Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171225 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20171225

you're having a white christmas. we may see a passing flurry, snow showers in a couple spots tonight, but the chance for a windy christmas is much higher than a white christmas. >> there's no song about that. >> get writing. we'll show you what's happening because we're watching a clipper system and this guy passing to our north, you can see that spin up toward cleveland and buffalo and when we have clippers that move to our north, down here, like here's the spin, we don't get a lot of snow. yes, the snow is in the mountains of west virginia and western maryland, but locally we had a couple sprinkles and snow showers earlier. all this really has lifted quickly to the east. there may be some wet flakes mixed in north of baltimore, so we're watching that and also a few flakes are trying to fall just east of hagerstown racing in toward western frederick county and in western maryland throughout areas from hancock west in toward allegheny and garrett county to 4 inches by morning. we've got winter weather advisories there. now temperatures have been fairly steady since this evening. they've been holding from the mid-30s to about 40 in town. we're waiting for an arctic front to push through. once that front pushes through, the winds will pick up and the temperatures will drop. you see toledo down to 20, much colder air western ohio. we're waiting on that. that will be here toward morning. with that arctic front the winds will howl. by morning we'll have areas gusting 40, 45, maybe even 50 miles an hour. we've got a wind advisory going into effect shortly till 2:00 tomorrow for much of the area, 40 again to maybe 50 miles an hour, better chance of a 50- mile an hour gust in the highest elevations like in the blue ridge and western maryland. pretty quiet overnight, snow showers mainly to the west of us. by 12:30 one or two try to come through. we clear out. the front gets here and the winds by 3 a.m., see the large areas indicative of winds at 3:00. they'll start moving in toward us as we get toward morning with temperatures in the 30s. they'll slowly drop off and then tomorrow temperatures will struggle, maybe around 40, but dress for wind chills in the 20s. i'll come back in a few minutes. we've got to talk about even colder weather than this and a threat still maybe for some snow for the end of the week. >> thank you, howard. a fight between a teenage girl and her father ends with two loudoun county sheriff's deputies shot. they're in the hospital, but sheriff mike chapman tells our stephanie ramirez they'll be okay. >> reporter: the sheriff said he was in a christmas church service when he got one of the worst calls a sheriff or chief with get. thankfully the shooting was not worse. >> i'm hoping they'll all recover. this is just a terrible, terrible thing to go through on a christmas evening. >> reporter: that was a neighbor offering his prayers. loudoun county sheriff michael chap man said the sunday sh shooting between two deputies started with a dispute between a father and his 19-year-old daughter at hollow mountain place in the 3000 block and spent about an hour and then things escalated with deputies who followed the father upstairs to make an arrest. >> he reached for a gun. almost simultaneously he was tased. as he was being apprehended, he managed to get several shots off. >> reporter: the sheriff says the father shot a female deputy who had jumped onto him. she was hit in the leg. the suspect also hit a male deputy in the arm and both legs. >> i'm just grateful that all things being considered that it's turned out as good as it has. >> obviously so glad that they are actually on service. they're doing a phenomenal job. so thanks. thanks, wonderful and hope, pray that they'll recover well. >> reporter: the sheriff did t suspect right away, but he told us they believe the dispute started yesterday and that there were two others in the home, a mother and her 16-year- old son. in sterling, virginia, stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> sheriff's deputies believe it was the suspect's daughter who called 911. a fatal shooting in silver spring tonight in montgomery county. police are searching for two suspects. that shooting took place around 6:30 this evening in the 1000 block of quebec terrace. the victim is a male. we don't know if he's a teen, child or adult at this point. the university of maryland law school student among five killed in a plane crash in florida. peter worthington was in a plane flown by his father-in- law early this morning. that plane went down shortly after taking off in heavy fog, but authorities still don't know why. worthington was in the plane with his wife, her sister and a few other people. the couple lived in baltimore and were down in florida visiting for the holi. this weekend volunteers from local church and community groups are helping make much needed repairs to only safe house in prince george's county where victims of domestic violence can go, but first they made sure those families got to celebrate christmas. they've donated toys for the survivors' children and food for the families, some 40 women and their children living at the family crisis center. they were freud with other accusations while volunteers -- provided with other accommodations while volunteers repaired heaters and fixed broken locks. >> i honestly thought this christmas my kids were not going to have anything and i was not able to get out. i don't have the funds and things like that to get things for my children this year, but knowing these people all came together and people outside of her donated a lot of toys to our children, i'm just so thankful. i feel so blessed. it is a really good feeling. >> have to do what we can. the shelter's