Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20150831 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20150831

in southwest. her family told our garrett haake the 13-year-old was walking home from the library where she had been doing her homework when she was shot. garrett is live right now in front of the first district police headquarters. garrett? >> reporter: bruce, this really is just the latest sign of how out of control this spike in violence has become in the city. tonight double shooting taking place just a few blocks walking distance really from the first district police headquarters here in southwest. here's what we know right now. police got the call for a shooting around third and k street as you said around 6:45 tonight. they found an adult man with a minor injury in the street. he may have been the original target of this shooting and then they discovered 13-year- old taije chambliss, a 7th grader, shot in the lower body bleeding badly. chambliss' older sister told me she was walking home from the library on her way to a neighbor's house to help another child with homework when she got hit by a bullet that was clearly not meant for her. the girls are two of nine siblings and the oldest mother told me that their mother has long since had it with the violence in their neighborhood. >> around this neighborhood there's been a lot of shootouts and killing and stuff and my mom is trying to get some help from around here, but anybody that's trying to help her, she's trying to prevent something like this from happening, her kids getting shot. >> reporter: now chambliss lost a lot of blood on the scene. you could see it on the floor of the neighbor's house, but she was conscious and breathing when she was taken away from the scene. if we get any additional information, we'll post it online tonight. garrett haake, wusa9. i can remember a time when the violence at least took a break on sunday nights. that's no longer the case. police are looking for a blue sedan relate to this case but have no other suspect -- related to this case but have no other suspect information tonight. dozens of people attended a memorial service tonight for kevin sutherland, the political student was stabbed more than 30 times on a metro train just trying to get to a 4th of july celebration. police say robbery was the apparent motive. today family and friends attended the celebration of life event on the au campus where sutherland graduated back in 2013. >> really it's been twice as difficult because we've had two such losses in such a short period of time. the circumstances of their deaths were different, but i think what they share is they were at the hands of violence. they were shocking. that may make it harder for our community as well. >> i think kevin want us to still love this city and still embrace it. do not give up hope. >> the man accused of fatally stabbing sutherland has been ordered by a judge to undergo a second mental health evaluation. 18-year-old jasper spires has been charged with first degree murder while armed. hundreds of people packed a performance hall in roanoke, virginia, today to remember alison parker and adam ward. the 24-year-old wdbj television reporter and her 27-year-old cameraman were shot and killed wednesday by a former co-worker during a live morning broadcast. the gunman, vester flanagan, shot and killed himself hours later as authorities closed in on a busy virginia highway. wdbj general manager jeff marks was among those who spoke at today's service. >> i'd like to advise my colleagues, my employees, my friends don't get angry. get strategic. anger eats at you and the results we saw on wednesday can be catastrophic. if we get strategic, we have a goal and a possibility of positive action and that's what i'd like you to think about in memory of alison and adam. >> chamber of commerce executive vicki gardner was wounded in wednesday's attack and remains hospitalized in stable condition tonight. she's expected to make a full recovery. if you live in an apartment, what's the biggest rent increase you've ever faced? consider this. some tenants in takoma park's hampshire tower apartments say they're looking at increases of up to 70% this week. stephanie ramirez has been talking to everybody involved in an effort to try and understand the big rent increases. >> yeah. have you changed this yet? >> reporter: this renter is terrified of being kicked out. , so we're not showing her face -- out, so we're not showing her face, but she was more than willing to show us her apartment saying come tomorrow. it will cost her $375 more a month in rent. she can't afford it. >> sometimes when i talk, i want to cry. >> reporter: this is a 43% rent hike. loretta rice says she's getting hit with 60. >> they're just trying to kick you out. you about a it or get out. >> reporter: july 23rd -- you pay it or get out. >> reporter: july 23rd tenants got wind of the rate hike and have been trying to figure out what to do for about a month now. >> i have gone to management and told them it's unethical and morally you can't do that. they told me legally they have the right to do that because i signed a contract with montgomery can. >> reporter: and multiple people say that's the -- county. >> reporter: and multiple people say that's the problem. this was once a rent stablized building. the city of takoma park has rent control even though montgomery county doesn't. schultz says the previous owner agreed with the county to do away with rent control if certain upgrades were made to the building. this was back in around 2008, but those owners never made those repairs. the new owner who purchased the building back in march did agreeing to rent hikes to balance costs, but the acting tenants association president says they didn't know they'd be hit with this much and at once. >> this could come to a