Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140921 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140921

>> showers and storms rolling through when they'll roll out and look ahead to next sports cast. be hello, i'm bruce johnson, we gin at the white house, ground patrols around the white house have been beefed up and the director of the secret service ordered a review of last night's security breach. a man caught on camera running across the white house lawn and through a front door of the white house before he was tackled byce. he had jumped the white house fence. there was a second separate incident today, more on the fall outs. >> reporter: bruce, i want to stress that at no time was president obama or the first family in any danger during either of these two incidents. and we begin with a most serious one, it happened yesterday. >> you're going to have to go out 17th street, please. >> reporter: the unprecedented breach happened around 7:20 friday night, that's when omar gonzalez jumped a security fence, through locked doors in to the mansion. the president and his daughters had left for camp david, this and the fact that gonzalez wasn't wearing a backpack and appeared unarmed may have saved his life, they didn't shoot the texas man, they tackled him. a statement from the secret service says "although last night the officers showed tremendous restraint in discipline in dealing with the subject, the location of gonzalez's arrest is not acceptable." the service has launch aid comprehensive review of security procedures during the incident and moving forward. tonight, more officers on patrol and more surveillance. and right behind me is the vehicle that touched off the latest security incident at the white house in as many days and it's now on a tow truck, and it is about to be hauled off as part of this investigation. earlier on saturday, a man approached the white house security gate on 15th and e. and refused to leave, he was arrested and his car searched by bomb disposal officers, nothing was found and he was charged with trespassing. and president obama continues to have confidence in the men and women keeping him and the first family safe. armando troul, wusa9. covering 1600 pennsylvania avenue for many years, here's what he had to say about the events. >> no one has ever gotten this far in my memory and maybe not ever, about once a month, somebody manages to vault the fence, they usually do not get anywhere near that far, the secret service is saying as you heard is a judgment call, that judgment is going to be very severely questioned. >> as for the suspect, omar gonzalez, he was arraigned late this afternoon, the texas man is charged with carrying a dangerous weapon and possession of unregistered ammunition, the court complaint that he was carrying a two and a half inch knife in his back pocket, republican chair of the house oversight committee called the incident totally and wholly unacceptable and he added how safe is the president if this can happen? now for the latest on the uva resident from this area, still missing and been missing since friday, more than 1,000 volunteers searched the charlottesville area to bring her home. the student from fairfax county missing for one week now and police are saying very little about a person of interest seen following her in this video. he was later seen with hannah inside a bar at a nearby mall. hank has more on the search and the latest on the investigation from charlotteville. >> reporter: wusa9 has learned there is a person of interest in this case, though he's not been questioned in detail. that comes as more than 1,000 volunteers stand out across charlotteville, but no sign of hannah graham. they gathered here, and then spread out cross a city downtown, in to residential areas, looking for something, some sign of hannah graham. and there was concern for some of their own children. >> like all parents, e-mailed her, i'm sure they're telling you to go to places in groups, i had to do that in college and even after, i hope you're staying in groups, she assured me they were. >> reporter: graham disappeared six days ago, last seen with a man in this video, his name is jesse matthew, a nursing assistant at uva, but he's not been named a suspect. saying there's heightened awareness of walking alone, who is walking behind you? >> there's been a social media outpouring, on facebook, and this yik yak, as people kind of saying, you know, make sure you're not walking alone, people are willing to take care of you. i've seen it but amongst my friends and just amongst, everyone i've seen, people are much more careful. >> reporter: among the searchers, trina, the great [ indiscernible ] >> it's opened up for any entire family and knowing somebody else is -- suffering the way we did, it's nice to bring resolution to them. >> reporter: looking for any additional surveillance video which may have clue about what happened to hannah. the search was called off as darkness fell, they'll do it again tomorrow. charlottesville, hank silverburg, wusa9. >> gathering items and seized a car in the person of interest of in this case, police believe hannah graham was in his car. back here, a george washington university student found dead in an off campus