Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20160720 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20160720

i-270, and this is a big storm. one trailing storm on the west side of i-270 behind it, but there's a lot of lightning, and the severe thunderstorm warning in effect for arlington, the district, and prince george's county until 11:15. my hunch is they will extend this for the longer duration. frequent lightning, hail, and high winds and heavy rain. look how big the storm is right now. almost eastward, all the way to 50, to annapolis from dc. where is it headed? upper marlboro right now, and it will make it into carl county, into waldorf by 11:24. we don't see anything taking the energy away from this. the lightning, 155 strikes, in the last 10 minutes, and there's a huge light show, and also, hail. look at this hail in northwest dc, 1.9-inches in diameter, and there's video from northwest dc, and look carefully. you see it bouncing off the car . but at least marble-sized hail. listen to it. so, one of the signatures with the storm, also hail, in addition to the lightning and the heavy rain, and gusty winds. we will come back with the hail track, and look at this. it looks like the hail track became intense moving south of the spur, inside of the beltway, down to northwest dc, and it moves to the north and south and east at about 20 miles an hour, again, we will come back and talk about the heat wave, and right now, severe thunderstorm warning for the immediate metro until 11:15. ♪ [music] ♪ mourning the loss of chief z. the native american head dress, remembered tonight as a superfan. 40 years with his real passion was possible. >> tonight friends who loved him are remembering the 75-year- old and the team's unofficial mascot. diane roberts got to know him pretty well. >> reporter: the team confirmed late this afternoon he died saying they appreciated his unique passion and dedication to the team, and chief z was always proud to wear the head dress and garb of native americans and often said he meant no disrespect as he rooted for his favorite football team. >> reporter: that's zeama williams affectionately known as chief z. the superfan has passed away. dextermanly fondly remembers the unofficial mascot's role. >> '82 was sensational, and you come out of the tunnel, and we play on saturday, and he's getting the fans all riled up. i never experienced that. >> reporter: he was a game day fixture during the glory days and beyond. word of his passing, and fans started to gather. tailgate ted is one of the people who helped to organize a fundraiser when he was almost evicted from his home earlier this year. he remembers the man away from the field. >> chief was a redskin fan, but he was like us, but he wanted to do what he could to kind of give back where he could. >> it was more than just being out there on sunday and monday in the cold and the rain and being dressed up. ♪ hail >> reporter: a special memory for those of you who love chief z. i talked to players tonight and darrell green said he was the greatest sincere fan of the burgundy and gold, and bobby mitchell said he's a truly gifted redskin fan. >> it's hard to imagine a game without him on the sidelines. >> 2016 will be an interesting season. he went to almost every single game, missing just a handful because of funerals. >> the two things people were probably doing, taking pictures of their friends and family and them with z if they had the opportunity to do it. >> i talk a little bit about that coming up in sports in a few more minutes. >> see you then, thank you, diane. a lot of people are posting th chief z over the years. isaiah posted this on our facebook page. >> latrise also showing this one. >> and sotana posting this memory. we know there's a lot of them out there. >> mark tweeted this photo. rest in peace chief z. home games will never be the same. >> and it is my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates and another 6 for john kasich. congratulations, dad! we love you! >> donald j. trump the sun making it official, casting the final votes his father needed to become the republican presidential nominee and donald trump the father tweeting it is a great honor. trump says he will work and never let you down. america first. tonight events on the floor, a lot smoother for the trump campaign. >> things got a lot more personal as we heard from those close to the candidate including from two of his children. garrett haake is live once again in cleveland. garrett, fond memories shared from the trump kids and also poignant political attacks. >> reporter: a little bit of both, adam. lost in the coverage of melania trump's speech last night, while it was well received in the room, she never got into specifics, and we never heard what it was like to be married to donald trump or what he's like as a father or husband, and that's one of the things the family of a candidate and really only them can do and conventions are typically the time to do it, particularly for a candidate like donald trump to try to make him see a little more like a normal, approachable guy, and tonight we heard from two of his children who tried to do exactly that. you will hear from them in a second. you will see one of them for fe >> i still keep all my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. my father is good with advice as you may guess, but he keeps it short, and the takeaway is usually the same, to help us find our own way and our own gifts. if you do what you love, hold nothing back, and never let fear of failure get in the way, then