Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20170515 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20170515

he was with the metropolitan police department as well. so it made me first decide i want to be a police officer. >> it hits home. it could be any one of us anytime. so you do this for those who are not able to because you love your job and you love serving your community. most of all, it's important that your family is here. they need to know that we have their backs. >> there are some good officers. i wish that the public knows that we're here for them and not to be afraid of officers. you know, we're human. >> reporter: at the national law enforcement officers memorial stephanie ramirez, national peace officers memorial service will begin at 11:00 a.m. firefighters at station 26 in springfield didn't have to go too far to put out an early morning fire because it happened at their fire station. a dozen fairfax county firefighters were inside when they heard the fire alarm at 12:30 this morning. they sprang into action. they put it out. the fire damaged some of the equipment, but no one was hurt. no word yet on what caused it. all right. turning to weather. are we looking at some higher temperatures this week? let's get right over to first alert meteorologist howard bernstein. >> we hit 90 once in april on the 29th and it looks like we will be doing that again, maybe a couple of days, as we get into the middle. week. that's not tomorrow or tuesday. this storm system, that gave us the rain friday and early yesterday. it gave us the wind today with a lot of rain up across in new york state and new england. for us winds were gusting at we have a breeze tonight. temperatures, which were into the low 80s in many areas this afternoon, are now in the 60s to 70 in clinton. got some lower 70s in northern lauden county. rockville 66. our futurecast does show the breeze staying with us tomorrow. the arrows are indicative of the strength of the wind. temperatures tomorrow morning in the 50s with a few upper 40s. a breeze midday with 60s. low to maybe mid-70s tomorrow. i am going for 75 degrees at national airport. we have a lot more heat, humidity headed our way. it's gonna feel like summer towards wednesday, thursday. back in a few with the seven- day forecast. >> thank you, howard. well, tonight a veteran fbi agent is thanking ousted director james comey after six fallen agents are added to the national law enforcement officers memorial. their names are now inscribed in stone after they died from 9/11-related illness. it took former director comey and the man you are about to meet to get their names inscribed. mike valerio has the story. >> here is jerry joe, who was one of my partners on the joint terrorism task force. jerry responded to the pentagon with us after 9/11. jerry died on 9/11 in 2010. paul wilson, he responded to shanksville after 9/11. and then down here is william craig, known as bob craig. he is an agent out of the pittsburgh office that also went to shanksville. >> reporter: for thomas o'connor, president of the fbi agents association, the addition of these names, members of his team responding to the pentagon, is nearly ten years in the making. >> director comey was instrumental in recognizing that these agents were line of duty deaths. that is why we are standing here at the national law enforcement officers memorial. >> reporter: the issue, fbi agents like steven carr, robert roth, and wesley yu died years after the attacks. cancer caused by fumes from the debris. bureaucracy kept those deaths from being classified as happening in the line of duty. >> about three years ago when director comey came in we had been trying to get some traction on this recognition of these agents, line of duty deaths. director comey came in, picked up on it. over 50 names went up on wall this year. six of those being the names of the fbi agents. without the leadership from director comey, that wouldn't have happened. >> reporter: o'connor said this is one example of the former fbi director's work behind the scenes a contrast in statements made this week after his controversial firing. >> in your experience, thomas, it didn't seem as thoug james comey's leadership? >> the vast majority of people within the fbi that we have contact with are strongly supportive of director comey. that is clear as i can put it. >> reporter: for now carved on these walls heroes who have their place among the selfless. their valor not in vain. in washington, mike valerio, wusa9. interviews are underway for the top fbi drop. eight people are considered candidates. they arrived this weekend at the jared dudley to meet with attorney general jeff sessions and his deputy rod rosenstein. president trump said all of the candidates are well known and of the highest level. meantime, congressman adam schiff told cbs' "face the nation" he wants someone apolitical. >> these are outstanding people very well independence. for this reason, i would strongly urge the administration to pick someone who is completely apolitical, who doesn't come out of the political process, someone who is a retired judge or an acting judge willing to step down from their judgeship. >> acting fbi director andrew mccabe was interviewed for the job. political watchers say he is unlikely to stay in the job. others on the short list include richmond fbi