apartment, dc police say 20-year-old william of new york was found dead after consuming alcohol at nightclubs, the police report says he also took cocaine, he was announced dead at a local hospital, a third year student in gw school of business. today an entire community came out to search for two missing children in montgomery county, 2-year-old sarah and jacob hoggle have been missing for two weeks now, their mother in police custody, hope to go bring the toddlers home. >> reporter: shadow, a german shepherd and trained tracker sniffed the car seats to pick up the scent, one of several volunteers who met in gat linsburg in the community to find sarah and jacob hoggle. >> these kids are out there and not, you know, having been around their dad or any of their mother or any of that. >> could be my kid, your kid, you know, and that's what we need to wake up in this whole world, we need to realize that every time something happens to a child, it affects us all. >> reporter: it appears a lot of people feel that way, searching more volunteers than the family expected, the children's father, troy turner and grandfather randy hoggle both spoke to me on camera saying they couldn't be more grateful. >> these people don't know me is a testament to the neighborhood, they know two kids need them and they're coming out. >> it's just heart warming because people care this much, it proves what is great about america, and i mean, as troy said, these people don't know any of us but they're here to help. this is how we'll find them. >> make sure you have a car to follow if you get lost. >> reporter: the organized efforts put volunteers in to groups searching different and specific locations in rockville, dogstown, germantown, montgomery village, and poolsville. and had help searching in areas they didn't look for, volunteering today, that's exactly why they need to be here. >> it means a lot, but it means a lot more to me if i can find these kids alive. >> reporter: stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> the family is organizing yet another search for tomorrow, volunteers should gather at 8:30 in the morning in the parking lot of seneca valley high school in germantown. a man stabbed, and police looking for information, 39-year-old tracy womak, fatally stabbed off the benny road southeast, no motive from a suspect from police tonight. women riding a bicycle in the district shaw neighborhood struck and killed by a hit and run driver, 53-year-old tonia reed ofortheast was riding near east around tworj 2:30 when she was struck, anybody with information should contact dc police. the former treasurer from the district of columbia is missing tonight, and police are asking for help to find him, he was appearing on wusa9 back in 2012 as dc treasureer, thatr, he talked with family members and withdrew money from a local atm according to police he hasn't been seen or heard, mack left the job of treasurer, at the time of his appearance he was the director of a nonprofit organization called appeal incorporated. he may be driving a 2012 gray ford explorer, dc tags ee-8080. vincent callahan junior has died at the age of 82, he had west nile virus and had been inh according to his son-in-law, a republican, served in the house of delegates for nearly 40 years, mcclain, tyson's corner and parts of [ indiscernible ] an annapolis man and his mother dead after their plane crashed in virginia, john couch was at the controls of the world war ii vintage plane near hall fax, near south boston and virginia, his 72-year-old mother, francis couch, the passenger, both were pronounced dead at the scene. two detroit automakers announce recalls, affecting more than and a half billion vehicles. i'm meteorologist topper shutt, felt like summer today, wake up weather, tomorrow is the last day of summer, and warming up fast, temperatures in the 70s, tracking a cold front, tell you why we did not issue a yellow alert and look back to tomorrow's forecast for the gape. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. consumer alert for american car owners, chrysler now recalling 2011 jeep grand cherokees and dodge durangos because of a fuel pump problem, automakers say a relay can fail causing them to fall which could cause a crash, the glitch can prevent the vehicle from starting, 230,000 vehicles, chrysler dealers will offer free repairs beginning october 24. there's more, general motors recalling 2013 and 2014 cadillac xts and 2014 and 2015 chevrolet impalas, the automakers say the electronic parking brake can stay engaged causing acceleration problems, heat, smoke, and wear on the brakes, nearly 222,000 vehicles in this one, owners should take them to dealers for free repairs. automakers say there have been no dangers or deaths related to these recalls. and a respiratory surge has been announced in virginia, d-68 appears to be spreading the centers for disease control had confirmed 130 cases in 12 states and the virus can cause mild to severe illness including difficulty in breathing. children with asthma have been especially vulnerable, health experts say the virus strain not new but it is rare, andnl oy a small number of labs are set up to test for it. someone commits suicide in this country every 13.2 minutes, according to