Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20131202 : compareme

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20131202

but vincent gray with a second term in office. >> if he was cleared, we would hear something, but rod is not one for letting everyone know. but we got to ask you, you asked about a crowded field here. is anybody likely to get out of the race now that the mayor has declared he will run again? >> obviously, nobody said today, you know, but prior to that and private talks, you would think that he wouldn't get in, if the mayor is going to get in, and he's the owner, in any way, so the question remains whether or not these people are going to get in. it's probably in the mayor's favor, because you know how it works, he identifies it, which is probably about 20, 25 percent right now, not bad to build on. certainly not what most incumbents would have, but anybody else would take that. we don't know if anybody else is going to get this campaign. this just started. >> so it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. >> the mayor scheduled a live event shortly. we are there, and obviously we'll bring this to you in this newscast and following this. >> it's big news for today, bruce johnson, not a surprise, but certainly interesting to everybody who lives in the district and watches district politics. bruce, thanks for that report. >> can't say what it is. i don't know if it's because of hard times, but to arrive from the poll, it's cruddy. >> the salvation army bell ringers were back on the streets today trying now to make up for the estimated 0,000 stolen from the organization's headquarters in anacostia early sunday. the burglars were caught on tape, which is just one of the leads metropolitan police are looking on right now. scott broom is following up on this heartbreaking disaster suffered by the organization that wants to be doing the most good at this ti of year. >> metropolitan police have not yet released this video and while they continue to investigate, the salvation army and the bell ringers got back to work today. bells ringing more urgently than ever now in washington after the early sunday morning burglary at the community center at 23 00 martin luther king avenue. the targeted the kettle proceeds kept in the office after the holiday weekend while banks were closed. donors feeling just as victimized as the organization. >> it makes you feel like you want to give up on people, but you can't. >> you would have had access. >> the salvation army says burglars scaled a fence to get on the back of the building 5:00 a.m. sunday. they broke through a glass door to find the offices where the stored kettles and safe were cleared out. confronts a suspect, had a knife pulled on him. >> we have put kettles on the street, moving forward, the real victims in this incident happen to be folks that live right here in ward 7 and 8 that the salvation army serves out of this building. >> on the streets, the salvation army fed needy people at the sherman avenue core. these are the true victims of the burglary. >> why was $10,000 stored in an office instead of the bank? that is because of the thanksgiving holiday weekend. the deposit schedule was disrupted by the holiday schedule. there were three days of collections stored in that office and the burglar or burglars knew exactly where to look. police are not commenting on any leads they might have. in washington, scott broom, wusa9. >> right now, police are offering a reward for clues to a murder in forestville, maryland. 25-year-old, delante jackson was shot to death this morning inside the gas station in the 3200 block of walter's lane. police say it appears the man was killed by one or more suspects just before 3:00 a.m. he did not work at the gas station. police say it doesn't appear robbery was the motive. a $25,000 reward is being offered for my information leading to an arrest. >> federal investigators reveal new details from the data recorders that were recovered from the commuter train that jumped the tracks on sunday. that accident killed four people and injured more than 60 others. coem brings us the latest from the scene in the bronx. >> reporter: crews used large cranes to lift the train cars back on to the tracks, one day after the commuter train derailed. >> the train was traveling at approximately 82 miles per hour as it went into a 30-mile an hour curve. >> national transportation safety board is analyzing the train's data recorders. law enforcement source told cbs news the train's engineer, william rockefeller, jr., said the brakes were not working properly. denise williams was hurt and is still in the hospital. >> it was going fast. what i said was, i felt this joy. >> ntsb said investigators could spend up to ten days here looking at all aspects of the accident. while the investigation continues about 26,000 commuters have to find other ways to get into work. >> a ferry to the train, to the bus, to another train, to the subway. >> this is the latest mishap for metro north, six months ago, a train derailed in connecticut. in july, a freight train derailed close to the site of sunday's crash. coem for cbs news, the bronx, new york. >> investigators plan to interview the train conductor and the engineer in the next day or two. >> here's news that may not sit well with metro riders. jack up fares by 3%. that means a 10-cent increase to the cost of the typical train ride. the standard would go up to $1.75, regardless whether you pay with cash or your