block, to a building, to a community near you if the county continues to allow this type of foolishness to happen in terms of when they execute agreements that do not have a schedule as to how much the owner is going to increase the rent. >> i went from paycheck to paycheck. >> reporter: in takoma park, stephanie ramirez, wusa9 news. >> now for the other side, the acting director with the building's current owner says before the purchase the building had hundreds of code violations and $3.6 million in needed repairs. the manager says tenants who are facing a more than 25% rent like, they now have the option to -- hike, they now have the option to pay a smaller increase if they agree to move out in six to eight months to find new housing. well, it looks like some hot and humid days ahead this week. let's go to first alert chief meteorologist howard bernstein. >> hey, bruce. you can feel it tonight, the mugginess that's out here. radar is picking up a couple showers. we really do need dry. you see there the northern neck and southern maryland, some clouds and maybe a sprinkle. what has been reaching the ground is up in western maryland and eastern virginia but not much. it's just a few showers weakening now as we get later in the night. temperatures upper 80s earlier today have fallen to the 70s to about 80 in town, so it's warm and we're looking at hot and humid weather. all of this cloudiness is coming up from the south. we're talking about temperatures overnight which will drop into the 60s and 70s. monday yeah, there could be a couple showers here and there in the afternoon, but for the most part rain chances are staying low. i'm going to come back in a few minutes. we'll have the seven-day forecast. september starts tuesday. it's going to feel more like july. see you in a few. >> got it. he was once the most powerful political figure in the entire state. former maryland governor marvin mandel has died. he was 95. the family says mandel passed away after a two day visit to st. mary's county for his son's birthday celebration. marvin mandel served as governor from 1969 until 1977 when he was convicted of political corruption charges. maryland governor hogan has ordered all flags to fly at of had staff in mandel's honor. funeral arrangements have not yet been announced. an elderly dumfries, virginia man is found alive and okay after being lost on a mountain in maine for several days. 78-year-old john lyons went missing thursday at baxter state park. maine forest rangers spotted him on a rockslide early this morning and rescued lyons by helicopter. >> he was tired. you could tell he was real tired. >> he was kind of disoriented at first. i think when we first flew over him, he put on his pack and started to walk back into the woods. we found him on the backside of fort mountain. there's the drainage this goes in through there. he was walking along the drainage, looked like he was trying to get in an open area. had he a long stick with a little flag on the end. he was waving for us. so he information a good spot where we could see him. >> yeah, he's tired but will be okay. lyons said he survived by eating one granola bar a day. and another hiker has been found alive after she vanished more than a week in the california wilderness. brian webb reports on how she survived all that time. >> reporter: the hiker was airlifted to a hospital after surviving nine days alone in the sierra nevada mountains. >> she was injured. she does have some broken bones. >> reporter: 62-year-old miyuka harwood was rescued after she used a whistle to alert rescue teams. it's a huge relief to harwood's family. >> beyond excited. they couldn't stop screaming and crying and yelling amongst themselves and they were all in a car on their way up here. >> reporter: harwood, an experienced hiker, went missing from her group august 20th. the search had been hampered by thick smoke from a nearby wildfire. harwood crawled for two days to reach a creek bed. >> she was able to drink from the creek with the water that she had to stay alive. >> reporter: authorities say harwood was weak and exhausted but thankful to be alive. brian webb for cbs news. >> and tonight harwood's family says she is recovering from surgery to set several broken bones in her leg. still ahead on wusa9 news this sunday night, another reason why you should never ever take a selfie while driving. >> and a scary scene customers are going to learn it's going to be drive-in service only at this dunkin' donuts near kennebunkport, maine. the shop's main door remains sealed off tonight after an elderly driver crashed his minivan through the front building. six people including that driver were injured, nobody seriously hurt, though. >> the building had a large window out front. the van went through the window and there was no patients pinned in or under the van. so that was a help for us. >> could have been a lot worse. a table near the entrance prevented the van from crashing further into the store and saving more customers from injury. a driver in northern maine is being blamed for an accident. he was apparently taking a selfie inside his moving suv when the vehicle left the road and crashed into a tree. the 29-year-old driver and seven passengers suffered multiple injuries including some broken bones. in addition, the driver has been charged with distracted driving and failing to maintain control of his vehicle. residents across florida hoping for the best preparing for the worst tonight as a flash flood watch remains in effect. the remnants of tropical storm erika is bringing strong winds and heavy downpours to the region. don champion reports tonight the storm caused major destruction in the caribbean before breaking up. >> reporter: the remnants of tropical storm erika whipped up dangerous waves along the beaches of south florida. flags on lifeguard stands warned people