the suicide prevention association, out of the darkness raises money for research and education programs to prevent suicide and saveday's across the country to help raise awareness did depression and suicide. thousands of people were on hand for a plane pull out of the airport, all part of the day activity, five and 10 k runs along with the displays and car show, but the big event, as it always is, the annual play pool, trying to pull 164,000 thousand bus at least 12 feet, proceeds from this benefits the special olympics virginia. over to "h" street, back trop for the "h" street festival, many turning out to see performers on different stages, food, music, and a tent for chirns activities, a look inside it the new streetcars, scheduled to start operating along "h" street before the year is out. >> the only station with weather alert days, wusa9's first alert weather. >> he wants me to ask him about humming birds. >> what are you talking about? [ laughter ] >> yes, i did. got a great picture on friday of humming birds, i'm a humming bird nut, they flap their wings 80 times per second, their heart rate is 1,200 beats per minute, now their head and back, i just filled my feeder, our birds are gone but birds from farther north are going to stop by and actually need the food, so get your feeders out there. this is sent to us from george and bea in silver spring, they're very social, they'll go to the feeder. got to be clean, they're picky. live look outside, to our weather cam, down to 70, high was 84, pretty nice, the humidity still comfortable at 73%, it is late at night when it does get humid. so sunday's our last full day of summer, showers and perhaps a thunderstorm, i think the time frame, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., keep your outdoor plans, go to the blue mont fair, 45th annual, going to be great, cooler monday, fall arrives 10:29, a beautiful start to the week, okay, here's a look at the futurecast temperatures in the 70s by 10:00, 1:00, 2:00, we're in the 80s. few showers showing up back in the mountains, nothing crazy is going through tomorrow, by 4:00, showers may be getting to lesburg, bluemont, not going to interfere with the fair and then by 6:00, notice shades of green with the futurecast, light, not going to last long, maybe a shower at gettysburg, rest in maclain, last walk of the dog at 10:00, no problems. 70s downtown, 69 or so in the burbs, temperatures back in the 60s, this will usher in a great start to the week. clear to partly cloudyrn comfor. we'll break it down, 60s to start, downtown temps now, 69 at 9:00, 76 at 11:00 and 83 by 1:00, pretty toasty, after the shower, gorgeous on monday, breezy and cool 75, tuesday just gorgeous, 75, low in the the next seven days, wednesday we're in great shape, now to come back in town too, on tuesday. and of course thursday, giants come in to town, here we go. maybe a shower, not a huge deal, game time temps low 70s and warming up a little bit next friday and saturday. >> okay. you do know this guy predicted -- >> yes, i do. >> i was here! yeah, it's on tape. >> so far, so good, looking good. >> i know what i'm talking about on occasion. [ laughter ] on occasion. strong just got stronger. zimmerman proving what we already know, for him hitting is like riding a bike, you need a helmet and once you without the internet i would probably be like a c student. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over one million low-income people at home. internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. together with time warner cable we can bring the internet to millions more. i see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. comcast and time warner cable. together is better for more people. >> now, wusa game on sports with dave owens, brought to you by xfinity. >> tell you what, maryland football fans needed the oxygen network after last week's west virginia track meet, they were out of breath, good reason, 77 points, 1,000 yards total offense combined last week they needed oxygen, this week they needed a jolt to wake up, syracuse, west virginia, not in the same class, not as exciting. tell you what, cj brown disappointed in his passing last week, this will help. a little nine yard pass and then cj brown does the rest. doctor, i feel a house call coming along right about now. 90 yards, turf passing game sharp today, syracuse trying to stay in it. adonis, good name. strong, powers over everybody, 14-13, cuse drive it again. everybody talks about diggs as an nfl guy, this guy can dig. maryland goes 3-1 with a 34-20 win. all right, virginia coming off the upset win last week over louisville, this time trying to do it again, byu, by-who? takes it down to the one yard line and scores on the next play, 1613 pf at the half, this was huge. and the cougars get it going in the second half, hill, a saw my thrill on hill! he throws 50 yards to mitchell, mitchell jurgnessens, got to have nice hands. michael jackson special at lane stadium, thriller, watch this right here. now, they always tell the quarterbacks stay away from the pile, all right? except when this happens, the ball comes out and the quarterback comes and picks it up right there and scoots in to the end zone, and scores. virginia tech was up in this