Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20161215 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20161215

story, and why we issued the yellow weather alert, low windchills. these are the numbers to dress the kids for, and yourself. 18 tomorrow morning, feeling like that, and 8 in frederick. by lunchtime, the numbers are going down. colder through the day. 13 downtown. 7 in frederick for the windchill, and 6:00, everyone will be in the single digits. 0 in cumberland, and again, dress for these numbers and windchills. we will come back with a yellow weather alert on friday and saturday, and we will explain why. i'm cold just thinking about it, topper, thank you. ellison barber spoke to people who are not looking forward to your forecast. ellison? >> reporter: people here in prince george's county are already starting to bundle up, and they are bracing for even more shivers in the morning. >> i know it's coming, and i think at this come. i feel like i want it to feel like winter. >> we are dreading it, and we are getting the gifts out of the way now so we don't have to come out tomorrow if we don't have to. >> it's going to be cold. >> i mean, it's okay, but i'm not ready for it right now. >> we will have a lot of coats and everything. i hate the cold weather. i'm super prepared. >> reporter: of course this is nothing like this. but that does not mean it's something to ignore. from frostbite to hypothermia and everything in bebetween, -- in between, the cold weather is serious business. >> i'm going to target right now, and i may have to get long underwear, but i'm preparing for it. >> reporter: even the ones from a sunnier place. >> we are from jamaica and used to 80 or 90 degrees this is out >> reporter: when they wake up, layer up, and head out the door, at least one person will do it with a smile. >> christmas is coming, and i'm happy. i don't care about the coat! >> reporter: i'm from georgia, and i'm admittedly a wimp when it comes to cold weather. i wish i had core a scarf tonight, and i plan to wear a big one tomorrow. >> don't worry, ellison, i'm from michigan, and i'm a wimp. join the club. you can follow the latest overnight on our wusa 9 app. we have live radar to track the dusting of snow. >> how to a story you will only see on wusa 9. a dc public schools employee arrested last week on drug charges was connected to a scheme to sneak tens of thousands of dollars of cocaine into the country by crui has the court documents linking rita gray's arrest last week to the arrests of four other women this fall? >> reporter: it's a complicated case but rita gray's charges on conspiracy to import cocaine didn't have much information, but they included this single document, linking gray's arrest to the plot of four women who tried to sneak pot into the country into their clothing. border control agents became suspicious that something other than the end of her 7-night caribbean cruise troubled sierra bryant as she passed through customs last may. her hands and voice were shaking, and she would not make eye contact. a secondary screening showed the cause of distress, fining packages of cocain clothes. her traveling companions were quickly rounded up, and they found 15 pounds hidden on their bodies. they said they were recruited in dc by shant a to go on the trip with them. they arranged to beat a band on the beach. there was a 546-inch stack of $20 bills, and the man gave her a bag with bras and underwear loaded with the cocaine. they got busted smuggling it ashore. all four pled guilty to federal drug charges and are serving 2- 8 years in prison. an attorney for one of the women said three of the four cooperated with federal prosecutors to figure out who they were working for in the united states and where the drugs were gray's arrest last week, but prosecutors have not detailed her alleged role in the case. garrett haake, wusa 9. >> garrett, all right. we learned tonight the supreme court will consider whether to overturn convictions of seven men found guilty of a notorious 1984 murder. the justices will decide if prosecutors failed to turn over evidence that could have exonerated the men accused of killing catherine fuller. fuller was beaten on the street. eight men were found guilty in fuller's death, and one has since died in prison. scary moments for shoppers at iverson mall. a driver was shot multiple times and crashed into the mall. police said they iv reporting some sort of car chase involving this vehicle and another one, but it is not clear when the driver was shot. a bizarre robbery at a construction site in prince george's county leaves one worker in critical condition tonight. police tell us two suspects walked up to the site at danville and run roads. the men robbed two workers shooting and seriously injuring one of them. the suspects are still out there. a 13-year-old killed in a crash on i-95 is being remembered as a teen dedicated to serving others. mosha moskowitz was in a van caught up in a four-vehicle crash. he attended the academy of baltimore, and this past summer, he went on a 170-mile bike ride to raise money for sick children. devastation and destruction in syria. peace was supposed to prevail today with a piece fi the government forces retook aleppo from rebels, but instead it was a day of carnage and the cease fire broke down. men, women, and children remain trapped in rebel-held areas. a new cease fire ingredient is suppose -- cease fire is supposed to go into effect early thursday. we spoke to a refugee who fled the country after being arrested for protesting in the streets. >> it's a never-before moment like the holocaust. when time is passing, i feel like we are falling into the moment of never before actually, and never before the world just watching in real time while people are being slaughtered, killed in torture in real time, and just, you know, stood and do nothing. >> reporter: again, he left syria in 2011. the united nations says there's 50,000 men, women, and children trapped. a somber anniversary tonight. 