Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140920 : comparem

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 11pm 20140920

we begin with breaking news out of the white house where a man jumped the fence tonight and raced across the white house lawn moments after the president and his kids boarded marine one helicopter on their way to camp david. that man scaled the fence on pennsylvania avenue, raced across the north lawn. this happened before the officers could put the grab on him. the secret service ordered a partial evacuation of the white house including the news media in the west wing. they also evacuated folks across the street from lafayette park, no reports of injuries and at this point the suspect's name has not been released. also tonight surveillance cameras capture a man police are calling a person of something in the case of the missing uva student. good evening. i'm derek mcginty. >> i'm jan jeffcoat. it was a week ago tonight hannah graham disappeared after a night of drinking in charlottesville and late this afternoon police announced they believe she went to a bar with a man seen following her in this surveillance video. they say the man was with hannah inside the tempo restaurant on the downtown mall and purchased alcohol. the two left together after about 15 minutes. police say it's likely hannah got into the man's car before he drove away. >> the reason we're saying the tempo restaurant, because i want people who were on the downtown mall last night at -- or last friday rather at 1:00 in the morning between 1:00 and 2:00 to think about the tempo restaurant. think about the garage. think about fourth street. think about that section of the mall and replay in their mind did i see someone that is a black male, 32 years of age, 6' 2, 270 pounds with dreadlocks with hannah graham? >> tonight police were back out searching the man's apartment after executing a warrant. earlier today they searched the man's 1997 burnt orange chrysler coupe. the man has not been charged and is not in custody. investigators urge anyone who might have seen them together to come forward now. police will be searching the charlottesville area for hannah graham tomorrow morning beginning at 8 a.m. hannah graham has roots in our area. >> she was top of mind tonight as parents and students headed to a friday night football game at west potomac high where hannah graduated. >> reporter: i'm jim osman in alexandria. a community rallies tonight as the news develops this community wants as at rock says is to bring hannah home. outside west potomac high school an enormous painted rock says simply to hannah graham we love you. softball players had decorated it for hannah who played on the team before graduating in 2013. >> laura marshall gathered students to help further acknowledge hannah's disappearance with votives lining the perimeter of the display they hope she'll see someday soon. >> it's just terrifying and you say prayers every day your child isn't the one in that situation and sadly you hope a lot of people are learning lessons from this horrible, horrible situation. >> reporter: laura's daughter was in the same graduating class as hannah graham, the grainy images of hannah broadcast across the state of virginia and the nation are a reminder to laura something terrible could have gone wrong. >> i pray every day every hour that they find her. >> reporter: the yellow ribbons, painted rock and candles are symbols of hope that hannah will return to west potomac to relive her softball days. >> she was a lot of fun. she was a jokester. you not, i have the one picture where the softball team had done a car wash. she was a senior when my daughter was a sophomore and she just like accepted her as part of the team. >> reporter: a team that's waiting on no. 11 to come home. in alexandria jim osman, wusa9. >> earlier today hannah graham's patients posted a message on the uva website that reads in part, "we continue to be optimistic that hannah will soon be returned safely tofriday, a week since hannah's disappearance and for those students planning to unwind this weekend please be extra vigilant when you're out and walk with a buddy." breaking news in the hunt for one of the fbi's most wanted. we are following reports officers have exchanged gunfire with eric freen up in the poconos in pennsylvania. one week ago he ambushed and killed one state trooper and wounded another near the police state barracks in eastern pennsylvania and all week they've been tracking tips he's in the woods there somewhere outside his hometown. right now the cops are telling folks in that neighborhood to lock their doors, stay away from the windowsful investigators describe free -- windows. investigators describe freen as a survivalist and a sharpshooter who hates the police. new developments to the ray rice investigation, sources tell espn the ravens knew about the severity of the assault within hours of the incident inside this atlantic city elevator. >> dave owens is here with the latest. this story has been developing all afternoon. >> we knew the heat was on roger goodell. now it's certainly being turned on the ravens. roger goodell's task today was to restore public faith in him. instead he rolled out platitude after platitude for much of his 45 minute press conference and just when you thought his credibility couldn't get worse, a scathing