executive director resigned this week. the new residents able to move back in before new year's day. it's been almost a month since bijan ghaisar was shot and killed by u.s. park police. his family said there are still many unanswered questions surrounding the young man's death. his family showed up at park police headquarters today hoping to get some answers, but no one responded to their knock on the police department's door. >> we need answers for who, what happened to our son. >> i want to know who shot my brother. i want the officers' names and i want justice. >> we don't know who did it. they're at home hanging out with their family, but we're here in pain. >> we miss you, bijan. we love you. >> we love you so much. the whole world loved him. >> two u.s. park police officers are on ad live leave pending the outcome -- administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. a fairfax county police officer who caur on his cruiser's dashcam has turned that video over to the fbi and they are now investigating. so montgomery county is taking steps to allow people to pay property taxes early. that's in response to the tax bill president trump signed friday which makes it less likely that taxpayers can itemize their property taxes in 2018. montgomery county council will hold a special session tuesday. they plan to pass a law that will let county homeowners pay their taxes before the end of the year and provide details on how residents can make that prepayment. well, if you haven't finished your holiday shopping now, it ain't looking so good. most shops around here are closed and, of course, there are 7-eleven's and gas stations, though. we caught up with some last minute shoppers in silver spring this afternoon as they made that mad dash to get something to put under the tree. >> this year has been really hectic at work and i just haven't had a chance. >> it wasn't that i'm like maybe i should do this more often because there's fewer people in the store right now, but it would give me too much anxiety to wait like this late. >> if you're among the people who waited until the last minute to do your holiday shopping, you aren't alone. the national retail federation estimates that half of all americans waited until this weekend to finish up their holiday shopping. a little earlier tonight we posted a pick on our facebook page. we wanted to see your christmas trees. we got some beautiful responses like this massive one from janet in stafford. she wishes everyone a merry christmas from her family. let's check out this tree in suitland from wendy. it's covered in pink ornaments. she says it's to honor all breast cancer survivors. we love these photos and we want to see yours. head over to the wusa9 facebook page. a local woman got the best surprise imaginable for the holidays. >> hi, mom. >> hear the story behind an emotional reunion between a mom and her military daughter ahead. >> could certain bath bombs really give you a chemical and we'd like you to be part of ours.. so our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. you pay what we pay. and not a cent more. we're so happy to share this with you. it's our way of saying happy holidays. and welcome to the family... the chevy family. use your employee discount for everyone to get forty-five hundred dollars below msrp on this 2018 chevy equinox. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. hey, it's time for verify because christmas eve is almost over. you may be wiped out after spending the entire day just stuffing your face or visiting with friends and family. so a relaxing bath may sound pretty nice about now, but a warning. could a bath bomb end up giving you burns? a mom posted this photo that has gone viral. her daughter's bright red arm mom claims a hatchimal bath bomb gave her kid a pretty serious chemical burn. worried parents shared this post hundreds of times. before we all jump to conclusions let's find out could this thing really give you a chemical burn? we'll verify. our team tracked down multiple experts to get answers. first the fda. let's check the color additives. they're all fda approved and certified. next we sent this photo to two little chance it's a chemical burn. those burns destroy your skin and usually happen when your skin is exposed to strong acid, metals or alcohol. instead they say it looks like the child had an allergic reaction to an ingredient. >> if you've been noticing an allergy to ingredients in cosmetics, fragrances, dyes and essential oils, it's important to note what's in that bath bomb. >> don't forget a child's skin is thinner and more sensitive, so they're more likely to have a reaction to purr perfumes and added colors -- perfumes and added colors. you may have a reaction, but there's very little chance you'll get burned by a bath bomb. do you have something you want to us verify? you can find us on facebook, twitter or send an [email protected]. so for many people your holiday wish list might include let's say electronics, clothing, a book, but for a gainesville woman there was just one thing on her list, her daughter, and that holiday wish came true. evan kozlov got to go along for the big surprise. >> reporter: this is a special moment. >> hi, mom. >> reporter: a mother and daughter. reunited after a long wait. but to get the full picture we need to take it back to this morning. in a panera parking lot our news crew first met up with anna and her sister laura as they got ready for the big surprise. ann anna -- anna is a marine serving in okinawa, japan, and for a year the sisters had a plan. now the plan is finally in motion. we're at george g. tyler mom works. right now the principal jennifer is sneaking them in and mom has no idea. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: as they walk the halls, anna's heart was pounding. finally after all this time she was there. mom was overwhelmed. >> are you happy? >> i can't believe you're here. >> reporter: the greatest gift you could ask for, her daughter. >> merry christmas. >> hard to put into words. this is like the thing i most wanted was to see her again because it's been so long. >> reporter: this marine is now home. >> i'm not going to want to let you go. >> reporter: evan kozlov, wusa9. >> i just love stories like that. the crying didn't stop there and it's not stopping here either. anna went and surprised her dad at work, howard. >> that's a good daughter. >> yes, she sure is. she'll be here in the states for a couple weeks before she goes back to japan and i love a story like that. evan did such a great job. how could you not? >> we see that and see these surprises, but they never get old. >> i could have a whole show of those surprises. you have any surprises for us? >> i don't think so. we may get a surprise, depends what the end of the week brings us. >> right. >> we have potential for some snow, could be a little, could be more. we don't know yet. it's too far away. it doesn't look as potent tonight as it did last night. i want to get you on the 3- degree guarantee. >> how did you do? >> i forecast a high of 46. i felt great about that because 46. we were like 44 this afternoon, but tomorrow i'm forecasting 39, a little anxious about that because it all depends on how quickly we cool off tonight and whether or not we can make a recovery tomorrow, but there's a clipper to the west. we're seeing snow showers out here, pennsylvania moving into new england. they're going to have several inches of snow away from the coastal areas in southern and central ne christmas for them and also in the mountains, the allegheny and the appalachians, for us a couple of sprinkles and flurries. the streets stayed wet because it's still above freezing. right now i'm tracking a few snowflakes approaching route 15 north of frederick right now. in western maryland when you get into allegheny county over toward hancock a couple of flurries and in garrett county we're picking up some more activity. i really think the activity will be increasing, especially west side of the continental divide past frostburg as we get into later tonight into tomorrow morning. wind advisories will go into effect the next few hours until early monday afternoon, just about everybody in it, gusts 40, 45, maybe even 50 miles an hour. that could be a problem for some. right now we don't have much wind, some gusts near 20, but give it a few hours. by 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 they could be gusting to 40 at davis, if not same as 6:00, 40 in town, cool spots in the mid-30s. the only areas below freezing are the higher elevations in far western maryland and west virginia while the rest of us, it's chilly and damp. it's not a nice night, but if you're going to midnight mass here in a few minutes, not bad. we've got no wind. so 40 feels like 40 and the humidity high, 83%. now tomorrow very windy, sustained wind of 20 or so gusting 40 plus with highs back close to 40. there's a lot of cold air up across the northern part of the country and canada. that cold will come right behind this clipper. so we'll get the winds, maybe a passing flurry, snow shower overnight tonight, but then tomorrow a windy and cold start to christmas week. it will just get colder with the wind chill temperatures tomorrow dropping into the 20s and staying in the 20s all day long. in fact, a few were teens north and west -- few upper teens north and west and a quick look at the futurecast later in the week, the european mode coast and still developed low pressure off florida and georgia but nor going off to the -- more going off to the northeast and up the coast. we still have a threat for some snow, but we got to watch it. there's a lot of moving parts now. tonight 30s for lows, mostly cloudy, a few sprinkles, flurries, snow showers, not adding up to much. partly to mostly sunny, windy, cold, 30s in the morning, high between 35 to 40, wind chills 20s. the wind advisory is till 2 p.m. cold on tuesday, 38, an early flurry wednesday, only low to mid-30s and then you see toward the end of the week it will be some kind of cold around here with high temps struggling to get above freezing. we got to watch for those snow chances the second half of the week. darren is in now. you think about what could have been if the skins played more consistently this year. if only they played the entire season the way they played today, but it's too late. they're out of the can do kind of moment. what did kirk cousins do today that could be bad news for "what if" more of the came from renewable resources? 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"what if" all these "what if"s became a reality? well, they are. at dominion energy, we're completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy... move from "what if" to "what's next." dominion energy. now wusa9 sports with darren haynes brought to you by xfinity. >> hey, kirk cousins took sunday's best to a whole new level. my man was suited and booted with gingerbread men ornaments and peppermints, no enthusiasm there. this is the outfit cousins rocked after the win over the broncos. fyi, this is the same suit his wife made him wear for christmas last year, but let's continue with this. after a slow start in today's game my man, kirk cousins, took his helmet and slammed it not once, but twice on a propane tank. you know what could have happened to kirk? not good, though. if he hit that, yeah, there goes kirk and his new contract. you can say good-bye. luckily he didn't blow up, but he did blow up the broncos defense that's one of the best in the nfl, almost 300 yards passing and three tds. listen to kirk explain his moment. >> you know, this game really will test you and frustrate you and some to