4 years ago 26 people including 20 children were killed at sandy hook elementary school, and tonight their families and families of dozens of other victims of gun violence gathered to remember their loved ones and the push for gun control reform. mola lenghi spoke to some of them at st. mark's church on capitol hill. >> only survival. how it feels to lose a child. >> reporter: the room of survivors coming from all over the country. some lost children, grandparents, and some cousins, aunts, uncle, and all lost to gun violence. maria pyke lost her son. >> he was murdered trying to park at his new apartment. >> reporter: kamesha lost her niece who was killed in a driveby shooting in chicago. she was on her way home. >> she got a day for her modeling contract, they offered her a contract. she was so excited to come home. >> reporter: carrying the memories of their loved ones, the burden of losing them too soon. they are part of a club they never asked to be part of. a club of survivors they never wanted to be a part of, but it helps to be a part of. >> it feels good. i have never experienced it until now. i'm here to speak for my sister because she signed up for this event, and she passed away basically from a broken heart. >> reporter: they came to be at st. mark's church on capitol hill tonight, the 4 year anniversary of the sandy hook massacre. >> reporter: 202 t-shirts make up the display here. on the t-shirts, each victim's name, ages, and the day they were taken away from their family in an instant. >> in seconds, you know, everything that he had to work for him, and all i had on him were gone. >> reporter: 26 people were gunned down in connecticut. >> it brings me down to my knees, and i decided that i was going to make it work. >> reporter: she has worked for gun reform measures side-by- side with other survivors. she knows she can't save her son, but maybe she can save others. >> i don't want any other parent to go through what i go through every single day of my life. president-elect donald trump had a busy day in new york city, but much of today's trump news happened right here in dc. there were calls from some congressional democrats for trump to sell his hotel in northwest, and they said that he will be in breech of his lease because he will be a federal official. the building says they don't have a position requiring him to back out of the deal. >> i just don't think it's in i just don't agree with it. >> reporter: that's part of the job requirement, and if you're not ready to do that, you aren't really ready to be the president of this country. >> president-elect donald trump canceled a press conference for tomorrow. he was supposed to detail the future of his businesses as president. it was business as usual at trump tower in new york today. he held a summit with major tech leaders, amazon's ceo was there, and many from silicon valley were among the sharpest critics during his campaign saying he could stifle invasion, and this round table meeting was a shift for the president-elect who has been mostly focused on filling his cabinet. those of you who use yahoo should listen to this yahoo says they believe hackers stole data from more than 1 billion user accounts in august 2013. that information may include names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, and and the company says it's a different breech from the one disclosed in september, and yahoo recommends that users should change their passwords. an arctic blast hitting the great lakes, whiteout conditions forcing a battle between man and nature in upstate new york. and not many students get this opportunity. a group of dc middle school and high school students amazon said it made its first drone delivery to an actual customer it carried a fire tv streaming stick and a bag of popcorn to a customer's farmhouse in the english country side, not far from the distribution center. the trip took 13 minutes. they hope to expand the test flights to dozens of customers in england. some dc school students have a cool task ahead of them. they get to rebuild a 60-year- old plane. our john henry got to see the kids rebuild the project today, and their teachers hope it will be a hands on experience. of science, technology, engineering, and math it involves a little more than a dozen teams for the british international school of washington, and i can tell you, they are already having a blast. >> reporter: inside of a hanger at hide field in prince george's county, class is underway. the first lesson? how to tear through the fabric of an old plane's wings. >> i'm very excited. >> it's an amazing opportunity. >> reporter: it's always matily so they can restore this hyper pacer 135. mary fiken donated it to the world renowned build a plane project. it's the type of donation that gives students a one-of-a-kind opportunity. >> it's how our students want to learn. they can learn so much more than they can in regular classrooms, and it's such a hands on learning experience. >> reporter: long-term the goal is to make the plane fly in 2 years time, an have help from enthusiastic teachers and flight professionals along the way, but they will learn so much more than just science and math. >> they will learn about self- control and decision maker. >> reporter: zane d networks ahar is ready to soak -- zane denahar is ready to soak it all in. >> my friends thought it was just a paper plane. i said, nope, it's a real plane. i want to be an engineer in the future, and maybe this will excel the advantage i will have in my future job. >> reporter: until then, this group will focus on one thing, helping this plane reach new heights. >> reporter: now this has been a very popular project in the british international school