report broke two hours later. according to espn's outside the lines, darren sanders, ravens head of security, contacted the revel hotel casino hours after the ray rice incident. sanders was given a detailed account of what happened inside the elevator. he-relayed that information to ravens executives. the report also states ravens team president dick cass did not request a copy of the video from rice's lawyers who had it. instead cass pushed rice's lawyers to seek a pretrial intervention program. other parts of the report, back in february after seeing the outside elevator video ravens coach john harbaugh recommended cutting rice but was overruled by steve bisciotti, who is the owner, cass, the team president and ozzie newsome, the gm. rice's defense attorney who in early april had obtained a copy of the inside elevator video today cass, "it's [ bleep ] horrible." it was decided to resolve the case quickly and as quietly as possible despite that description. here's roger goodell this afternoon. >> we suspended ray rice originally after seeing the original video that was disclosed back in february. when the second video came out last week, that's when we increased our discipline because that was inconsistent with the information we had. it was new information. >> the ravens issued a statement saying there are some inaccuracies in that espn outside the lines report. you would expect that, but if this is true and espn, outside the lines, a very reputable organization, that punches holes in all along that they really weren't aware of what was going on inside that elevator. >> saying there was some inaccuracies is a lot different than a categorical denial. >> there's still a lot more. we want to hear their side. we will hear their side after sunday. nfl commissioner roger goodell said flat out today the nfl did get it wrong. >> our mow us how some say the league can still get it right. >> when the nfl any sports league does get it right, it's proven they can be a vehicle for change in american society. the national domestic abuse hotline hopes the league can now be that positive change. >> at our best, the nfl sets an example that makes a positive difference. >> but the l nfadmittedly set a bad example with their handling of the ray rice domestic abuse video. friday commissioner roger goodell tried to right the ship. >> the same mistakes can never be repeated. we will do whatever it is necessary to insure that we are thorough in our review process and that our conclusions are reliable. we will get our house in order first. >> while goodell made vague perhapses of enhancing nfl programs -- promises of enhancing nfl programs, dedicating resources, the commission said there will be concrete reforms to the league, but the national domestic abuse hotline says just having the nfl on their team is a victory. >> the opportunity that they'll help us reach more people who were affected by the video. >> affected by a way that will move more victims to come forward and not be afraid to talk about it. the end game for the hotline? get people who normally would not to talk about domestic abuse. >> i think that's the ultimate part of about this is it's a huge opportunity to have discussions that were very hard for anybody to have. >> american sports have historically provided a venue to talk about and address social issues that otherwise proved difficult to talk about. >> in terms of social laboratory because of sports we expect it to take place in a different manner and you can kind of hide behind it. >> dr. bergo says we grant sports significant cultural authority. >> it's the best of us who can do these amazing feats on the athletic playing field. these are abilities and we choose sports to show the best of who we are as a inauguration and people. >> but while sports -- as a nation and ople. >> but while sports can lead, everyone has a role to play. the hotline says it's also important for abusers to not only be punished accordingly but also get the rehabilitation and help they need to address their violence issues. as far as the nfl policy, while he did not get overly specific, commissioner goodell left the door open for changes down the road saying that everything is on the table. tens of thousands of baltimore ravens fans no longer want ray rice's name on their backs literally. today they lined up outside the m&t bank stadium to trade in their ray rice jerseys for any other current player's jersey they wanted. in fact, so many folks wanted out of their ray rice jerseys that the ravens ran out of popular sizes for other players. >> a lot of people feel offended to wear the ray rice jersey anymore. >> this 1 has gone to afghanistan with me and everything. just move on. it's all you can do. >> i think if you do wear the jersey, you have a lot of explaining to do when there's children involved. >> fans have another chance tomorrow that could not make it out today. the ravens will offer vouchers for exchanges that they cannot make on the spot. d.c. officials have referred charges against the mother of relisha rudd to the u.s. attorney's office for a potential prosecution. 8-year-old relisha rudd disappeared from a city homeless shelter six months ago and sources have long said a grand jury has been looking into whether the child's mom lied to investigators making it more difficult for police to investigate. meanwhile an investigation ordered by the mayor has found the city employees with the legal duty to respect suspecting child abuse or neglect failed to do so in relisha's case. volunteers will gather tomorrow morning at seneca valley high school in germantown to help search for two missing toddlers. 