Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20171222 : c

Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20171222

apparently, and i cannot see because i'm taking to you guys but apparently they say the deer like moves slowly and then move forward. >> once every minute gets a catch in its get up. >> there it goes. >> right will. >> it has a little short on it it jerks around it almost comes out off of its stand. i thought it would go down before the end of the season. >> still standing. >> yeah. >> something to watch when we get boring. >> how about now. >> it is only on my shot. listen to this, lets go real quickly here 10 seconds of morning tradition in my house with my five siblings we had to go to mass first. you went by a dark living room could not look in and could open up until we couple back from mass and full breakfast. it drove us nuts but anticipation was great. are you a rip open in the morning fan. >> we do it in the morning. my mother used play around and she would always say did you brush your teeth? you need to make your bed. your room was dirty. i said mommy just want to see the presents. so she would make they to random chores. >> good stuff. >> and separate all of the presents, pile from mom, pile for dad and that has to be done and then. >> we did one at a time for all eight members of the family, so it took four or five hours. >> it was great. >> you guys got a lot of presents. >> yeah. >> we used to do it. and we still got that now. i usually try to wait for them , get ahead, the cameras rorrer the moments there. >> i love that. >> it is no waiting. they have been waiting all year long for this day. >> three different styles of christmas morning. >> i don't like to tear into it. >> it is over like that. drag it out. >> play with each toy. >> i still do that with my kid >> and, see what you think, this woman says we are doing it wrong. >> and take a walk and eat a brunch. >> is this in england. >> yes, england. >> etiquette experts over there say it is acceptable to open up presents after the morning church, services. okay. >> and before lunch, you know, as for the stockings, and you can dig into them as soon as you wake up, that is a tradition in my children's family. the stockings i would take off mantle and put at the end of their bed. all they had to do was open up their eyes and go to the even of their bed. >> so nice. >> so cute. >> bring the stock to go them. >> i didn't think of that, my wife did, their mother, yeah. >> so, i don't know, that is england. >> have you ever waited until after lunch to open up christmas gifts. >> i think there was one year we were so busy because we had to go to so and so's house, we woke up later then we thought, so we were like we will push this off and do it later. we didn't opened gifts until the evening. but i was older. when i was a kid, no, that was a priority we need to see these presents. >> we dot presents at my house and then we go over to my parent's house. then we do wait until after the meals and stuff and we don't open up as the whole family until everyone is in the room and we do one at a time but my moth ever's house where the whole extended family there but just with my kid and my husband that is first thing they want to do. >> that is what they want to do. teach them some discipline and instead of instant gratification, karen. >> they have waited a whole year, they are very excited. we go to my mom and my mother-in-law. >> what are your traditions and when do you open presents. >> let's buy some toys, last second toy ideas. sharking lot at toys are news deptford with steve keeley. >> well, i just made my christmas by meeting gwenn and stephanie mother and daughter who just came out of toys-r-us what did you get this early. >> i got unis. >> what is an uni. >> that is an inflatable balloon starter pack here where you can make different animals and shape. >> so mom didn't get you that for decade so you had to buy it for yourself. >> absolutely. >> what did you get. >> hatch mals. >> is that in demand as it was ness previous years. >> yes. >> was there a lot on the shelf. >> yes. >> this is for her grand child >> yes, it is. >> yes. >> this is for my niece. >> let me ask you something, how hard was she to shop for when she was a little kid. >> she wasn't too hard. >> do you remember what you wanted from santa what was your favorite toy as the child >> shall bay van. >> did you get it. >> yes. >> first year you asked for it >> yes. >> do you still have it. >> no. >> i don't understand people taking their kid to the toy store before christmas, because you would have that whole, did you ever take her to the toy store before christmas like this. >> yes, yes. >> you did. >> yes. >> what did you just tell her. >> that way you get an