game, and late in the game, it's tied and brewer who we just saw score, he gives one back, gives it right back to georgia tech, goes down the score, then late in the game, they kick the field goal right there, game set match, georgia tech wins 27-24, also losing today to rutgers, ravens management had taken the lesser of the blame in the ray rice incident, that might be changing after friday's scathing report stating the ravens new what happened in that elevator just hours after the ray rice incident, fans meanwhile continuing to participate in the ray rice jersey exchange, about 7,000 fans turning in jerseys over the last couple days, we talked to fans, are they credible? not according to some that we spoke to. >> they should've came out from the get-go, been really honest and said hey, look, this is what happened, we're going to handle it, not just trying to cover it up. >> there might be a few people, given their tickets or might sell their season away on stub hub or ebay or something along those lines, i feel a lot of ticket season holders will support the ravens. >> all right. some good news know, the nationals, their strength is in numbers. do they really have a super duper star? i'd sa no. but they have 10 or 15 good players, depth matters in baseball and their ranks have gotten stronger, ryan zimmerman back after missing most of the year with injuries, 55 games with a torn hamstring, bats tonight. again, i can say this guy can hit in his sleep. i guess he's sleep running, not sleep walking, sleep running there. it's a triple as he eases in, not hurting the hamstring, he says he's still about 80-85% in the night, storm, closers getting it done and nationals win their 90th game, 3-2 over the marlins. red sox and -- no, take that back. red sox and orioles winning tonight, let's go to donahoueue, dc united was down, and then the fire gets one back to the very end, this is watson, elementary, my dear. ties it, dc united in the tie, 3-3, still in first place by two points, and of course, i'll be in philly for the eagles redskins game, big one there. >> it will come about, cardinal and the nats. >> i think it's to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. >> wusa9 is sponsored in part by the shop shoplifters at arena stage. >> isolated showers, thunderstorms tomorrow, keep your plans 86, monday night, going to feel like fall monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, not a big deal game time. >> thanks for coming in. see you tomorrow. bondo, thanks a lot, we'll see you back here tomorrow. 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Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140921 :

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140921

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>> showers and storms rolling through when they'll roll out and look ahead to next sports cast. be hello, i'm bruce johnson, we gin at the white house, ground patrols around the white house have been beefed up and the director of the secret service ordered a review of last night's security breach. a man caught on camera running across the white house lawn and through a front door of the white house before he was tackled byce. he had jumped the white house fence. there was a second separate incident today, more on the fall outs. >> reporter: bruce, i want to stress that at no time was president obama or the first family in any danger during either of these two incidents. and we begin with a most serious one, it happened yesterday. >> you're going to have to go out 17th street, please. >> reporter: the unprecedented breach happened around 7:20 friday night, that's when omar gonzalez jumped a security fence, through locked doors in to the mansion. the president and his daughters had left for camp david, this and the fact that gonzalez wasn't wearing a backpack and appeared unarmed may have saved his life, they didn't shoot the texas man, they tackled him. a statement from the secret service says "although last night the officers showed tremendous restraint in discipline in dealing with the subject, the location of gonzalez's arrest is not acceptable." the service has launch aid comprehensive review of security procedures during the incident and moving forward. tonight, more officers on patrol and more surveillance. and right behind me is the vehicle that touched off the latest security incident at the white house in as many days and it's now on a tow truck, and it is about to be hauled off as part of this investigation. earlier on saturday, a man approached the white house security gate on 15th and e. and refused to leave, he was arrested and his car searched by bomb disposal officers, nothing was found and he was charged with trespassing. and president obama continues to have confidence in the men and women keeping him and the first family safe. armando troul, wusa9. covering 1600 pennsylvania avenue for many years, here's what he had to say about the events. >> no one has ever gotten this far in my memory and maybe not ever, about once a month, somebody manages to vault the fence, they usually do not get anywhere near that far, the secret service is saying as you heard is a judgment call, that judgment is going to be very severely questioned. >> as for the