2-year-old jacob and 3-year-old sarah hoggle have been missing nearly two weeks now. their father troy turner is organizing the 8 a.m. search. the children's mom catherine hoggle suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and is now in police custody but refuses to tell detectives what happened to her children. have you ever wished you had a way to track your child's every move? there's an app for that. we'll show you how it works coming up. >> just starting to get a little chilly on the weather terrace, grab that light jacket, but it will feel like summer this weekend. i'll tell you more about those rising temperatures coming up in the first alert seven-day forecast. >> and two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate it? the bishop mcnamara high school cheerleaders join us tonight, more from them and your comprehensiv i don't know this from personal experience, but i am told that parenting is one tough job. however, there's some technology now making it a bit easier to keep tabs on your young people. >> you hear enough from me. the new app can help you track their moves, monitor their messages and alert you when something is just the right. tonight lesli foster looks at how one tool is giving some parents peace of mind. >> you got to stay 1 step ahead of them when it comes to technology. >> suzanne ritters' two sons have smartphones and other devices. she can't be everywhere all the time to keep tabs on their social media moves. >> i would like to be able to restrict the access at certain times of the day and not have to have a device locked up somewhere. >> how do i know what my son is downloading? >> enter code 9 mobile. >> code 9 stands for a kid slang that says a parent is watching. >> the idea for the app came at a time when chet tucker wishes he'd been more in tune with a situation that hit close to home. >> my wife asked me one sunday morning if i knew that our daughter was being bullied. hit me like a two by four. >> that's when this father of two pledged to do all he could to keep his children and others safe. >> 3:00 every day i got an e- mail. >> code 9 mobile was intended to be a family app to respect a teen's privacy and coach but not catch bad behavior. tucker's app allows parents to set curfews, limit access to their teens and alert them based on certain words sent to or from 13 smartphone. >> it can class -- from their teen smartphone. >> it can classify these alerts into curse words or threatening words. we want parents to be actively involved in solving kids' issues. >> dr. goldstein is a frequent contributor to washington parent magazine and sees apps that help you monitor your children as a good resource when they're combined with open communication. >> letting them know why you're going to be using the app and what the purpose is for lets them know that it's really much more about love and safety than it is about trust. >> suzanne says she doesn't expect to know every detail and every move her boys make, but she agrees a family tool that helps protect teens at a vulnerable time is a healthier way to go. lesli foster, wusa9. >> right now code 9 mobile is only available on android phones for $7 a month. the app also allows you to view full messages sent and received on your teen's phone. you can set up alerts that look for certain words in any language to keep your child safe. always watching always tracking wusa9 first alert weather. >> it's starting to get a tad chillish out there. >> yes, but that will not last long. as we head out the door saturday morning, it will be is still with us. it doesn't officially become fall until monday night and this weekend it's going to feel like summer. i'll show you those high temperatures coming up in a minute, but right now let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, the jefferson memorial, 69 and cloudy, but those clouds clear out overnight. that will allow our temperatures to drop to the 50s in a couple spots. this weekend the warmer weather moves in. high temperatures will be in the 80s. we haven't been there in quite a while. the cold front will move through and bring our temperatures back down to the 70s and it will bring us a few showers as well. here it is. you can see it on satellite and radar making its way through the upper plains and the great lakes states. a little bit of energy with this thing, doesn't have a whole lot of reds and oranges, just a bit of a thin line of showers and thunderstorms. since it doesn't have a lot of energy and moisture with it we're not concerned about a big rainfall event for our area. this coastal system, if you had plans to head to the delmarva beaches this weekend, that coastal system will make things unsettled from time to time as we head through the weekend. overnight tonight we'll see those clouds clearing out, 56 to 64 for your overnight lows, southeast winds 5 to 10 mile- per-hour tonight and tomorrow morning. 