idea what they want. >> but did you buy stuff and tell her to go on the other section. >> would i go back, go back later so we are right across from the deptford mall. this opened at 6:00 a.m. they will stay opened non-stop for 60 more hours until christmas eve at 9:00. mall opened 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 do you expect a big mob scene. >> no, not this early. >> did you put off your shopping. >> i put it all off. >> last weekend of shopping. >> yes. you have another black friday today. >> yes.3 >> will go out today. >> and tomorrow. >> and tomorrow. >> yes. >> people let you go. thanks for making my christmas >> bye. >> excellent job raising a beautiful daughter. >> thank you. >> merry christmas. >> american girl i see that store. you don't get toys-r-us bag you get american girl bag. what did you get. >> well, i cannot say because it is a christmas, you know. >> they are a good day viewer for sure. >> they might be, just little thing but i got something bigger. >> was it mobbed in there or not as crowded. >> not as crowd add you expect >> is this a start of the licensing day of crazy shopping. >> yes it is where are you off to now. >> do you expect mall to be nuts. >> yes. >> what time do you expect to get home today. >> i'm hoping by 12. >> all right. good luck. we won't hold you up anymore. we put you three minutes behind schedule. >> how wonderful is that. >> we did this folks they open up at 6:00. there was in one in there. now we have a full parking lot and not as many parking spots. it is a little bit has come to life, here, and by the way just to comment on what you said assay good bye to you until after the new year. i love how you say you get plastic surgery. you don't see behind the scenes. when mike goes in the mens dressing room at fox every morning when i see him, he goes in there like fonzi when wow take the comb out, and like i'm perfect. mike goes in, and he gets make up and goes, i'm not to go need this mike we know you don't need any of that stuff. naturally man. >> yes. >> thanks, steve. >> who is this mystery anchor guy that came back for the new year. >> we won't recognize him. >> i'm going under the knife at 10:02. >> new year, new me. >> completely new you. >> a great holiday, merry christmas, steve. so lets talk about that. you know, botox can be last four or five or six months, $500. >> 300. >> it has come down. >> it has come down. >> because we're all getting it. >> plastic surgeons say this time of the year they see an increase in patients looking for a lift for the holidays n fact there was one new york doctor we heard about that says he gets a lot of mommy make overs, this time of the year because dads are likely off work and around more to help out with kid and stuff like thane guys are doing it too. ten days, two weeks. >> yes. >> we apologize for needles in the forehead. >> we know what botox is for goodness sake. >> that was intense. >> nuts. >> do they numb you. >> they put a little cream. >> numbing cream and still feel it. >> it is a little ball to squeeze. and these doctors do it all the time. they are in and out, it is not a big deal. >> i was squeezing mine, anyway. anyway, would this be an appropriate gift to give a gift certificate doctor bucky a plastic surgeon. >> if they didn't put it on their list, here's some botox, i feel like that wouldn't go over well. >> people do it because a they want to treat themselves, for something and then you are off from work, you have week or two weeks to recover from something. also you are enclosed, you are wearing sweaters, so you are not in the summertime and we will be all pale or white. it is one of those things if they don't want to do it when you are tan because it can lead to scarring. you want to do it when you are pastie. and then, third thing, at end of the year i went to, i had to get to the hospital, everything is fine. >> what did you have done. >> endoscopy. >> i'm still here. it was fine. >> parking lot is jammed. we are all trying to use our deductibleses have been met f we wait until january you have to pay it down all over again. everybody is trying to get every single procedure done. that is why people are getting it done before the even of the year. >> maybe i'll get my reduction before i leave. >> yeah. >> has megan come through with anything yet. >> i haven't heard anything. >> okay. >> what time are you hopping on the plane to curasol. >> i'm supposed to be at philly international by 3:30 or something like that so i need to leave by 1:30, right. >> yes we're all jealous. >> it is a zoo though but hopefully, i don't use this very often, but sometimes there are people at the airport who watch the show. >> and. >> help me out. >> can you help a brother out, that line is really long. >> is it