suspect, omar gonzalez, he was arraigned late this afternoon, the texas man is charged with carrying a dangerous weapon and possession of unregistered ammunition, the court complaint that he was carrying a two and a half inch knife in his back pocket, republican chair of the house oversight committee called the incident totally and wholly unacceptable and he added how safe is the president if this can happen? now for the latest on the uva resident from this area, still missing and been missing since friday, more than 1,000 volunteers searched the charlottesville area to bring her home. the student from fairfax county missing for one week now and police are saying very little about a person of interest seen following her in this video. he was later seen with hannah inside a bar at a nearby mall. hank has more on the search and the latest on the investigation from charlotteville. >> reporter: wusa9 has learned there is a person of interest in this case, though he's not been questioned in detail. that comes as more than 1,000 volunteers stand out across charlotteville, but no sign of hannah graham. they gathered here, and then spread out cross a city downtown, in to residential areas, looking for something, some sign of hannah graham. and there was concern for some of their own children. >> like all parents, e-mailed her, i'm sure they're telling you to go to places in groups, i had to do that in college and even after, i hope you're staying in groups, she assured me they were. >> reporter: graham disappeared six days ago, last seen with a man in this video, his name is jesse matthew, a nursing assistant at uva, but he's not been named a suspect. saying there's heightened awareness of walking alone, who is walking behind you? >> there's been a social media outpouring, on facebook, and this yik yak, as people kind of saying, you know, make sure you're not walking alone, people are willing to take care of you. i've seen it but amongst my friends and just amongst, everyone i've seen, people are much more careful. >> reporter: among the searchers, trina, the great [ indiscernible ] >> it's opened up for any entire family and knowing somebody else is -- suffering the way we did, it's nice to bring resolution to them. >> reporter: looking for any additional surveillance video which may have clue about what happened to hannah. the search was called off as darkness fell, they'll do it again tomorrow. charlottesville, hank silverburg, wusa9. >> gathering items and seized a car in the person of interest of in this case, police believe hannah graham was in his car. back here, a george washington university student found dead in an off campus apartment, dc police say 20-year-old william of new york was found dead after consuming alcohol at nightclubs, the police report says he also took cocaine, he was announced dead at a local hospital, a third year student in gw school of business. today an entire community came out to search for two missing children in montgomery county, 2-year-old sarah and jacob hoggle have been missing for two weeks now, their mother in police custody, hope to go bring the toddlers home. >> reporter: shadow, a german shepherd and trained tracker sniffed the car seats to pick up the scent, one of several volunteers who met in gat linsburg in the community to find sarah and jacob hoggle. >> these kids are out there and not, you know, having been around their dad or any of their mother or any of that. >> could be my kid, your kid, you know, and that's what we need to wake up in this whole world, we need to realize that every time something happens to a child, it affects us all. >> reporter: it appears a lot of people feel that way, searching more volunteers than the family expected, the children's father, troy turner and grandfather randy hoggle both spoke to me on camera saying they couldn't be more grateful. >> these people don't know me is a testament to the neighborhood, they know two kids need them and they're coming out. >> it's just heart warming because people care this much, it proves what is great about america, and i mean, as troy said, these people don't know any of us but they're here to help. this is how we'll find them. >> make sure you have a car to follow if you get lost. >> reporter: the organized efforts put volunteers in to groups searching different and specific locations in rockville, dogstown, germantown, montgomery village, and poolsville. and had help searching in areas they didn't look for, volunteering today, that's exactly why they need to be here. >> it means a lot, but it means a lot more to me if i can find these kids alive. >> reporter: stephanie ramirez, wusa9. >> the family is organizing yet another search for tomorrow, volunteers should gather at 8:30 in the morning in the parking lot of seneca valley high school in germantown. a man stabbed, and police looking for information, 39-year-old tracy womak, fatally stabbed off the benny road southeast, no motive from a suspect from police tonight. women riding a bicycle in the district shaw neighborhood struck and killed by a hit and run driver, 53-year-old tonia reed ofortheast was riding near east around tworj 2:30 when she was struck, anybody with information should contact dc police. the former treasurer from the