60 to 75 for your temperatures in the morning hours under partly sunny and the partly sunny skies stay with us in the afternoon, high temperatures around 80, winds out of the southeast 10 to 15 miles per hour. green weather alert the next three days despite the chance for showers. i showed you why on satellite and radar, not a lot of rain with this system, plus the rain will move through as we get closer to sunset. it won't be an issue during the daytime hours. in the first alert seven-day forecast after the 80s this weekend we're back to the 70s. it's going to be nice and comfortable with temperatures really hanging in the mid- searchs for the most part, just some morning -- mid-70s for the most part, just some morning cloud cover wednesday and thursday. i don't know about you guys, but i like fall. it's comfortable outside, still pleasant. >> my favorite season by far. coming up next. >> stay tuned for the high school game of the week you got to love that stuff right there, game on, varsity has reached game no. 3, a lot of great highlights, but first is there a mack attack in the house? the ladies from bishop mcnamara are here. let me hard you, ladies. oh -- hear you, ladies, oh, yeah. that is great stuff. let's get to the game of the week, lake braddock westfield, this is evan gray here and i got a question. can he take it to the house? yes, he can. can he take it to the house? yes, he can. ensuing kickoff a.j. alexander who is doing his best to emcee hammer impersonation, can't touch this. he goes 95 yards and we are tied 7-7. check this play out. 4th and 1, kyle edwards not going to make it. he says i'm going to give this thing to alexander who is running, running. lake braddock with the upset 36- 23 tonight. robert e. lee and west springfield, this one was all west springfield, but we're an equal opportunity station. so we'll show you highlights from everybody. this is j.j. cho. cho, what do you know? cho, get those toes in. he scores. lancers on the move. this game was all west springfield, but juan ferondo scores. west springfield wins it, though, 34-13. a quick note about the lake braddock/west springfield game. it was pediatric cancer awareness game and this great organization elly's hats was there helping for the organization, checked close to 100 hats to donate to children battling pediatric cancer, great job by you guys there tonight. let's move on. northwest at seneca valley. everybody touch that screaming eagle. how about that? northwest, they say we're jags and jags can eat an eagle all day long and they ate the eagle's defense up, kevin proctor rolling over everybody. they say the eagles are an endangered species and apparently their defense is, too. seneca valley nowhere to be found, e.j. lee around the outside, northwest wins 46-6. let's move on to d.c. now. roosevelt and coolidge and i would say this was a defensive struggle, but watch ryan vincent say oh, oh, leaping lizards, batman as he goes over the colt defender right there, but theodore roosevelt couldn't score. coolidge doing their thing as they slip it across the middle, the orange crush nation on the move, but they get stopped right before the end zone. they couldn't score either. check this out. this game goes into overtime and coolidge wins 3-0. tough on the highlights tonight, but that's all right. hey, let's move on. cast your vote for next week's game of the week to 25543. you got beleau dunbar, largo at friendly, battlefield at potomac in virginia, of course, and st. johns versus dematha. you saw those highlights, great stuff, but before we get you out of here let's go over and highlight the ladies from the bishop-mac, pg county in the house. >> let's fight through gold and white, let's fight through gold and white, fight gold and white. let's without the internet i would probably be like a c student. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over one million low-income people at home. internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. together with time warner cable we can 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(man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. let's update you now with that breaking news from the white house. the secret service now says that fence jumper made it all the way through the north doors of the white house. home video showed a man jumped the fence on the pennsylvania avenue side racing across the white house grounds just moments after president obama and his family had boarded marine one, the helicopter bound for camp david. >> the secret service ordered a partial evacuation of the white house including news media in the west wing. they also evacuated people from lafayette park across the street. there are no reports of injuries and at this point officers have not released that suspect's name. >> that's going to just about do it for us here on wusa9 news at 11:00. let's get out of here with the help of our friends from bishop mcnamara. how about it? take it away, ladies. >> we are the mcnamara mustangs. hey, let's fight hey let's fight. we are the mcnamara mustangs. hey let's fight hey let's fight. we are the mcnamara mustangs. hey let's fight. to prove a point about internet speeds we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. call the verizon center for customers with ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway across the nation and around the world it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, creator or the slipper-sock, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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