a straight flight or do you have a lay over. >> i have to go to miami, tonight and stay overnight. >> you planned that. >> maybe so. >> yes, i'm going to miami. >> you know, it might be good because you know is what going on right now. >> this is peak dating time and more than just any other season we're talking about love. >> this time. >> according to they are saying that we're not there yet, we're on the cus p.o. dating season. people feeling in love, holidays and all that. they are saying we will see a baby boom in about nine months >> that is more than dating. >> dating part begins december . day after christmas, everybody starts falling in love, and it runs through valentines day. during that time says it sees 50 million matches just hit and 1 million dates take place. if you are wondering busiest dating day of the year january . >> okay. >> i can see january 7th. >> because all of the hub bobbies over, all of the family and visiting from halloween through christmas, you finally have a moment to yourself and say it is a new year, i haven't been happen any my relationships in 2017. i am going to have a good, try to turn my life around in 2018 >> it is a sunday. >> the people that met people at holiday parties. sometimes you meet somebody. you are in the world with the family and everything. you get to get out of that and there there is a cute personally met at new years party christmas parties, stuff like that, perfect example, we will get together after the rush of the holidays and we will go out on a first date. >> it is something you don't have to worry about getting her a gift. >> that is the key, you break up before thanksgiving, and get back together after valentines day. come on. this has opposite people start dating january the seventh. >> well, lets go to some movies this weekend, kevin, there is so many films to see including jumanji. >> yes, you that are person in the game. >> yes. >> last thing i want to be is a movie screen. fine. >> oh, my god. >> that is just would be of about 18 move that is kevin mccarthey has looked at in the last 24 hours. hi kevin i, merry christmas. >> nice suit. >> merry christmas, mike, you have to get it right there is 27 films opening up, today not just 13. there is a lot of films opening up in theaters 27. >> there is seven movies, there are seven films opening up between the 20th and the 27th, 25th of december. they really stack up this particular month because they know everybody is home with their families. everybody likes to get out of the house, go to the movies. i find it interesting what types are released around christmas. there are some pretty violent, films at christmastime as well >> i found it hard to understand. >> diehard came out. >> well, jumanji is sequel to the classic robin williams film from the 90's. i grew up on the first jumanji 1 of my favorite movies of all time. this still holds up today. this takes place in the same universe as robin williams film but many years later and robin williams character is referenced in the film this time around we have four teens in detention and they find an old video game console and while they are playing it they get sucked into the game and become avatars of who they were playing. for example the rock, who is in the film he is a nerdy high school teenager who just finds himself in this huge muscular guy's body and jack black is a 16 year-old girl. it is really funny how they pulled it all off. it is clever. if you are a video game fan they do cool things with the video games and three lives. i enjoyed it. it is not as classic as original 90's robin williams movie but if you are a fan of the rock, kevin hart, jack black, you will have a fun time. i gave it 3.5 out of five. >> i like the premise. >> yes. >> how about the greatest show man. >> greatest show man this is an example where you have the sound track is better than the movie itself. i love hugh jackman, i think he is great. so is jack jack he have ran and zandeya about pt barnum, the song out of this is 10 out of 10. the problem with the film is the lip sync and it seems like a music video at times. it is way too rushed in the beginning but i will say message is great, songs are great and performances are great. i just wish the whole film lived up to that. i gave it three out of five. buy sound track it vice good. >> we have a local critics, named kate walsh she said it is chaotic mess but you thought better of it. >> it is a little bit of the mess and that is the problem when it opens up there is too much happening, it is so fast and very wrapped but then after a while it catches itself backup but the songs end up being better than the film. >> let's talk watergate and washington post, movie called the post. >> yeah, what a film this is, very timely movie