district of columbia is missing tonight, and police are asking for help to find him, he was appearing on wusa9 back in 2012 as dc treasureer, thatr, he talked with family members and withdrew money from a local atm according to police he hasn't been seen or heard, mack left the job of treasurer, at the time of his appearance he was the director of a nonprofit organization called appeal incorporated. he may be driving a 2012 gray ford explorer, dc tags ee-8080. vincent callahan junior has died at the age of 82, he had west nile virus and had been inh according to his son-in-law, a republican, served in the house of delegates for nearly 40 years, mcclain, tyson's corner and parts of [ indiscernible ] an annapolis man and his mother dead after their plane crashed in virginia, john couch was at the controls of the world war ii vintage plane near hall fax, near south boston and virginia, his 72-year-old mother, francis couch, the passenger, both were pronounced dead at the scene. two detroit automakers announce recalls, affecting more than and a half billion vehicles. i'm meteorologist topper shutt, felt like summer today, wake up weather, tomorrow is the last day of summer, and warming up fast, temperatures in the 70s, tracking a cold front, tell you why we did not issue a yellow alert and look back to tomorrow's forecast for the gape. you used to sleep like a champ. then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. consumer alert for american car owners, chrysler now recalling 2011 jeep grand cherokees and dodge durangos because of a fuel pump problem, automakers say a relay can fail causing them to fall which could cause a crash, the glitch can prevent the vehicle from starting, 230,000 vehicles, chrysler dealers will offer free repairs beginning october 24. there's more, general motors recalling 2013 and 2014 cadillac xts and 2014 and 2015 chevrolet impalas, the automakers say the electronic parking brake can stay engaged causing acceleration problems, heat, smoke, and wear on the brakes, nearly 222,000 vehicles in this one, owners should take them to dealers for free repairs. automakers say there have been no dangers or deaths related to these recalls. and a respiratory surge has been announced in virginia, d-68 appears to be spreading the centers for disease control had confirmed 130 cases in 12 states and the virus can cause mild to severe illness including difficulty in breathing. children with asthma have been especially vulnerable, health experts say the virus strain not new but it is rare, andnl oy a small number of labs are set up to test for it. someone commits suicide in this country every 13.2 minutes, according to the suicide prevention association, out of the darkness raises money for research and education programs to prevent suicide and saveday's across the country to help raise awareness did depression and suicide. thousands of people were on hand for a plane pull out of the airport, all part of the day activity, five and 10 k runs along with the displays and car show, but the big event, as it always is, the annual play pool, trying to pull 164,000 thousand bus at least 12 feet, proceeds from this benefits the special olympics virginia. over to "h" street, back trop for the "h" street festival, many turning out to see performers on different stages, food, music, and a tent for chirns activities, a look inside it the new streetcars, scheduled to start operating along "h" street before the year is out. >> the only station with weather alert days, wusa9's first alert weather. >> he wants me to ask him about humming birds. >> what are you talking about? [ laughter ] >> yes, i did. got a great picture on friday of humming birds, i'm a humming bird nut, they flap their wings 80 times per second, their heart rate is 1,200 beats per minute, now their head and back, i just filled my feeder, our birds are gone but birds from farther north are going to stop by and actually need the food, so get your feeders out there. this is sent to us from george and bea in silver spring, they're very social, they'll go to the feeder. got to be clean, they're picky. live look outside, to our weather cam, down to 70, high was 84, pretty nice, the humidity still comfortable at 73%, it is late at night when it does get humid. so sunday's our last full day of summer, showers and perhaps a thunderstorm, i think the time frame, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., keep your outdoor plans, go to the blue mont fair, 45th annual, going to be great, cooler monday, fall arrives 10:29, a beautiful start to the week, okay, here's a look at the futurecast temperatures in the 70s by 10:00, 1:00, 2:00, we're in the 80s. few showers showing up back in the mountains, nothing crazy is going through tomorrow, by 4:00, showers may be getting to lesburg, bluemont, not going to interfere with the fair and then by 6:00, notice shades of green with the futurecast, light, not going to last long, maybe a shower at gettysburg, rest in maclain, last walk of the dog at 10:00, no problems. 