field office director adam lee, attorney alice fisher, former representative mike rogers, new york state judge michael garcia and federal judge henry e. hudson are also said to be on a list. well, keir johnson's car has been found. tonight the 34-year-old virginia woman and her 8-year- old daughter chloe are missing. police in hampton, virginia issued an amber alert for the pair last week saying they believe the two have been abducted and they could be in danger. today police say they johnson's kia optima. at a press conference friday rhonda cruz pled for help bringing her daughter and granddaughter home safely. >> i would like to thank everybody for their help. i would appreciate it if y'all could bring my kids home. >> police are asking anyone with information about this case to give them a call. a fatal shooting on busy interstate 95 in richmond leaves two women dead tonight. one is from our area. 26-year-old sherane holland of manassas and 23-year-old richmond woman died at the scene. a man was seriously wounded in this attack. he is hospitalized in critical condition. virginia state police say the driver of a white sedan pulled up to another car and someone in the sedan started shooting. investigators say that shooting may have been related to an argument a short time earlier at a nearby nightclub. well, it may have worse tomorrow morning. we are talking about that huge sweeping global cyber attack. it hit more than 150 countries and more than 200,000 people. hospitals in the united kingdom were among the targets, but experts say that number could grow tomorrow when workers return to the office and log into their computers causing the malware to spread. former national intelligence director james clapper talked about it this morning. >> so this is a very serious, serious problem. i think it's gonna grow. >> president trump met with security officials in the white house this weekend to assess the threat to u.s. government agencies, hospitals, and companies. they will be watching how that software infection spreads across asia and europe overnight to determine how much of a threat the united states may face. the united states and japan have called for an emergency u.n. security council meeting after north korea fired another missile today. the seventh missile test this south korea's new president took office pledging to open dialogue. adriana diaz reports. >> reporter: according to u.s. intelligence, the medium-range missile class five as a kn17 was launchedner north korea's west coast. japan's military says it reached an altitude of more than 1,200 miles before splashing down into the sea of japan. a u.s. official tells reuters it landed about 60 miles off the coast of russia. it was the first successful test after a string of recent failures. the regime continues to test banned ballistic missiles despite worldwide condemnation. but the u.s. military says the flight pattern of today's launch was not consistent with an intercontinental ballistic missile, or icbm, the type that could reach the u.s. mainland. in january, north korean at test was eminent. this comes days after south korea elected a new president who wants to engage pyongyang, not isolated it. today they said dialogue is only possible if north korea changes course. in a statement the white house called for stronger sanctions and pointed out that the missile landed near russian territory, adding that president donald trump, quote, cannot imagine that russia is pleased. russia's president expressed concern over the launch in beijing. today china called for restraint and calm. china is north korea's only major ally and has been pushing for negotiations. there is a new miss u.s.a. tonight and she is miss district of columbia kara mccullough. she took the crown in tonight's pageant held in las vegas, nevada. mccullough is working for the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission. she was born in naples, italy, but raised in virginia beach, virginia. she will go on to compete the miss universe contest and she is following in the footsteps of another miss d.c. that's deshauna barber. last year barber became the first ever military member to win miss u.s.a. all right. admit it. do you ever think you're too old to do something? why one grandma in our area says, yeah, watch me. and a rescue of a different with tempur-pedic.t our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. so you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. find your exclusive retailer at take a look at this wild scene that played out on a highway in seattle. a car left dangling from the overpass. amazingly, everyone inside that car were able to get out unharmed. crews towed that vehicle away. trying to find out how that car ended up in that precarious position. it took her 60 years, but lucy capers is finally a college graduate. >> [ applause ] >> the 79-year-old great grandmother received a standing ovation as she received her maryland's university college. capers attended a segregated elementary school in alabama. she never graduated from high school. she moved to maryland in 1957. she started a family. she got her g.e.d. today some family members and friends were there to see her graduate from college. >> i wish her all the best and i'm so elated as she accomplished this. we are all so proud of her. we work together for 27 years until she