you pretty much figured out the trump formula. >> he didn't hide out behind a desk in an executive suite. he spent his career with regular americans. he hung out with the guys on construction sites, hanging dry wall -- pouring concrete and hanging sheet rock, and he listened to them, and he valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys for harvard or warton locked away in offices away from the real work. >> reporter: a little bit of the unvarnished sound from two of the trump children tonight, donald trump the businessman. donald trump jr.'s speech much more like a political speech, taking the place of a keynote address tonight. the official theme was make america work again, but unless you were reading that on the progra you really wouldn't know it. again tonight, hillary clinton was the target of almost every speaker, all of them going after her, but none of them quite as effectively as new jersey governor chris christie who staged a mock prosecution of hillary clinton. >> hillary clinton, the charge of putting herself ahead of america, guilty or not guilty. >> guilty! >> the cheers there at the end were the debts chanting lock her up. christie had the ground eating out of his beyond that and the trump children a fairly conventional convention approach with the last two speakers trailing off at the end of the night. donald trump appeared only by video, but he's expected to be here physically in person tomorrow when his runningmate, mike pence accepts the vp nomination. we will see the show business spark come back tomorrow night. garrett haake, wusa 9. >> it will be interesting to see how he comes into the arena, mike pence. what do the republican convention and the wizard of oz. have in common? plenty if you ask hillary clinton, the presumptive democratic nominee said the convention in cleveland was surreal, like a scene out of the wizard of oz. >> lots of sound and furry, and even a fog machine, but when you pull back the curtain, it was just donald trump with nothing to offer to american people. >> clinton making the remark in las vegas where she was courting the union vote. she asked the union to help her get out the vote in november. >> metro launches the fifth surge of its massive project tomorrow. why you should be a little concerned even if you don't graduate. >> a couple of decades ago this place was filled with drug dealers and prostitutes, and now it's filled with dollars. i'm ellison barber, and that's coming up. >> you're seeing it right there, and the first lady singing about the single ladies, how you know you will be staying up late to a biker was hit by a cab near unio recovering tonight. >> fortunately the woman only had bumps and bruises, but it's one of hundreds of accidents this year, and people are worried it's getting worse. wusa hit the road tonight. what did you see out there? >> reporter: obviously things are pretty quiet out here, especially with the rain, and not many cyclists, but during the day, the entire area is filled with cyclists, more now in recent weeks after the challenges with metro. we are finding out more is not always better. it does create more challenges between the cyclists and the drivers. >> i risk my life day after day in dc. >> reporter: you heard her right, risking her life running. going off hundreds of times every year because they are hit by car, and take this incident we caught on camera in the past, but today, mostly th impatient to wait behind the crosswalk. >> defensive runner, kind of watching, looking around, and making sure you have the right ofway, and making sure people are paying attention. >> reporter: most of the people sharing the roads say many cars are not paying attention. >> every once in awhile the car doesn't see me, and then they turn right. >> reporter: it's become so bad recently, a group popped up on twitter, struck in dc. it tracks who has been getting hit. the count so far? 131 accidents this year. definitely safer in the sidewalk. cars are big killer machines. >> reporter: there's been several fatal accidents like this one. hundreds of smaller fender benders that luckily only mangle tires but often leave many with minor injuries and scared. >> i say i'm on your left or right to make sure they know someone is coming. >> reporter: it's the fear of speeding drivers that many cyclists say make the roadways a little tougher and causes some of the beginners on rented bikes to make the siio >> it's a lot of bikers that also take advantage and cause frustration for the drivers. >> it's a give and take. >> reporter: give and take for everyone, and social media has helped a lot of people record and report some of those smaller accidents, and now that group we told you about. they told us in the last year they tracked more than 600 accidents in northwest, dc, i'm eliana diaz. >> i will take a little while longer before i fix the flat tire on my bike. the maintenance push starts tomorrow, affecting riders on the orange and silver lines. for the next 12 days continuous single tracking with falston and east falls church. the lines will only run every 18 minutes, and you can expect the commuters to spill over to the street and highway. where you could fight crime, fight to preserve a historical site and let your dog run free. at the congressional cemetery , that's exactly what some people say they do from dawn to dusk. all the furry paws you can imagine. >> come on, guys. >> before the dog walkers came in, there was a lot of illegal activity happening right next to the jail, and you know, what a place to do some things you don't want to be caught