smart trip card, and parking would go up by 25 cents. the fare hikes are included in metro's newest budget proposal. >> six people are out of their homes after a fire at a townhouse. sky 9 flew over the scene. this is blue point circle in clarksville, which is in howard county. the fire started on the second story of one unit and it soon spread to a house. at least two town homes are uninhabitable right now. firefighters battled the flames for an hour and now the serge search to determine what caused it all. food trucks in downtown washington changed the way a lot of us do lunch. where we go and what we eat. >> that's right, today a lottery for the most coveted food truck parking spots went into effect. bruce johnson reports on the winners and the losers. >> lunchtime at the plaza in southwest today. only 18 food trucks selected by city lottery were allowed to park at 7th and maryland avenue. all others had to stay at least 200 feet away and park at meters where they had to pay the regular rate like the rest of us. >> there was no stress. i pulled in at 10:32, like there was a spot waiting for me. didn't have to hassle with other cars. didn't have to jostle with other food trucks. >> this was the first day a food truck lottery took effect. for the rest of december, eight popular locations, 95 spaces are reserved for the lottery winners. >> if you're not a part of this, you're missing out on major money. >> you'll be participating every month? >> the spaces are not free. lottery participates paid the city $150 per month. they are allowed to park for four hours. the food truck industry in washington has grown by leaps and bounds over the past three years. as a matter of fact, 150 trucks now in the city streets on any given day. and the city government is getting its share. the city estimates over the next four years, they will take in $3.4 million in sales tax revenue. >> you can take this truck anywhere in the neighborhood. anywhere in the community, anywhere in the city. >> i think they are excellent. yeah. this is a little pricey, but -- >> some of the customers are not yet sold on the food truck lottery. they missed some of the trucks that did not participate or win the most coveted site. >> the only thing we can see here is reduced joyce for consumers. and so i'm concerned about the opportunities for citizens that, you know, choose where they want to eat. >> what would you like to see added? >> more comfort foods. >> more comfort food. >> yeah, soup, stews. >> a new lottery is held every month. trucks and locations are certain to change. bruce johnson, wusa9. >> the eight assigned food truck spaces are at franklin square, gw university, lafont plaza, metro center, union station, and the virginia avenue side of the state department. a couple water main breaks made it difficult. the larger one happened here in northeast d.c. and that is a major commuter route. the eastbound lanes and the southbound lanes of blatensburg road have been shut down for hours while crews make repairs. the second break was in gaithersburg. this is gold kettle drive and looks kind of like a river. the break affected 50 customers, workers spent hours making repairs there. one homeowner says this is the third or fourth water main break in the neighborhood in ten years. an acid spill caused quite an accident. sky 9 flew over that scene in reston. two staff members were sent to the hospital as a result of the spill. they should be okay. the lab was e evacuated as a precaution. >> some parents are scrambling to find a place to take their kids. the question is could those parents have been given more notice? debra is live in largo at the child time learning center. hi deb. >> reporter: hey there. yeah, the situation here is that the center told those parents that as much -- they gave as much notice as they could. they told them when they knew. that was 30 days notice. but now the time is really running out. there's about 18 days left. so, parents are not very happy about that. they are saying that they should have known months ago. that's when the center apparently found out. here's the back story. so, prince georges county community college right back here. that's where this is on the grounds. they needed the space, basically they are expanding. and they wanted them to basically get out. they told them back in march. that's the situation. so, why are we finding out about this now? well, i talked to them earlier today and i'll tell you what they said. basically, they said the center requested an extension, they got one, and the lease is going to end on december 31, but again, they told them in march, the school did. so, why are they finding out about it now? okay, they also said this. here's a graphic for us. the learning care group, childtime was aware in march 2013, that it will be unable to use the property beyond december 31, 2013. the college assumed the learning care group/child time would communicate immediately with its clients. if that did not occur, the college views this as unfortunate. a spokesperson says once it was confirmed that it would not be feasible, we informed staff and parents about the news. we do not prematurely inform parents about a closure until a final decision has been made. so, there's a situation. they found out back in march, now people have 18 days left. they found out a couple days ago about this and people are scrambling to find places to take their kids, but they can enroll their kids at their sister school which 7 miles away. nobody wants to talk about this. maybe they are just too upset. live in largo, wusa9. >> all right, deb. our washington redskins are officially out of the post season after last night. it's heartbreaking loss to the giants. it wasn't without some late game controversy. there was a lot of confusion over what down it was. the nfl admits it messed up on this one. kristen berset is going to have more in sports coming up around 6:20. >> a lot of unhappy fans after that game. all right, schools are relying more and more on the internet to help educate students. but is the expense of getting online keeping some kids from getting the education they deserve? peggy fox has the story coming up at 5:30. top. >> a lot of clouds today, but radar is quiet. we are close to seasonal average. temperatures in the 40s. 47 downtown. 