retired. i was left behind. >> congratulations to her. capers earned a bachelor of science degree in computer studies today. she says if the university pays for a master degree for seniors, she may end of continuing her studies. love it. we celebrated our moms today for mother's day. so what will the fur baby moms? you shared photos of your pets on the wusa9 facebook rooster says happy mother's day. angel shared her fur nephew. that's kendrick. cute. and kathy wrote, my little rescue malamar. what a cutie. of course, we want to hear from you. join in our conversation on our wusa9 facebook page. a dog in edgewater, maryland, a lucky pup tonight. fire and rescue workers successfully saved the dog after he fell into a sinkhole this morning in woodland beach. this 85-pound border collie was stuck six feet down the hole. that was in the 2000 block of shore drive. members of the special operations confined space rescue team worked to free the dog. oh, cute. after 90 minutes they were able to bring that dog up safely. always watching, always tracking. wusa9's first alert >> if he just needs a bath and a couple of dog biscuits, he will be fine. >> adorable. >> definitely a cute dog. i love the happy ending. >> at least the weather was better today. >> yeah. >> a lot better. >> good for a rescue. >> yes. we got up to the low 80s today. >> i have one more joke. >> oh? >> talk about a rescue dog. go ahead. >> i will go now. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> it was in the 40s this morning. it was chilly. >> sorry. >> low 80s. some had a 40-degree range today. we made 82. >> whoa! >> i know that is a myth. you know what? when we miss, somebody benefits. this is a 3-degree benefit. this month our charity of the month is the national center for missing and exploited children. they will get a $100. every time we miss, we make up for it with that $100 donation. i want to tell you it's a comfortable start this week. it's going to be hot and humid by mid-70s tomorrow. i think the low 80s tuesday and then low 90s for wednesday and thursday. that would be the second and third 90-degree day of the year that that happened. i think it's gonna happen. that's my forecast, right? wind gusts, check them out. over 30 at national. 30 30 at lees berg. i think the breeze is going to be up tonight and most of the day monday before starting to settle as we get into monday night. temps now down in the 50s in hagerstown and cumberland. just about everybody else in the 60s. culpepper, fredericksburg 70s still. 77 looks nice on this sunday evening. michael & son weather camera, those winds, as i said, sustained north-northwest at 22. so a real brisk feel out there. look at the temperatures monday in the middle of the country. lots of heat here. that heat's gonna be there as well and expand north and east come tuesday and wednesday and thursday. this will be here along the east coast. that's why we're thinking it's gonna feel like summer. we have the warm air in place. you know, it snowed this morning in vermont. yes. aptly named there, mount snow. and this is the same one that got us friday and early saturday with the rain. well, it got us today with the wind. still going to be there, slowly spinning off the nova scotia coast another day or so. it will pull away tomorrow night. high pressure builds in. so tuesday's not a bad day at all. the air's gonna be dry. we could have a passing cloud or two. tuesday a nice day. wednesday afternoon in the warmth low 90s, yes, notice some isolated showers and storms popping up. but it will turn quickly like summer around here. dew points, which are in the 40s tonight, will be pushing 70 or so by the time we get to wednesday, thursday. so it's gonna have that real, you know, july/august feel to it. 40s and 50s tonight thanks to or else it would be colder than that. sunny, breezy, cool monday morning. jacket weather. 50s and 60s. but with the winds 10-20 it will feel colder. low-to-mid 70s tomorrow. still breezy. tomorrow night the winds relax. that will allow temperatures once again back in the 50s. tuesday pick of the week. 83. and then hot and humid by wins with the isolated afternoon storms into thursday. friday a better chance of storms. i think generally a dry saturday. another threat of storms sunday. look at those threats. way above the average high of 75. >> heating up. >> yep. >> are you a bicyclist. >> i have a bicycle. i wouldn't call myself a bicyclist. >> me, too. tomorrow the start of national bike week. 6,000 people got an early start when they participated in a 20- mile ride today. >> in 2014 my mom had a stroke and she was at george washington university hospital. it was about $22 a day to bike to see her. so i rode my bike every day up there. it was great exercise. it was very therapeutic. >> i try to stay faster than traffic because it's easier to maneuver between cars. >> today's event also included safety demos on navigating your bike through traffic. okay. have you heard about this? it's a textalyzer. textalyzer. it combats distracted driving. new york lawmakers are considering this to fight distracted driving from texting. legislation would allow police to use this textalyzer to determine if a driver has been clicking, tapping, or swiping a mobile device in the moments before an injury-involved accident. similar legislation is being considered in new jersey, tennessee, and