of washington. i'm told there is a waiting list for students to get in the build-a-plane club. >> thank you, john. while we e drop in temperatures here, some parts of the country are already experiencing the frigid cold. buffalo, new york is being pounded by snow. near whiteout conditions there, and there's terrifying video of the rescue in the mountains of new york. a helicopter lifted two hikers to safety. daniel medina shared this picture on social media he was driving with his two young boys when they asked him to pull over. they saw a man in a wheelchair trying to shovel snow, and they wanted to help. it was shared on facebook 3 days ago, and it's been shared thousands of times, and that is the spirit. there's something about snow that brings us together. >> it's funny you say that. it can bring you together and sort of stock up. it's f smaller amounts of it, and i know you and i differ on that philosophically. >> reporter: we can differ a little bit. i went warm today, and it was a nice day. it was an average day. my number was 47. i thought we may have a bull's-eye. made it to 49 today. for 24 of the last 25, and here's the deal. don't pay any attention to this number. i'm going with 38 tomorrow, and why? it's 42 right now, and it's going to be a midnight high. dress for the teens and single digits. right now, 41, and a dew point in the teens, and that will change. by the time we get to this point tomorrow night, dew points are below 0. that means the inside relative humidity will be 5%, and that's why we said you may want to turn on the humiditier or leave a man of water by the bedside table. windchills, that's the important numbers. 8 to 18. colder when you pick up. windchills 5 to 15. cover your face, you need gloves, hat, and scarf and the whole bit. wintery mix friday into saturday, and then it changes to sleet and freezing rain. saturday morning it will be slippery, and be really careful getting your paper on saturday morning. these are straight temperatures, 29 downtown, and 25 in bowie. by 9:00, now 27 downtown. by 1:00, back 28 at national, and only 18 in cumberland, and these are actual temperatures, and 6:00 p.m., we are in the teens and low to mid-20s. notice the arrow, good strong northwest wind, and this time tomorrow night, we are in the teens in gaithersburg and leesburg, and even 19 in fairfax, and we get into friday morning, teens across the board. we will talk about windchills, again if you missed this. 10:00a.m., single digits. 2 in hagerstown, and by noon, feg and 5:00, generally in the single digits across the area. if you're waiting for the bus tomorrow or the metro, we recommend halt, gloves, scarf, the whole bit. windchills will be your big, big enemy tomorrow. the day planner, 20s across the board. 28 by 11:00. upper 20s, and then on friday, 30, less wind, and snow breaking out friday night, and we will tell you about the timetable as we get closer to it. it looks like late friday night, and then the mix going to rain on saturday, and that's 50. it will take until saturday night to get to 50, and good enough for two more yellow weather alerts. sunday, showers and rain, and then the temperatures crash again, and cold on monday and tuesday, and that's nice for the game at fedex it will just be chilly but clear. >> all right, let's talk about the wizard the. we don't get to talk about them much. >> they are doing good stuff. they won the last game. john wall has been on fire lately. >> on fire! >> he is we will look at john wall. he was playing like an all star tonight. that's for sure. that's coming up in game on sports when we com ♪ ♪ ♪ how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. now lease the 2017 gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. tonight in charlotte, john wall made his presence felt in all facets of the game. he led all scorers with 25 points, and tacked on 7 steals, passing greg ballard for all time steals in the franchise history. check out the stars and stripes. looking good. good night for the law firm of law & beal. this would be close. wall puts the wiz up by 4 points with less than a minute to go. the hornets would get within 3. walker with the pump fake, and hoisting up the 3, and it rims out. the wizards hold on to win 109- 106. they played together for 4 years, squaring off every day josh norman and cam newton will face off as opponents they have a love-hate relationship as brothers usually do, but they can't help each other this time around. carolina needs the win, and so does washington. ron rivera said he has to be careful challenging him and keeping his ego in check. they have to play smart to avoid the costly mistakes. >> i think it's putting your will against another man's will and trying to overcome them and any obstacle, whatever it may be. >> i kind of have to take that into my game and will just try to impose our will. >> reporter: and we caught up with norman tonight at the christmas with the redskins hosted by our buddy darrell green. the 27th ap yule event that provides an evening of fun for area kids, a chance to pick out presents and hang their favorite players. >> barbie, play-doh, and another barbie! >> that's cool. ever since i got here, he's been cool, and good to see the smile on his face. >> all of our energy is on this child tonight, 100%. i don't know all of these kids, but i know one thing, love them and i want to see them happy right now. there's other issues, and god has a plan for that. for this, we are about them. >> and you can see the look on the boy's face when he saw the football. that's what it is all about, the smiles and the happiness, and a lot of the redskins players showed up to support joe green and christmas with the redskins. >> that's fantastic. 27 years, and green is no matter how the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel 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