show some emotion that you like that moment and things like that. people sometimes act like they were surprised to see me do that, but that's really who i am and getting frustrated sometimes is who i am. i just sometimes don't show it much. so i was frustrated, but we found a way in the 2nd half to have a much better half. >> now could have be the last time we see kirk cousins in a redskins jersey at fedex field? there he is running off the field. cousins will be a free agent after the season. he can go wherever the money is. so i have one word for all that, people, and that one word is explore. i already know kirk cousins is going to explore other options, word on the street, there are plenty of teams interested in cousins, one of those teams, the denver broncos. the way kirk played today against them, best believe, people, they want kirk even more. my thing is if you don't want to stay somewhere, you just say you don't want to stay. if you're unsure and have questions like what kirk did today by not answering the question. kirk cousins is going to explore other options, people. that's why my one word is explore. >> we already know what we got to do. i need you to do one thing, just love the game! just love the game today! >> i'm ennewsed there by dj swearinger, their captain for the defense safety, but let's talk more about the defense and the way they played today. after a few poor performances the skins' d challenged themselves and responded. chris williamson has more. >> reporter: the defense was ferocious led by ryan kerrigan's two sacks forcing three turnovers and gave up just three points until garbage time for the win. >> it was big. we had some struggles obviously, the dallas and chargers game. for us to come back and put together back to back good games like this means a lot. >> the performance that we had, it's incredible from to the linebackers, second, played a full team game. that's all you can ask for. >> everybody wrote us off, questioned the character in quitting and i knew it wouldn't happen, guys stepped up and played their tails off. there's still a lot to play for. >> sure, washington won't make the playoffs this year, but they end their home schedule with the winning record and now have a chance to finish the season at 8-8 which is a whole lot better than a losing record. at fedex field, chris williamson, wusa9 sports. >> so we heard from the players. now it's time to hear from you, people. we brought back the basic red chair, but when a fan sits in that red chair, it becomes the hot seat. now that the skins played their final home game, lunch to what these fans are hot about today. >> i'm hot about next season. i saw the energy this year. i'm looking forward to next season. it's going to be great. >> reporter: how do you feel? >> all right. me, too. are you hot? >> we aren't playoffs. coaches are not giving enough reps to the good players. we need some better starters in, some people who actually know what they're doing, better receiving core. kirk cousins needs to actually finish his drives. during the holiday season usually you spend time with family, love ones and that crazy uncle everyone in a while, but for these brothers, they spent christmas on the same field as opponents. after the skins/broncos game diane roberts caught up with the family reunion. >> reporter: what is it like, guy? what is it like? >> it's pretty fun. it's nice to see your brother on the other side of the field doing well. >> reporter: so are you guys lost, but i'm glad you guys won? makes my life a little easier. what would your parents say if they could see you guys right now exchanging jerseys? >> they'd be very happy. i thank god every day for the opportunities that we have and i'm just proud of him. he had a solid game. it was good to watch your brother do well, you know. >> i love those brothers. >> imagine them at the christmas table, like the windy and cold tomorrow and we watch the end of the week. the cold's in place. will things come together to give us a tiny bit of snow or more? we don't know yet. >> you will have a and we'd like you to be part of ours.. so our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. you pay what we pay. not a cent more. we're so happy to share this with you. it's our way of saying happy holidays. and welcome to the family... the chevy family. use your employee discount for everyone and trade up to this silverado all star to get a total value t your local chevy dealer. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down first month's payment. (narrator) cbs presents "christmas eve with fairfield university." along the coastline of southern new england, just a train ride from new york city, lies fairfield university. seventy-five years young, this modern jesuit catholic university carries on a 500-year-old tradition that believes education is not an end in itself but is a formative process that leads students to care for the well-being of their fellow men and women. as this year's fall semester ends in a flurry of term papers and final exams, the christmas spirit is present in moments of inspiration and celebration, moments that remind us to be grateful for the many blessings we have in our lives and embolden us on our journey as women and men for others.

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Gainesville , Florida , United States , New York , Japan , Washington , Allegheny County , Pennsylvania , Loudoun County , Virginia , Suitland , Maryland , Canada , Quebec , Denver , Colorado , Reunion , West Virginia , Jersey , Hagerstown , Prince George County , Fairfax County , Montgomery County , Ohio , Dallas , Texas , Baltimore , Diane Roberts , Evan Kozlov , Ann Anna , Darren Haynes , Mike Chapman , Stephanie Ramirez , Howard Bernstein , Peter Worthington , Chris Williamson ,

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