doing but a cemetery. >> this is my dog. he has a middle name. it's kirby dennis johnson. >> i'm diane. i have been coming here for 10 years. live over on 5th avenue, and i just heard you should take your dog to the cemetery, and i'm like the cemetery? okay. >> reporter: about 25 years ago this cemetery was essentially abandoned. >> these are pictures that were taken in 1979 of the cemetery. we had people living in the areas, and lot of prostitution and a lot of drug dealing. >> reporter: and now it's this, and the president of the historical cemetery says it's thanks to their program, the canine court. >> they brought their dogs over to patrol the grounds and raise money to mow the yards, and now it's grown into a pretty substantial membership program, and we have 600 members, and  believe it or not, they raise enough money, about 20% of our operating revenue for $200,000 a year. >> reporter: the wait list to be part of the court is almost 3 years long. >> this is my sister's dog cooper. takes patrolling very , and he seriously. >> go ahead! >> some people may say isn't that disrespectful to have dogs peeing and pooping? >> if it weren't for the dogs, we would have natural animals. >> those of us have such a tremendous respect that it's a cemetery. every day i read someone's grave outloud. >> this is where john phillips susan is buried. >> we are a community of people who respect this place. it's our second home. >> reporter: in south beach, i'm ellison barber, wusa 9. breaking news now, gary marshall has died. he is probably best known as the producer behind hit tv sitcoms like happy days and the odd couple, but he also directed some hit movies like "pretty woman" and after majoring in journalism marshall was a reporter for the nydia i will news before making the shift -- for the new york daily news before making the shift to entertainment. east. the warning into dc until 11:45 and prince george's county until midnight. the 3-degree guarantee, and in my wisdom again, i lowered it from 90 to 89, and i thought, okay. it feels 91, would not have mattered. would not have had the bull's- eye anyway. correct 54 of the last 56 days, not bad. 75 right now, look at the winds. northerly 20 gusting to 55. the storm is approaching the airport. this is a very small area, but it's a concentrated area of southern montgomery county, and also headed into anne arundel county, and that's just the last hour. you folks to the west, you're probably wondering what we are talking about. it's an intense storm, and it grew in intensity, fanning out to the east. there's the warning for arlington and the district and prince george's until midnight, and another one until 11:30 for ann arundel county east there. upper marlboro and clinton getting hammered here. a fair amount of lightning, especially going east to queen ann out to route 50 for bowie. here was hail. not too long ago in the area that measured 2.7 on the doppler, and so, serious storm, and that's one of the criteria for a warning. inch-sized hail or quarter- sized hail. this whole storm is headed south and east, and clinton, on your doorstep right now. waldorf at 11:45, and huntingtown at 11:40 and prince frederick, and they have been extended in terms of warnings. almost hot on thursday, and not bad, considering what is coming our way. dangerous heat friday through monday. highs around 100, records are possible. heat indentions in the order of 110 to 111 degrees. 70s to start. 83 by 1:00, and the sunshine, and the next 3 days, we are okay on thuray make hay, and then boom, 97. afternoon storms. yellow weather alert. sunday 99, and easy to remember, 100 on monday, and some release, although not much, 93 on tuesday. >> hail to the redskins, and hail to the chief. >> we have been talking about him all night long. chief z passed away today. we will come back in a z22goz zi0z y22goy yi0y sfx: turbines revving up, you hear that? and louder he sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as $69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding know you're budgeted for the expected, and the unexpected. know that at least the process of buying a new home can be clear and simple. know your investments can make retirement closer than you think know. the one word behind all the guidance we provide, tools we create, and services we offer. because when you have insight, you know. z22gpz zi0z y22gpy yi0y as training camp 2016 rolls around it will have a different feeling after the death of zema williams, the man known as chief zee. he's been going to the games since 1978. he was a staple at rfk stadium and then fedex field. he would not hesitate to take a road trip. he cheered them on at the cowboys striking up a friendship with crazy ray, who died in 2007. and i thought he brought so much enthusiasm to the game, and i think that is crucial, as long as the fan base can carry on. this guy was a true redskin, and i saw him at one of the games, and i think it was a night game, and he was pushing himself in the wheelchair, but you never know when we are going to get called or what time of the day or how. i'm just so sad to hear chief zee has gone on. >> people have been posting pictures and memories all night long. we met tailgate ted earlier in the show. many people spoke of starting out as fans as children and growing up with their idol. daniel murphy's availability for tonight was uncertain, and the man of the hour had the chance to be renaldo lopez. he allowed 10 hits and gave up 6 earned runs before leaving after 4 2/3 innings. 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