70s downtown, 69 or so in the burbs, temperatures back in the 60s, this will usher in a great start to the week. clear to partly cloudyrn comfor. we'll break it down, 60s to start, downtown temps now, 69 at 9:00, 76 at 11:00 and 83 by 1:00, pretty toasty, after the shower, gorgeous on monday, breezy and cool 75, tuesday just gorgeous, 75, low in the the next seven days, wednesday we're in great shape, now to come back in town too, on tuesday. and of course thursday, giants come in to town, here we go. maybe a shower, not a huge deal, game time temps low 70s and warming up a little bit next friday and saturday. >> okay. you do know this guy predicted -- >> yes, i do. >> i was here! yeah, it's on tape. >> so far, so good, looking good. >> i know what i'm talking about on occasion. [ laughter ] on occasion. strong just got stronger. zimmerman proving what we already know, for him hitting is like riding a bike, you need a helmet and once you without the internet i would probably be like a c student. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over one million low-income people at home. internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. together with time warner cable we can bring the internet to millions more. i see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. comcast and time warner cable. together is better for more people. >> now, wusa game on sports with dave owens, brought to you by xfinity. >> tell you what, maryland football fans needed the oxygen network after last week's west virginia track meet, they were out of breath, good reason, 77 points, 1,000 yards total offense combined last week they needed oxygen, this week they needed a jolt to wake up, syracuse, west virginia, not in the same class, not as exciting. tell you what, cj brown disappointed in his passing last week, this will help. a little nine yard pass and then cj brown does the rest. doctor, i feel a house call coming along right about now. 90 yards, turf passing game sharp today, syracuse trying to stay in it. adonis, good name. strong, powers over everybody, 14-13, cuse drive it again. everybody talks about diggs as an nfl guy, this guy can dig. maryland goes 3-1 with a 34-20 win. all right, virginia coming off the upset win last week over louisville, this time trying to do it again, byu, by-who? takes it down to the one yard line and scores on the next play, 1613 pf at the half, this was huge. and the cougars get it going in the second half, hill, a saw my thrill on hill! he throws 50 yards to mitchell, mitchell jurgnessens, got to have nice hands. michael jackson special at lane stadium, thriller, watch this right here. now, they always tell the quarterbacks stay away from the pile, all right? except when this happens, the ball comes out and the quarterback comes and picks it up right there and scoots in to the end zone, and scores. virginia tech was up in this game, and late in the game, it's tied and brewer who we just saw score, he gives one back, gives it right back to georgia tech, goes down the score, then late in the game, they kick the field goal right there, game set match, georgia tech wins 27-24, also losing today to rutgers, ravens management had taken the lesser of the blame in the ray rice incident, that might be changing after friday's scathing report stating the ravens new what happened in that elevator just hours after the ray rice incident, fans meanwhile continuing to participate in the ray rice jersey exchange, about 7,000 fans turning in jerseys over the last couple days, we talked to fans, are they credible? not according to some that we spoke to. >> they should've came out from the get-go, been really honest and said hey, look, this is what happened, we're going to handle it, not just trying to cover it up. >> there might be a few people, given their tickets or might sell their season away on stub hub or ebay or something along those lines, i feel a lot of ticket season holders will support the ravens. >> all right. some good news know, the nationals, their strength is in numbers. do they really have a super duper star? i'd sa no. but they have 10 or 15 good players, depth matters in baseball and their ranks have gotten stronger, ryan zimmerman back after missing most of the year with injuries, 55 games with a torn hamstring, bats tonight. again, i can say this guy can hit in his sleep. i guess he's sleep running, not sleep walking, sleep running there. it's a triple as he eases in, not hurting the hamstring, he says he's still about 80-85% in the night, storm, closers getting it done and nationals win their 90th game, 3-2 over the marlins. red sox and -- no, take that back. red sox and orioles winning tonight, let's go to donahoueue, dc united was down, and then the fire gets one back to the very end, this is watson, elementary, my dear. ties it, dc united in the tie, 3-3, still in first place by two points, and of course, i'll be in philly for the eagles redskins game, big one there. >> it will come about, cardinal and the nats. >> i think it's to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. >> wusa9 is sponsored in part by the shop shoplifters at arena stage. >> isolated showers, thunderstorms tomorrow, keep your plans 86, monday night, going to feel like fall monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, not a big deal game time. >> thanks for coming in. see you tomorrow. bondo, thanks a lot, we'll see you back here tomorrow. 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