he started shooting back at end of may this year, we have ben bradley playing executive editor and meryl streep playing publisher of the post and posting the pentagon papers and it is a timely film, incredible parallel to is what happening right now. beautiful message about freedom of press and equality, it is incredibly shot on 35- millimeter film. jon williams music. i loved this movie. i gave it 4.5 out of five. the best thing about this movie is, mike we know, we know that the post published the papers in the early 70's during nixon area but speilberg such a great story teller you forget that they posted them and find yourself like on the edge of your seat wondering will they publish the papers. that is a brilliant film make inner that opinion. >> when you know outcome. >> pitch perfect three. >> yeah, unfortunately this was an unnecessary, film forgettable. i think the movie, i love these characters, i love pitch perfect one. i like the second one but third one just seemed like they are stretching it out. i get why they made it. first two made 400 million-dollar worldwide all together. i gave this 2.5 out of five. not bad but just not necessary and not memorable. i gave it 2.5. >> fit is not memorable lets move on because i will stay in this weekend and i want to see netflix brightest coming out will smith. >> yeah, i'm in the middle of watching this right now, i have been watching it at my december income between segments today, came out last night at midnight. david ayers film, wrote training day, suicide squad and end of watch. the particular idea is that you have mythical creatures, living among human beings. will smith's character is a police office shore teams up with joel edgerton and from what i have watched so far, it is very, very dark. in the sense of you know it is a cool kind of world but funny at times. i'm not into it enough yet to give review, i'm 30 minutes in i will tweet out a review later today. >> isn't this most expensive movie netflix has ever done. >> yeah, i read somewhere over a hundred million-dollar but again, you look at the price they have made for the crown, the crown the first season was 100 million-pounds, it was hundred million pound. movie wise this is very expensive. >> thanks, kevin. >> if it is like training day it vice dark. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you and your wife. >> love you all. i love these three. this group. >> hi. >> we have a christmas song with an r and b flavor to it, okay. >> we're in the mood. >> ambience is next plus jenny joyce. >> the philadelphia airport was very quiet compared to the train station i'm at right now where we are hopping aboard this train at the gym here at alice costello elementary school turn in the scene of the polar express, we have a conductor here we have santa and all of the kid about to take a seat and hot cocoa, we are go hey, guys. where are the cookies for the... bake sale? bake... bake sale? need to bake in a hurry? use new country crock buttery sticks with sunflower oil. there's no softening required. so baking is delicious and easy. ooh, cookies! ah, ah, ah! (laughter) well, christmas classic for all, kid of all ages. >> that is for sure. >> well, are you coming? >> where? >> why, to the north pole, of course. this is the polar express. >> it is so exciting and such a classic, we love it. we know you do too. kid at our local schools are recreating that magic, from all of the kid to climb aboard we're talking about alice costello elementary school. there she is. is there the conductor, hi there jenny good morning guys, this is doctor sam rothty, so all of the children age kindergarten through fifth grade here at alice costello elementary school in brooklawn , new jersey have check their tickets with you, correct. >> yes, everyone is safe to board the train. everyone will have hands and feet inside train at all time and everyone is free to be on the train, yes. >> very warm welcome for you and as well as from santa, what a special treat, friday before holiday break. let's jump on this train. we will go to the north pole, right. >> yes. >> doctor rosety, tell us about this what did you do and how did this trans form nation happen. we have hot cocoa on the table for the kid. >> well, last year we had activity in the hallway and we decided ramp it up a little bit, our teachers came out, and they came out and decorated all night last night and tried to make it special for our children. we have a great staff here at costello elementary school. staff, teachers, support staff , everyone chipped in and did their part for betterment of the kid. it is most wonderful time of the year. we are celebrating at alice costello and we're doing great things. it will be i great morning for our kid. >> they are also learning