46 in gaithersburg. 45 in leesburg and manassas. we'll come back and tell you if you need an umbrella tomorrow or wednesday and tell you when the 60s are going to roll in. after hundreds of fixes to, the obama administration said it is working, but not perfectly. i'm tara in washington with the story coming up. drone to doorstep delivery? the new way you could receive your online purchases. the ceo of amazon has an amazing new plan to use drones in the future. he unveiled the details of the secret research and development project for the first time on 60 minutes. the goal of the plan is to get your packages to your doorstep by mini drones. within 30 minutes after they are ordered. so is this even possible? how quickly can we sign up? bruce leshan takes a look at 6:00. there's a lot of testing and faa approval, but estimates the delivery by drone program could be available to customers in four to five years. >> wow. all right, here's your daily checkup on the affordable care act. a dramatic improvement. leaders of the white house technology team say they fixed more than 400 bugs in the system. of course, the question still remains, will that translate into more people signing up? as tara explains, the team admits there are still plenty of challenges ahead. >> the frantic work to fix the government healthcare website is starting to pay off. president obama's technology troubleshooters say can handle 50,000 users at a time. or up to 800,000 each day. adviser, jeffrey zion said in a conference call, the site now works most of the time for most users. >> we executed hundreds of software fixes and hardware upgrades and the site is now stable and operating at its intended capacity with greatly improved performance. >> the department of health and human services says system failures have fallen from 6% in october to less than 1%. and response times for web pages have declined from 8 seconds to less than 1. the obama administration had promised to deliver those fixes by this past weekend. congress is watching closely because the success or failure is expected to be a critical factor in next year's midterm elections. already, the botched rollout put enrollment rates in the new health insurance marketplace far below white house targets. consumers now have just a few weeks to sign up for coverage to begin on january 1. to handle that surge, the technology team is scrambling to make more upgrades to the website and warns too much traffic could still overwelm the system. tara for cbs news, washington. >> the technology team is also scrambling to fix glitches in what's known as the back end of the system. meaning, the part of the website that delivers the consumer information to insurers. by now, you know it's cybermonday and some experts predict up to 85% of online retailers will offer you something special, even this week, a lot of people are doing cyber week deals, but matt, rather some of his favorite deals that you can still get in on before the night is over. the top store wide sales come from these folks you see on your screen. with 6:00 stealing the spotlight. followed by huge offerings by omaha steaks, and calvin klein. they are down to 55 today with free shipping. more budget friendly prices on starbucks brewers this cybermonday with free shipping and $50 off. and matt's favorite deal and the one that might get jan, too, the nook simple touch for the all-time low of $39 with free shipping. you know, if you can't get free shipping, i don't think you should buy on the site. >> i'm with you on that. >> i'm waiting for mac. >> you could do some damage tonight. >> if you want to give joy to families that could use some help. we have an easy way to do it with a few clicks on your computer. all you have to do is go to look for the give joy i con. it's half way down the home page on the right side, you can click on the blue box and you can give a gift to a needy family. make a donation or send a card in our virtual toy drive and you know, this is going to go toamazon. amazon offering a lot of deals today. so now is the perfect time for you to get involved if you haven't already. we appreciate all the support and generosity from all the viewers. larry people's p. writes, the magic never ends. merry christmas and happy new year. and same to you, larry, and thank you so much for sending a card to some of these kids. we will take these e cards and deliver them to the kids at some of these programs. >> that's going to be fantastic. >> you could teach your kids to do this. >> we love this program. it's fantastic. just in time for christmas, it's going to warm up. >> we may hit the 50s before the week is up. >> wow. >> i know you won't complain. we know derek won't complain. but we may see a turn as we get into next weekend. can't stay warm long, it is december and metrological winter, by the way. i did a blog, go to it's january and february. got that out of the way. it's our live michael and son weather cam. not that cold, really. relative humidity fairly high. 68%. winds east, northeast at 9 and the winds will have an easterly component for the next couple of days. widened out radar. why? i had to widen it out pretty far. most of the showers in the ohio valley and into the midwest. a couple showers could break off into our mountains. more than anything, we're looking at clouds. we had some breaks into the clouds, but then they return and that's going to be the pattern tomorrow and wednesday. but temperature wise, going to be pretty nice. 47 in rockville. 