to enter at their own risk. some surfers could not resist. >> all the waves keep crashing on you trying to drown you and stuff, but once you get out there you hit the waves, good, man. >> reporter: even though erika weakened significantly over the past two days the biggest threat is the storm's drenching rain. parts of miami saw 4 inches of rain last night alone. tourists have been out between downpours making the most of their trip. >> we were hoping that we would be able to take advantage of the beach and we did get to do it for maybe a day and a half. >> reporter: because of the potential for 4 or more inches of rain, much of south florida is under a flood watch until monday morning. erika dumped more than 15 inches of rain on the tiny caribbean island of dominica last week. at least 20 people were killed and dozens are still missing. crews are trying to get food and supplies to communities cut off after roads were washed away. don champion, cbs news, homestead, florida. >> officials in dominica are requesting aid from the international community tonight. earlier today the coast of cuba took a beating from the storm system erika, high winds and huge waves battering the shore line, no word of any injuries there. hawaii's big island and maui are under a tropical storm watch tonight as category 4 hurricane approaches. forecasters don't expect ignacio to hit hawaii directly but say it could bring high surf and gusty winds. always watching always tracking, wusa9's first alert weather, d.c.'s most accurate. >> ignacio what? >> one of three category 4 hurricanes in the eastern pacific right now and that's the only time that we know of on record that's happened. >> okay. >> impressive satellite imagery there. 3-degree guarantee time, you know when he some clouds around today. >> you were -- we had some clouds around today. >> you were kind of edging earlier. how did you do? >> we just missed it. when you have clouds, they tend to limit the sun, hence we cooler. we're still 39 of the last 43, so let's look at the positive and i guess when it's a little cooler this time of year, most people don't mind that. temperatures tonight are warm, 80 degrees still, feels like 82 thanks to those dew points way up in the 60s, with clouds around, south wind at 9. we're staying in the 70s here in town and the cool spot only mid- to upper 60s tonight. ac will be on for a lot of folks. while we're 80s in cambridge and southern maryland, 60s in the mountains, even the shenandoah valley in the mid- 70s at this hour. weather headlines, well, we are looking at just a slim chance of a passing shower tonight. as we get into monday, it's going to be a hot and humid week. if we don't hit 90 tomorrow, we're likely going to hit it tuesday, wednesday, thursday, maybe friday as well, average high is around 85. isolated shower, thunderstorm monday and we'll have shower chances here and there, but overall rain chances are staying low this week. i know it's been a dry august and people are saying we need rain. eventually this pattern will change, but in the short term rain chances stay low unlike florida and the carolines and georgia where the remnants of erika continue to bring heavy rain. saw the video from cuba, see all the showers and storms down here. all of this is flowing right over florida, right now in the ft. myers area heavy rain there, more moisture coming in. a lot of it's offshore at the moment at least off the eastern coast of florida and then in south carolina moving into central and western north carolina some of this rain, but it doesn't look like a lot of this move says toward us because -- moves toward us because this is taking a track more southeast. as far as any organized rain systems to bring some relief to this dry spell, i don't see it happening. here's the futurecast. we'll take you overnight into among morning. by the way, a lot of schools have their first day of school tomorrow morning. so you really got to think about that when you're going out to work. school is in session. take it easy. during the day around lunchtime a better chance of a shower is around and west of i-81. we could see an isolated shower, isolated thunderstorm. tomorrow night we'll be relatively quiet, tuesday relatively quiet except for the isolated afternoon storm. see the hot coming up? with more sunshine tuesday than i'm expecting tomorrow, tuesday is going to be warmer. temperatures tonight low, mid- 70s here in d.c. and by the bay and there are your mid- to upper 60s in most of the suburbs and tomorrow highs generally running maybe 90 in fredericksburg and leesburg, about 88 in washington, even cumberland warm, tomorrow 90 and right on the bay we'll see temperatures hold in the mid- 80s. so we're talking mostly cloudy, isolated shower tonight 66 to 72. tomorrow morning start off mostly cloudy with an isolated shower, 60s, 70s, climbing to low to mid-80s by lunchtime, isolated shower, very humid, 85 to 90. three-day forecast, hot and humid wednesday, 92, wednesday potentially 94, if we get enough sunshine, the same story. on thursday, skins have the final home game thursday evening, nats come back in town, toasty, slow cooldown into the upper 80s by saturday and sunday and the terps, can't forget them, they have their home kickoff starting saturday at noon. >> we're heading into the fall, man, august football, let's go. coming up tonight what to do when the stinging flower just won't bloom? we're go -- stinking flower hollywood is mourning the death of writer and director wes craven tonight. the 76-year-old died of brain cancer at his l.a. home today. craven is best known for the nightmare on elm street and scream movies. craven was born in cleveland, ohio, back in 1939. he says the idea for nightmare on elm street aclytual came to him while he lived across the street from a cemetery. the blue angels took to the skies over the