to believe, right. >> yes.3 >> this is part of the school lesson. >> we're learning how to believe not only in the holiday spirit but learning to believe in ourselves, our schoolwork and all that. >> so, a couple students here, i want to introduce to you this little girl because her name is berlin christmas. i was told she's perfect interview. she told me her mom's name is jenny. how are you doing. you look adorable. where are we heading. >> we're going to the north pole. >> what are we go to go do when we get there. >> i forget. >> you forget. >> we can eat hot chocolate and have popcorn and oreos. >> how cool is this that your school is doing this just before holiday break, getting you guys in the holiday spirit >> very fun because this is a big family and we like to have fun here at alice costello. >> anything you want to say no >> are you excited for christmas. >> yes. >> what will be under that tree. >> a lot of presents. >> you guys are very, very lick kid. >> yes. >> merry christmas. maybe do a merry christmas on the count of three, guys, one, two, three. >> merry christmas. >> from the north pole, see you guys later. >> merry christmas to you too. >> that is so cute. >> i love that. >> very cute. >> i'm a cranky man, that was cute. >> yes. >> it was so simple, you know, little locomotive and put picnic tables like a train. >> cafeteria tables. >> cafeteria tables. >> when it is in the cafeteria table that with make them a cafeteria table. >> that is right. >> we moved them in here they would be a studio table. >> yes. >> what would they be in library. >> cafeteria table because you come up in the middle. we saw kid in the pajamas, and kid, send them to your school in pajamas. >> feast of the seven fishes on christmas eve and who better knows how to put that together then anthony gargano and jen fred. >> listen, we are doing seven fishes, we have a quadruple espresso. thanks, mr. tony. come on, presenting -- prego. come on back. we will talk about nick foles come on back. we will talk about nick foles ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it all starts with a wish. the final days of wish list are here. hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first month's payment. >> it's been so great, jenn fred going around and do all of the traditions, now what we have to do the feast of the >> one of my favorite things, they look like they're having too much fun and causing mayhem. hey, guys? >> i have to be honest, when we walked through the door to see mr. tony, he was like little nervous when he saw due brean owe, nervous we were coming at him. >> yes, but mr. tony is one of the great chefs, at aroma restaurant. he does the fishes, that's grilled call maddie salad. >> i literally just said, and you made t mr. tony, true or false, your wife taught anthony italian in high school. >> she tried to teach him, i mean, whatever she taught him is not working out. that's for sure. >> when you saw us over at de bruno you were worried the tsunami of crazy was coming your way. >> very much so. >> so basically anything goes, right, for seven fishes? >> anything goes on seven fishes. >> what are our fishes we have here? let's go in order? >> we have the grilled callmarri. then right next to it we have basically crawl fish, muscles, clams, callmarri, shrimp, then right next to it we have the bacalla. >> you have the bacalla. >> it can be done so many different ways from fried, to salad, with marinara sauce on top of it. >> oh,. >> and then you've got your scallops, your smelts. >> i don't like the smelts. they're too salty. my father loves them. you like the smelts. >> i love the smelts. >> but you eat the eel, jen, eel in italy, eel is one of the fishes. right? >> it is one of the big fishes, especially like in naples, towns, area everybody eats that. >> the i love it, okay, always has to be seven fishes, but doesn't have to be specific 71st, right? >> correct. i mean, it can be just any fish that you like, whatever you decide most that's what you get. >> what's the fugessi fish? >> i would think would be among fish. >> the among fish is a fugess shipment. >> i would say. >> what? i love among fish. >> the among fish fugessi. get that off my table. >> like butter. >> get that off my table. and how long, like, if you're going to -- you need some pass tax but how long should it take to you eat this stuff, four to seven hours? >> every bit of it. there will be so much of it, you cant -- >> how much wine? >> a lot. >> i want some scale epps, and i want the shrimp. and the pasta, right. >> correct. spaghetti, clams. >> okay, as we wrap it up, grassi. >> grassi. >> what are you saying? >> see what i mean? >> we speak more italian, we got to get your wife in here. because you're failing. >> i'm failing. >> hey, thank