing range and gun shop. There wasnt really anything about him that would have suggested he was involved in Something Like this. Reporter agents first learned about cornell from an informant who told them cornell was posting pro isis comments on twitter under another name. In August Cornell reported by told the informant in an instant message we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks. Authorities say cornell was in the final stages of preparation and nearly ready to execute his plan. Court documents show cornell reportedly researched how to build pipe bombs and set them off at the u. S. Capitol and kill as many employees and officials as possible. The fbi says cornell was under surveillance and at no time were any lives in danger. The Mayors Office will release a preliminary report in the next two days on that smoke incident on metro. The mayoa full review on the 911 calls, the fire and metros response. Reporter im surae chinn at the wilson building. The Mayors Office releases new details into that deadly metro train incident. The mayor says 13 emergency calls were made from three different metro stations, but she still wants to know exactly when the train

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