46 in reston. 46 in fairfax. it is still 47 in college park. 45 in bowie, and 48 in waldorf. it's a little chill in the air, but it isn't that cold. we're looking at a milder and warmer week. a lot of clouds tonight, mainly dry. chilly and dry at the bus stop. 30s and 40s for the kids and 50s both tuesday and wednesday. which is still seasonal. average high is in the low 50s for this time of year. for tonight, mostly cloudy. we'll call it cold. low 30s in the suburbs. easterly component to the wind, that's going to keep clouds around for a while. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy, chilly. 30s and 40s. light wind. the good thing is, the winds will be light. by afternoon, variable clouds and seasonal. maybe a sprinkle or a shower. few and far between. highs 50 to 55. and winds still southeast at about 5 to 10. but still relatively light. we'll break it down. upper 30s to start. low 40s by 9:00. upper 40áz by 11:00 and the low 50s by 1:00 again with mostly cloudy skies. next three days, 54 tomorrow. 55 on wednesday. maybe a stray shower on wednesday. look at this. 65 on thursday. showers hold off until thursday night. next seven days, friday we pay the piper, but it will still be warm. 60s for a high. some rain and showers and  bright but brisk on saturday, 50, and redskins in town. we have the ravens in town. we could see a mixture of rain. highs holding in the 30s. sunshine on monday, but chilly. highs back near 50. we'll be back right af the pain started up the back of my head and wrapped around to the front. i couldn't play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight. when i had shingles the music stopped. ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: thvie enronment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. and the winner is, the top go getter in the contest. her name translates as precious or treasure in english. the zoo says it received more than 123,000 votes and in keeping with chinese tradition, the name was revealed on sunday, which is the cub's 1 00th day of life. it was funny to see the kids try to say the word, the name. bowbow. it was very cute. topper and i liked it. we are feeling good about her new name. >> a spectacular, though unintended fireworks show in china. a truck carrying eight tons of fireworks caught fire during a traffic accident. firefighters were called to the scene after receiving numerous reports of loud noises. people living nearby were evacuated while firefighters put out that thunder ball. about 5 1/2 hours after that amount of time, the flames finally all put out. no one was hurt. that's the good news there. a 76-year-old man is on the trip of a lifetime tonight. >> florida man is trying to become the oldest and fastest person to sail around the world nonstop all by himself. dr. stanley says his goal is to make the 27,000 mile trip in less than 150 days. he set off from st. augustin this morning. features green technology, like solar panels and wind turbines. still ahead, police hope this surveillance video could lead to an arrest in the sexual assault thhaat ppened near a busy shopping center. plus, we have new information in the death of fast and furious star, paul walker. and fixing the digital divide. a local lawmaker wants to make sure here's a quick look at today's top stories. after months of specularks we have learned that d.c. mayor, vincent gray will run for reelection. gray joins an already crowded field of candidates. bruce johnson is going to have more on this tonight at 6:00. >> salvation army bell ringers were back on the streets today. trying to make up for the estimated $10,000 stolen from the organization's headquarters in anacostia early sunday. and federal investigors are still trying to figure out what caused that deadly train derailment in the bronx. four people were killed when the train jumped the tracks. the national transportation safety board could be on the scene. : online textbooks are a growing trend, but what if the students don't have an internet connection at home? one lawmaker says kids without internet access are being left behind. as peggy fox reports, he proposed a new law that would fix this digital divide in virginia. >> 12-year-old, jeanette has a new tool to help her do her homework. it's something wealthier kids have had for years. an internet connection at home. >> sometimes you can do activities, get extra practice, listen to videos, anything. >> more than a dozen kids we spoke to today here at this mobile home community along route 1 said they do not use online textbooks. >> anyone here use online textbooks at home? >> no. >> no, you don't have access. >> two months ago, the father who works in construction decided