you for everything. >> awesome. merry christmas. >> do this again. >> yes. >> why wait until christmas? >> merry christmas everybody. >> bonn italian. >> oh, gosh, that's great. >> i love scallops, oh, they look so good and fatty, bottom feeders. >> merry christmas and happy birthday to dolores who watches the show every day. her name is dolores toto, she wrote this sign out for me to use, i should say, i love dolores toto. >> awe, so cute. >> yes? >> wonderful. >> all she wanted. that's all she wanted for her birthday was for me to say i love her. >> i just got a phonecall from kathy in the hospital, shout out to her in the hospital. i said i was going in yesterday, she left me message thinking every you, i know you have our struggles, and we love all of our viewers, thank you very much. >> and get the heck out of that place, the hospital. by the way, you're such a wonderful mother of three boys, and you look beautiful, do a great job. by the way, june clever called and she does want that look back that you have on today. yes. >> nice. >> with the pearls and stuff? well -- >> thank you, barbara, and then donna reed also called in. >> ya, there we go. >> there we go. >> all right. we've got to move on here, now, is will smith hating on fresh prince of bellaire? >> what? >> he says he can't watch this any more. he's too close to it. we'll explain. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪weee! today's the day! wahoo! there's the second-most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. phew, am i late?! nah, just in time. nice. holiday scratch-offs from the pennsylvania lottery. aww. things just got very merry. keep on scratchin'! mii'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit >> ♪ >> hey, let's get a look at the forecast with a surprise guest. >> 9:39. we have surprise guest. i want to show you the weather, 37 degrees, today it will be cloudy, high of about 526789 and then tomorrow, rain, and 58. 45 degrees on christmas eve. christmas day, possible snow in the morning, very little bit, and a high of 38 degrees, and windy, little later on. well, someone who is dressed for this forecast, the rain for tomorrow specially, and someone who is asking for march madness laid for christmas? it is pad inning ton bear. hi, look who it is. pad inning ton is here, because there is a pat inning ton two movie opening up. it is january 12th. is that correct? yes, and you remember couple of years ago, the padington live was out, more adventures, where you're saving money to buy a gift for somebody, and of course there is drama that ensues. now, i understanded, padington that hugh grant is in this down to the abby, also in this my, as well, because you're living with the brown family and having a wonderful time. you have to see the move toy find out what happens after that. are you really asking for marmelade for christmas? that's it? that's enough? that's enough for pad hunks ding -- paddington bear. >> thank you, pad. and sue-be. >> oh, we will be going, it is cute. one other thing that's impressed us over the years of working with karen, alex, how flexible you are. remember you put your foot over your head at the anchor desk. you can do yoga, stuff like that. your husband sent in some footage of you actually doing your exercises and stretches that do you in the kitchen. do you minds if we roll it? >> go ahead. >> very impressive. karen? >> ♪ >> ♪ >> do you do this stretch? >> any opportunity. >> there goes the off glenn she broke the oven. okay, what's that really, al next. >> well, mom, mom sent this into us, from this area, chrissy, posted this to twitter along do not try this from home. you caught me off guard, mike, i admit. she did say where she from. and the original tweet, and i don't have it. the tweet up right now. >> wait a seconds. >> bucks count. >> i she lives in bucks county, but i think she made jimmy fallon's show. >> i think they were trying to get on jimmy fallon. >> oh, is that what they want? >> yes. >> start tweeting jimmy fallon, post that video. >> i do stuff like that making coffee in the morning, before i come in, do my legs and stuff. >> oh, so that's all you? >> little bit. then speaking of broken, my kids not supposed to be on my computer, my husband so mad he slapped the top of the computer down. he broke my computer. >> trying to make a pint to the boys, he slams the computer down, and breaks it? >> now he's more stressed because he feels like he has to get me a computer which is the last thing i want in the whole worlds. that's our holiday drama. >> i found it, from kathy mclaughlin, thank you for sending this in says yes, it is a bucks county girl, the off send broken but she's okay. >> she broke the off win her head. >> oh, lord. >> oh, my god. >> all right. >> but funny video. >> one of my favorite groups in our city is on see ands, r&b group, will sing a christmas song with a r&b flavor. right after the break. oh, they're so successful. and so good. >> i've got tone know this group, beyond is her name, beyond. she has blue hair. domenique nicole in the middle, and of course we have miss jay, it is jess, but i call her jay. thank you for doing this christmas song on the friday before christmas. please welcome abiance. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ michael: i'm thankful that i'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> love this song. you wait and you wait for that drum beat, you know. so, here's something that you might do to impress your friends on new years eve. you cue up this song, now, listen carefully, at 11:56 new w years eve. >> and 40 seconds. >> yes, 11:56 and 402nd. listen for three and a half minutes, when it gets to the drum, the clock should hit midnight. >> i just remember that from miami vice, so cool. >> yes. >> i like that. >> it is a good sport song, too. >> you know, tonight's the night, everything is going to change, if we win, you know? >> so, give it a shot. what was it again, 11:56:40. >> cool. i know a lot of people will do that, my epa will do that. maybe we'll try. i think it is kind of neat. >> i think so too. >> do we have that section of it or not, megan? >> ♪ >> ♪ >> we lost them all now? >> i'm going to try it. >> i think this is the thing, though. because i heard about this, when i came in the news room yesterday, i saw beyonce fan put out if you play crazy in love at a certain moment, 11:59:46 beyonce will say are you ready at midnight. >> that's what i saw. >> easier, because only 142nd after the beginning of the song. >> so, you want to hear it? >> let's try that. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> when she says ready? >> you ready? >> for 2018. >> yeah, we're red. >> i i've always said it is my favorite beyonce song. >> really? >> i like how it goes, and you feel, you know, when you really love somebody, just craze any love for you. ya, has nothing to do with the video. >> uh-huh, sure. >> as much as we all love the will smith, the fresh prince of bellaire from the 90s. >> right? >> i'm not sure he likes to watch it. >> i wonder, like does he ever watch the reruns that common all the time? he says he doesn't like watching it. >> i know we keep showing this, but talking about his citcom, right, is this? >> yes, starting? >> the opening of it, yes. >> okay. >> so says it makes him cringe. he said first acting role, went little over boards. he didn't just make his own lines, he learned the lines of every single one of the characters, and he says if you watch like the if i force episodes, you can see him mouthing the other actor's words, while waiting for his turn to talk. >> that's another thing. >> that's another thing i'm going to do tonight. because i have no life. ill actually look that up to see him mouthing the words. >> that's crazy. >> so funny, you don't want to miss your cues, you love a show so much, you know what everyone sells saying. >> this is my shot. i want to make sure i get it right. i don't blame him for that. >> i have a perfect christmas gift. what do you think about this? i sometimes give powerball and mega millions ticket out. >> i like that. >> you know, stocking stuffers, whatever. did you see what it is up to? here we go. tonight's mega millions jackpot has climbed to $247 million. the powerball is about $300 million. so i'm going to buy some tickets, put in my luggage, as i head off to curesal, 50 miles northwest of venezuela, because the temperature, in fact, we have -- oh, no! >> look at that. snowing. it snows there? >> that's the beach house that we're renting down -- oh,. >> yes, you enjoy that vacation you've been trying to rub in all of our faces. >> oh, no. >> that would be just desserts. >> if i have a 3:30 flight out of philly, international, should i get out thereby 1:30? >> yes, definitely, that's international. >> well, i'm going to miami overnight. >> even still. >> specially on day like today when everybody is traveling, it is safe to do that. >> real quickly, tony, you made these? pizzelles. >> close enough, pizzelles. >> thank you. >> merry whoo! testis this thing on?! huh? c'mon! your turn! mmmm... where do pencils go on vacation? (loud speaker) pencil-vania! pencilvania! (laughing) frosted just right. crunch in every bite. kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> announcer: live from "the wendy williams show" now, here's... wendy! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> wendy: you're the one that makes this show, thanks so much for watching. say hi to marco my

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