chicago. this idea is already facing obstacles from privacy advocates. they say police need the owner's consent and a warrant to get the cell phone records. this is something you whfinitely don't want to see a massive landslide taking out a road in tennessee. and something you don't want to see in your car. we will tell you about in tennessee heavy rain caused a massive landslide. check out this video. the mid of that slide is estimated to be 40 feet deep. tonight workers are trying to figure out what equipment they will use to clear the bolders and debris and no timetable when that road is gonna reopen. all right. take a look at these cuties. there are a bunch of lucky ducks, literally. hotel workers in maine discovered a nest with a dozen mallard eggs after the mother duck died. animal control officers were called. the eggs were put in an incubator. over a couple of days all but one of the eggs hatched. the ducks were then taken to a wildlife center where they will be fed and cared for until they can be released back into the wild. a roanoke, virginia family discovered an unexpected guest in their suv this weekend. i don't know if you can tell, that's a bear. yeah. a bear inside the car. put himself in the driver's seat and then, what the noise caused the neighbors to gather and a police officer used the family's car keys to open a rear door, and that bear eventually left on his own. archeologists in egypt made an amazing fine. the discovery of 18 well preserved mummies in a village on the edge of the western desert. a cemetery with tombs for birds and animals was also found. all right. we are getting ready, i can see over there, diane roberts, yes, i see, today we're gonna be comparing the roll-formed steel bed of the chevy silverado to the aluminum bed of this competitor's truck. awesome. yeah! first, let's check out the aluminum bed of this truck. wooooow!! holy moly. full on crack here. now let's check out the steel bed of the silverado. i'd expect more dents. no holes. current qualified lessees can get this silverado all star edition for around $249 a month. plus, find your tag and get an additional $1,500 lease cash on select silverado pickups in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. i need the phone that's where i happen to be... to be the one that rings. i need not to be missed phone calls... to not be missed. i need seamless handoff... canyon software. from reception, to landline, to mobile. i need one number... not two. i'm always moving forward... because i can't afford to get stuck in the past. comcast business. built for business. narrator:to do time is what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. now wusa9 game on sports with diane roberts brought to you by xfinity. >> the nationals and phillies, for that matter, weren't able to spend a lot of time with their moms or wives because they had a day-night doubleheader. game two was affair, and like we've been accustomed to several times in the last couple weeks, the bullpen gave up the lead. the wizards left today for boston. the site of game seven in their second round series against the celtics. we willr hea fromthe head coach about the task at hand ahead. jonathan allen is living a high school dream. i talked with hip and a couple ofther home -- him and a couple other hometown players. one of the most successful lacrosse programs in action today. a win would help them on their way to changing that fact. >> what do you like to do when you are not playing baseball? >> and we will introduce you to a girl who loves diamonds. we mean baseball. not gems more on nicole parker's interview with a player as she begins her sports journalism career at the tender age of 11. a jam-packed show for you. >> they are getting younger and younger. breezy, comfortable start to the week. low-to-mid 70s. awesome day tuesday. the heat and humidity build midweek. we will be back above 90 with afternoon storms here and there. >> wow. >> it's getting warmer. you can get updates any time on introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 megs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. incredibly, it's $79.99 a month for one year. comcast charges you $89.99 for a triple play that only offers 200 mgs speeds. y price. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 a month and we'll give you tv, hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. so act fast. go to that when it comes to hospital romances,nows the more complicated, the better. i love you. but i love him. i love him, too. so do i. they also know you should get your annual check-up. schedule a checkup with your doctor to learn your four health numbers, and start taking control of your health today. it could save your life. cigna. together, all the way. this is "game on overtime." >> coming up on "game on overtime," the shot heard around the world. >> oh! >> we'll check in on the wizards preparing for the all- important game 7. the bumbling, stumbling orioles trying to stop a three- game slide. >> harper to right. well hit! gone! >> the nats hoping to build f of this home run bomb by bryce harper. a sneak peek of jonathan allen, the hometown player drafted by the burgundy and gold. that and more coming up on this mother's day edition of "game on overtime." how often do you talk to your

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