to find an extra $35 ana month for $35 a month for internet connection. >> the ones that do have higher grades and the ones that don't have lower grades and don't have as much as the ones that do. >> why do you think that? >> because if you do have internet, then you get more practice and get to study more and the ones who don't, they don't have as much as other people do. >> do you think something should be done to change this? this is public education. >> i think it should, it's unfair to the kids who don't have enough money to pay for it. it's not fair. >> it just so happens that jeanette's soccer coach is a virginia state lawmaker. decided to propose legislation to help children whose families cannot afford internet connections. >> when i saw my children using these things, it occurred to me that in about half my district, a lot of these kids don't have computers in their homes or internet in their homes. i didn't think that was fair. >> virginia school systems adopt the plan by 2017 to ensure that all students have both a computer at home and internet access. in fairfax county, peggy fox, wusa9. >> chesterfield county near richmond is moving to join in supplying laptops with internet plans to all of its school children. alexandria does the same for all of its high school students. fairfax county schools had no comment today about the measure. we have new information tonight on the death of fast and furious actor, paul walker. police say the area of los angeles county where the accident happened is known to attract street racers. while they don't know if there was any street racing going on, police do say speed was definitely a factor. walker and his friend who was driving died in a single car crash on saturday. today, fans continue to drop off flowers and memorabilia at the site of the crash. an 11-year-old and 14-year- old are in hot water tonight charged with armed robbery. a shopper says the kids try to rob her at knife point at the wal-mart in glenn burny on sunday. she ignored their demands and kept on going. the victim spotted her would be robbers near the mall a few hours later. so she called the cops and those teens were soon arrested. the white house is now calling on north korea to release an 85-year-old american who has been detained for more than a month. north korea state media released this video of meryl newman. reading what it says is a handwritten apology. the california man admits he is quote, guilty of big crime for fighting the u.s. and koreaen war and killing civilians. swedish diplomats have been able to visit newman and given him medication for his heart. >> another body was found today in the wreckage of a scottish pub. the discovery was made as a police hell cop tear helicopter. the pub was packed with people was listening. dozens of people are in the hospital and police say the recovery operation will last for days. still ahead, president obama makes a $100 million pledge to mark. a lot of clouds right now, but not too much falling from the clouds. most of the showers out in ohio and the midwest. we'll let you know if any showers get in here tomorrow. we'll also come back and tell you when a chinese lunar probe is in space tonight dropping off a robotic rover. this is a first for the chinese. the spacecraft is the first vessel to explore the moon since the soviet mission in 1976. the journey could pave the way for chinese astronauts to one day walk the moon. the flash will ferrell promo blitz continued with a stop in bismarck, north carolina. >> you look lovely tonight. >> thank you, ron, you, too. >> are you married? >> no. >> well, i am, so don't get any ideas. a first look at the forecast, jared, how are you? >> very well. how about yourself? >> i'm doing great. last time i saw you, you were a lot heavier. >> yes, i've lost a little bit of weight. >> good for you. >> it appears it was a busy day for responders. firefighters were also called to a sam's club to extinguish a trash fire in the parking lot. >> the legend continues in theaters december 18. he stays in character. it's amazing. today, many people around the world are united in their fight against aids and hiv. december 1 is world aids day. people around the world wore red ribbons to show their support. but since it fell on a sunday, president obama spoke today of our progress in battling the disease. >> every year, this is a moment to reflect on how far we've come since the early days of the aids epidemic. and those of you who lived through it remember all too well the fear and the stigma and how hard people with hiv had to fight to be seen or heard or to be treated with basic compassion. >> according to, there are 1 million people living with hiv in the u.s. and 1 in 5 of them have no idea they are infected. we're back after this. yñ i tried depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. unlike the bargain brand ,nddepe gives you new fit-flex®, our best protection. it's a smooth and comfortable fit with more lycra strands. get your free sample at so, where is the last place you'd expect the restaurant to store its food? in tonight's restaurant alert, russ uncovers one restaurant's hiding place, a practice that got them shut down. >> and caught on camera, roaches on the wall at tokyo cafe in rockville. >> they would not let us look inside their kitchen, but while we were asking permission, customers started pointing out bugs on the wall and floors. we got one blurry bug shot on the wall of that sushi house. you can see more clearly on the