washington area tonight performing for some 65 years now. the flight demonstration team is made up of aviators from the navy and marines. today the team made multiple passes over reagan national airport and the pentagon, all part of a photo shoot. the blue angels will participate in 68 performances in 2015 and again in 2016. some 50,000 disappointed visitors have come to chicago's botanic garden to watch the stinky corpse flower nicknamed spike bloom, but when that didn't happen, the staff couldn't wait and decided to cut the stinky flower open. >> this is an opportunity that most people don't get to see in a garden is the removal of the space like this because on display in other gardens often it stays on and would normally wilt within 48 hours. now at least the public can see the whole flower structure and we're going to monitor it over the next day or two to see if those male flowers in particular mature enough that we can collect the pollen. >> this is a big deal. scores of people from all over ended this. when a corpse flower blooms, it releases an odor that's been described as smelling like a dead animal. dog owners brought their pooch to silver spring, maryland, today for a bath and a good cause. the grooming salon opened its doors to allow dogs and their owners to use the state of the art tubs and driers. the self-serve dog wash was a fundraiser to benefit for the warrior k-9 collection. the organization connects dogs and wounded servicemen and women to help aid in their therapy. >> warrior k-9 connection trains service dogs, but in the training they use veterans to help with ptsd and tbi, traumatic brain injuries, in their therapy before they're actually placed with a serviceman. >> our own andrea mccarren is raising and training one of the future military service dogs for the warrior k-9 connection. bunce will be with us the next two years before he's teamed up with a veteran. more burgundy and gold drama, is rg3 on the trading bloc now wusa9 game on sports with dave owens brought to you by xfinity. >> all right. i want everyone to kick off your shoes, relax your feet and get ready for a big show coming up, game on overtime, because we're about to tackle the two largest sports stories in the district, guys, from all angles. the first one, of course, involves the football team and that quarterback situation that can't seem to get stablized. >> we did everything by the book, you know. he was clear for noncontact activity. so we didn't put him in harm's way in any way, shape or form. >> yeah, that's jay gruden right there trying to explain to reporters what the heck went down this week concerning robert griffin, iii's medical status. tonight we brought in the big guns, usa today medical columnist jared bell who has some strong opinions on how the skins handled or mishandled this whole situation. good news, nats fans, the nationals fell behind early, then crawled their way back using the lumber bryce harper involved as usual. he wasn't the only one, ian desmond doing damage as well as clint robinson. we'll hear from the victorious nat in a minute and why they -- nats in a minute and why they still say there's still time for a comeback, okay, but the news wasn't all good. stephen strasburg didn't come out for the 50 inning because of tightness in his back back -- 5th inning because of tightness in his back, gave up a couple long bombs, too. it's an injury he struggled with all season long. maybe a massage, need a masseuse. is he going on the dl? we'll tell you coming up on game on overtime. finally interesting golf day at the barclays. in the something you rarely see category this guy right here brian harmon two holes in one in the same round, first time in nine years that's happened. he didn't win, though, and coming up i'll tell you who did win. so we got a lot to get to, first and foremost, robert griffin, iii, will he be traded, what's going on with that? big show. >> speaking of that, i heard joe thiesmann say since 1985 the skins have had 35 quarterbacks. >> that's a long 30 years. >> and new england has had what, two? >> and what's the winning record been? that's something else. okay, i'm sorry. go ahead. >> it's okay. isolated shower tonight and tomorrow and on i hot humid week coming up. hope your a -- and a hot humid week coming up, hope your ac is working well. >> we 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week of bizarre tales coming out of ashburn and a coach trying to clarify chaos. >> this all happened kind of abruptly here and read the report. it was different. i read the record, i was confused. people want to make it out we're incompetent. we're all as confused as you are. >> jay gruden really came out sounding as clueless as anybody. >> who said soap operas are dead? robert on his way out, kurt the new flavor of the month on this he is today of as the burgundy and gold turns -- on this episode of as the burgundy and gold turns. >> he looks a little uncomfortable. >> strasburg struck by injuries again. >> hey, man this, show is a hole

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Miami , Florida , United States , North Carolina , Sierra Nevada , California , Fort Mountain , Maine , Cleveland , Ohio , Dumfries , Virginia , Shenandoah , Georgia , Dominica , Washington , District Of Columbia , Leesburg , South Carolina , Harwood , Maryland , Hollywood , Fredericksburg , Northern Neck , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Cuba , Kennebunkport , Chicago , Illinois , Hawaii , Montgomery County , Marvin Mandel , Ian Desmond , Vicki Gardner , Jared Bell , Stephen Strasburg , Clint Robinson , Kevin Sutherland , Bruce Johnson , Dave Owens , John Lyons , Brian Harmon , Vester Flanagan , Stephanie Ramirez , Howard Bernstein , Alison Parker , Robert Griffin , Bryce Harper , Jay Gruden , Brian Webb ,

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