floor. look at those antennas. an expert says you're looking at a baby roach. montgomery county closed the rockville pike japanese restaurant siting a live roaches on the slicer used for meats and vegetables. in a statement, the cafe said it was related to the heavy week of rain and a pest control company handled the situation immediately, saying there is absolutely no issue in the restaurant now. on randolph road -- >> could you put me on the telephone with the boss? >> no. >> workers wouldn't call the boss or allow us to see inside the kitchen. inspectors sited infestation of roaches and live roaches inside open boxes of food. in silver spring, inspectors sited 39 violations at necker lounge. a man who answered the phone said they fixed the problem and we're open. inspectors reported them infested with roaches, mouse droppings on top of foods, and a sewage backup. on ager road in hyattsville, inspectors closed kitchennear you restaurant. a worker ran to the back making is wait several minutes, but even then -- >> the thing is, i want to see what it looks like right now. >> dead roaches in the basement, flies, and food stored outside and rained on. we saw a blocked hand sink in the kitchen and one dead roach in the basement, a sign that means treatment is working. >> he's dead, right? >> workers had their hands full whenthey finally allowed us out their back door. but i mean, there's a lot of activity going on back here while i was waiting inside. >> no, there was nothing going on. >> we found a box of vegetables stored on porch shelves and on the porch floor. >> at joe's carry out, inspectors sited 37 violations, including mouse droppings, employees preparing food without first washing hands. they allowed us to take a look. experts say that lid is a problem, inspectors said it's a violation. in the basement, we looked, but didn't see the flies or mouse droppings reported by inspectors. you might want to look away, because we did see this. >> we saw no sign of rodents, but there were bugs down there, still, in that sink problem. >> the good news is, there were towels and soap. but experts say a blocked sink is a nonnegotiateable violation, because if it's blocked, workers are less likely to wash their hands. in mount rainier, i'm russ, wusa9. >> well, all the restaurants passed reinspection are back in business. if you'd like to be the first to know which food establishments in our area are being sited for violations, you can follow russ on twitter or friend him on facebook. wusa9 news at 6:00 is just a few minutes away. >> and derek is live in the newsroom with a preview. hey. >> hey ladies. 60 minutes first told us, is thinking about using drones. how realistic is that plan? also, a leading republican lawmaker says he won't stand in the way of raising d. c.'s building height limit. and a man who tries to spread holiday cheer. what went wrong, lesli? i'll see you at 6:00. >> well maybe you can tell us. >> indeed. >> all right, let's talk some weather right now. >> we're going in the right direction temperature wise. it's gloomy, but could be worse. could be better, but we'll take it to fargo. they had some snow today. came down fast and furious for a while. may cover the ground a little bit and cause some computer some problems, but that's more snow to come, they are looking at a winter storm watch to their west and a winter weather advisory all of tomorrow and tomorrow night. so, the metrological winter has arrived. 47. relative humidity 68%, which is humid for this time of year. remember in winter, we get our driest air masses. winds northeast at 9 and out of the east, some configuration. that will keep temperatures reasonably in check, but also keep clouds in check as well. most of the showers back to the west of us in through the ohio valley. got one little system pushing away from us off show. the low pressure scooting away and another system approaching from the west. inbetween systems. temperatures, mid 40s. 46 bethesda. 45 in reston. that's nice. 46 in fairfax. actually nice enough yesterday to put up some lights. without the wind, it was comfortable. 47 in college park. and 47 also in waldorf. 44 in annapolis. so, a milder and warmer week ahead. a lot of clouds tonight. we stay dry. looking at a chilly, but dry bus stop, 30s and 40s and the 50s will be with us tomorrow and wednesday. could lead to the 60s by thursday. okay. tonight mostly cloudy, kind of cold. low temperatures in the 30s. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy and chilly. 30s and 40s. but again, with light winds, not bad. by afternoon, we'll say variable clouds, a chance for sun. seasonal, a sprinkle or shower is possible, highs 50 to 55. so, upper 30s downtown to start. low 40s by mid-morning and upper 40s by late morning and low 50s by early afternoon. notice a lot of clouds, but no drops. next three days, well, we have mid 50s tomorrow. mid 50s on wednesday. maybe a stray shower on wednesday. then thursday 65. maybe some showers by evening or overnight, but we'll take that 65. next seven days, kind of pay the piper on friday. still warm. 60. but rain and showers. a break on saturday, 50, and then watching the possibility of some mixed precipitation, howard, talking about this at noon. probably going to rain, but maybe starting out as a mixed bag of prestaiption. the skins are in town and the ravens are in town and we're looking at temperatures in the upper 40s to near 50. but with sunshine next monday. all right, topper, roll out the red carpet for our hot holiday toy picks today. introducing, the beatrix doll. this is a rock and roll band. they are ready to hit the music scene. ansley and braden play a different instrument to drums to guitars. they have a concert. right. you can hear their music and see their videos, they each sell for $24.99 and best for kids 6 and up. >> their mouths doesn't move. >> it's amazing, it's like magic. next, the littlest babies in the american girl empire. you're not ready for that yet. we have one doll, this is a girl, but they come in girl and boy baby dolls. they come in 11 different combination of skin tone, hair, and eye color. each doll comes with a book. here's the book right here that goes with the doll. and it has a little star keepsake toy. this is an investment though. the bitty baby dolls sell for $80. >> oh my goodness. >> you can only get this at american girl stores or online and best for ages 3 and up. our toy companies have been generous and donated two of a lot of the toys and two of the bitty babies. it will be great to give these away for toys for tots. it will be fun. >> i'm lucky because she's not into dolls dolls yet. >> you should ease into the $80 purchase. >> once you do start owning those dolls, it's a lifestyle. >> it is a lifestyle. not just the doll that i've learned. >> just ahead tonight at 6:00, there's going to be some more on that news from d.c. mayor, vincent gray, and his decision to run for a second term. bruce johnson has some more information. he's going to break it down. up next, promising results on a less intrusive way to topping our health alert, the chicken pox vaccine. it causes adults to lose immunity to the virus through external exposure leading to a rise in this, the shingles. a new report suggests this may not be true. the higher rates of shingles occurred before the chicken pox vaccine became available. it can cause skin rash for up to 90 days. there is a vaccine available for people over the age of 60. researchers in europe say a new blood test could detect colorectal cancer and prevent thousands of deaths every year. alfonzo reports. >> reporter: barry murphy is fighting cancer and regrets seeing a doctor for a screening. >> it spread and gone from my bowel into limph nodes and legions on liver as well. >> they are so intrusive. now, researchers say they come up with a simple blood test for cancer that can detect 85% of cases. biotech company says the test can also detect 50% of growths that can turn into cancer. test developer, dr. jake, says so far they have only studied 200 people, but research is on going. >> fairly the earlier you diagnosis the better. >> recommend you get a colonoscopy every three years. they are treatable if caught early. the company that makes the blood test hopes it will be available in europe. alfonzo, cbs news, london. >> the american cancer society says cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths for men and women in the u.s. >> we begin at 6:00 with some breaking news. late this afternoon, we learned d.c. mayor, vincent gray will seek a second term. >> checking out a photo of the mayor picking up his nominating petitions today at the d.c. board of elections and bruce johnson joins us live with more on the implication of a decision folks have been waiting for months for. >> and i don't think most people are surprised. why has it taken so long? we have a horse race now. that from barbra, the president of the d.c. chamber of commerce. mayor vincent gray has never liked long campaigns, but this may be his shortest yet. one month until january 2 when the candidates must submit 2,000 valid signatures to get on the ballots. then only four months after that until the april 1 primary is held, the winner of that primary, the overwelming favorite to become mayor. gray wants to run on his record and here's what he said in the past about that. >> people out there who want to know and waiting to hear from you. >> i have a great record to run on. don't you think i have a great record to run on? >> thank you. but it's not going to be just about his record. there's that federal vemorehan two years in the making where the u.s. attorney has gotten felony convictions against several staffers from the mayor's 2010 campaign because of irregularities involving an illegal shadow campaign and lots more. gray has done nothing wrong. the u.s. attorney never named him as a target, the questions the mayor will have to answer early and often is, when did he know it and what, if anything, did he do about it? he has a record to run on. everybody agrees it's that 2010 campaign he must address. u.s. attorney said that probe continues. it's a crowd that favors the mayor. tommy wells, jack vincent, all council members running for mayor along with candidates. by the way, we just got sound from miriel. here's what they had to say. >> i was really elated. i'm excited. i said the mayor is doing a great job and i am ready to support him for four more years. >> we have been focused since march 23ment 23. i was the first person to get in the race because that's how important it is to talk about our future. we learned from residents that they want desperately a fresh start in the mayor's office. so it hasn't really mattered to us who got in the race. we have been staying focused on our message and we are confident that we are going to have a new mayor. >> okay. yvette alexander holds the seat that vince gray once held. it comes as no surprise she

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